#bonus points if u can guess why he’s named Edward
unitedstates0fdakota · 9 months
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Heyo I’m Dakota :3 I talk and talk and write and talk and sometimes draw but mostly talk. I have a lot of interests that I post about (obviously some more than others but alas) that’s all on here, along with a link to my Twitter, AO3, and a dumb YouTube playlist.
I’ve written a play, a lot of poetry, and of course some good ol fan fiction (not all of it is finished but…one day…) the play isn’t published or anything but If you’re ever curious you can DM me for a link to it or something lol
I’m not very good at consistently responding to messages/messaging consistently in general but that’s just a personal issue there is no friendship decay over here ever just message me if you wanna chat and I’ll chat back as best as I can o7
Uhhh that’s about it I guess. I have a lot of knowledge, experience, and stories about things that aren’t interesting to a majority of people. My parents are theater kids. I have a copy of fight club that I have annotated for pastoral imagery. I can’t think unless I imagine, like, 6 different people in my head discussing things. One time a cowboy tried to kill me in a different state cuz he didn’t like my vibes. I used to eat fertilizer as a child. I have a stuffed rabbit named Edward that I carry around with me a lot. I pick up worms from the sidewalk on sunny days right after it rains. I met Jerma one time. Despite some good efforts from a few different people, I’m alive and I think that’s pretty neat. Maybe I won’t be later, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Here’s a photo of Edward. He is well loved. I am also well loved. That’s all :)
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bwicblog · 7 years
It's summer, and that means blockbuster season has officially hit! The latest in troll Star Wars (The Second in the Trilogy of the Story In Which A Young Troll Fights a False Empire to Restore The Old Republic) now has a date. The sequel to the prize-winning Aquatic Horrorterrors Ascend to Consume the Planet and are Valiantly Fought by Mechanical Hoofbeasts has just been released. The Fleetside Entertainer’s Guild is hard at work to entertain the masses, but there's been an error this half-sweep. The latest piece of not one, but two major rainbow-drinker franchises have just been released, and the planet is going absolutely mad.
Every theatre, minor and major, is featuring JOURNALS OF AN IMMORTAL ANCESTRAL RAINBOWDRINKER, or the latest TROLL TWILIGHT. Every news network is covering them. Social media is filled with brawls between TEAM LESTAT and TEAM EDWARD, and worse yet, every FLARPing convention is suffering from a sudden surplus of players sporting fake fangs and jade. Have your trolls been caught up in the chaos? Do they have opinions, or are they just waiting for the madness to end?
 ID: quick someone fill me in on what a lestat is.
SA: a character of significant rainbow drinker fiction.
ID: and why people are fucking fighting over it- oh.
SA: hadean did you know google can be your friend too.
SA: because it can.
SA: just as it is my friend.
SA: 😃
ID: pris i could smack your smartmouth off of you sometimes. =:P
WC: ~(He's a drinker who's not quite up to the times) WC: ~(Really quite handsome~!)
ID: it's called starting a conversation.
SA: ❤
SA: Oh, do you read the series, WC?
WC: ~(And then Edward is uh) WC: ~(Creepy ^^)
ID: is edward his mate or.
ID: his kismesis maybe?
WC: ~(I've seen the movies, but I don't have much time to read I'm afraid ono)
WC: ~(No, Edward is a different series entirely)
ID: how many rainbowdrinker series do we need. =:I
WC: ~(Though the author of Lestat's saga keeps having people culled for writing stories about it)
SA: until everyone has their unsettling fly by night romances fulfilled.
ID: hahahah woowwww.
SA: that's horrific.
WC: ~(Come to think of it I think she may have also joined the church........)
WC: ~(A sad end to a good looking drinker story (─n─) )
SA: they... joined the church...
WC: ~(Uh huh)
WC: ~(It was weird)
ID: figures.
ID: you'd think rainbowdrinkers would be considered overplayed by now.
WC: ~(And then the Edward series author is also kind of insane) WC: ~(But at least she doesn't cull people for fanfiction)
SA: Didn't her series inspire 50 shades.
WC: ~(Surprisingly they're not) WC: ~(But then again, they DO tend to be kind of pretty)
SA: oh.
SA: okay.
WC: ~(>-< !!!!!!!)
ID: i mean. they're not all pretty.
SA: i see it is a source of agony for you. Ia pologize.
ID: some of them look like. nosferatu.
WC: ~(Have you ever seen a drinker in a movie that wasn't super hot) WC: ~(People are very biased towards the pretty)
WC: ~(Well, more recent movies) WC: ~(They used to be quite a bit scarier looking!)
ID: i think the older movies depicted them more accurately.
WC: ~(Then everyone wanted the dark and brooding trolls apparently)
WC: ~(Troll Edward also watches people while they sleep) WC: ~(Ugh)
WC: ~(I'd beat someone with a wrench for that.......)
SA: Oh like me.
ID: that's fucking sketchy as fuck.
ID: ...
SA: I assocate with this character already.
SA: I am joking
ID: pris.
SA: it is a joke.
WC: ~(Are you going to watch me while I sleep SA)
ID: oh.
ID: you're a hard one to read sometimes pris.
SA: But not always, and that's just enough for me to not be immensely unsettling 24/7.
SA: No, I will not watch you sleep, WC.
WC: ~(Well, I'll just inform ID we have company then ~u^)
WC: ~(Uh) WC: ~(The not Hadean ID) WC: ~(Man that's still so weird)
ID: ahahah i guess i fit in even wearing em's shirt now. everyone is wearing jade it seems like.
ID: yeah, well. i'm not changing my tag. =:P
WC: ~(Oh, please don't! It's quite nice!)
WC: ~(It just feels weird because ID hates being called by his name so he's just ID)
SA: what a strange thing to be bothered by.
SA: 😦
ID: oh. well, my name rocks so. call me by it all you want.
WC: ~(It just takes some getting used to)
SA: yes. if you want bonus points, make sure you call him professor hadeon.
WC: ~(Your name does rock, I agree)
WC: ~(Professor?)
SA: much like gliese is the dean of clown university.
WC: ~(Oh my god what)
ID: hahahah here we go.
SA: I have orange juice and i have never been better right now.
WC: ~(Is it orange juice or orange faygo)
SA: it's orange juice because faygo is for plebians.
WC: ~(Because you're sounding like quite the mirthful posterchild)
SA: a yellowblood associating with the cult would be a deathwish.
WC: ~(Faygo is for plebians) WC: ~(I think we're going to get along well ^^)
ID: faygo tastes like plastic and regrets so.
SA: fanta is much better.
WC: ~(It tastes like pure sugar)
WC: ~(Now Tab on the other hand)
ID: the fuck is a fanta.
WC: ~(I take it you haven't seen the commercials)
ID: i don't watch stuff.
SA: They are very catchy.
SA: isn't tab just a knockoff.
WC: ~ (https://youtu.be/F614uU3DsqM?t=14s)
WC: ~(For some reason I could only find one in a different language?)
SA: las fantas son muy divertida.
ID: so that's why you like fanta, huh pris? =:P
SA: No, that's not at all why I like fanta.
WC: ~(Hehe if you say so!) WC: ~(I don't speak whatever language that is I'm afraid)
WC: ~(Fanta is alright, but it's a bit too fruity for me)
SA: strawberry is the best.
SA: also why did you say it like that, Hadean...
ID: it was a joke pris.
SA: are you implying i am attracted to lowbloods in skanty clothes singing about sugary drinks.
SA: if so the answer is yes.
WC: ~(Oh my!)
SA: (the answer is actually no)
WC: ~(Scandalous!)
ID: pffttt.
ID: i don't drink soda. i just drink water.
SA: You could be a fanta singer in your renfaire outfit.
SA: Nothing else? just water?
WC: ~(I did see chainmail bikinis there) WC ~(So anything is possible!)
WC: ~(Chainmail bikinis.......why.........)
ID: ah yes. my dreams of being a face for a soda company will come true.
ID: i mean. water is free.
ID: and i have yet to find a soda river to drink out of.
SA: you can't just... drink river water.
SA: it could have the ecol.i s.
ID: look at me. drinking river water.
ID: and rain barrel water.
SA: I am going to strangle you.
ID: and sometimes puddles.
SA: oh, chainmail bikinis. My favorite is the leia outfit. I see that a lot at inappropriate times.
WC: ~(I wonder what the blueprints for a homebrew water purifier would look like)
WC: ~(Hmmmm)
SA: Hadean >:'(
WC: ~(Well I know what I'm doing tonight, thanks for the idea~)
ID: anytime i guess.
SA: they make tabs for it, too.
ID: when you're thirsty water is water pris.
ID: bugs in it is just. extra protein. =:P
ID: and dirt is minerals!
WC: ~(I suppose there's worse things in the world than dirty water)
WC: ~(Where do you live?)
ID: i travel. so. everywhere.
WC: ~(Oooh exciting!)
WC: ~(I travel too! But not very often. I'm busy a lot!)
WC: ~(What's your favorite place you've been so far?)
ID: uhhh. found a really pretty waterfall once. looked like it came out of a fucking painting. spent a while there, plenty of stuff to eat around there. that was probably my favorite. nice and empty.
WC: ~(Oh that sounds wonderful) WC: ~(Where was it?)
ID: i don't really do maps. so.... way far east.
SA: what is it you do, WC? SA: do you have any photos, Hadean/
WC: ~(Hmmmm) WC: ~(Time to do some exploring next time I'm out there!)
WC: ~(I work with machines)
ID: i dunno, i'd have to look around and get back to you pris. what sort of machines?
WC: ~(Building, blueprints, parts transfer) WC: ~(All that good stuff)
WC: ~(Anything, really. But my pride and joy is my ship. I built it with my own two hands)
SA: A ship?
SA: as in, for water or air or space.
WC: ~(Yep! It runs on steam with a power core backup)
WC: ~(The air)
SA: hmm.
ID: neat.
ID: as long as ti never crashes i mean.
WC: ~(I'd need a lot more material for a spaceship) WC: ~(Plus, there's the issue of working on the oxygen systems) WC: ~(I haven't figured that one out yet)
WC: ~(It's never crashed yet!)
WC: ~(That's how I get from place to place when I'm going far away)
ID: i see. i usually just ride my lusus.
WC: ~(Mine is a bit too ornery to be ridden. She'll throw you right off if she feels like it.) WC: ~(What is your lusus?)
ID: big horned hoofbeast.
WC: ~(!!!)
WC: ~(Cute!)
WC: ~( (˙❀‿❀˙))
ID: he's pretty cute, yeah.
WC: ~(Does he ever do that thing) WC: ~(Where he bumps you with his nose)
SA: do.. domestic animals do that/
WC: ~(Sure!)
WC: ~(All the time!)
WC: ~(It's how they get attention)
ID: when he wants me to scratch him or shit, yeah.
ID: or he'll just rub his head on me.
WC: ~(That's precious and I love your lusus)
WC: ~(SA, are you not around domestic animals often? :( )
SA: Oh, cats sometimes rub their heads on ankles.
SA: No, not really.
WC: ~(My Paintball does that all the time) WC: ~(He'll just rub my legs and sometimes try to trip me) WC: ~(He's adorable)
SA: I want to meet... your lusus, Hadean. Horned hoofbeast is not specific enough.
SA: I wish I could have a cat, but unfortunately.
SA: Is paintball a cat?
WC: ~(Yep~)
ID: well come by and you can meet him. bring him an apple and he'll be your friend forever.
WC: ~(ID and my other friend were covered in paint when they brought him in) WC: ~(And they had apparently been involved in a paintball war and got him out of a tree) WC: ~(So they say ;P) WC: ~(And now he's mine and I love him)
WC: ~(I can send you pictures of mine if you'd like SA)
SA: Oh, right, I'm on my way to pick up your flowers again.
SA: Please do.
SA: I love cats.
ID: sweet. do i get sushi too.
WC: ~(https://gyazo.com/e8c8dd919483d303548908110ca0d8d9)
WC: ~(Lookit!)
SA: I need six.
SA: yes, i will bring you a sushi plate.
WC: ~(If I see any kitten adoption boxes, I'll tell you!)
SA: thank you.
RS: | Oh | Are You Delivering Sushi | ? | =:P |
SA: to Hadean, yes.
SA: Oh, i left his bouqet on your patio. I apologize.
ID: i'm probably gonna clear out of this hotel room soon pris, so. we can meet up somewhere.
RS: | Oh | That's Fine | I Saw | and Put It In Water | So | RS: | They should be Healthy Enough |
SA: thank you, Pheres.
SA: Where will we meet?
ID: where ever you want pris, name the place and i'll probably find it.
SA: mmm...
SA: Let's meet near the blue section of the fair. There is lemonade I would like to try before I go.
SA: I will see you soon then?
ID: got it, lemonade at the blue circle. try not to fall asleep. =:P
SA: I am wide awake for once, thankfully.
SA: ! here is my daily exclaimation point to prove it.
ID: well damn, can't argue that logic.
ID: sushi is weird. edible, but weird.
SA: it helps if you put soy sauce on the one with just salmon and rice.
SA: hello I'm back at my hotel
DD: wait are you putting soy sauce on sushi or just rice salmon DD: because i love sushi but ive never really had a chance to try it above water and its a little hard to find it around here now that im in the desert! DD: and i guess before i mostly ate it underwater and you can imagine how trying to put a liquid condiment on anything works in that context!
DD: besides soy sauce is salty and the ocean is already all about that
ID: ....uh yeah it's sushi. why are you in the desert. that seems like the worst place for a fish.
SA: sashimi, I believe. I'm sorry you aren't able to get it where you are. Maybe if you find a city?
ID: what the fuck is sashimi.
SA: soy sauce has flabor
RS: | Fish | ! |
DD: im in a city! DD: or i guess its more like a town because i guess its pretty quaint DD: im not sure how big cities have to be but there arent even any sky scrapers here!
RS: | | I Assume | ? | =:? |
SA: no, I'm stupid. It's nigiri 🍣
DD: and the ocean has flavor too but i guess the flavor is mostly called fish excrement which sounds a lot less appealing than soy sauce
ID: what the fuck is a nigiri.
DD: though i guess i dont know what soy sauce is made of either
SA: 🍣 the little fish slices with rice on the platter I brought you
ID: ...hah. soy sauce is made out of. soy?
DD: thats called nigiri yes!
DD: soy what though?? DD: like those little cubes of fake meat i heard those are soy too
SA: a big city would be much better for fish, yes. You should try to find a port. That would be the best place.
DD: though i dont see why you would want fake meat when you can just have some nice fish
ID: so they. all have their own name? that seems confusing.
DD: i thought i was going to be in a port!!! DD: its CALLED port mina
SA: yes. Sashimi is just fish. Fresh. Nigiri is fresh fish sliced with rice.
DD: but its just desert everywhere!
ID: heyyy port port.
SA: sushi is. Sushi
SA; why do you keep calling it port port...
DD: and SA thats like saying sandwiches are sandwiches!
SA: that sounds. Horrid
DD: like sure theyre all sandwiches but its not like a fish salad sandwich is the same as a cheeseburger!
ID: mina means port or whatever.
ID: so the name means port port.
DD: wait really? DD: i thought it was like
DD: mina meenah condesce
ID: i don't know. i think i remembered right.
DD: and maybe they just didnt know how to spell
ID: i mean. why would you name a lowblood town after the condesce.
II: To honor her, presumably.
II: But perhaps it's just a coincidence.
DD: well its not really entirely a lowblood town! DD: i just met up with the nicest blueblood banker they complimented my bow! DD: and yes of course theres no need to restrict honoring our lovely sovereign to specific castes!
DD: regardless i will be one very happy travelor if i find myself some sushi as unlikely as that is! DD: i miss eel
DD: eel is the best
II: ...goodness, I just looked up that town, what on Alternia are you doing in the desert, sovereign?
DD: especially acid-fried
II: Are you lost?
ID: congrats you met the most boring of the three bluebloods there i think.
DD: ... do you think i could order some of that to go?
DD: do they deliver to deserts?
ID: assume probably not.
II: Haha! I don't think anyone delivers that far.
DD: and of course im not lost! DD: im on vacation exactly where i need to be! DD: a working vacation i guess haha because im still working but regardless its all very sanctioned and work-related
DD: just some company troubles is all
DD: and oh really?
DD: ... not even if you pay them a lot?
ID: ...what are you working on in a lowblood town.
DD: i gave myself cravings 😢
II: Oh, well. That makes sense. But it does seem potentially bad for your health.
II: I hope you don't dry out.
ID: and i mean. they can try but by the time they get to you it'd be gross probs.
DD: fancy, fancy things that i cant tell you about for reasons related to nondisclosure agreements and also the integrity of my company! DD: but mostly starship things
DD: theres a helmstraining facility out here!
DD: theyre very helpful in that regard
ID: yeahhh there sure is.
II: Oh, a helm facility? Fascinating.
SA: helmstraining facility... in port Mina.
SA: unpleasant.
II: Oh, I see now. Station 11, is that right?
DD: well no not strictly in the city but the city (town??) is the closest place to
DD: yes station 11!!!
RS: | Oh | Don't Say That | Haha | RS: | Ah | We've got People Who Work There on Here | RS: | They would be | Distressed |
DD: the closest place to station 11 with you know beds and showers and things like that
ID: don't fret about it pris.
ID: i think the station mostly keeps to itself.
DD: and oh dear why is that unpleasant? DD: much more pleasant than requiring the poor locals to travel all the way out to where *Ii usually live!!
SA: I'm not fretting but after what Gliese said about the area I am surprised there would be one there.
SA: I am only concerned about the imperial hunters.
SA: and they are preoccupied right now.
ID: it's why gliese is there pris. now hush up.
DD: um!
DD: the what now?
SA: 🤷‍♀️ nothing
II: Imperial hunters? What, like legislacerators?
DD: wow that is all very suspicious
ID: the folks he works for sometimes, chillax.
DD: but also in that kind of edgy way people our age use when they want to be cool
SA: I don't want to he cool, thank you.
DD: so i will go ahead and buy in and i assure you im very impressed!!
II: Oh, don't be unkind, DD.
II: I'd say we don't have enough information to assume that.
DD: im not being unkind! DD: ... a little bit too forward maybe! DD: my apologies i was being entirely sincere!
SA: 🙄
II: Conclusions without cause and all.
ID: pris finds stuff, it's his job.
II: I for one am intrigued.
DD: thats a very generalized job description? DD: what kinds of things do you find? DD: lost items? DD: items that are lost after you find them? DD: fears?
DD: i read the most interesting story once about a psionic
ID: whatever he gets paid to find, duh.
DD: her powers were that she could find anything! and of course the writer write the trickiest plot twist DD: she eventually defeated her greatest enemy by finding his greatest fear!
SA: people, usually.
II: ...That sounds more like an empath's ability.
DD: and oh alright thats sensical of course i was just trying to inject some DRAMA into it
SA: yes. Much more empathetic
DD: well she could find items too!
SA: empaths can also detect an emotion attached to an item
ID: op main character please nerf.
II: I don't think this person had much experience of actual psiionics, abilities don't often intersect like that.
SA: 🤷‍♀️ sounds op to me 😂
DD: well i suppose so DD: i believe the writer was jade DD: i dont suppose they get out much to see anybody when theyve got all those cavern duties and such!
DD: and what does that mean SA?
II: Overpowered.
DD: the emotions i mean!
ID: typical highbloods writing about junk they know nothing about.
ID: uh.
DD: er
II: Oh, I think SA is amused.
ID: team edward or team lestat.
DD: no i mean
DD: oh goodness this chat moves quickly
DD: what does it mean that items have emotions attached to them?
SA: yes. I'm amused.
DD: and also team edward
SA: lets go with that.
DD: definitely edward
II: ...what
DD: also also i dont think a jadeblood really qualifies for a highblood haha
II: What are we even talking about now
RS: | ! | ! | Why Edward | ? |
DD: theyre just barely halfway!
II: Who are these trolls
ID: i'm rust, everything is high. =:P
II: Lestat and Edward
ID: man ii, get with the movies.
II: I'm usually too busy to go to the cinema, alas.
DD: well hes so romantic isnt he rs??? DD: he goes so far to show his dedication to his matesprit and oh
DD: i would love to have a matesprit that loves me that much
DD: sigh
RS: | It is a Delightful Media Chain | II | ! | RS: | Or | Er | Two |
SA: watching them sleep?
DD: (i would also love to have some smoked eel but i suppose we cant always get what we want)
SA: who are we talking about.
RS: | And | Oh | Haha | RS: | Yes | He is Rather Romantic | But | RS: | Isn't Lestat Moreso | ? |
RS: | Consider | His Dedication | ! |
SA: I thought Lestat was an utter prick
DD: to protect them!! DD: and because he just cant keep himself away DD: he is enamored
II: ...that sounds frankly disturbing, is this movie supposed to be a PSA about what to avoid in quadrants?
SA: perhaps.
DD: what no of course not!!!
SA: have you heard of its sequel? Fifty shades?
SA: 😂
DD: have you never considered that a quadrant might need protection??
II: Oh, _that._ I only know it because the firm gossiped about it.
II: It sounds dreadful.
DD: and oh my goodness DD: somebody lent me that book once!
DD: i er
DD: did not expect it to be about that kind of thing!
II: Any quadrant of mine would be quite capable of protecting themselves, without me having to _stare_ at them during the day, goodness.
ID: 50 shades, some dumb little rust gets manipulated to fuck by a highblood. unhealthy as fuck from the reviews i'm reading.
II: Truly atrocious, I agree, ID.
DD: well im sure he wasnt just sitting there staring at them the whole time that sounds awfully boring
RS: | Oh | But | II | ! |
DD: thats not the way its meant to be read and really i think youre extrapolating an awful lot from that scene!
RS: | It's not about |- NEEDING -| to Watch Them throughout the Day |
RS: | It is a Testament to the Strength of His Pity | that He would Choose to Do So |
DD: its about the dedication it takes to
DD: yes!
DD: he loves them!
SA: we found someone more idealistic than me
RS: | It's Really Quite Romantic |
sA: I am so pleased
II: ...It sounds like a frank waste of time and like he doesn't trust them.
II: Which is incredibly troubling.
ID: seems fucking intrusive and creepy to me.
DD: really! DD: you lot are making an awful lot of assumptions about the nature of a relationship especially you II given you havent even read the novel!
RS: | Haha | Well | RS: | Passion often Does Seem Unsettling to the Less Romantic of Us | =:P |
II: At this point I don't think I need to.
II: I am quite romantic!
II: But I think I have rather...different ideals.
ID: i mean i guess, sure. =:P
DD: well i for one would love to have a matesprit that shows that sort of passion and dedication
II: To me, respecting my quadrants' privacy seems a lot more romantic.
SA:I find most of twilights actions to e infantilizing their lover
SA: they cannot possibly help themselves and so forth
RS: | Well | I Mean | RS: | Matespritship is All About Pity | In Reality | to Have Someone fully Manifest the Depths of Those Emotions might be a Bit Overwhelming | RS: | But | In a Story | There is Something Very Touching about the Idea that Someone would be so Over-whelmed by the Pitiableness of their Partner |
DD: have you ever read a pity romance novel sa???
RS: | That They would do Anything for Them |
DD: the point is the pity
RS: | Even Stay Awake all Day | to Watch Them While They Sleep | RS: | Or While They Work | RS: | Admittedly | The Watching Them while He was Meant to be Away was a Bit Excessive |
II: ...if they would do anything for them, why not _show_ them performing some daring act. It sounds like proposing that a law is sound because of its intensity, and not actually trying to prove it based on evidence of its effectiveness.
SA: pitying someone is different form thinking of them as an invalid
RS: | But | He was Feeling Lovelorn | Wasn't That Right | DD | ? |
DD: its not a reflection of the respective relationship members capabilities but rather the depths of the pity they feel for one another
RS: | Oh | He Does | ! |
DD: well they do that too ii!!
II: What happened to showing pity through gifts or affection. My goodness.
SA: if someone treated me that way I would remove them
DD: you all strike me as rather unromantic sorts i am afraid
II: Nonsense!
DD: aside from rs of course
SA: he constantly interferes in her business and then acts like she can't be helped when another individual "enters his turf"
II: On one of my dates, the lovely girl I was accompanied by presented me with a very charming wildlife specimen.
II: It was incredibly sweet!
RS: | Ah | But | Prisma | RS: | What Makes It so Romantic is the Fact She Regularly Offers up the Opportunity for Him to Do So |
RS: | It is a Reciprocated Pity |
DD: alternative interpretation! DD: he helps them when they are struggling and goes out of his way to prove his loyalty in the face of pushy competitors!
RS: | Otherwise | Why | It would Just be Alarming |
DD: and yes also what rs said!
II: But it was of her own volition and not some sort of...I don't even know what to call this, from what I hear about it, some sort of bizarrely compelled dysfunction?
DD: whatever do you mean??
SA: but she wanted nothing to do with him multiple times...
DD: of course the relationship was of both participatnts volitions DD: and sa really if somebody wants nothing to do with another person who is if you recall warning her away then would she really continue returning to him?
DD: this is what i mean by unromantic! DD: its as though you have never flirted before
II: ...this sounds like remarkably inconsistent behavior. Perhaps she is unwell.
DD: what??
DD: its playing hard to get
SA: it sounds like someone who has been entrapped and is completely dependent on their lover
II: That sounds ridiculous.
SA: due to abuse
DD: and showing that despite what you may say at times you are deeply invested in a relationship
DD: what
SA: 😡
II: If you want to be with someone, why would you dance around the issue?
DD: in what way is she entrapped and dependent???????????
II: And pretend otherwise?
DD: because you dont want to look desperate!!
II: It is not desperate to want to be with someone...?
SA: she told him to leave and he came back and got her repeatedly
SA: some people aren't playing hard to get they want to e left alone
II: Indeed, SA is right.
DD: yes and then he left and told her not to follow and she went after him anyways and its called being there for each other
SA: but hard to get is a convenient excuse to keep pursuing them beyond their comfort
II: ...that sounds like ignoring consent, to me.
DD: they save each other many times in this way!!
DD: and you still didnt answer about your entrapment comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SA: if a friend followed me when I told them not to follow I would be upset because it would have jeopardized them
RS: | Oh | Some People Are just Keen to be Left Alone | And That is an Important Thing to Know | But | RS: | You |- DON'T -| want to Look Desperate |
SA: and I clearly was handling it
RS: | That is a Valid Way to Feel | Prisma | But | Oh | Consider | If | Hmm |
II: Certainly, there are times when a moirail or ashen leaf might know better for their partners, but even then, such things ought to be discussed consensually.
RS: | | Someone Says Not to Follow Them | And Then | You Do Not | RS: | And You Discover They have been Greviously Injured | in a Way that Could've been Prevented If Only You had Followed Them |
RS: | Also | They Are Your Matesprit |
II: And particularly in a red(?) relationship, as I assume this to be, it is extremely uncouth to interfere with your partner so.
II: ...that is called life. You can't always be with your matesprit, that would make the relationship hugely uncomfortable. You have to trust them.
ID: okay from what i'm reading this edward is really possessive.
RS: | Mm | ! | But Wouldn't You Wonder | If They had been Saying Do Not Follow Them | RS: | Simply to Look More Pitiable to You | ? |
RS: | Flushed Romance is Mirror to Pale Romance |
RS: | And That is a Classic Trope |
DD: also additionally i think you are greatly overexaggerating her desire to be left alone! DD: she never tells him to leave multiple times she is like maybe kind of miffed one time and then is always very happy to have him present! DD: you are all talking so much about how clearly she wants to be left alone and hates him and are ignoring the fact that its written from her point of view when it is made very clear that she is deeply in love and adores having him around and thinks about him all the time
ID: does the bellae character have other quads?
RS: | She Eventually Becomes Pitch with the Dayshifter |
II: ...if someone told me to not follow them, I would assume they were thinking clearly and not like a cheaply written romance novel.
RS: | After a Long Period of Attempted Red Courtship | in Which She is Torn Between Him and Edward |
ID: and how does. edward react to the blossoming black relationship?
DD: yes except he followed her because his psionic clademember warned him she was in danger not beause he was just randomly following her!!!!
DD: and then he saved her life!!
DD: because he loves her!!
RS: | Oh | He doesn't Care | Why Would He | ? | It's not His Quadrant | RS: | I mean | Eventually | Jakobe does Become Matesprits with Her Descendent Instead | In an Unexpected Twist | RS: | And They are All Three Fully Aware This is what Will Happen |
DD: also for people that are very concerned with the potential lack of consent in this relationship you are doing an awful lot of ignoring of bellaes feelings and all the times she makes it very clear she loves and appreciates edward!
SA: no because I like to believe the people I surround myself with would be willing to tell me the truth of their situation and not trying to pity flirt with me
II: ...did she ASK the psiionic clademember to keep an eye on her.
RS: | So Being Jealous would be Silly |
ID: ...what.
RS: | II | You should Read the Book | ! |
RS: | The Books |
II: ...seconding the what.
RS: | Or | Well | No | That would Take Ages | And I Am Sure You are Very Busy |
RS: | Watch the Films | ! | =:B |
SA: what to what
II: I'm sorry, still a bit hung up over the _descendant_ part. Is Bellae rust?
ID: darn. my lack of speakers would make a movie hard. what a shame.
II: Otherwise how would she have had a descendant around so quickly...
ID: is she? man i'm sick of the simpering rust tropes.
RS: | Bellae is Jade | It is Hard to Realise at Some Points | Given That She Hates the Sunlight |
RS: | But That is How She is Able to be Turned into a Rainbowdrinker in the Last Book |
RS: | You can't Turn a Rust into a Drinker |
RS: | That would be Silly | =:B |
ID: haaah.
II: I didn't know that, Pheres.
II: But how ridiculous.
II: That sounds _full_ of plot holes, if nothing else.
DD: well thats an easy criticism to levy at any work of popular media and honestly at this point it feels like you are just attacking this particular work by making wild assumptions about how and why things in it happened without having read the book
DD: and its kind of hurtful!
DD: and i fell like ive gotten into a mess in terms of first impressions 😦
DD: i dont remember the last time ive felt this unfriendly!
SA: my head hurts.
DD: that is unfortunate have you considered taking any painkillers??
ID: go nap pris.
RS: | Oh | II | I am Afraid We are not Writers | =:( | RS: | So | Ah | It would be Better For You to See For Yourself |
RS: | Or | Read the Summaries Online | ! |
II: ...DD, how experienced are you with chatrooms?
RS: | It is Much Less Alarming than You are Reading It As |
DD: additionally i have heard that certain herbal sinus cleanses and some magnetic treatments work wonders
ID: if you need one. you're at the hotel and all.
DD: and i am not very experienced with chatroom unfortunately ii! DD: why????? that is a very foreboding statement!
II: Ah, well. This sort of thing isn't uncommon. You will often find people who disagree with you, I'm afraid. It isn't personal, usually.
SA: I have to get my things to the station
SA: no, I get headaches for other reasons, DD
SA: anyways
ID: yeah in chatrooms there's no consequences for speaking your mind so. get used to arguments dd.
II: I didn't mean any offense against you. I simply don't like the sound of these narratives.
DD: well then you should maybe read them like rs said i think you have gotten a very misrepresented idea of what the story actually entails!
DD: but oh my goodness im not sure if having bad relationships with people is necessarily the same thing as no consequences!
DD: i would much rather be on good terms with people DD: i suppose i just became quite flustered in this particular case because i have really admired the twilight series for quite a while
II: Bad relationships? I don't think any less of you.
DD: ive always thought it would be very nice to have a matesprit like edward!
II: You just like something different.
DD: and oh in that case i am very happy to hear that
SA: I do primarily because I don't like being called edgy and suspicious
SA: otherwise I don't care
ID: yeah arguments on the chatroom mean little if you don't let them.
DD: in my experience disagreement particularly of the degree of vehemence i achieved breeds dislike so i am glad it did not in this case DD: and in that case sa you have my sincerest apologies!!
DD: i did not mean to be hurtful and simply intended to make a friendly joke but i see now that it was ill aimed and i will refrain from calling you those things in the future!
II: Vehemence? I don't think anyone here felt truly vehement.
RS: | It could be Worse | DD | RS: | You could have Wished for a Matesprit like Jakobe | =:B |
DD: hahaha that is true!
ID: what's wrong with jakobe.
SA: thank you
ID: other than his. flushness for descendants?
DD: well for one thing his propensity for property destruction
DD: and that
DD: also that
DD: well
SA: so everything
DD: i mean it wasnt quite like that
SA: 😄
DD: but really he was being awfully pushy in light of bellaes clear dedication and love to edward!
DD: hes not a particularly awful sort but really he had no right to be placing bellae into that position
ID: i thought someone said she was undecided between them. or was that earlier.
RS: | He is a Skinshifter | Who Lives Out in the Woods | and was Especially Keen to Court Her Quadrant | RS: | Despite Her Clear Affection for Edward | I mean | It is Understandable | in a Certain Light | that She was Tempted Enough to be Curious | ? |
DD: especially while she was mourning the supposed death of her last quadrant!
DD: she was not thinking straight!!
ID: all i'm getting out of this is that this girl wanted to pail mythical creatures. =:I
RS: | Who wouldn't Be | ? | But It is Unkind to Encourage Someone to Pursue That Curiousity | ! |
RS: | Hahaha | Oh | Heavens |
RS: | This is a Perfectly Suitable Book for All Ages | RS: | There is No Fornication | Hadean |
ID: oh okay.
RS: | For Heaven's Sake | It is About |- ROMANCE -| =:P |
DD: well yes id that is part of the allure isnt it?? DD: though with um maybe less coarse language DD: they only kissed in the books!
DD: and yes they ARE romance novels
ID: hey.
ID: 50 shades is supposed to be about romance isn't it.
RS: | Hahaha |- NO -|
RS: | That is a Vicious Lie |
DD: i was under the impression it was meant to be about pailing!
RS: | Exactly | ! |
SA: kink 101 at clown university
II: ...I'm very glad - what
RS: | | | Um |
DD: at least DD: it was DD: after i realized what it was actually about
RS: | Oh My |
DD: 😦
II: I'm sorry, _what_ .
RS: | I would Like to Unenroll From that Class |
DD: um!!!
ID: pris i swear you need to stop bringing that up at the weirdest times.
SA: it applied to fifty shades
II: ...as an honorary church member I suddenly feel rather uncomfortable.
SA: believe me I pick and choose when I say it.
DD: is there a not weird time to bring up something like that???
RS: | I | I don't Think It Does | ? |
DD: because that just seems weird overall!!!
RS: | I do Wonder |
SA: the entirety of fifty shades is poorly constructed relationships around a poor execution of a fetish...
ID: ...ket's switch to the other drinker. lestat.
ID: he looks like a tool.
RS: | Oh | He doesn't | ! |
DD: im afraid i dont know about that one!
DD: oh!
DD: oh goodness
DD: no he looks really very dashing
DD: his hair is lovely ❤
ID: the google images all have him looking like he's trying too hard to seem mysterious and dashing.
RS has attached LESTATISNOBLE.jpeg to the chat!
RS: | Look at That |
RS: | He's not |- TRYING -|
DD: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
ID: his nose is crooked.
DD: it adds character!
RS: | Yes | Isn't It Dashing | ? | It is a Careful Character Flaw | ! |
ID: oh okay so he wasn't recently hit in the face.
II: Mm. He is all right, I suppose.
RS: | It Shows He is Capable of Violence | Yet | Also Capable of Weakness | RS: | Of Being Made Vulnerable by a Greater Foe | ! |
RS: | Also Known As | Deeply Pitiable | =:P |
DD: +^+
ID: hahah he gets wrecked by the other rainbowdrinkers?
DD: oh dear! DD: im certain he doesnt but really even if he does DD: i would find tending to his wounds very agreeable ❤
ID: i like the other rainbowdrinker better of the two.
RS: | Haha | He Does gets Wrecked | If You would Like to Use those Terms | RS: | He is Almost Murdered by His Matesprit at One Point |
RS: | And Fights Frequently with the Rest |
RS: | But It is the Way of Rainbowdrinkers |
RS: | Unfortunately | ! |
ID: i mean if you say so, i bow to your mastery of rainbowdrinkers. =:P
RS: | Haha | I don't Know If I'd call It Mastery | RS: | I've only Ever Read Those Two Series | ! | RS: | Clearly | DD is the True Master of Rainbowdrinkers | Given His | Her | ? | Wide Range of Knowledge | =:B |
DD: !!!
DD: i mean!!
DD: i wouldnt say that DD: i am just very fond of romance novels haha
DD: and the supernatural ones are just
DD: they are even better!!
ID: why are they better?
DD: because they add twist to the dynamics! DD: they tend to be more tragic and dramatic and romantic
ID: i don't get the appeal of a quad that'll eat you.
II: I admit I feel similarly.
RS: | Well | How is a Quadrant Who Could Drink Your Blood | really Any Different from a Normal Quadrant | ? |
II: Ah, by _quite a lot?_
DD: well thats the point isnt it! DD: that they are so dedicated to you the thought would never cross their mind DD: or if it does it is an example of their great love for you that they dedicate their strength and fortitude towards overcoming such desires so that they might be with you because their love is so much more to them!
DD: and yes really its not as though the average troll could not simply kill you as well
II: I wouldn't want a potential quadrant to view me as a meal, thank you.
RS: | Anyone could Cull You | If You let Them in Near Enough | RS: | You just have to Ensure There is Enough Incentive Not To | RS: | Or Else | That They Care About You Sufficiently | that They would Never Dream of It | ! |
DD: and drink your blood i suppose if they were so inclined though i think that would be
DD: weird
RS: | And | Unhygeniec | =:) |
II: Just a _tad_.
ID: i mean most trolls don't have to cull to survive.
ID: like. literally survive off of eating trolls.
RS: | Yes | Most Trolls just Cull for Fun | which is Rather Worse | If You Ask Me |
II: I cull for my job! But usually I am culling trolls who are dangers to others, or who are causing different types of harm by going against Imperial law.
II: I would not cull wantonly; terrible discipline.
ID: that sounds... fun ii.
II: Well, I am a legislacerator!
II: It is my purpose.
ID: huh. neat.
DD: oh my goodness this conversation took a little bit of a dark turn DD: i apologize i was absent because i was looking for more pictures of lestat DD: i wish my hair was that long it looks looooovely DD: but unfortunately both my hair and my horns have recently found themselves quite short!! DD: im afraid my countenance will never recover DD: but! regardless! i do think i rather agree with rs!
II: A dark turn? Not really.
ID: long hair is the best hair, it's true.
II: Long hair is very lovely! I unfortunately would find it inconvenient, though.
II: Too potentially dangerous for my job.
DD: its also rather cumbersome underwater and our lovely sovereigns ability to manage such wondrous locks as hers is impressive as well as beautiful!
ID: braids help everything.
DD: unfortunately i have recently burned off the majority of mine and it is now styled into quite a short cut!
II: A braid is still an opportunity for an enemy to grab it, though, unfortunately, or for it to get caught.
ID: yeah, you gotta not have too sensitive a scalp. Also braid spikes.
II: Braid spikes?
ID: spikes you braid in to the hair.
II: How fascinating!
II: I have never seen such a thing.
II: It sounds potentially useful, but also possibly injurious to the user.
ID: i mean. i make mine with psi when i do it. but i'm sureee they exist in a metal form. maybe.
II: Hm!
II: Still an intriguing concept.
RS: | Oh | Yes | They Do | ! | I've Worn Those on Occasion | rs: | They're Woven into Your Hair | So | Ah | Only Hazardous if You have a Habit of Handling It | Haha |
II: I see!
ID: see, i knew i wasn't crazy.
II: I wouldn't think you were. You seem quite mentally sound.
ID: jury's still out on that one. =:P
II: Haha, well, surely it isn't my place to judge.
II: Perhaps someone who knows you better could give sufficient testament.
ID: uhhh...
SA: oh is no one going to say anything
ID: my sanity is just that inspiring pris.
SA: if only
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