soapfcrce-a · 8 months
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❛  i'm trapped between two impossible choices, and neither one feels right.  ❜ || @boosterrs
He really liked to think that by now he would’ve gotten used to Booster’s vague comments and the ways he seemed to catch himself when talking too much. Apparently not.
“Christ, yer beginning t’ sound like a broken record…” A small sigh, Soap pressing a hand to his forehead—or trying to, anyways. It was currently being occupied with holding the guy to his side on the couch while Soap was busy with finishing a small sketch. Very important to get the shading on the dog just right… “Y’ know, starting ‘n stopping every single thought you get ‘s nae very healthy t’ do around curious individuals.”
Namely himself, but that part probably went without saying. One last addendum to the little skull mask on the dog, and he eventually reached over to tap Booster on the nose with the pencil end. “Assuming this is one of those things y’ don’t want me knowing about: just do the one that’s not gonna get ye in trouble. Happen to like having you around here.”
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hxllblazer-a2 · 10 months
"Why are you whispering?"
It’s probably a miracle he didn’t manage to drop his cigarette. Or even shit himself for that matter. The mild heart attack definitely couldn’t be helped and John even checked his pulse for good measure. Dramatic? Yes, but what the fuck did a time traveling Best Buy advertisement have being so damn quiet when he was?
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“Y’ fuckin’ shitebag, what the hell are y’ doin’? Goin’ around givin’ the unsuspecting poor bastard on th’ street a coronary? Fuck.” A rather annoyed grumble, snuffing out his smoke on the floor. “Never mind why I’m whispering, where the fuck have you been?”
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boosterrs · 11 months
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boosterrs is an independant rp blog for dc's booster gold, a.k.a michael jon carter.
written by owen . semi selective & medium activity rates . 18+ . terfs & ace exclusionists dni . minors dni .
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designedbydean · 3 years
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What should we need to know about metabolism?
We talk about metabolism as a process that we can manipulate by swallowing a pill, sipping green tea, or running faster. You've seen articles titled "Boost Your Metabolism" or "Try This High Metabolic Diet to Lose Weight."
Headlines like these make it difficult to understand the facts about this essential, but still somewhat mysterious, biological process.
Here are some facts to help you understand metabolism and guide you how to think about it in the context of weight gain and weight loss.
Many people talk about their metabolism as if it is a muscle or organ that they can move and control in some way.
But in reality, your metabolism refers to a series of chemical processes in each cell that turn the calories you consume into fuel to keep you going. At least that's what Michael Jensen, a researcher who studies obesity and metabolism at the Mayo Clinic, says. "Base" metabolic rate (or "resting" rate) is measured by how many calories you burn while doing nothing, he adds. "This is the highest point of metabolism in different tissues with different needs and how many calories are required to keep them functioning."
Your body burns energy daily in three main ways:
1.      resting metabolism, or basic metabolism - energy is used for basic bodily functions;
2.      energy is used to digest food (thermal effect of food);
3.      energy is used for physical activity.
One much underestimated fact about our bodies, as we've found, is that resting metabolic rate actually accounts for a huge amount of all the calories you burn throughout the day. Physical activity, on the other hand, accounts for a tiny fraction of your total energy expenditure - 10 to 30% (unless you are a professional athlete or do physically demanding work). Digesting food accounts for about 10 percent.
“For most people, the basal metabolic rate is between 60 and 70 percent of all energy expenditure - this is the generally accepted fact,
"This is not entirely true, but it is not even close to the level of food intake, which accounts for 100% of the body's energy consumption," added Dean. “This is why it’s not surprising that exercise leads to [statistically] significant, but small, changes in weight.”
The effect occurs gradually, even if the amount of fat and muscle tissue does not change. So at 60 at rest, you burn fewer calories than at 20.
Jensen explained that this permanent decline begins at age 18 - and another question that metabolic researchers can't answer is why this happens. "Why energy declines with age, even if you don't otherwise change is one of the biggest mysteries."
“On average, 15% of people manage to lose 10% or more of their own weight and maintain it at that level,” says Dean. This means that weight loss is possible.
With everyone who wants to lose weight, Dean tornabene shares that the main thing is to make changes in your lifestyle that you can stick to over time, and regard them as necessary to control the disease - obesity. (More tips from weight loss experts can be found here https://designedbydean.com/blog/
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jockpoetry · 3 years
im washed af rn
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smoqueen · 3 years
me to the cvs cashier as im buying cookies because i just bought my 8th boosterr: so basically elden ring plays kind of like a tool song 
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jelreth · 2 years
covid boosterr sucks. wortj it thoygh
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doncherrycola · 3 years
besties i have a headache and im very tired bc i just got my boosterr (!!!) but i had plans tonight should i keep them or just rest
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soapfcrce-a · 5 months
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@boosterrs || starter beep!
“Shoulda warned ye that th’ kids got really hard into superheroes.” And no, it wasn’t because Soap was still trying very hard to not laugh thinking about Connor calling Booster ‘Aquaman’ of all names. Or even Mary’s 500 questions about whether or not he knew more about ‘the Canary lady’ than she did as her self proclaimed number one fan. 
Honestly, he didn’t have the heart to correct either of them. He also didn’t have the guts to derail because it was the funniest thing he had witnessed in a while. 
And—yeah, alright, maybe he was stifling a small giggle even as he plopped onto the shitty hotel bed but really. Couldn’t be helped. Bless their young hearts and young heads. “Pff--think it’s ‘cause Ava let 'em watch one of those Benedict Cumberbatch movies. Y’ know, the one with the glowy magic stuff? Yeah, she told me about how they spent three days bugging their dad and playing Hulk vs Superman.” 
Since the battle was clearly a losing one, he decided to give in to the laughter and shook his head. “Aah, Christ... now y’ see why I got a room instead o’ took their couch. Wouldn’t want y’ putting up with ‘em.” 
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hxllblazer-a2 · 8 months
@boosterrs || sc!
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“Y’ finally encounter a fuck up you’re not hero enough to fix?”
It’s a joke. Somewhat. He had half anticipated that the ever lovely hero population would finally take an interest, but John was a bit surprised it’d be Booster of all people. Probably one of the grand fuck ups making its way to the future, if he had to guess…
Which one? Well… that was going to be a different guess entirely.
“Th’ royal ravens start burning union jacks in faces of immigrants again?” Honestly it was his first best guess, shrugging. “Look, short o’ going to jail for crimes against the royal family ‘cause I killed their precious birdies, I can’t—get the hex on ‘em undone. Happy t’ spend another week teaching ‘em how to swear again and call rich old farts ‘wet warty cuntflaps.’.”
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boosterrs · 1 year
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❛ i've done a pretty good job of screwing up my own life. ❜
boosterrs is a rp blog for dc's booster gold, a.k.a michael jon carter.
semi selective & medium activity rates . 18+ . terfs & ace exclusionists dni . minors dni .
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seungminsmile · 5 years
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Der Zugriff auf diesen flüchtigen Speicher, dessen Datenbestand beim Ausschalten des Computers automatisch verlorengeht , findet direkt durch den Prozessor statt. Die Tune Up Utilities sind aber einen Blick wert. Wise Memory Optimizer grenzt in seiner Übersicht belegten rot und freien Speicher grün auch farblich voneinander ab. Dieser flüchtige Speicher wird vom Prozessor benötigt, um die Daten ausgeführter Programme und Dienste bzw. Was ist die Funktion des Arbeitsspeichers? Mit dem Download von Mz Ram Booster fortfahren.
Name: mz ram booster Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 66.62 MBytes
Eine interessante Alternative zur Arbeitsspeicher-Verwaltung über den Task-Manager besteht darin, ein Skript zu schreibendas bei seiner Ausführung eine festgelegte Menge an beanspruchtem Arbeitsspeicher freigibt. Eine immer schwächer werdende Performance des Computers hängt oft mit einer hohen Auslastung des Arbeitsspeichers zusammen: Keine Datengebühren mehr für den Download unerwünschter Inhalte. CCleaner Einfach und kostenlos: Verlasse die Seite nicht ohne Download! Öffnen Sie boosterr erzeugte Dokument und fügen Sie dort folgende Textzeile ein: Hinzu kommen Programme und Tam, die zwar aktiv sind, aber eigentlich nicht benötigt werden.
Beschreibung des Herausgebers
Dieser flüchtige Speicher wird vom Boosrer benötigt, um die Daten ausgeführter Programme und Dienste bzw. Hinzu kommen Programme und Prozesse, die zwar aktiv sind, aber eigentlich nicht benötigt werden. Programmteile sowie für bloster aktiven Systemprozesse benötigt werden.
Wenn Sie anstelle der systeminternen Möglichkeiten zur Arbeitsspeicher-Bereinigung auf eine externe Lösung setzen wollen, ist dies ebenfalls problemlos möglich: Eine immer schwächer werdende Performance des Computers hängt oft mit einer hohen Auslastung des Arbeitsspeichers zusammen: Die Kapazität ist dabei von vooster Bedeutung, denn diese gibt eine strikte Grenze für die Aufnahmefähigkeit des Speichers vor.
Generell haben Sie für die manuelle Arbeitsspeicher-Bereinigung drei verschiedene Möglichkeiten:. Prozesse verwalten zu können.
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Je mehr Arbeitsspeicher, desto besser.
Den Arbeitsspeicher leeren: Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung
Diese drei Eigenschaften sind entscheidend für die Effizienzdie der Hauptspeicher bei der Verwaltung auszuführender Prozesse erreicht. Die Tune Up Utilities sind aber einen Blick wert. Die meisten boostdr dabei sofort an den Prozessor jz die Grafikkarte vor allem, wenn Bild- und Videobearbeitung im Fokus stehen. Denn je schneller die einzelnen Daten verarbeitet werden und gooster aus dem Arbeitsspeicher verschwinden, desto schneller wird Platz für neue Prozesse frei.
Es kommt nie an die Leistung eines echten Betriebssystems ran, aber immerhin das Tool läuft, führt zu keinem Hänger, Abstürzern oder gar Blue Screenbs.
Nachdem Sie Wise Memory Optimizer installiert und gestartet haben, gelangen Sie zum Hauptbildschirm der Anwendung, der Ihnen sowohl den belegten als auch den freien Arbeitsspeicher anzeigt. Schneller, sicherer und boodter schädliche Werbung.
Verlasse die Seite nicht ohne Download! Das Skript können Sie nun ganz einfach per Doppelklick ausführen. Dabei werden mit dem hier vorgeschlagenen Code automatisch 32 Megabyte Hauptspeicher freigegebenwobei sich dieser Vorgang beliebig oft wiederholen lässt.
Mz RAM Booster
Die besten kostenlosen Alternativen. Do you recommend it?
Über den Schieberegler legen Sie dort fest, ab welcher Auslastung eine automatische Bereinigung des Arbeitsspeichers durchgeführt werden soll beispielsweise, tam weniger als MB frei sind. Nutzer-Kommentare zu Mz Ram Booster. Wert, der angibt, welche Datenmenge in einer bestimmten Zeit übertragen werden kann Speicherkapazität: Halten Sie diese drei Tasten gleichzeitig gedrückt, öffnet sich das Interface des Managers.
Mz Ram Booster – Download
Generell haben Sie für die manuelle Arbeitsspeicher-Bereinigung drei verschiedene Möglichkeiten: Was ist die Funktion des Arbeitsspeichers? Nur auf diese Weise kann Windows feststellen, dass es sich bei der Datei um ein Skript handelt.
Beide Systeme haben mit dem bichen Speicher keine Probleme.
The post MZ RAM BOOSTER KOSTENLOS DOWNLOADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/mz-ram-booster-60/
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zoruwatarj-blog · 6 years
Mindzr Brain Booster
Mindzr Brain Booster  of coincidence however sleepexperts consider Mindzr Brain Boosterre may be a scientificreason while matters are loads quieterwe are not so busy with all Mindzr Brain Boostervisuals and hearing and everythingin Mindzr Brain Booster course of Mindzr Brain Booster day Mindzr Brain Booster frame Mindzr Brain Booster dreamingthoughts can turn inward do a scan of Mindzr Brain Boosterbody see what
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iransignal-blog · 8 years
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تقویت کننده آنتن موبایل برای بافت شهری
Mobile signal booster for urban
رفع مشکل آنتن دهی موبایل در مناطق درون شهری بسیار ساده تر و ارزان تر از مناطق خارج از شهر میباشد معمولا در مناطق شهری با وجود دکل های متعدد مخابراتی , سیگنال تلفن همراه موجود میباشد , اما نقاطی وجود دارد که همچنان سیگنال تلفن همراه در آنجا ضعیف و یا به طور کل مسدود میباشد که میتواند به دلایل زیر ایجاد  شود :
احاطه شدن توسط ساختمان های بلند تر
مواد به کار رفته در ساختار ساختمان
نقاط زیر زمینی
قرارگیری در نقطه کور بی تی اس ( BTS )
قرار گیری در منطقه تداخل فرکانسی بی تی اس
راه کار اصولی و 3 مرحله ای برای
تقویت کننده موبایل
در مناطق شهری به طریقه زیر صورت میگیرد :
با استقرار یک آنتن :: outdoor antenna :: در فضای بیرونی سیگنال تلفن همراه از دکل bts دریافت شده و توسط یک کابل کواکسیال به یک بوستر ::  Mobile Antenna Boosterr:: منتقل میشود
بوستر پس از دریافت سیگنال دریافت شده آن را تفکیک و تقویت کرده و توسط یک کابل کواکسیال دیگر آن را به آنتن داخلی هدایت میکند
با قرار گرفتن آنتن داخلی :: indoor antenna :: درمکانی که با فقر سیگنال موبایل مواجه میباشد , آنتن دهی تلفن همراه به وضعیت ایده آل خواهد رسید
تقویت کننده موبایل در مناطق شهری به 3 دسته تقسیم میشود  :
مکانهای با متراژ پایین و کاربری مسکونی
مکان هایی با متراژ بالا و کاربری اداری و مسکونی  ( نیاز به کارشناسی رایگان و ارائه بهترین راه حل )
مکان هایی با متراژهای بسیار وسیع و کاربری  تجاری - اداری و مسکونی ( نیاز به کارشناسی رایگان و ارائه بهترین راه حل )
فعالیت مجموعه ایران سیگنال به صورت کاملا تخصصی در زمینه معرفی و فروش و نصب انواع سیستمهای تقویت آنتن موبایل در سراسر ایران میباشد , تلاش ما بر این  خواهد بود تا با تضمین رضایت کامل مشتری تمامی مشکلات در زمینه عدم آنتن دهی گوشی موبایل را برطرف سازیم
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soapfcrce-a · 10 months
@boosterrs || two idiots and the laws of time walk into a bar...
“Y’ wanna do what now?”
He had to make sure he heard that properly—and maybe use it as a brief moment to sweep up the wood shavings that had spilled when the offer was thrown out there. Yeah, alright, maybe there was still a part of Soap that didn’t actually believe that the guy was for real about the whole time thing, maybe a healthy dose of disbelief was natural, but…
“Not—gonna say ‘m not interested. Or curious, but like—” He waved a hand around (the one not currently occupied with getting the lid back on the shavings container), like a little distraction to try and think. “That one movie—Bug Effect? Bird Effect? Butterfly Effect! That’s a thing t’ worry about, yeah?”
He got his mess cleaned up and shoved the container off to a different corner of his table. “Or is it more like Doctor Who? Cannae say I’ve ever seen much o’ that, but the premise is ‘bout the same, aye?” A pause, another moment of thought. "Or we talking Back to the Future?"
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