#bora's is definitely.. she is.. shes crying and shes screaming.. she... yeah
silentbesideyou · 1 month
Zeus's Journal:
   Diaries and Journals always felt like something angsty rich teens did to whine about whatever stupid ‘end of the world’ problems they had, like what to wear to prom or 
 something. But, apparently it’s a good way to get stuff out, and there’s definitely some       things that I’ve been holding in. Like dreams and some thoughts. This feels really dumb, 
 but whatever works, I guess. And I actually feel the need to explain myself to… well,     myself. That’s kind of dumb, too
 So, I was talking to my plants today and Terry called Bora a bitch, and I was like “wow calm down,” and Terry was like “no, you calm down” and we all got into a fight and now Terry won’t talk to us anymore. Whatever, nobody ever even liked you, Terry you piece of shit. 
   High school drama, am I right? Seriously, high school feels so long ago like it was someone else’s life. I was definitely not one of the cool kids, either. I was weird, and a lot of people were afraid of me. I didn’t have a lot of charisma. But kids I helped kind of 
 liked me? A lot of other girls didn’t. They wouldn’t dare bully me, but I heard the shit they said. Everybody fucking loved… You know. Said he was wasting his time hanging around me. Well, I was never the charismatic one. But we did dumb shit together, and I 
 didn’t really care what anyone else said. Well, I kind of did. They were right, though, looking back. He should have cut me loose and never looked back. I’d be a good loner. I 
mean, give me a few hundred plants, and I’m good. 
   Who the fuck am I lying to, “I’m good”. That’s the biggest joke I’ve ever heard. I’m actually really fucking 
I had that dream again. I always thought recurring dreams were made up for dramatic effect. I mean, I guess it’s not the same exact dream every time, but the same stuff keeps happening. I’m in some weird dark space that I can never tell exactly where it is. 
 First, I see their eyes. They never blink or look away. Even when I turn around, they’re right in front of me. They follow me and I try to walk, but I’m held down. My fucking legs can’t move god my legs are trapped and I panic. I try to move, but I can’t, I can’t 
 move they have my legs and they’re all staring and they’re all watching me try to move and then I hear that guy laughing and I can’t move at all now. Then he gets the rats. It all feels like it did, but the rats are the ones screaming and the eyes never look away
   Went into town today. I should have never bought that fucking car. It draws too much  attention. I mean, yeah, it looks nice, rides well, but it’s so impractical. I should have gotten the truck, maybe a jeep. I hate going into town. But, I got sick of eating salads and shit, so it had to happen. 
   There was a little girl in the market who was lost. After that dream, children were 
the last thing I wanted to be around, but she was crying and scared. What the fuck kind of person just walks by when a little girl is calling for her mother, standing in a 
 corner like that? I had just bought some cookies so I gave her one and told her I’d help her find her mom. So, the mother wasn’t in the store at all, but I figured when a kid’s lost, they stay in the same place so the parents can find them, right? I told one of the people that worked there, and he just shrugged me off like who fucking does that? 
   Well, eventually one of the shoppers comes up and tells me that the child just does this. She’ll stand in the corner of the store and cry for her mom all day, but her mom’s 
 fucking dead. DEAD! And everyone ignores the kid! At the end of the day, her dad will come and pick her up and this is just a normal summer day here. Some people 
 walking by even looked at me like I was a predator or something because I was going around with this kid. If I was trying to hurt her, why the hell would I walk around the whole fucking store for hours??? 
    I couldn’t do a damn thing for this child. And no one else even acted like she existed. I hated everyone I saw that day. I got her a meal and some cookies, and sat 
 with her until her dad got there. At least she wasn’t so scared now that someone was actually looking after her. And you know what that fucking asshole did? He said he could take care of his own child, and he better never see me again or he’d do something 
 about it. Yeah? The FUCK ARE YOU GONNA DO? And he was so mean to the girl, too, yelled at her and told her to get in the car. I hate him. Part of me wanted to follow him and punch his lights out, but that little girl’s eyes lit up when she saw her 
 dumbfuck father show up. Should someone step in with that kind of stuff? The kid lost her mother and does this, how the hell would she get by if she was taken from her father? And I don’t know what it’s like at home, either. This world sucks. 
 I bought a new fucking plant.
   This is the first time I’ve used your name in years. Do I have a right to even think  it? It’s kind of funny, your face is everywhere I look, and I can’t even say your name. 
 You’ll never read this… But I should have said this back
    Why am I still designing weapons? I’m like a parrot. You teach it to say something, 
 and then it says it all the time because that’s all it fucking knows. I mean, it’s all stun stuff. Nothing lethal. It’s dumb, too. I work on these trying to make an “alternative” to weapons that actually kill people, or aliens. But no one’s ever going to fucking use them. They already HAVE training weapons, and people are still dying. Well, we’re not really at war anymore, with aliens or with each other. There’s still stuff going on, though. 
 UNSC is still recruiting for the military, so. At least I’m not JUST making weapons. I’m working on an irrigation system for my plants, too. I’m also still working on that armor. I mean, when I ran off in it, it did a damn good job considering I’d never tested it, but it 
  needs some fine-tuning. I can work on it now and I don’t have to worry about keeping it secret. Everything I fucking do is secret! One day, someone might find me and try to 
 kill me. And I am NEVER letting that happen. If anyone gets to kill me, it’s someone who actually deserves to, and that person will never get the chance. I don’t get any shortcuts, I’m in this world and I’m sticking with it. So, gotta make sure I’m prepared.
   Isaac, I’m sorry. I never I should have told you. I took it upon myself to make a decision for you, and that was wrong. I
  Isaac, [illegible writing]. I know that’s selfish, but
   Was last night’s dream the worst ever? I woke up and someone else was in my bed, someone with a small head covered with short, thick black hair. She rolled over and smiled at me. She called me mommy, and I smiled back and said good morning. A boy 
 who looked just like her ran in and jumped on us, followed by a younger boy who said we had to get up. He came and tugged on my arm and led me out. My living room was replaced with a table, a baby sat in her high chair playing with her utensils while her 
 older brother played the only tune he knew on the piano. I walked towards the kitchen, I could smell breakfast, like my mom would make when my dad was home visiting. One boy sat at the kitchen table, munching on bacon sat on a huge plate before him, another, the oldest watching his dad flipping pancakes. I watched them happily, my 
 children, my family. My oldest turned and rushed to hug me. “Mom, we made breakfast for you!” My husband turned to face me.
 “Happy birthday, Z.” 
    Then I woke up. I hate my fucking birthday.
   I tested out my armor today. The speed unit I’d originally built only lasted in short bursts. It was good enough for when I needed it, but this one took me miles. I almost dove off a cliff into the lake, but I remembered I hadn’t designed it to float back up, yet. That’ll be my next objective, I think. I mean, I doubt I’ll do any deep-sea diving, but if I end up at the bottom of a lake, I’ll be able to get out. I never wanted to stop running. I wonder if I could run forever. 
where would you be if you were still alive? Would you have made the same choice as 
 me? Would you have told me first? You’d probably be too smart to end up in the situation, anyway. I never said anything, but I always worried you might go too far one day. As irony has it, I ended up being the one who went too far. I was dumb. I shouldn’t have enlisted. I know you wanted to, but would you have stuck around if I hadn’t gone in? What if I told you what happened instead of
  I got drunk last night. Getting drunk by yourself is sad and pathetic. So, I guess it’s perfect for me, huh? I really want to get a dog. A big, giant dog that’s more than half my size, but thinks it’s a puppy and tries to lay on my lap all the time. It sounds nice, but I really shouldn’t be allowed to have anything with a brain depending on me. I might get a hanging plant, though. Those are cool. A dog would be great, but I deserve to be alone. 
There’s a lot of things I won’t let my brain touch. Now, there’s plenty of people who 
 aren’t aware of this. They’ve gotten so well at distracting themselves from it, that they hardly believe it’s real. They won’t acknowledge it’s there in them, pushed so far down that sometimes they even forget it exists. But I know the things I push down. I know I’m 
 pushing them away, unable to deal with them. Then I have these stupid dreams and I have no choice to confront it. But as soon as I wake up, I push it right back down, never fully taking it on. 
   Last night, it came back. I know it was never real, but I thought it was real at the time, and that’s what matters, right? I shouldn’t have fought back. I should have just let them
    “When I’m older I’ll be silent beside you” I always really thought that. I don’t know why, it’s not like we’d be together forever. We would have been buried with our families, right? But I really believed for some dumb reason I’d end up in the ground somewhere  
 next to you. I tried not to think about either of us dying too much, that was as far as it went. Kind of funny how now, all I can think about is both of us dying. I have no idea what they did with your body, if they sent it home. Did my mother cry at your 
 grave, or was she already gone? Even if I knew, I’d never end up there in the end. I’ll be up here forgotten by the world, as I should be. No one will find my body until I’m already a skeleton, nameless and irrelevant. No one will mourn me. If there’s a Hell, I’ll gladly [                   illegible writing                          ]
 I mean, to ask for anything would just be
    How would you feel if you knew about what happened after? I can’t even imagine, I mean… I have no idea how you’d even react to what I did to you. If we could speak to the dead and I told you, what would you have to say? Would you laugh at me? Would you be angry? I couldn’t even look in your eyes as I ran away. Did you stare after me wondering ‘why’? Did you curse me? How long did you suffer until it was over? After that day, I’ve never
  I was sitting in the cell, I’d been there for years. The man was coming to get me again. All the eyes were watching. There were hundreds. I know, now that I’m awake, that most of them weren’t real. Well, none of them were real, it was a dream. But, whatever why am I explaining myself? They never looked away as he came and opened the cell. 
 As soon as I saw him, I couldn’t move my legs. They were locked together, held by hands I couldn’t struggle free of. He dragged me into the room with the screaming and shaved my head. He kept shaving and shaving, I could feel the hot blood dripping down my face, the eyes were watching. “If you just tell me, I’ll keep you safe,” he said. Words from my past echoing into my nightmares. I wanted to tell him, I wanted it to end, but he could 
 never keep me safe. The eyes were always watching
     I hate going into town. I had to get some things. What year is it that I can’t buy something from a hardware store and have a man ask me if I need help? And not the friendly kind of customer service way, but the “oh, you’re a weak woman who can’t 
 know anything about man things like building shit” kind of way. Fuck off. So, I asked him, well, long story short, a bunch of advanced engineering questions with a little bit of astrophysics, clearly well-versed in the subjects. He got SO MAD. He used as many belittling words as he could, and definitely went and told one of his friends what a 
 bitch I was. So, honestly, this was one of the best days I’ve had in a long time, even if I had to go out there. 
    What the fuck? I keep thinking about it, and it makes no fucking sense. What was I thinking? I mean, I know what I was thinking, but I was smarter than that! It was so fucked up that I just, without even 
   I never gave you a 
   I was in the dark again. The eyes were watching me. As usual, I stared at his. They were the closest. And then, unlike all the other times, they disappeared. Just his. I tried to move my legs, but they were always tied down. A door opened, and I could see the room. I knew the place, I’d spent more than enough time in there. The walls were pale yellow, sickly with paint chipping off. I was so ready for the screams, but they never came. I felt him grab my arm and looked up. 
   It wasn’t that man, though. It was Isaac. He was angry, and he had the gun. He held it to my head and stared at me, his eyes never blinking. I tried to speak, tried to apologize or tell him to shoot, but then he opened his mouth. The screaming came out, all of them, all of them from him. I’m not fucking sleeping tonight. 
Day 3 of no sleep. I’ve never drank this much coffee. Nonstop, I’m brewing and drinking. My body can’t take it. I have to sleep sometime soon, but I don’t want to see it again. I had a gun to my head this morning. Right between the eyes, staring down. I wanted to, fuck, I wanted to do it so badly. But no, no. I know, I know, I can’t. The coffee pot beeped, and I came to its call. If I don’t sleep soon, I’ll start seeing things. Then, they’ll come after me while I’m awake, too. Would I put up a fight if they came after me? Or would I just let it happen, despite everything? 
I… I’d have to fight. I know I’d have to fight. There’s no other choice. 
   I can’t begin to [    illegible writing    ]. I really did [illegible writing]. Clearly that’s worth nothing. I’m so [       illegible writing        ] you. If I just told you, I should have just [ illegible writing ]. And now [illegible writing]
    It’s coming up. In one month, it will have been exactly seven years. When I was young, every anniversary of my father’s death, we sat down and cooked his favourite meal. Well, we went to his grave a few times, but Sang-Je got too sick for that. So we set Dad a place at the table with his picture and ate dinner together. 
 What do I do for this? I never really know. I can’t cook a meal in his honour, whether it’s real or not, I don’t deserve to entertain the idea of sitting with his spirit. Besides, a meal made by me is no way to honor anyone. Maybe I’ll just sit in silence and do nothing. Is forcing oneself to sit still for an entire day, what the hell do I mean by oneself, this isn’t for anyone, this is what I’M doing. Is forcing myself to sit still for 24 hours a good way to do this? Should I punish myself, or honor him? Last year was the first year I was by myself. I had just finished building the house and put all the pictures up. This year… I don’t know. 
 I was walking in the woods and the trees got thinner and thinner. The ground became barren. A bear walked beside me, I don’t know when he got there. The sun was in the direct center of the sky covered by grey clouds. There was nothing around me except the bear. He led me farther until on the horizon before me I saw a gravesite. I looked to my left and saw another, on the right another, behind me another. North, south, east, and west. I had to choose where to be buried. Somehow I knew who was buried at each place. Finally, I reached out for one and I was in front of it. I stared at the name written on it. I didn’t deserve to be buried here. I didn’t deserve to be buried with any of them. I heard footsteps behind me, but I couldn’t look away from the name
   I hear that when you die in a dream, you wake up right away. There was a gunshot behind me and I could actually FEEL it as the bullet went through me. I fell over the grave, my body limp against it. I was dead. For the first time in years, I actually felt peace. 
 And then I just had to fucking wake up. 
    It’s ridiculous how many times I’ve tried to write this letter. It’s not like you’ll ever see it, I don’t have to find the perfect words to tell you. You died ... exactly seven years ago today. No… I killed you seven years ago. 
 I have no right to apologize. If you were here today and I tried to say sorry, you’d laugh in my face, right? Sorry? I KILLED you, and sorry won’t do anything. 
 I should have given you a choice, Isaac. Well, first off, I should have never told you about the group to begin with. I told you that this group of people wanted me to join them, and I wasn’t sure what to do. They told me not to tell anyone. I didn’t know that they’d want you DEAD. So, one of them overheard me telling you, and that’s what they said. 
  So, I knew… I knew that if they’d want YOU dead just for knowing, I’d be dead if I refused. They were also offering me something, to send my mom and brother to that doctor on some planet called Chorus. You, nor I, could ever have afforded it. 
  I had a choice. Kill you and save them, or run. You and I would have had to run from them forever. If they wanted you dead just for hearing about them? They would never, ever let either of us go, Isaac. I’d doomed us. 
     We could both fight, but they were highly trained. Well, all but me and the other girl they recruited. There were five of them, and they had more skills than you or me. Could we really outrun them forever? I thought, eventually they’d find us. We might not even make it out of the base. How much were they watching me? 
     If it had been you they wanted, and I almost wish it had been, without hesitation, I’d tell you to do it. I’d give up my life so the three of you could live. I would
   I think part of me died with you that day, really. It’s so fucking cliche, but it’s kind of true. How could I just go on the same after what I did? And the fact that I killed you actually bought their loyalty. But I never fully trusted them. How could I? They did send Mom and Sang-Je to Chorus. I never saw them. A time or two, I sent someone out to check on them, but I could never ever see them. After what I did to you, I couldn’t go back. A few people who went to check on them never came back. I guess… Well, maybe my choice killed them, too. 
    I thought about dying. Did I deserve to have this life when I’d stolen yours? No, but I didn’t deserve an easy way out, either. So, here I had to keep living. Only one person was allowed to take my life, and well, he was dead. He, you, whatever. You. So, uh… I’m here. Living this fucking life because you couldn’t. I don’t think I’m really allowed to enjoy it, either. When I robbed you, and so many others really, of that chance, I lost mine. If I was happy, I think it might be the worst thing I’d ever done. 
   I’m glad though, that they didn’t try to recruit you. I mean, like I said, I’d be okay with the whole, you living, me dying thing, but… Well, it’s better you didn’t end up with them. 
   So here we are. Seven years later. You’re everywhere I look. Gone but not forgotten, eh? Sometimes, I do things you’d want to do. Uh, well I mean I hope you’re not watching over me. If you saw the life I live, well, I don’t know. I bet you’d be angry. Maybe laugh about it a little? It’s been fucked, man. But, you’d know, and I know, that I deserved every damn second of it. 
Well, this one isn't exactly fiction. I think I'm pregnant. Alaicia Lynn Luna, didn't we always say that sounded nice? How about Aiciala Luna Leigh if it's a girl and Xavian Forest if it's a boy. I'm kind of hoping for a boy. I didn't really think I could have kids… I was told I was infertile. If I am pregnant, I just hope that I can have all the provisions I need to be the amazing mom you and I both knew I could always be. I love you, sweet bee. 
Not pregnant. Miscarried. I have a hormonally intersex condition I refer to as “axolotl syndrome” because my precursor hormones don't know what to do or how to function. They have to axe a lotl about how to function and nobody has the answer. I wish axing a lotl was more accepted. I'm axing a little now, my Felix… please be alive. Please respond. 
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for-yoongi0309 · 3 years
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youtuberswithalex · 4 years
PRVL, Vol 3, Ch 3: It’s Brawl in the Family
Summary: Riad’s risky move comes to play as Roman and their friends watch and worry in the stands. Will it pay off, or will it cost Team AMBR the match?
Word Count: 3,291
Warnings: Fighting (in a tournament), mentions of alcohol
Tag List: @haikyuupaladin @an0therrand0 @isabel3710 @ilia-a-isms (Let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
Masterpost – Volume 1 – Previous - Next 
Anole kept his head under the shallow water and swam as fast as he could, eyes glued to the blurs fighting at the top of the bird’s nest. Each kick of his feet sent sand up to cloud the water further; by the time he made it to the other end of the pool, he could hardly see a thing.
He pressed his hands on the rising bank and scrambled onto dry land, frantically pushing his now-soaked bangs out of his face.
The ground jolted beneath his feet.
Letting out a yelp, Anole stumbled and crashed face-first into the sand as the stage began to tremble.
Ash and Mauve gasped and threw themselves onto the edges of the bird’s nest, gripping with white knuckles while Bora and Marjani grabbed each other’s hands and beamed.
Myrtille toppled backwards and fell to her knees. She slammed her ice saw into the floor before slamming her metal leg down next to it, cleats shooting out from the bottom.
The sound of cracking rock sounded across the arena, and as Sakiz lost her hold, the loose boulder toppled over. It splashed into the lava pit, sending bubbles flying everywhere.
Sakiz landed right on top with a heavy oof!, and only a drop of lava hit her armor.
The earthquake slowed to a stop.
Riad sat up and let out a sigh of relief before Myrtille let out a cry and tackled him back to the ground.
Looping his bow around the quiver on his back, Anole leapt onto the mast, the scaly grooves on his palms sticking easily to the wood. He swung his feet far behind him as he used his upper body strength to scale his way up. When he reached the bottom of the bird’s nest, he braced his heels below him; he walked his hands across the bottom as quickly as he could before gripping the boards on the side and swinging out.
Through the cracks, he watched as Ash threw an uppercut into Marjani’s chin; in return, she kicked her back, sending her struggling to keep her balance on the edge.
Anole grinned.
He gripped the top of the nest and hoisted himself up as he threw out a leg to knock Ash to the ground. Mauve whipped around and aimed an arrow at him, but he somersaulted onto the floor just as it whizzed past his hair. Yanking his own weapon out, he shot an arrow through her dress, pinning her to the side of the compartment.
“Four square, huh?” Bora huffed.
Growling, Anole scrambled over and started to unwrap the chain. “Shut up, not my best plan.”
The chain dropped to the ground, and Marjani shoved one of her swords into Bora’s hands. “Don’t blame, fight,” she said.
There was a laugh behind them.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Mauve replied.
The three whipped around to see her balancing on the side of the bird’s nest, her taut bow aiming at their feet. Ash crouched on the floor next to her, her chain in one hand and Anole’s arrow in the other.
“This fight’s over.”
She fired a red arrow and dropped; Ash leapt out after her, grasping her by the wrist. The arrow wedged itself into the wood in front of Anole’s feet and started to flash.
“Great,” he grumbled.
Nila gasped as they watched three bodies go sailing across the field. “They’re not gonna land it!”
Thamir grimaced. “So that means…”
The buzzer sounded.
“Ooh, what an upset!” Professor Port’s voice echoed around the arena. “Three out of the four members of Team AMBR have been eliminated by knock-out!”
“Truly, what an unfortunate circumstance! It is now up to Mr. Airtafae to win this match, with his worryingly-low Aura levels after that astonishing demonstration of his semblance!”
“Four against one,” Lloyd finished. “This isn’t going to end well.”
Roman whirled around to glare at him. “How dare you assume that my boyfriend can’t hold his own!” he exclaimed. “Riad can and will take these fine ladies single-handedly and destroy them!”
“I have reason to believe you are highly overestimating him,” Logan stated.
“Roman’s definitely got one hell of a pair of rose-tinted glasses,” Thamir laughed.
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Roman doesn’t wear glasses…”
Riad kicked Myrtille off of him and dove for his mace; as soon as it was in his hands, he slammed it into the ground, setting off an explosion that had both him and Myrtille flying in opposite directions. He skidded to a stop, one hand on the ground for balance, as she tumbled towards the water.
Just before she fell in, Mauve leapt over the water and shoved her down to the stage. Ash landed next to them and launched her chain into the lava field, snatching Sakiz and bringing her to safety in a second.
They slowly stalked around him; he watched carefully, gripping his weapon tight.
“You might as well give up now, kid,” Ash said. “There’s no winning this match for your precious team.”
He shot her a confident smirk. “I don’t stop fighting until the end.”
Myrtille let out a hum. “That’s respectable. You seem like a cool guy. I kinda wish we didn’t have to do this to you.”
“Let’s get dinner sometime after this,” Sakiz offered.
“Sorry, girls. I’m already taken.”
Behind him, he heard the creaking of a bow.
“Who said any of us were interested?” Mauve asked.
Riad whirled around and swung his mace, the spikes crashing into the arrow just before it hit him; he ducked just as a machete flew above his head and swung his leg to knock Sakiz’s feet out from under her. As she fell forward, he leapt up and landed an uppercut on her jaw. He snatched the chain as it flew towards him, yanking Ash into a kick in the stomach. The ice saw flew down out of the corner of his eye, and he threw his mace up just in time to block.
Myrtille spun and twirled her saw, wrapping the chain of his mace around the handle before yanking him over and putting him in a headlock. He threw his elbow into her stomach, but she held her ground.
With wide eyes, Riad watched the other three come sprinting towards him.
A punch to the stomach.
A kick to the shin.
A headbutt to the face.
A buzzer.
“Oh, and with that brutal elimination, Team SAMM proceeds to the Doubles Round!”
As the girls dropped their stances to cheer, Riad slumped to the floor, panting heavily. He squeezed his eyes shut and hissed through his teeth.
“Riad!” a voice screamed.
Roman shot into the air and towards the stage, ignoring his friends’ cries in favor of keeping his focus on his fallen love. It was hardly a split second later when, not unlike a bird to a well-cleaned window, he crashed into the shield protecting the stands from harm.
He fell to the floor with a groan; when he sat up and looked over to Riad, he was slowly making his way towards the locker rooms, shoulders low and his mace dragging behind.
 “That was awful.”
Virtus offered a soft, sympathetic smile and put his hand on Roman’s shoulder as they stepped off the airship. “Yeah, that’s tournaments, kid. It’s always the people you want to win that lose.”
“But it’s so not fair!” Roman exclaimed, throwing his hands up. “How did we pass onto Round Two and not AMBR?!”
“We were against different teams, Roman,” Logan pointed out. “There is no evidence to suggest that we would have won against SAMM, nor that Team AMBR would have lost to Team JTTT.”
Roman looked away. “I know, but… still. Seeing Riad like that…” He sighed. “I’d at least have felt a little better if Anole had actually let me talk to them.”
Esther adjusted her hijab. “Give them time to lick their wounds. They need it.”
Giving his shoulder one final pat, Virtus put his hands on his hips and stopped to look at the group. “Well, I don’t know about you three, but watching all that fighting made me hungry. Whaddya say we meet up with the other two and head into Vale to get something to eat?”
“Why not go to the fairgrounds?” Roman asked.
“Can’t exactly eat in public without pulling that down, now, can we?” Esther said, pointing to Virtus’s mask.
“Oh. Right.”
Logan opened his scroll. “I’ll send Virgil a message to have them meet us—”
“Guys! Guys!”
They spun around to see Virgil already sprinting towards them, Patton hot on his heels. The Lyceums each reached for their weapons; as soon as they saw the huge grin on Virgil’s face, they relaxed.
The two skidded to a stop, and Virgil frantically pointed behind him towards the courtyard. “Did you guys see that?! Please tell me you saw that!”
“See what?” Roman asked.
Virgil let out a cry and dug his hands into his hair. “You just missed this incredible fight!”
“In the courtyard?”
“There was this Huntsman with a big sword,” Patton explained, “And he was fighting with an Atlas Military woman!”
“Not just any woman—a specialist!” Virgil added. “They were so fast and strong—dude would’ve beaten her clean if General Ironwood hadn’t stepped in!”
Logan raised an eyebrow. “Who would be foolish enough to attack an Atlas Military Specialist?”
Patton shrugged. “I think his name was Crow, or something.”
Roman froze. “Wait—wait—you said he had a big sword? Was he drunk?!”
“Um… Maybe?”
His face turned a deep red. “Was… Was it Qrow Branwen…?”
“The one from Team STRQ?” Virtus asked. “Is he still picking fights?”
Roman buried his face in his hands, wings curling around himself. “Gods…! That was one of my teachers at Signal!”
“The drunk dude?!”
“He’s a teacher?!”
“Not anymore,” Roman replied as he dropped his hands. “Yang said that he left to go on some mission that was going to last a really long time or something. Didn’t think he’d be returning at all, let alone like that…”
Logan crossed his arms. “And where would Yang have acquired that information?”
“Um… Her and Ruby’s dad?” Roman shot. “He’s their uncle.”
Virtus smacked the heel of his hand against his forehead. “Gah, of course she is! Should’ve known from the moment Ruby pulled out her scythe!”
“Oh, come on! You couldn’t have guessed it just by that!” Esther exclaimed as she swatted his shoulder. “That girl in Team AMBR had one, too! It’s the hair that should’ve given it away!”
“Her hair doesn’t look anything like his!”
“Oh, what are you—?!”
“Okay, okay—” Logan put his hands between the two and shook his head. “If we want to eat in Vale, we cannot start this conversation. Patton, Virgil, would you like to join us?”
Virgil put his hands in his pockets. “Sure, I could go for some food. Where are we going?”
“I’ve got a few places in mind we can pick from,” Virtus said. “We can decide when we get closer.”
“Trust us when we say the food is great,” Esther added. “One of the places has a pumpkin bread that is absolutely to die for.”
Roman perked up. “Oh? Riad loves pumpkin bread! You must tell me where I can find this!”
Logan looked to Patton; he frowned when he saw his arms wrapped around himself, looking away.
His head snapped up. “Huh?”
“Are you going to be joining us for dinner?” he asked again.
Shifting his weight between his feet, Patton looked away hesitantly and shrugged. “I… don’t think I can,” he whispered. “I don’t really have any Lien…”
“Who said you were paying?” Virtus cut in.
Patton blinked at him, eyes wide. “U-Uh… I thought…”
Virtus cut him off with a wave of his hand. “Hey, c’mon. We’ve got the money, and you kids definitely earned it today!”
“No, it’s—it’s okay, you don’t have to—”
“We want to,” he replied. “We wanna get to know you kids better, anyway. What better way to do it than over some grub?”
Mouth still half open, his eyes flicked between Virtus’ and Logan’s shoes; when they lifted to look at Logan’s face, he did his best to offer an encouraging smile. Patton shrunk in on himself further before turning to Virtus.
“Are you sure…?”
Virtus beamed. “Absolutely! C’mon, now. This restaurant isn’t going to pick itself!”
He turned and started to lead the group back towards the airships while Logan waited in place for Patton to catch up. As soon as he was near, he held out his hand; Patton glanced at it, softly shook his head, and scurried along.
Logan frowned before trailing after them.
 The setting sun shone a soft, warm glow through the windows of the quiet diner. Though it was rather packed compared to a normal day, most of the tables kept their conversations soft and to themselves. Servers wandered between their tables, and the radio playing in the background left a calm atmosphere.
At a table near the back, one of the patrons slammed his fist down.
“Tallahassee couldn’t hold a flame to Pyrrha Nikos!” Virgil exclaimed.
“Are you kidding me?! She doesn’t even use her Semblance in battles!” Virtus shot back. “Tallahassee has two AI in her armor! Two!”
“Yeah, exactly! Pyrrha doesn’t need any help! She can kick anyone’s butt with just her raw strength alone!”
Logan scooped up some pasta. “Virgil does have a point, Father. She would also surely allow the rest of Team JNPR to help her, whereas Tallahassee refuses to accept any help, be it from the Pinks, the Purples, or the Mercenaries.”
“Of course she wouldn’t, they’re all idiots!” Virtus laughed, nudging Logan hard enough that his food fell back to the plate. “That’s the whole point of the show!”
Patton frowned, looking to Virgil. “I thought it was about capture the flag in a canyon?”
Roman let out a groan and dropped his fork to run his hands through his hair. “Is there nothing else we can talk about other than a theoretical fight between a cartoon character and a real person?!”
“PvP isn’t a cartoon,” Virgil huffed. “It’s made in a video game.”
“I don’t know, Roman. Pink Versus Purple seems to be a show you would enjoy,” Logan said.
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Really?”
“Yes. You don’t agree?”
“Uh… Not really,” he replied. “It’s, like, all dialogue. No singing or dancing or any of that Volt Tawny crap.”
Roman gasped. “Did you just call Volt Tawny—?!”
“Alright, alright, alright,” Esther interrupted. “Roman had a point earlier. We can debate fictional characters against each other any time, but we’ve got a whole tournament right in front of us that we’ll never get a second chance to speculate on! Why aren’t we pitting two real people against each other?!”
“Like who?” Logan asked.
Patton poked at his small plate of fries. “What about that Penny girl that Ruby’s been hanging out with?”
Virtus slapped his hands together and pointed at him, ignoring the way he flinched. “Now she’s a real fighter!” he exclaimed. “I would not be surprised at all if she were to win this year! That kid’s got some real power behind those swords!”
“No, way! Coco Adel’s got it in the bag!” Esther said.
“Ohh, you’re just saying that because you like her weapon!”
Logan cleared his throat, rendering his parents silent. “I believe we do, in fact, still have a matter we need to discuss about the tournament.”
Roman sunk into the booth with a sigh; Virgil looked between the two with a raised eyebrow. “And that would be…?”
“Who will be proceeding from our team to the Doubles round.” He reached up to fiddle with his necklace as he began to inspect his suddenly very interesting pasta. “I… would very much appreciate it if you would allow me to be one. I’ll admit that my reasons are more… sentimental, than anything, but I’m sure you know that I would fight to my full potential in the name of our team, regardless of the emotions behind it.”
Virtus gently put his hand on his shoulder; Logan swallowed thickly and placed his hand over top of his. He took a deep breath and looked at each of his three teammates in turn.
“That being said,” he continued, voice cracking and steadying within a syllable, “It would mean a great deal to me if you were to choose me to proceed forward in the tournament.”
“Oh, Logan!” Patton cooed. “Of course you can!”
“You are the strongest member of our team,” Roman added. “I don’t think there was any chance we’d tell you not to.”
Virgil smiled and gave him a soft kick under the table. “Yeah, dude, if anyone can win this for us, it’s you. You’re gonna destroy whoever we go up against, no matter who it is.” Then, with a thumbs up, he added, “You’ve got our support.”
If there was an extra sheen to Logan’s eyes, no one said a word.
“Thank you,” he thickly responded. “I promise I will not disappoint you.”
Virtus frowned, brow furrowing as he turned to look at Logan. “What?”
Logan cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses. “Um— I believe we still need to choose one more of us to join me in the next round.”
“Uh… Yeah,” Virgil carefully replied, watching as Virtus and Esther shot each other a glance over Logan’s head. “Yeah, um… I think Patton should be the one to go.”
Patton startled, dropping a fry back onto his plate. “M-Me?!”
“That is an excellent suggestion,” Logan replied.
With wide eyes, Patton leaned forward in the booth to watch as Roman nodded along with them. His mouth opened and closed a few times as his gaze darted between the three.
“Why… Why me?” he asked, voice about an octave higher than normal.
“Well, I sure as hell don’t want to be out on stage again,” Virgil said. He took a deep breath and leaned back. “Not in front of that many people, at least.”
“And, Roman was the only one of us to get knocked out in our fight,” Logan added. “Not to mention how wonderful an opportunity it would be to help you train yourself in fighting with your semblance.”
Patton spluttered. “But—But you know I can’t! If—”
His eyes flicked to Virtus for just a split second. He shrunk in on himself.
“…You know why I can’t use it in the tournament,” he quietly finished.
“With all due respect, Pat, I don’t think it matters much at this point,” Roman piped in. “They’ve probably already seen the match.”
Gaze falling to the floor, Patton reached up to fiddle with the edges of his collar. “That’s what I’m afraid of…”
“What does it even matter?” Virgil questioned, gently nudging his arm. “You haven’t talked to them in months, and it’s not like you’re going to any time soon. If they try to come fight you, the three of us would get rid of them in a second. You know that, don’t you?”
“I… do, I guess…”
“Then there should be nothing to fear,” Logan stated. Then, with a soft smile, he added, “Please, Patton. I truly believe you are the best person to participate in the next round with me.”
Patton looked up at him, still hunching in on himself. “…You’re sure?”
Logan held out a hand. “I’m positive.”
There was a long moment where he stared at it and chewed on his lip. The others watched with baited breath.
Finally, Patton let out a breath, swallowed thickly, and took Logan’s hand.
“I’ll do my best.”
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bvidzsoo · 6 years
Abiding Darkness (X)
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warnings: none
 Pairing: Oh Sehun X OC
 Word count: 2, 996
 Summary:   Belikov Bora is living in Seoul at her grandparents as she had gotten her long awaited scholarship. She’s not new to this world but she’s also not really interested in the famous people of it…so maybe that’s why she gets the shock of her life when a zombie apocalypse begins and she’s stuck with Oh Sehun.
 A/N: So...this is like a part one of this chapter, because I couldn’t write much this week. Hope you like it, feedback is welcomed.
    My lungs felt restricted, and my hands numb. I wasn’t really used to sleeping on my back all night, and not being able to turn as I wished was quite disturbing. I woke up at least three times before falling into a deep slumber. I couldn’t feel pain as my eyes slowly opened, but my muscles felt quite sore. I shouldn’t feel like this since I let my body rest. The warm breath hitting my collarbones made me slightly jump as I glanced down. Sehun was tangled, once again, into me. His head resting underneath my neck as one arm held tightly onto me, my healthy leg hooked between his. Why do we always wake up tangled? It seems like a little injury won’t stop Sehun from clinging to me like a koala.
“Sehun” I muttered, nudging his side gently. Jian started to stir beside me, low whines leaving her mouth. She probably needed more rest.
“Sehun, wake up” I said with a sigh, my hand reluctantly reaching down to his head. His breathing was the same, leveled, meaning he was still in a deep slumber.
“Sehun” I breathed out again, running my fingers through his soft hair. He grumbled something as he gripped my waist a little tighter.
“Wake up” I said a little louder this time, rolling my eyes. Seriously, it feels like we aren’t even in the middle of a zombie apocalypse with the way Sehun is sleeping, they could attack right now and Sehun wouldn’t hear.
“Oh Sehun” I hissed, pulling a little on his hair, making him groan.
“What” He hissed, my skin feeling hot as he nuzzled his face into my neck. That made me gulp, and I had to bite my lower lip and stop myself from feeling anything too unnecessary.
“Wake up” I told him again and he just sighed, hand rubbing my side. Was he really that unconscious still that he didn’t know what he’s doing?
“I want to sleep” He muttered, his voice husky and I sighed, detaching my fingers from his hair.
“Oh Sehun, you are crushing me with your weight” That finally seemed to snap him awake as he growled and quickly sat up, looking down at me. His eyes were narrowed as he looked around the room and then back at me. Maybe I lied, he wasn’t really crushing me but at least that got him off me.
“What happened?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed.
“Nothing?” I looked at him curiously “You were sleeping on me, again”
“That’s not true” Sehun huffed but his cheeks turned pink “You are lying”
“Am I?” I rolled my eyes, sitting up, and pulling my leg, that was still trapped between his. Sehun made a surprised sound and I just grinned.
“Still won’t believe me?” I raised my eyebrows and Sehun just groaned, rubbing his face.
“Whatever” He muttered, laying back down “I’m still tired”
“Then sleep some more” I muttered shrugging, “Jian is still sleeping”
“Well, we could fix that” Sehun smirked and was already raising his hand to push Jian but I stopped him, placing a hand on his firm chest and pushing him down.
“Don’t” I glared at him, and Sehun just rolled his eyes.
“It would be fun pushing her off the bed”
“No, it wouldn’t be. What are you...five?” I scoffed as Sehun only shrugged, running his fingers through his bed hair. I stared at him, getting lost once again because of his handsome face. Is he even real? How can he look so good and be so mean at the same time?
“Staring again?” Sehun snickered when I hissed and lightly punched his shoulder.
“You wish” I muttered and he snickered some more before sitting up again, taking the blanket off both our bodies. I whined at the loss of warmth, goosebumps forming on my skin.
“How’s your leg?” He asked, fingers carefully brushing against my knee and down to the cast he made. I shivered at the contact but ignored it and answered casually.
“Fine, it doesn’t hurt”
“Now” Sehun looked at me and I raised my eyebrows as his fingers tapped against my bare knee, “We won’t move today. We’ll stay here”
“Is that safe?” I asked worriedly, trying to ignore the way Sehun’s fingers absentmindedly traced patterns into my skin.
“Yeah, we lay low. We barricade ourselves inside and stay upstairs if necessary, nothing will happen” He offered me a small smile as Jian turned beside me, mumbling something in her sleep.
“Okay” I reciprocated the smile and Sehun’s eyes traveled down my body, stopping where his hand was. As if realizing what he was doing until now, he took his hand away while clearing his throat.
“I checked yesterday night…” His eyebrows furrowed as he refused to meet my eyes, “There’s no food in the house so I have to go out and get some”
“What?” I asked alarmed, leaning closer to Sehun “We have some ramens, you don’t have to go”
“Those are for emergency situations” He finally looked at me and I slowly nodded at the stern look he gave me.
“There should be a market close, I know this area. So I will wash up and go, okay?” He rose his eyebrows, waiting for approval. I was surprised, definitely, that he wanted my approval.
“Alone?” I sighed when Sehun nodded, “I don’t want you to go alone…”
“You are in no condition to come with me and Jian would only be a burden if something happened” Sehun’s eyes were soft as he spoke to me and I tried to ignore how my heart seemed to race. He cared, for me...and for Jian. That’s something new, that’s a change.
“Okay, go” I offered him a small smile, nudging him with my elbow.
“Cool” He chuckled, ruffling my hair and making me whine.
“You are evil, I already have a bed hair” I muttered with a pout, trying to smooth out the tangled strands.
“And yet you are still beautiful” By the time I looked up, Sehun was out the room, leaving me with red cheeks and an opened mouth, staring at the ajar opened door. Did he just...call me beautiful? I chuckled quietly and leaned back down, turning on my right side, glad that I could move my muscles a little bit. I stared at Jian’s sleeping form as Sehun’s words echoed in my head, making me feel giggly. It’s no big deal being called beautiful, but this was coming from Sehun and I actually believed him, because I realized Sehun isn’t that type of person who says something for the sake of the conversation.
Jian’s eyes snapped open and I yelped, quickly punching her shoulder, but careful not to hit her too strong.
“Yah!” I exclaimed at her, while she just grinned at me evilly.
“So…” She trailed off, her voice way too happy for someone who just woke up “When are you and Sehun going to marry?”
“Shin Jian!” My voice echoed in the room together with her loud laugh as she turned around, only to turn back with a sick smile, blinking at me rapidly.
“Oh, Bora” Her voice was deeper than her usual voice and I realized she was trying to imitate Sehun, “You are so beautiful, my poor heart only beats for you. If you weren’t here, I’d be dead by now! All my life, I’ve been waiting for a woman like you! To love me, save me, protect me and--”
Jian screeched behind my palm as I pressed it against her mouth, my own lips making sounds of betrayal. How could she do that! Jian was my last trust.
“And I trusted you” I faked a sob and Jian just giggled underneath my palm.
“Are you laughing at me?” My eyes narrowed as Jian nodded, eyes almost disappearing from how wide she was smiling. I snickered evilly as I took my hand off her mouth and Jian continued laughing, looking at me with big eyes. I leaned over and my hands went to her sides, starting to tickle her. Jian’s laughter turned louder and I started giggling as she tried pushing my hands off her, getting off the bed.
“What’s going on?” Sehun was standing in the door, toothpaste almost dropping from his mouth as he was shirtless and wide eyed. Silence settled in the room as both Jian and I stared at Sehun’s startled form. Before I could really ogle his half-naked body, both Jian and I burst out laughing loudly, just confusing Sehun more.
“Ugh” His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at us more, “Well okay, looks like you are fine”
And that just made Bora squeal as she laughed harder while I tried to stop laughing, Sehun trudged back to the bathroom but not before giving us a look that screamed, ‘you two are crazy!’
“We scared him” I said, still chuckling, holding onto my stomach that now hurt.
“He will run off instead of bringing food” I looked at Jian surprised as she sounded like she was crying. She indeed was, but it was a mix of laughter and crying.
“My stomach” She whined, trying to calm down.
“Are you...crying or laughing?” I asked, eyebrows furrowed as Jian took deep breaths.
“Both” I chuckled, ruffling her hair as she sat up.
“And for your information” She muttered sassily, wiping her cheeks, “I hate being tickled”
“And I hate being teased by a girl who has no idea how love works” I stuck my tongue out at Jian, making her giggle.
“Maybe I do”
“Who are you...Cupid?” I scoffed as Jian nodded with a wink.
“I have no idea what’s wrong with you two” Sehun’s voice was loud as he walked inside the room, dressed fully this time.
“At first it sounded as if someone was being murdered and the next second as if the devil possessed both of you” Jian erupted into giggles once again as I just huffed.
“We were having fun” I shrugged as Sehun’s eyes narrowed while he pulled on his jacket.
“Right” He muttered and I rolled my eyes at him, “I’ll be back in an hour, don’t go downstairs and Bora...don’t walk around until I come back”
“And how am I supposed to go to the bathroom then?” I arched an eyebrow but Sehun was already out the door.
“Hold it in!” He called and I scoffed, shouting after him.
When the door downstairs slammed shut and clicked locked, I looked at Bora with a sigh.
“But I really have to go to the toilet”
“I’ll take you!” She exclaimed, pushing off the blanket and getting down.
“I’m not sure you can really help me” I muttered, trying not to offend her.
“Bora” Jian looked at me, hands on her hips “Have a little faith in me”
“Sehun will get angry” I sighed, scooting closer to the edge of the bed. The pain was dull, but still there as I accidentally rolled on my left side a little more.
“Do we care about Sehun?” Bora raised her eyebrows and I sent her a look, making her look down.
“Okay, sorry. Sehun is really important but right now we don’t care about what he told us...right?” Jian tried to smile and I rolled my eyes as I called her to come closer.
“Here, hold my arm” She smiled and held out her left arm. I gripped it, but not tightly, and slowly rose from the bed, putting the pressure on my right leg. It hurt and I had to take a deep breath as I tried taking a step.
“Ah, Jian” I hissed, a little stab-like pain erupting in my left leg, “Maybe we should wait for Sehun”
“Come on, Bora” Jian smiled up at me, “We can do it”
“Okay, yeah…” I muttered, eyebrows furrowing as I took another step, “It hurts”
“Come on, you are strong” Bora encouraged and I smiled down at her, gulping down the pain. If I want us to move along tomorrow, I need to get used to walking today. Don’t put pressure on your leg and you will be okay...almost.
By the time Bora and I got to the bathroom, half an hour could have passed. I can’t lie, but sweat was rolling down my forehead and I could have cried in joy when I sat on the toilet, doing my deed. It was amazing, to finally take off the pressure of my leg and also do nature’s call. After being ready, with Bora’s help, obviously, I managed to brush my teeth and face, cleaning myself up a little.
“Let’s go downstairs, Sehun should be back soon” Jian muttered as I held onto her, wincing at every step.
“Okay, I’m not sure I can survive the stairs though” I groaned, hoping I can’t damage my leg more than it is already.
“Those should be easy. You really don’t have to put pressure on your left leg, we’ll take them step by step” Jian smiled brightly up at me and I nodded, sighing quietly and praying I could get downstairs faster and without pain.
It was Jian who heaved a loud sigh when we finally made it to the kitchen and I sat at the table, pulling the chair out.
“Sorry to burden you” I muttered, closing my eyes at the pain I was feeling. It wasn’t the best idea, my leg felt on fire.
“It’s fine, Bora” Jian quickly smiled, patting my arm, “Do you mind if I go wash up?”
“Of course not, go” I smiled at Jian and she nodded before quickly running back upstairs. I sighed, looking around the kitchen. Amazing, now it’s me and my thoughts...my favourite combination. Not. Where’s Sehun? Didn’t he say one hour? Did one hour even pass? I’m hungry, why didn’t he let me eat that ramen? I want to eat, right now. There was a growl coming from my stomach and I sighed. Amazing, now my stomach is demanding it too. I’m hungry, I know stomach.
I leaned against the table, looking around the kitchen. It didn’t have many items, I guess this person lived alone. The colors in the house were quite cold, and no pictures. Maybe not fond of memories? It happens. Just as I was about to sigh again, there was rattling at the front door and I tensed. The kitchen door was across from the front door and if it was an Affected one, I’m dead. I can’t even run away...or fight back. So tensed, I waited until the door clicked open and a tall and lean body entered. A sigh of relief left my lips but it got caught midway and I almost choked.
“Sehun!” I called alarmed, his jacket in his hand and his blue sweater smeared with...blood. My heart started beating fast as I raised to my feet but hissed when I wanted to take a step. Sehun was just as alarmed as I was as he rushed to my side.
“Bora” He cupped my cheeks, looking into my eyes “Why are you downstairs? What happened?”
“What happened to you?” My lips started trembling as all the worst scenarios started playing in my head. We both swore if we get bitten...we have to kill the other. I shook my head, trying to clear my clouded mind.
“Sehun--are you bitten?” I was breathless as Sehun’s eyes widened and he slowly shook his head, looking worried.
“What? No, why?” He looked confused and I let out a breath of relief, gripping his wrists that still held my cheeks.
“Your sweater--it’s bloody and I thought--” I bit my lower lip as Sehun glanced down with furrowed eyebrows. He shook his head and pulled his hands away from my cheeks, placing them on my hips as he raised me up and sat me on the table. I watched him surprised as he patted my thighs.
“Not me” He muttered quietly, looking down instead of at me, “I tried to save someone but they--”
“It’s okay” I muttered, placing my hand on top of his, “You did what was right”
“But he begged me not to…” Sehun’s voice was quiet as he grabbed my thigh a little harshly and I winced.
“It was necessary” I traced his wrist with my fingers and Sehun nodded reluctantly.
“Yes, he was...already transforming” He decided to look up and I offered him an encouraging smile.
“Well done” I muttered and Sehun nodded solemnly, stepping back as he pulled his sweater over his head, remaining in a black t-shirt. He looked around and threw the sweater in the trash bin when he spotted it.
“Bora” I hummed as I looked at him and his eyes turned into a glare.
“What did I tell you?”
“Oh” It was my turn to look away “Yeah, I just--I needed to use the bathroom and coming down seemed like a good idea--”
“But it was not” Sehun deadpanned and I winced, looking at him guiltily.
“Does it hurt much?” He eyed my leg as I swung them in the air lightly.
“Right now, not…” I trailed off and it was quiet until my stomach decided to growl loudly.
“Right, I brought some food…” He muttered, placing a bag beside me. He took out different type of foods and different tins of fish and vegetables.
“Do you like these?” He asked, looking at me as I eyed the food.
“Sure” I shrugged, taking a tin of fish from him and opening it, “I’m quite hungry…”
“Of course” He muttered and took out some bread before handing it to me.
“I shouldn’t be sitting on the table though” I muttered, pursing my lips.
“It’s fine, I’ll go and call Jian down” Sehun flashed me a smile as he walked away, leaving me with my tin of fish. I munched on it like a person who’s been starved for ages. Food, finally.
 ~Next Part~
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All those questions you aren't used to?
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
Yes, sometimes I think that ive imagined everything up until the moment, or I’m dreaming everything that’s happened. Which isn’t so much doubting the existence of others. But more I’m doubting that those around me and real and rather a figment of my imagination
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
It all depends how dark and probably a 2
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Donald Trump
4. What is your favorite word? N/A
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
Ooooh a weeping willow or a palm tree
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“Where did hose pimples come from?”
7. What shirt are you wearing?
I’m wearing a dress 👀
8. What do you label yourself as?
9. Bright room or dark room?
Dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
I was on my phone either on tumblr or on YouTube
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
Being 18
12. Who told you they loved you last?
My mum or @dysfunctionalgroup
13. Your worst enemy?
My own insecurities and fears
14. What is your current desktop picture?
I don’t have a laptop or computer but the one of my phone is of me and my girlfriend and my best friend
15. Do you like someone?
Yes I do
16. The last song you listened to?
Hey Ya by Sweater Beats (cover of Hey Ya by Andre 3000)
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
Donald Trump or Pence
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
My sister most of the time
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
Hmmm I don’t know someone rich, and get them to buy me things
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
My hair probably
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
Probably a male version of how I currently look, same skin, eyes and hair texture + colour. I’d be slightly taller than I currently am. Still a little on the chubbier side, but a little more definition. I’d probably have a good play with my dick honestly and eat a shit ton, and watch as it doesn’t make me gain as much weight
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
The belly button thing
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
I feel like I’m afraid of just the usual things, not a huge fan of heights, being alone/abandoned, things that could eat me/kill me, I’m not afraid of the dark, just the potential for bad things to happen when it is?
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
Lightly toasted ciabatta roll, nice and spicy chicken nibbles (the chicken has been stripped from the bone to put in the sandwich) butter, mayo, lettuce and tomato
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
Probably of clothes or makeup or skincare
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
New Zealand-Italy-New Orleans
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
This seems a little sacrilegious but either absolute vodka (in all the flavours ) or Don Julio Tequila
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
No intentional physical or emotional harm towards those who are on the island!
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
My phone or wallet tbh
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
God, I don’t know, probably when I went to do work experience and the boss of the salon I was with ended up being a real bitch to me. I was like 16 (and I wasn’t even working for money) and she made me cry.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
I am really on this New Orleans band wagon, but I’d probably go somewhere like Bora Bora or the Greek Islands
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
Carrie Fisher
34. What was your last dream about?
Myself, my girlfriend and a few of my friends were having a movie night but people kept showing up and then we ran out of seats. So I went off in search for something to sit on and found all these mattresses on the side of the road so I dragged them back to the house. Only everyone had gone. So I I piled the mattresses together so it made a tower and the my best friend and her boyfriend got stuck on top!
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
Yes I’m good
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
No? I actually haven’t! I mean when I was little but I can’t remember it
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
Yes he was tiny af tho
38. What is the color of your socks?
Not wearing any atm
39. What type of music do you like?
Mostly hip hop - r&b - rap but I’ll listen to most genres
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? N/A
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
Snickers or Oreo
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
I don’t follow either of these
43. Do you have any scars?
I have several on my knees, one on my shin, chicken pox scar above my eyebrow, a burn mark on my shoulder and one on my inner thigh, I also have a boil scar on the opposite thigh and a wishbone scar on my lower stomach
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
A fully qualified hairdresser
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I wish I had less self doubt
46. Are you reliable?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Am I happy and content with where I am and who I am?
48. Do you hold grudges?
It depends on what the person did (or didn’t do)
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
A bat and a lizard (maybe a gecko or tuatara) and get a dragon looking creature
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
How my sister and I aren’t clones and yes I’m 100% sure I’m not her.
51. Are you a good liar?
Surprising yes
52. How long could you go without talking?
I suspect not long
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
When I decided to get my hair cut to a bob (it wasn’t a badly done haircut I just didn’t suit it)
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
Yes, tho I don’t know if this question meant in general or for like a specific event
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
Sadly no
56. What do you like on your toast?
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Probably a heart or a star
58. What would be you dream car?
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I sing but that’s usually to whatever music I have playing
60. Do you believe in aliens?
I mean why not
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
Yeah, I mostly don’t take it super seriously
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
M or Y
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Both are lit
64. What do you think about babies?
I love babies until they start screaming and you can’t calm them down
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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for-yoongi0309 · 3 years
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for-yoongi0309 · 3 years
I– hm 🧎🏼 I was in the middle of making a master list post and my laptop decided to just.. break and stop working. Now the master list...almost two days of working on it..gone and I'm just 🧍🏼‍♀️ having a mental breakdown pls ignore me
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for-yoongi0309 · 4 years
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