#bonk. somethin short and sweet :3
milkteamoon · 11 months
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
“Wait, so you don’t...?” Martin begins, and Jon can feel himself physically cringe in anticipation to— to— to what? To Martin saying he’s weird? For Martin to laugh and say yeah right, because who the hell doesn’t get that? C’mon Jon, that’s basic stuff. Be serious. But then he looks up, and Martin’s not grinning at him. He doesn’t burst out laughing like he had before, nor does he roll his eyes and shake his head. He just sits there, mouth formed into a silent “oh” shape as if he’s just made a significant discovery, as if some puzzle he’s been working on has finally clicked into place. Martin looks up, meets Jon’s gaze with his wide, hypnotically brown eyes (they really are quite pretty, Jon’s noticed as they’ve spent more time together, much darker than his own and perfectly shaped to fit his face) and then he leans across the table. “Um, Jon,” Martin begins softly, as if the empty cafe could be listening in on them, “you don’t have to tell me this if I’m overstepping here obviously, but...is this like...an ace thing?”
Jon's quite used to being left out of secrets, it's just this particular one that really gets to him.
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