#carrd has more stuff but that’s the gist of it I think
unitedstates0fdakota · 9 months
✨Pinned post✨
Heyo I’m Dakota :3 I talk and talk and write and talk and sometimes draw but mostly talk. I have a lot of interests that I post about (obviously some more than others but alas) that’s all on here, along with a link to my Twitter, AO3, and a dumb YouTube playlist.
I’ve written a play, a lot of poetry, and of course some good ol fan fiction (not all of it is finished but…one day…) the play isn’t published or anything but If you’re ever curious you can DM me for a link to it or something lol
I’m not very good at consistently responding to messages/messaging consistently in general but that’s just a personal issue there is no friendship decay over here ever just message me if you wanna chat and I’ll chat back as best as I can o7
Uhhh that’s about it I guess. I have a lot of knowledge, experience, and stories about things that aren’t interesting to a majority of people. My parents are theater kids. I have a copy of fight club that I have annotated for pastoral imagery. I can’t think unless I imagine, like, 6 different people in my head discussing things. One time a cowboy tried to kill me in a different state cuz he didn’t like my vibes. I used to eat fertilizer as a child. I have a stuffed rabbit named Edward that I carry around with me a lot. I pick up worms from the sidewalk on sunny days right after it rains. I met Jerma one time. Despite some good efforts from a few different people, I’m alive and I think that’s pretty neat. Maybe I won’t be later, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Here’s a photo of Edward. He is well loved. I am also well loved. That’s all :)
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unwri-ten · 2 months
i just looked at your site for comms and i'm like this 'cause it got me scared of you [/POS /POS] ↓
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[i'm being so serious, how do you do the whole making a site thing-]
HI HIII OUBSDFJNFSD- Don't be intimidated!!! I don't bite <333 But yeah, omg sites and stuff- !! Really intimidating when you start out I totally get it, BUTT It's not that difficult once you get the hang of it, 'cause from my experience, that slump mostly comes from just not knowing what to put and the overloady junk ykyk? But anyways, Yeah! I can talk about some things I learned while developing a portfolio website/landing page
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First would be what you want to use it for! For this whole thing I'm just gonna use Weebly and Carrd as samples because they're both free. ANYWAYS, I use two websites for two things, first is a directory that includes almost all the links to my stuff, and the second is my actual main website as a portfolio and professional place to showcase my work to clients and potential employers. The directory is pretty simple since it's just a compilations to links, Carrd is pretty easy to use so I'd recommend this one if you just need one place to put your socials, commission info, and etc.
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I put everything in sections and since I mostly use all of this for work in general, I showcase my work status and my website first and foremost!
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Andd all of this is just links to stuff that might be important, I'd also recommend having navigation buttons on each page that helps with loading back to other part of your website, (beloww)
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and as for my main site, it's a lot more complicated and I'm already babbling way too much in one post so I'll try to condense it pretty quick. Visuals can come later! Focus on what content you want to put in the site first. Usually it's sanctioned into three things: Your Portfolio/shop, a showcase for the services that you offer, and an about-me (I got inspiration from other sites like local brands and their shop websites and art portfolios) (oh and TOS is important too if you're an artist!)
You can of course add and not-add anything you please but that's the generalized gist of it and what worked for me personally. Once you know what to put then you can build up the website bit by bit, I'd recommend weebly for heavier sites like that because not only is it free but unlike carrd, it has no 'element limit'. the only drawback is a footer that advertises weebly on your website, and to me that's not that bad of a con really LOLOL some tips: *I'd recommend putting your best work forward than -all- of your work in a portfolio/gallery. Find what best showcases your talent, quality over quantity! *Find other portfolios/websites that align to what you're looking for, most artists you know prolly have their websites too so it's a good starting point to find inspiration on what to put! *and for actually learning how to use carrd and weebly's interfaces, its a WHOLLEEE other conversation I can't really divulge in without going on a ramble-bam sooo if you have any questions, i dont mind dms! I'd love to help :)) I think advertising and marketing yourself is really important (sometimes even moreso because yk how it is with art as a business), and I already went through the nittygritty of learning this all by myself so I'd love to help anyone that needs it, o7!!!! Hope this helps!!
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drreidsphds · 2 years
💫 my introduction ⚡
Even though I've been on Tumblr for a couple months, I realized I never did an intro so.. I thought it'd be the perfect oppurtunity to do one.
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🌂 about me (gist) 🌦️
Hi guys, my name is Addy but my online alias is astr1nomical, friends call me Astro or as I mentioned, Addy. I go by anything, I don't mind. My preferred pronouns are she/they. I am mainly a Criminal Minds blog, but I do plan to make a multifandom blog.
Multifandom blog: @in-the-night-stars-fly
I also have a House MD blog, @house-md-fandom, go follow it if you wish.
I am also a writer, violist, I create edits, and I'm a writer who enjoys writing fics and making ocs.
🖤 what I mainly post 🎼
Firstly, I'm here on Tumblr because I love all the stuff it has to offer. Secondly, I'm here because I want to share and post stuff for you guys! I mainly post:
• Icons, Banners, Dividers.
(I take reqs for pride icons/banners, matching icons/banners/dividers, or specific season/episode icons/banners/dividers, basically anything.)
• Photos or Moodboards for the CM cast or just the BAU team
Incorrect Criminal Minds quotes/texts
• Edits (Preferably CM themed) Usually I post these on my Tiktok account that is also criminal minds themed. Make sure to DM me your tag so I can tag you or if you want I can send you the link. (My TikTok will be posted later with my other socials)
• My review or opinion on episodes or events or anything criminal minds related (or anything apart of my list of favorite tv shows/movies/games later on)
• Reblogs of literally anything criminal minds related
• Memes or funny shit I find
❤️ what I don't post / what may be added ✨
• Requesting any inaproppiate topics like pedophilia, gore, racial, homophobic or anything shameful or inaproppiate fics for me to write. (I have the right to deny a request for a fic)
• Gifs, although I am considering learning how to make gifs so if you know the process I'd love to know and then I may consider taking requests if I feel comfortable doing it!
• Anything negatively controversial or offensive. I also refrain from posting anything overly graphic. The only time I may *ever* post NSFW stuff is in fan fics, but I only write it minimally.
• I can't think of anything else but if I ever remember something I'll be sure to add it here.
⛅ my other socials 🫶
Discord: astr1nomical#6338
Tiktok: @ bisexualityandthebeast
Pinterest: drreidsphds
Instagram: drreidsphds
🖤 Criminal Minds Discord Server
🤍 If you want to learn more about me, here's my carrd
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twilightprince101 · 5 years
Why I love Yan-Shu Chi/Leopard Cat: A Character Analysis
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While I am fully aware that I don’t need to have a reason to love an F/O and self ship, I still want to explain why exactly I love this boy so much. I still love Likulau and Lin Hu just as much-refer to my carrd, we’re in a poly relationship-but I feel like Shu Chi overall is in a different bag than them.
 I absolutely adore his antics and how cute he looks (I mean look at that face. How can you say no to that face), but what I want to focus on is his actions throughout the game, more specifically: Shu Chi’s self perception and his actions surrounding that. For a while I didn’t know why I loved him so much, but after playing through the game three times now and seeing his actions with full context, I believe I now know where my affection comes from.
(Spoilers for all of Nekojishi. Also to clarify, I’m solely referring to the SFW version, I like to pretend the NSFW version doesn’t exist)
So for anyone who doesn’t care about going through and playing Nekojishi themselves or it’s been a while since you’ve played, here’s the general gist for Shu Chi: From the beginning you are introduced to Leopard Cat as a spirit that is possessing Liao/MC/Your classmate, Yan Shu Chi, doing so in order to try to convince you to help him with repairing his spirit temple. However he does insist that since he is possessing Shu Chi’s body, he has all his memories and should be treated as one and the same, and throughout the game you do.
But if you stick to his route until the end, the truth is revealed: The real Yan Shu Chi is dead, killed by the Leopard Cat spirit you’ve grown to know.
Apparently Leopard Cat is not actually a god, but a devilish yaoguai, born at first like a natural predator, eating people’s souls to survive. With each soul he consumed he gained that one’s intelligence and memories, slowly becoming more intelligent until eating human Shu Chi and quite literally becoming him. The entire time he tried to get close to you was to eat your soul since it was special *obvious hand waving* and needed to eat to survive.
At the end of the game though, you’re able to talk him down and through help from Lin Hu, transform him into a half-god, no longer needing to prey on others in order to live normally, in exchange for continuing to pretend to be Shu Chi for the sake of his friends and family. Blah blah blah, happy ending for everyone!
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So now that his actions have been explained, let’s get into the real meat of this whole thing: Shu Chi’s self perception and overall growth in his ability to trust (for simplicity and epilogue’s sake, I’m going to continue referring to him as Yan Shu Chi).
Now knowing that Shu Chi was putting up an act in order to deceive you, it’s easy to realize that his actions early in the story were just attempts to get close and trick you. His moving in with you, constantly pestering to go on dates, his quirky and pretty boy attitude: all of those are a part of his facade. But as the story progresses, the line between act and true feelings becomes blurry as he is shown true, unconditional kindness.
Around the mid-point in the story, Shu Chi has to move out and go back home to his family, as they don’t agree with his lifestyle and sexuality. Since Shu Chi is still putting up an act, he needs to leave in order to preserve it. But if you bought him the husky hat in his first date, making sure to clean it while keeping his stuff laid out during his absence, you give it to him as he is about to leave, and he’s shocked by this.
Let it be known that, growing up, it was quite literally in his nature to prey on others. He had to in order to survive and it was all he knew, so he couldn’t even fathom the idea of doing things for others and was-in all senses of the word-unable to change. He was never shown kindness as a yaoguai, always hunting and being hunted, hurting others because it was the only thing he knew. Even through the first half of the game he doesn’t see the stuff you do for him as acts of kindness, as he was the one that prompted them in the first place like going to hot springs and having a picnic.
You keeping the husky hat for him is the first time Shu Chi has ever been shown unprompted, unconditional affection. Because of this, self doubt had begun to form and as he turns to leave, he needs to actively hold back tears.
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It’s at this point the cracks begin to show in Shu Chi’s act. For the first time he has been shown kindness and affection, entirely unprompted, without asking for anything in return. He begins to doubt not only his actions, but himself, wondering if any of this is worth it, or if he is even worth it. For a while, he distances himself from you, in hopes of trying to rid himself of these feelings. But those feelings don’t go away, the guilt grows into self-loathing and only gets worse.
Later on during a date in the arcade, Shu Chi says that he will soon have to stop possessing your friend’s body, as his spirit power is slowly fading away to nothing due to his loss of followers and his temple. This is still a lie in his act as Shu Chi, but it isn’t done to prey on you, it’s done to distance himself from you even more, out of fear that he’ll just go on to hurt you down the line. 
But once again Liao does something he doesn’t expect: offers to build him a temple in his room. The underlying rules for gods in this game is that their life force is tied to spirit power, which comes from worship. This worship doesn’t have to be at a temple, but it is stronger there, and as long as one person worships him he will have enough power to stick around. So by Liao/you offering this, you’re giving Shu Chi a chance to live on.
This moment, this moment right here, is the moment that absolutely breaks him. In an attempt to distance himself from you, to get away in an attempt to keep you safe, he is offered a true act of kindness without asking for anything in return. This person he has lied to and plotted against for so long, under the pretense of yet another lie, is willing to help purely for the sake of helping. 
It’s at this point he realizes: He truly does love you, and to him, that is hell.
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His self-loathing spikes as he struggles with all of the guilt that has piled up, and just for a moment his act drops, admitting to you that he does in fact want to stay and be with you. But the fact that he is a yaoguai, that he has to prey on others in order to survive, plagues him. It is unknown if at the start he was comfortable with what he was, but for the rest of the game he is disgusted with himself. “I want to be with you, I want to stay with you, I don’t deserve you, I am a monster.”
Of course, if I’m talking about Shu Chi, there’s one thing I know I have to mention: the bad endings. Throughout Nekojishi there are a handful of bad ends, but for Shu Chi there are mainly two, both following the same order of events. Liao gets hit by a truck, and as he slowly dies, Shu Chi pulls you into a dream where he is your guardian tiger, putting him at ease in his last moments. But while they follow the same events, the context of both of these scenes are drastically different.
For the first one, it is a little before he moves out. Shu Chi lures you into the street on purpose to be hit, pulling you into the dream as a way to lower your guard so he can consume your soul. For the second one though, it is immediately after the arcade scene, after Shu Chi realizes that he wants to be with you, wants your affection. He still lures you into the street to get hit, but he immediately regrets it after, mourning the loss of the only one that cared for him.
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When he pulls you into the dream this time though, it isn’t so he can consume your soul. It’s so he can continue to be with you. He realizes that, through all of this, he still does want to be with you, but he feels like he can only do so through lies. So as you’re on your death bed, he creates a dream where he can be with and comfort you in your last moments, paying back the affection you’ve given him. He wants to love you, he wants to be loved. But in his eyes, this is the only way that can happen: through lies.
From the arcade date onward, the self loathing and self hatred grows even more, with his perception of “I am a monster” lingering throughout. After enough time, eventually, he begins to truly believe that. “I am a heartless monster, that is all I will ever be.” Because of this self-perception, in the climax of the game, he leaves in the most messy and destructive way possible: tricking Likulau into trying to kill you and running away.
But through the help of Lin Hu and Likulau, you track him down and talk to him. Through all of his self-hatred over being a Yaoguai, he’s fully convinced himself that he is a monster, and it is in his nature to hurt others. Not a choice, but an inevitability. So instead of staying with the threat of hurting you down the line, he burned the bridge with gasoline and napalm.
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As the conversation progresses though, it’s clear that through all of this, Shu Chi is just afraid. Not just of losing you, but through everything. As a yaoguai who was raised to prey on others, he was-in a way-born evil. So those that were “good” hunted him to protect others. Gods treated Yaoguai as a menace, so they had to become more devious to survive. Shu Chi isn’t evil, he was raised to believe he was. 
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So now that both Lin Hu and Likulau have him cornered, with his actions being brought to light, he thinks that he’s going to die. If he runs, he’ll be hunted. If he stays, he’ll likely be killed. There’s no way out. He’s nearly entirely committed to this act he put on to fool himself. But one final act of kindness makes that act completely crumble: being spared and turned into a half-god, freed from having to hurt others.
It’s important to clarify that Shu Chi wasn’t forced to come back to negotiate. He chose to do it himself. In his mind he feels like he’s going to die no matter what he does. So when he was presented a choice, he came back. The act of being presented a choice alone broke the act he built up for himself. Even if either ended in his own death, he came back, because he wanted a reason to live.
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These final moments truly show Yan Shu Chi’s character. He’s not a monster, he was raised to believe he was. He’s not evil, he’s just scared of affection. Then, finally given a chance to live on without hurting others, he is brought to tears.
All of this is why I love Shu Chi. Throughout his entire life he believed himself to be a monster, but over the course of the game through acts of kindness, he slowly transformed from a being who’s sole purpose was to hurt others into a human longing for affection and a reason to live.
This isn’t a quick fix ending either, it still takes a long time for Shu Chi to accept who he is and he still feels immense guilt for what he’s done. This can even be seen in the epilogue, where he puts others’ happiness over his own, doing something that could potentially get him killed in the process. But in the end, he still wants affection, and compared to how he started out, he is an entirely different spirit.
That is why I love Yan Shu Chi. Not because he’s cute, not because he’s playful. I love him because he is flawed. I love him because of how much he’s grown over the course of the story. I love him because of him trying to protect others from himself, even if they hurt others in the end. I love him because in the end he isn’t evil, just unlucky. I love him because in the end he just wants affection.I love him because of how he realized he has just enough potential to be good as other people.
I love Yan Shu Chi because despite everything, despite the way he was raised, despite what he has done, despite everyone else and even himself saying otherwise, 
Yan Shu Chi is human.
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