#bootstrap joomla themes
healthandfitness789 · 1 month
The Essential Guide to Mobile Web Development: Best Practices and Tips
In today’s digital age, mobile devices dominate how people access the internet. As a result, mobile web development has become crucial for businesses and developers aiming to create user-friendly websites. This guide explores essential practices and tips for effective mobile web development.
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Understanding Mobile Web Development
Mobile web development refers to designing and building websites specifically for mobile devices, ensuring they function optimally on smartphones and tablets. This involves considering various aspects such as screen size, resolution, and user interaction. The goal is to create a seamless browsing experience that meets the needs of mobile users.
Key Principles of Mobile Web Development
Responsive Design Responsive design is vital for mobile web development. It allows websites to adapt to different screen sizes and orientations, providing an optimal viewing experience. Using flexible grids, images, and CSS media queries ensures your site looks great on any device.
Fast Load Times Mobile users expect quick access to information. Optimize your website for speed by minimizing file sizes, compressing images, and reducing the number of HTTP requests. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help you analyze and improve your site's performance.
Touch-Friendly Navigation Unlike desktop users, mobile users interact with websites through touchscreens. Ensure that buttons and links are large enough to tap easily and that there is enough space between clickable elements to avoid accidental clicks.
Simplified Content Mobile screens have limited space, so it’s essential to present content clearly and concisely. Prioritize essential information and eliminate unnecessary elements to create a clutter-free design. Use headings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to enhance readability.
Optimize for Search Engines Just like desktop sites, mobile websites need to be optimized for search engines. Use relevant keywords, meta tags, and structured data to improve your visibility in search results. Additionally, ensure your site is mobile-friendly, as search engines prioritize mobile-optimized sites in rankings.
Tools and Technologies for Mobile Web Development
Frameworks Consider using mobile web development frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation. These frameworks provide pre-designed components that can help speed up the development process while ensuring responsiveness.
Testing Tools Regularly test your mobile site on various devices and browsers to identify and fix any issues. Tools like BrowserStack or Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test can help ensure compatibility and performance across different platforms.
Content Management Systems (CMS) Popular CMS platforms like WordPress or Joomla offer mobile-responsive themes and plugins, making it easier to manage your mobile web development efforts without extensive coding knowledge.
Future Trends in Mobile Web Development
As technology evolves, so do the trends in mobile web development. Here are a few to watch:
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PWAs combine the best of web and mobile apps, offering fast loading times, offline access, and the ability to be installed on users' devices.
Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimizing your site for voice search can enhance user experience and increase traffic.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can be used for personalized user experiences, chatbots, and improved data analytics, making it a valuable tool in mobile web development.
Mastering mobile web development is essential in today’s mobile-first world. By following best practices, utilizing the right tools, and staying updated on industry trends, you can create an engaging and efficient mobile experience that meets the needs of your users. As more people rely on their mobile devices for everyday tasks, investing in mobile web development will help ensure your website remains competitive and accessible.
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Capture Attention Online with AIS Web Design Solutions
Aarchi Infotech Solutions (AIS) is innovative Web Design Company in Perth with Creative Website Designers in Perth. Aarchi Infotech Solutions (AIS) expert in responsive web design which is 100% mobile friendly and user friendly. At Aarchi Infotech Solutions we serve business and enterprise customers for their web design requirements. Our web design is for every industry who required website and wants to promote their business on internet via digital media. Our design is industry focused and we make sure your brand represents with your web design.
Custom web design is to develop a website with brand new html theme and integrate with various codes either frameworks or CMS out there. We use various factors before we use the technology for your website.
Our all the website designs are 100% Responsive using various techniques like bootstraps, media queries & intelligent use of CSS etc. We make sure your web design fits all the screens and give excellent experience to the end user. Ideally web design should respond to the user’s viewing approach based on screen size, platform and orientation.
We make sure user get the same experience for the website view for PCs, Laptops, Tablets, iPads or Smart Phones the website should automatically switch to accommodate for resolution, image size and scripting abilities. In other words, the website should have the technology to automatically respond to the users preferences. The core reason to using the Responsive Web Design is to eliminate the need for a different design and development phase for each new gadget on the market.
Our web design approach is simple:
Know your business & identify your choice
Identify your business requirements & audiences
Draw a sample scratch using your logo and colours
Convert to HTML or HTML5 and make sure it’s Responsive /Mobile Friendly
Make it Creative Design which is appealing for your business
We believe in tailor made packages which is suitable your business needs although our web design have various choices and options as below….
Static & Dynamic Web Design
Static Web Design:
Static Web Design is only design with without any database connected. Ideally this websites can be built with various technologies like HTML5, Plain HTML or any open source frameworks out there with flat file CMS like grav , picocms etc.
Aarchi Infotech Solutions develops static websites for the business who needs to just show their presence in the web world and share the information without any data traffic.
Dynamic Web Design:
Dynamic websites are most famous with full functional admin backend and database connectivity which is useful to get customer’s data and drive functional traffic to your website. Database driven websites are more famous because that can be integrated with company data and represent the functions through website.
Aarchi Infotech Solutions , Perth Australia is a premier dynamic digital agency who is offering dynamic websites to various clients nationwide as well as worldwide. We built dynamic websites with multi tier approach and connecting various divisions of the same business. Our expertise in E-Commerce is second to none.
Aarchi Infotech Solutions is expert in Dynamic Website Development using various technologies like CMS, Frameworks or core code. Aarchi Infotech Solutions uses various CMSs out there like WordPress, Joomla , Drupal, Concrete5 , Typo3 etc. Our framework development can give you fast and robust dynamic websites. We use Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter and Core PHP with MVC structure for your dynamic website.
E-Commerce Web Design
Aarchi Infotech Solutions, Perth Australia can help you do design E-Commerce websites which is user friendly and approach is to sell to world. Our main approach is to make it customer -oriented and approachable design. The core concept of e-commerce is using the Internet to do business better and faster way that brings more sales and when you have good design its brings more attention for users and gives them reason to interact with your products. It is integrating your website with the heart of your business and services. You can say that e- commerce connects your business to internet for highest optimization of your products and services.
E-Commerce websites consists of good products designs, catalogs, brochures and full of marketing material to get people to view your products and give them options for variety of products.
Aarchi Infotech Solutions provides flexible E-Commerce website design services which are both user friendly as well as visually rich for all types of audiences. An E-Commerce web design from us combines the marketing, artistry, and customer-friendly construction. We provide a multimedia product catalogs, web-based quote generation, bidding facility, online marketplaces for B2B, B2C, Product Search, Order Automation , processing of credit card, an online customer service centre allowing customers to service issues and search commonly asked questions.
UI/UX Design
UI stands for User Interface Design and UX stands for User Experience Design. Both are most important in any design. UI is normally closer to graphic design while UX is more analytical and technical field of design.
Aarchi Infotech Solutions uses UI and UX terminology when making custom web design for customers. UX is most important because its represents the customer experience for the end product. UX is process of increasing customer satisfaction and improving usability by using simple methods and providing pleasure for the customer and product communications.
UX Designers uses various methods to deliver the best outcomes like
Strategy & Content Analysis
Wireframing & Prototyping
Final Execution and Analytics
On other hand the UI Designers implement the design as per the requirements of UX analytics which can represents the brand strength and visual assets to products interface to increase user experience. UI also treated as digital field in which you required to work with developers and codes where required.
UI Designers shares the following tasks.
Look & Feel
Responsiveness & Interactivity
Aarchi Infotech Solutions provides professional UI/UX designs in Perth, Australia.
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nuttyblizzardflower · 4 months
Reaktionsfähige WordPress-Themes
Erstellen Sie Ihre Website Mit Den Besten WordPress-Themes
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Mit OceanWP können Sie Ihre Website auf globaler und individueller Seitenebene anpassen. Es braucht mehr als ein schönes Design, damit eine Website stark bleibt und jederzeit auf die neuesten Web- und Technologie-Herausforderungen reagieren kann. Es ist unsere Aufgabe, uns um alles zu kümmern, was hinter den Kulissen abläuft, damit Sie es nicht tun müssen. Wir werden Sie über neue Theme-Updates und Neuigkeiten informieren, aber keinen Spam, versprochen. Blocksy gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre Farb- und Hintergrundoptionen zu verwalten und darauf zuzugreifen, wo und wann Sie sie brauchen. Blocksy ist leichter und schneller als die meisten ähnlichen WordPress-Themes.
Dieses Theme wurde mit dem Bootstrap-Framework erstellt, damit es schneller funktioniert. Es hat verschiedene Abschnitte, um Informationen über die erbrachten Dienstleistungen, Bewertungen von früheren Kunden und Mitarbeitern anzugeben. Alle Themes in dieser kostenlosen WP-Theme-Sammlung wurden nach den neuesten WordPress-Updates erstellt.
Außerdem verfügt es über eine Info-Seite und einen Kontaktbereich mit einem funktionalen Formular. Newsup ist fortschrittlich für ein kostenloses WordPress-Magazin-Theme. Und es hat ein schönes Design, das die Erfahrung Ihrer Leser VERBESSERN wird.
Sein SEO-optimierter Code ist in der Lage, mehr Besucher auf Ihre Website zu ziehen. Dieses Gaming-WordPress-Theme enthält vorgefertigte Inhalte, die bei der Erstellung einer Website in kurzer Zeit praktisch sind. Dieses Thema ist ultra-responsive, die gut funktioniert auf allen Bildschirmen unabhängig von ihrer Größe. Mit nur einem einzigen Klick können Sie die Demo-Inhalte importieren und mit WordPress Templates wenigen Änderungen eine funktionale Website erstellen.
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Wir lieben es, wenn weniger Kommunikation zwischen dem Server und dem Benutzer stattfindet.
Es ist responsive gestaltet, so dass Sie keine gerätespezifische Version des Themes erstellen müssen.
Die Zahl der Berufe, Geschäftsfelder und Produkte, die auf kreativem Denken beruhen, ist so groß geworden, dass es inzwischen vielfältige kreative Nischen gibt.
Darüber hinaus gibt es den Theme-Customizer, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, die Elemente zu ändern und Ihrer Website das gewünschte Aussehen zu geben.
Sie können Widgets überall auf einer Webseite verwenden, einschließlich der Kopfzeile, der Fußzeile und der Seitenleiste, und es erfordert keine Codierung. Erweitern Sie Ihre Website mit den beliebtesten WordPress-Plugins und Joomla-Erweiterungen, auf die Hunderttausende von Webentwicklern vertrauen. Wenn Sie wissen möchten, wie Sie kostenlose WP-Themes verwenden können. Es wird Ihnen am besten helfen, die besten kostenlosen Themes zu wählen, um einen Blog oder eine Website auf WordPress einzurichten. CSS 3 basiert bedeutet, dass die neuesten und fortschrittlichen Standards von CSS Änderungen sofort. Die kostenlosen WordPress-Themes verfügen über Plugin-Buttons, die leicht bedient werden können.
Sie können das Standard-Layout leicht anpassen und transformieren, so dass es Ihren Anforderungen entspricht. Der Schieberegler zeigt die schönsten Bilder zu Ihrem Unternehmen, die Ihre potenziellen Kunden beeindrucken werden. Er ist so gut gestaltet, dass Sie alle Aspekte Ihres Unternehmens zusammen mit Ihren Preisplänen und Zeugnissen Ihrer zufriedenen Kunden leicht darstellen können. Heben Sie Ihre Tierheim-Dienstleistungen mit einer leistungsstarken Website hervor, und Sie können dies mit dem Tierheim-WordPress-Theme leicht erreichen. Das Theme ist eher für Tierheime geeignet, da seine wunderbaren Hintergrundbilder für Haustiere den Zweck des Themes verdeutlichen.
Erstellen Sie Ihre Website Mit Den Besten WordPress-Themes
Ich habe zum Beispiel immer gerne eine Suchfunktion in der Kopfzeile. Bis zu diesem Punkt musste man hoffen, dass das gewählte Theme dies unterstützt, oder ein Child-Theme erstellen und es selbst dort einfügen. Eines der Dinge, die ich an Neve absolut liebe, und die auch in anderen Themes verfügbar sind, sind die neuen Header- und Footer-Builder. Sie müssen wissen, dass Neve für Unternehmen und nicht unbedingt für Blogs konzipiert ist. Wenn Sie einen Blog schreiben, sollten Sie sich vielleicht ein anderes Theme ansehen.
Es verfügt über ein attraktives Layout und einen Slider für besondere Inhalte auf der Startseite. Es hat ein wunderschönes Layout, das Sie auch für die Erstellung eines Lifestyle-Blogs, einer Mode-Website oder eines Online-Magazins verwenden können. Auf der Homepage verfügt Foodica über einen schönen Slider, einen Abschnitt mit vorgestellten Rezepten, mehrere Anzeigenplätze und mehr. Das Theme lässt sich mit WooCommerce integrieren, um schnell einen Online-Lebensmittel-Lieferservice zu starten.
Das Restaurant-WordPress-Theme ist ein Premium-WP-Theme, das garantiert einen bleibenden ersten Eindruck hinterlässt. Es ist bekannt für seine Flexibilität im Design und verfügt über die wesentlichen Funktionen durch gebündelte Plugins. Es hat Design-Optionen und ist auch mit dem responsive Design begleitet. Es gibt eine eingebaute Dashboard-Registerkarte und mehr als 100 Schriftfamilienoptionen. Es hat ein responsives Design, was bedeutet, dass es auf kleinen und großen Bildschirmen anpassbar ist.
Es ist nicht nötig, Design-Einstellungen zu öffnen und Dinge immer wieder zu bearbeiten. Speichere und verwalte unbegrenzt viele benutzerdefinierte Designs. Du kannst sie leicht wiederverwenden, um neue Seiten zu erstellen.
Das beginnt bei $43 pro Jahr und geht bis zu $127 pro Jahr für Agenturen. Obwohl es ein schnelles Theme ist, hat OceanWP in unseren Geschwindigkeitstests nicht so gut abgeschnitten, wie wir weiter unten erläutern werden. Die Leistung des Themes bleibt jedoch solide, wenn Sie die Demos implementieren.
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support1212 · 4 months
web development,
web development,
In the digital age, where online presence is paramount for businesses and individuals alike, the art and science of web development have become indispensable. From creating visually appealing websites to ensuring seamless functionality across various devices, web development encompasses a broad spectrum of skills and techniques. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of web development, exploring its key components, trends, and best practices.
Understanding Web Development: At its core, web development involves building and maintaining websites. This process encompasses several disciplines, including front-end development, back-end development, and web design.
Front-end Development: Front-end development focuses on the user-facing aspects of a website. It involves coding languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the layout, design, and interactivity of web pages. Front-end developers strive to enhance user experience by ensuring that websites are visually appealing, responsive, and easy to navigate across different devices.
Back-end Development: While front-end development deals with the client side of web development, back-end development focuses on the server side. Back-end developers work with languages like PHP, Python, Ruby, and databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, and PostgreSQL to build the logic and functionality that power websites. This includes managing user authentication, database interactions, and server-side operations.
Web Design: Web design is the process of conceptualizing and creating the visual elements of a website, including layout, typography, color schemes, and graphics. It encompasses both aesthetic considerations and user experience design principles to ensure that websites are both visually appealing and easy to use.
Key Technologies and Frameworks: In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying abreast of the latest technologies and frameworks is crucial. Some of the key technologies and frameworks shaping the field include:
Responsive Web Design: With the proliferation of mobile devices, responsive web design has become essential. Frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation facilitate the creation of websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices.
JavaScript Frameworks: JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js have gained popularity for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. These frameworks streamline the development process and enable the creation of single-page applications (SPAs) with enhanced performance.
Server-Side Technologies: On the server side, Node.js has emerged as a popular choice for building scalable and efficient web applications. Its event-driven architecture and non-blocking I/O make it well-suited for handling high-concurrency scenarios.
Content Management Systems (CMS): CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla provide a framework for creating and managing digital content. They offer customizable templates, plugins, and themes, making it easier to build and maintain websites without extensive coding knowledge.
Trends in Web Development: As technology continues to evolve, new trends and techniques emerge in the field of web development. Some of the prominent trends shaping the industry include:
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs): PWAs combine the best features of web and mobile applications to deliver a seamless user experience. They leverage web technologies to provide offline access, push notifications, and app-like interactions, enhancing engagement and usability.
Voice Search Optimization: With the rising popularity of voice-enabled devices like smart speakers and virtual assistants, optimizing websites for voice search has become imperative. Web developers are incorporating voice search capabilities and optimizing content for natural language queries to improve discoverability and user experience.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP): AMP is an open-source initiative aimed at improving the performance and user experience of mobile web pages. By utilizing streamlined HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, AMP enables faster page load times and enhanced visibility in search engine results.
Best Practices in Web Development: While the technologies and tools used in web development may vary, adhering to best practices is essential for creating high-quality, reliable, and accessible websites. Some best practices include:
Semantic HTML: Writing clean and semantic HTML ensures that web pages are well-structured and accessible to both users and search engines. Properly structured HTML enhances readability, improves SEO, and facilitates future maintenance.
Mobile-First Approach: Designing websites with a mobile-first approach ensures that they are optimized for smaller screens and touch interactions. By prioritizing mobile usability, developers can create responsive and user-friendly experiences that cater to a diverse audience.
Performance Optimization: Optimizing website performance is critical for delivering fast and efficient user experiences. Techniques such as minification, caching, and lazy loading can help reduce load times and improve overall performance across devices and network conditions.
Conclusion: Web development is a dynamic and multifaceted discipline that plays a pivotal role in shaping the digital landscape. By mastering the fundamentals, staying abreast of emerging technologies, and adhering to best practices, web developers can create compelling and impactful online experiences that resonate with users worldwide. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting on your journey, embracing continuous learning and innovation is key to success in the ever-evolving realm of web development.
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newjoomlatemplates · 9 months
Top Joomla Template Frameworks for Developers
Joomla, a robust and versatile content management system, owes much of its flexibility to the availability of powerful template frameworks. These frameworks simplify the process of Joomla template development, allowing developers to create custom designs with greater efficiency and control. In this article, we'll explore some of the premium Joomla Templates frameworks that empower developers to build exceptional websites.
Helix Ultimate: The Versatile Choice
Key Features: Helix Ultimate offers a rich set of features, including a drag-and-drop layout builder, real-time frontend editing, and extensive customization options.
Benefits for Developers: Its flexibility and ease of use make it a top choice for developers who want to create custom Joomla templates efficiently.
2. Gantry 5: The Developer's Playground
Key Features: Gantry 5 boasts a powerful Particle system, a visual menu editor, and extensive styling options through SCSS.
Benefits for Developers: With its focus on extensibility and developer-friendly features, Gantry 5 is an excellent choice for those looking to create highly customizable templates.
3. T3 Framework: A Trusted Companion
Key Features: T3 Framework offers a flexible layout system, rich customization options, and support for Bootstrap and Font Awesome.
Benefits for Developers: Known for its stability and reliability, T3 Framework simplifies template development and allows for quick customization.
4. Wright Framework: Streamlined and Efficient
Key Features: Wright Framework prioritizes speed and performance, with a lightweight codebase, optimized CSS, and advanced caching.
Benefits for Developers: Developers who value website performance and efficient code will appreciate Wright Framework's approach.
5. Warp Framework: User-Focused Design
Key Features: Warp Framework focuses on user experience, with responsive design, a visual theme customizer, and a flexible layout system.
Benefits for Developers: Warp Framework's user-centric approach makes it an excellent choice for developers aiming to create templates that prioritize usability and accessibility.
6. Zen Grid Framework: A Grid-Based Approach
Key Features: Zen Grid Framework emphasizes grid-based design, CSS3 animations, and responsive layouts.
Benefits for Developers: Developers seeking a grid-centric framework that simplifies responsive design will find Zen Grid Framework appealing.
7. Astroid Framework: The Modern Choice
Key Features: Astroid Framework offers modern design capabilities, including a drag-and-drop layout builder, header and footer builders, and CSS customization options.
Benefits for Developers: Astroid Framework is ideal for developers looking to create contemporary Joomla templates with ease.
Choosing the Right Joomla Template Framework:
Project Requirements: Consider the specific needs of your project, such as design complexity, performance requirements, and customization options.
Developer Skillset: Select a framework that aligns with your development expertise, whether you prefer a user-friendly approach or more advanced customization.
Community Support: Look for frameworks with active communities, as they provide resources, updates, and assistance when needed.
Joomla template frameworks offer developers a range of options to streamline the design and development process. Whether you prioritize flexibility, performance, or user-focused design, there's a Joomla template framework suited to your needs. By choosing the right framework and harnessing its capabilities, developers can create outstanding Joomla templates that meet the unique requirements of each project.
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don-lichterman · 11 months
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themesnulled · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://themesnulled.us/namira-v1-1-2-unique-ecommerce-j2store-joomla-template/
Namira v1.1.2 - Unique eCommerce J2Store Joomla Template
Download WordPress Themes & Plugins
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Namira is a slick eCommerce template for clothing shops. This Joomla template based on the latest Bootstrap 4 framework and fully responsive. Organized files will help you to customize the look of your website. Namira is built with Helix Ultimate and clean semantic code. The code is clean and optimized, so it’s great for SEO. Grab Namira Joomla today and start selling online.
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novalabs · 1 year
Best Technologies for Website Development
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When it comes to website development, there are several technologies and frameworks available, each with its strengths and use cases. The best technologies to use usually depend on your specific requirements, the project's complexity, and your development team's expertise. However, here are some popular and widely-used technologies for website development:
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language): The foundation of any website, HTML defines the structure and content of web pages.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): CSS is used to style and format HTML elements, providing visual design and layout for web pages.
JavaScript: A versatile programming language that enables interactivity and dynamic behavior on the client side of web applications. It can be used for form validation, animations, and manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model).
Bootstrap: A front-end framework that simplifies the process of building responsive and mobile-friendly websites. It provides pre-built CSS and JavaScript components and a grid system for rapid development.
React: It is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, React is widely used for creating interactive and dynamic web applications. It follows a component-based approach, making it easier to manage complex UIs.
Angular: A comprehensive JavaScript framework maintained by Google, Angular is used for building scalable and feature-rich web applications. It provides powerful tools for building single-page applications and handles data binding, dependency injection, and routing.
Vue.js: Another JavaScript framework for building user interfaces, Vue.js is known for its simplicity and flexibility. It offers a gentle learning curve and is often favored for smaller projects or transitioning from traditional server-rendered websites to more interactive applications.
Node.js: A server-side JavaScript runtime environment, Node.js allows developers to build scalable, high-performance web applications. It is commonly used for building APIs and server-side rendering applications.
Django: A high-level Python web framework, Django simplifies the process of building complex web applications. It follows the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern and includes many built-in features for authentication, database management, and URL routing.
Ruby on Rails: A popular web application framework written in Ruby, Rails emphasizes convention over configuration, making it easy to build web applications rapidly. It follows the MVC pattern and includes many built-in features for database management, routing, and security.
Content Management Systems (CMS): CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla provide ready-made solutions for building and managing websites. They offer a user-friendly interface and often include plugins and themes for customization.
Remember that the choice of technology should align with your project requirements, the development team's expertise, and scalability needs. It's also essential to consider factors such as community support, documentation, and ecosystem when selecting the best technology for your website development.
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buildify · 5 years
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5 of the Best Joomla Templates for CV & Resume Websites
If you need to build a website to share your skills, education, and professional experience online, then you have to check out these Joomla themes. These Joomla templates are made for CV and resume sites, and they come with great features like progress bars, parallax effects, contact forms,...
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joomlastars · 6 years
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Check our new joomla theme approved for sale today in themeforest!!!! Pixom - Multipages Responsive Joomla Template | Business
Pixom Features:
   7 Multipages Demo    Drag & Drop Joomla! Page Builder 3+ (latest PRO version)    Based on Helix3 Framework    Professional Support    E Commerce section, made with J2Store    Clean and Professional Design    Mega Menu    Retina ready    Fast performance    Creative and Superb    Blog Pages with K2    OWL Slider    HTML5 videos    Working contact forms    Form validations    Developer friendly and well commented code    Grid system    Bootstrap    Cross Browser Compatible    Fully Responsive    Font awesome icons    Google fonts    Well documented    Free updates
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webgensis-india · 5 years
Best Web Design & Web Development Company 
Webgensis is a leading web design & development firm that works on several latest technologies such as WordPress, Magento, Joomla, Shopify, Php, Responsive, Bootstrap, PSD To HTML, PSD To WordPress and Many more.
We are specialize in providing custom solutions such as Custom WordPress Web Development, WordPress Themes & Plugins Development, Adding Custom Features and Functionality in websites, Magento Extensions Development etc.
At Webgensis we focus on quality work and customer satisfaction. We are committed to our work and never miss a deadline. We deliver the best web solutions to our client and satisfy them with our development services.
Our Skilled team of designers and developers are expert in handle any kind of tasks relevant to their skills. At Webgensis, We provide complete web solutions from designing a website to improving its ranking on SERP.
We deliver high performance and fully customized websites that are user-friendly as well as SEO friendly that helps our clients to achieve their business goals.
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xbrainzsecure-blog · 5 years
Now Promote own Business online | Make a Business Website @3999
Website & Mobile App Development Company in India, Patna Xbrainz Secure is a leading CMS WordPress Development & Web Application Development Company in Indian, Patna ( Bihar(BR). With over of 7 Years of experience in Website / Software Development and 5+ years of experience in iOS, iPhone and Android Application Development. We can design the website and applications in Multi Language like Chinese, German, Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian, English Languages. Our developers are highly experienced and have well-honed skills in Ruby on Rails (ROR), HTML / CSS3, PHP, Opencart, Asp.Net, Opensource, Magento, WordPress and API Development and Integration. Hire Dedicated Developers and programmers for your existing or new projects.
We have been creating applications that are being used by broad range of customers which range from Business users to mass customers. We have client across Patna, Bihar, The Bihar Sharif, and other cities of Bihar(BR)
Services Offered as Agency : Branding Design Material – Logo Designing, Brochures, Flyer Designs, All kind of Office Stationery work designing Web Design Theme, Bootstrap Template Design Website Development – PHP, .net, aspx, Angular JS Responsive Website Development – Mobile Friendly Website Design E-Commerce Portal Development – WooCommerce Development Payment Gateway and API Integration Solution Core PHP Web & Development Custom Application Software Development Open Source Technologies / PHP Frameworks – WordPress Development, Joomla, Magento, OsCommerce, Drupal, Laravel, Django, CakePHP, Yii, Codeigniter. We can create a Custom CMS Based websites also Mobile Application Development – iOS, (iPhone and iPad) Development, Android App, Windows and Blackberry Development and Material App Designing, Augmented Reality (AR App Development) SAP Support, SAP Maintenance, SAP Up-gradation, We have experienced SAP Technical and Functional Consultants available to hire – Business One (B1), SAP Mobility Solutions, SAP Remote Assistance. SEO – Internet Marketing, SEM, Social Media Marketing / Page-Account Management – Facebook & Twitter Promotions. Call Center / Back Office Support – Personal Virtual Assistance(VA), Inbound – Outbound Call Centre, Technical Support, Email, chat or Instant messaging support system, Hire Market Research Analyst Animation – 2D Animation, 3D Animation, 3D Visualization, Visual Effects ( VFXs ), Film Restoration, Line Drawing Animation, Composting, Set Design, Matte Painting, Pre-Visualization (previz) , Interactive eLearning, Animatics, Corporate – Sales Video Presentation, TV Commercials, Product Presentation, Title Animation, White Board Animation
Xbrainz Secure looks forward to extend and sustain business partnerships with those who want to be at the vanguard of web and mobile technology. It not only helps you in getting quality end products but also serves you with many benefits. We can work as a white label development service provider for your projects as Strategic Partner. We serves as an extension to your existing development center/group. You can simply outsource the entire development work to Xbrainz Scure or may work in conjunction with our developers to serve the client projects. Continue to be single source of development for your client. We will act as ghost developer to assist your needs only
You can hire any dedicated Developers / Resource as Freelance at very reasonable pricing with excellent Turn Out Time to delivery
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blog-freetheme-blog · 5 years
The main work of this site is WordPress Theme, HTML Theme, Joomla Theme, Bootstrap Theme and All Themes Free Download.Those who need the theme for blogging or who need the theme for creating a web site, can download themes from this site for free.
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honeymooninterlude · 5 years
Best Hack To Improve Your WordPress Site
Alright want to stimulate your WordPress site? Quick stacking pages improve client experience, increment your online visits, and help with your WordPress SEO. In this article, we will share the most obliging WordPress speed movement tips to help WordPress execution and revive your site. Joomla page builder would have helped in increasing your site speed with its easy optimization and loading feature.
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For what reason would it be a brilliant idea for you to animate WordPress?
There are different reasons that ring alerts, some of which may even reason vital worries for you:
Web records (like Google) rank goals with energetic stacking occasions higher than the moderate stacking ones. Thusly, on the off chance that you need to improve your condition in the SERPs, improving pace ought to be one of your needs.
Studies have shown that site page stacking pace of over 2 seconds by and large outcomes in around 47 percent of guests ricocheting off the site page. Along these lines, to keep about portion of your guests enamored, you should revive your WordPress.
Online purchasers are the most energetic part; they imagine that the page should stack inside a second. Consequently, on the off chance that you are keeping up a web business store on WordPress, by then you better prepare to cause veritable updates so your business to can be continuously profitable.
What Slows Down Your WordPress Website?
Your speed test report will in all probability have various recommendations for headway. Regardless, the greater part of that is specific language which is difficult for understudies to get it.
Recognizing what disturbs your site is the best way to deal with improving execution and picking progressively canny entire arrangement choices.
The fundamental drivers for a moderate WordPress site are:
Web Hosting – When your web empowering server isn't reasonably arranged it can hurt your site speed.
WordPress Configuration – If your WordPress site page isn't serving held pages, by then it will over-load your server consequently making your site be moderate or crash all around.
Page Size – Mainly pictures that aren't updated for web.
Poor Plugins – If you're utilizing an insufficiently coded module, by then it can basically irritated your site.
Ideas To Boost Your WordPress Site
1. Pick a transcendent web empowering supplier
The principle issue that impacts the speed of a site is WordPress Web Hosting. It may appear to be a wise plan to have your new site on a regular empowering supplier that offers "boundless" data move limit, space, messages, zones and that is just the begin. Regardless, the point that we consistently abandon concerning this offer is that ordinary urging conditions negligence to pass on mind-boggling stacking times on zenith traffic hours, and most dismissal to give 99 percent uptime in some discretionary month.
Shared empowering will all things considered pass on an inexorably shocking presentation since you are having a relative server space with innumerable different districts, and there is no telling how much assets others are utilizing. Likewise, you don't know totally how well the servers are improved.
2. Utilize a lightweight WordPress subject/structure
WordPress subjects with a ton of dynamic fragments, sliders, contraptions, social pictures and an incredible arrangement persistently sparkling portions are massively enrapturing the eye. Regardless, review this: in the event that they have an over the top number of portions and higher page sizes, by then they will make your web server get destroyed. It is recommended to use light weighted WordPress theme.
The best choice here is to utilize lightweight subjects, similar to WordPress' default themes. The new Twenty Fifteen point is always a regular procedure to begin off a blog. For a section rich site, you can in addition pick a subject that uses a decent structure like Bootstrap or Foundation. For example, all subjects at ThemeIsle are based over Bootstrap, which gives an incredible procedure to stimulate WordPress.
For More light weighted themes check - Free Themes for bloggers
3. Decrease picture sizes
Pictures are the real supporters of size development of a given page. Endeavor to decrease the size of the photographs without picking the quality.
In the event that you physically advance the photographs utilizing Chrome PageSpeed Insights improvement or Photoshop or some various contraptions, the procedure will take quite a while. Luckily, there are modules accessible for essentially all that you can consider, including picture improvement.
4.Use the Latest Versions of WordPress and Its Components
What's bona fide for the thing on your server, moreover remains steady for WordPress. Every alteration of the CMS goes with new highlights, bugfixes and that is just the begin. They make your site run considerably more reasonably and shield it from blocking excessively.
Must check - Best Free Responsive Website Templates For Better Mobile User Experience
Keeping wakeful with the latest isn't just speed yet additionally a security issue. With the most recent alteration of WordPress, your subjects and modules, you likewise ensure each recognized weakness are fixed. Nothing will back you off in excess of a traded off site.
It is a splendid plan to keep a spreadsheet with your modules and what they do likewise, a free Google Sheet is an uncommon beginning stage for planning and keeping a review of your WordPress and WooCommerce modules.
5. Avoid Hosting Videos in isolation Site
Proceeding with the end goal of media, annals are besides an issue. While WordPress is magnificently fit for empowering and playing accounts, doing in that limit is most likely not a sharp thought.
To the prohibition of everything else, it costs you transmission limit, which is particularly enormous on the off chance that you have a constrained empowering record. In like manner, it will make your WordPress site amazingly more noteworthy and in like way harder to back up.
In particular – there are heaps of preposterously quick video empowering objectives that can certainly complete an incomprehensibly improved development than your own stand-out server ever could. Additionally, with auto inserts, extremely all that you need to do to circuit accounts in your substance is to duplicate the YouTube, Vimeo or DailyMotion affiliation and glue it into the WordPress article chairman.
6. Deactivate or uninstall modules
Keeping troublesome modules on your WordPress districts will consolidate an immense extent of garbage to your web records. Likewise, it will besides develop the size of your fortress and put a shocking extent of weight on your server assets while bolster records are being made. It is progressively splendid to dispose of the modules that you don't utilize, and besides search for substitute methods to utilize pariah associations for mechanizing or organizing errands (like sharing of your most recent shows through online frameworks organization media).
IFTTT or Zapier are two web benefits that help in robotizing such assignments and diminish the weight on your site and server assets.
7. Limit outer substance
The usage of outside substance on your site pages fuses a vital piece of information to your full scale stacking time. In this way, it is flawless to utilize a low number of substance, including just the nuts and bolts, for example, following instruments (like Google Analytics) or remarking frameworks (like Disqus).
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marketerlipon · 2 years
DMSS - Bootstrap jQuery Style Switcher
DMSS – Bootstrap jQuery Style Switcher
LIVE PREVIEWBUY FOR $11 The DMSS is an powerful jQuery plugin from DesigningMedia team. For those who have just started web designing, what is more important to the is to show their products in different styles. By using this application, it will be possible for you to see your Drupal themes, WordPress Themes, HTML5 website templates, Joomla templates etc. in all the styles you prefer. This…
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View On WordPress
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techyjeev · 2 years
BootstrapWP: Create Responsive WordPress Themes using Bootstrap
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Bootstrap is a popular term and a framework used by website developers world wide. Developers love bootstrap for various reasons, and ability to create responsive themes is one main reason in the list. Bootstrap is powerful, advanced, latest and brings all necessary functionality and feature richness in theme development. Joomla is a very popular open source CMS platform and most of the joomla website developers use bootstrap to create joomla templates.
Read More - BootstrapWP: Create Responsive WordPress Themes using Bootstrap
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