#bother kupo responds
yzeltia · 19 days
FFXIVwrite2024 5. Stamp
Featuring: A continuation of @erickgage 's The Calling Characters: Fuyu'li cen Zwhan, Ahi'a Zwhan, Azdaja, U'rahn Nuhn Expansion: Dawntrail Rating: G for Goofy Catboys Summary: Fuyu'li's past catches up to him. Notes: Thanks Erick for the inspo!
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Fuyu’li tried to hold his breath as he hid behind one of the vibrant pillars of Radz-at-Han, Ahi’a and Azdaja held firmly in his arms, his palm over their snoots to keep them just as silent. He had come out of nowhere, tauntingly imitating the noise of one of Eorzea’s most wicked pests to frighten him. 
Fuyu’li feared this day would come. No matter what assurances of safety Vrtra promised him, he knew he could not escape his past. The crimes he committed, the people he hurt. No matter how much he had given back and intended to continue to do so. The damage he’d done…the damage he’d done too to the most dangerous person in the world…His fate would be inevitable. 
He shuddered as he heard the lazy steps of his hunter come closer, the man not even bothering to make it quick. Letting go of Azdaja, he hugged Ahi’a tightly, his sweet son that he’d just gotten over the shock of having making confused screes in his arms. “I love you and your father so much…but my time has come. One day your Auntie Natsu will tell you about all the bad things I did for Garlemald and then to her friends…I want you to know I was very sorry for it…And I have spent my whole life up to the point of your father saving my life trying to do better, be better. And I know I was confused about your arrival but know I love you- AH! A-Azdaja! OW! That hurts,” he cried out as the small red dragon started to bite his ear and drag him out of hiding.
Tumbling, he fell flat out onto the tile under him just as the Warrior of Light came from around the corner with a big cheshire grin. “Here you go, kupo,” the sounded out as he reached into his bag.
“P-Please! Not in front of my son!” Fuyu’li begged, hiding his arms over his face in preparation to whatever lethal force was about to befall him.
“Uh…is it something naughty?” the Warrior of Light asked in a whisper.
Fuyu’li blinked then slowly lowered his arms from obscuring his face, watching U’rahn Nuhn flip around the letter in his hand before holding it up to the light as if to try to see inside with a goofy grin. “Y-You’re here to…”
“Deliver mail of course,” U’rahn responded handing the letter over, “Courtesy of The Head of Resolve himself, kupo!”
Fuyu’li blinked, looking at the letter, finding it to bear Koana’s signet indeed to be upon it. Azdaja fluttered down, perching on his shoulder while Ahi’a fluttered around confused as to why his dad was so distressed over the nice Miqo’te that had approached them. “Oh. So then I’m not going to be punished?”
“Uh…no?” U’rahn answered, tilting his head. “Hey Hey! I still gotta head to Doma! See you arrround! Say hi to Varshahn for me, okay Azdaja? Thanks for using Postmoogle Mail Services, kupo!”
Azdaja screed then launched forward to swoop around U’rahn playfully before the other stuffed a bundle of mint in his mouth and teleported away. Fuyu’li just stared at the spot the other had stood in for a moment before flopping back onto the ground, letting the two dragons fly above him to make mostly concerned noises for him.
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botherkupo · 5 years
For the writer asks: 9, 16, 46 for Zuko’s tiny dilemma? Also interested in 11, 13, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 37, 40, 41, 43, 48, 49 lol that’s a lot though so whatever you feel like answering from those please? Thanks and love your writing!
9) In your xxx fic, what’s your favourite scene that you wrote?
This is quite tricky. I have a lot of scenes I really enjoyed writing. Hrmmm, maybe the scene where Zuko and Azula are on the beach. It was emotional but also really interesting for me to write. 
16) How did you come up with the idea for xxx?
I don’t really remember the exact details now. I think it was partly inspired from the whole manga age regression trope (which always gives me a kick), but a lot of my stories have been started simply because I’d be at my friend’s house (usually writing crackfics on her couch). We’d start chatting abut AtLA, as you do, and I would be like “that would be a funny idea”, and she’d think so too, and then I’d start writing it. Pretty sure that’s what happened with ZTD.    
46) I really loved your xxx fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?
In the sequel (which I kind of am writing in companion one-shots), I’d see the focus more on Zuko’s relationship with Azula and trying to help Aang and the others defeat Ozai. I wouldn’t have any new spirit curses happen.     
11) Have you ever amended a story due to criticisms you’ve received after posting it?Yep. I rewrote a chapter for one because readers pointed out stuff I hadn’t thought about previously, and I agreed it was problematic. I’ve also deleted really old stories that tended to get too much negative (my crappy old stories), as I got tired of saying I knew it sucked, lol. I also have added or changed stuff for The Undying Fire because readers have pointed something was a bit unrealistic or whatever. Basically, I’m open to changing stuff if I think the criticisms are valid.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?I’ve only been writing The Undying Fire lately, so I’ll go with AtLA characters. I don’t really have a least favourite, but I guess Iroh is the toughest for me. I love him to pieces, but trying to channel a wise old man is hard work sometimes.
19) Are there any stories that you’ve written that you’d really love to do a sequel to?Not really. When I finish a story, I consider it finished. I sometimes expand on one-shots to make them a proper story, but that’s about it.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?Not that I can think of.
22) Do you have a story that you look back on and cringe when you reread it?
So many. I think the biggest one is A Marriage of Convenience (the title says it all). I would have deleted it ages ago, but readers have requested I keep it on my profile, so I do. I really don’t like that story though lol.
24) How do you feel about writing smutty scenes? 
This changes for me. I don’t actually care about smut (as in it does nothing for me), but sometimes it feels like it does fit for a story in terms of showing where the characters are at with each other (like in With Small Steps).  I did once challenge myself to see if I could write a shameless smut scene (Working Off the Edge), but I don’t particularly like that story and may end up editing or just deleting it entirely. (It kind of niggles at me when I think about it).
25) Have you ever cried whilst writing a story? 
A lot. Like all the time. Any emotional scene makes me cry.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow? A bit of both. I have a rough outline of where I want the story to go and major things I want to happen, and then I let the characters take me there, adjusting as needed to keep everything feeling organic. If I plan too much, I get bored and stop writing.
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
I don’t really have an answer to this, to be honest. I’m the kind of person who was never shy about sharing my stories. My old stuff sucked so hard, but that’s because I was still developing as a writer (and still am improving). 
30) In contrast to 29 is there a story which gets lots of love which you kinda eye roll at?
Just Improvise. I know why people like it, and I know why I enjoyed writing it, but it’s really not that great, lol.
34) What’s the harshest criticism you’ve gotten? 
Dunno if you’d consider it more of a flame, but I’ve had people tell me my story sucks and I should stop writing. Also get people who say a story has turned boring because of blah blah. To be honest, though, I mostly get weird criticisms. By that I mean they’re not a big deal and are super nitpicky things, and I can’t help feeling like the person was really hunting for something to fuss about.
37) What’s the funniest story you’ve written?
I write a lot of crack one-shots. I honestly can’t decide. If we’re talking multi-chapter, maybe Keep Your Enemies Closer. 
40) Do people know you write fanfiction?
Yep. Some of my friends read my fics, other friends just know I write it, and my family think I used to write it but don’t anymore (because I’m supposed to be working on my original novels and editing, lol)
41) What’s you favourite minor character you’ve written?
Hrrrrrrm. I don’t know. I like my sassy spirits. Maybe the dragon moose, Bill, from The Labyrinth of Illusions.
43) Has anyone ever guessed the plot twist of one of your fics before you posted it?Sometimes. Most don’t tend to get it exactly (or else don’t tell me until later).
48) What’s your favourite trope to write?
Found family or body switch (or just body transformations in general).
49) Can you remember the first fic you read? What was it about?
It was a Harry Potter fic. I didn’t know it was fanfiction at first and was so confused why the story was written in Hermione’s point of view lol. I think it was someone’s idea of sixth year.
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Free Write #4:  Lightbulb
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Cut for mention of child slavery.
Astrid stared out of the carriage.  Her mouth opened--then closed, then opened again, as she tried to process what she was seeing.
“This...this isn’t the right address.” 
“AcCoRDinG tO rEcOrDs, thIS IS tHe dEsInGaTED HOme OF CaMiLLa DEgLaSs aNd KaRi deGLaSS.”  The mammet-brain empowered carriage responded.  Astrid stared at the viewscreen, then stared back out of the window.  In a numb sort of horror she undid the door latch and stepped out, her eyes taking in the desolation around her.
This...this can’t be right.  Roderick and Emma’s manor on the outside--once beautiful white marble with lush greenery and colorful flowers...it was now pitch black.  Everything in the yard was dead--brown grass, wilted flowers, broken trees.  An air of neglect hung over the property..and to Astrid’s senses, it didn’t feel recent.  It didn’t look recent. 
Didn’t Bartaz approve a monthly expenditure some time back for property upkeep?  The thought careened wildly about in her mind as Astrid stepped forward to the gates.  She was grateful for her gloves, the amount of rust and decay on the wrought-iron bars made her skin crawl.  There was no lock, and with an unholy screech of metal-on-metal, Astrid was able to push her way inside.  Only too late did she remember the security wards, and the older woman braced herself...
But nothing happened.  No shields, no golem-guards--nothing.  No protective measures at all.  When Astrid reached out--she felt only the broken husks of the spell-foci, their power drained long ago.  Reeling from the implications, Astrid spun around on a boot, taking in the broken and ruined yard.
My lady...I’m sorry to bother you on this.  But there’s something that’s come to my attention that I think you should be made aware of.  Bartaz’s voice, whispering in her ear.  Bile rose in Astrid’s stomach, but she made herself start to walk, keep walking--towards the front porch.
There seems to be something wrong with Camilla’s paperwork.
No security on the front door, a twist of the knob and she was inside--inside and the horror show continued, the smell of mold, mildew, decay and rot filling Astrid’s nose.  Paint and wallpaper peeling, ruined floor planks--
And no furnishings.  No light.  No warmth.  The home that Roderick and Emma had created--carefully chosen antiques and art...gone.  Empty frames--the paintings cut out of them.  Empty bookshelves, dust lining them and the tabletops.  Somehow she’d ended up in Roderick’s study, and Astrid had nearly screamed from horror and despair.  Her son’s books, his beautifully carved wooden desk-and the tapestry map of Eorzea he’d commissioned, she remembered how he’d give Kari geography lessons using it...gone, gone...
Kari.  The realization was a jolt of ice-water down Astrid’s spine.  Where was her granddaughter?  There was no evidence of a child present--no shoes, no cape at the front door-no teen related debris--bookbag, papers...nothing.
My lady, please!  Helena’s tear-filled voice.  Please, I beg you!  Something’s not right!
Wards at the windows and another at the front door if she dared to stretch out her senses--and now Astrid reeled, blood magic and malice threatening to overwhelm her.  Spells to entrap and punish one who dared to fight back--but that wasn’t right, that wasn’t right at all!
You know her! You love her as if you were the one to carry her and birth her!  Why are you listening to that fel-ridden harridan?! Why are you believing her?!
The moogle, thrusting a letter into her face-
Emergency, kupo-kupo!
Her granddaughter’s words on the paper-
Grandmother please, I beg you--do not believe what my stepmother has said about me being a most wicked child--
Dimly Astrid heard the clink of bottles and the murmur of voices.  Now she moved-ran back through the halls and down the stairs to the kitchen.  Here was light, warmth--and Camilla and her crony, sitting at the center table.  A feast was spread out before them, roasted meat, vegetables, warm bread and stew, with glasses full of red wine.  The crony paused mid-chew, a strip of meat dangling from his mouth as he stared at Astrid witlessly.  Camilla blanched in horror--and Astrid saw the gil-purse in front of her daughter in law.
She plans to sell me-
Bartaz and Helena’s voices in her ears, an unholy cacophony of warning, and the now fast-burning realization that she’d been in the wrong, she was so horribly wrong, had been wrong all these years--  Astrid opened her mouth, and the voice that came from her throat didn’t sound like hers.
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sequoiaofeorzea · 5 years
A start to a fic that I decided to take in writing my characters adventure into Shadowbringers.
*This is going to be long so it's still in progress*
An Eorzean Tail; The Parting Glass: A Three Part Prologue
Set at the begining of A Reqium for Heroes with fan made additions to the msq leading into Shadowbringers.
~Sé mo laoch mo ghille mear
’Sé mo Shaesar, ghille mear,
Ní fhuaras féin aon tsuan ná séan,
Ó chuaigh i gcéin mo ghille mear.
Sé mo laoch mo ghille mear
’Sé mo Shaesar, ghille mear,
Ní fhuaras féin aon tsuan ná séan,
Ó chuaigh i gcéin mo ghille mear.
You will be my gallant star
Oh heys to me mo ghile mear~
It had been four weeks since Thancred, Y'shtola, and Urianger had fallen unconscious due to the mysterious voice anomaly.
"Ahead looms a calamity....twin dooms must be fore stalled".
The words kept repeating again, and again in Sequoia's mind day in and day out. What's worse, she couldn't sleep after all of what happend. She felt even worse for young Alisaie due to the fact they hadn't heard from Alphinaud since he left for Garlemuld with Maxima. As much as she trusts Alphinaud, she can't help but pray to the Twelve that he be safe. The twins maybe prodigies, but they were still children.
Archon, Sequoia's husband began to stir from the other side of the bed. "Good morning, dandelion" he yawned out, "How are you feeling?" He gently reached his arm over to place a hand on her face. He knew what happend.
At the time, Archon was at the Rising Stones helping Tataru with some errands. At first he didnt want to do it until Urianger decided to guilt trip him by using his very olde speech to get the miqote annoyed enough to accept. It was after Sequoia and the others return that he witnessed seeing Urianger and Y'shtola collapse. He was frightened and rushed over to his wife, trying to prevent her from doing the same. He was scared and he began to curse himself and also Cedar, Sequoia's brother, for not accompanying them to Ala Mhigo. In fact, where was Cedar during all of this?
Sequoia let out an audible sigh "I'm still processing it all. Its....I'll be okay". It was a small lie. She knew that he's always worried for her. She knew that he knew that being chosen as a Warrior of Light was taxing. She had slain primals of many, ended a 1000 year war between dragon and man, and liberated not only one nation but two under the oppressive Empire, Garlemuld in which was still a major threat. More over she has dealt with the sinister Ascians, those of which have tried to kill her and her friends many times. At the sametime she tries to balance all of her duties with her marriage. She and Archon had decided to take their marriage a step further to start a family, but the dream had to be put off due to the immediate threats impossible to ignore.
It saddens her. She wished that the world would stay saved just once for her to start a new chapter in her life.
Archon brushed the back of his hand over her cheek to comfort her to the best of his ability.
During his absence on current events, Cedar had gone to the Shroud to take a trip down memories both nostalgic and tragic. He had felt the need to visit the place where his sister and his journey began; the old cabin, their childhood home.
Bullseye, the araiman voidsent along with Kupo Cop accompanied him to the place aswell. Although he didnt mind his Bullseye, he couldnt quite understand why Kupo Cop wanted to come along when it was a personal matter. Cedar decided to let it slide for the best.
Immediately upon their arrival, Cedar was overcome with sorrow from the site of what was left of his childhood home. The cabin was barely keeping itself togather from being abandoned for almost 16 years. Nature had already reclaimed every part of the foundation, vines and other vegetation covering every ilm of the house from broken furniture, to the sink that can be seen in through the kitchen window.
Cedar got off his chocobo and approached the building. Opening the the door he instantly smelled the memory of his mothers stew boiling in the kitchen, the sound of the kettle that would almost always be forgotten before it made its presence know with its screeching. He can hear the pattering of feet and giggling of children on the top floor, with his mothers voice calling them all down for supper. He even imagined hearing his fathers voice calling down in reply, laughing while carrying and limping down the stairs with children not wanting to let go. He even imagined seeing them all singing songs with instruments and his parents telling his bothers and sisters about their time as adventures.
He was brought back to the present from the sound of broken glass. Looking down at his right foot, his eyes grew wide as he looked upon the faces under the broken shards.
It was a picture of his family. He brought the frame up carefully to examine it. The photo features his parents and his siblings all posing neutral standing up save for his mother holding a bundle in her arms; that bundle being Sequoia. And right next to where his mother was cradling his sister in her arms, a boy slightly glancing at the babe stands protectively, his little hand reaching over to let his baby sister hold his pinky. It brought a smile to the miqote face but a stray tear rolled down his cheek and he instinctively whipped it away with the back of his hand.
In the backyard a small cemetary was made where his parents and other siblings now lay at rest. He took that moments to attend to each grave stone, praying and talking to them as if they were actually their before placing a white lily at the foot of the stones.
"Wasn't expecting you to come here" a voice suddenly came out of the blue startling poor Cedar to where he jumped back and fell on his rump. He turned to his left to find an older miqote man in his early sixties. As Cedar winced in pain from his fall the other man leaned over and gave his hand out to the younger. "Seven hells, old man!" Cedar hissed out. The older miqote chuckled before replying apologetically while helping Cedar up. "I have come to visit the same as you, to visit my daughter". Both men looked over to where Cedars mother's headstone was. Cedar knew that his grandfather suffered just as much as he and his sister did, losing his only child in the massacre. Since Bealsarswall, the Garleans have been scouting around the east shourd with the family cabin being located just a few miles from the perimeter. Even thinking about it made Cedar wished there was a way to change the past.
"I...also came with a message, from the Scions." Cedar turned his head back to face his grandfather. "Is it urgent? Is Sequoia alright?! Wh-" his grandfather interrupted "HOLD YOUR BALLS BOY!"
"Language, kupo!" Kupo Cop came over with Bullseye in tow.
"Well, what is it! What's the mes-AAH!"
Suddenly, Cedar threw up his right hand to his head as his body rocked, everything strobing violently around him as he tried to collect his bearings.
Bullseye was flapping his wings frantically comeing over to try and help his master.
"What is this anomaly I'm sensing?" Says the inner apparition of Fray within Cedars soul.
Suddenly everything went black.
At the very sametime both Sequoia and Alisaie were experiencing the same thing.
"Throw wide the gates.......throw wide the gates!"
And just like before, the voice and anonomly ceased. Lyes ran over to the two stopping just short when the experiance stopped. "Was it The Call again?" Lyse asked worried.
"It was, but we can't do anything about it now." Alisaie responded. "We have to find out if my brother is alright." Sequoia agreed. And with that they left to accompany Lord Hien, Yuguri, and Maxima to Shiriyus Wall.
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botherkupo · 5 years
For the color meme: pineapple, chartreuse, and shamrock! Mostly summery colors-- also I think I was subconsciously influenced by Momo's big green eyes in your tumblr mobile wallpaper heading.
Momo is clearly being a great influence. I actually love all those colours. I’m definitely more of a summery, warm-colour person (even if I can’t always wear them lol.)
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