#but ayee hello my dude!! hope this is okay! )
plumelost · 6 years
@thunderwarrior-withinsky​ | don't touch!
               he knows that sharing is caring and caring is great                             and all, but he hasn’t eaten in hours and this is the                             only real meal he’ll get until tomorrow morning and                             he’s not sharing, no matter how longingly she                             stares at him!
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                                      ❝ stop it! ❞ the indignant hiss is accompanied                                          by an equally indignant glare. ❝ this one's                                          mine! ❞
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thewinsister · 7 years
Warning: FLUFF, sexual assault, that’s it i think.
Characters: Sam and Dean Winchester, Sister!Reader Winchester, Castiel
Summary/Request: Hi, i love your work so much! Could you do an imagine where the reader gets attacked by a drunk guy from a bar and her brothers and Cas come to the rescue. FLUFF, lots of FLUFF please. Thank you, keep writing!
Word Count: 1,209
Y/N: your name
Y/N/N: your nickname
After week of researching, kicking, ass, and many bruises finally the hunt was done. You had to say you were kind of proud of yourself, you fought off nearly an entire pack of werewolves almost without a scratch. So with a hunt all done of course you and your brothers went to a old bar to celebrate. It was all going great, until it didn’t.
You and your brothers walked into the dingy bar feeling accomplished and ready for a few glasses of cold beer. Dean walked in front as always inspecting the place for hot women while you and Sam walked behind looking for an empty table to sit. Finally you found an empty booth at the end of the place and sat down, Dean walked over to the bar to order a few beers and some food leaving you and Sam alone.
“Hey, good job back there. You really did kick their asses.” Complemented Sam as he fist bumped you and smiled.
“What can I say Sammy, I learned from the best.” You smirked back at him.
“Aww thanks Y/N/N”
“I meant Dean” You said back jokingly, smirking at him mischievously.
“You little-“
“Beer!” You yelled raising your arms as if you were a child as Dean approached the table with the drinks.
You all grabbed your drinks and began to talk, talk about the hunt, the future hunts, and everything in between until your glasses of beer were out leaving you all wanting more. Suddenly Dean’s phone began to sound so he answered while you and Sam looked at him curiously.
“Hello?” He stopped for an answer, “Oh, hey Cas!” He said as he singled that he’d go outside to talk.
“Well, I gotta go to the bathroom. Mind getting more beer?” Asked Sam
“Sure!” You answered as you both got up.
You got to the bartender ordered the three beers and sat on one of the stools as you waited. And that was when it all began to go wrong. Another guy taller than Dean but shorter than Sam sat next to you. He had short dark brown hair, a beard, and he was wearing a black leather jacket.
“Hey, gorgeous. What’s your name hottie?” The unknown guy said to you with a disgustingly pervy smile, so you simple smiled awkwardly at him and began to get up to leave to sit somewhere else but he grabbed you by the shoulder before you could. “I asked you something bitch.” He said immediately getting aggressive, your stomach became cold with fear. Why was it that you got more scared with this type of situation than on hunts? You made a quick decision to follow along until your brothers came back, it wouldn’t be too long right?
“Oh, I’m sorry I thought you were talking to someone else.” You said and put up your sweetest most innocent smile you could and forced out a giggle.
“Well, no worries doll. What’s your name?” He repeated himself and then gave his weird crooked smile once more.
“My names Rebecca sir.” You lied, that’s the good thing from hunting, it makes you a great liar.
“Ooo, Rebecca. That’s a pretty name” The man suddenly moved extremely close to your ear and whispered “There are so many things I’d like to do to you Rebecca.” He began to nibble your ear and groped your chest. You are officially done.
“Get. your. filthy. hands. off. of. me. NOW!” You yelled at him and moved away, at this very moment both of your brothers walked back into the bar shocked at what they were seeing.
“Shut up. I know you like it.” He said as he tried to move closer to you.
“Oh, yeah? What does this make you think? ” You asked and punched him cutting his lip making blood drip out slightly.
“It makes me think you like it rough” He said and basically threw himself on you.
“Hey big guy! She said take her hands off of her, asshole!” You heard as Dean and Sam stomped over to the both of you.
“Who are you two idiots. Look as men to men just leave me do my thing, you know? Aye of course you do, so just leave us and we’ll talk later what do you say?” He said really not knowing who he was talking to.
“Ayee, your right man, I know what you mean” Said Sam as if he was turning away to leave but he turned around back again and punched him square in the jaw.
“You wanna fight? Let’s fight!” The man yelled at your brother and right when he was about to punch your brother you slapped  him to grab his attention. He immediately turned around to you his face red with anger and ready to hit you. You lifted your knee and kicked him in the balls and he began wailing and let down his guard giving you enough time to punch him three more times without him fighting back. But this guy really wasn’t giving up he continued trying to get to you yelling insults and returning your hits. Sam and Dean tried interfering but nothing they did helped, suddenly a flutter of wings caught your attention and a tall, blue eyed, trench-coated man placed two fingers on the perv’s forehead and he passed out. Almost immediately you all walked out and ran into the impala. Dean and Cas jumped in the front while Sam and you went in the back, there was an airy silence before Dean broke it.
“I’m so sorry Y/N/N, if I’d just come in before maybe all this wouldn’t have happened.”
“It’s okay De, it isn’t your fault. It was that weird guys fault for being an ass. Besides I know how to defend myself, it’s not like this hasn’t happened before” you answered tiredly, beating that guy made you worn out.
“Wait, what?” Said the three men in unison, and you pointedly rolled your eyes.
“Guy’s you’ve got to be kidding me, right? As a woman this happens a lot, I get catcalled basically overtime I step foot outside and bars well, it’s just like a hangout for all the creepy dudes.” You said as if it was obvious, because to you it was.
“Why haven’t we noticed that before?” Asked Sam concerned as he put his arm around you and you let your head rest on his chest.
“Well, because your used to it. Everyone hears it all the time, we just feel it’s normal now.” you answered followed by a yawn, “Hey Cas, how’d you know to come?”
“I felt your distress and came to help, I didn’t want you to be in trouble.” He said with his deep low voice.
“Awwww, thanks Cas.”
“Anyway, I’m really sorry you have to go through that everyday Y/N/N. Now that we know we can protect you more, what do you think?” Asked Sam sweetly.
“Mmmm I think I have enough protection already Sammy.” You smiled and closed your eyes letting sleep overtake you.
“You sure?” Asked Dean and grinned as he saw that you had already fallen asleep on top of Sam.  Yeah, they were definitely going to protect you more.
Hey guys, i hope you liked this! I’m really sorry for being so absent lately, I’ve had like a million projects and exams, and in a few weeks I’ll have annual exams (for those who don’t know what that is they are literally tests about what we’ve learned the entire year). So yeah, but I’ll be writing more this few weeks I promise.
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bleedingpurple · 7 years
Follow Forever!
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Oh my gosh, you guys. I legit love all of you. You guys are so amazing. I can’t believe you guys have actually stuck with me and my weird response times. I haven’t been that active lately because my therapy has been really intense (but now it’s the weekend I’ll have some free time :D) 
But guys, seriously. I have made so many new friends here, and I’m so grateful for each and every one of you. Each of you are so kind, and you’re all AMAZING  writers! I’m honestly so lucky to have you guys. Oh no, I'm rambling. I’m gonna cut myself off here and get to the tagging so I don’t bore you guy. <3<3
This is super long so I’m gonna have to put this under a read more! 
Some beyond amazing people that I have to thank for being so wonderful <3<3<3<3
@cassiecwayne: oh my gosh, Jean, my love, you are such an amazing person and such an amazing writer, but most of all, you are an amazing friend. You are such a kind, sweet person, and you being so much laughter to my life when I’m down. I love you so much. Never stop being you <3
@rxsurrxcted: Clint! I’ve known you for such a long time. We’re coming up on what, out third year of friendship? Either way, I’m so so lucky to have you as a friend. You’re always there to chat and freak out about things with me. You are such a sweetheart and I love you so much and you’re an amazing person and friend. Thank you so much for just being here and putting up with my weirdness XD
@cassies-comics: Okay, lemme just, lemme tell you how much of an amazing writer you are, okay? Like, you’re so kind and I love chatting with you, even if we don’t talk that much, and thank you for putting up with my crazy plot ideas <3 You’re such a sweetheart and I’m glad you’re in my... Dash? Yeah, sure, that works lol. But seriously, I’m glad to have you. 
@the-stars-n-an-alien / @neverheardof: Fairy, my love, my dearest, I am beyond lucky to have you. I’m so so so so thankful to have you in my life. You are kind, and smart and I have amazing conversations with you. Like Clint, we have known each other for almost 3 years now, and I truly cherish out friendship. You are so good at writing and drawing and talking and you have the best ideas, and plots and i just... I just love you, okay? Thank you for everything you’ve done and just, thank you for being you <3
@thegoof: My dude, thank you so so much for being such a great friend. Honestly I can’t tell you how many weird looks I’ve gotten from people because I read something funny from you and choke on my own spit. You are such a cool person, amazing artist, writer and a super amazing friend. Thank you for being a part of my life. And your puns are so good. Pun wars with you are always a challenge! (legit its such a challenge for me to reply to your puns but i love it so much)
@lcstinthewoods: We have never talked, but I admire your writing so much! Thank you for taking the time to reply to my silly threads, you’re a doll <3
@backinblueandblack: We haven’t talked much, but I love writing with you! Our thread is going so smoothly! I love it! (cookies are the best, tbh) 
@timmydrake-wayne: Tasher... My love... My Tim... You are legit amazing. We’ve only been talking for like, a month now? I think? Maybe 2, 3 tops, but I already love you <3 You’re so kind and such an inspiration to me. I’m so so lucky to have you as a friend <3
@based-superboy: Hello friend! We don’t chat that much, but when we do I always love it! I love writing with you so much. Your writing is great and you always post funny things that make me cackle. Thanks for being you <3
@escriimatiic: Syd, LET ME LOVE YOU! You are such an amazing person and friend and legit how do you put up with my weirdness? How do you sleep after seeing all of the potatoes I draw sexy legs on? How are you still talking to me after all that? How are you so kind? And tall? And why am I so short? Well, guess we’ll never know. But I’m so thankful for you and your friendship and being so nice, and kind, and sweet and I love you man. You're like family at this point <3<3
@b-atmans: Okay, confession time. You’re so good at writing you scare me. Whenever I see a reply from you I get a little giddy. From the brief OOC interactions we’ve had, I’ve come to admire you even further. You’re very nice, and easy to talk with! :D Never stop being you!
@flashgotthis: My gosh I love you. It’s once again, been almost 3 years and I’m so glad I know you. You’re so so fun to write with, and I love love chatting with you so much. You’re easy to interact with IC and OOC and like, I really admire you. Thank you for being you, just, thank you so much. Keep being you, cause after all, nobody else can be you, right? <3<3
@cxttingties: You. Are. A. S T A R. Literally, you play Artemis so incredibly well, and I love talking with you and I just, you just so amazing??? like? I admire your writing so much, and how fast you can write. You’re really easy to write with, but I love how Artemis challenges Steph, and really really makes me think. I just think you’re an overall amazing person, and a super cool noodle. <3 XO
@oursourtragedy: Okay, we haven’t talked much, but I already admire you! I love all your muses (kitty is adorable) and like, I love your blog (I’m always blown away by multi-muse blogs, like, how do you switch between muses so fluently?) anyway, I’m glad we get to write together! 
@wxngsandwxbs: I love your writing. I’m so glad you ship the thing too?!?! Like, legit so happy. I love writing with you so much <3
@birdb0yw0nder: Friend! I’m so lucky to be able to chat with you, and like, we share mutual love for our child. You are such a sweet person and thank you for putting up with me <3<3
@wcnderman: Hello! We’ve just started writing together but I already love you and your character! You’re so creative?? like??I love it
@makeitspeedy: Legit sweetheart is what you are. I remember when we started writing, I was going through a tough time, and you were so kind and supportive about it. You are also an amazing writer. Man, you’re just all around a cool noodle 
@isxhoolxdyxu​: Friend! I’m so glad we get to chat OOC. You’re an incredibly fun person to talk to and you actually put up with all the pics I send you of my dogs! Thanks for being so awesome!!!!
@snotnosedbat​: Oh mY gOsH you are kinda amazing? I love how you play your character, and all your other ones too! So amazing! We’ve only chatted briefly, but you seem to be a really cool person! :D
@technical-robin​: Okay so like, we haven't talked in like, forever? But I’ve known you for almost 3 years and you’re an amazing friend! I love chatting and writing with you so much! You’re pretty A++++
@notyouraveragemartian​: Amazing writer, amazing muse and extremely amazing Mun. Sure, we’ve only had some brief interactions but I love your M’gann and you're just an amazing RPer (I still gotta get those icons to you!)
@officerwingxdings​: Okay, lemme just, you’re amazing, okay? Like, your writing style is gr8, and I love the way you write Dick. You’re also really fun to talk to! I love reading your writing and it always makes me smile to see you on my dash! :)
@huntress-earthtwo​: Amazing writer! I love writing with you! I love the way you play Helena so much!!!! :D
@sassyassgrayson​: FRIEND! Hello! I love talking and writing with you! To be honest, I love your character! You write him so so incredibly well! I love it so much! :D:D:D:D
@jaybirdtxdd​: Ayee, Blondie! Thank you so much for being such an amazing person! Tbh late night conversations with you are so great, and you’re so kind and fun to talk to and much a kind person. I love having you as a friend so so much, and I’m really grateful that I have you <3
@cadmusreject​: Hi there! We chat sometimes, and when we do I love it so much. I can’t believe that we’re gonna learn how to call cows, like, we’re gonna rule all the cows lol. Anyway, you’re an amazing writer and I adore having you as a friend
@doesitcomeinpurple: Hey! I love your writing so much, even tho I haven't responded to the thread yet lol. ahhh, the wonders of stress. Anyway, I’m super excited to respond to the writing and see where the story takes us!!!! 
@grrlwonder: Okay confession time: I love the way you play Steph. I love your style of writing too. I really look up to you, and hope I can be as good as you one day. 
@blackcowledbat: We’ve chatted briefly to plot our story, but I can already tell you’re a pretty cool person. I also love the way you write so much!!!! And the plot we have is absolutely amazing!!!!
@unreliable-hero: I LOVE YOUR CHARACTER AND THE WAY YOU WRITE. Tbh I love the writing we have, and I love the way you actually write and your blog is amazing and tbh I could go on and on.
@scngbirdgrxyson: Truly a star, I love how you write your character and like, such a good idea? I love your blog too, and your writing and just, you’re literally amazing?!?!
@marithegraysonkid:  I love talking to you so much! The stories you tell are amazing, and tbh I wanna steal your chickens and your wonderful washer machine cat. It’s been amazing both talking and writing with you!
@nxthisdaughter: HI! KAE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LEMME HUG YOU. But like, legit, I’m so so lucky to have you in my life and I’m so so thankful. You are such a sweet, kind person and I love you Kaebae <3. Thank you for being such a positive light in my life and thank you for being so kind, and warm, and welcoming and sweet and so fun to talk to and did I already mention I love you? Because I do <3 
@calliopesnow: HI I LOVE YOU. You have stuck with me for so long, and been such a great friend. Your OCs are A++++ and I’m honestly so overwhelmed with emotion cause you’re so amazing and kind and so easy to talk to and an amazing writer and artist and I love you so so much and I’m so lucky to know you <3 thank you foe being such a spectacular person <3
Gems I have the pleasure of seeing on my dash <3<3
@fastestboyalive: I love your Wally? Like? I’ve been admiring your blog from afar for like years <3 @theredwonder: You are legit amazing. I’m always shy to talk to you cause I guess its a bit of like, hero worship? Idk but like, you’re amazing @nationalcityy: I love your writing and like, idk I love Kara’s responses to the ask box memes XD You’re a gem, never change  @dawnofspeed: Literally amazing blog. I love seeing you on my dash. I love all the stuff you post <3 And your writing is amazing <3 @britishmate: You just put out the starter, and I’m excited to start writing with you! I love you character tbh  @her-own-rules: Okay, amazing writing for an amazing muse <3 I’m so glad we’re mutuals  @americanalien​: Okay so, we’ve never talked, or even interacted really at all, but I love reading your stuff! You're an amazing writer and I’m glad I get to see you on my dash!  @nottheheroyouwanted​: I have some legit hero worship here. You’re an amazing Kara, and an amazing writer. Your blog is goals. @multacane​: woof woof, woof woof woof? Bork bork, grrr, woof! (translation: I adore your character so much, like?? so amazing? And I love your writing style and seeing you on my dash.  @thebatofgothamcity​: A lovely person to write with is what you are! And a generally lovely person in general! I love writing with you and reading all your posts!  @capedfound​: Alright, here I go with the hero worship again *nervous sweating* Okay but seriously, your blog and the way you write is amazing and I’m kinda in awe over here.  @crimsxnbolt​: Alright, we’ve only had very brief interactions but I’m glad I got to threateningly strum at you. That kinda made my day. Also you’re an amazing writer, and your Wally is A++++ @bienvenbeetles​: Hi there! We’ve talked briefly about a thread, but I think I forgot to send one in lol. Anyway, you’re a super cool person and a gem on my dash!  @redxbird: I love seeing you on my dash like, so so much. You're amazing and like, I’m a bit awestruck here not gonna lie @harley-of-gotham: Super fun to write with~! I love your writing, and the way our story is going! @masked-oracle: So like, we’ve just started writing together but your blog and writing is A++++ I’m very excited to get out thread going!!  @flashter: Great blog, great muse. I love your writing and just, your Wally is just???? So perfect?? so adorable?? I dont even know, I just legit love your blog.  @starksfrequentlyassedquestions: Our thread is but a child, yet it has so much potential! Lol anyway, I love your blog. So great!! Super great writing and the prompts you reblog are always perfect! :D
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