#both online and irl that's so strange 😭
senatorraines · 2 years
ngl i thought you were really intimidating but you’re actually so nice 😭
PLEASEKSKDNNDDBNDND thank u so much !! i swear to GOD everyone says that to me that is so funny omg
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nyacchiiatos · 7 months
my issue with littlest pet shop: a world of our own
hi! as you can see i have a bone to pick with this show, but i'm going to be criticizing the overall premise rather than individual episodes (i can't bring myself to watch any). nothing exactly provoked me to post this, it's just something i felt like ranting about because i always found it pretty strange and sort of like a slap in the face towards those who liked the 2012 series. very long post incoming 😭
first of all, the entire concept of AWOOO (im going to refer to it as that because the title is way too annoying to type out each time) in context of lps' brand as a whole doesn't make sense. hasbro refers to it (in a backhanded way to jab at 2012) as "a pet-only world made by pets, for pets." this premise alone is contradictory to the entire lps brand. it's called littlest pet shop, not littlest animal universe. the 2012 show made this work by having an actual pet shop with a daycamp area like you would expect irl. yes, the show had humans which i agree sometimes took over a bit too much, but it's meant to be a city-based slice of life cartoon. the main cast are actual pets, they have owners, they have their own homes, like any pet irl would. that's... why they're called pets. whatever AWOOO was trying to achieve just completely defeats the purpose of a pet shop existing. i have no doubt in my mind that hasbro felt so inclined to sweep 2012 under the rug by rushing this half-assed reboot out as fast as they could to satiate all the "bring back the old lps" commenters. there was literally nowhere online you could view content of the 2012 series in ANY site, without the comments being FLOODED with "bring back the old lps." it got to a point where fans were borderline harassing the hasbro employees, recording themselves calling them on the phone for views and clout, and encouraging others to do the same. and guess what? it worked. instead of continuing working on the show while easily selling toys that fans were more in favor of, hasbro thought it would be a better idea to just completely abandon 2012 as a whole and then proceed to act like it never even existed. there was no good reason for them to not continue producing the show (iirc it had pretty good ratings and was one of the most popular hub shows next to mlp ofc) while also selling toys that would cater to both newer and older fans (granted they probably can't sell multiple generations at a time, but still). so ultimately, they hurried this little reboot to get it out there as fast as they could and passively shit on 2012 while talking about its premise. seriously? "no humans getting in the way anymore! we have a WHOLE NEW lps cast with no big headed humans named blythe or her ugly friends! no more communication barriers, because thats no fun! isnt this show just SO much better than 2012?" they were so ready to just throw the 2012 series and everything related to it in the trash. AWOOO was not made out of love and respect. it was made as a way for hasbro to try and get their fans back by proving just how much better this reboot was in such non-discrete manners. they thought of the quickest and easiest way to regain their audience and ran with it, without ever thinking about how it completely diminishes what all the previous generations stood for.
i was one of the very few people who loved the 2012 lps series since it premiered. being a child on the internet in the early 2010s definitely brought down my happiness when watching the show because of the overwhelming negative feedback it was getting along with the rebrand in general (something im VERY nostalgic for). regardless, i continued to tune in whenever it was on tv and i saw myself growing up with the characters. to say that this show had potential is an understatement. the producers intended to make more seasons and you just knew they wanted to keep it going (this was confirmed btw). they weren't in a hurry to get something better out there, until the "bring back the old lps"ers finally got their way. but honestly? it's not completely unheard of for large companies to eventually cave in to the public opinion if it means they'll make more profit. they were desperate, and it was definitely showing.
one of the things i have the most issues with is how hasbro proceeds to COMPLETELY ignore everything regarding the show nowadays. as some of you know the show's 10th anniversary was last november, which i and many people had participated in a large art collab to celebrate and honor the show's legacy. want to know what hasbro did to celebrate? nothing. absolutely nothing. what's even worse is that michael kopsa, the voice of roger, had passed away very shortly before the shows 10th anniversary. and guess what? complete silence. that's just incredibly disrespectful to be completely honest. someone who brought his best work to your show and others on the same network (if im remembering correctly at least) and was such a joy to be around, and this is how you thank him? not a single piece of acknowledgement, all because you're too scared to ever talk about 2012 again because of the scary older fans that persuaded you to pull the plug on the whole thing? you weren't even willing to make one little post offering your condolences? oh because you just can't ever mention that show ever again, it'll spark those negative comments just like before. and you've made it abundantly clear that you care more about profiting off these people than having some kind of self awareness.
i apologize that this got so heavy, i've always wanted to properly write down my honest thoughts about this whole thing because ive been unhappy with it for years and years now. if you like AWOOO, i don't care. i wont give you a hard time for liking it, because the show itself isnt inherently bad. just what went on behind it is what bothers me so much. the fact that hasbro can completely ignore their own creation for what... 7 years now? is beyond my comprehension. they can keep pretending it never existed, but small groups of people online have been rediscovering this show and remembering how much they loved it when they were younger. you had a good thing going here hasbro, it sucks that you had to completely abandon it. but i think i can speak for a few people that this show has always and will always hold a special place in my heart and my childhood memories. even if we can't get more from it, we shouldn't forget to appreciate and cherish what we did get. and nobody can take that away.
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the-bloody-sadist · 7 months
Has there been pieces of media that have genuinely scared you before?
I’m actually a big scaredy cat! Although I find a lot of supernatural horror tropes uncreative and unmotivated, I also can only watch them through reviews by YouTubers most of the time because I don’t want to watch the scares myself. That’s one of the reasons why I prefer (and am more scared by) psychological horror. I enjoy that so much more than big scary demon haunts a house for the hundredth movie.
That is, if psychological horror has GOOD PSYCHOLOGY, which is even harder to find 😭.
With that said, the top horror types that scare me on a deeply personal level are: analogue horror, ARGs, and a category in cosmic horror that I would call “the earth wants to eat you” (i.e. Annihilation (2018) which shares elements with a part in a non-horror movie called Life of Pi that also terrified me as a teen, in which Pi lands on an island that is slowly trying to consume him whenever the sun sets.)
I’ll circle back around to the other categories, but in both Annihilation and that portion of Life of Pi, nature itself, having no consciousness as an entity that wants to kill or haunt or get revenge, is consuming all life as if to return living creatures to flora and fauna. In Annihilation, this is because of an alien force of life that has taken over a spot on the world that’s slowly growing, where the cycle of life is accelerated to the point that you see cells regenerate before your eyes. This causes tumors to grow in human brains in the course of a single day (causing madness—a particularly scary topic to me) and organisms take root inside their bodies when they sleep on the ground, which eventually grows out of them. When I saw this movie I wasn’t prepared for how it would affect me, and I was screaming my actual guts out when it came to the climax of the movie. I was so deeply disturbed that I couldn’t even go home to sleep on my own lmfao. There’s just something incredibly terrifying about the earth—meaning no harm and being an innocent creation—brutalizing humanity as it goes about it’s course. Again, if you watch it, the ending is the most disturbing part to me, and I had to cover my eyes for the whole scene AND WILL NEVER WATCH IT AGAIN 😭….
Next up, The Mandela Catalogue. If you know you know. I can’t see any images from it or hear the audio for the scares again. Anything to do with things that look like uncanny humans, things that pretend to be humans but are skinwalkers, and so on—I’m SO OUT. That’s the most terrifying concept to me. Along with this category I would include regular people not acting like themselves anymore—someone with a brain tumor perhaps who is acting odd or “innocently” attempting to hurt someone without full clarity of mind. HELP. Lmao 😭 the potential of it to be reality is way too close for me.
This is also why ARGs are also hard for me to watch. Since the whole concept is to portray it as reality and the creators will do everything in their power to tell the audience it’s not fictional, I have no absolutes and therefore cannot compartmentalize the fear it creates. I would never watch this kind of media except through the filter of a YouTuber reviewing it and explaining why it’s NOT REAL AND NOBODY DIED.
I do get disturbed quite easily by things like online media that’s strange (i.e. gory claymations by someone who was a weirdo irl and used the animations for his irl fantasies) and movies that are intensely graphic and have no positive elements at all. I know about pretty much every awful “banned” type film (A Serbian Film, Nekromantic, Cannibal Holocaust etc.) but only because I watch Mista GG make jokes about them so I don’t have to consider suicide. When things are made to be simply shock horror and have no clear point, there’s just something about it from a writer’s perspective that deeply troubled me. Because WHY DID THEY WRITE THAT SCRIPT???? If I can’t figure it out I get A BIT DISTRAUGHT….!!!
Lmao anyway, the last piece of media I’ll mention that REALLY unsettled me (except this time in a way where I think the film was brilliantly written and should be watched by those who can handle it better than me) is a movie called Mother! (2017). I won’t say much about it except that it’s an allegorical film representing the God of the Bible and his wife Mother Nature, and just….goddam, man. Religion in horror is always a turn-off for me or something I can’t handle, so this one hit hard after I realized what was going on. HIGHLY SUGGEST LOOKING AT THE ALLEGORICAL ELEMENTS BEFORE YOU GET INTO THE MOVIE THOUGH BECAUSE I THINK IT WILL MAKE THE EXPERIENCE SO MUCH BETTER. I went in totally blind and was sick with confusion.
ANYWAY! That’s all! Thank gods for tumblr where I can ramble to my heart’s content to the one person who asked 😵‍💫
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jack-kellys · 1 year
hi!! for the fic title ask game how about "don't take much to be a dreamer (all you do is close your eyes)" ??
(yes this is just a newsies lyric but i also think its a pretty title😭)
hello there >:) i am very self aware i still have some of these in my inbox!! thank you for asking.
while i’m not taking these anymore you can ask me about a fandom/ship/character or my aus!
sorry in advance for being an insane person but this would be a very fun lyric to totally modernize/throw into a future context. as in like. an alternate reality au. a little bit matrix and a little bit like…. ooh peter pan but not
further in the future when the world is doing worse than it already is, AR has become rly huge for escapism and getting to “pursue” what a lot of ppl will never get the chance to in reality. the AR is this island of adventure basically, right, very fantastical and customizable. it was made by pulitzer’s company though sooo it may or may not be stealing users’ information and brain patterns!!!!!!
basically the newsies have been online friends for years and they all got their little personas on the island- i think the only IRLs are jack and crutchie. they all have their own reasons for why they're online etc, backstories...yeah. but then weird shit starts appearing in the game, sort of like glitches- strange staticky shapes like rips are forming online.
jokingly, albert steps into one, and his character disappears. and then he isn't online for a few days, which becomes two weeks, and he isn't answering when his friends call. and then the game glitches become much, much more dangerous as they start to ask questions.
but like yeah for pulitzer to fully understand, trick, and control the brain, he's gonna need test subjects guys. like c'mon how else do you take over what remains of the world. jeez
so basically! there is both in-"game" and out of game investigation of what the actual fuck is going on, so there's lots of IRL first time meetings, ppl don't always look like what they do in AR, it's fun. and they get to expose all this wild shit pulitzer is doing, and it turns out they've been hanging out w pulitzer's fucking daughter in AR this whole time bc very avatar is obv.. doesnt look like her (theyd know what she looks like pultizers are like famous), different name, etc. also i love me an exposure of corruption au with newsies bc like. its still the same concept while being absolutely batshit insane!!!
sorry this took me ages to answer- i wanted to give the canon lyric title something very out of the box, so i hope this concept is interesting to you!!
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mosviqu · 11 months
i'm very happy that u are whipped for eric and congrats again for ur marriage can't wait to be there🤭
OH DAMN NOW IT WOULD BE EVEN COOLER IF I WAS THE FIRST ONE but like that would actually be crazy!!!!! i hope ur socialness will save us or it will be very awkward since both of us are like that then😭😭 I HOPE U WONT BE IN TROUBLE but i am at ur service will help with anything🫡🫡 ITS GOING TO BE SO COOL AND IM ALSO VERY HAPPY THAY I WONT HAVE TO SEND U PIXEL CALUM CUZ U WILL SEE HIM IRL!!!! ITS GOING TO BE AMAZIIINGGG AND IM A TRUSTABLE SOURCE FOR THAT
SHHSJFJF I WOULD PAYYY TO SEE HIM DANCE CAT AND DOG AT A CLUB HOLY CRAP THAT WOULD BE FUNNYHAHSHFJ and very true it would be more embarrassing 😭😭 i'm sure he is ur only one especially from the boyz u know right ahahahhahah😄
i still haven't watched any of the life performances i'm scared for my life actually ever since the video of him in that bath tub i haven't been normal so i think i will put off watching them😄🥲 IM NOT EVEN SURPRISED THEY HAVE EVERYONE IN SHAMBLES!!! and well i'm happy it actually wasn't short lived or well i still hope it won't be short lived and i hate to admit that i like the silver more cuz red is one of my fav hair colour on people💔💔💔 (liebestraum anon🥳)
me? whipped for eric ?? where'd you get that???? (definitely not our dms hahahaha...ahaha...)) ofc you are invited to the wedding you are the fav tbz girlfriend after all 🙄💔
you would be actually the first online friend id be meeting irl as well have i mentioned that already i think i have but anyways 😭😭 so id actually be kind of shitting my pants but oH WELL. love how u call it my socialness when its just me pretending i know how to speak to ppl bc the friends i found at uni are all introverted 😭 STOP I REMEMBER U SAYIGN YOU WILL SEND PIXEL CALUM AND I WAS LIKE AWH SWEET BUT BITCH ILL SEE PIXEL CALUM IRL ALL THE WAY FROM THE BACK OF THE VENUE LIFE IS SO STRANGE. also if we meet and become irl besties we can go see lovejoy together in poland (im sure the time doesnt match and 5sos is actually way after that but we do not care))
i mean a couple drinks in and id be able to dance cat and dog at the club so i think everythings possible😔😔😔 mhm mhm i only have one boyfriend per group i am NOT staring at sunwoo every chance i get why would u think that
also update i STILL havent watched any of rhe live performances for move bc i suck LOLOLOL but no i am kinda scared to if im being 100% honest i think that would be too serious for me. also it seems like red hoon is gone fr and its silver now so you won😗 (still am a fan of black)
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youn9racha · 3 years
RE: 💍
ofc !!! any anon who’s cool and chats with me is automatically awesome to me !!! im glad it did 🥺🙏** that’s actually so cute UWU~ also stop charming me ! I’m already your fan 😂💖
okay good, because im really not all about conflicts and such, so we wanna keep it peaceful and chill here. **also dw i still have the reminder tag on your wedding night with hyunjin ;)** ** ahhh I think you might hv some unpleasant situations with minors? 💀 again I don’t see any reason on starting on smth, there is / there isn’t a place for some things to happen , and I totally understand it😂 I guess that’s the pros of being an adult — u r mature 😅😜 ; plus you took my request despite your requests were closed 💀 so it’s already super nice 😩 so please stop apologising 😄🤧
“your night with hynj” — haha when I read it , it sounded 😂UK 😂🤭
im glad you enjoyed it 🥺🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕 i’ll hopefully not disappoint with the more works i put up !!! ** don’t even worry about it okay ? U feel inspired — you write , u r the autor and creator u can’t disappoint~
Also did someone told you that you are extremely cute & kind ?:)
Goodnight 🌚
i am so overwhelmed by the kind words 😭😭 thank you so much 🙏🙏
you maybe are, but i won’t stop charming anyone 👹
i always had both online and irl 😭😭 its a struggle everyday 😭😭 no but all jokes aside, no i don’t get minors as often, but i always refrain from getting into conflict and always try to find a way to fix the problem as soon as possible because like i said, this tumblr is not just my safe space, its for everyone over the age of 18, so i try to keep myself out of drama and such.
its kinda strange how you mentioned minors though,,, i would say something but i’ll keep it to myself for now 💀
i mean it is what it is 😭😭😭
also thank you, you’re cute too 🥺🥺🥺
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