#born to draw silly turtles forced to go to school
veearrifarrariboom · 5 months
Hey guys I promise you there will be more Captainx2 content soon, I’ve just been very busy with school and especially with a school project which is almost over!
I have made a bit of progress on the comic and I made a bonus thing for propaganda for the Captains - which I will post when voting starts again! Here’s some sneak peaks v
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Drama Queens x2
Also here’s some turtles I drew for my school project vv
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I Like You A Lot
It all started when John Laurens was five years old.
It was a Monday, he thinks. Then again, the memory was pretty fuzzy, having had happened years ago, but it had to have been on either a Monday, Wednesday, or a Friday because that was when his school was. He had just arrived in his usual kindergarten class when he saw a new face. Knowing everyone in his class extremely well, he immediately singled out the new kid, who was sitting at a desk in the corner with a book open in front of him. Everyone was playing around him, not even seeming to notice he was there. John frowned. Why wasn't he playing too? He was about to go over and maybe invite him to play cars with him, or maybe show him the class's turtle, but before he could reach him, his teacher called out that class was starting and John reluctantly returned to his seat.
Soon enough, it was free time, and John immediately set out for the coloring table. He sat down with one of his friends, and they chattered happily as they used their crayons and markers to, in her case, draw flowers, houses, her family, and in John's case, turtles. Lots of turtles. The class pet fascinated him, and he would have spent hours with his nose pressed against the glass to stare at the turtle in the aquarium if he could have. They were laughing over something she had said as John reached for another paper, and then stopped as John's little hand grabbed nothing. "Paper?" he said, confused. But all of the paper had been used up by the two.
The kindergartener looked at his scuffed up shoes and felt his eyes prickle with tears. Free time had always been spent drawing, and now, he couldn't draw! As he was only a child, the small problem immediately crushed his world, and tears began to slip down his cheeks, "Hey, what's wrong?" a small voice asked. John looked up to see the new kid standing in front of him.
John sniffed and wiped at his nose. "There's no more paper... and I wanna draw more..."
The kid stayed quiet for a moment, then reached out to grab the papers that John had already drawn on. His eyes widened. "Wow! These are good!"
"Y-you like...?"
The kid nodded vigorously. "Could you draw me a tur-tle?" he asked, enunciating each syllable of 'turtle' as he attempted to pronounce the word right.
John's face lit up, and then he frowned again. "No more paper," he repeated sadly.
"You can draw on..." the boy trailed off as he looked around the room for something to draw on. "On... on me!" the boy finished up triumphantly. He rolled up his sleeves as far as they would go and held out his arm to John.
John cocked his head to the side. He had never tried drawing on a person before. Picking up a green marker, he lightly pressed it against the boy's arm, then grinned at the marker slid smoothly across the skin. Soon, the boy's entire arm was covered in turtles.
"John, I like you a lot," the boy had said happily as John continued to scrawl little turtles on his arms and legs with his green marker.
At the end of the day, both of the young boys were sad to leave but brightened at the prospect of seeing each other tomorrow. Before John could turn to leave the classroom and go find his mom, the boy had quickly kissed him on the cheek. "See you tomorrow!" he had said brightly. John had felt his cheeks burn and something happen in his stomach. It was a weird, warm, fluttery feeling like he was sick but... a good sick. So good that nothing could take the smile off of his face on the car drive home.
"What's made you so happy, John?" his mom had asked with a smile as they began to drive home.
"There was a new kid, he let me draw on him when there was no paper! He was really nice!"
"Oh, you were drawing on each other, were you?" Eleanor said with a small shake of her head, but she still was smiling. "I guess that means that it's bath time for you!" she continued, teasingly.
John gasped. "No! He didn't draw on me, so I don't have to take a bath! Right?" he said hopefully.
"Honey, you can't hide from me! The proof is literally on your arms! Bath time it is." John looks at his arm in confusion, finally noticing the small turtles littering his skin. How had they gotten there? Figuring that the boy must have drawn them on his when he wasn't looking, he shrugged it off and forgot about it. "This boy sounds very nice. Maybe we could have him over some time, on a playdate?" his mother suggested as they pulled into the driveway of their house.
"Maybe. He said he was only vis-i-ting," John says importantly, the long word making him feel more grown up. "He said he was from... Ne..." he sighed, then shook his head. He couldn't remember. "But he was really nice! He sat by me when out teacher taught us about sown-mates and..." he trailed off. "Do you have a sown-mate?" he asked curiously.
Eleanor had laughed. "Soulmate, dear. And yes, of course I do! Your daddy is my soulmate!"
"Because you love him a lot?"
"Yes, but it goes deeper than that. You and your soulmate are connected, well, by your soul! You share a deep bond with each other since the moment you are born. So deep that you can sense what the other is feeling, and you can-"
"Can you do the thing my teacher did? He drew a star on himself, and then a star appeared on his wife in the same spot! It was really cool!" John said excitedly.
His mother laughed. "Yes, honey, I can. Whatever happens to your soulmate's skin, it also happens to yours. All those ink spots that appeared on your hand one day, all of those strange bruises that appear out of nowhere, that was your soulmate! Drawings, small notes, even cuts and bruises, appear on both of you! Although, any harm that either one receives only hurts the person who originally got them, for some reason." She shrugged. "I guess it's for the better. I wouldn't want your father to get a broken arm if I ever slipped down the stairs or anything. The universe works in strange ways. Some people have soulmates that others consider 'mistakes,' but I think that every love is beautiful and planned in its own way. Didn't your teacher tell you all of this?"
"I was talking to the new kid," John admitted. "But I listened to a bit!" he said hurriedly.
Eleanor laughed. "Well, you were certainly attached at the hip with this new kid today!"
"We played together all day! And he said that he liked me a lot and we shared a mat at nap time and he kissed me on the cheek!"
The car stopped in the garage, and John moved to unbuckle his seatbelt, but his mom turned around and held out a hand to stop him. "John, sweetie," she began, her smile remaining on her face, but being a bit forced. "Maybe we shouldn't tell daddy about that last part, okay? I bet he would love the hear the first part in greater detail!"
John cocked his head to the side. "Why not the last part?"
"He might take it the wrong way," she said quietly, absentminded fixing the rearview mirror. "He's always quick to jump on little things like that. He doesn't see that you are only a kid, and I'm sure he'd get mad if he heard another boy kissed you."
"But... daddy kisses you all of the time?" John said curiously. "Why would he get mad?" His mom unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car, and John followed. He grabbed her hand, and before they reach the door to the house, she stopped and knelt down to look at her son at eye level.
"Kissing isn't bad, John. But... some people get mad when boys kiss boys and girls kiss girls. Your daddy's a good man, but he likes everything to be perfect. And if he thought you liked boys, he wouldn't take that well. I mean, I can see that it was only an innocent kindergarten kiss, but he won't see it that way. He wants you to follow in his footsteps, and he doesn't want anything to get in the way of that."
John cut her off, completely missing most of what she said because he was focused on one thing. "Boys can like boys?"
She sighed, then nodded with a small smile. "Yes, boys can like boys. I know a good friend that has found that their soulmate is their same gender, and I've never seen a happier couple."
"But.. daddy doesn't like that?" She nodded. "Would you... hate me if I did?" John's lower lip begins to tremble at the thought of his parents hating him for any reason, his eyes burning like they did in class, and he felt a tear roll down one cheek.
She shook her head and picked up, holding him tight to her chest. "I could never hate you, John. I love you far too much. And if you decide that you like boys, I will still love you. Always remember that. Love is love, and I think it would be silly to stand in the way of that."
John hugged his mother back tightly, then pulled away and thought. "I think I love that boy," he said matter-of-factly, then wiggled out of his mother's grip and dashed off towards the door.
"John, wait!" his mother called out, and he slowly came to a halt. "Just... don't tell daddy, okay? This can be our little secret. You can keep secrets, right?" He had grinned and nodded.
John remembers that throughout that night, whenever his school was brought up in any way, his mom always seemed to direct the conversation away from instances in where John might talk about the boy. But when it was time for his father to tuck him in, his mother wasn't there. John was still jabbering on about 'sown-mates' and asking questions when the boy finally slipped out.
"Daddy, do you have to love your sown-mate?" John asked as he hopped up and down on his bed. "What if you like someone else?"
His dad chuckled and messed up his hair. "Well, no, you don't, actually, although your mother may say differently. People are coming more to terms with marrying outside of soulmates ever since they legalized it in most of the United States. Why do you ask, sport?"
"There was a new kid in class today. They were nice and let me draw turtles on them! I love them," John stated matter-of-factly.
His dad chuckled again. "Is she pretty?" he asked teasingly.
"It wasn't a she," John had said.
John didn't understand why he wasn't allowed to go back to the kindergarten class the next day, or the next week, or the next couple of months. But he didn't want his dad to get mad again and slap him like he had after he said that it wasn't a girl, so he didn't talk about it. And, a day later, when his dad got a phone call from someone and told him afterward that he wasn't allowed to contact his soulmate until later, John didn't put up a fight about that, either.
He hadn't known the real reason until later, that a certain Mr. Schuyler was already looking for important people to pawn his 7 year old daughter off to when she was of age, disregarding the entire idea of soulmates completely.
Even though John respected his father's wishes and didn't communicate with his soulmate, he still enjoyed the tingly feeling on his skin as little notes appeared on his inner arms and he eagerly looked forward to hearing from them. When the first one had appeared when he was 6, a messily scrawled "Hello," on his palm, he had almost screamed for joy. Every day, he would watch giddily as little hearts appeared around little 'I wish I could meet you's and 'I love you's. And the funny thing was, it looked like his soulmate talked to themselves a lot. John would giggle as the handwriting would switch from a perfect cursive written in light blue ink to a quickly scrawled response in dark blue ink. He wasn't sure why both the names 'Eliza' and 'Alexander' were used, but he didn't put much thought into it. If his soulmate was weird, so be it. He would love them no matter what. He built up a fantasy that his soulmate was so lonely without John, so they imagined that they were writing to him. And they when they met, John would make sure they were never lonely, and he would finally have a place in this world and be able to be a part of that love that his mom and his dad shared. "No, it's going to be better than mom and dad," he decided, then flopped back onto his bed and daydreamed about what their meeting would be like.
It was only when he turned 8 that he realized what the different handwriting signified. When he realized that something wasn't right.
When he realized that there was a mistake.
That he was a mistake.
Haha I can’t write, but I’m bored and just going through some old trash. Has this already been done? 
Edit: Um... like wow, this got some notes??? Idk why you guys read this, but thank you? I mean, umm, I got a another part if any of you guys want me to post it? In case you guys wanted more? But, like, oh gosh this got reblogged and people liked some of it and it makes me so happy??? *is an awkward mess because sOMEONE LIKED WHAT I WROTE???*
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