#bounty pico
shadesofnavy · 1 year
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dracomeir · 9 months
*crashes through @shadesofnavy's window, and dies as a comic falls onto the floor*
Based on that one betrayal post of the bounty au, but now it's a comic. Angst/violence after read more.
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Reference used: Genshin Impact - Wriothesley story quest cutscene and my own hand since I couldn't find a reference for that side view of reaching for the gun. I dead ass laid down on the floor, took a picture, and then went, "Wow. The carpet is actually comfy. I'm just gonna lay here for a bit." *falls asleep*
I like to think this is a nightmare. Who's nightmare? Could be anyone in the trio. Who's saying that in the end? Could be anyone. I like open ended stuff like that. :3
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zima74824 · 1 year
Zima : so Pico before you apply to this bounty hunter job I need to tell you something
Pico : what is it?
Zima : omega is wanted and is being hunted down and I wanna make sure that you don’t turn her in
Pico : omega? Her??? Why? She’s just a child
Zima : she is the closest to boba fett promise me you won’t turn her in
Pico : of course not! I think of her as my own kin
Zima : promise me!
Pico : okokok I promise I won’t turn her in
Zima : thank you Pico
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shslpunkartist99 · 1 year
o v o
I'm making a new oc
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sepublic · 1 month
Metroid and F-Zero GP
So un-ironically I'd really like the F-Zero GP anime to cross over with a Metroid show; Specifically, let’s make it canon and even a recurring element within the series.
Because it takes place in space, in the future, there's a Galactic Federation, Captain Falcon is a bounty hunter. And the way I'd incorporate it would be as seamless and natural as I could; Like these are just new characters, the same way Rundas or Sylux would be. The fact that they're F-Zero is not made loud and apparent, not that I'm ever against those types of crossovers... But it'd be a fun writing exercise to try merging these stories organically, even making crossover elements and individual episodes relevant to Samus' character arc.
So there's a couple of F-Zero elements that might show up here or there, a reference to the races. There's an episode where Samus has to face off against yet another bounty hunter, this one being expert marksman Pico, whose fighting style revolves around his perfect aim, and eludes her due to his distant nature as a sniper. Dark Million shows up and maybe it’s the criminal organization that disastrously hired Kanden for the Metroid. And eventually...
Well, I'd discussed the idea of Samus going to Earth, the Earthians' ancestral homeworld, after the events of the Fusion arc. It's her way of reconnecting with her Earthian side, with the ancestry of Rodney and Virginia, after focusing so much on Chozo affairs. In a way it's Samus re-exploring her identity after becoming part-Metroid, who she is as a person, all that stuff; And it sets her up to occasionally question her Chozo heritage, who they raised her to be, which transitions nicely into the Dread arc and the Mawkin representing the worst of the Chozo.
But before that, Samus is interested in tracing her Earthian genealogy and all that. Considering the kind of life and community she might've had if the Space Pirates never attacked K-2L. I'd love for Anthony Higgs to be present here, but his standing in the Federation would make it really awkward for him, so I'm not sure how it'd work out; I'm working on the idea of Samus getting pardoned thanks to Adam helping her leak the BSL corruption, which leads to public outcry defending Samus, as a callback to Fusion's ending monologue about people who understand. Even so, Samus is still on uneasy terms with the Federation, so I dunno if Anthony could make it.
We get an episode or two about Samus awkwardly trying to be Earthian and it not exactly working out? Is she just a tourist here? She has an existential conversation with Adam, who is also possibly struggling with the fact that he's no longer human, but a machine. So like Samus he's rediscovering himself too, and maybe Malkovich had a life and/or ancestry on Earth he left behind...
Eventually, this segues into the next storyline; Samus decides to visit Mute City, a popular site for tourists and immigrants alike. In F-Zero GP continuity (which differs from the games), Mute City is just a renamed New York City, meaning most of the action takes place on Earth. Samus crosses paths with Captain Falcon, a fellow bounty hunter like herself. She also witnesses the F-Zero races, questioning how they're even legal; This could tie into Samus questioning everything she's believed in regarding the Galactic Federation. Are these death races, performed for the entertainment of the upper classes, just further proof that Sylux was right???
This also gets me to another thing; I'm interested in Joey Apronika, from the Samus and Joey manga. I'd also like to adapt that, with various story arcs spread out across the Metroid show; It's not done all in one sitting, Joey is a recurring character. And being human, he could maybe show up alongside Samus, as she explores reconnecting with her 'human' side and understanding just what she's made up of now.
Joey wields the Field Knuckle, which is basically a tech gauntlet that allows him to generate protective barriers around his fist, himself and others, etc. This comes in handy for just punching enemies really, REALLY hard. And this reminds me of the Falcon Punch...
F-Zero GP follows its own take on the classic roster, with Captain Falcon's true identity being Andy Summer, not Douglas J. Falcon. However, it's also established that the title of Captain Falcon is a mantle, passed down from mentor to apprentice; Andy is not the first, so it's possible, if not implied, that his predecessor and/or the original Falcon was Douglas. The anime ends with Andy sacrificing his life to defeat Black Shadow, and the main character Ryu Suzaku becomes the new Captain Falcon.
Yeah, did I mention? F-Zero GP follows a similar premise to the Samus and Joey manga, in that we have a plucky young rookie, who is mentored by the mysterious face of the franchise. Interesting! The F-Zero GP even ends with a "To be continued...?" tagline.
Now, with Ryu as the new Captain Falcon, shouldn't he have his own successor considered, just as the show up until then was him and the previous Captain Falcon going on the occasional adventure together? Enter Clank Hughes, a young, tech-savvy boy who has a visor he can scan things with...
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In the epilogue, Clank is a grown-up young man, and explicitly named as Ryu's successor; He will eventually become Captain Falcon. In the meantime, he learns from Suzaku, who fits quite nicely into his new outfit and identity.
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Clank Hughes bears a decent resemblance to Joey Apronika... Joey fights similarly to Captain Falcon... Clank has his own scan visor, not unlike Samus Aran. Thus, I've considered two different options for how I want to approach the mantle of Captain Falcon in a Metroid show:
The first is to follow up directly where F-Zero GP ended, with Ryu as Captain Falcon, albeit more muscled and chiseled now. Him and Samus have some bonding moments and parallels; They both have young apprentices who look quite similar to one another! They both carry on where their friend(s) have died, and are quite lonely and out of their world;
See, Ryu Suzaku is not from this century; He's from the 21st century. This was back when Earth had yet to make contact with the Galactic Federation; He used to be a regular police officer and racer, but when he got into a car chase with escaped convict Zoda, Ryu was badly injured. It left him in a coma so severe, that doctors gave up and decided to put him into cryogenic sleep, and wait for the time when medical tech had advanced to heal him fully.
This would happen 150 years later; Ryu gets revived and makes a full recovery thanks to Doctor Stewart, and is a man out of his time. The only people from his time are his fiancee, who also went through the same treatment... And Zoda, who also got the same treatment.
Point is: There's a lot of people that Ryu left behind! And while this concept does make me consider a 'Frozen generation' of others who also waited things out cryogenically... It's still not a lot to work off of. So for Ryu, he's trying to reconnect with his lost past, and Samus is trying to explore one aspect of her ancestry. These are difficult things to bond over, as is them not being able to relate to a lot of people over their experiences.
Likewise, as Samus worries about destroying everything she touches (wait until she unlocks her Metroid DNA and that happens literally!), she's concerned about possibly hurting Joey, and Captain Falcon is someone who can listen and understand. He even calls back to when Clank was a young boy, just like Joey himself!
As for Clank himself, he knows he's got big shoes to fill in; He bonds with Joey over their mentors, although Clank has known his for much longer, and is tbh closer to him. Still, he gives Joey much-needed reassurance as an older brother figure. Captain Falcon helps Joey master his Field Knuckle, imparting the technique of the Falcon Punch; Its nature in Metroid might be technology, secret martial arts, a mix of magic and pseudo-medical science, IDK. Ghosts canonically exist in Metroid, as do telepaths.
Clank's scan visor compliments Samus' quite nicely, and the arc comes to a close with Clank, who has been considering how HIS successor will be, realizing Joey is a pretty good candidate! Joey's too young and Clank isn't Captain Falcon yet, but there's setup for his own future to look forward to... Captain Falcon, Clank, and a couple other F-Zero characters also return every now and then, depending on how long the show keeps going after the Dread arc's conclusion.
That's Plan A... For Plan B;
Clank Hughes is already Captain Falcon. Samus sees a fellow bounty hunter who also has a scan visor incorporated into his helmet. Cap helps Joey master his Field Knuckle in ways even his father, whom he inherited it from, didn't; Captain Falcon and Samus both bond over mentoring this young and impressionable kid, it makes Samus feel a lot less scared and lonely handling Joey. And Captain Falcon sees a lot of his younger self in Joey.
Eventually, Falcon elaborates on his backstory; His true name is Clank Hughes. He is not the first Captain Falcon, just another in a lineage. His predecessor was Ryu Suzaku, who gave his life to protect innocents... Cue a flashback to the first Metroid Crisis; Space Pirates have deployed some Metroids on the F-Zero Grand Prix, because they're petty like that.
Clank is present racing alongside Captain Falcon. It's a pretty tense scenario, civilians are being attacked by Metroids, some of the racers find their vehicles being drained by the vampires, which leads to crashes. The Blue Falcon gets attacked by Metroids and is damaged; Captain Falcon can't get the cockpit to open, he's trapped inside...
They're on a racetrack atypical of the usual ones; A ring contained within a stadium, built on the premise of high-speed circular racing. With the speed that racers go, they can heat up the track really fast. To make up for this, beneath the stadium is a giant cooling reactor to keep the racetrack from melting... How does Captain Falcon know of the Metroid weakness to cold? This could be after the first wave of attacks, when the Galactic Federation has already posted PSAs about this vulnerability.
Falcon messages Clank, explaining the emergency eject has been disabled; There's no getting himself out of this situation. But for everyone else...
In some really expert maneuvering, he drives the Blue Falcon into the Metroids, letting them cling onto his vehicle and start draining it. He even bumps into other racers, the speed and force tearing off the Metroids, who then choose the Blue Falcon instead. Hell maybe he even drives onto the abandoned seats to lure the Metroids away from the audience.
With all of the creatures latched onto his vehicle and its power draining fast, Falcon makes a final send-off message to Clank, declaring him the new Captain Falcon. The entire scene is in blatant, shot-for-shot homage to the previous Falcon's heroic sacrifice, down to an instrumental version of the song that plays; Captain Falcon activates the boosters, ramming through doors and into an underground track leading to the cooling reactor.
Captain Falcon rams the Blue Falcon into the center of the cooling reactor, freezing the outside, as well as the Metroids latched on. His helmet flies off, revealing an older Ryu Suzaku, who charges up a Falcon Punch that he rams right into his console; The force is so great it causes the Blue Falcon to explode, shattering the frozen Metroids. We get a final shot of Ryu smiling in his heroic sacrifice, just like Andy Summer, before disappearing in the explosion.
The detonation leads to a chain reaction within the cooling reactor; This causes all of the ice to funnel upwards and through the racetrack above, leading to some very pretty snowflakes falling around the stadium. Clank Hughes mourns Captain Falcon, and vows to fulfill his role, just as Cap did the previous one before him!
Cut back to the present; Earlier, Hughes had expressed admiration to Samus for ending the Metroid Crisis. You can see he really, REALLY means it. He imparts his own advice to Samus about keeping the hearts of your friends alive, and their sacrifices not in vain, and he knows what it's like to lose multiple father figures; Samus takes that into consideration (and it sets up Samus having to deal later with a 'father figure' she takes great shame in). Samus and Captain Falcon's friendship is furthered, since he basically takes joint custody with her over Joey, and realizes Joey has the shapings to become a Captain Falcon himself!
The training won't begin, not yet; But it's an invitation for Joey to consider. And it's something for Samus to look forward to; Joey doesn't have to follow in her lonely footsteps. But with Captain Falcon, he's got a lot of friends and confidence and charisma... Adam reminds Samus not to be so dismissive of herself though. Who knows?
(One of my main reasons for hesitation with Ryu being posthumous and Hughes having already taken his position, comes from me... Honestly not wanting to crush the hearts of fans who grew attached to Ryu, and really wanted to see him be Captain Falcon. Granted a badass heroic sacrifice helps to assuage that disappointment but still. And also yeah I kinda DO want to see Ryu as Falcon, myself!!!)
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As a side note: There's also a storyline about Rockets, a racer from Samus and Joey, competing in the F-Zero. He's an antagonist, hoping to use the prize money to help fund his boss Greed's operations and all that. Jody Summer is also present, and things could get complicated given she's a member of the Galactic Federation, which has VERY tense feelings towards Samus because of the BSL incident; She probably leans towards sympathizer, but it's still awkward. And at some point Captain Falcon has to clarify she's the sister of a previous Falcon, so Jody's family to him too.
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duckprintspress · 1 year
Happy August Short Story Release Day!
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Whether you’re craving fluff or feels, laughs or tears, our August general imprint short stories have got something for you!
Title: Count the Number of Seeds Series: Sunrise Over the Black Forest Author: Lyn Weaver
This installment of the Sunrise Over the Black Forest ‘verse, formerly Patreon-exclusive, is now finally available to our general readership!
M/M, Gothic Fantasy with Technology, Vampire grapples with the Proper Care and Handling of the human he’s definitely not pining for
The third story written in the Sunrise Over the Black Forest ‘verse, occurring second chronologically, in this tale of the vampire Sevan and the human priest Kel, Sevan suddenly realizes that humans need to eat…and he has no idea where Kel is getting food from.
If Kel starves, Sevan won’t have anyone to feed from, and that’s definitely the only reason he cares enough to pluck some apples from his orchard and bring them to Kel’s church. 
Title: if it’s meant to be Series: Welcome to PHU Author: Tris Lawrence
Author Tris Lawrence brings us this short, fluffy alternate universe PHU piece exploring what could have happened if Mac and Pawel had met under different circumstances.
F/M Pre-relationship, Canon Divergent Alternate Universe, A “What If They Met Differently” Story, Meet Cute
After acting as the harbinger of the Emergence when she emerged during the Olympics, Kenzie Davis buried her old identity as a gymnast, changed her name, and found a new home and new family in the circus. 
Under the identity “Mac,” she’s managed to hide herself very well, using her Talent to aid her act. Her high-risk acrobatics are rendered safe by her timely teleportations…until a boy in the audience doesn’t realize it’s an act, and tries to “help” her with some magic of his own.
Title: Chinaski’s Dirty Work Series: Nasti Chinaski Author: J. D. Harlock
The first story in an all-new series from imaginative author J. D. Harlock!
Magic + the Wild West, Humor and Mischief, So Much Drinking
Chinaski might be fangirling a bit when her plan to capture noted criminal Shootin’ Shiloh comes to a head in Pico’s tavern. Now, if only she can collect her pay-day without everything going wrong…
Or: the one where a lesbian bounty hunter debates whether she should seduce the mark before, during, or after the hunt.
Title: Chrysopoeia Author: Zel Howland
Author Zel Howland, a contributor to our upcoming anthology Aether Beyond the Binary, publishes their first stand-alone story with Duck Prints Press!
Sort-of-One-Sided F/F (It’s Complicatedtm), Trapped Together, Everyone Needs to Use Their Words, Victorian Alchemy and Witchcraft
After Faith is found guilty of witchcraft, she’s subjected to the traditional punishment for her supposed crime: imprisonment for a month in a cave that may or may not hide a gateway to Hell in its unexplored depths.
But Faith isn’t a witch. She’s an alchemist. And while she could use alchemy to survive her imprisonment…if she’s alive when the townspeople return, she’ll be executed, because obviously only a witch could survive a month stoned-in with no food or water.
Even worse, Faith is increasingly sure that she’s not alone in this cave…
These, any many other great stories, are for sale on our webpage! Come read with us!
(Or, support us on Patreon, and claim our stories for free as a reward for your backing!)
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pico-digital-studios · 6 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Cast: The Funkin' Crew
Origin: Friday Night Funkin' (most of the group); VS Sky (basis for ErrorSky)
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"Benjamin Miku here! Let's get into action!" - Benjamin Miku/Boyfriend
"Aww, yeah! That's how you do it!" - Grace Dearest/Girlfriend
"I already lost one iteration of my best friends, and I'm not going to let another meet that same fate." - Pico N. Grounds
"It makes no sense for me to be held by the shackles of my past. I have friends who need me in the present AND the future!" - ErrorSky
The gang from Philadelphia; an aspiring music artist, a daughter to a demon family, a ginger-haired bounty hunter, and a fangirl of the formermost. Each of them have had their major points in history, and here in IAB! is no different. However, these aren't entirely the same Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Pico and Sky fans have grown to appreciate over the years. This story focuses on an entirely new group.
The important point that kickstarted their new story was the events of Mario's Madness, which led to the deaths of Boyfriend and Girlfriend at the hands of Ultra M, and Pico being stuck wandering in the haunted cartridge until he came across some strange being that reset the ENTIRE FNF universe and created a new iteration; Dimension FNF-NEW-2023.
Right away, there are some changes; the counterparts of Boyfriend and Girlfriend are vastly different, being dubbed "Benjamin" and "Grace" respectively, and it's through this that gives Pico a new connection to them. He just wanted them to be together in this timeline, too, and cared very much about their wellbeing. Granted, Benjamin did date Pico for a bit during high school, though they broke up for Ben's safety after the school shooting.
Speaking of that attack, Pico had remembered meeting his counterpart from Dimension DS-2022, and took a hint from him; he went straight for Cassandra to ensure lives could be saved from the shooting, and thanks to that, Pico had less of an interest in professional work than he once did. As it happened, he was the only one whose memories remained intact after the big reset.
In this universe, quite a bit had changed. Benjamin and Grace were both instead high-school students, and though Benjamin lacked the very high levels of bravery his original self did, he's still done his best to tackle the challenges laid before him. He's also more careful around asking people to sing with him, and holds off if that person isn't in the mood for it.
Benjamin and Grace's families were also bigger in this new universe. Taking a page from MizanPloz's Genderswaps mod and other mods, their families include parents (fresh ones in Ben's case), siblings (including their younger "genderswap" counterparts, Kaity and Chris) and cousins. And the two even made new friends out of those they had singing matches with, which Pico really enjoyed seeing.
As for ErrorSky, she ended up coming into the new universe as an accidental anomaly, and found herself admiring Benjamin like most iterations of Sky would admire their Boyfriends. Predictably, it backfired in her face, but she came out of it not wanting to intrude on Benjamin's love life. Unfortunately, she became a prime target for the monster known as Toxinfect, but with help from one of the other victims of his wrath, she overcame the monster and guaranteed her escape, even reconciling with Benjamin and Grace afterwards.
During that same time, the Corruption struck Philly, courtesy of the Lemon Demon, though it lasted two weeks in total, and unfortunately for the Monster, it grew in sentience and soon betrayed him. Thankfully, Benjamin, Grace, Pico and their companions were all able to fight off the virus and get rid of it, alongside killing the Harvester. And better still, they got on Daniel Dearest's good side permanently thanks to this. If Agent Blueballs' foothold on canon events were to apply here from Funkinverse, then the Corruption is their shared canon event, though Benjamin wanted time out of the public spotlight afterwards.
After both these events, ErrorSky became besties with Benjamin and Grace, preferring to remain at a friend level to make up for her prior advances, though has been blushy in Grace's presence as well as Benjamin's. It's sometime after that the blasted cartridge incident came back, this time in the form of a disc with Mario AND Sonic horrors within. This time, they avoided death, freed SHM from the confines (who was Victim #1, or "Madeline") and overpowered Xenophanes, who was the REAL mastermind behind it. Along with this, the Corruption tried to claim Benjamin again in his doubts, but has since been on Venom-esque terms with him after being neutralised.
Once that was all said and done, the four discovered the path into the Errorverse via an interdimensional portal. Thanks to going through it, they ended out aging down into teens, like Nitro and his siblings before them. Thanks to this, they ended up becoming more involved in the quests of those in this dimension; helping free the Literature Club girls from their game for good, Benjamin giving a kid dubbed "AE M." companionship (and leading to them becoming boyfriends), fighting off evil corporate businessmen and sentient viruses, and further expanding Benjamin's music scene overall.
Speaking of that, the influence of Funkin' culture has happened to be part of the multiverse's music scene, even if it's not to everyone's tastes. And it just so happens that it seems to be popular in Dimension MP-2021, especially with OMT!Tails. It's to the point where, when CR!Sonic told him to keep calm about the wall-clinging in One More Hero, he did some of the beatboxing from "Fresh" to keep him steady. Of his composed songs, of course, Benjamin isn't too proud about "Really Happy" from Sunday Night, considering its nature and the awful screen-shake effect it caused.
This later leads into More than One Universe, the point where Benjamin and his crew are brought into the events via the Errorverse link. Through this, they each lent a hand in apprehending the villains that had leaked through into the OMT universe. During this time, however, Benjamin almost fell victim to demonic possession from the Puhoi curse, with three outcomes; him escaping solo with Soul BF, him losing and branching into becoming Bently, and, in the case of the scenario post-EV-rewrite, Nitro interfering before it can hold for long.
After the end of it, Benjamin was happy to sign an autograph for OMT!Tails, since the kid was a pretty big fanboy of him, and EV!Sonic saw quite the potential in him, since Benjamin was an angel in this shared universe. The following day was when Pico finally came clean to Benjamin about the timeline reset, which he took pretty well, all-in-all. And that Christmas, he met Soft Benjamin (a younger incarnation) for the first time, he, the Mikus and Dearests gave the Fairests their karma and prompt arrest, and he decided to adopt Softie into his family, which the kid was really happy about. It's through Softie that he got to meet his other counterparts from other universes (like Neo, B3, Minus, B-Sides, D-Sides and Arrow Funk).
Amongst other things, he has also been taking good care of Evan from FNF: Childhood Memories, and helps babysit him each Sunday in his free time, the time they spend together reigniting some of Benjamin's childhood memories. Since Evan and Holly obviously aren't suited for combat, it's why neither actually appear in the base stories, as I've planned to instead feature them in more casual slice-of-life storylines to tie in to the mod while work on it continues.
Sometime after this was when The X struck during one of Salty's crusades, and the attack left Sunday, roommate of Carol and good friend of Ben and Grace, with protanopia, meaning they can't see red anymore. When Cam (Agent Blueballs) tried to recruit Benjamin into the Funkin' Society using Kenji as association, this backfired massively, and due to Benjamin's well-respected position amongst the Boyfriends, this quickly earned Cam even MORE ire amongst counterparts across the multiverse), including from the original Soft Pico.
After The X was successfully detained by the Quill Society, which took more work than you'd think despite him being weaker by the events of IAB!, EV!Sonic approached Benjamin for a potential place in the Quill Society, which he accepted, though was confused about.
As EV!Sonic explained later, Benjamin (alongside BluBuni) was offered this place due to a mix of him being an angel, him sporting the ECHO ability to keep pace with hostile villains, and indirectly hailing from a SEGA property thanks to his ties with Hatsune Miku. These were enough to give Benjamin his position in the group, and he was able to increase his connections through it. ErrorSky also joined in, having built her own community with other Skys. That said, she dislikes Miko a LOT, due to her being an internet jerk.
As for Pico, his quest to ensure a better future for his friends paid off, and he could get his closure for the original BF and GF in that their legacy would live on through his newer friends and their families.
To count any canon events each of the crew have gone through (relative to Blueballs' way of thinking in the Funkin' Society):
He had dropped out of high school, though not immediately, only after the Corruption was gone to ensure it couldn't hurt any of his classmates.
Benjamin has three companions supporting him together; Grace, Pico and ErrorSky. The latter two are not committed relationships, which isn't a requirement.
The bad song Benjamin composed was "Really Happy", and he's actively not proud of it.
Benjamin has fought off the Corruption when it struck his world, and has never encountered or been claimed by any denizens of the Darkness.
Like Benjamin, she only dropped out of high school in the aftermath of the Corruption.
Grace has Benjamin as her main supporting companion.
She encountered the Corruption much like her friends, though was never claimed by the Darkness.
Pico dropped out of high school in the aftermath of the shooting incident, like his original self did, and moved to mercenary work. However, in the new timeline, it's only undercover work to get Daniel Dearest back on a good side.
Pico's supporting companions, as usual, are Nene and Darnell, though he's yet to make things click romantically with either.
Pico, as per his canon event, took a stand against the Corruption first-hand and aided in eradicating it after being freed. He also had to fight off one Darkness infectee and came out no worse for wear.
He lost the original Boyfriend and Girlfriend in his canon event.
As per tradition for Sky variants, ErrorSky had crushed on Benjamin in the past, though saw what she was doing was wrong.
Her parents died through her canon event, courtesy of Toxinfect.
Benjamin's top-selling songs:
A cover of Vocaloid song "Idol", deviating from his usual beep-boop singing act.
"Serendipity" from Vs. Radi and Lofie (ft. Lofie)
"The Division - Destruction of Boyfriend" (cover of his own sister's song; ft. Softie)
And as for a little extra trivia related to the bunch:
Benjamin usually plays cards with and goes out for dinner at McWave's with Melodii and Parappa every Friday. He babysits Evan on Sundays.
ErrorSky actively dislikes Miko and has gone to great lengths to vandalise her twisted social media acts for the sakes of others. She's also actively at odds with Faker Sky, those two being the ONLY Skies she hates.
Pico had been twice-shy around Nene, having once kissed her cheek to cheer her up, but feeling extremely embarrassed about it afterwards.
Benjamin has enacted the famous pointing meme with B-Sides Boyfriend and Blue BF before.
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funtimespringscare101 · 4 months
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So I found this cool ass Girlfriend EXE like character a while ago and I loved the concept so I made my own Girlfriend EXE take! Everybody, meet R0tten.XML!
Like RD.LUA, she is a version of GF that is pissed towards us players watching her suffer in the countless mods there are (primarily the horror mods) for their own entertainment and is fed up with dealing with Daddy Dearest’s fuckups coming back to bite her in the ass. She primarily resides in a unique little “mod” that she made herself, but she often travels to other mods to fix up her father’s mistakes.
R0tten is a version of Girlfriend so all the Canon counterpart’s confirmed facts are also considered here. But there’s a few differences…
While Regular GF is considered a dumbass and relies on BF to win battles for her, R0tten is actually very intelligent and capable of winning her own battles, that’s a lot better considering the next fact.
R0tten’s BF is gone, due to being tampered with and becoming glitched. R0tten doesn’t really hate the player for it, as they weren’t the ones to do it.
Her Current form takes place a few months into “isolation”, now having her parents’ purple skin
Can switch art styles but prefers to stay closer to the base game’s, keep the eye seen above to differentiate herself from other GFs.
Traded Heels for Combat boots.
Keeps one of Pico’s Uzis and BF’s Mike as memories. She often sings with this microphone.
Wears leggings in the current form.
The tip of her tail was ripped in a fight with a Tabi. It hurt like a MothaFucka too.
Would kick Tabi and Horror Mario’s ass very easily.
R0tten is a taller and older GF currently, being 27 years old rather than 19/20 like a regular GF.
the scars on R0tten’s face are from the same version of Tabi too… He was a very tough opponent to wind down.
If she met any Daddy Dearest, especially her own, she would be understandingly angry at him for all of his bullshit her and every other GF has deal with because he fucked someone over or tried to kill BF.
R0tten is now a universe-travelling Bounty Hunter/Hitwoman, working with her current player to go from mod to mod fixing up shit and beat up people, usually Horror characters.
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R0tten meeting my stylized version of regular Girlfriend, with both in my art style. Man, Regular GF came out amazingly!
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stardewnoodles · 9 months
Pico Jr. (Part 1/3) (Anon Comm)
“We need a pet. Something not so big that it can jump on everything and eat all we got, but not a parrot that’ll repeat the shit you say during sex. No Bulldogs, either, I don’t want to be known as the dick with the Toddler Eater 3000. Something that doesn’t eat the apartment would be rad. This shithole needs more life.”
“No dogs? Bunnies sound like a good choice, then. Wait, did you say ‘we’-”
“Good idea, Peeks! Ok, let’s go to the animal store or whatever-”
“Woah woah woah woah, slow down, Darnie! We are not getting a bunny! How are we gonna treat it? I can’t stay, I have… work.” Pico rubs his temples in frustration at the sudden destruction of his seemingly normal, balanced life. Minus the mercenary work. He rakes in $3,000 daily (at minimum) at the cost of never knowing when his last mission will be. 
“Then let me do the shit cleaning and all that. You know money ain’t a problem. We need a bunny. Feed it carrots and watch it bite your ass. Upload it to XHub and it becomes famous for-.”
“This is a bad idea.” Pico rolls his eyes and puts his focus back on his target in the streets below. Carson Hayes, a millionaire whose wealth gave him the illusion of immortality, wears an orange suit every Tuesday night to eat at Terenzio’s on the outskirts of Newgrounds. The restaurant was famous for its luxurious, over-expensive, mind-melting Italian Pico wishes he could get his hands on. The bank wouldn’t give as much as robbing Terrance’s during its busiest night would. As tempting as it is, Pico has no interest in it. The untraceable bullet he loaded into the cartridge of his sniper rifle is worth 20,000 dollars, if he lands the shot. All things considered, that was cheap money for Carson. Two guards dressed in black follow forty feet behind him, and three walk in front of him in the shape of a triangle. His business on the surface is philanthropy and global healthcare. Pico frowned. It’s a front for the real meat and potatoes of his profits. Carson Healthcare supplies arms to underground criminal syndicates halfway across the world. That’s what his visits to foreign nations are for. In turn for helping crime syndicates suppress a population on the brink of a government overthrow, he gets boats full of gold delivered right to his back door. The big, national newspapers will hail it as a terrorist attack on a revolutionary, humble mind of the generation. What a joke. “This is the easiest trigger I’ve ever had to pull.”
“Then pull it already. I’m starving, and the compound I put on your bullet can only remove fingerprints for so long before melting the-” A quiet zip of air expelling from the sniper whistles in Darnell’s ear. A body slumps to the floor on the street. The boom of the sniper comes next, not audible to anyone outside of the block. Then the screams cause too much panic for anyone to know which murky shadow on the rooftops around them caused the assassination. Blood rushes down and mixes with the rest of Carson’s suit, creating the color of the sunset Newgrounds bathed in two hours ago. “Gun.” Carson Hayes, elimination bounty of 20,000 dollars, fanatic egotist, is deceased after writhing on the ground and choking on his blood for thirty seconds. Pico smirks as he exhales.
“Told ya. Easy trigger.” If he were still inexperienced, he’d bask in the raw chaos below. Those times have passed and the scars were there to prove it. Pico immediately disassembles his sniper and packs it in a violin case as neatly as time permitted. He adjusts his suit and bowtie so it doesn’t look messy. The band playing for Terenzio’s tonight would be wondering where their last two string players would be, who were tied up and unconscious on the first floor of the building. The two would be gone before anyone realized it was a part of the plan. Darnell, rolling a joint by the rooftop’s busted down door, tapping his foot on the ground to count how long the two had before the cops arrive, is calculating how much money he needs to steal from under Pico’s nose in order to buy a bunny. “We’ll split up. Take the road down Ferris Street and pass the train tracks to get back to the safe house.”
“Can we even call that dump a house?” Pico jostles Darnell on his way through the door and down the clanking metal steps. “We have so much money, why not get something better?!” “That’s too obvious, dumbass!” 
“Love you too, Peeks! Fuckin’ A.” Darnell is the one rubbing his temples now, cursing under his breath. Red and blue overtook the gorgeous scenery Newgrounds was known for, desecrating it, like water to a fire. He waits until Pico’s footsteps recede–the ginger is on edge now, and Darnell trailing him only makes it worse–before stepping over the broken door and disappearing into the night. 
“Authorities have given no comment on who the shooter may be at this time, signaling that their only lead is the letter “P” written on the back of the fired bullet. They say that the trajectory means it came from a rooftop, so all buildings in the area of the crime scene have been evacuated. Newgrounds mourns the loss of the gentle millionaire Carson Hayes, who was shot and killed at the scene. In honor of his devotion to the city and beyond, his public funeral will be held at the city hall before his body is buried at the Flower Hill Cemetery. Auctions for various keepsakes from his manor will be donated during the ceremony afterwards. In his will, Mr. Hayes wrote that ‘My treasures should not be barred from this world if I were to pass, but rather spread amongst the people, as all things should be.’ We’ll have more details about tonight’s events on NNews 5 tomorrow morning at 7am. Back to you, Chris, on the weather.” 
Darnell is blinded by the glow of the eight TV screens flashbanging his eyes. Someone forgot to dim the brightness, or maybe that’s the fault of only using his lighter to guide himself in the darkness. Their handiwork on the big screen, who would’ve thought. Clutching his hoodie to keep it up whenever people walked by, Darnell finds himself unable to tear his gaze away from the screens. Five minutes of fame, and then the weather, the same mundane shit people read up on every day. Does anyone even care? Pico, Darnell, Nene–an indispensable trio who do whatever the fuck they want for themselves with nobody else in mind. They all have body counts, sometimes even going for contests on who can take down a bounty first. Their skills are unmatchable and their determination is to the point of insanity. For all they have done, or will do, life has rewarded them with three WANTED posters in the Sheriff’s office. That’s it. Beyond that, to strangers, their lives mean nothing and should be snuffed out like putting molten aluminum in an ant hill. Darnell shouldn’t care what other people think–Pico would kill him for thinking naïve; of course this is the risk of their line of work–but how fucked are they if something happens to the three of them? No allies, no backup plans, no friends. Fond memories in bars and karaoke with the local rap star Boyfriend (albeit after they broke into the house) won’t cut it. They needed more. They needed a life beyond this mess. 
A loud thump on the ground makes Darnell gasp and jerk his head to the left, fingers centimeters from wrapping around his special gold revolver and pulling it out to gun down the shadows. Minus the blaring TV’s, the streets remain calm, but the thumping continues. 
“Ow!” A surge of pain out of nowhere makes him throw his leg up in the air. A tiny trail of blood and dirty water trickles down onto his sock. “Motherfucker-” Darnell pauses. “Oh.” Ferocious and clearly full of thoughts of world domination was the bunny trying to chew on his leg. The fur is brown, though Darnell deduces it’s likely a coating of dirt and whatever other muck the city throws around. With sharp teeth and blue eyes, the bunny senses it can't eat through Darnell’s skin and bounces off of him, leaving a small open wound behind. Darnell expects it to bounce away, but he sees that it’s too slow to even do that, taking a full minute to hop across a crevice in the sidewalk. Based on his position to the TVs, and the trashed alleyway next to him, the bunny must’ve been by itself there long enough to become willing to eat anything. It needs proper attention and care, or it will die by sunrise. Darnell weighs his options:
Make Pico pissed off that he decided to get a bunny off the street 
Make Pico pissed off that he decided to get a bunny off the street, but Pico ends up liking it
Pico nurses the bunny back to health, because he would shoot a bullet at anything but small animals
The wound needs cleaning, anyway, Darnell thought. He shouldn’t run around with it for long, in case of an infection. Seeing the odds in his favor, Darnell cautiously approaches the bunny with both hands ready to clasp around it. The bunny thumps at him again, sniffing the wretched air coming off of Darnell.
“What? What? You wanna die out here in the streets? You wanna starve to death, little bro? I don’t think so. Stop being such a hardass.” Whether or not it understood is beyond Darnell, but the bunny inched closer until it laid itself in the palms of Darnell’s hands. It’s a miracle it survived this far. Bunnies, as far as Darnell knew, could die at being touched the wrong way. One stronger than that is a must have, and the solution is being cradled underneath his hoodie as he walks back to the safe house Pico and Darnell have been using for the last month. 
“Is that what I fucking think it is?” Pico looks up from the couch with disapproval in his hollow eyes. “It looks like its mom gave birth to it in a dumpster. Or a sewer. I don’t want anything to do with it.” Pico lies, keeping the composure of a cold-blooded, ruthless killer, who has no room for a sopping wet bunny. Darnell scowls back at him. His boyfriend is stubborn, believing distractions lead to a bullet in the head; if that is true, Pico would’ve never devoted himself to his ex for more than a year. “Just go clean it already.” Pico waves Darnell away. He stares absent-mindedly at the floor while the sink runs in the bathroom. He buries his face in his shirt and listens to the squeaking of the couch. 
“Come on little guy- stop- hey! Ouch, man! Shit, you’re like a second Pico. As if one wasn’t enough.” The insult echoes from the bathroom and bounces around the walls of their tiny cabin in the woods. Owned by Pico’s grandfather before he passed, it was meant for hunting trips the family would go on every season, mainly late fall. Cobwebs decorate the corners of the walls with spiders stringing up helpless flies. The worn couch Pico sits on has a faded pattern of white roses. As a kid, he’d paint certain roses red where their thorns touched the petals of another. That was one of the more creative beatings, being slapped around by a wet paintbrush afterwards by a father who couldn’t understand why God didn’t give him a perfect son. Bet he’d be proud now; he took his father’s liking of killing to the next level and his remarkable ability to create grief wherever he walks. Darnell will be next to touch it, it’s just a matter of when. Pico furrows his brows, biting back screams of frustration. 
Darnell is the only person keeping Pico sane. Life is a chemical imbalance without him that threatens to explode from instability. More elements introduced to the compound seem to re-stabilize it: Blue, Darnie, Nene, Cherry, Work, this bunny. Mere seconds of bloated hope and celebration before the erlenmeyer flask shatters into hundreds of tiny shards. The compound melts on the tiled floor and is deemed too dangerous to come into contact with other elements. The best form of protection is isolation. Look at what happens when you live like a normal dude , Pico thought to himself. A cycle of pain you think will be the good ending you want each time . You don’t deserve that. Darnell deserves better . 
“Alright,” Darnell steps out of the bathroom with a blue bunny in his hands. He gently strokes the cleaned fur with two fingers between the bunny’s ears, which causes it to nuzzle itself against Darnell. “Say hello to Pico Jr.” Once again, Darnell refuses Pico’s nightmare of a life and molds it into the dream he fights off each day. Darnell shoves Pico Jr. at Pico’s face, and his woes absorb into the delicate blue fur, like Baby Blue did when they were still together. How happy his life must be without him. Pico gingerly scooped the blue bunny up from Darnell and laid it in his lap, stroking it behind the ears. The bunny sniffed his dusty shirt, then clung onto it with its tiny nails. Pico didn’t pay attention to the sound of the fancy cotton tearing, as he knew he’d burn this clothing by the end of the day, anyway. Climbing up Pico’s shirt, it fell back down after reaching his breasts. Pico snickers. 
“Did you just laugh?”
“Did not.” Pico frowns, once again getting into a defensive position on the couch, cradling the bunny the same way he would with Darnell.
“You did. I saw that. You- you fucking laughed!” Darnell furiously points at him the way a cop waves a gun at anyone within a half a mile radius. Pico Jr. also points at Pico by brushing his shirt with a front paw. Pico lifts it up onto his shoulder. “Look at the little dude go.” 
“Ow.” Using Pico’s hair as support, Pico Jr. nestled itself on the ginger hair, nibbling on loose strands. Pico didn’t move an inch, afraid it would become spooked and fly off. It smelled like vanilla and dish soap, thanks to Darnell’s vigorous efforts to clean it. Strangely, the scent brings back practice duets with his ex. Either his shampoo was vanilla, or he actually cleaned himself with dish soap and had no idea. Maybe he did. Pico scoffs. 
“I know blue’s your least favorite color, but c’mon, it’s a cute ass bunny.” Darnell plops on the old couch next to Darnell. The springs squeak so loudly the two look to each other in momentary fear that the couch would collapse and they’d die with the sharp end of a rusty one hundred year old spring up their asses. The squeaking subsides and the two let go of their held breath. 
“It’s a crazy one.”
“We’re crazier.” Pico sighs. Pico Jr. continues to eat his hair like carrot cake. “We don't need to take watches out here. No one but my family knew about this place, and whatever asshole currently owns the deed to the land or is a landlord or whatever. You take the bed.”
“You’re not joining me?” Darnell begins to undress in front of Pico, casually slipping out of his suit the way an angel would undo their robe before dipping their feet in the waters of heaven. His burnt physique always left the ginger speechless. 
“I… need to watch the bunny. Uh, Pico Jr. That feels weird to say.” Darnell bends down so Pico can undo the tie for him. He throws it across the room before helping unbutton the white shirt. Two fingers trace along Darnell’s scarred, soft breasts. He presses against Darnell’s heart, listening to its quickening pace. Darnell swats his hand away. The exhaustion in his eyes shows he isn’t in the mood, but still doesn’t leave without giving Pico a kiss on the forehead. 
“Consider it our kid. Then it won’t be so bad." That makes it worse for Pico, who blushes at the comment. "I’ll get food for it tomorrow. Stores won’t be open this late at night.” Pico places the bunny on his chest as he lays down on the couch. Too tired to get a pillow for his head, he opts to use the dusty blanket on the floor. Rolling it up and placing it behind his head, he finds it better than half of the sleeping situation he’s put himself in. Pico Jr. curls up and quickly closes its eyes for the night. Darnell shuts the loud, creaking wooden to the bedroom behind him. That leaves Pico staring absentmindedly at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. His luck will run out again for him one day. He strokes Pico Jr. between its ears. Who’s going to pay for that when it does this time?
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shadesofnavy · 11 months
"Call the doctor, call the doctor"
"Must be something wrong with me"
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"He's a monster, why do I want ya?"
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"Please tell me"
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"Please tell me."
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dracomeir · 10 months
Can't wait for time off so I can finally draw more things. Knowing me though, I'd probably do nothing productive.
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insinirate · 1 year
I kinda wanna see a dragon Au with bf. I see a lot of pcgf but I kinda miss the trio.
Also I rlly appreciate how u made Gf plus size bc it's actually rlly realistic for the time period (area) that they're set in of corsets and castles 💗
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shslpunkartist99 · 3 months
(Quick note that he'll be living as a normal civilian for the most part, no matter what Symbol he's assigned to. These are just jobs to keep him busy)
In Spades, he'd be working under Leroy's watch. He'd be in the back helping with the cooking, but also as security in case someone gets too rowdy. I can see him randomly helping out Keith's family as well, especially if Grammy and Sharky are there.
In Hearts, he'd be under Amelia's care as security, though he might feel forced to be her bodyguard by her parents. She doesn't need any protecting, but yknow how they are. Or he can do part time in helping Naomi with some of the creatures at her circus (a weird experience at first, but he'll warm up as he sees that the creatures are like harmless animals)
In Clover, he'd be working alongside Pico and Tsuri in hunting bounties. He can also help out in the library shelter. This might be the Symbol where he'll either seclude himself the most, or travel to the other sectors. Pachinko's gonna be there to bother him.
In Diamond, he can also help Otis with bounties, but I see him spending most of his time with Kurai, in helping out the lost souls in the forest. He may also seclude himself here, but it'll be less noisy.. though, that'll probably feel uncomfortable eventually.
No matter the Symbol, I can see him eventually caving in and adopting a dog. I learned this fact and I'm not letting go.
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axtrs · 11 months
Title: My Unforgettable Vacation ; Cavite
Hello i am Akira, I'm from grade 6 Responsable or in English Responsible and I will be sharing my unforgettable vacation.
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When it comes to vacation destinations in the Philippines, Cavite might not be the first place that comes to mind. However, this hidden gem of a province has so much to offer, from its rich history and cultural heritage to its breathtaking natural attractions. Join me as I recount my most unforgettable vacation in Cavite, a journey filled with surprises, discovery, and unforgettable experiences.
Immersing in History at Aguinaldo Shrine:
My Cavite adventure began with a visit to the Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit. Stepping into this historic site, I was transported back in time to the birthplace of Philippine independence. Exploring the rooms where General Emilio Aguinaldo once lived and seeing the artifacts that played a role in the country's struggle for freedom was a humbling and educational experience. Standing in the very place where the Philippine flag was unfurled for the first time gave me a deep sense of pride and appreciation for my country's history.
Unwinding in Tagaytay's Scenic Splendor:
Next, I headed to the picturesque city of Tagaytay, known for its cool climate and stunning views. The sight of Taal Lake and Volcano from the Tagaytay Ridge was simply breathtaking. I spent hours soaking in the panoramic vista, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over me. Exploring the vibrant food scene in Tagaytay, with its famous bulalo (beef bone marrow soup) and delectable tawilis (freshwater sardines), was a culinary delight. The city's cool climate and scenic beauty made it the perfect place to relax and unwind.
Nature's Bounty at Mount Pico de Loro:
For adventure seekers and nature lovers, a visit to Mount Pico de Loro was an absolute must. The challenging hike up the mountain rewarded me with stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The crisp air, lush greenery, and the sense of accomplishment upon reaching the summit made it a truly unforgettable experience. Standing atop the peak and gazing at the vast expanse below, I felt a profound connection to nature and a renewed sense of appreciation for its beauty.
Discovering Cultural Treasures:
In Cavite, I was also able to immerse myself in the local culture and traditions. The province is home to several festivals, and I was fortunate enough to witness the Caracol Festival in Tanza. The vibrant parade, showcasing colorful costumes and lively music, was a celebration of the province's cultural heritage. It was a joyous and festive atmosphere that left me with a deep appreciation for the warmth and hospitality of the Caviteños.
My unforgettable vacation in Cavite was a journey of discovery, where I unearthed the province's hidden gems and experienced its rich history, natural beauty, and vibrant culture. From exploring historic sites like the Aguinaldo Shrine to taking in the breathtaking views of Tagaytay, and conquering the majestic Mount Pico de Loro, each moment was etched into my memory. Cavite may not be the first place that comes to mind for a vacation, but it truly exceeded my expectations and left me with a profound appreciation for the wonders that can be found in every corner of the Philippines.
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crossoverquest · 1 year
P’andor: Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer and Pico Fulp.
Bivalvin: Been a while. You promised you’d write.
Pico: Well, Bivalvin, we’ve been kinda busy.
Ra’ad: We’re pretty busy ourselves, so it’s awful convenient, you showin’ up today.
Laura: Yeah… You’ve never been one to shy away from trouble.
P’andor: Hey--we worked hard for the bounty on this cache of A.A.H.W affiliated arms. You best move on now.
Pico: Hmph. All I want is the red KRISS Vector. Everything else is yours.
Ra’ad: This gun? *Picks up the gun Pico mentioned*
Andreas: Huh, Ra’ad…
Ra’ad: Well, well… Now you got my attention. What kind of gun is it?
Pico: That’s none of your business.
P’andor: Well as I see it, now it's very much our business.
Laura: *'sighs'* It doesn't always have to be this way, P’andor.
P’andor: Apparently, it does.
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Muse list!:
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Name: Keith
Age: 19
Gender: male
Bio: Keith was once a completely normal human,however that changed when he met the lemon demon in week two,he was bitten by the lemon demon after he attacked GF,though the two survived the attack,Keith would start to become ill as his body began to ache,until he fully transformed into his monstrous and current form,when he first transformed he ended up attacking pico,permanently damaging his left eye,he soon after came to his senses and profusely apologized to his best friend. For a while,his monstrous form would have sudden feral outbursts and Keith often secluded himself in his room as a result,however after skid and pumps sacrifice,these outbursts stopped as Keith stopped secluding and isolating himself,though he hasn’t seen skid and pump after the instinct vanished,though he hopes to see them soon. Keith is mostly back to normal personality wise,he’s very optimistic and energetic but is more apologetic to pico for hurting him accidentally and in general when he does something wrong,even if it’s minor,he also has a massive hunger for meat,his favorite thing to eat now being rotisserie chicken,he tends to act like a dog more then human.
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Name: rose
Age: 19
Gender: female
Bio: rose is a half demon who used to hide behind her human form until the events of week 2,the lemon demon had bit and tore off her entire face,reveling her demonic and bloody skull face,thinking she was dead,Keith charged and attempted to attack the lemon demons his is how he got bit in the first place,with no other option,she unleashed her demon power and form and teleported herself and Keith away,despite her fear,especially since she had no face anymore,Keith supported her,saying that he’d love her no matter what,Keith ended up buying Rose a mask so she could walk out in public without drawing attention to her exposed face,she then changed her whole outfit to what it is currently even showing some of her demon features ,thorough Keith’s struggle she has stayed by his side,supporting him through his struggles,when pico comes over to visit she goes outside to hunt for the lemon demon like a bounty hunter,and she won’t stop until she strikes the lemon demon dead.
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Name: pico
Age: 20
Gender: male
Bio: after reuniting with Keith in week 3,pico and rose would see how Keith was getting aches of pain and ill and the two looked after him,when Keith transformed into his monstrous form and went completely feral,pico got his left eye permanently damaged as he was trying to calm Keith down,luckily he came to his senses soon after,for a while pico wore a bandage around his now blind eye in his daily life,suggesting to now being blind in one eye surprisingly quickly,however unknown to everyone,Keith’s scratch had magical venom in it and one day,pico transformed into a monster himself,luckily though,most likely cause it wasn’t a bite,or wasn’t from the lemon demon himself,picos mental state was not affected. Pico is surprisingly still laid back and chill but this whole situation has left his anger to fester,it dosent help that his now reptilian like instincts make him more aggressive when angry,he vows when he and the lemon demon meet again,he WILL kill him and make him pay for what he’s done,especially after what he did to the spooky kids.
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Names: skid and pump
Ages: 9 and 8
Genders: both male
Bios: skid and pump were once a odd combo of a skeleton and pumpkin child,but one day,that all changed. When they brought the lemon demon to Keith and rose they were locked in a closet and could hear the violent screaming of the couples struggle and their “friend” they felt guilty for bringing thier new friends to someone who tried to hurt them,but the next time they met,the couple quickly assured the kids that it wasn’t thier fault and they were good and ok,however when Keith became a monster the kids saw how sad Keith was thanks to his feral side so they decided to visit thier “friend” it took a few days but they found the lemon demon in a dark abandoned alleyway,they told the lemon demon what was going on with Keith and asked if there was a way he could help him. That’s when the lemon demon proposed a idea,he told the kids that he would remove Keith’s feral side if the kids gave something valuable away,the kids thought he just mentioned candy or clothes and even when he explained that wasn’t it,they still agreed to the deal and signed the lemon demons contract,the two were then knocked out by a strike of magical lightning and when they awoke they had discovered that what they gave away was their individuality,as they were stitched together and were just like conjoined twins,luckily though,their sacrifice wasn’t in vain,as the lemon demon kept his word and removed Keith’s feral instincts,the only person who knows about the kids sacrifice was pico and he promised not to tell anyone else the kids secret as they all knew if Keith found out,he would be crushed,it’s also why they hadn’t visited Keith,they didn’t want him seeing them like this,they also discovered that through synchronized fear or concentration,they had a newfound power to do demon like magic,including but not limited to summoning a large style,however they never use it,cause they have no reason too. Despite their horrible situation,the kids are still as bright,bubbly and cheerful as they were before becoming conjoined,most likely cause they always stuck together anyway and have a very good relationship.
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