sucka99 · 4 months
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lionnukara · 11 months
shinzou wo sasageyo😤
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cpacs-blog · 11 months
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Vets just hanging out while being alive
Soooo excited to see them… Auruo looks a little derpy, but I can’t animate so I can’t judge and I’m just delighted to see this finally lol
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pickalilywrites · 2 months
Erwin, Mike, Nanaba, Gelgar, Hange, Moblit and Levi Squad getting ready to go on a vacation road trip to a couple of cities. Rented out two vans to fit all of them + luggage (they all know getting one van would lead to an accident).
Getting ready to leave for the long trip though…hopefully someone packed lots of aspirin and ibuprofen for the trip. Modern AU.
thanks, this was fun!
one hell of a road trip
snk veterans. modern au. 1889 words.
Sitting in the driver’s seat of one of the vans, Levi glances at his watch for the fifteenth time. They were supposed to leave two hours ago, but everyone keeps trying to cram last minute items into their luggage cases or running back to grab something else. Levi has gotten out of the driver’s seat a half dozen times already to stretch his legs. Every time, he had told himself to just give his friends a few more minutes and that they’d be ready to leave soon, but he has half a mind to just drive off without them. 
In the back, he can hear his friends arguing. Levi had taken a few aspirin tablets earlier to fend off the inevitable headache that would come with traveling with so many people in a cramped van, but he’s debating taking another one. Enough time has passed that it probably won’t hurt to take another tablet or two.  
“Are you sure we have everything? Maybe we should pack extra clothes in case we run out,” Gunther says worriedly. Gunther is incredibly meticulous, sometimes too meticulous. He’s been fretting over what to take on the trip and had blown up the group chat with dozens of messages last night to ask if he should bring supplies they probably wouldn’t need: tents and sleeping bags even though there were plenty of motels and inns along the way, canned and dried foods in case despite the towns along their route that are sure to have convenience stores or gas stations with snacks at the very least, and survival gear in case their car broke down and they were forced to fend for themselves in the wild which was very unlikely to happen. Everyone had assured him that he was going overboard, but it seems Gunther still isn’t convinced.  
“I think we’ve packed enough clothes, especially you. Do you really need two luggage cases worth of clothes? That’s not including the other bags of stuff you packed,” Eld says. He’s been subtly throwing out unnecessary items while Gunther wasn’t looking, sneaking them over to Moblit who would run back and leave them in the house. “We’re going to weigh down the van with all this stuff you’re packing. We might not make it a mile. It’ll be a miracle if we don’t break down in the middle of the road from all this baggage!” 
“That’s why I packed the survival gear!” Gunther huffs. 
Behind Gunther’s shoulder and out of his sight, Moblit looks over at Eld and shakes his head to indicate that he’s managed to return all of Gunther’s survival gear and emergency rations to the house. It’s extra work, but Moblit was already hauling back extra gear that Hanji was trying to pack too. It was fine when Hanji asked to take their gaming laptop and some of their handheld consoles, but Moblit had to draw the line when Hanji tried to sneak in their entire PC gaming computer.  
Petra slips into the passenger seat of the van Levi is in. Even though they’ve been getting ready to leave for hours, she looks as cheerful as ever. The smile is just a mask, however, because she reaches into the cupholder where Levi has placed the bottle of aspirin and shakes out a tablet before swallowing it down with a gulp of water. Once she’s done, she looks over and flashes a smile at Levi. 
“How are you holding up?” she asks.  
Levi sighs through his nose. He glances at the rearview mirror where he can observe Eld and Gunther still arguing in the back. “Should we just leave now? We can leave them here. They can squeeze into the other van and go on their trip. Let’s just go by ourselves.”  
“A private trip does sound good, but Auruo was looking forward to this group trip so much. Let’s plan a trip for ourselves once we come back from this from.” Petra leans over and presses a light kiss against Levi’s forehead before hopping out of the van to help their friends finish packing. 
Mike is sitting on the sidewalk marking the pit stops they’ll be making on their road trip. The group had debated earlier on whether they should take a map or just rely on the GPS, but Gunther wouldn’t hear of going without a map in case the GPS stopped working inexplicably. Mike had decided to take it upon himself to mark it up with stops for them to reload and refresh as well as take note of any landmarks they’re interested in visiting. 
Nanaba peers over Mike’s shoulder and looks amusedly at the route they’re apparently planning on taking. The route to each city is less of a straight path and more roundabout than Nanaba had anticipated. A closer look makes Nanaba realize that some of these so-called landmarks are actually more out of the way than they should be. It’ll definitely delay their trip if they visit places that veer too far from their destination.  
“Are we really going here? Some of these landmarks sound weird,” Nanaba says. She leans down to take a closer look at the map, squinting as she reads the name of a place Mike has circled on the map. “Shiganshina Emu Farm? Why are we visiting an emu farm?” 
“Why wouldn’t we visit an emu farm?” Hanji pipes up from behind them. Hanji plops themselves down beside Mike. They throw an arm around Mike as if protecting him from Nanaba’s judgmental gaze. “Emus are magnificent creatures. If we’re in the area, we should visit them!”  
“Okay,” Nanaba says, but she doesn’t sound entirely convinced. She frowns as she scans the rest of the map and notices that the other places Mike has marked are equally as peculiar. She grabs the map from Mike while he’s still marking it, leaving a red streak that runs across the map. Nanaba reads out the names. “World Erotica Museum? Corn Palace? World’s Largest Objects? What’s even that last one?”  
“It’s a town with some of the world’s largest objects — absolutely gigantic!” Hanji says enthusiastically and Mike nods beside her.  
Nanaba looks at Hanji and Mike suspiciously. After a pause, she points a finger at Mike. “How much did Hanji pay you?”  
“I didn’t pay him! He’s interested in going to these places too,” Hanji insists, and Mike nods in agreement. 
“I’ve always wanted to go to the World Erotica Museum,” Mike says without even cracking a smile.  
Nanaba observes Mike for a moment and then says to Hanji, “Give me the same amount of money as you gave him and I’ll help convince the others to visit all the landmarks you want no matter how ridiculous they are.”  
Hanji’s face brightens and they hold out a hand to Nanaba to shake. “Deal!”  
Moblit is at the second van trying to shut the trunk. Although he had tried to return the bags Hanji didn’t need, they had somehow found their way back in the trunk of the van. Hanji had even managed to stick them underneath everyone else’s luggage case, making it even more difficult for Moblit to just remove Hanji’s bags and put them back in the house. Exasperated, Moblit throws up his hands and goes up to the passenger seat where Erwin is to seek his friend’s help. It seems, however, that Erwin has already started relaxing. 
A notorious workaholic, it had taken ages for everyone to convince Erwin to clear his schedule for the road trip. Now that he has, it seems he’s on vacation mode. He’s dressed in a Hawaiian shirt (despite the fact that they’re going nowhere near the island), a wide brimmed straw hat, and sunglasses. In his hand is a half-finished mimosa. It’s his sixth one today, and they have two pitchers of sangria in one of the ice boxes they’ve packed that Erwin plans on starting on once he finishes his current drink.  
“What’s wrong, Moblit? You look like you could use a drink. Have a mimosa,” Erwin says. His speech is only the slightest bit slurred, and he speaks slower than usual. He has a serene smile on his face as he raises his glass as if to toast Moblit.  
“No thanks,” Moblit sighs. He should probably leave Erwin to relax anyway. It’s rare that Erwin takes a day off, let alone a week. Desperate, Moblit looks into the van to ask Gelgar for help unpacking some of Hanji’s extra bags, but he finds Gelgar passed out in the back.  
Before this trip had started, Gelgar had taken motion sickness medicine because of the awful motion sickness he gets on long car rides. It was the nondrowsy kind, but he’s been rendered unconscious anyway because of the strength the medicine.  
It looks as if Moblit isn’t going to get any help. He sighs and returns to the back of the van that’s absolutely stuffed with things. He frowns as he takes in the mess in front of him. Maybe if he just rearranges everything, he might be able to fit everything better and won’t have to make a return trip to put back Hanji’s things.  
Once packing is over, they finally start on their trip. Their first stop is a town in-between where they are now and the city of Liberio. It’ll be a few hours for their stop, and Levi is sure it’s going to be an annoying one. While he cares deeply for his friends, their constant bickering can get annoying at times and he expects there will be a lot of it with everyone cramped into the van. It’s surprising to him when they manage a half hour without any arguing.  
He looks at the rearview mirror and frowns. Something isn’t quite right.  
“Where’s Auruo?” he asks.  
Everyone freezes for a moment before exchanging panicked looks. In their haste and exhaustion, they had forgotten their friend. Auruo's absence also went unnoticed in part of the luggage that had filled not only the trunk but also a few seats in the van, making it difficult to see who was seated and who was missing completely. 
“He said he was going to the bathroom,” Gunther suddenly remembers. 
“Didn’t he already go before?” Eld asks.  
“He said he had to go again,” Gunther says. 
“No wonder it was so quiet,” Petra comments. 
“Why didn’t you notice he was gone! You managed to pack sleeping bags and extra blankets for everyone but couldn’t even keep track of all of us?” Eld snorts. 
“Make fun of me all you want, but you’ll be thanking me when we don’t freeze our asses off in the cold,” Gunther retorts. 
“We weren’t ever going to do that anyway because we were going to be booking into motels and inns the whole time!” Eld protests.  
Levi makes an abrupt U-turn that sends everyone yelling as they’re thrown to one side of the van. He ignores the strange looks that Mike and his friends give him as Mike’s van passes them. “Text the others and say we’ll catch up to them after we pick up Auruo.”  
He glances at the bottle of aspirin still sitting in the cupholder. He hopes he has enough to last the entire trip, but something tells Levi he’ll probably need to buy another bottle or two before the trip is over.  
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prof-kenny · 8 months
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guy60660 · 19 days
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World of Interiors | Johann Michael Bossard
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My Attack on Titan Live Action Dream Cast
Levi - Dane DeHaan
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Erwin - Chris Evans
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Hange - Anne Hathaway
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Mike - Chris Hemsworth
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Moblit - Andrew Garfield
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Nanaba - Blake Lively
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Pixis - Patrick Stewart
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Shadis - Ben Kingsley
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Petra - Holland Roden
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Eld - Jake Manley
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Oluo - Sean Depner
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Gunther - Adam DiMarco
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Farlan - Lucas Till
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Isabel - Emma Stone
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Kenny - Keanu Reeves
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Uri - Daniel Craig
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Frieda - Megan Fox
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Rod - Michael Stulhbarg
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Zeke - Charlie Hunnam
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Yelena - Elizabeth Debicki
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Onyankopon - Anthony Mackie
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Kiyomi - Ming-Na Wen
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Magath - Jean Reno
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Willy - Lee Pace
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There are some characters I don’t include such as Zackly, Hannes, Grisha, Eren Kruger, and Lara Tybur, because I have no idea who should play them. As for the 104th cadets and the Warriors, I prefer them to be played by entirely new actors and actresses.
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moblitberner-bunch · 1 year
Levi squad birthday headcanons
These are birthday headcanons for my friend Bluemisst’. I hope you are having a better day than expected!
* Life had been so busy the past few months that the Levi squad hadn’t had time to celebrate Gunthers birthday, so they decided to celebrate yours and Gunthers together.
* They know you are not really a fan of your birthday but they will try to make it a pleasant day for both you and Gunther while they keep you out of the grand spotlight and Gunther enjoys most of the outspoken attention.
* You came together in the evening, Eld Gunther and Oluo drinking wine from Mitras they saved for and Levi serving you and Petra a cup of black tea.
* Petra and Oluo made a white chocolate raspberry cake the night before at Oluo’s place. It was his mothers recipe, and Oluo’s bothers helped him bake it alongside Petra. Mostly because Oluo’s brothers are just as madly in love with Petra as he is and they can’t wait for the day they can call her sister in law.
* Against common perception Oluo is actually a really good cook and baker and Petra is the messiest housewife in the world. She definitely needed an apron, and at the end of the baking session she was covered in raspberry, flour and molten white chocolate.
* They served their raspberry white chocolate cake that night as their gift to you and Gunther.
* Levi knew you didn’t want anything grand for your birthday, so he gave you exactly what you asked: money. He did not have much to spare, but he gave you a small pocket with a few coins alongside a handwritten letter praising your work and dedication and wishing you a healthy and happy new year. His handwriting meticulous as always.
* Gunther wrote you a heartfelt letter as well. He did not have money to spare to get you anything. He comes from a poor family, his parents dead and his grandparents taking care of him. Or him taking care of them more likely as he is the sole breadwinner with his work in the Survey Corps. He has a lovely family and has been nurtured with love, so Gunther gives you the only thing he can give you at the moment: his love in a hug.
* Eld went shopping for you with Petra, his girlfriend (who I call Rosaline in my headcanonland) and his newborn baby (sweet small Josephine (no one asked for non-canon characters but everything is possible in my headcanonland)). They were supposed to “help” him pick something “girly” you would like, but of course the girls just wanted to shop, picking up every soap to smell and taste every piece of chocolate themselves first before it could be considered a gift to you. Under strict surveillance of the girls, Eld bought you a rose-scented block of soap and pralines. Eld wrapped them up and added a bow tie, which Petra had to re-do as it wasn’t done nearly enough.
* At the end of the evening when everyone has eaten themselves sick with white chocolate raspberry cake, the “big” after party started. The squad moved to a bar in the city to go drinking, except for Levi, who has excused himself to the silence and solitude of his office. He’s not really the party type, he feels he would ruin the lively mood too.
* Eld, Oluo and Gunther are hyper focused on their game of competitive darts, performing with drunken precision. Apparently somewhere in their intoxicated minds in was a good idea to drink wine, beer and mead at the same time. It was not a good idea. Gunther fell asleep on a bar stool, no one knew how he could fall asleep in a position like that. Oluo dared Eld to go take a swim in the canal, but they’re still not done arguing on who will be the first to jump. Petra and you were dancing on the floor, downing too many overly sweet cinnamon shots in a time span of 2 hours. Yes it was only a matter of hours for the elite Levi squad to lose their minds when they could afford it, they’re still youngsters. Who’s paying for this shit-ton of alcohol Petra is now puking out when she over exerted herself trying to fish Oluo’s weight from the canal? Eld. But he is not going to be happy when he sees the check.
* You decide the party is done when Eld starts blurting out speeches of love for his squad as if he is two minutes away from a suicide charge. You take the squad -no, drag- back to base where they can sleep out their stupid decisions. When you finally got them all in bed and sigh of relief now your caretaking has come to and end, you notice Levi leaning against the wall in the dark. “Happy birthday.” He utters, and starts moving to walk you to your room, the last gift of the night being him turning your alarm off.
Happy birthday!
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dors-ee · 1 year
Ostara/Easter part 2 : art, sketches and OS part 2
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@4melo-dy very kindly made me a sketch to go with my OS! I also made some personal art and sketches (down below). Thank you so so much Alex ❤🥰
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explanation: for the first two sketches the fully uncolored is the original. My favorite. Tried to paint it... messed it. Made another sketch, with the intention to paint but no time and energy and I kinda like it to so here it goes. The one where she stands is supposed to be at night (there's progress to be made here I know, but I learnt while doing it.) the last one is also supposed to be more of a night scene but meh I liked it like that. A lot. I included the sketches for them both because I just love them ❤
her dress is inspired by Lenahoschek-tradition and the costumes for the ballet Coppelia. The tartan shawl is because even though AOT use Germany as the base for Eldia, I HC the characters with different ethnicities, some of them, in our world and Petra is scottish*. (Purely personal HC.) So I put little bits here and there, like at her waist: it's supposed to evoke the celtic knot!
finally: part 3 is written. Just have to type it. Should come soon. With at least some sketches too.
(*Petra scottish, Eld Irish, Oluo Italian, Gunther German, Hange German, Moblit scottish too, Annie Sweden, Nifa idk yet, Levi idk).
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commander-hanji-zoe · 2 years
Hi!!! I was wondering if you could do like a headcanon for the vets and og levi squad if they had like a suicidal s/o. I love your blog btw!
Hey - thank you so much! I realise this came into my inbox a long time ago and then I wasn't writing anything. But with NaNoWriMo I'm picking up a few old requests and wanted to write this one.
Firstly – CW/TW for mentions of suicidal thoughts.
These will be a bit repetitive because as always I think the vets and O/G Levi Squad would all be incredibly supportive in their own way. They would all want to do what they could within their power and while respecting their s/o’s wishes, to help. They would be sensitive, they would all also want their s/o to get professional help, whether seeing a doctor, councillor, nurse, private therapist. It would very much be the first thing they would discuss with their S/O, to check whether they were already seeing someone and how it’s going, or if not to see if they could research who would be best to speak to. Mostly all of them would be happy to accompany their S/O to appointments but equally respect boundaries if their S/O would rather go alone.
They would be there to ensure appointments aren’t missed and any medication or practises such as daily diary updates, affirmations etc. also are adhered to – though this will be managed sensitively and without pressure.
I wrote the above because this is such an important and very sensitive topic and one that as a lot of you know, I am very familiar with. I didn’t want to type the same thing for each of the characters so the above is there to read first before the below – it is also there as a reminder to anyone who may need to hear it.
I’m always here to listen if you need someone to vent to, but if you need help, please reach out to your doctor/physician etc. and/or family and friends that you trust.
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He understands that being suicidal doesn’t mean their s/o wants to die or not be here anymore and rather that it means they’re just very tired, exhausted by the mental pain they are in and Erwin will do everything within his power to comfort them and talk things through. He understands the importance of not getting emotional himself and keeping the conversation going, being rational and calm where possible.
Erwin would want to ensure that he could keep an eye on his s/o if they didn’t live together, suggesting they either take some time away together (in a perfect au reality where he isn’t commander of the survey corps!) otherwise he will suggest you move in with him for a little while just so he’s there for you in the darkest moments.
He would remove things that his s/o could potentially use to harm themselves with but he wouldn’t make a big thing out of it, announce he was doing it or do it when his s/o could see. This would be very intentional so that his s/o didn’t think a big deal was being made or get angry at the response, rather it is a tactical decision from Erwin to protect his s/o subtly.
Mike knows something is up, he can sense it – there’s a smell to sadness like autumn leaves in rain. Like rot and damp – but he won’t say it for the fear it’ll sound like he’s romanticising it. But he’s got good intuition when it comes to others emptions.
He doesn’t like euphemisms and would rather address the issue straight up, not in a way that’s blunt or unkind. But his s/o is too important to him to beat around the bush. Equally he won’t push his s/o into talking, but he does take it very seriously and needs his s/o to know he’s there for them.
Asks his s/o if it gets too much to please tell him, they don’t even have to speak and can just sit in silence if needed. Mike will encourage going on small walks with him to get fresh air and eating/drinking even if it’s just small amounts frequently, perhaps cooking up a batch of favourite soup so that it isn’t over-whelming for his s/o and certainly isn’t forced.
Encourages baby steps, if their s/o doesn’t feel like doing day to day tasks or small acts of self care he will help but then encourage them to do something for themselves. For example he may brush their hair and then say, “Doesn’t that feel better, how about we brush our teeth together to tick off our morning routine.”
He’ll give them a journal with a few drawings he’s done to make them smile but also so they have somewhere to keep track of how they’re feeling and what makes things better and what makes things worse.
Would hate that their s/o felt like this but also would understand, they too have felt the pull when things get too much. Hanji is very protective so would do what they could in their power to help their s/o and be as supportive as possible.
Their way of helping is to provide distraction – whether it’s to involve their s/o in their work and research or to take them for a few days out or perhaps to see a play. Hanji will however avoid large crowds or large groups of friends and be very careful not to do anything too over-whelming, perhaps checking with their s/o what they’d like to do first. If their s/o didn’t want to go anywhere Hanji would force or push going out, but after a few days they would try to gently encourage them to get some fresh air together and go for a change of scenery that may offer a different point of view.
Won’t go to sleep until their s/o is asleep so that Hanji can watch them, scratch their back, stroke their hair, sing, talk…whatever their s/o needs to drift off into a peaceful sleep hopefully free from nightmares. For Hanji they also need this, they need to know that they’re helping somehow, and they need to know their s/o is safe, going to sleep first is not an obtain.
“Oh my love…” Nanaba is so incredibly soft and kind, it breaks her heart knowing how much this is hurting her s/o but she does everything she can to remain composed and strong for them. She doesn’t get emotional or make it about her.
She’ll go a bit over board with buying things to help, from self help books (which after reading a few pages she kind of hates and so hides them), their s/o’s favourite food, drinks, lots of vitamins, books, flowers. She hates feeling helpless but wants her s/o to know they’re not alone.
Very good at late night chats, perhaps out and about, perhaps in the bath. Nanaba will listen without interruption. She wants to know what’s going on in her s/o’s mind and if there’s anything she can do to help. She wants to understand where this has come from, what the triggers are and what can be done to avoid them.
If there’s anything that needs removing from their room/house etc. Anything that makes her s/o feel sad or scared, Nanaba is there to quietly remove them at night and instead replace the objects with things that are nicer and more comforting.
In many respects Levi doesn’t quite understand and it’s for two reasons, partly because as a person he’s incredibly matter of fact and stoic as a way of life. And partly because he’s fought so hard to survive, after everything he’s been through it’s incomprehensible at first how anyone could want to purposefully end it. But. Levi is intelligent and aware of others and the difficulties, challenges and heartaches that exist – especially when it comes to his S/O. So he will be patient, he will remain calm and not express his initial reaction with his s/o as he wouldn’t want them to feel their feelings were invalid, wrong etc.
If his s/o isn’t up to cleaning or sorting out mundane tasks of course Levi will be there to help out and ensure everything is sparkling and like new. But he also buys a few things that make the cleaning easier and comes up with solutions to help his s/o get through day to day tasks for themselves – reminding them everything they do is an achievement.
Levi can be particularly quiet at times but turns out this is exactly what his s/o will need. Just someone to listen and not react to everything that’s being said. Someone quiet who can hold their hand if they need it and be by their side through it all.
Levi loves being outside and the fresh air – a long horse trek with snacks, tea, lots of healthy mood boosting foods are in order and so he plans a nice trip away for the two of them, hoping this may somehow brighten his s/o’s mood and remind them of the beautiful places in the world. The small things, the simple things and help them believe everything will be okay in the end.
This will break him, initially he’ll be asking himself what he did wrong and what he could do better to make his s/o not want to end their life anymore or feel this way. But Moblit is pretty quick to pick himself up from this and realise it isn’t about him and that it is not an individual’s fault. As difficult as it is and as supportive as he will be, he has to remind himself and potentially his s/o depending on their behaviour – that he is not in control of this.
He’ll want to get to the bottom of why his s/o feels like this in a way that sometimes can be a little over-bearing or even intrusive. He doesn’t mean it to be, he’s just certain if he knows what is causing it he can help fix it. Due to his work with Hanji he’s become accustomed to experiments, cause and effect and coming up with solutions. Not to say that his s/o and their mental health is a problem that needs to be solved, he loves his s/o and just wants to use the skills he’s gained to help them where possible.
Will definitely take things easy in terms of the relationship and won’t push for anything physical or romantic if his s/o isn’t in the mood. But will ensure there are lots of sweet, small daily interactions to let them know he is there for them and that he loves them. He needs them to know he is here standing by as and when the support is required.
Will bring back small gifts like flowers, a favourite cake, drinks, a new book his s/o has been talking about. He will also change bedsheets, open windows – especially if the cleaning aspect is something he can do with his s/o rather than just for them. He wants them to feel useful and like they don’t just need looking after all the time.
He’ll struggle a lot with this, Oluo isn’t always the easiest person to talk to at first but as mentioned before, once you open up to him or see the softer side he is incredibly caring. The way he behaves, and mimics Levi comes from a place of insecurity.
He’d probably hold his s/o for a long time and cry a little himself, trying to hold back the tears and instead be there for his s/o. But he doesn’t find this as easy as some of the vets do and once his own emotions come out it’s hard to put them back in. But boy does Oluo try and manages pretty well after the initial shock.
Really doesn’t want to be alone again, it means so much to him that he’s found a partner who understands him. He immediately feels selfish after thinking this and probably putting his foot in it by saying it out loud.
Makes big gestures to let his s/o know how much they mean to him – but only privately and realises doing this in public isn’t going to help. Most of all he just wants to know if there is anything he can do to help even if that means giving them a little space, he is happy to step back when needed.
Would perhaps ask Levi for advice and help seek recommendations for a professional that his s/o could see, would make an appointment with their permission and encourage them.
Eld would manage to stay incredibly calm when he finds out how his s/o is feeling, mostly because he knows this is not the time to over-react or make it about him. Instead he’d want to listen, he may make some notes but it’s for his eyes only and so he can reflect on them later.
Will make sure his s/o stays really hydrated and will bring them water and other favourite non-alcoholic drinks.
Distractions are good but only for a short time, Eld would rather focus on the small every day things that really make a difference, encouraging his s/o and just being there when they need to talk or cry. Is also really good at giving hugs.
When Petra finds out how her s/o has been feeling she’ll think it’s best if the two of them talk away from things that represent day to day life. Instead, she’ll take her s/o somewhere quiet and peaceful where they won’t be disturbed or distracted. Petra
She’ll encourage her s/o to see someone professional to talk through how they’re feeling and to come up with ideas to help process their feelings, emotions and what they’re going through. If there is anything Petra can do to be more helpful, or any small things she can change regarding her behaviour etc. she will want to know and aim to be the best she can for them – while also taking reasonable breaks for her own mental health.
Sometimes Petra is simply the best person to just hang out with and say nothing, it’s in these silences her s/o finds a lot of comfort. It’s never awkward and there’s no expectations either. It’ll give her s/o plenty of time to think through what they’re feeling and when they’re ready they can talk – until then Petra is happy just to hold them, stroke their hair or just sit quietly reading a book so their s/o has company but it isn’t smothering.
Gunther gets it – the world he and his s/o live in has not been kind and sometimes it’s a truly scary place to be. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t upset him and make him wish he could do something to help, not realising that just being there for his s/o is help enough.
He’s a great listener and won’t be distracted by anything else, rather Gunther is committed to hearing what is troubling his s/o and coming up with some positive actions they can take.
He would remove anything from their home that could harm his s/o or inspire any further negative thoughts, anything triggering, anything they could use to harm themselves.
At night he’d go through some positive affirmations with his s/o and talk about all the things they have to look forward to – not in a ‘don’t do this you have so much to live for’ kind of way, but a general day to day conversation. He’s really looking forward to someone’s birthday or that he’s planned for them.
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sucka99 · 1 year
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lionnukara · 11 months
I liked this moment better in the manga. It still brings tears to my eyes.
I can't, Levi looks so miserable here.😭
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Bonus: Petra and Oruo
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cpacs-blog · 6 months
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Fancast of Auruo is Lucas Englander, an icon. It’s the eyes
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pickalilywrites · 3 months
It would have been interesting if the Levi squad was a bigger group, seniors members with the newbies together. Such as cleaning for example. The dos and don'ts. Such as when they first joined the squad. Oluo and Eren teaching them how to clean.
That would be an interesting fic to read. If that interests you that is
thank you for requesting :)
welcome to squad levi
new squad levi. squad levi. canon divergent. 1799 words.
The newest recruits of the Special Operations Squad are gathered in the castle’s drawing room, most of them collapsed on the rug or couch after a long day of chores. When the young soldiers had been assigned to Captain Levi’s squad, they hadn’t expected this much cleaning even with the fair warning Eren had given them. Nobody was used to such intensive labor, and only Eren and Mikasa seem unaffected by it. The rest of their peers are moaning and groaning about how much their muscles ache. 
“I thought it wouldn’t be anything compared to the training we endured under Shadis, but the Captain really works us to the bone,” Sasha complains. She sits on the floor, her back resting against the couch. Connie sits behind her with his hands massaging her shoulders, nodding sympathetically as she complains. “He banned me from the kitchen after seeing me snacking on a few bread crusts in the pantry. Can you believe it? I just needed a little something to sustain me after cleaning so hard.”  
“Knowing you, it was more than just a little snack. You were probably going to clear out the entire pantry if the Captain hadn’t stopped you,” Jean scoffs. The tips of his ears turn red when hears Mikasa’s laughter mingling with everyone else’s.  
“I guess that’s one way to clean it," Armin muses. He sits in a chair rubbing the muscles in his arm. Every few minutes he switches to the other arm. He had been given the task of dusting the library and had somehow miraculously resisted the urge to pull out every book and flip through their pages.  
“At least the senior members are nice,” Historia says. She’s also sitting on the floor leaning against Mikasa. “Gunther helped me with dusting the shelves when he noticed I couldn’t reach the ones on the top.”  
“I don’t know about nice. Eld told me if I left any streak marks on the window that the Captain would chop off my limbs and feed them to Titans on our next expedition,” Jean says with a shudder.  
“He was just teasing you. Captain Levi would never do that. It’d be too messy to have to haul around your disembodied limbs,” Eren says earnestly, and Jean scowls at him.  
“Auruo talks too much,” Mikasa says. “He kept telling me I was doing everything wrong and tried to do everything for me.”  
“Petra is nice,” Armin says. He curls up in the armchair, his legs pulled up underneath him and his arms wrapped around his legs. He rests his chin on his knees. He closes his eyes, feeling the warmth of the fireplace on his skin as the flames flicker in the hearth. “She kept giving me pointers. I barely got scolded by the Captain when he came by to inspect our work.”  
Connie waves off Armin’s words with a dismissive hand. “No, the Captain just likes small, cute people. If you and Petra were working in the same room, of course he’d go easy on the both of you.”  
“He’s not nice to me,” Historia sniffs. “He kept telling me I missed the cobwebs in the corner. At least Gunther was nice enough to take the blame and say it was his fault for not teaching me how to clean properly.” 
“Maybe you’re just not cute enough,” Mikasa suggests, and she smirks when Historia whips her head around to give Mikasa a scandalized look for even suggesting such a thing.  
“It’s not that bad. The Captain is just really difficult to please,” Eren says. He reaches up to tug at a lock of his hair nervously. He knows it’s not his job to make his friends’ time in the Special Operations Squad enjoyable — it’s not like they can leave if they want to — but he does want to make this as painless for them as possible.  
“What’s that guy’s deal anyway? I don’t think I’ve seen him smile once,” Jean says with a scowl. Like Historia, he had also been scolded by the Captain for his poor cleaning skills and was made to redo all his work on cleaning the windows. He had been one of the last to be relieved of his duties for the night and he’s still sour about it.  
They aren’t thoughts that Eren hadn’t had himself regarding the Captain, but it makes Eren antsy to hear it from the mouths of his peers. Eren stammers, “It’s not so bad. He just values cleanliness. You guys will get used to it soon enough.” 
“I guess his height isn’t the only thing about him that’s short,” Connie snickers. “He’s got a short fuse, too.” 
“It’s not like you’re very tall yourself, so who are you to talk about height?” Sasha grins, poking a pouting Connie in the thigh.  
“Maybe he’s just old and grumpy,” Mikasa says, which elicits some grins and surprised giggles from her peers who aren’t used to her badmouthing their superiors. Then again, she’s never been fond of the Captain to begin with.  
Historia sits up straight, a strange expression on her face. It’s oddly stern, brow furrowed slightly, and her mouth is set in a thin line. In a deep voice that’s clearly meant to be a mockery of the Captain’s, Historia says, “Ackerman, if you don’t get the dust underneath the rug, you’ll be cleaning the stable tomorrow as well.”  
“You guys,” Eren begins. His gaze flickers towards the hallway nervously as his friends burst into laughter around him. It’s no use warning them because his words are being drowned out by their laughter.  
“Pretty good, but his expression is more pinched,” Connie says, abandoning his task of rubbing Sasha’s shoulders so that he can give his own impression of the Captain. His grin disappears as his expression sobers before being replaced by one that looks just like the Captain’s. Like Historia, he also mimic’s the Captain’s low tone as he says, “You little shits better clean every speck of dust in this castle or else I’ll feed you to the Titans.”  
“That’s not -” Eren begins, but Armin interrupts him. 
“The Captain’s vocabulary is vulgar, but he doesn’t throw curses around so frivolously,” Armin says.  
“You should try it then,” Sasha grins. 
“Try it, try it!” Connie chants while the rest of their friends goad Armin on.  
“Ah, I really shouldn’t,” Armin begins. 
“Yeah, you really shouldn’t,” Eren  chimes, but his timid warning is drowned out by his friends’ cheers when Armin assumes his own imitation of the Captain’s typical stern expression.  
Armin tilts his head ever so slightly so that he’s looking down at his friends from the bridge of his nose. “Pipe down, brats, or I’ll have you scraping shit from the stables all day tomorrow.” 
Everyone bursts into laughter after Armin’s impression — even Eren can’t help cracking a smile — until a voice suddenly says, “That’s not how Captain Levi sounds like at all.”  
The startled friends turn their heads towards the doorframe where the senior members of Squad Levi are standing  with amused expressions on their faces.  
Auruo strolls forward, arms outstretched in a shrug. “Mocking our captain, I see. A pathetic attempt to capture any of his aura. It’s laughably bad. It’s a good thing the Captain wasn’t here to see how awful it was.”  
“Yeah, it’s not enough to copy his expression. You need to copy his entire demeanor,” Eld says with a lopsided grin. He  gestures for Petra to enter the room. “Come on, Petra. Show these kids how it’s done.”  
“I don’t know,” Petra begins, her voice trailing off uncertainly even as the corners of her mouth curve upward in a helpless smile. She coughs when she notices all the eyes on her and then says, “Alright, just once then.”  
Petra gestures for Eld and Gunther to stand in front of her. She whispers a few things to them and seems to get something from Gunther. The younger members of the Special Operations Squad crane their necks to see what’s happening, but it’s impossible to see what Petra’s up to when Eld and Gunther are in the way. Eventually, Petra clears her throat and Eld and Gunther part for her to walk through. There’s a handkerchief tucked into the front of her collar that’s made to look like the Captain’s cravat.  
The new squad members watch, eyes widening, as Petra walks across the floor, her boots clomping against the hardwood. Her gait is exactly the same as the Captain’s — the same powerful, confident stride — and she stops only once she approaches the empty armchair across from Armin. When she sits down, her right ankle rests on her left knee and her body is twisted slightly so that her arm rests across the back of the armchair. The disinterested gaze in her amber eyes and the slight frown on her lips is unmistakably the same as the Captain’s. Her brows lower disapprovingly as she gazes down at the amazed teenagers.  
“What are you brats staring at?” Petra says and even her tone sounds like the Captain. She doesn’t even crack a smile when she speaks. “Do you have to take a shit or something?”  
“That’s exactly like him!” Sasha says in amazement.  
“It’s like he’s sitting in front of us right now,” Connie gasps as Petra’s companions laugh behind them.  
“Well, he’s standing behind you right now,” another voice says, one that belongs to their real captain.  
“C-captain!” Gunther stammers. “We were just ...” 
“- showing the new recruits -” Eld continues before looking at Auruo to finish making up an excuse. 
“- how to do a good impression of you!” Auruo blurts and everyone glares at him. He throws up his hands. “You guys try to think of something on the spot!”  
The Captain seems unimpressed. “Why are you all still sitting there gawking? It’s late. Everyone is getting up early tomorrow for an extra round of training.”  
There’s a little grumbling and mumbling, but everyone gets up and shuffles out of the room. Before Petra leaves, the Captain says, “And, Ral?”  
“Y-yes, Captain?” Petra stammers, freezing just before she’s able to escape through the door. She swears underneath her breath, cursing her luck, and the Captain smirks. 
“I’d never wear my cravat that sloppily,” Levi says, reaching out to fix it.  He reaches out slowly, his fingertips brushing against Petra’s neck as he tucks the cravat in properly. His smirk grows when he sees the hitch in her breath, and he takes his time fluffing out the handkerchief so that it looks like a presentable make-shift cravat. He smooths out a corner, his eyes flickering up at Petra’s face as his hand finally leaves her handkerchief. “Dismissed.” 
“Yes, sir,” Petra breathes before scampering away, cheeks still flushed from the thought of her captain’s fingertips grazing her skin. 
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prof-kenny · 1 year
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yama-bato · 1 year
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miriam bossard
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