#bosses maybe even idk what classifies as a boss in this game
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it's going
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betweenlands · 3 months
sbk members species + respawn hcs
Viking -- "human." he's unsure how he respawns, and unknowingly this is because it's tied to something/someone that would really prefer to avoid detection.
Fix -- lumian. they just have innate respawn in some universes, wild right? it's fine, don't worry about it.
Fool -- was human at some point, probably, but is a little bit too god-touched to classify as that now. his god is actively trying to keep him alive.
Milkman -- nobody knows, but he's immortal by default of getting himself kicked out of every single afterlife in existence.
Kittrix -- sculky and might be an insect of some type (credit goes to @mallowbees for the latter). whenever she dies, a new Kittrix crawls out of the ground at her spawnpoint like a warden with her memory fully intact.
Trog -- don't ask. as for respawn, though, even if they hadn't done dark magic about that ages ago to make sure they'd never die, they effectively made the Skyblock world.
Ruby -- "human" as well. The Bearer Of The Curse. it's unclear as to if this curse is just immortality or if it's something else as well. some people who've stood near the point where zhe respawns have heard ticking clock noises...
Vintage -- human-adjacent, but a shapeshifter sometimes randomly have pointy ears or a unicorn horn or mantis mandibles or what have you. someone in her recent family history was probably fair folk. whatever afterlife she keeps getting sent to, they're suckers and are easily sweet-talked into letting her come back to life for free.
Leon -- just sort of a general anthro penguin situation (with maybe a little bit of endermite in there too). has too much chorus fruit in his system still and taking damage -- especially void damage -- will cause him to teleport, often several times at once. he usually drops all his stuff when this happens before ending up teleporting back home.
Josh -- a really fun guy. regrows. like a fungits. he's a mushroom.
Avid -- human, then ex-human (and largely made up of corpseplants), then a monkey. his boss won't let him die. whether this is a work benefit or a horrible drawback is entirely unclear.
Doovid -- was legitimately human prior to turning into a monkey. whenever he dies, time freezes, he sees an Instability detected. Player restored and game paused popup message out of the corner of his eyes, and then he resets back to where he woke up that morning with no stuff.
Kale -- pigy (potentially an alien, credit to @moxijunk for that one). has normal respawn, but goes full Gmod ragdoll when he dies before eventually fading and respawning. can't actually take Void deaths as he will loop back to the top of the skybox until he hits something solid, at which point he and his items vaporize on impact.
M1g -- lumian-enderdragon hybrid (credit to @autisticlalna for the former and @moxijunk for the latter). lumians do in fact have respawn in some universes; M1g specifically is here on assignment so he's been given respawn in order to blend in and maintain cover.
Marmalade -- human, still, something she's a little bit grumpy about because she thinks becoming a nonhuman would be pretty cool. whenever she dies the Void picks her up and oh so gently sets her back down at her spawnpoint with a pat on the head.
Teaish -- dryad, or at the very least a plant person. her fortune specifically said she was going to have a nice day and permadying would really ruin that :(
Anathra -- questionably human (he can see through the fourth wall, but also, he seems totally human otherwise). lags out heavily until he eventually restabilizes, erratically teleporting around and resetting his position several times in sort of a combination of Leon and Doovid's respawn styles. drops all his stuff during this process. (credit to @rubycowashere for this one)
Acorn -- tanuki (this seems to be a general consensus, idk who to credit) and also maybe fae (credit to @mallowbees). transforms into a leaf, and then a leaf on top of the Spruce island transforms into her. can't carry her inventory with her when doing this, though. (credit to @rubycowashere for this one as well)
Elffe -- some sort of Netherborn, although his exact species is unknown. regrows when he dies (it's very fleshy and a little bit gross).
Artemis -- human, but slightly to the left. weird portal-based respawn that will often evaporate her items while she's traveling. (credit to @fallow-foot for these)
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shy-magpie · 4 years
RQG 154
Wherein red stringing occurs. Liveblog under the cut:
 Not much hype this week, just a lot of being quietly thrilled RSB got the beginning of the episode dedicated to us. I hope the rest of the fandom doesn't feel like Bryn plays favorites. Its sweet he back reads and answers questions but its nothing he wouldn't do in official. Last week was such a gift that I think it cut down on hype for this week because even if (Alex forbid) they immediately time skipped to the end of the week, quarantine still got us amazing backstory and character moments. Unless Alex gets truly desperate and has someone attack the inn or infects both the new kids, the characters are safe from physical danger so no fear hype either.
Yes I want follow up on that Hamid & Zolf conversation: I am so proud of him for calling Zolf out on being patronizing (I can't believe I didn't see earlier with his family, of course that's the aspect that got to him) and they need to figure out how to deal with the chain of command. Zolf already seems more willing to get input on his decisions so its mostly losing the attitude when things happen like Hamid casting lights. Yes I also want Cel to talk about themself more, but I am fine with waiting until they aren't locked up with no privacy. Azu's backstory is coming out at a decent pace and Helen spoils us so not even worried about not hearing more about her becoming a paladin. I am curious if Alex thinks its worth bonding with the new kids and this better not be a set up for splitting the party. So enough pre episode babbling, final bets on if they play with the brorb now or wait until they can take it to Cel's? Gotta love that music. Oh they do want to get back to things! Listen to how fast they're talking. That's nice I wouldn't have thought they'd be as excited about the pure RP backstory and character bits as they get about a boss fight. No Alex neither players nor fans want to skip anything. I will concede that further conversation was unlikely to be productive that night so the morning makes sense. There was only one corridor! Barnes is still using the stairs to get some space. Some might see it as a sign he is infected or afraid of infection but honestly not wanting to puppy pile with a group as tight knit as the party especially while they are shaking out their issues is valid. Azu checks on Carter who passed out drunk face down. Zolf is sleeping in. With Hamid's family issues, Bryn being so careful to specify he has a healthy relationship with alcohol every time makes it a lot easier to not tense up listening. Oh My God thanks Bryn! I know he said the beginning of the episode was dedicated to us but I was expecting a throw away line not a proper red stringing scene! I am grinning so big right now. Azu is watching Hamid Cel is sleeping curled up with the sealed bottle of elvish mead. Because Lydia is as much a criminal as Bryn just plays a longer game. Speaking of criminal, Ben really plays up this rivalry from Azu & Zolf covering similar roles and its a really close second to the rank thing between him & Hamid in character arcs I'm interested in. I think both are aiming towards a happy ending but no idea how the middle is going to play out. I don't think it's aiming for a "this party isn't big enough for two of us". Alex is encouraging this. This is great just going to get a clip of this rather than attempt to transcribe on first listen. Bryn/Hamid is laying this out so clearly: The knowns, assumed, and questions are being labeled nicely. (I wonder if our little discord helped him refresh his memory so he'd be able to match how much Hamid would remember in character.) Bryn also goes 3rd person? Hope it isn't a stress tell like Alex. Yes Bryn is obsessed and as a listener its is utterly charming when he shows up in RSB or Official and is unabashedly as big a fan of the show as us. Zolf wakes up to Hamid red stringing. Thank goodness he isn't letting security concerns lead him to putting the brakes on. I know there was some concern that if one of them was infected sharing they could pass on anything they talk about. As long as they don't get too specific about classified info, using the time and frankly just having a project to distract them is a good idea. Plus in my mind Hamid always looks so hurt when Zolf pulls on the reigns. Lilliana is not allowed to be the connecting thread. Oh seed is finally being addressed. Aw Hamid handed Cel a glass of water. It really is the little things I love about this show: 1)told you he has a knack for leadership: anticipating the needs of team members even as they diverge from his own 2)He does see Cel as a team member not just someone he worked with, you don't hear him cooing over Carter 3)does it quickly then moves on, because as a gentleman he thinks it's what anyone would do. 4)speaking of, I wonder that Azu & Zolf haven't done rounds. its not like they have anything to save the spells for and the field is only in the cell.
Svalbard! Do not taunt us, does Ben have any idea how much we want to see the science dwarves of the north? Um hmm, vindi-fing-cation. I know it wasn't exactly a huge insight but the mixture of science and various schools of magic is key to my theory on what “Erasing The Line” refers to. Oh Frankenstein in this world is such a concept. Plus it makes Mary Shelley canon. Aw Alex thought we'd never get to this bit of lore. Thank you Blue Veins info being given as whole instead of bits & pieces.  Ooh and Barnes is taking it. Time to get a sense of who he is when he's not swinging a sword. Navel engagement with Blue Veins? Hive mind! Minimize harm? Not dead. Paladins are complicated, maybe a rumor, maybe transfer of allegiance. Cyborg kraken Cyborg Zolf Oh splitting the kraken to make more Barnes just checks out as the conversation goes over his head Called it I told you it was a sensible test. (ETA Zolf’s fart test) (ETA: Re: people with Blue Veins) No lies, no embarrassment, very literal. Other instances? Riots London->Paris->Europe Not safe to go to London If you're in their presence you are highly likely to be infected, mass infections,  not passed by corpses? Memetic effect? Tick tock. Ben and Alex have one of their friendly tussles as Carter decides its a me may Yes he did! And Helen name dropped us! I know I'm just a little part of the brigade but I'm going to to be smug for at least a week that we are so good at what we do one of the actual players looked to us. Hey Lydia is welcome too. Paperwork time! Yeah yeah I knew security was going to be used to undermine Hamid. At least it isn't Zolf and they aren't trying to make him look rash for the whole idea. Getting new info from the paperwork is a bit different than talking about what they already know. Make the place bigger? Nice spell Zolf. If this leads to Animorphs again... Oh I was thinking more like a big horde somewhere you could check stone in & out of a stone plane of existence ties in with elemental lore right? Seriously "Cure Hangover" isn't a spell? Or do Zolf & Azu just not approve of using their magic that way? Intoxicants have to fall under mild poisoning, right? Do the studying later in the week? That's a fair compromise; even if Zolf is still presenting it as an order he is explaining instead of giving his advice or IDK putting it to a vote. I'm not positive but I think Lydia is suggesting they go over their character sheets in character. Alex is not amused. Lydia sounds pleased with herself. Perception check? Azu hears someone knocking something over upstairs. Azu tries to not wake Carter as she listens at the door. It had to be her foot in his mouth. Multiple people in the inn. Carter tries to pick the lock. Azu & Carter start bickering. Carter is perception penalty. The inn is being searched Zolf suggests they wake Wilde up by making a racket. Cel hears the door being unlocked. Voices speaking muffled Japanese. Cel just shouts "Hey what's going on?". Zolf joins in. Azu uses her armor to make noise. Thump of someone hitting the floor! Wilde's voice! Lots of feet? Yes Helen, what if it is the kobolds? Oh god what if Skraak checked on them and found out they were in cages underground? Poor guy would think Wilde is their Shoin. Bryn clarifies Hamid shouts out to Wilde Zolf forbids them leaving the basement Cel shields themself. Azu goes for her armor Barnes is keeping Carter from going for the lock again. Hamid casts Fear (!oh that’s a new one isn't it) I assume #jail is already full of angst criminals connecting Hamid's bully days and him going from S1!Hamid scared of every fight to now casting fear as a way to control his enemies). Also these better be his enemies because I still don't put it past Alex to set us up for a tragic misunderstanding. Dragon roar and dragon face is how he casts fear Ok Rusty Quill LOTR night sounds awesome Zolf helps Azu put on her armor The other feet flee Zolf cries out for Wilde as loud as he physically can but still won't let them risk infecting Japan by leaving quarantine early. Oh if that ain't a fic and a half. A set of small claws! It is a kobold End the episode with the kobolds?  
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possessedartist · 5 years
luigi mansion
OK so i finished Luigi’s Mansion 3 yesterday and I can FINALLY spout off about it (FYI, i received it on Christmas). 
First off, it’s just such a improvement overall from Dark Moon like WOW. The studio who did this definitely took a step back to see what made the first game work so well and what didn’t in Dark Moon. That being said, despite not being a fan of the dark light mechanic in Dark Moon, I think it’ a lot better utilized in this game! There’s not too much invisible stuff to have you question if you missed something but not too little as well- essentially just keeping you on your toes about it. Also getting rid of the gauge for it definitely helped a l o t. I also enjoy the return of the possessors! I think it works just so well basically combining the possessors and the portrait ghosts, it really allows for some ghosts to go just all out (like Wolfgeist). On a final note before i actually go off about the game now, I did very much enjoy all the callbacks to Dark Moon and the first game in 3.
The graphics and lighting in this game are s o g o o d. It’s super bright and colorful, even at night, and I really enjoyed how they lit it so much. One of the things I loved in the first game and I’m glad it made it in this game is both the music and lighting that tells you whether you’d completely emptied the hallway for real or if there’ll be more ghosts back later. Overall, the game has just s u c h good graphics gOD.
Level design! Most of it I liked a lot! One of my favorites is the garden floor, which has such good lighting both in the main room and in the side rooms and some really fun puzzles, I liked the mini boss pineapple fights a lot b/c it happened enough to keep you on your toes but not too much where it became plain annoying. Another favorite was the movie studios!! I really liked the travelling mechanic between the TVs and ( once i figured out what I was supposed to do lol) I really enjoyed shooting on the movie sets and figuring out the puzzles in them! Also! While this was the floor with probably the least puzzles in it, I really loved the lighting design in the dance floor as well! Very much reminiscent of those dance clubs you always see in 80s movies...
Also I like the toads in this! They definitely help keep the story speeding along by not being rescued at the very end of the game but by being spread out during it. But I also think it’s hilarious that in order to reach some key items and some gems, you have to shoot them around the room lmao.
Boss wise, my favorites are probably Wolfgeist, Morty, Dr. Potter, Serpci, Fishook, DJ Phantasmagloria, and Hellen Gravely. I like all the others as well and the only boss fight I really have a bone to pick with is Clem’s fight, which I think has been agreed to be not exactly the best deigned lmao. I also liked the polterkitty fights but idk if they classify as boss fights lol.
Ghost design wise! Also very much a improvement from Dark Moon. They combined what worked from the two previous games and the outcome was obviously great. The only ghost design I would maybe change is the yellow trickster one that tosses stuff at you. They had a ghost with a very similar function in Dark Moon that had a different design I actually enjoyed more but otherwise, I think what worked worked. I also like how this game has it’s own version of the ceiling-hanging ghost and that it’s blocking the doorways instead and you have to be super careful about walking into some of the later doorways in the game. 
That’s my thoughts as of right now, very surface level I know but I wish I could do this in video format instead so I can say a lot more and be able to show examples while doing so;;
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shitpostingperidot · 8 years
tag game #3
i was tagged by @brokenlightdances AND @mebediel AND @petticoatsandparlipro so i’m gonna be answering three sets of questions
Rules: Always post the rules.  Answer the questions the person who tagged you came up with and write eleven new ones.  Tag eleven people and link them to the post.
Arielle’s questions: 
1. If you were stranded on a desert island (without knowing where exactly in the world you are, etc) and your phone was about to die, and you only had one chance - what would you set as your voicemail message?
Fuck, this is a really good question, but i literally do not have my voicemail box set up and don’t know how to do it and under duress would not be able to figure it out
2. What is your favorite ice cream and why is it cookie dough?
ding dong you are wrong- moose tracks has all the elements i like in an ice cream- a neutral base, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, peanut butter, and a really good distribution of mix-in elements as well as a ribbon that ties multiple flavors together. that sounds like a lot but it all works very well together
3. You’re running a presidential campaign for someone you secretly hope loses. Who do you advise them to pick as their veep?
Jeb? Jeb!
4. Imagine you’re the boss in your office, and you catch an employee drawing dicks on their desk. How many dicks do they have to draw before you fire them? Does the quality of the dick count?
this is a case where i would say size matters
5. Related: imagine a variant of rock paper scissors called “cock, paper, scissors.” Explain the rules. ( @mebediel@brokenlightdances this one’s for you guys)
okay so this question was inspired by a book jamie and i both encountered at work just so we’re clear
assuming that scissors represents scissoring and paper represents... sapiosexuality?
cock beats paper
scissors beats paper
go away paper no one likes you
scissors and cock can be friends if cock acknowledges that other... household utensils... besides scissors exist
should cock decide to fetishize scissors, scissors cuts cock
6. Why did you do it? Why, God, why????
because you all decided to tag me
7. If everyone in the world simultaneously lost their vision except for you, would you bother wearing clothes that match?
today i wore a christmas sweater, gym shorts, and my favorite summer hat, i think we’re beyond clothing that matches regardless of your AUs
8. Would you rather be able to speak and understand every language in the world, or be able to forget all of your knowledge of every language and be the only person in recent history to escape the 24-hour news cycle?
the first if only to make @surullinensaukko jealous, also getting around in the world without language is Hard according to some study i wrote about on chalk for my lang dev class
9. You’re on Tumblr, what are you procrastinating?
job apps and sleeping
10. How many bow ties is the correct number of bow ties for a from named Sir Frederick the Third to own?
bro you gotta submit questions to admissions for uchicago supplement essays
Gabi’s Questions
1) How do you make the perfect cup of tea?
you go to teavana and drink their free samples until they kick you out of the store
2) Favorite state?
i’d like to live on the west coast if i could afford it, probably california over washington or oregon for the geographic diversity and the presence of disneyland
3) You can only live in one place for the rest of your life - where do you live?
okay abi and i have this crazy idea of getting a little apartment in rennes across from martine and working for ubisoft together and getting a dog and i’ve never been to rennes but that whole thing sounds like The Dream
4) Would you rather travel forward in time or back in time?
this depends entirely on the rules of the time travel universe
5) Favorite time period?
turn of the century or the forties for the #aesthetic, 60s for the sort of progress atmosphere that public school fed to me and i don’t think it’s true but it’s inextricably linked to that time in my mind, obama years for actually pleasant living conditions for the greatest number of people
6) Meme?
7) How far can you skip a stone?
i did three skips of about 8 feet each in crater lake eight years ago and that’s my record, my dad is super duper good at it though
8) Would you rather be a mermaid or a dragon?
mermaids have pretty established rules across universes but dragons don’t, more information needed
9) What’s the worst would you rather you’ve ever done?
the classic lo mein noodles or cactus
10) Breakfast for dinner?
always? this is my most favorite of meals
11) What was the last advertisement you saw?
@spacewifespock and @boyjadzia saw one for anal cancer awareness that was uh quite something
Jamie’s questions
1. Corner brownie, side brownie, or middle brownie?
Side brownie
2. Plain brownies? Brownies with nuts? Brownies with chocolate chips? Brownies with something else?
my most favorite dessert has one component that is brownies but i don’t know if i’d classify it as a brownie. if you have a strict definition, then brownies with chocolate chips. if not, then the bottom layer is cakelike brownie, the next layer is marshmallow fluff, and the top layer is chocolate chips melted and mixed with peanut butter and rice krispie cereal. the whole thing is then chilled until the top layer hardens.
3. Brownies with or without ice cream?
if they’re super duper fudgy like cosmic brownies, without. if they’re any other texture, with. if they’re the brownie bars then without
4. What kind of ice cream?
moose tracks
5. What kinds of toppings do you like on your ice cream?
there’s this really good peanut butter syrup stuff they have at the ice cream place  i went to today, otherwise i’m good sans toppings
6. What is your favorite beverage to go with ice cream and brownies?
7. Do you think berries would go well with ice cream and brownies?
yeah probably, i think raspberries go well with most anything and strawberries are p good with anything chocolate
8. What kind of berries would go well with desert?
straw- and rasp-
9. How much brownies and ice cream would you like?
the ratio is approximately two brownies (4 square inches each if my knuckle based measurements are correct) to one scoop of ice cream, in one sitting just one serving of that or maybe a half as in split that serving with a person but if i have a pan of brownies and a carton of ice cream i will just like graze at approximately that ratio for several days
10. When would you like brownies and ice cream and beverage of choice?
AWWWWWWWWW wow i mean i’m done with school so if you wanna make me brownies you can do it whenever is good for you and by no means feel obligated to make me brownies you’re so sweet jamie
my questions:
1. what podcast or audiobook should i listen to at work?
2. what is a controversial opinion that you have?
3. if you only had one night in your favorite city before some macguffin-y event happened that would cause you to never be able to go there again, what would you do? 
4. who’s prettier me or abi and why is it abi? please cite your sources in the form of photos of abi that i can look at
5. “how can i forget your love, how can i never see you again” aka, what’s your favorite song lyric that’s also a question?
6. what’s your answer to that question?
7. what’s the best url you have ever seen on the hell site? interpret the word best how you will
8. should i get a studio next year or should i try to make it work with roommates i won’t know?
9. it is a truth universally acknowledged that my ex is terrible. if you had access to endless resources on the condition that they should only be used to make him feel bad, what would you do?
10. what piece of media did you encounter at exactly the right time in life?
11. what piece of media has had multiple meanings at multiple times in your life?
tagging @spacewifespock @boyjadzia @surullinensaukko @queerczar @shinelikeastarlight @kates-barbaric-yawp @persona-engine @oshindijo dude idk, i’m not gonna tag 11 people, the people i tagged in the last one i don’t even know very well
but also, jamie gabi arielle if you wanna do my questions that’d put me at 11 :P
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