#there are no winners when children fight in wars
daydreamer-in-reverie · 3 months
The Victor’s purge is absolutely something that just blows my mind.
The Capitol propaganda against Victors were so effective, even the very people fighting for their freedom turned on them.
During the events of TBOSAS, we learn that the first 10 winners of the Hunger Games received no compensation for their participation in the games. Why would they? They’re nobodies. Reminders of a war that had forced the people of the Capitol to turn on each other, forcing them into such desperate lengths that they had to resort to eating other people just to survive. They were not celebrated like the Victors we recognize in the 75th Hunger Games. They were not victors but survivors. In fact, we learn that not many people wanted to watch the Hunger Games in the beginning. It left a bitter taste in a person’s mouth to watch children fight to the death and have the event sensationalized, even if the child is considered the enemy.
And yet, with Victors being placed on a pedestal after the events of TBOSAS, we saw how quickly the Victors were woven into the Capitol’s society.
Upon winning, Victors were alienated in their own Districts. They were given beautiful mansions, fed three square meals a day, and their families wanted for nothing. They became mentors, becoming active participants in the very Games designed to kill members of their own Districts. Their participation may have been forced but when you smile and wave at cameras and show off your new found wealth, it’s hard to believe you didn’t want these things.
Victors are even further alienated outside of their own Districts with the Victor’s parade. A whole week of traveling through the 12 districts to show off your vitality and strength and your life, the very thing you took from the other tributes in order to survive. Victors did not need to drip themselves with jewels to offend the other Districts, their survival was insult enough. Never mind that you didn’t want to kill these kids. Never mind that you are a child yourself.
Every place you turn, you’re met with jealousy, derision and contempt. No longer the perfect quintessential victim but a killer of children who “benefitted” from the very system designed to oppress you. By winning the Hunger Games you are no longer District.
So you turn to the one place that showers you with any hint of adoration.
Ingratiating themselves into the Capitol’s society cemented their identity as Other. They may live in the Distrcts, may be forced to subject themselves in horrors that are far worse than any modicum of starvation they faced in the Districts, but they are no longer one of them.
And so the Rebels forget who exactly they’re fighting for, forgot who actually experienced the horror they could only dread.
Yes, they are fighting against their own oppression. Yes, they fight for their child’s right to live and never play in the Games. But they forget about the 59 other Victors who actually went through the horrors they’re fighting against. They forget about the biggest victims of the system they are fighting against.
Snow alienated Victors from the rest of the Districts so much that of the surviving 59 Victors before the events of Mockingjay, only 7 come out alive.
7 out of 59.
There’s not even enough of them to distribute one to every district.
The biggest victims of the Capitol’s oppression also became the biggest victims of the rebel’s war.
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olympushit · 2 years
Apart from being the god of war, he was also the god of generalship, manliness and civil order, which means that he was the god responsible for the correct function of every ancient city in order of laws and politics.
As the god of manliness, he was considered to be the patron of a fine man that every man looked up to. He was a fighter, not only as a merit from being the god of war, but he always fought for his beliefs, just like at the Trojan War when he complained to Zeus about Athena's unfair action. Also, he was the best father to his children and always supported them and their mothers, just like Cycnus fighting with Heracles, or when Aeropos' mother died during childbirth and he made it possible for the baby to drink milk from his dead mother's body.
He was the only greek god that never raped a woman. All his sexual encounters were consensual and he always seemed to respect his lovers, because he kept his private life low key and none of them suffered or were subjected to tortures, unlike Zeus' or Poseidon's lovers did.
He was the god of dance. Legend has it that before he was taught how to fight, Priapos, his tutor, refused to teach him unless young Ares knew how to dance. Afterall, war is considered to be the ultimate dance a man could perform in ancient times. Also, he appeared to dance for his daughter's Armonia wedding with joy, leaving behind the animosity for her husband Cadmus. Finally, in the feasts of the Gods, it was said that Apollo played the lyre, while the Harites, Artemis, Hermes and Ares danced with great joy.
He was a forgiving god. Despite his enraged and bloodthirsty behavior, Ares knew how to forgive someone and appreciated what they were doing to gain his trust. After Cadmus slaughtered the Dragon, he was put 8 years under servitude to indulge Ares. Finally, Ares not only forgave Cadmus for his crime, but he also blessed his wedding with his own daughter Armonia. Cadmus, in order to gratify the god, built the city of Thebes and made Ares its patron god.
He wasn't a coward. Many greek myths refer to Ares' lack of courage to face danger. This is far from true. At the Trojan War, when he found out about Ascalaphus' death, he disobeyed Zeus' order with the risk of his immortal life in order to go to the battle amd avenge his son's death. He was later stopped by Zeus' thunderbolts. Also, when the Aloadai were about to take Olympus, he was the first god to interfere in battle in order to save Olympus. Afterall, one of his epithets was "Olympus' Protector".
He was sentimental. At the Trojan War he was seen greaving for his children's loss and always wanted to inervene for their safety. Also, he understood the rejection of his parents towards him and he was a lonely god that lacked love. But he found the love he was seeking to Aphrodite, and did not only lust her, but he loved her deeply. Together they had 8 children, and both of them were jealous about each other's affairs, because of Adonis and Eos. They also had an open relationship, because he never refrained Aphrodite from her nature, which was love and sex. Afterall love is not meant to be given to only one person.
He was the protector of women. When Hallirothios attempted to rape his daughter Alcippe, he flashed in the scene and brutally killed the rapist. From that moment on, a temple in Athens was built for Ares "Gynaikothoinas", which means the one feasted/worshipped by women.
He knew the feeling of loss. A war has two sides, the winners and the defeated. A war isn't always to be won, and everyone must learn what it is to lose. He lost many wars, but he also won many. That's why he is among the Olympians.
He was a god of justice. That is because he was referred to be "Themis' Ally", which means that he was a helper to the goddess of justice. One of his least famous daughters, Adrestia, was the goddess of balance, justice and retaliation. Also, "Areios Pagos" or aka "The hill of Ares" was named after him because he was the first man ever to be tried for substatial homicide, for slaughtering Alcippe' rapist.
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faelapis · 2 months
hotd: team green or black? (or?)
rhaenys thoughts?
rhaenyra x mysaria…???
house of the dragon asks! VERY LONG ANSWERS AHEAD:
1: team green or black?
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there's two answers to this - the intellectual answer, and the team sports answer.
the intellectual answer is that this isn't really "the point." both sides have (and will) lose a great deal. there are no winners in war, only survivors. a petty conflict between the rich will result in the death of many.
on a broader, thematic note, my impression is that a big point of the entire "song of ice and fire" is that the unjust hierarchy of monarchy and feudalism hurts people. especially the lower classes. they are affected when lords flex military might, when they put their own survival above the realm, when they act petty, selfish or cowardly, which they frequently do. the rare "peaceful" ruler does not justify the system. the lower classes also suffer the most in war. but the system hurts everyone - even the royals themselves. they are literally killing each other for power.
i actually disagree with the take that you can't have some fun with the team sports aspect. this is a fictional television show. Fun is allowed. it's drama! murder! crying and screaming!!!
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so while HotD has overall thematic messages, the show encourages you to enjoy the back-and-forth between the characters. i don't begrudge people for their stan wars on twitter. we all know this is a fictional show - and its okay to be ruled by your emotions when watching fiction.
so. with that said? team black, 100%. i think they have more compelling characters and reasoning for their cause. fundamentally, their cause is to put a woman on the throne in a society ruled by traditional patriarchy.
look, i love alicent for her complexity. she is a well-written character who makes sense with her society... but she is not a girl's girl. she is trapped both by external forces of patriarchy and its effect on her own mind. she is stuck fighting for men and fulfilling wifely duties - never fighting for herself.
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she seems pretty miserable, at the end of the day.
yes, rhaenyra is also complex. she's often a bad person - but sometimes, i like seeing a strong woman on a dragon do some crimes :) especially one who has had to fight for respect as often as rhaenyra. that's compelling tv, even if Monarchy Bad.
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the greens have A Point somewhere, about stability > rhaenyra, but they are also clouded by self-interest. they didn't even TRY supporting a woman. (also, remember, this is emotion/vibes-based.)
the "aagon's dream" misunderstand was initially frustrating, which also makes me side against the greens a bit more. i like when characters are compelled by real, sincere differences in opinion. i dislike when it's just a misunderstanding that can be easily quelled.
and alicent DID have real motivations, previously! she was right that rhaenyra would have reason to kill her children to claim legitimacy - even if that's more of a Matter of War now than a real intention of hers early on.
oh well. one good thing about the misunderstanding is that it didn't actually convince anyone other than alicent. otto hightower and the council were already planning a coup. it seems mostly that it was a good tool to further their cause, not something that actually convinced the masses on a deep, personal level. you can also make the case that alicent "heard what she wanted to hear".
but it doesn't really matter because nobody was going to suddenly switch sides. the material reality is more important: the council wanted aagon. otto wanted to secure his interests. alicent wanted to secure her children's safety. the war is already happening, so alicent's misunderstanding being cleared up doesn't change anything.
and it causes alicent to realize she doesn't really have much power. society around her will keep turning, and her influence is very limited. the rabble may hate or worship her, and she has little control over it. she may be important in the council, or dismissed from it. which is leading her on a compelling arc that i'm interested to see where goes!
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2: rhaenys thoughts?
very few! uhh... she seemed nice? i like her death scene?
the show seems to use her symbolically as a shorthand for "what a good woman ruler could be like" for the kingdom. but i don't know if it would've played out that way. it is hard to tell, because if she WAS queen, the society she lives in could have turned against her. or maybe she could have found a way to earn their trust. maybe viserys would've been chill enough to support her claim (probably?). but we don't know. she's The Queen Who Never Was (tm).
3: rhaenyra x mysaria?
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ok so, i do actually have a hot take on this, cuz i've seen some call it "rushed." it may ruffle some feathers. here we go:
i dont think every gay kiss has to feel like an "earned" 50k slowburn fic. it's well-established that instant or near-instant attraction is a thing. i dont think it will be "endgame," but i dont think it needs to be.
i think sometimes - often in this show - you see a man and a woman meet and fuck the same night. people tend to just accept that. not every case of attraction has to be based on a Deep Bond of Many Years. sometimes, a man and woman on this show have no real bond, yet as soon as they Walk Close to Each Other, it's accepted "they will fuck that night."
i would also suggest that not everything is literal. it's addressed in canon that rhaenyras' attraction to daemon came hand-in-hand with what he represented to her. which was, in a word, freedom. she wanted to BE him more than anything.
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if we take a non-literal approach, what might mysaria represent?
right now, i think its rhaenyras desperation for someone to listen to her. her council belittles her for being a woman. it protects her like a "daughter" rather than a ruler. mysaria both listens to her, and plots with her on equal level. in a way, she represents (and yes this is a somewhat cliche thing in gay pairings, but not for no reason!) a sense of equality and mutual understanding in a patriarchal world.
they are not "literally" equal in terms of rank - but again, it does not have to be completely literal. mysaria feels Treated like an equal by rhaenyra. she's trusted (and given agency), and earns rhaenyras trust (+expands her own agency) in turn.
mysaria additionally seems to represent a different idea of rebellion against patriarchy - an involuntary one. because she cannot perform its most core obligation of (presumed cisgender) womanhood: she cannot bear children. she must find other forms of "worth" in the world. she has no choice.
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rhaenyra herself desires to take up sword, rule in a "masculine" way. so being the only other woman there + both of them standing outside patriarchys desired paths for them + being able to help/depend on each other... seems, to me, to serve the Themes of rhaenyras repression vs liberation well.
not to mention, it's interesting in light of rhaenyra being kinda gnc-coded in... other ways!
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anyway. like i said, i Highly Doubt these two will be any kind of "endgame." but that's okay. sometimes, you dont need an eternity together - you just need a moment.
i think there's a certain breed of fan who sees many things only through shipping. so if there's not a long, "satisfying" arc of these two developing feelings for each other, it's a "badly written ship." especially for gay couples. and i don't think this is even conscious homophobia, i think its (partially from queer viewers!!) because they WANT to root for those ships. they WANT a gay ship to feel perfectly "right" in a heteronormative world.
well i'm sorry to say, this show is not a romance. it is not about ships or the idealized, perfectly developed couple. sometimes, people find an attraction to one another in ways that are not ideal. shit happens. people get lonely. people find relief in the only other person there who seems to understand them. sometimes it's quick. sometimes it's the opposite of a 50k coffeeshop slowburn AU.
but that does not mean it's bad. it's just reality.
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gothearts · 2 months
Adam design? Any changes for his personality or demeanor?
Oh boy.. get ready for the infodump..
Note: He still has his ridiculous helmet, I love his expressions in that thing so much. So do the exorcists since I think that the mocking element of it is an interesting decision.
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In this au, hellborns are not exempt from the annual extermination. Since they don't have souls, they're deemed evil indiscriminately. The only ones exempt are the sins and the Morningstar Family.
The extermination only takes place in the Pride Ring as further punishment for Lucifer and Lilith, watching annually as what they built is destroyed all over again.
(Hellborns with the means typically exit the Pride Ring during the annual extermination. If you can't, well, you're fucked. It's another layer of why what Blitzø is doing as an imp is considered so groundbreaking, but back to Adam)
He is NOT "indestructible" like the exorcists. Like any average Winner, he can be harmed. Therefore, he attacks from afar with his guitar being considered a long-range weapon.
He and Lilith originally split not because he was a prick who ordered her around, but rather, he was eager to please Heaven, and she wasn't.
Lilith was a free thinker from the start, a dreamer, while Adam narrow mindedly focused on what he had before him. This led to a lot of clashes, her refusing to be subservient to heaven, rather than subservient to him.
(I know that's the original story, but I just don't find it as interesting for the route I'm trying to go with a truly corrupted Heaven in this au.)
She would flee the garden and take comfort in the arms of Samael.
This led to Adam feeling bitter. But he ultimately elected to let it go as he was promised companionship with the much more likeminded Eve.
However, in trying to rid Eve of the qualities that made Lilith so disliked, she became naive. A trait that Adam thought was cute at first, but she just... wasn't Lilith.
Eve was a replacement, and it was apparent, but Adam once again let it go because it was the will of heaven, and he'd already failed to keep one bride.
Then Lucifer gave Eve the fruit and unleashed all of the badness onto the world, and Adam witnessed the war that broke out in Heaven, seeing the devastation first hand, reinforcing his notion that Heaven is always right.
Alongside sealing an ever growing hatred for Lucifer. He'd charmed away his first wife and filled her head with delusions, casting her to eternal damnation. He'd corrupted his second wife and used her as a vessel for evil. (That wasn't his intention, of course, but that is the narrative that was reinforced in Heaven's mind to fuel his desire to uplift their "values".) And he'd destroyed the once beautiful gardens he'd called home, casting Adam and his children to the earth, severing the divinity they'd held.
Lucifer truly took everything.
That's why, when the extermination was proposed, he was more than eager to lead the new order of angels to go down and keep Hell at bay.
Michael, the actual leader of heaven's army, refuses to set foot in Hell and was more than eager to pawn off the responsibility onto Adam vs. Having to go down there and face his brother yearly, taking more from him than he already has.
(Michael's guilt will be touched upon later, it's important.)
Adam is the actual lieutenant, but Lute (Luael) is still his sidekick of sorts. Lute embodied his hatred for hell. Exorcists have very little sense of self. Their only purpose, as mentioned in the post on them is to fight, nothing more.
Hearing Adam talk about what Lucifer did alongside other tales of the horrors of hell is what led her to push herself as hard as she did to excel above her sisters. She reminds him so much of Eve due to that frankly naive devotion, and it's another layer of why he initially kept her around.
(Sorry to guitarspear shippers, but their dynamic is going to be inherently unhealthy in this au. Idk if they'll end up together. It depends on how their own arcs pan out as I expand on this further. But as of right now, he fills the void for her, and she's a stand-in for what he's already lost. They are not well 😔 this is also why he eagerly made the deal to sneak Lilith into heaven on the condition that she divorces Lucifer. He would jump on the opportunity to be taken back.)
He's not really crude when he meets Charlie like in canon. Yes, he was kind of funny at times, but I want to take a more serious approach.
He comes off as inherently bitter towards her because she's not only the daughter of the man he hates but a reminder that Lucifer took Lilith from him.
The condescending attitude remains, but instead of just laughing her off, I think he unloads all of those millenia of anger onto Charlie.
He waited until that moment to announce moving the exterminations up purely out of spite.
Trying to hurt Lucifer indirectly by hurting Charlie.
The confrontation with Emily still happens, and I'd imagine it's relatively the same. But it's only after Charlie argues with him that he goes on a tangent on how useless hellborns and sinners are, ending with him declaring that he can't wait to come down again and exterminate them.
And everything after that's still the same.
He failed to complete the extermination, and thus, instead of being reincarnated, he was damned to hell. Which comes as a nasty shock.
He'd spent his entire existence devoted to heaven. He'd done all they asked.
And yet here he is.
It's a harsh reality.
He struggles to acclimate to Hell. But he does end up at the hotel where he'll have to face Lucifer head on in the hopes of working his way up to redemption. (That will be fun to explore later)
Sorry for the rambling, that went into quite a bit more than his personality, but I hope that explains it well?
Idk, ig I just thought a more nuanced approach to Adam as a character would be interesting. Like he's got every right to be angry at Lucifer, but I want to go the "hurt people hurt people" route. He thinks he's justified in his path to vengeance because these are "bad people" (some absolutely are AJDJSJDJS) anyway. And Heaven does everything it can to reinforce that notion, using him until he becomes a liability with his inability to control his own anger.
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myriadismx · 1 year
The other day I was watching a small documentary about the Amazons and how they kept their population numbers, and suddenly I had thoughts of Amazon Reader and Gargarean Bakugou.
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Every spring, the all-female warrior Amazon tribe reunite with the all-male warrior Gargarean tribe for two months to reproduce, and they meet again 9 months later to claim their bunch of children of their respective sex.
The current and most fearsome Gargarean tribe leader, Bakugou, hasn't copulated with anyone in three years since the first two times he mated, he didn't knock anyone up, which was a huge blow to his ego and his reputation. However, he still goes with his men to the Amazon land to guide them since he's leader. His virility, his prodigious battle skills and the fact that his mother was a former Amazon queen attracts plenty of Amazons interested in bearing his daughters, but he refuses them even when they aggressively command him to give them his seed or leave the island.
When he storms off to the shore to get some privacy while his men have their merriment, he spots you, the newly crowned Amazon queen training by yourself under the moonlight, indifferent to the procreative activities of your sisters. He becomes fascinated with you, and decides if someone is to be the mother of his son, that'll be the strongest Amazon.
The reasoning behind your reluctance to engage with men stems from the loss of a lover you used to have. He was a kind and curious scholar that was stranded, and you kept hidden, until he was found by the other Amazons and killed on the spot before anyone could find out he was related to you. Ever since, you closed your heart and trained to be the strongest, so you wouldn't lose someone precious ever again.
When Bakugou attempts to seduce you with the offer of strong daughters, you scoff and promise to accept his advances only if he challenges and defeats you and all of your sisters by himself within one week, before you're most receptive to conceive. Most men give up when given this condition but not Bakugou. He smirks, holding you close and whispering in your ear to be prepared for him.
You try to give Bakugou an advantage and avoid looking at him fight, but this annoys him and he encourages you to watch every fight. Over the course of five days, the blonde Gargarean fights every single Amazon in the island with such efficiency that he also has time to woo the young queen. His intelligence, his proficiency in battle and his determination to have you impresses you, and look forward to fight him as well.
You're quite pent up when Bakugou almost completes his feat, and stands before you on his full battle attire. As expected, none of you go easy on the other, and both tribes watch your fight with excitement. To the Amazons, this fight between promised lovers is like a sacred dance to their gods before an important war. To the Gargareans, this show is nothing but the pinnacle of a fierce courtship, showing how much Bakugou respects and adores the woman he has chosen for himself.
Finally, after a scuffle that lasts a day and part of the night, both sides hold their breaths when their leaders pull off their final attacks on each other...
Then, you collapse because of a precise and swift strike followed by another that makes you fall to your knees before the man that points his spear at your throat, declaring him the winner.
Your injury incurs the rage of your sisters, but you stop them as Bakugou has won fair and square. Bakugou himself takes you back to your shelter and nurses your wounds. You expect him to bed you right away, but he actually decides to wait until you're up to it even if it takes another year, or many more. This one concession as well as his genuine care for your wellbeing warm your heart once again and you seduce him in turn.
It's the first time you've felt this loved, so intensely hot that you could die in a blink, and Bakugou shares your sentiment with the same passion. He relishes in the sound of your moans, encouraging him to brand you as his. During those moments, you forget your roles as rulers and are just a man and a woman loving each other.
Both of you know you're meant to part eventually, but from the moment he enters you, there's no way anyone else can replace the other in your hearts. You fear losing Bakugou and with him, your mind. But the promise of a daughter borne from that liaison is your only consolation. A son wouldn't be loved any less, but would leave you behind as well.
He returns to his own turf with satisfaction in his face, pride in his chest and scratches on his back. You stay behind with bites on your skin, a longing heart, and the fruit of your love in your belly.
By the end of the year, the Gargareans return to pick up the male children they've sired. Bakugou doesn't show it, but he's eager to see you and hopefully find you're still carrying. He was unable to sleep for many nights, a primal excitement running through his veins at the thought of you, swollen with his child. He contemplates taking you back with him and run off to start a tribe of your own without stupid rules that'll keep you apart.
Some of his men happily welcome their newborn sons for the first time, like Kaminari, or for the umpteenth time, like Kirishima. While others are frustrated when there's no babe or lover to greet them, becoming nothing but an afterthought. When Katsuki doesn't spot you, he fears what he felt when he made love to you was one-sided as well.
A soft coo behind him catches his attention. There you are, proudly holding in arms two babies with blonde hair like his: a girl, who is peacefully asleep, and a boy, who is still sucking from your breast. He softly strokes their little heads, and picks you up in arms to kiss you. He laughs at the realization that this is it. There's no turning back: he's willing to fight all the Amazons again to take you and your children back home with him.
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
it is in my humble opinion that in a demigod child situation, Dick Grayson would be either a child of Ares, Athena, or Aphrodite. Athena and Aphrodite are pretty obvious, he's smart and he's charming and he's bloody terrifying. but Ares. Oh Boy Do I Love That Guy and here is why.
modern media portrays Ares as a misogynistic asshole. this is just untrue. Ares is the only male Olympian without a history of SA and in fact adores & respects women. he is the father of the Amazons and has the title "the god feasted by women" Dick Grayson (apparently) is perceived as a womanizer and cheater. That Is Not True At All. he loves and respects women.
Ares is often portrayed as being a force of nature, uncaring of the law. that is also false. he's also the god of rebellion and civil order, an ally of Themis, the goddess of justice Dick Grayson, yes he can be a feral little shite (and i say this with full adoration), he's still a police and stands for the people, he brings justice in both his day and night job
there's a common conception that Ares is a meatheaded guy who only likes war and violence. once again, untrue. you need strategy for war, Ares simply represents the brutal aspects of war but he's still a smart guy as seen with the Romans adopting Ares into Mars. not to mention, Ares understands that in war there are winners and losers Dick Grayson is often seen as ditzy or less smart than his siblings (especially Tim) when in reality he's a very capable and smart guy who understands that loss happens at times
Ares cares about his family, especially his mother. when two giants threatened his mother, Hera, he was the first to fight for her. i don't need to talk about how much Dick cares for his family right? i'll admit though, this point is less polished than the rest
as much as i love the PJO series, i HATE their characterization of Ares being a crappy dad. the reality is that he disobeyed Zeus to avenge his children in the Trojan War. he committed murder and was sentenced to trial for his daughter. The Amazonian Warriors. he may not be the best at affection but he's a caring dad Dick Grayson is not the perfect brother/mentor/father figure but he's trying and doing his best goddamnit. i'm sick of people saying he's not
anger is an essential part to Ares. anger is an essential part to Dick Grayson
there's a common portrayal of Ares and Aphrodite where Ares treats Aphrodite like shite. let's be honest, the goddess of love (a war goddess, by the way if you look up Aphrodite Areia) would not let herself be treated poorly. my personal belief on why this portrayal exists lies with the whole Hephaestus debacle in which i believe Hephaestus was the crap guy here but that's another topic i'd discuss with another shot I Do Not Care What You Say, Starfire and Nightwing Are Not The Shitty Relationship You Think They Are
in (i think) two different stories, it's shown that Ares can dance. it makes sense. footwork is important in battle. footwork is important in acrobatics. Dick Grayson knows what he's doing
in many myths, Ares is treated like crap by his siblings and although this is another half baked point, i feel like it's a bit common for Dick Grayson to be treated like crap by his loved ones
i love Ares and i love Dick Grayson and sadly they both have poor representation in mass media. thank you for listening, i am so fucking tipsy (maybe drunk actually) right now.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Yandere Jack, Hercules, Rudra, Poseidon, Hades, Ares, Qin Shi Huang, Hermes, Buddha and Platonic Adam and Zerofuku with Fem!Loid Reader?
During her fight with (God/Human) she wins and for her wish, wants her Daughter to be accepted in the prestigious Valhalla Academy where Deity Children go (Daughter isn’t hers biologically, but she took her in as her kid because she’s an orphan, similar to Reader, and even took Zerofuku in as her kid too) she’s still is a spy, but she mainly keeps an eye on those that look like they’ll cause trouble in Valhalla (Zeus agrees, trusting her to be his eyes and ears for this kind of stuff)
However, the only problem is the School needs the children to have both parents come in, cue Reader screaming/panicking in front of (Human/God) how is she supposed to find a man that would marry her in 48 hours?! Which he tells her he’ll do it (He refuses to miss this opportunity of a lifetime to marry the woman that stole his heart) causing Reader to fall face first to the floor in shock (As they’re running away from some of Reader’s ‘Patients’) and she uses a Grenade‘s Safety Pin to give (Love) as an Engagement Ring (He can’t decide if he should be impressed by her creativity or amazed by Reader’s ‘boldness’ to do a role-reversal on asking him the marriage proposal) Girl Boss Reader
Cue Boss Music as Adam isn’t very happy with what (Love) just said (And proceeds to chase him around yelling how a relationship is supposed to go, with dates and getting to know each other, not immediate marriage)
-You did it, you had won your fight! Mission accomplished, and now you would get your wish from Zeus!
-You had become eyes and ears for Zeus, after he learned that you were a spy on earth, and a damn good one at that, and you had the job of keeping an eye on those who would cause problems around Valhalla.
-Your reports were always thorough and detailed, proving that you were very diligent at your job, but recently, you had an additional job, becoming a parent! You had recently adopted two children, one god and one human child, Zerofuku and Eri (I’m feeling lazy and she’s an easy character to write).
-Eri was an orphan, much like you were, and she was just a little girl, needing someone to protect her in this world, and as Zerofuku had been the one to first find Eri, he came along but was happy to join a family like yours, as you were warm feeling, being a good parent.
-You had heard both Zerofuku and Eri cheering for you in your fight, showing your combat skills, even Zeus was surprised by your skills, you could be quite dangerous if you really wanted to be!
-Ragnarok was now a yearly tournament, no longer a fight to the death, and the winner of each round would get one wish granted, which is the reason you joined.
-You wanted nothing more than for Eri to get a good education, as you didn’t get one, having grown up in a time of war, and your wish was for her to be able to go to the very prestigious Valhalla Academy, a school for both gods and humans, but it was notoriously difficult to get in.
-So that was your wish, for Eri to be able to go to school, something that made her beam, as she wanted to go to school, having not been allowed when she was alive on earth and Zerofuku was elated as well, seeing his little sister and mama so happy!
-You went to the school to get the application, but when you exited, you were surrounded by gloom, your whole body pure white in shock as you sunk into a park bench, burying your face in your hands.
-You knew this was a prestigious school, but you hadn’t realized all the requirements, all students had to have both parents come in for the interview, no single parents allowed!! How were you going to do this in less than 48 hours?!?!
-(Love) saw you lamenting on the bench, as the gloomy aura you were projecting wasn’t easily ignored. You had proven yourself a worthy opponent in this years Ragnarok, beating him of all people, and you had gotten your wish, so why did you look so gloomy now?
-He sat next to you, “Y/N?” you looked up and immediately your eyes went huge, and you grabbed his hands, “Marry me (Love)!!” he froze in shock at your sudden and very bold proposal.
-He could see the fire in your eyes, there was some reason behind it, and while elated at your proposal, as you had managed to steal his heart in your fight, kicking his ass while still looking so prim and beautiful, he spoke, “Before I say yes, I need to know why first.”
-You explained that your wish was for Eri to go to this school, but for the interview process that was in less than 48 hours, every child needed both parents, as single parents weren’t permitted, something that he grew angry at as there were lots of single parents out there.
-He fell for you even harder, seeing the lengths you were willing to go for your daughter, as he had seen you out and about with Eri and Zerofuku, the two of them holding your hands, you were a perfect mother!
-He instantly smiled and went to accept when you heard a voice shout out, “Oh no you don’t!!” you both turned, seeing your adopted father Adam there, surrounded by flames of rage, “That’s not how marriage works! You’re supposed to court each other and go on dates! Not jump right into marriage!!”
-You tried to explain your reasoning, and while honorable, Papa Adam wasn’t happy about it, chasing the two of you around.
-(Love) swept you up princess style and leapt down off a bridge onto another path, running away as he beamed at you, “I’ll marry you Y/N!” you beamed brightly up at him, showing your own joy, your arms around his neck, “I’m so happy!”
-You managed to lose Adam, but he called you later, still fuming and you told him that your plan was to do things the old-fashioned way, once Eri was accepted into the school, which placated him for the moment, but threatened (Love) to not hut or upset you, Eri, or Zerofuku.
-Eri and Zerofuku were elated to see that you now had a husband, and they had a father figure now. Zerofuku was instantly getting along with (Love) which made you happy, while Eri clung to you, a big shy with this new man.
-You watched him kneel down, getting down to her level, a gentle smile on his face, greeting her kindly. You explained to your children the reasoning behind the sudden marriage and Zerofuku grew upset, changing into his Envy mode, which caused you to pull him into your arms, trying to calm him down.
-Eri looked up at (Love), “So we’re playing pretend family so I can get into school?” He nodded softly, before giving you a small smile, “At first yes we are playing pretend, but I want us to become a real family, Eri, Zerofuku, Y/N- I want to be a part of this family.”
-Your bright red face was rather cute to see, holding your cheeks, which immediately brought Zerofuku back to normal, as both of your children cuddled you, thinking you were adorable!
-Eri got in with no issues, something you all cheered for, taking her out to her favorite bakery to celebrate, and you hugged (Love), overwhelmed with joy.
-When you tried to pull back, he embraced you back, hugging you close, a smile on his own face, making a silent vow that he was going to be a part of this family, no matter what.
-Became the best father possible to your children, he would read to them, help Eri with her homework, and always made time to take them out to parks to go and play. Your kids were easily won over by his devotion, making good on his promise that he was going to become a perfect father for them. He doted on your just as much, helping you around the house, cuddling you close like you were his real wife, and even taking you out on dates, proving to you that he was a good husband for you. It was hard not to fall for him, especially when he would accompany you and Eri to school, proving to everyone that he was indeed a good father and would defend you against others who didn’t believe you were a good mother. Both he and Zerofuku were very protective of you and Eri, and they wouldn’t hesitate to put anyone in their place to defend both of you.
-Jack, Poseidon, Hades, Hermes, and Qin Shi Huang.
-Took to being a father naturally, would cry when Eri would cry, would hug Zerofuku close when he would get upset and go into his Envy form, doting on him. You were impressed with his skills, and he showed you what a good father and husband he was for you, showering you with love while out and about, something other mothers grew a bit jealous of when you would drop Eri off at school, seeing how attentive your husband was to both you and Eri. If she would tear him, not wanting to leave, he would kneel and hug her close, giving her a pinkie promise that you both would be there to pick her up at the end of the day. Then he would peck your cheek, beaming brightly, “C’mon Y/N- let’s go on a date!” he loved seeing the envious glares on others, he was the one who had your heart, who had such a lovely family, not them, and he was going to keep it that way.
-Hercules, Ares, Rudra and Buddha
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miryum · 1 year
HI!!!! Good morning/afternoon/evening to youuu! First, I want to say I really enjoy your fics, it makes me feel like I'm on cloud 9. Too bad their just fiction. Anyways....
Idk if you write fics about benny watts, but ig it's worth a shot, I'm obsessed with play date by Melanie Martinez and that song really fit with benny. When benny was only with the reader to practice or play with her but they have a little thing that a couple does but without label. So the ready gets really tired and have a fight with him, and at the end benny told her his feelings.
Really hope you can make this. And advance thank you! <33
YES!!! My beloved Benny Watts!!!! I love him so much 😊 Thank you so much for your words, yet alas, mine are just fiction *sigh* (also, love your username)
Benny moved a rook across the chess board and your face scrunched up. You were nowhere near the level that the great Benny Watts was, but you liked the think you could predict his moves. You had known Benny since you were children, and therefore were able to practically able to read each other minds. That was an argument Benny used many times to rope you into playing chess with him. If you, the person who was able to prophesy his every move, wasn't able to beat him, then he was confident no one could.
You had tried multiple times to get out of playing chess with Benny (albeit thankful that it was a bit of steady income for the two of you, seeing as you were roommates), but he always managed to trick you into playing with him. Sometimes it was through bets, or he got you tipsy, or he simply looked up with you with puppy dog eyes and you melted.
It was hard though, being Benny's friend. You were constantly left alone at the apartment- if you could call it that- and sometimes had to pick up extra shifts because Benny was too engrossed in chess that he forgot to pick up a check. Your friends had urged you to move out, seeing how the stress could get to you, but you refused. You felt bad about the prospect of leaving Benny. He was your best friend, although you sometimes wondered if you were his. He clearly shared a special relationship with Arthur and Harry, simply because they were all the same sex.
And then there was Beth.
You were unsure of when the girl had first appeared in your life; she had just showed up at one point. And you saw how Benny reacted to her.
You were about to move a knight when a knock sounded on the door. Sharing a look with Benny, both silently agreeing to pause the game, you got up and opened the door. Sighing at the character who was waiting to come in, you moved back to the chess boar and plopped back down on the ground.
"Beth!" Benny smiled brightly. You hated him for it. Your feelings for Benny were probably a main factor in why you stayed by his side, even after he had pushed you into the friend-zone multiple times unknowingly.
"Are you guys playing?" Beth moved to sit by you.
You scooted away from her and towards Benny, gesturing to the board and saying, "Play for me, will you? I could never win against the prodigy."
"Hush," Benny took your hand in his. "You were doing wonderfully."
Without another word, you sat back and watched as the two young adults warred in a battle of the wits. No matter how many times you would watch it, you were always awed at the swift, defiant movements that they shared.
An unwanted pang of jealousy wormed its way into your stomach. Why couldn't you've been great at chess? Would Benny than pay more attention to you? And how could he be so blind? Who else had stood by his side for as long as you?
Throughout the match, Benny continued to hold you hand. When you went to pull away, reaching for a book or magazine to interest yourself in, he pulled you back and muttered something about 'his good luck charm'.
Rolling your eyes at his persistence, you shrugged him off. After a while, Benny was declared the winner, but by a slight margin. Even you were able to see how Benny narrowly avoided defeat. He had gotten lucky. Beth thanked you for letting her drop by, saying she had originally come for a book that Benny suggested. After she had left, you started to pack up the chess board. You had come to live with the fact that in your shared apartment with Benny, chess boards would outnumber anything else.
"You alright?" Benny stretched out on the floor, glancing over your figure.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Come on, Y/n." Benny shot you a hard look. "I've known you forever. I can see when something bugs you. Out with it."
"Are you blind?" You rounded on his suddenly, your odd question confusing the boy.
"What do you mean?"
"Can you see what's in front of your eyes?" you pressed again. "Because I don't think you can. Every time that Beth, a lovely girl, no doubt, but only a new, shiny toy to you, rounds the corner, you're transfixed and I can't understand why."
"Where is this coming from?" Benny exclaimed, feeling bombarded.
"Haven't I been enough?" You ignore him and continued on. "I've tried to be a great friend, but it's hard sometimes. It's especially hard when I've been crushing after you for the past few years and you can't realise that I like you!"
"You like me?" Benny stilled, blinking owlishly at you.
"Of course, you idiot!" You wanted to throw the chess board down but knew that a line you shouldn't cross. "We've had some pretty bad arguments in our lives and any other friends would've separated by now. Why do you think I always come back to you?"
Benny couldn't help but let a laugh escape. "You come back to me?" he clarified, shaking is head. "No, Y/n, I come back to you. God damn it, I like you too. Love you, in fact! Ever since I first set my eyes on you. You, may I remind you, had a school-girl crush on that one boy, Jack. So, I backed off. I've been harbouring feelings for you ever since."
You stared at him. "Pardon?" you asked finally.
"I guess I am blind." Benny flashed you a brilliant smile that made you melt. "Blinded by my love."
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awesomecooperlove · 5 months
We the people are asking you to help us take back our country and our sovereignty from the corporations, the Fed banksters and the corrupt politicians. We are FIRING every single one of them!!! They no longer represent us; that's why they are FIRED!!!! We are tired of being slaves and paying taxes, of our government wasting our money and it is not even backed by gold which is worthless paper of the illegal and corrupt Fed!!! We want the 2020 election to be rigged; we know you all know JB the pedo did NOT win. We have the right to dissolve the government when all other measures have been exhausted. We tried protests on January 6th, convoys, mass protests, went to school board meetings, town hall meetings, attended the Trump rallies, the rightful winner!! Social Media Warriors Voting: Voting machines rigged & EVERYTHING was rigged, watch the movie RIGGED and Mike Lendel's proof. We have lost friends and family members to Covid, to toxic vaccines, and to sharing the terrible truth about everything that has been hidden from us for decades. Kennedy's assassination and 9/11 are just two of the hundreds of examples we could cite. We are tired of fighting wars and paying for wars we DON'T want!!! We do NOT want to support wars unless enemies attack us. We want our land back and demand that you act on our behalf as quickly as possible. We want action, we want our sovereignty. We never agreed to be a mini-corporation when we were born and have all the Capitol letters on our birth certificates!!!! We have never agreed to be traded like cattle while others unknowingly make money off us. We refuse to be slaves to the deep state for even a moment longer. We want NESARA to be implemented as quickly as possible. We will install a different, much smaller government once these horrible, incompetent people are fired and prosecuted for their crimes against us and our CHILDREN. Patriots who agree, please share this. Military personnel reading this please forward this message from “We the People” to their commanders. Please reply to us via the EAS system. Patriots, this needs to go viral on every platform. We the people have spoken. The military must now act on our behalf. Before we run out of land!!!!!
(if you feel called to, share this)
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multific · 2 years
The Ones Left Behind
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Aegon II Targaryen x Reader
Warnings: smut, impotency, incorrect book spoilers
A/N: This is lightly based on the books, so if you are not looking for spoilers don’t read.
Summary: After the war, only two remain in the giant castle.
You were married to Aemond not long before the war began. His mother and yours were great friends at one time, and so, your marriage to one of her sons was unavoidable.
You were there through all the pain. You have seen so many deaths. So much misery that you wanted to run.
You wanted to leave and never come back. But at the same time, you never wanted to leave.
You loved Aemond. He was a great husband.
You were there when Aegon got hurt. Your heart broke for him.
"Where's the King?" you asked a servant.
"In his room, resting."
"Alone?" she nodded at you, confirming your suspicion. While your husband was ruling, Aegon was all alone in his room, suffering.
You headed over to his room, entering without question or warning. There you found him, shaking in pain, sweating as his eyes found yours. You could see he was trying to hide his pain but he couldn't.
You walked over placing your palm on his forehead.
"You have a fever." you said as you quickly moved to the other side of his bed where the nurses stored every medicine. You looked around at the labels. Finally, you found two vials. "This one will help with the pain, the other will help with your fever." you said as you tried to give him the medicine but he refused to take it, slightly moving his head away from you. "Come on now, I'm only trying to help Aegon, please." you said as he looked into your eyes. As if searching for lies.
He didn't say a word, only took the medicine from you.
Soon, his breathing evened as you sat by his side on the bed, your hand holding his, checking his pulse as he just looked at your face. You sat there for a good couple minutes, trying to make sure his fever was going down.
"It's okay, go to sleep." you smiled as he slowly closed his eyes.
You really shouldn't have such feelings for another man. Especially when you were married to his brother but you couldn't help it. 
Aemond, while you still loved him, was a cold man. He didn't care for you, and while he didn't hurt you in any way, his revenge and family values were more important to him than anything. Even if that meant leaving you behind.  
On the other side, you only heard bad things about Aegon, what he used to do, what he did to the servant girl and all of his antics. You heard nothing but bad.
So, you expected him to be much like his actions. But his eyes said otherwise. He looked more like a broken old man who had been through way too much.
You watched while the Queen hugged and cherished her other children, she clearly didn't care as much for Aegon.
The only time you saw her smile was when he was crowned. But even then, you saw she wasn't happy for her son, but rather for herself, being the mother of the King.
Aemond wasn't a terrible husband by any means. While he liked to ignore you, he had his kind and gentle moments.
But he was filled with anger and rage. 
And that ended up being his end.
Aemond died in the war, fighting against his uncle. A true tragedy and you truly mourned his loss. The loss of your husband.
Thankfully, the war ended soon after.
Leaving only you and Aegon behind.
Your parents reached out many times even during that time, but you refused to leave. And after, the news of you being a widow made your mother ask you to move back, after all, what do you have left?
You had nothing.
You were a widow, childless and you had no one.
But neither did Aegon.
You remember after the fact, when everything calmed down, you were walking down the quiet hallway when you came face to face with him.
You wearing your black dress while he had his crown on his head.
It was only you two left. And you had a feeling, he too, realized that right then and there.
Things became a lot quieter. 
While you have won, you didn't feel like a winner.
"I will have a statue erected for my brother. In his memory." he told you one morning almost a year after his death.
"I think that would be lovely." 
"I do have to ask Y/N, why are you still here? Almost everyone left, even the servants..."
"I have no one. Where would I go?"
"To your parents."
"My parents... they will have me marry an old lord or sell me off. And if I leave, you would be alone as well."
"I'm used to being alone."
"I don't want you to be."
"Used to it or alone?"
"I don't want to be alone and I don't want you to be alone either. The way I see it, you are all I have left. Aemond let his revenge consume him and it lead him to a grave. While I did love my husband... it wasn't the kind of love I was hoping for."
"What kind of love were you hoping for?"
"You will laugh at me." you said as both of your plates were taken.
"I promise, I will not."
"Remember when you were hurt and I went to your room? You might not because you were really sick, but... I helped you and while I know how bad it is... I felt in that moment that while I was married to Aemond, I wished to be your wife."
Everything went still.
The silence in the room was so thick it nearly suffocated you. You felt a cold feeling run down your spine as you avoided his eyes.
"My King, the council is here." interrupted a knight as he arrived at the diner. It made you quickly stand and leave.
You were so stupid! Such an idiot! Why did you have to open your mouth?
You could have left it at that! There was no need to confess your deepest inner feelings! 
Why did you dump it all on him? Why were you so stupid? How will you ever look into his eyes again?
Thankfully, you barely had to see him that day, he spent so much time in meetings.
But then dinner came.
And you were terrified, knowing there would only be the two of you.
You hoped Aegon will choose to ignore the topic as will you.
But as soon as he made all the servants leave, you knew you were in for a long night or embarrassment.
"Did you mean what you said this morning? Or were you just saying it so I don't send you back to your parents?" he was avoiding your eyes, and you were avoiding his, you took a deep breath.
"I meant it, Aegon." this time, he took in a deep breath before releasing a long sigh. As if the weight was lifted from his shoulders. 
"When mother said she found a wife for Aemond... when she said Aemond was to marry a young woman, one of her friend's daughter... I nearly drowned in jealousy. I was forced to marry my sister and Aemond could marry a beautiful woman... I was furious."
"Your sister was a very beautiful and kind woman."
"But I didn't want her. And then you arrived. You are so beautiful, I would have given my own eye just to be married to you. Aemond often said you are a good wife. He often taunted me by saying kind things about you, but I knew the truth and so did he. He knew you didn't love him and he knew I wanted you. He was smart, and I felt a little guilty for longing for his wife. And then, it was you who came to my aid when I was hurt. Not my mother or brother, not even the nurses or the healer, but you. I remember you sitting there by my side, holding my hand and helping me with my pain. You looked like an Angel."
"I felt very bad for feeling like this. All I heard were people telling me how awful you were. One time, your mother drank too much and she just... kept going on and on about you. All I wanted was to slap her."
"I'm open to try. I can get us married by the morning or tomorrow. That way your parents will stop asking you to go home and you can stay here with me. If that is truly what you want."
"I think it is all I ever wanted." a smile finally found its way to your lips. "You have changed a lot." he made a face at that.
"Yeah well, sorry to already burst your bubble, but your new fiancé has his own... issues." you knew what he meant. You heard him yelling at the nurses the day he realized he could no longer use his cock. You heard him throwing and breaking things.
"I know. I heard you that day." he looked away from your face. "You must think lowly of me if you think I would only care about that."
"I do not. I just wanted to give you a warning before the wedding so you can run away." he placed his hand on the table, turning his palm to you, asking for your hand, which you gave to him without thinking.
"I'm not going to run away, Aegon. As long as you don't."
"I won't." he suddenly looked back at you.
And it was all done, as you two smiled at each other, he did not lie. By the morning you two have been wed.
Once you let know your parents that you were once again married, they got off of your back, and no more letters. This is how much they truly cared about you.
But you were happy with Aegon.
Your life was rather simple and comfortable considering you were King and Queen. 
It was you two and the servants.
They called you Queen which didn't affect you, but when Aegon called you his Queen, now that did the trick. Always making a blush creep to your face and you smiling at him.
He really did change a lot after and during the war.
And now, he stood before you, a real man. 
"Congratulations my Queen." as soon as the nurse said that, you didn't need to hear any more.
You stood up and ran into the throne room where the lords just left from, they all bowed to you.
"Leave us." you told everyone and waited for the room the be cleared. "I have great news!" you turned to Aegon who was now standing in front of you. "I came from the healers. Looks like you are not completely useless as you tend to claim." you smirked and he looked at you confused.
Your wedding night was anything but usual. It was more of him and you talking about your insecurities. He opened up about his scars. He showed you his arm and legs. He told you that no matter what, he couldn't get hard after the fire.
He told you how he hates fire now.
It didn't stop you from trying though.
You tried for many moons.
"It's not working! Nothing is working." 
"Aegon, it is okay." you tried to calm him as he got out of bed, agitated as he started to pace around. 
"No, it's not! I use those fucking things to please you because I can't! I hate this! I can't fuck my own fucking wife!"
"Hey, don't say that! You do more than enough with your fingers and mouth and I don't mind your toys. I don't need your cock, I just want to be close. I don't care that-"
"I care. I care about this and about you. I finally have the perfect woman as my wife and my fucking body is..."
"You had a terrible accident. You had broken bones and you were burnt badly. I care more about the fact that at least you are still alive. I care not for your..."
"Say it, Y/N. Impotence."
"I don't care for your impotence Aegon. I care about you." he took a deep breath as he sat on the edge of the bed, you moved so you could lean against his back, running your hand up and down his skin. "I love you." you whispered and you felt and saw him shiver. 
"I love you too."
"I know, and I know that's why you are so agitated but I'm telling you there is no reason for you to be, I'm happy as long as you hold me every night and kiss me every morning."
You felt him shake with a laugh.
For the next moons, you two just stopped thinking and let everything happen.
You were happy.
You still missed Aemond, but the statue that was erected in his honour did look exceptionally good. You saw it as the true end of your chapter with him. 
As you placed a single blue flower against the bottom of the statue.
"Goodbye, My Love." you said as you walked away.
Aegon and you were really comfortable around one another. You picked up his bad habits while he picked up your good ones.
All lords were surprised to see the King was always on time as they were more surprised to see their Queen reaching for extra wine during dinner.
But they did see the love you two shared.
You giggled as Aegon put you to bed. 
"Your laugh is so sweet."
"I have something else which is sweet." you said with such a tone, Aegon almost laughed but you were serious. Drunk, serious and horny. "Would it be too much to ask my husband to use his beautiful lips and fingers on me tonight?"
It wasn't. And it also wasn't the only thing that Aegon used that night.
"You remember about... three weeks ago? When you were able to get hard?"
"Yes, I wasn't able to since."
"And I was feeling sick after?"
"Yes, you have been running to the buckets since, but what does this have to do with anything?"
"It looks like the Gods have been extremely generous with us. They not only let you use your cock but... I'm with child."
Aegon nearly doubled over.
"You...how is that possible?"
"You might not be able to get hard, but it seems like that one time was more than enough. The healer confirmed just now. I'm pregnant. Are you not happy?" you asked, suddenly worry filling you.
"I am! I am! I just don't believe it!"
"You know I'm loyal to you right? I haven't been with another man."
"That's not what I mean! I know you wouldn't, Y/N. I'm just so confused. Are you really pregnant?" you nodded.
"Yes." you confirmed with words and Aegon immediately hugged you. 
You were so happy. So extremely happy to see his eyes swell with happy tears as he leaned down to kiss you on the lips.
"Thank you. I love you so much."
"I love you too, Aegon."
Perhaps it all would have been different if you married Aegon instead of Aemond from the beginning. It wasn't possible you knew that, but the what ifs still played in your mind daily.
But now, now you had a reason to focus on the present. A little gift from the Gods.
A new start for both of you.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart​ @greenarrowhead​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @sincerelyfan​ @theoneanna​ @aestheticsandmarvel​ @rororo06​ @castellandiangelo​ @destynelseclipsa​ @spilledinkindumpster​ @capsiclesdoll​ @puknow​ @alwayshave-faith​ @alex12948​ @lxdyred​  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​ @praline357​ @trshngyn​ @avengers-r-us​ @violet-19999​ @top1bbgloak​  @manduse​​  @jacalineiscomingforyou​
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enehana · 29 days
Nike Cabin Headcanons
They’re constantly pressured to be perfect at everything.
They don’t burn out easily, but when they do it’s really really bad.
Their fatal flaw tends to be hubris. Believing they’re better than everyone else at everything. Which is usually true. But it’s the mindset.
They don’t get along with the Nemesis cabin very well. Constant winning whether it’s deserved or not and balance don’t exactly go too well together.
They’re unstoppable with the Tyche cabin. Luck and victory. Who would’ve thought?
Their parents are incredibly talented people. Nobel prize winners, Olympic athletes, Taylor Swift, etc.
They have the ability to influence the outcome of an event. Gambling, fighting, academics, etc.
They’re not great at teamwork. They all want to be an individual victor. No one can be better than them.
Their mom doesn’t like them very much. She doesn’t believe they’re as good as they could be, though they’re some of the most impressive demigods at camp. 
They love conflict. They’ll argue over anything. They’ll throw the first punch almost every time.
They get along incredibly well with children of war gods. Ares, Athena, etc. 
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konigsblog · 1 year
is there an origin story for toxic!dadbod!price??? like the honeymoon phase where he’s not toxic or has he always been like that?
the origin story for toxic!dadbod!price.. 🥃🚬
warnings: narcissism, misogyny, BDSM, talk of toxic masculinity, price being an asshole, hints of him being an alcoholic, mentions of DUB-CON (COERCION AND PERSUASION) EVERYTHING IS CONSENSUAL BEFOREHAND.
a/n; i want to mention that not everyone who follows a traditional lifestyle or has npd acts like this. this is just my concept, toxic!dadbod!price and how his guilt led to what he became !!! also, this is 10000% not my belief on feminism. i don't think feminism is an excuse and i do think it's a great thing when it comes to fighting for equality, ect...
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price was a total sweetheart for you; taking you out on dinners and dates, enjoying his time with you and loving on you. at the time, he was still enlisted in the military, meaning that he was away longer than he was home. eventually, he got engaged to you, before marrying you, and that's when his more traditional lifestyle that he'd talked about came into play, on the lighter side.
retiring from the military, you decided to do some housework to help around while he was recovering from back pain. he enjoyed and believed a woman should always be a housewife, never work. and since he was the bread winner and made the money, he believed it was your duty to be obedient and do as you're told. getting him his beers and doing his washing.
though, it only got more toxic as he continued. a fan of watching the television and hearing other people's opinions on feminism, truly believing that feminism was wrong and an excuse for women to laze around the house all day when a man is working. he let you know his opinions, which then spiraled into more arguments and deep conversations that were more judgement and with yelling and groaning about who does what.
obviously, after leaving the military, he gained a gut. he already drank alcohol, but he drank it heavier and thought about all those lost in the war and missions, those buried six feet under which sent him into a depression you desperately helped him out of. he took advantage of your kindness and eagerness to help him get better, enjoying being taken care of and having a woman around.
yet — again —, it got worse and more toxic as he continued. spending more time watching porn that he was before, his lovey-dovey attitude now replaced with snark and backlash for not doing something well enough. he enjoyed the rougher side of sex and decided to try it with you, finding that he appreciated it way more than gentle love making. your concerns were dismissed as he continued to groan, smoke heavier and drink more.
he didn't like how you would talk to him, that since he's providing for you, you should be a good girl and do as you're told; sitting on his lap and giving him a handy, sloppy and messy, just how he enjoys it. or, sucking him off while he records you and humilates you. you felt bad — almost feeling spoiled — so you gave into his demands so he wouldn't get it anywhere else or from another woman, like he'd threatened to do.
also, videos of toxic masculinity that he even agreed with back in the day became more prominent on social media and he found himself agreeing with downright horrible misogynistic comments and opinions. i believe if he was given a daughter when you gave birth, he wouldn't give two fucks about her — on the other hand, his son was his pride, yet he wanted nothing to do with taking physical care of him, just bonding as he claimed taking care of children and cooking was a ‘woman's job’.
loves whenever he can watch football with his 1 year old son, although he doesn't understand anything and seems more confused on why his dad is yelling so much. he hates when you argue or tell him you're tired, as he thinks you're looking for excuses not to be a perfect housewife for him — should he take your son and get another wife, or will you be obedient and serve him? he also has a superior context and is a bit narcissistic, he thinks his demands and needs are more important than yours and isn't afraid to say bluntly what he doesn't like about you.
lost interest in cuddling after multiple arguments — not because he fell out of love, because he'd pass out on the couch after drinking too much, stinking of BO and smoke, and far too heavy to carry. you spent more nights alone than with him, despite being in the same house. your son is a total sweetheart; giggly, funny, ect... and john would definitely get annoyed if his first word was ‘mum’ or if he wasn't a daddies boy.
grew interested in the BDSM part of porn, and loved treating you and making you feel like a dirty, filthy whore for bouncing yourself back on him. enjoys seeing you gag and choke, spitting out spit in a desperate attempt to breathe as he chokes you, leaning his full bodyweight onto your neck before freeing you and plowing into you relentlessly. seeing your hips laced with bruises gave him a sense of superiority over you and enjoyed when you giggled whenever he ran his fingertips over them, and being a captain meant he also enjoyed being called ‘sir’ and your sweet begging voice all raspy from a rough blowjob.
so, that's how toxic!dadbod!price went from loving and traditional to a misogynistic, disgusting, greedy asshole who began caring more about himself rather than others.
REMEMBER: this isn't my belief on feminism at all. i don't think feminism is a bad thing, this is how i view my concept and how he'd act, along with his thoughts and feelings on important topics. EVERYTHING is consensual. this is fiction and fiction only.
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mustafar-far-away · 7 months
crossover AU idea: star wars× hunger games
The Republic has fallen, and the Jedi have been eradicated. In order to maintain control, the Empire needs to find a way to keep force sensitive children from becoming too powerful, and keep the planets of the Empire under control.
To do this, the empire maintains a list of all force sensitive children in the Empire. Every year, a lottery is drawn for two champions from each planet, to be taken to an artifically constructed arena to fight to the death. Most of these children have no training in the force, as doing so would be punishible by death for not only the child, but everyone involved. The winners are taken away from their families forever, to be trained in the dark side of the force by the Sith emperor and his apprentice, Lord Vader. The champions become soldiers, and the Empire finds a certain joy in breaking them down until nothing but anger and fear remains.
For years, the Empire has subjugated countless planets, revelling in the continued murders of these children and extermination of the Jedi. But secretly, on the remote outer rim planet Tattooine, a young boy named Luke Skywalker has been learning about the Force from his old friend, a recluse named Ben Kenobi. When the unthinkable happens, and Luke's name is drawn, he prepares to head to the Capitol of the Empire to fight for his life, and the lives of everyone he loves. But what will happen to luke when he learns his father, the great champion Anakin Skywalker, may not only still be alive, but may be someone he will have to defeat in order to survive?
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thlayli-ra · 4 months
(Sequel to 'I Prayed For This...')
Characters - Drew McIntyre, CM Punk, Jinder Mahal, The Undertaker, Frankie Calaway (OC)
Pairings - Drew McIntyre/CM Punk, Drew McIntyre/Jinder Mahal, CM Punk/The Undertaker
AU - Valetverse (created by Syreina)
Rating - Mature (18+)
Warnings - Male slash, dom/sub undertones, non-con elements, forced kissing, forced bondage, gagging, abduction, choking, masturbation, mentions of past abuse, strong language, mild violence
Words - ~4,800 (yeah, it's long, sorry!)
Background Info - In a world where women no longer exist, society is split into two; dominants (the ruling class) and valets (who possess the 'inualidus chromosome' that allows them to bear children). Stripped of basic human rights, valets are expected to be entirely subservient to the dominants that claim them and few are prized higher than the valets of the WWE.
Summary - The rot takes hold...
From the moment the bell rung it was sheer brutality. The combatants had gone to war, firing every weapon in their arsenal and while there had been advances on both sides, there was only ever going to be one winner. When Drew McIntyre landed the devastating Claymore that almost decapitated CM Punk, he knew it was over. Throwing himself across Punk, he pulled his leg back to deepen the pin while the referee counted the one, two, three.
And it was all over! He had won!
Standing up, he yanked his wrist out of the ref's grasp - he didn't give a damn about posturing to the crowd. All he cared about was the battered, broken and bloodied valet lying crumpled at his feet. Punk groaned as he slowly turned onto his stomach, curling an arm around his bruised ribs. From above, Drew watched the tattooed man manoeuvre his leg out to the side to steady himself, the way he usually did whenever he found himself face-down on the canvas.
Completely oblivious to the danger lurking above him.
Stepping closer, Drew nudged his boot between Punk's open legs. The valet jerked with shock as the dominant's toe bumped him through his trunks. One dazed eye creaked open to plead silently with the victorious Scotsman but Drew only sneered back.
The referee scuttled over with the papers and Drew snatched them off of him, signing his name on the dotted line before there could be any interference. The very second that the deed was done, he crouched down, bending his entire frame over his fallen foe and presented the contract to him.
'Look at this, Punk,' he taunted, grabbing up a fistful of the valet's dark, damp hair and pressing his face flat against the paper, smearing the fresh ink with Punk's blood and sweat. 'What did I tell you? I said I'd make you my bitch and I have. Your arse belongs to me now!'
A taped palm connected with the middle of Drew's chest, shoving him back. The Scotsman chuckled menacingly at the weak retort, throwing the contract aside so that he could grab his newly won prize by the ears.
'You can fight me all you want, it doesn't change a damn thing,' he yelled in the valet's face. 'In the eyes of the law, you are mine and there's nothing you can do about it. So if I want to do this-' he pulled Punk towards him, ramming their lips together harshly. The fighting spirit inside his beaten opponent flared up, and Punk got his fingers in between their foreheads, pushing Drew off but the Scot was not to be denied, cackling as he pinned Punk's wrist to the mat and kissed him again. Forcing his tongue between Punk's pursed lips and swirling it around obscenely, forgetting his own warning of 'PG, brother'.
Yanking him up by his snagged wrist, Drew tossed the weary valet over his shoulder before retrieving his papers then walking up the ramp with both of his prizes, grinning from ear-to-ear despite the ungodly blare of boos from the crowd.
The dominant ignored the looks and frowns that awaited him in gorilla, striding right past them with an iron grip on Punk's legs, squeezing them tight to his chest. His body was so warm and wet from the ring, the bare skin of his thighs sticking to Drew's sweaty pecs. He couldn't wait to shed the rest of his new pet's gear and see what delicacies lay underneath.
'Now then, Punky,' he sang, marching down the hallways of the backstage area. 'Where's your private locker room? Big star like you, gotta have your own locker room, right?'
Eventually he found the door with the name 'CM Punk' taped to it and went inside, making sure to snap the lock shut behind him before dumping his prize onto the floor. Punk let out a weak cry as his battered body collided with the unforgiving concrete.
'You know, when you make such sweet sounds like that it's hard not to bend you over that bench and claim you right here, right now.' Drew dug the toe of his boot underneath Punk's chin and tilted it back. 'But luckily for you, I'm a patient man. I can wait. Now, let's get you packed up and take you back to your new home, shall we?'
Without warning, the wounded wrestler fought back. Grabbing Drew's ankle, Punk flung his arm up, aiming for a brutal low blow but the dominant was able to step out of harm's way before the taped fist hit its target. The shock on Drew's face dissolved into rage and he savagely smashed his boot into Punk's side, kicking him again and again, all while laughing maniacally.
'Haven't you learnt yet? Didn't I make myself clear in that ring?' Drew tossed back his mop of sweaty hair as Punk curled in on himself, coughing feebly with pain. 'You can't beat me, Punk so stop trying. Just accept that I am your new dominant now. You belong to me! Did you not see your nice new name on your papers. You're no longer Phil Calaway, you're now Phil Galloway. Not that different, really, if you think about it. You should get used to that easy enough.'
From down on the floor, Punk rasped something out, the words choked by another harsh cough.
'What was that?' Drew said, bending in close to the beaten down valet.
'Fuck... you!'
Drew went silent, gritting his teeth behind pursed lips. His fingers tensing into tight fists. He took in a sharp breath to calm himself before he beat the defiant valet black and blue.
'You want to do this the hard way, Punk?' He couldn't hide the snarl in his voice 'Fine, then we do this the hard way.'
Leaping up to his feet, he went to Punk's bags, ransacking his belongings until he found exactly what he was looking for. He chuckled menacingly as he grabbed up a roll of the valet's wrist tape. 'This'll do nicely,' he smirked, yanking the end loose with a loud ssrrrrkkkk. 'Let's start by shutting up that big mouth of yours.'
The second Drew grabbed his jaw and forced the tape over his lips, Punk yelled out, but it was too late and his protests were soon muffled by layers and layers of white tape being wrapped around his lower face. Once firmly gagged, Drew thrust his newly acquired prize flush against the floor and straddled the small of his back, capturing both of Punk's frantically flailing wrists. Despite the valet's struggles, his hands were soon bound together with tape, snaring them behind his back. His ankles were next to follow until the tattooed valet was entirely restrained. Defenceless.
It didn't seem to matter to the older man, however. Once Drew got up off of him, he began to thrash against his binds, desperate to loosen them and break free, all while spitting stifled insults from behind his gag.
Drew wasn't finished with him. Amongst the valet's belongings, he spotted a bundle of faded black fabric. Punk's hoodie! He lifted it up to admire the weathered garment, even going so far as to press it against his nose and take a deep breath. It reeked of Punk. That same alluring scent that permeated the very air of his private locker room, the same aroma that had hung around them in the ring, the intensity becoming too hard to bear whenever they were pressed together in close contact. Drew had enjoyed the first taste of his new pet and he looked forward to becoming more intimately acquainted with it later.
For now...
He grabbed the off-white tie of the hoodie and pulled the entire length out. This, he used to fasten Punk's taped wrists and ankles together, a nasty final insult to the defeated valet. Gagged, hog-tied and exhausted, his semi-nude body bruised and bleeding, Punk finally surrendered to his immediate fate. Placing his sticky cheek against the cement floor, he went quiet and still, focusing on conserving his energy for later.
For he would need it, Drew would make damn sure of that!
Stuffing Punk's belongings into his bags, he packed them into his rental before retrieving his biggest prize of the night. Opening the trunk of his car, he carefully placed the fettered valet inside, stepping back to admire the breathtaking sight of the fear in Punk's wide hazel eyes. No shiny golden belt, no jewel-encrusted crown, no title, not even a Wrestlemania moment, could ever rival the status of the trophy he currently had in his possession, quivering in the confined space.
'A word of advise?' Drew said, tilting his head to the side. 'Enjoy the drive. Because once we reach our destination...' he sneered viciously, '..I'm going to make your life a living hell.'
He slammed the trunk shut.
Drew shot awake, beaded in cold sweat. He glanced around him, recognising his bedroom back in his apartment. It was early morning and the first soft rays of light were drifting in through the drapes. Little dapples of spring sunshine danced onto the man beside him in bed. Jinder, his husband. The man he loved.
The Scot scrubbed a hand over his damp face. A dream. It was all just a fucked-up dream. His shoulders stooped when he spied the tented bed covers at his hips. He had an impressive case of morning wood.
But why? Because of CM fucking Punk?
Checking that Jinder was still asleep, Drew slipped out of bed and tip-toed into the bathroom. The first thing he did was splash his face in ice-cold water, try to cleanse away the rot from his brain. It was getting harder each day, like mould left untreated in the shower tray, it kept coming back worse and worse.
CM fucking Punk!
He didn't even like Punk. He didn't even like valets! Yes, he had been married to one once but that had been a marriage of convenience. Dominants weren't meant to love other dominants, least not without a hot piece of valet ass sandwiched between them, but Drew had never felt anything for the gentler sex. Not even for Curtis, who had been nothing but sweet and caring to them both, even though he knew there was no love involved in their set-up.
When Jinder was defeated by Ryback in the match that lost them Curtis, Drew wasn't upset. He'd went to his husband's side and held his cheeks in his large hands. 'I'm sorry,' Jinder had said, on the verge of tears.
In reply, Drew kissed him, in plain sight, in front of the WWE Universe, in front of the cameras, in front of everybody. 'We don't need him,' he replied. 'Now we can be us. Who we really are.'
They had paid dearly for their true selves; both of them were fired by the company. But times had changed and attitudes had softened and the pair had eventually been welcomed back with open arms. The atmosphere was certainly less tense with Hunter running things.
So why was Drew suddenly so... unsatisfied? And why was CM fucking Punk of all people harassing him in his sleep? Haunting his dreams. More than his dreams, he was afraid to admit. The past few weeks, he had never strayed far from the Scotsman's thoughts even when awake.
The cold water did nothing to cool the solidness between his legs so Drew stood over the toilet bowl. Grabbing hold of his massive shaft, he began to pump it with his fist, pulling his foreskin back over his leaking head as far as it would go then folding it back again. A groan sounded in his chest, almost like a tiger's growl. He thought of Jinder, thought of his big hands roughly pushing him down onto the sheets, kissing his neck, fingers grasping the hair of his chest.
The pumping hand quickened.
Those calloused fingers pinched tight around his nipples, teasing them up into stiff peaks before sucking them into a warm mouth. Drew screwed his eyes shut, imagining the soft tongue soothing his swollen skin. Envisioning the coolness of the metal ball flicking against his dusky-
The head lifted and he saw his lover's face. It was not Jinder!
Paler skin, softer features. Eyes shining olive green in the hazy morning light. Thin lips broke out into a lop-sided grin, climbing up its right cheek to crinkle the crow's feet at the corner of its eye. The tongue, that had moments before been teasing Drew's nipple, flicked out, rubbing the ball stud against the metal ring pierced through its bottom lip.
Drew gave a strangled gasp, perfectly capturing Punk's face in his mind's eye, blurring his image from both past and present. His cock was screaming for more and he indulged it, pumping vigorously.
The succubus stared down at him from on high, an angel with burnt wings. A demon.
'Come on, Drew,' it scoffed, the tip of its pink tongue rubbing the lip ring back and forth. 'You know by now, I'm not a demon.' The pale skin deepened to a blood red, fire burning in its eyes as two boned horns grew out of its forehead. 'When pushed, I'm Satan himself.'
The harder Drew jerked himself to his climax, the tighter he grit his teeth, hoping against hope that no noise spilled from his lips for Jinder to hear.
He reached out his hands, wrapped them around the devil's throat. And squeezed. The pierced grin widened, hazel eyes rolling into the back of its skull as Drew pressed his thumbs in deeper. Gasping for air, the demon howled like a cat in heat-
'Urrrggggffff,' Drew came hard, strings of his seed spilling out of him into the toilet bowl. Post-climax exhaustion hit and he steadied his wobbly arms against the wall, pressing his flushed cheek onto the cool tile.
Knock, knock, knock. 'Hey Andrew? You ok in there?'
Drew straightened up with a grunt, quickly shoving himself back into his boxer shorts and flushing his sin away. One last glance into the mirror, he shook any thought of Punk from his mind and went to the door. Jinder looked half-asleep but worried. They'd been married over a decade and yet he still cared so much for the Scotsman.
It made Drew's heart ache to lie to him. 'Yeah, fine,' he said with a shrug. 'Just needed a pish.'
Jinder snorted a laugh. He knew he would and it did the job, breaking the tension immediately. 'Oh good,' his husband smiled, running a hand over his face 'I was worried it was the chowder I made last night.'
'Hah, no,' Drew flopped onto the bed and scrubbed his fists against his bleary eyes. Jinder snuggled into his side, wrapping his arm around him.
'What are you thinking about?' he asked out of the blue.
'How did you know I was thinking?'
'It's your eyebrows. They're like two drunk caterpillars when you've got something on your mind, and you get that faraway look in your eye.'
'Hmm, I'm that transparent, am I?' Drew didn't like that. He hoped that Jinder was the only one who could read his secrets so easily.
Drew took in a deep breath. 'I was thinking about... Curtis.'
Jinder opened his eyes and frowned up at his husband. 'Do you miss him?'
'Do you?' Drew shot back.
The Canadian thought for a moment. 'Sometimes. I miss the mornings like this where we would all wake up together in each other's arms. I miss having somebody to complain about you to.' Drew's chest heaved with a chuckle. 'I do miss having a valet's touch around here - our place is such a dominant's pad.'
'It's not that bad.'
'No, but, it was nice, you know.' Jinder lifted his head in order to look directly into his husband's eyes. 'Why? Has somebody caught your eye?'
Drew felt a sharp pain in his chest. A pang of panic before spilling his darkest thoughts.
'No,' he said. 'Nobody. Except you.'
The pair kissed sweetly and Jinder snuggled back into his side, falling into a peaceful sleep. But Drew's mind was wracked with alarm.
He hadn't lied. Not technically. Hearing Jinder reminiscing about their time with Curtis had made Drew deeply uncomfortable. He didn't want that, he didn't want sweet, domestic fluff. Not when it came to him.
Drew didn't want to share.
He wanted Punk all to himself!
The Calaway Residence, Texas
'Urgh!' Phil grumped as he flopped onto the chair.
Mark glanced up at his husband over the top of his newspaper, noting his gym wear which confirmed his suspicions that the valet had gotten up early to do his physio therapy exercises. 'I made you some breakfast.'
Phil looked down into his bowl of oats and dried fruit. 'Why do you hate me so fucking much?'
'Would you rather I made you a stack of pancakes dripping with syrup?'
'YES!' Phil shot back, then scrunched up his nose. 'No. Not like I can work it off cause of this fucking arm.'
'You're getting there.'
'Not fast enough. Doc says it's still not one hundred percent.' He stared forlornly into his bowl. 'Just when I had finally worked all the baby fat off too.'
'I like you with a bit more meat,' Mark replied warmly. 'Especially your cute little gopher cheeks.'
'Well say goodbye to them,' Phil scoffed. 'Them, the stomach rolls, the muffin tops. It'll all be gone by the time I'm done with them.'
'Pity,' Mark noted, turning the page of his paper.
Shoving his oats around the bowl, Phil moped. 'Maybe I'll stop by the bakery later and stare in through the window. If I look pathetic enough then maybe one of the guys will let me lick one.' His eyes was suddenly drawn to the door leading to the hallway and a shadowy figure trying to sneak past. 'Hey! HEY YOU! Get your ass in here right now!'
With a theatrical roll of his eyes, a young valet aged around nine years walked in. 'What?' he huffed.
'Don't 'what' your mother,' Phil scolded his son. 'The hell are you wearing?'
'A shirt.'
'Well I can see it's a shirt. Where'd you get it? Was it from Uncle Sting?'
The boy looked at his mother like he was an idiot. 'It's yours.'
Phil paused. Looking again at the faded black T-shirt, he read the words CM Punk. Welcome to Chicago, motherfucker.
'Huh...' he hushed out, feeling a small lump in his throat. He smiled softly, his eyes crinkling with pride. 'Well ok then,' he grinned, ruffling the boy's hair. 'Go get 'em, Frankenstein.'
'You do know that Frankenstein was the name of the scientist?'
'Exactly! And you're the monster I created.' Before his son could protest, Phil planted a kiss on his forehead.
'Urgh, you're so embarrassing!' The boy wriggled out of his mother's grasp and grabbed up his skateboard.
'Love you, Frankie,' Mark called out to the boy as he left.
'Love you too, Dad.'
'Aww, he's a good kid,' Phil beamed.
'He's gonna get called up to the principal's office about that shirt,' Mark warned.
'Principal Mendoza doesn't talk to me anymore, you know that.'
Mark let out a ragged sigh. 'Fine,' he grunted, 'I'll swing by after my meeting later.'
'Thank you, honey!' Phil teased, grudgingly picking up his spoon to eat his breakfast as he swiped through his phone. Moments later, he let out a loud snort of laughter. 'Can't believe this, he's at it again.' Mark cocked an eyebrow at his husband. 'Drew McIntyre,' Phil explained without being asked. 'Guy can't post a single thing on social media without mentioning me. Must be desperate for traffic or something.'
Mark put down his paper and eyed his husband warily. 'Should I be concerned?'
Phil's brows shot up his forehead. 'About Drew McIntyre? Pfft! God no! He's harmless.' Mark looked unconvinced, however. 'We go way back, believe me. I know him and well... let's just say I'm not his type.' Getting the hint, Mark lifted his paper back up. 'Nah, I'm not worried about him. Seth on the other hand...'
'Still having problems?'
Letting out a long breath through his crooked nose, Phil pursed his lips irritably. 'Guy's still pissed with me, not really sure why. Think it has something to do about me leaving the way I did.'
Mark's furrowed his brows. 'He knows why you did, right?'
'Kinda,' the valet returned, his face turning sad and pensive as he finished off his bowl. 'About the same as everybody else does. I dunno... we weren't really speaking at the time after all that shit went down with Dean and Roman. Maybe that's why he's pissed, or maybe it's because Dean (or Jon, whatever he's calling himself these days) and I had our little falling out at AEW.'
'He was hardly innocent in that fiasco either,' Mark pointed out, flatly, making Phil smile; his husband liked to play the tough guy but he always had the valet's back.
'Yeah, well, neither was I,' Phil said, grabbing up his husband's plate and cutlery to take to the sink. 'You know, Dean was the only guy back then who tried to help me out. He really put his neck on the line for me. And look how I repaid him. Can't blame Seth really, if he only knew what really happened, how bad it got...'
Phil went quiet.
Mark looked up and found his husband staring into the middle of the table, as if lost in a trance. It was then that he spotted his inked fist wrapped tightly around his discarded fork, blood dripping from where he was squeezing the prongs into his palm.
Throwing his paper down, Mark reached across the table, placing his large hand over his husband's quivering digits. Phil flinched at the touch, his frightened eyes finding Mark's soft greens.
'Phil, look at me,' Mark said, his voice gentle but firm. 'You're ok, you're here with me.'
'I'm ok,' the valet repeated. 'I'm here with you.'
'You're here with me.'
'I'm here with you.'
'I need you to breathe, ok? In.'
They continued this pattern until Phil's breathing steadied. Shaking his head, he flickered back to his surroundings, finding his husband's concerned face. 'I'm good,' he said at last. 'I'm ok.' Slowly, tentatively, Mark let go. 'Shit, haven't had one of those for a while.'
His husband watched him silently. 'You know, if it's too much for you, Phil, going back to WWE, you don't have to-'
'It's not,' the tattooed valet assured his husband. 'It's really not. It... feels different there now. Now that they're gone. I dunno how to explain, it's just... different. And anyway-' Punk shook out his neck and shoulders, hardened his features. 'I've got to go back. I've got something to prove. It's just like it was with Cody, I have unfinished business there.'
Mark only nodded, letting his husband get his thoughts out. Listening closely.
'I'm sick of holding on to all this... shame! The way people look at me, the way they look at Frankie. I fucking love my kid and I'm sick of people using him against me all the time, like he's some kind of, I dunno, punishment for what happened to me. He deserves better than that. We both deserve better than that.'
'I understand,' Mark said solemnly.
'And if I don't go back? Then he wins. Again! It's just yet another thing that he took away from me. And I'm fucking sick of him controlling my life.'
Mark lowered his head, unable to hide his guilt. 'I understand,' he said again, 'and you know that I'm here for you, no matter what. If you need to do this, then I'll support you but if it gets to be too much and you want to leave, I'll support that too.'
'I know,' Phil smiled softly, reaching over to place his hand over Mark's, caressing the large knuckles with his thumb. 'I love you.'
'I love you too. So much. You have no idea.'
'Oh, I do, believe me,' Phil teased.
'And you promise me, at the first sign of trouble-'
'There won't be any trouble.'
The valet sighed. He couldn't deny that he had a long storied history of getting on the wrong side of the wrong types of people. But that was back then, when he was young and reckless. Well... more reckless. He was also prettier back then. These days there were too many wrinkles on his face and greys in his beard, the skin hung looser on his frame and his C-section scar was clear across his lower belly. He loved that scar, it was his favourite one of them all, for it gave him his precious son, but a lot of dominants looked at it with disgust. Like he was spoilt goods, well passed its sell-by date.
Not that he gave a single shit. For once in his life, he didn't have to worry about dominants. He could finally allow himself to relax, finally allow himself to be happy. He was fulfilled with his home life and now, he wanted that same satisfaction with his wrestling career, which had been stopped all too abruptly, both when he left WWE and at AEW.
It was time for him to finally carve out the legacy he was destined for.
* * *
It was obvious that the manager recognised Drew by the way he lavished him with a full escorted tour of the self-storage lot. Drew had rejected the first three options, finding them too close to the centre. Made sense that most people preferred the units on the inside - it was more secure there - but Drew wanted one as far away from prying eyes (and ears) as possible.
'Ah, here it is,' the manager said, inputting the code on the number pad. Drew liked the look of this one. On a corner, right at the edge. Beyond the chain link fence there was nothing but empty wasteland for several miles. The door slid up and the manager held out his arm for Drew to go inside. The Scotsman scanned the interior of the storage unit, his imagination hard at work.
It needed some work done. Sound-proofing mainly. There was a lot of wall space to cover to ensure that not even the smallest peep escaped to the outside and alerted a suspicious passer-by. He would have Punk gagged most of the time, but considering the activities he had planned for the pair of them, it seemed a shame to not be able to hear him. To hear those delightful moans and whimpers and cries. To hear him pleading for Drew to stop before howling for more.
Walking around the unit, he looked for the best places he could install either a bar or a ring into the wall to attach chains that he could tether to Punk's wrists or ankles. Perhaps, some kind of dog collar. Aye, leash the bastard like the dog he is. He'd probably like that. Maybe he could affix a hook to the ceiling that he could use to dangle the little shit when he misbehaved.
Everything else was easy enough to get. A mattress, a bucket. They'd be the only home comforts Punk would be allowed. Drew could envision it so perfectly. Imagining the tattooed valet huddled against the wall, stripped completely bare, his pale skin filthy with grime. Chains softly clinking as he shivered with the cold. If he pleased his dominant, then he may earn himself a blanket to keep himself warm.
But Drew knew it would take a long, sustained effort to tame the wayward valet. He was notoriously fiery, rebellious and stubborn. Even nearing middle-age, he had a short-fuse, as his time at AEW proved, and he wasn't afraid to lash out.
But he already had a plan in mind. Everybody, be they dominant or valet, had a breaking point, and Drew was determined to find Punk's. He'd start by starving him, wear him down physically. He'd withhold water from him too, and if he swallowed some of his pride and submitted to his new master, Drew would satiate him. But only by his own hand. Drew would hold the water bottle for Punk to suckle from, spoon feed him one bite at a time, like a babe, until he learnt who held his very life in his hands, who was responsible for his welfare and imprinted on him as his one true dominant.
And when Drew had finally exorcised the demon from the man, he would be left with a flawless angel, the vision of perfection.
'So what do you think?'
The manager's voice snapped Drew from his dark thoughts. He wobbled for the briefest of moments, doubting himself and his cruel intentions...
... then sharply shook them off.
'I'll take it,' he said.
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scotianostra · 14 days
Happy Birthday Brian Alexander (B.A) Robertson born 12th September, 1956, in Glasgow.
On a day that so far looks quiet on the anniversary front I am thankful I have a post I myself can really appreciate, mainly due to the musical content.
Educated at the former Allan Glen's School in the city, B.A had a number of hit singles in the late 70's/80's beforehand though he wrote a few songs for others, the most notable being two Cliff Richard songs, Carrie and Wired for Sound. I wonder how many remember the BBC Scotland show Maggie? Well Robertson wrote the theme to that as well as the theme to Multi-Coloured Swap Shop and "their" hit song as Brown Sauce the 20 hit, I Wanna Be a Winner.
B.A's first big hit single was "Bang Bang, it reached number 2 in 1979, he also had a big hit with Maggie Bell, of a cover version of Hold Me and dueted with Frida Lyngstad, of Abba, on the song Time.
As I said earlier he is better known in the business for writing songs for others, he went back to this when his own hits dried up, I am sure many of you will know Mike + The Mechanics, well Robertson penned their lyrics for hits Silent Running and The Living Years The latter was written after Robertson's father died twelve weeks before the birth of his own son, many people mistakenly believe Paul Carrack wrote the song, which topped the US Billboard charts as well as hitting the top in Canada, Australia and Japan. Mike Rutherford helped with the arrangement and music.
The Living Years won the Ivor Novello Award for Best Song Musically & Lyrically in 1989,and was nominated for four Grammy awards in 1990, including Record and Song of the Year, as well as Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals and Best Video.
In 1996, famed composer Burt Bacharach opined that the song was one of the finest lyrics of the last ten years, fine praise indeed.
I hope you listen to this and see B A Robertson as something other than just a novelty act, which his main hits certainly were.
I can't leave a post about B.A Robertson without mentioning, arguably the best song by A Scottish World Cup Squad, "We Have a Dream" that got to number 5 in the charts!
Robertson also had a go at presenting, and looking back on him now it is pretty painful, including a spat with Annabella Lwin of Bow Wow Wow, others he "interviewed" were Billy Mackenzie with the Associates, and Alex Harvey.
In July 2022 B A released an accoustic version of Silent Running in aid of charity, it resonates for the people of Ukraine, it really speaks of the chaos for Ukrainian victims of war. It reached number 10 on the itunes singer/songwriter charts and was the eighth biggest gainer in sales on Amazon Music within hours.
Its release came about thanks to the involvement of Robertson’s friend Steve Cullen, whose partner Lorri Hales convinced him to use it to help the people of Ukraine. Penned in 1985, this version of Silent Running was recorded at the Gilded Balloon in Edinburgh during the 2004 festival at one of BA’s rare live gigs.
Take the children and yourself
And hide out in the cellar
By now the fighting will be close at hand
Don't believe the church and state
And everything they tell you
Believe in me, I'm with the high command
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
There's a gun and ammunition Just inside the doorway
Use it only in emergency
Better you should pray to God The Father and the Spirit
Will guide you and protect from up here
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Swear allegiance to the flag
Whatever flag they offer
Never hint at what you really feel
Teach the children quietly
For some day sons and daughters
Will rise up and fight while we stood still
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
Can you hear me, can you hear me running?
Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?
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ma3-author2 · 2 years
✧ Visionary
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GIF by Ma3
Pairing: Lo’ak/Neteyam x Omatikaya Reader
Summary: It was just like any other day for you, hanging out with Lo'ak and Kiri and shooting archery with Neteyam, but when the sky people arrived, they destroyed everything you had, which changed you.
Theme: Angst, war, tragedy, jealousy.
Word count: 3475
Warning: Expect some English errors, as English is not my first language.
Back story.
Because of their differences, Lo'ak and Kiri were labeled as freaks and outcasts. Unlike a normal Na'vi, they have five fingers, and because of this, The two are always alone, but that soon changes when this new Na’vi girl arrives.
Lo’ak thought that you only talk to him because you were asked to, but as time pass by between you and him. He came to realize that you are not a phony friend. Kiri also felt the same and if someone ask both their parents to who their close to.
Their answer is already obvious.
"I hate you!"
"I hate you times infinity, Lo’ak. Penis face!"
"Hey!" Jake interferes as the fight is getting out of hand, stopping Lo’ak with his scream before it continues.
"That’s enough! Don’t make me come over there."
"Lo’ak! Kiri!"
Hearing that familiar voice, Jake didn’t have to see who it was, and he was grateful that you arrived in time.
"Y/N! Tell Lo’ak to let go of the toy!"
"No. Tell her to let go."
As they keep tugging on the toy and pointing at each other, waiting for you to choose. You glanced at Mr. Sully, who gave you a defeated sigh. "Y/N, would you please?" Jake asked for help.
Nodding at him, you jogged toward the two Na’vi and swiftly took the toy out of their grasp.
"Y/N?" They both look at you with surprise and confusion.
"You two are fighting because of this? I have plenty of this at home; come on!" You gestured with your hand, wanting for them to follow you, and as you began sprinting away,
Lo’ak and Kiri look at their father first before joining you.
Jake only waved his hand, agreeing that they could follow you, and once his children ran to where you were, he let out a long, exhausted sigh.
"My Jake, where are the kids?" Neytiri who was now walking toward him, hands resting on his shoulder.
"She gave me another time, again."
Neytiri, hearing Jake's answer, already knew what he meant by that, and she couldn’t help but chuckle, "No, my Jake. She gave us some time"
Jake's ears can’t help but flinch when he hears his mate, and once his eyes land on hers and on her lips, he just wants to kiss her, but... as soon as the two are close to each other, their son Neteyman pops out, ruining the moment.
"Dad, where are Kiri and Lo’ak?"
As a month turn into a year your closeness with Kiri and Lo’ak grew larger to the point that whenever they are you will always be there.
But will it be forever?
"Hey Mr. Sully, hi neteyam, good aim." You praised them, walking toward the two Na’vi who were arrowing some fish. "Did Kiri or Lo’ak pass by?"
"No, why?" Jake ask.
"We’re playing hide and seek, and I’ve been looking for hours now."
"Did you check the house? They always hide there or at Mo’at?" Jake began to worry. and after you said it. Jake immediately walks away, leaving you with Neteyam.
You nodded, worry now plastered on your face. "I did, but they weren't there."
"Don’t worry; maybe they just fell asleep somewhere. Now you two wait here, and while waiting, why don’t you catch some fish? "Whoever gets more is the winner." Jake excused himself.
While Jake ran home, calling his mate to alarm her as well. Here you are with Neteyam doing what Jake told you two.
"Your good at this, when did you learn to archer?" Neteyam asks.
"My father trained me, like you. But he got busier and didn't have time to archer." you paused first, positioning to shoot the fish  "But it’s okay, I like to play with Kiri and Lo’ak more" as you let go of the string the arrow flew on the fish head.
Neteyam, seeing what you just did, didn’t hide his amusement "Wow, that's a bullseye!" and as you pick up the arrow, handing him the fish he looks at you confuse.
"I don’t care who wins; as long as I’m with Kiri and Lo'ak, that’s a win for me."
At that point, Neteyam still didn’t understand what you meant, but as he grew up and so did his siblings, he began to understand what you meant.
Instead of taking the fish, he handed it back to you, which confused you: "You have it; as a replacement, why don’t we train each other?"
You simply smile.
Not only have you become close with Kiri and Lo'ak, but you also got close with Neteyam, and the spot where you shot the arrow has become your training ground, thanks to your father as well for allowing you to train with Neteyam.
You were also thankful to Mr. Sully for letting you join.
The next few weeks after the incident of not finding Kiri and Lo'ak, who were indeed sleeping when Jake and Neytiri found them, becoming friends with Neteyam, and training to be archers again
Here you are now, still a kid inside Sully’s home, watching Neteyam get his height checked.
"How tall is he?" Lo’ak asks
"He’s that tall," Jake said after carving at the bamboo and showing it to Lo’ak, you, and Kiri with spider on the side, who only chuckled once you saw the height of Neteyam.
You were about to call Lo’ak and Kiri to play outside when Mr. Sully called you, "Why don’t you give it a try?"
"I think I’m the same height as Kiri." You mumbled, scratching you nape not wanting for Mr. Sully to check yours, embarrassed once they found that you’re almost the same height as Neteyam.
"You don’t have to be embarrassed, come on."
Again, you refuse, but Kiri and Lo’ak nag you to let their father check yours: "Come on, Y/N, we will finally know how tall you are." Lo’ak nags, followed by Kiri whining for you to agree.
In the end, you found your real height, and you happily announced that you do have Kiri’s height.
If the Sully children grew fast, it's the same for you; so does time. And in the blink of an eye you grew taller and aged up. With that length of time, many things had happen. Even your eight fingers in total can’t count how many times Lo’ak got into trouble.
Kiri, being Kiri, is always inviting you to explore the jungle. getting good at archery at the same time as beating Neteyam at shooting a sturmbeest and making a clean kill. Despite the fact that it is the same as his, you went first.
Success in getting an Ikran on your first try
Then there are Tuk and Spider. You're close with Tuk like her other siblings, but with Spider, it was just a minimum. Because Spider is the person who sometimes gets Lo’ak in trouble, and you don’t like that even a bit.
Of course you didn't forget about your status; you are also the best huntress at that young age, being so close to Sully's family to the point that you could just walk onto their property like you lived there and being a babysitter to all of them.
That Mr. and Mrs. Sully entrusted it to you, and you don't mind, well, sometimes when things are giving you headaches.
"Don’t worry, Ms. and Mr. Sully, I will tell you as soon as things get out of hand." You smiled reassuring them that you got it all control as they’re going on their anniversary day.
"Thank you always, Y/N" Neytiri thanked you, giving you a gentle pat on the head, and as soon as she turned to look at her mate, she only gave a signal eye that she was ready.
Jake gave you a thank-you nod, and the two began to fly away on their Ikran.
"You know, you don’t have to always agree with them, and we're old enough."
"Says who?" You smile, rolling your eyes, as you walk away from Neteyam, making your way to Lo’ak and Tuk.
"Yeah, we’re old enough. except for Tuk." Lo’ak chuckled, pointing at Tuk, who only stuck her tongue out.
Kiri, on the other side, even if it hurt her pride a little bit, got to agree to what Lo’ak and Neteyam said. "I hate to admit it, but they're right. You can’t always be like this."
"Like what? It's not that bad."
"Perhaps, but... don’t you want to do what you like?"
"Like, don’t you have a hobby that you do just for you?" Lo'ak asks giving you a side question glance.
Now that Lo'ak mentioned it, all the activities that you keep doing are always with them or with their parents when hunting. However, you cannot think of a single activity or hobby that solely acquires you.
You simply shrugged your shoulders. "Maybe there isn’t, and why are we talking about this? It’s not like you guys are going away."
"That’s true. But you still need your time alone; don’t worry, when dad and mom get back, I’ll tell them." Neteyam said.
To which you chuckled, "If that’s what you guys want, or… you guys don’t want me here anymore?" You thought making some Joke will bring them to laugh but seeing their silents look.
"I’m joking! That’s a joke."
"Y/N, we never thought that way; you're like our family now." Tuk started
"Yeah, if you're going to make a joke, ask Lo'ak; he's got a lot of them." Kiri chuckled as she said this, pointing at him.
Lo’ak rolled his eyes, but soon he made a joke that made you all cringe.
"I think my soul left my body when you made that joke." Laughing as you said, which got you a playful smack on the head and once you saw who did it.
You displayed a smirk and said, "Game on, Skxawng!" and so you simply did a rough house play, jumping on top of him and twirling him away from you.
And when he's about to launch at you, and being prepared to catch him. only to not catch him when Mr. and Ms. Sully come in the house. as you immediately stood straight, only giving Lo'ak a sideways apology glance.
"Y/N, we can take it from here; you can go home now." Jake said, and before you asked some questions about what was wrong, Neytiri only gave you a sidelong glance.
"Good night Mr. Ms sully, see you guys tomorrow." You bid farewell, walking out the house but of course you didn’t fully went home and instead you sneak behind their house wanting to see what got their face frighten.
‘The sky people are back?’ You thought frighten of the discovery soon anger displayed on your face, because of them the once peaceful place was soon replace by their air crafts.
Destroying your homeland, running away before the fire get to you, and in the process of running away going to safety, you lost a love one who sacrifice himself to save you.
A father that you can no longer see another smile from him, and even his own body is unrecognized, except for the beads that somehow didn’t get eaten by the fire.
You wanted to feel your father once more, but watching it crumble into your hand, you didn’t hide your howling as sadness and hurt are now eating you up.
As Ms. Sully gently tagged you, you didn't even give him a proper burial.
As you can’t stay longer as the sky people are getting nearer and because of this, your hatred toward the sky people grew larger. Not only that, but Sully’s children can only watch your eyes change.
The once-jovial, easy-going Y/N they knew who always made their day complete grew into a cold person who always went out to join their parents on their hunt for the sky people.
She still has that personality, but it rarely happens now.
Present (One year later)
The hunting for the train and destroying the railing was successfully fulfilled, as Jake and Neytiri took down the aerospatiale sa-2 samson with just an arrow and bullet.
With that, the ground team took their station to get the item from the destroyed train.
While up in the sky, three Na’vi mounting their Ikran are watching for an upcoming enemy as that was their given task. But one skxawng decided to join the ground team.
"Bro, Y/N, we have to get down there!"
"No way! Dad will skin us!" Neteyam defended.
Followed by you, who then flew next to him, shielding the ground for Lo’ak to not do what he was supposed to do. "Lo'ak, that is not our mission!" You shouted.
"Come on, don’t be a wuss!"
"Lo’ak!" You exclaimed shielding his Ikran but it simply pass trough you, you then glanced at Neteyam signaling to not follow Lo’ak but before you could stop him.
He's already following Lo’ak.
"You two! Get back- Ugh!" You exclaimed, following as well and landing next to their Ikran, telling them once again to get back to their Ikran.
But Lo'ak, being the skxawng he is, only ignored you. Neteyam, on the other hand, gave you a sidelong glance and said, "Do not worry; I will fetch him. Go back"
You clenched your teeth only to sigh when Neteyam assured you that he would handle it.
"Be careful, okay?" You said this while remounting your now-flying Ikran. And once you make it to the sky, your gut suddenly starts acting up, telling you something bad will happen.
You wanted to call them through the radio to go back now, but when you spotted an Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson, You immediately called Jake to notify him.
"9 o'clock, on the left. Incoming!" You yelled, flying away to safety as it fired a missile on the ground while dodging the bullet that was now aimed at you.
Although you dodge some of them, but, before the ground team fired the rocket launcher on the Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson, a bullet hit you on the side of your shoulder.
Even if it only dashed your skin, it still hurt, and seeing the blood start to flow, you lost control of your ikran as he too felt what you felt.
"Y/N!" Neytiri, seeing your Ikran go down with you in it, immediately flew toward you, but before she could grab you, your Ikran hit the tree, and with that force, it sent you flying.
Even though you were prepared to embrace the pain of slamming your side against a tree trunk, the pain was too much for you, and you gritted your teeth, letting out a painful sound. Embracing another impact as your now falling, but this time Neytiri caught you.
Neytiri had a scared look on her face when she saw your situation: your side was bruised because of the tree trunk, and your shoulder had a gush of bullet and blood still flowing from it.
And now, with your weak eyes staring at her, it made her panic more. "No, no! You need to stay strong! Don’t sleep."
"I-I won't, Ms. Sully; this is nothing." You tried to say it while grunting and reassuring her. smiling weakly as you said this.
Back at home, Tuk was simply playing with the toy, waiting for her parents and brothers, Y/N to come back, and when she heard the horn, she immediately ran home, announcing it to Kiri and Spider.
"Kiri, spider, the war party is coming back. Come on, come on!"
While the three sprint to where the war party is. Just outside two Ikran landed safely at the edge of the rock. followed by two more, of whom the other was guiding the stumbling Ikran and worried that the Na’vi girl would lose her consciousness.
Thankfully, she didn’t and landed safely next to Lo’ak.
"Mom, Mom!" Tuk, who sprints over to Neytiri, simply returns the hug, assuring her that she's still there, while gently pushing Tuk to the side.
Jogging to the stumbling girl as she got off her Ikran.
"What happen?" Lo'ak, who saw your horrible shape, had worry plastered on his face.
"This is nothing-" You tried to say, Only you didn’t get to continue as Neytiri hissed at you. "This is not nothing," she grumbled, gently tagging you to where Kiri is.
Who was now checking Neteyam, and when she spotted you, she immediately went to you and asked what happened.
Jake finally saw what you looked like; he didn’t hide his glaring look from his two sons, who only lowered their gaze at the same time they were eyeing you in an apology.
"Kiri, go help your grandma with the wounded. Take Y/N with you, please?"
"My brother is also wounded," Kiri tried to point out.
But Jake simply told her once more, telling her and Tuk to go take care of the other wounded with you in them. You and Neteyam tried to speak, but Jake simply brushed you away.
Nodding at him, you joined Kiri and Tuk, who were now helping you with your stumbling walk. And when you are far away, Jake begins his scolding.
"You’re supposed to be spotters; you spot bogies and you call them in from the distance! All I heard is Y/N Where are you two?! huh?" Jake then continued telling them their mistake and how they almost killed you in the process.
"What happen if Y/N didn’t make it-"
"Jake!" Neytiri interjected, urging him not to continue speaking as the memory flashed back to her, and Jake quickly apologized.
"Sir, I-i take full responsible. I told Y/N to go back- I-"
"No, you don't." Jake cut off Neteyam's words: "That’s right, because you’re the oldest. You gonna act like it! But no, it’s the other way around!"
"My Jake, your son, is also bleeding." Neytiri only looked at Jake.
"Mother Its-it’s fine…" Neteyam tried to say, but Jake already told him to patch up at the same time Jake told his mate to check you as you got more injury.
"Come on, dismiss."
Before Neytiri walk away with Neteyam on her side, she made a side glance with Lo’ak eyeing him to not cost anymore trouble.
"Do you understand that you almost got your brother and Y/N killed?"
"yes sir"
Jake eyed him for a minute, deciding what to punish him for: "You’re grounded; no flying for a month." continuing how he will confiscate his Ikran, followed by the word
"All of it!"
"Yes sir"
"Get that crap out of your face."
After getting patched up, get stitches from Mo’at. grunting in pain as she continues to rub the medicine on your wound spot. hissing at Neteyam, who was chuckling at your pain situation.
Only for you to return the laugh when it was his turn.
Lo'ak can't help but roll his eyes as he watches you two; what's more, 'Why is she always close to him?' in simply way, he moved you away telling you that there's more medicine left.
"There is!" you exclaimed, crossing your arms as you didn't want any more Mo'at medicine.
"Huh!" Neteyman mocked you when you were about to hiss at him Lo'ak made his way in front of you, taking the medicine from Kiri's hand, who simply rolled her eyes.
Making another one for Neteyam
"This stings less."
"What do you mean it sting les- Ow!" You exclaimed.
"Now you're just acting," Lo'ak joked, but he quickly shut up when you eyed him, and that eye look is something he still can't get used to.
Neteyam, who was watching your two interactions, went silent for a minute only to express his pain again as Mo'at pasted the medicine on his back.
"Soon, my boy. Wait patiently," Mo'at whispered. which confuses him. Tuk on the side only giggled.
Kiri, who was kneeling next to Mo'at, already knew why these two were acting so strangely. and as she gave you a glance, her thought was, 'She's too focused on the sky people that she didn't even notice these two Skxawng'
Just outside the house, Neytiri was walking back and forth with a worried expression on her face, and she cast a glance at Jake, who was simply upgrading his gun.
Jake, sensing his mate looking at him, simply asks, "what?" word. And when she told him that he was very hard on his two sons, Jake simply told her the truth about being the father; what's more, he got scared as he almost lost both of them.
"What about Y/N? she almost died."
"I know, she too…" Jake mumbled, and once he glanced back at Neytiri, whose fear was visible in her eyes.
"My Jake, As I keep looking at her, my mind goes to her almost dying self. I saw my sister in her eyes!" Neytiri expressed her fear by whispering this to Jake.
They won’t lie when they said that they choices you to be the tsahik that is a good candidate to Neteyam and even know it still there… added that you're now one of them, and when Jake saw his mate like this. He knows what to do.
"Don’t worry, she will be safe."
Part 2 is up! - ✧Visionary
Ps: Don't forgot to re-blog and heart! thankeee~!!
Question: How's the story?
Other One-shot's
✧ Encounter /// ✧Sightseeing
Do check this out if you have some spare time: Some books of mine
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