#botw verse tbt.
plumelost · 7 years
a movement across the dense snowy plains catches the wolf's eye, and it cocks its chin, gives one curious wag of its tail. is that... a bird? a human? wandering through the snow? not close but perhaps wanting to investigate further, the beast pads toward the strange creature.
               it’s so cold. so unbearably, unbelievably cold. it’s                            nothing like the brisk chill of rito village, where                            the wind was more crisp air than raw ice, where                            the snow fell in mild wavelets rather than sporadic                            blasts, where the fog could be lifted with a mere                            flap of tiny wings. it’s so, so cold…but he has a                            mission to complete. a purpose to fulfil. so the                            child only huffs in the face of such frigid conditions,                            huffs and shivers and tries shaking off his frosted                            feathers.
               they respond with a painful crack.
               maybe i should turn back, some part of him thinks                            then. maybe i should turn back, maybe i should—
               but what about dad? another part asks, and it’s louder                            than his doubts, louder than his worries, louder than                            all his fears; what about dad, what if he’s lost, what                            if he’s waiting for someone to find him, what if he’s                            waiting for me—
               what is that.
               something moves in the distance, too small to be                            a moose, yet too big to be a fox. he stills, hoping                            that whatever it is (please don’t be a lynel, please                            don’t be a lynel, dad says they have a taste for                            children, please don’t be a lynel) will ignore him                            and go away, but it’s just getting closer and closer                            and closer and—…! 
               he dares to hope.
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dullweapons-a · 4 years
continuation from HERE  // @dragmiire !!
—-˚・✳︎ . Link had DEMANDED they seek an inn. Which, took both men for surprise for he was not one to put his foot down so strongly. The young lad wished for Ray to be able to rest well, so that the wound on his arm could heal properly. At first, the demon REFUSED the offer. Speaking of how strong he was, that this was nothing but a flesh wound. The cut would be gone before they would know it -- but Link did not back down. Suppose it was him WISHING to make it up to his new friend.  Not to start their companionship on the wrong foot. Defeated the allowed Link to rush on ahead to find lodging for the three of them.
When the not-so-merry-men found each other again, Link was overjoyed! He had found what he believed to be PERFECT! There was one private room left for his friends to have. He knew that his new partners valued their privacy greatly-- this would be wonderful! ( he would sleep in he community lodging -- Link did not mind as long as the bed was soft! ) 
Yet -- they walked into the chamber to find only one bed. 
“...Take it. I don’t sleep much anyway.” Ray rested the bags at the foot of the bed ( mostly Dinmaire’s things, for Ray barley had anything that wasn’t the clothes on his back ). 
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lightumbra-a · 4 years
@bransles​ |  ❤
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“oh, you play beautifully. it’s quite the wonder someone hasn’t paid you to play just for them.”
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knightstask · 5 years
@veilsight​​ ♡’d for a starter !!
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   he had no idea that he’d ever find someone else wandering inside of the lost woods, suspecting he would be the only one able to navigate through the fog and hidden passageway. to see another person, one that seems to be a child no less, was extremely odd especially considering how far they’ve seem to have gotten. ☞ are you lost? if you need help getting out i can guide you back to wherever you came from. ☜
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trianimo-blog · 5 years
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hes abt to just start starin at motherfuckers
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ladibugs2 · 7 years
lost way
in the thunder of life, without your LIGHT, i often l o s t my way
The choice to leave the familiar behind is not an easy one -- but Bridgette knew that it was the only path in life that she could take. There was nothing for her in Kakariko village, especially considering that she was an oddity even among her own people. She left quietly in the night, without the fuss of a going away celebration. She didn’t want all that attention focused on her. 
Her travels took her a bit of everywhere, but she particularly enjoyed the desert. It’s where she’d found Abdullah, a giant horse that was more than double her own size. Taming the beast and gaining its trust had taken quite the sometime, but once she had, the duo refused to be separated. Together, they’d gone all over Hyrule, Gerudo, and Akkala. It’d been a year since she’d left Kakariko, and never once had Bridgette wanted to return. 
At least that’s what she told herself, but it changed when the towers and shrines came alive. She wasn’t foolish, she knew what this meant. Impa had passed down legends for years now, and Bridgette was intimately familiar with the calling of the hero.  Bridgette had wanted to return home, just for a moment, to see if he really returned. However, she resisted, instead taking up residency in a small cottage in the Gerudo highlands, happy to be settled for a short while. 
When the Sheikah finally met the hero, it was late at night. She was returning home after a day of hunting, and had come to see a blond sitting by her cooking pot, seeming to be struggling with lighting some flint. Bridgette rode up, arrow knocked and pointed straight at his head. 
“Give me one reason not to pin you to the wall.” 
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plumelost · 7 years
@thunderwarrior-withinsky​ | don't touch!
               he knows that sharing is caring and caring is great                             and all, but he hasn’t eaten in hours and this is the                             only real meal he’ll get until tomorrow morning and                             he’s not sharing, no matter how longingly she                             stares at him!
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                                      ❝ stop it! ❞ the indignant hiss is accompanied                                          by an equally indignant glare. ❝ this one's                                          mine! ❞
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dullweapons-a · 4 years
The handle of the axe is towards your hand -- @dragmiire​ !!
—-˚・✳︎ . Ray sipped his ale. Everyone around him acted as if the world they knew didn’t fall apart only one-hundred years ago. Fools. They lived on borrowed time. One day Ganon would break free...or one day the hero would come back to finish the job left undone and they could continue in their IGNORANCE. Softly, Ray wished he could carry the MASTER SWORD and battle the beast himself for he was tired of waiting. Always waiting. He knew the moment he laid his fingers upon the hilt he would BURN. For he was an unholy abomination that should have died long ago.
That was when he saw RED out of the corner of his eye. His gaze turned to see who had entered the small tavern he was resting in. The man who had just walked in...red locks tied back so neatly out of his face. Tan skin covered in modest clothing, just enough layers to protect him from the elements. Perhaps in his thirties, maybe a little older with the kisses of gray in his beard. The stranger looked of Gerudo descent...Ray blinked––
––and the man's hair became engulfed with FIRE. His skin turned to blacked scales that ran across his body like armor. The man turned to face Ray, extending a claw-like hand. The sounds of the people chattering become terror-stricken SCREAMS. His ale that was once in his hand became the hilt of a BLADE covered in the blood of innocents. The smell of sulfur filled his mind as they burned down the villages and salted the lands of those loyal to HYLIA. Horrors of what he did came RUSHING back -- his breathing quickened, his eyes filled with fear as the tears began to string his eyes! Everything was hot! Everything was on fire! Ray couldn’t do this! Not again!
                 ‘ Come. There is much more to be done. ‘
Ray brushed his tears away –– and everything was normal. The people returned to talking about their families and good weather. The room cooled to a comfortable temperature and in his hand was his cup of ale, waiting to be finished. Looking up he watched the man sit down at a table and relax himself. It couldn’t be true. Ganon was locked within HYRULE CASTLE...but he couldn’t shake the feeling. Ray had to speak to him. Make sure he was just a man with crimson hair and nothing more. Rising from his seat at the bar he approached him, taking an empty chair and dragging it with him until he made it to the table.
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Sitting next to him he stared deeply into golden eyes. “You’re new. Never seen your face before. I know everyone in this tavern, so... why don’t you make yourself known to me. I’m Ray.” The demon held out a glove hand to him.
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dullweapons-a · 4 years
Have a drink with me, @ritohonour​ !
               Hyrule castle town was busy as always. Little children fighting each other with sticks and pot lids; claiming to be the champions of Hyrule. Their parents following behind with their grocery in tow. Dawn found herself walking the city streets alone. Ray was stuck in the barracks, leaving her to her own whims. The people were counting down the days till this so-called calamity would come. A judgment day to some -- to her, just another Tuesday.
“Hey!” she called to the most interesting thing to have come across her -- a rito warrior making his way though town. Why wasn’t he flying? Although it didn’t matter to her what he was doing, it was someone to bother -- she jogged until she caught up with the man.
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“Whatcha doing so far from home? Got business with the princess~?” Dawn teased with the cheeky grin.
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plumelost · 7 years
Can you describe your father for us? Just in case we see him on our travels.
                                     ❝ you would do that? ❞ FOR ME? goes                                        unsaid, but not unheard. ❝gosh…thank                                        you! ❞
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                                     ❝okay, so he’s reeeal tall, ❞ he lifts a wing                                        and extends it above his head as high as                                        he can,❝ even taller than this! and--- and—                                        he has the biggest eyebrows! ❞ little wingtips                                        are plastered on the roundest brows. ❝ like                                        this! and– um– the loudest laugh! ❞ a                                        squeaking, whistling rasp — the best                                        impression he can make of his father’s                                        deep, hearty bellow — rumbles forth from                                        the child’s chest.❝ like this! oh— oh— and                                        his feathers always look so nice; they're                                        green, all sorts of green, and— ❞
               (he keeps going for an hour straight.)
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plumelost · 7 years
Hey, kid. I know it’s tough, not knowing where your dad is. But it’s okay. People go on these journeys all the time! And whether he comes back alive or dead, just know that he will come back, because he loves you.
               if he had anything but complete and utter faith in his                            father, the heartening words might have hurt.                            YOU’RE LYING, he might have squawked. HE                            DOESN’T LOVE ME, he might have screamed.                            HE LEFT, HE DOESN’T WANT ME, HE’S NEVER                            COMING BACK.
               but the great thing about kido is that he does have                            complete and utter faith in his father. so he only                            frantically nods in agreement, wings aflutter and                            talons curled taut as he chirps, ❝i know, i know! ❞
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                                     ❝ nobody ever thinks he’s gonna come back,                                        but you do and i do and one day he really                                        will come back and give me the greatest,                                        bestest hug ever, and he’s gonna tell me                                        how he got lost because he’s a silly dad like                                        that and how he’s so glad to be back, and                                        i’m gonna tell him i’m glad he’s back too                                        because i love him and he’s gonna say i                                        love you too! ❞
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