gingericywolf · 6 months
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Better late than Never! And it's just a one day delay. Happy birthday Borya!
Beyblade Dinosaur Au Therizinosaurus!Boris
Therizinosaurus fun facts:
Therizinosaurus means 'scythe lizard', cheloniformis means 'turtle form';
In fact when it was described in 1954 it was thought Therizinosaurus was a giant marine turtle, having only the claws;
Therizinosaurus reached great sizes for a maniraptoran, estimated to 9-10m (30-33ft) in length and 4-5m(13-16ft) in heigth and 3 to over 5 tons in weight;
The arms alone are 2.4m(7.9ft) in total length.
Au Lore:
Lore isn't too different from what we actually see in the series. Borg is an evil organization just instead of beyblades with dinosaurs;
Because of the situation he is in, like parrots do when in bad conditions, he plucks off his feathers in spots. As he heal after he gets out they start to grow back but he does fall back into the habit at times.
As always process and sketches under read more
Say thank you to the jurassic world Theri that posed for me
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Bonus close up to my babies, Stellasaurus!Max with Therizinosaurus!Boris
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modernbeybladeedits · 4 years
*Bryan and Tala laying together, gazing at stars*
Bryan: The stars sure are beautiful tonight.
Tala: Yes, they are.
Bryan: You know who else is beautiful?
Tala *blushes and smiles flirtatiously*: Who?
Bryan, sighing: My Maxie.
Sorry for betraying my OTP but I'm here for the new BryanxMax craze.
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ressyfaerie · 2 years
So like I headcanon Max to have unusual pets. A scorpion (Sting) and a Rose Tarantula (either Morgana or Minerva, Not sure what I had named it)
So my prompt is, the team is visiting Max and he show them his pets, with Takao that has aracnophobia.
Also a Bonus only if you find a way but if you can sprinkle an hint of Boriax, you know me I am desperate, I'd be on my knees praising you
OH I love it!! Big fan of unusual pets!! This is a unique prompt! I’m excited! Lets see where this goes! (also you’re a long time follower! So shoutout here!! Thanks for following me for so long and keeping up with my crap! LOL) 
Suckss but I don’t have time to include the whole team! But I think I’m going to make it a much more personal visit with just Takao and Max! And sprinkle in some stuff you might like!
“Max I haven’t been to your place in so long!” 
Takao followed behind Max as they unlocked the door to Max’s house. 
“I never invited you since I thought you were scared of my pets…” Max felt bad, he always thought Takao’s arachnophobia would have ruined their visit. 
But Takao surprised Max with his excitement about his new snake. 
Max welcomed Takao inside. They took off their shoes while Max murmured his worries. 
“I had no idea you liked snakes?” 
“I love them!” Takao exclaimed, “remember when we were travelling and we stopped at that zoo? I thought they were so cool!” 
“Well…” Max laughed while climbing the stairs to his room with Takao, “Mcnugget is a corn snake, so she’s a lot smaller than the ones we saw at that zoo…” 
“That’s okay! I still want to meet her…” Takao trailed off as they opened the door to Max’s room. 
His room was certainly unique. 
Each wall had at least two terrariums. 
Above his bed were fairy lights in the shape of lizards, the string of lights emitted a warm yellow light over the room. 
Read the rest on archive!
May 13th, 2022 Tumblr Asks! -Snakes and Spiders - Ressyfaerie - Beyblade [Archive of Our Own]
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lamponellatempesta · 3 years
For the fanfiction asks : all the ship questions
Another day, another question!
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP?
My supreme OTP is TyKa, my little and precious babies. I think I could write a book of headcanons for these two together. I saw them as a couple from the really first episode of the first series and I think I will never change the idea about them; they complete each other, even if they could have bad times for the different personalities at the end they will always come back to each other.
12. Who is your current OT3?
As I said in my previous post I don’t have an OT3 simply because i couldn’t see a triangle, I'm too jealous. It’s only my vision people don’t be angry with me XD
13. Any NoTPs?
Everything that is toxic or violent or illegal or with too much age difference relationships. I can appreciate all other ships if the fic is well written and the plot has a sense, maybe could give me inspiration, who is always accepted.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
I have so many BroTPs! I’ll give you some examples!
- Kai and Max: The Big Bro that loves and protects the little one. Kai can punch in the face and not only in face the people who are bullying his little bro.
- Kai and Rei: I always saw them with this kind of relationship, they give each other tips to both grow up and they have a similar way of thinking so it is easy to understand each other and where the other is wrong.
- Takao and Max: oh come on these two are the BroTP for excellence, they don’t need explanations, just watch them in the series. Besties!
-Rei and Lai: I think these two deserved more friendship time in the series and a fuckin better growth but no.The authors ruined everything. Btw they could have up and downs in the course of their life but they know they will always be a point of reference for one another
-Yuriy and Boris/Bryan: No one can change my mind, these two are brothers only with different blood. They would give their lives for each other because the trust they have between them they will never have with anyone else; the words do not serve each other, they know perfectly each other’s mind and what he will do in a certain situation. And when their traumas don’t hit them, they could be two perfect dorks together and livin the moments of the childhood and teenage years of which they have been deprived.
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Julia x Mariam: what I have to say? Badass girls don’t need men. They are so powerful together, kickin in the ass all the homophobes but hidden in the comfort of their little flat is another story, sweetness and passion over the edge. But that’s another story u.u
16. Are there any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
Yuriy and Kai: It’s not a dislike I just don’t feel them as a couple but I feel them only in a solid friendship, but I appreciate the fics where they are together. 
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
First ship was TyKa and will be forever TyKa I think XD
18. What ship have you written the most about?
I bet you will not be surprised if I say TyKa again, but hey, I say that they are my precious babies and give me inspiration to write things about them. And emh, I'm literally Kai (poor people at my side)  so it’s easy for me to write him with Takao.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Totally Rei and Kai: as i say higher in the post i see them with a brothers type relationship but i really like the fics where they are together, they are just two dorks and cuties and make me laugh so much 
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Well I was a little surprised the first time but I have a soft spot for Brilary (Bryan x Hilary) thanks to the art of @iamtrashyartz and the beautiful stories and headcanons that came out in the later period. I found them a really good match and the headcanons and the drawings about them are simply beautiful, plus I found them hilarious, that is always a plus point! (but Boriax will stay always in my heart)
Hope you will like my replies and thanks to @gingericywolf for the english corrections and supervision✨✨
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bellaelizabethsmith · 2 years
Thanks for liking my boriax posts 🥺💖
Nooo probleeem myy dudeeeee 🥰🥰🥰
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gingericywolf · 2 years
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Boriax but make it Dinosaurs 🦖
[Temporary designs]
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gingericywolf · 2 years
I never actually realized how gigantic therizinosaurus is until now that I have to put it to scale with Stellasaurus!max
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[Not in scale, just headshots]
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gingericywolf · 2 years
Of course I had to be hit by art block again just as may started. But I can do this, don't mind me being one day behind. Under read more
Mayblade day 1: sun
Max raised an arm, shielding from the blinding sun. A familiar screech on top of him called his attention, a shadow circling down.
He smiled as a flapping wings passed close to him, landing at his feet with the sound of sharp claws clicking on the ground.
"Hi Horus, you found me, good job, your caretaker shouldn't be too far then". He kneeled down ruffling the head feathers of Boris's rescue falcon. The bird moved his head around looking at him with his clear eyes, before giving a few nibbles to his fingers with his sharp beak and soft chirping. A few little scratches were nothing compared to what he could have done if he hadn't enjoyed the pets.
Soon a whistle was heard and the bird took flight, staying low instead of taking rise. Max stood up again and turned just in time to see Horus landing on Boris's gloved hand and nibbling on a small piece of meat.
Not sure if the sun or something else, he felt his cheeks get warm as he watched the scene and how gentle the russian man was with the bird. Such a side few were able to see, and he was one of the lucky fews.
With a quick movement of the arm, Boris let the falcon fly again, watching it take to the sky before walking over to Max. He too, could not help the blush forming on his face, seeing the sun shine brigth and light up the younger man in front of him. And it didn't matter how many times he had seen it by now, the rush of feelings he felt never seemed to lessen as that joyful smile was directed at him time and time again, and his own smile came out.
They spent time there, chatting about a thing or the another, as Horus flew high, golden feathers shining, watching over them like the ancient god he was named after.
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gingericywolf · 2 years
Love -10 , 12, 4 -Bryan/max General- 4,8,9 -tyka
thank you @stroblitzfalborg for the ask and the pairings! *whispers* I love you -sorry for the wait! I am having troubles with my pc and I originally wanted to draw for the answers but it’s def taking me too long
Edit: ok well it’s been more than a year at the time i will post this and i am truly sorry hope someone is still interested in this even if the og asker isn't here anymore
Bryan/Max - Boriax - Love:
4- How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Max is totally a cuddler. I mean what’s better than cuddling with your boyfriend. But also it’s not the world business, they are not there to entertain a public with their relationship And also not all places are safe.. So most of the cuddling is reserved for when they are alone or in a safe space with the others. In these moments, when their relationship is finally out and not secret anymore, the sight of the two close to each other, max locking his arm in bryans one, hand on his bicep, and Bryan playing with his fingers and softly snuggling his face in max's hair every now and then, leaving small kisses and making his sunshine giggle, becomes quite familiar in a short time.
During the secret relationship time it was mostly sharing looks and sligty brushing hands when the opportunity to be close happened, wich let be honest, they made sure they happened by finding excuses to meet and go somewhere. Soon a few of the bladers started to suspect a thing or two. (I have MANY Thoughts and Ideas for things that slowly got them caught)
While out together you’ll probably see bryan put his arm around max’s shoulder or waist just to make sure and keep him close… or if someone is being a little bit too flirty with the sunshine. They will hold hands and Max would be the one to steal kisses from the other (when sure to be in a safeish place). Overall they surprisingly look really cute and soft while also being the biggest teases with each other.
10- Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Actions tell more than words. Words can be fake, and both, in different ways, have heard too many empty ones.
But Hands brushing against each other, fingers running through the hair while the other is sleepy or just relaxed in the moment, head lying on the other shoulder, resting your forehead against the other one with a small kiss sorry I’m a sucker for forehead touches. All these little gestures have an intimacy beyond what any word can tell. Especially for Bryan, it’s all these little moments that really make him realize that he is not dreaming.
And Max. No one really can understand how much he too needs the contact with the other. If he can he will be snuggled to him. The way they feel safe with each other goes beyond the comprehension of many who see them. Even with this to, Max is definitely more vocal in expressing his affection and was definitely the first to say “I love you”, while for Bryan it took a bit longer, but you can bet that when he did it he Really meant it and Max was the happiest he had ever been for a good week.
When they have to part to go back to their countries they have to rely more on words. And photos. They text each other and when possible do calls/video calls. Bryan cursed timezones more than once probably.
12 - What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
I suck at nicknames so apart from the classical ones, some i can think of:
Bryan loves to call Max “cupcake” and “honey”, because you know, max is sweet, but will try Anything for a blush or smile. “babe” is another one he likes to use, surprisingly softly spoken, reserved for more intimate moments, or whispered in a husky tone when he wants to tease.
Max took a long time to find a good nickname/pet name. Darling and love are easy go to. Of course Falcon was the standard everyone used so he wanted something else too and the moment he foud about the existence of the african pigmy falcon he was so in love with the little bird, and it reminded him so much of bryan (who is still wondering how ), he started calling him is birdie, love bird. But the best is when he is half asleep and mumbling that he comes up with some that make the man chuckle like an idiot, like snuggle buggle. When he wants to be a little tease 'stud' is what brings out Bryan's grin, (but to people surprise things arent always what they look like )
Tyka - General:
4-Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship,ecc..) First crush for takao probably, kai's perfect appearence on that hill with the sunset after the match with Hiruta(Carlos, for the ones that use eng dub) left him open mouthed.. if only the bastard didn't ruin everything destroying his blade. Open mouthed again, but with disappointment and anger. Years later when kai came back to the team, at the sunset, again, Takao just realized even more how much he loved Kai. But nothing happened between them for a long time, one thinking it was impossible and the other still not wanting to accept their feelings and.. So they both had previous relationships. Not all were good, Takao was quite unlucky with previous boyfriends, getting himself in some hard situations not easy to overcome or get out from, Kai had a relationship with an old friend (wink wink a certain red head) that in the end didn’t work. There was a bit of jumping around with different people and one night adventures, mostly while drunk, and they had a friends-with-benefits very long phase in the middle of this all before realizing, or better before Kai finally accepted, the feelings they had for each other. Kid you not, all the teams cheered loudly when finally it happened.
8-Who gets jealous easier?
They are both jealous but I’d say Kai just a bit more,still he trusts Takao more than anyone else and we know Takao always had faith in Kai, even when the Hiwatari didn't really deserve it. Time will see them opening up in this sense, putting on the plate the possibility of an -expanded- relationship.
In the end they both know they are made for each other and no one will change that.
9- Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Both love doing it. It’s them what did you expect, they always try to get something out of the other. Takao is on the phone talking or cooking something? watch Kai sneak behind him, put his arms around and put his lips close to the dragon's ear.. he doesn’t even need to say much. He could even just ask how the cooking is going but in that spefic way and voice that takao just starts to go other places with his mind.
Kai is on a call or is working from home?, time to get into action and give him a break.
They try to make each other blush every time the situations comes up.
are they in bed? Takao is usually the one that starts with the dirty talk.
what happens next, well, if those walls could speak they sure would have a lot to tell.
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gingericywolf · 2 years
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I have to commit and put these on something (tyka one is on my previous sketchbook, emily x ming one is on the 2020 agenda, the rickxmao one i don't remember where i put it). It's hard to commit because these two are my favorite ones and I just like having them around and see them. Give me suggestions.
Also I have officially finished the sketchbook so maybe another video of the last half soon?? If anyone is interested
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gingericywolf · 3 years
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look, me sharing more sketches. These are from the start of the year. Enjoy some cuddling babies.
I originally made these to attach to an Ask... but then i never found the time to finishing answering it, it's still in my drafts and i feel so sorry to not having done that still.
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gingericywolf · 3 years
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Very very old but you know, i feel like i don't share enough of my stuff on here and i still like this sketch even if i haven't finished it in the end, even when i'm at my worst mental state flipping trough my sketchbooks and seeing this and other bey doodles puts a smile on my face
also: *putting this on the list of things i want to redraw*
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gingericywolf · 4 years
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After the other day I couldn’t resist and made one for my fav pairing.
they are my babies.
Made with : Picrew
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gingericywolf · 4 years
O, P, S for the fandom meme pls!
yeaah my first ask, thank you anonymus hope you enjoy my answers!
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of 
soo not much at random but the first song that comes to my mind since I’ve listened to it when i get asked songs
- Drugs & candy by All Time Low, This song is my go to in bad days because  it reminds me of my ship -and everyone who knows me know whats coming- , Boris/Bryan and Max! I’m sure everyone is fed up with me for this ship but it’s one I’m going to die on! XD.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
Percy Jackson AU | Gods / Myths AU in general , I know someone was doing a percy jackson crossover but I also have my own and want to see different interpretations
Dinosaurs AU (I’m working on it )
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
soo i don’t really know where to start , I hoped for some prompts, but since we are here and I have already talked about them in the post I’ll go with some Boriax headcanons, since also it’s still Boris birthday as I’m writing this:
- Max constantly steals Boris shirts and jackets. They are big and comfortable and he loves the way they carry Boris smell, especially when they have to stay apart for long periods of time. He started only with the shirts because he knew how important the jacket is for his boyfriend, until on a cold day date Boris covered him with it. He still always asks before using it now;
-Max is a dinosaur nerd and soon dragged Boris into it;
-Secret relationship for a while, or at least they thought of keeping it secret;
-They surprisingly had very similar taste in music, each other made the other discover new groups and singers. some times they make reference to songs and know the other will understand;
-Max’s parents were a bit shocked initially, Charlotte adored Boris from the first moment she met him and was super supportive of them;
-Boris is the one that cooks and doesn’t mind the amounts of mayonnaise Max uses on the dishes, he is just slightly worried on how healthy that can be;
-Gaming Nights;
-Bryan actually opened a YouTube channel and max is the only one to know.
- If Max hears someone talk shit about Bryan, he will not hesitate to jump in. He’ll be ready to throw hands if needed;
-Bryan learns to enjoy things more, drinks and smokes less;
- ✨Matching things✨, from earrings to  tattoos
- about tattoos: Max gets a falcon and Bryan a turtle/chimaera
- October and December are the most beautiful times of the year at their house;
-they both makes sure to make the other birthday a very special day;
- Max is a perfect Will and Boris makes for a taller and scarier cough lovely Nico.
I could still go on but I think I’ve rambled enough XD ✨
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gingericywolf · 3 years
For the fanfiction question. All the ships questions. Plus the questions 31,32 and 44.
Thanks for the ask and sorry for the wait dear Anon!
Ship Questions for your current fandom:
11. Who is your current OTP?
I think it can easily be guessed by my previous answers. Even if it’s a cracky ship my current OTP is Boris/BryanxMax (Boriax). Close second is Tyka  ✨!
12. Who is your current OT3?
Bryan Max and Mariam. It combines my childhood fav ship with what was an unexpected ship and  my current OTP.  Perfect combo to my hearth.
13. Any NoTPs?
Everything that is like.. gross illegal and not socially acceptable
also kaixbrooklyn.... it just gives me toxic vibes and i feel it would be very ooc for both..
otherwise I’m fairly open to any ship. As long as a story is well written and the couple can make sense.
but I don’t like when they mix characters from different shows. Not sure if it is still a thing.
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
Rei and Kai and Bryan and Yuriy.
I see why people ship them but I see them more as BroTPs
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love?
Lee/Rai and Mathilda is the first that come to mind, but there are so many underrated ships and possible ships.
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
As I said before, Rei x Kai. I know a lot of people ship them and as said I see why it’s popular.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
From childhood: MaxMariam! and yes i still like them very much even if I have different main ships with them in now
After re-watching the series  I had quite a Yuka fase but didn’t last long
18. What ship have you written the most about?
Max and Boris and is literally a dumb  thing here on tumblr and a bunch of headcanons lol, I’m not a writer.
But I did start writing something longer that had to be a Tyka but after writing 5 word pages in a day when i was without internet I still haven’t touched it again..
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them 
YuBo and I think I explained enought, RickMax and ReiMax (don’t tell misi, I still love the arts of them she makes) . Probably others too, but again is not that i don’t like them. I do and can enjoy them, i just don’t ship them personally.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Bryan x Mariam was a pleasant surprise
Johnnyx Bryan.. I read one story and i loved them as much as I was weirded out
Author Questions (yikes)
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
listen.. the only thing I made that it’s on somewhere on the internet is like the cringiest Inazuma Eleven crossover with Percy Jackson , a self insert,  Kyoya from Metal fight, dragons and stuff, it was hella elaborate I had the whole story planned in my head and..... I never finished it.. it actually never reached the dragon part..  or chapter 3... It was so fucking long ago, like 2015, my very first comment was a negative one that crushed my self esteem. The nicest thing is probably someone asking where the fuck I disappeared. I entered in my account again for the first time in so long just to help @ressyfaerie the other day and I didn’t even remember my username XD
Jk aside I guess there was someone that was curious to see what would have happened and I feel kind of sorry for abandoning them.. I always think of that story, every year i tell myself i will finish it , even if I have now forgot most of the original plot..
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you?
well yeah but I guess it just distracts me since the most productive I’ve been  in writing was when I was without internet. Also I’m a noob at music genres, I just listen to what I feel pleasant to my hear. my taste varies from stuff Bryan would listen to Ming ming type of songs
Fanfiction Questions
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
girls, give me the girls!
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gingericywolf · 4 years
I’m not even sorry
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I know max is half american but this is still so accurate
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