U know about that audio that says "I was talking with the moon last night and she told me something about the sun, I tell her something about u" or something like this.
I was thinking with my goblin brain and thought about ma guy SOKKA<3 (because I started rewatching ATLA) justjust listen, imagine if he tells Yue about his new crush (I will say Zuko JEJEJ but you're free to ship him with whoever u want) like, imagine if he talks with her every night and tell her a little about his day and how is his life going. Like girl, this is so fucking perfect and I'm dying.
Have a nice day sweetheartss<3
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ultranos · 4 years
I just don't understand why people keep highlighting that Azula threw lethal attacks at team bomerAANG whilst ignoring that other characters threw lethal attacks on Azula
It’s annoying, for sure. But I think it’s possibly indicative of a larger issue with regards to framing and how our society treats violence. That is, violence and harm against another person is seen as “heroic” and “good” if it’s against the right kind of person. If that person is coded as an “enemy”, it doesn’t even matter who throws the first punch.
Fact is, the show portrays the events in a war. Not only that, but the protagonists are children in a war. They quite literally have to fight to survive, and they are in situations where pulling their punches means they die.
The gaang doesn’t throw lethal attacks because they’re bad people. They are trying to survive a fight. The same is true for Azula. All of them fight like their lives are on the line because they are.
None of them should have to. And I think to ignore this fact, that children on both sides of the war are made to fight for their lives, does a great disservice to all of them.
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hidayme-blog · 7 years
Hmm, terkadang waktu bak bomeraang
namun, terkadang juga waktu seperti ibu peri yang siap memberi air ketika rasa dahaga sembari datang...
Begitulah ungkapan hari ini. Rasanya senang ketika usaha kita tidak sia-sia dan membuahkan hasil. MENAKJUBKAN, boleh dikatakan, hehe
Alhamdulillah kebiasaan deadliners yang setiap hari tak sengaja dilakukan, tapi hari ini berbeda. Aku seperti memiliki sumbangan energi untuk menyelesaikan project-project yang diamanahkan kepadaku. Entah ini dikarenakan masih adanya rasa bahagia karena berita kemarin atau apa, tapi aku tetap merasa bahagia.
*Hanya berita kecil sih, tapi melegakan dan cukup memberi energi untuk menumbuhkan semangat maju menjadi pribadi yang baik semakin kuat.
Bersyukur.. bersyukur... dan bersyukur...
Itulah nikmat yang seharusnya selalu kita syukuri, baik itu nikmat bahagia maupun nikmat cobaan sesaat. Percayalah bahwa semuanya akan baik pada saatnya dan Allah sudah senantiasa mengukir alur perjalanan hidup kita didunia ini adalah yang terbaik untuk kita. Bismillah.
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donamor4l · 7 years
eles dizem que vai ficar tudo bem, mas não vai ficar... É só mais uma forma de iludir, como todos iludem! Você nasce sozinho, morre sozinho, pensar que está acompanhado é uma das muitas ilusões da vida... Tudo não faz mais sentido, sem exceções, família, colegas, pessoas próximas, tudo e todos lhe impõem que seja feliz, regras, faça isso e aquilo, se porte desse jeito, não pode ser assim. "Eu me importo com você", palavras realmente são totalmente diferentes de atitudes! Uma hora ou outra eles vão te deixar e você vai voltar a pensar como sempre pensou que sempre esteve sozinho, e realmente isso tudo não passou de uma grande ilusão. Dói bastante, e chega uma hora que queremos dar um stop nessa dor, mas vai valer a pena mesmo? essa é a questão... Será que irá resolver esse problema da sociedade? Você poderá não existir mas a pessoas que fazem te sentir assim irão continuar existindo e fazendo com outras pessoas, a mesma coisa que fizeram contigo! Uma incógnita que sempre tento não pensar, mas é um bomeraang vai embora e acaba voltando...
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