trahns · 2 years
jesse wished he could do an eye roll with his whole body,   but for now a normal eye roll would do.   he’d place hot chocolate in front of seki while she sat on the couch next to the sofa      :      which he himself was getting ready to lounge on.    winter    ...   one of the weirdest times of the year.    it was either awesome    ....    or it fucking sucked.    it basically all depended on christmas,   that or how much snow you had to shovel out of your front yard.      ❛       get used to it,   unless you wanna freeze.       ❜       he’d laugh to himself a little,    taking out a cigarette pack and fumbling to get it the own cigarette out.       ❛       you could call that cop to try to convince him to give you your car back.   you two seem to be close.       ❜       an obvious distastefulness as he mentioned the officer’s existence.   he was never too big of a fan of cops             and he couldn’t believe sekiko was friends with one!    he finally got it out of the pack     :      and did what you do with any cigarette...     and smoked it.
❛ being stuck inside with you all day is my worst nightmare. ❜ / sekiko and jesse as WELL! im sorry shes so mean       /      @bondedtrauma
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akutcu · 2 years
💰 / seki and rui - lin!
💰 after they were mugged
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    “       hmm... " Rui-lin stood in front of the shop owner, patting each of his robes pockets one by one in search of the pouch he used to keep each and every coin he had to his name- an amount that was just enough to get them through he next month (with a bit leftover he intended to spend at that moment on a few treats for everyone to enjoy). but it was NOWHERE to be found. 
   “      strange. it was with me when I left this morning... I used it several times at the open market- ah, perhaps it fell out of my pocket when that troubled young man bumped into me...“ yes, that HAD to be it. 
   “     could you hold these for me? I’ll return as soon as I’ve found it. “ it shouldn’t take long. 
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magickedhat · 2 years
Send me a “ 👐 “ for your muse to put their cold hands on my muse’s face.
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@bondedtrauma asked: 🤲 / from seki!!!!
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the betrayal! the insolence! the audacity, even! by all accounts, wren could not believe this, even as the freezing evidence of it lay on their cheeks. shaking their head, wren scrunched up their face comically, failing to keep their smile from their lips even as their face suffered terribly.
"no! hands off the merch, especially during holiday season --- hell, dude, you're straight-up freezing!"
think fast. wren scooped up a handfull of snow from a nearby bench, only to fling it at the other in one swift motion. with that distraction, wren scooted away, their grin a complete contrast to the bleak weather. "if you're gonna play dirty, so am i."
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dis--parity · 2 years
cattell 16 factor test results.
I got tagged twice so I‘m doing this for 2 random muses!
Tagged by: @fckhacks​​ @bondedtrauma​ Tagging: steal it from me tbh
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Warmth ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Intellect ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 34% Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Liveliness |||||||||||||||||| 54% Dutifulness ||||||||| 22% Social Assertiveness ||||||||| 30% Sensitivity ||||||||||||||| 50% Paranoia |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78% Abstractness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Introversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Anxiety ||||||||||||||| 42% Openmindedness ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Independence ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Perfectionism ||||||||||||||| 46% Tension |||||||||||| 38%
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Warmth |||||||||||| 34% Intellect ||||||||||||||| 46% Emotional Stability |||||||||||| 38% Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 78% Liveliness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 82% Dutifulness |||||| 18% Social Assertiveness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86% Sensitivity ||||||||||||||| 46% Paranoia |||||||||||||||||| 58% Abstractness |||||||||||||||||| 54% Introversion ||||||||||||||||||||| 66% Anxiety ||||||||||||||||||||| 70% Openmindedness ||||||||||||||| 46% Independence |||||||||||| 38% Perfectionism ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Tension |||||||||||| 38%
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destinydefied · 3 years
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❛ have you ever lost someone? ❜
               @bondedtrauma​.  /  from here.  /  accepting.
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byleth feels his eyes go  wide  ,  the pen in his hand nearly  cracking  with the force of his grip.  loss is a beast not so  unfamiliar  to him  ,  after all  ,  &  she loves to rear her head from time to time  ,  sink teeth into his not yet healed wounds  ,  rip them open  &  make him  bleed  ,  threaten to kill him with the pain.
but he survives.  he  must  ,  after all  ,  for those who are still here. 
‘ of course i have.  who hasn’t ?? ’ 
he forces his voice to remain smooth  &  even  ,  it doesn’t do anyone any good for him to betray his emotions here  ,  lay his soul bare to a near  stranger  .  it’s more than just  bothering  her  ,  a stranger has no right to his life story. 
‘ loss, i believe, is the one true human experience.  the loss of the things we love, that kind of pain unites everyone, whether they believe it or not. ’ 
calmly  ,  he sets the pen on the table  ,  lifting his eyes to meet hers  ,  expression neutral as ever. 
‘ and what about you ??  have you lost anyone ?? ’
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crimedealt-a · 3 years
@bondedtrauma​ — ❰❰ MEDIC ❱❱ for elli and seventeen if that’s ok! 𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛—𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙡𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙩, no longer accepting
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one, two ... no, definitely more. she feels them in her arm, the burning bullets buried beneath synthetic skin and muscle. torn. but somehow, she’s thankful, all the blood that covers it all plus the darkening night. back remains rested upon brick wall, blurred eye sight — fuck, she definitely passed out from the blood loss, integrated commands within her body to keep her alive ... luckily, this alleyway seemed to be enough. muffled noises slowly become clear and soon, she acknowledges a faint rustle beside her, hazelnut hues slowly rolling to her side as she sees steady hands at work. white gauze soaking up the crimson.  ❛  who ... what are you doing?  ❜  tone of voice soft, words ever so slightly slurred. she remains dazed, regaining feeling in her body but the pain had yet to kick in. the faint sirens ... ah, finally had finally found the bodies two blocks away. well, she had done them a favour. stray gangs in illusione territory. a hand lifts, then grasps the other’s wrist in the middle of tying the last bandage.  ❛  please, help me get out of here.  ❜
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kllsworn · 3 years
@bondedtrauma​  🔪 Starter !
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The Killer almost screeched in excstacy at the prospect of another kill tonight. He had just finished up with some other idiot stumbling down the alleyways, only for HER to run into the corpse. Two birds with one stone!
    With a flick of his scythe, he splattered the wall with blood that had beend clinging to the blade, only for the weapon to come facing her in a show murderous thrill. 
           “ Maybe you’re faster than this fucker, come on.                  TRY TO RUN! I will give ya three seconds. “ 
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trahns · 2 years
peter smiled at her,   a brightness twinging in his eyes.   there was always something bright in them     :     even in moments like these when he was lying.   hey!   it’s not like he could help it    ...    identity of spider-man must be kept a secret!   if he had a choice,   he’d tell the truth.   the bruise on his eye was stupidly apparent so it wasn’t like he could hide it either.        ❛       oh,   you know..       ❜      an innocent shrug,       ❛       ballin’.       ❜
“Where did you get those?” / seki and peter!         /          @bondedtrauma​
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akutcu · 2 years
😬 / cho and elli!
😬 trying to hide a wound  
   STREAKS of bloodied water flowed down the sink from the cluster of scratch marks coating both of Cho's forearms. normally she would hurry home to take care of something so UGLY in private, but she only had a few minutes before her lunch was over and she had to return to work. there was no time for her to change, or get some bandages... or recover from the embarrassment she felt after that woman made such a scene.
   at least she chose the right place to take temporary refuge- it was quiet ENOUGH since there was no one around for the moment. the calm was just what she needed to blow off a bit of steam.
   once the water ran clear she moved her arms looked up to the mirror to deal with the other signs of disarray. there wasn’t anything that could be done about the tear in her skirt... but the RED etched across her face- “     I can’t go back like this...! fuck! “ Cho SPLASHED cool water on her face in an attempt to numb the stinging pain and freeze the skin into returning to its normal color. but every time she looked back to the mirror she saw the same unsightly vision. “      that stupid bitch... now I’m going to be in trouble again... the hell do I do?? she’s going to pay double for this.. “  
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    too tightly BOUND by her own anger, she didn’t realize she wasn’t alone anymore until she saw another reflection in the mirror. after a brief moment of PANIC, she quickly pulled her sweater sleeves back down over her still damp arms. 
    “      ah! haha... I’m sorry you had to hear that! ” 
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calamityshrine · 3 years
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@bondedtrauma​ asked:  “ is this reality? “ / sekiko and seiko!  ✰ meme  ✰ ask
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      — seiko answered.
Could this be reality? She’s been asking herself the same question ever since she had been shaken awake in these halls. This place was twisted and warped, the constant changing hallways and collapsing floor making the whole experience feel like a horrible fever dream. This has to be some elaborate prank, right? Stuff like this doesn’t happen in real life — it’s only for silly reality tv and horror movies. 
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     “ I don’t think we are dreaming — ”     the sentence doesn’t sit well with her the longer it hangs in the air. She doesn’t want to acknowledge the gravity of the situation in fear of the response it might provoke, so she speaks again, voice chipper and happy as ever,     “ Think of it this way, when we get home, we are going to have one heck of a spooky story to tell everyone! I’ve never been one for telling scary stories but maybe I should start! ”     she gives her most genuine, hearty, full-bodied laugh.
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Starter ⮕ @bondedtrauma​
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❛❛  Elli, you made it! Ahh, can I get you a drink or something?  ❜❜ Alexa grinned after opening the door for her friend. She thought the other would like to join the party so of course she had to invite her.
❛❛  Some of us are already playing games and if you’re hungry, we have a lot to choose from!  ❜❜
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destinydefied · 3 years
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❛ nope, puppy dog eyes aren’t going to work this time! ❜
               @bondedtrauma​.  /  from here.  /  accepting.
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‘ you sure they won’t ?? ’ 
alphonse leans with his hands on the counter  ,  lower lip jutted out into the  perfect  image of a pout  ,  head even tilted just so.  if it were  busier  ,  he wouldn’t bother her so much.  but it’s quiet  ,  he’s sure the bad weather is keeping most people away  ,  which makes this the  perfect  time to break out the puppy dog eyes  &  pester  her. 
‘ c’mon, at least let me get you a coffee or something. ’ 
he comes here more often now  ,  it’s a quiet place to look around  ,  sometimes get lost in.  his brother would probably complain that he spends far too much money on books  ,  but he comes for the  atmosphere  more than anything else.  for now  ,  he eases up on the pouting just a  little  bit  ,  letting out a sigh  &  placing one hand on his hip.  he is  nothing  if not determined  ,  after all  ,  perhaps  annoyingly  so in this situation.
‘ it’s the least i can do since you covered my book last time. ’
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ultimepoca · 3 years
@bondedtrauma​ liked for a starter! ( for elli )
     Manicured fingers float over bookshelves and book spines, scanning the titles as Leo goes along. She can’t find anything that peaks her interest, having read far too many books in her life. Of course, that doesn’t stop her from looking for anything new that might be a good read. Humans come up with stories all the time- though most of them fall into the same cliches. All she wants is one book that doesn’t bore her to death.
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     “Miss,” Leo approaches the sole employee she can see in the store, “Do you have any book recommendations, perhaps?”
     She reminds herself to be a bit less... intense. It’s a day in her masculine form and she understands how hesitant women can be when it comes to overly eager and friendly men- even if her masculine form is still rather feminine by most standards. Leo stands a reasonable distance away and waits.
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hikoutei · 3 years
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@bondedtrauma​ asked :  [ PATCH ] :  for  your  muse  to  help  mine  with  an  injury / seki and yami!
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     “You look like absolute shit.” Even as he says it, he’s placing down a box of bandages and a few types of drinks. Water, coffee, hot chocolate and soda. The bandages are hello kitty, the cheapest he could find. “Now face me so I can see the damn injury. It’s no good to hide away from me when I know you’re injured.”
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altsmultimuse · 3 years
Closed starter for @bondedtrauma​.
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     "O-Oh. Uh... Good doggy." The pugs jumping at him has obviously rattled him. He just washed these jeans and there's no telling where the dogs have been. He CAN'T be mean to animals though, and they are pretty darn cute. Jun stands there, reluctant to pet the dogs, but now it would be too awkward if he just walked away. Say something. Anything, Jun.      "Wow, their butts are so wiggly."      True, but what is he, five?
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trahns · 2 years
being a cop came with it’s sacrifices.    sacrifices such as getting punched or hurt in som way everytime he had to do his job.   he had been called because there was a robbery at the store,   and even though the guy tried to shoot him   ....    the gun wasn’t loaded.   so instead,   leon got a    FWACK    to the face with the other guy’s gun.   leon handled the situation,   but damn,   his face hurt and was bruised from the hit.
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there’s a pause.       ❛       sure,    you should see him in jail.       ❜
“Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?” / elli and leon!      /       @bondedtrauma​
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