caterva · 9 months
"I don't care. I'm not leaving you."
Bezi grit his teeth, closing his eyes as he fought against the pain. "Josh," he said, gentle even through the tense of pain, "I'm slowing you down- you need- ngh- to go; I'll catch up, I promise."
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therapardalis · 1 year
[ @bountyman​ from here.]
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          And Josh had a mind to just go ahead and let her mosey. His feet were aching, his back was sore, and, as one of the hotel signs advertising fifteen cent baths reminded him, he was in dire need of a good scrub.           Yes, he had a mind to do it. But that annoying thing called guilt made him stop short as she turned to leave. Josh rolled his eyes to the darkening sky.
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          “Thera.” Josh sighed. “S'posin’ we did go—I’m not saying we do, but just… just supposin’—what exactly would you have us do?”
Thera stopped, a look of sour irritation crossing her face, settling into one of resignation by the time she turned around. "Maybe I should be asking the same question of you."
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She was putting this down to one of Josh's bad moods - because goodness knew she had some of those herself - and likewise expected it to pass with a little while and a chance to catch his breath. However ...
"You want to be left alone, I'm going. What do you want me to do, stand here and argue with you?"
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herstoriies · 2 years
"If you ever get lonely, you let me know."
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“Getting a little friendly now aren’t we, Mr Joshua Randall?”
With a twinkle in her gaze, Priscilla mozied closer to Josh leaning close, almost expectantly welcoming for an arm to wrap around her. They’ve been through so much together so far. Crazy to think and look back on it all like a memoir.
"You're fortunate you're growing ever the more on me, so I should very much like..." Yet as she sat there, gazing up into his eyes - and how she enjoyed doing that - the flirtation gently blew away to genuineness. "Yes." Her previously playful tone grew softer, “I will, you too. So… what would you do if I were to tell you that, right now, I was maybe feeling a little lonesome?”
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radiaking · 3 months
also i feel like there's def a section of the fandom who just???? fundamentally misunderstands who the show is abt. like, yes, the ghoul, lucy and max are poised as being main characters together and individually and all will take a main focus in the show. but like?? the show's about lucy. she's the only one of the 3 who is in every. single. episode. for a reason. she's also the first to be properly introduced. lucy is the driving force of the show. neither max nor cooper would have done anything to venture off their predesignated path (lone bountyman or brotherhood minion) w/o lucy's influence. that's the show.
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PSA: Impending Blog Archival
Hey guys. PSA. I'm gonna make a new blog so that I can remove myself from some memories for now. This page won't go away, but it won't be my main anymore. Still working on what I'm gonna call it, etc, but I'll let you know when I figure it out. 
Hell, I could make a multimuse... maybe... I'm not certain... We'll see...
I'm tagging folks that I have some inkling might have some interest in moving with me, but please feel free to say, "hey, no thanks" and I'll understand. I know there's been a lot of personal stuff lately. Please just lemme know or something. Or just don't follow I guess? Lol. My brain and I don't seem to be cooperating.
Sometimes, I guess, it's just good to start fresh.
@willowdied @deafandstoned @orchestrahearts @w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l @armandlucienduval @ycllowhaired @birdhouse-in-thesoul @sparksofdaylight @manenimittliv @hopestanding @joycethejoyspirit @jackcowboyhero @samsstarlight @grazziella @withcameraandpen @quantumwittness @nctafraid @oughtabeinpxctures @bcbafctt @frxncaise @stupiidgood @yourayofsunshine @atthebarricade @flameandignite @bountyman @hcwthewestwaswcn @itisweselton @likehephaestionwhodied @unelectedofficial @cathedralsofcolor @cfdxspair @mouserzwuzhere
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wasperilspast · 1 year
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𝚖 𝚊 𝚜 𝚔. you hide your pain behind a mask. maybe you feel you can't be helped, maybe you think no one cares, maybe you don't want to hurt anyone else with it, you're afraid of being judged, or maybe there's another reason. but whatever the reason, you fake a smile and try to function normally even though you're one step away from falling apart. secretly, you wish someone would notice it's a mask, ask you if you're really okay, see right through and make it be okay somehow. you're hurt and a little angry that no one's noticed yet, but you'll never admit it. white lies, not that bad… are they?
tagged by: @killjedi tagging: @wiiaca @shinemade @eisiramdeus @redhysterics @strnza @bountyman
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vastiitas · 8 months
BOLD what applies. ITALICIZE what sometimes applies.
scraped knees,  silent tears in a locked room,  slamming doors,  pervasive loneliness,  a dog barking,  rain on a metal roof,  flinching at movement,  the creak of an old house,  forced laughter,  wandering in the dark woods,  wondering how you made it through,  sudden loss, trying to make sense of the noise, hiding what you love to protect it,  trying to explain but your words falter,  invaded privacy,  confusion at the pain,  running barefoot in the grass,  wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing,  realizing you aren’t a priority,  grass stains on white clothing,  trying to earn love you will never have,  being threatened over the smallest mistake,  secrets you are warned not to share,  the feeling of never being good enough, the hope things might someday get better.
grief that aches in your bones,  childish dares and pranks,  the sense that your body isn’t yours,  shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry,  sledding down a frozen hill,  absentmindedly following snakes through the grass,  punching a tree until your knuckles bleed,  tears over every dead creature you find,  searching out small places you can hide… just in case,  climbing the tallest tree so they can’t touch you,  the feeling of something tainted under your skin,  a curious child told to stop asking,  floral dresses,  body tensing at approaching footsteps,  anger with nowhere to go, brief escapes from the chaos,  the purr of a contented cat,  taking the blame to keep the peace,  being told you’re too sensitive,  the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day.
tagged by: @lightsblooming tagging: @guttcrson @osoreruna @untodeath (john marst, charles, or genji :eyes:), @chronal-anomaly, @wild-abandons @wrathfl @fissicn @flmed @cartelheir @bountyman @fuckedcowboy
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prettysweetocean · 4 years
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conduitandconjurer · 4 years
"H'lo." Josh tips his hat to Klaus, blue eyes narrowed into a curious squint. It's been a long while since anyone has looked *at* him. But then it's been a while since he's seen anyone venture this close to the canyon where he died. "You lost, son?" // My ghost verse? :3c I can send you a description if you like, but it's in my verses page! Josh normally doesn't look bloodied to most people, but it's up to you with Klaus since he's different.
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    “Oh my Gooood.” 
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Klaus turns in his palms and raises them in a gesture of unbridled enthusiasm. 
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     “You’re a REAL-LIFE cowboy!  Can I just say, sir, I absolutely worship your people’s fashion sense?” 
The Seance groups around the poor blood-smothered specter like an adolescent at sight of their most cherished film star.  
     “You need anything? Wanna manifest and ride on a horse again, feel the breeze in your hair an’ shit? Oh my GOSH, you want a spittoon? I bet I can rastle one up, tar-nation!” 
He attempts a (sort of alarmingly excellent) Texan accent, pumping a fist. He pauses, and then jolts with sudden realization.
     “Oh! Oh shit! Sorry man, sorry, Klaus! I’m Klaus.” He offers Josh a glowing hand to shake, manifesting the ghost’s own form enough that it can become solid.  “You seem pretty even-keel for a ghost so I’m guessin’ you already know you’re dead, right? Oooor do we need to, y’know, sit down, take a deep breath, ‘n process? No judgment here.” 
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bountyman · 4 years
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Sometimes I really miss Jason.
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caterva · 4 years
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oldvortexyasblog · 4 years
Bountyhunter Jake Cullum
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A Bountyhunter with a strange Tattoo, but which one do you like more?
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Josh loses a bet to Hosea.
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‘Oh. Hard luck, Josh. But it would seem I won this one. Hate to be coarse, but I do have to ask, if you would be so kind, to hand it over.’ Hosea gives Josh a rather farcical look of sympathy- which is soon replaced by a wicked grin.
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Peaky Blinders Sentence Starters (still accepting)
@bountyman​ said: ❝ he’ll wake up. granted he won’t have any teeth left but he will be a wiser man for it. ❞ 
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“Truth is, some folks just don’t deserve teeth.” Samuel laughs, staring down at the man who, in their company, dared announce that all bounty hunters are scoundrels just as cheap and crooked as the outlaws they capture, then started threatening the other customers with his colt.
Bending down, Samuel relieves the gentleman of his wallet, slipping out the dollars and placing it back.
“Good schoolin’ don’t come cheap.” He smiles, digging his elbow into Randall’s ribs and pointing back to the Saloon they’ve just exited. “Guess drinks are on old gummy here.”
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forgedwild-arch · 4 years
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@bountyman​ done reckon’d : 🌻
🌻 a flower for yer thoughts🌻 | no longer accepting
“ I appreciate honesty as much as the next feller. But somethin’ I still don’t quite understand ‘bout the people here? They seem t’go outta their way t’make it OBVIOUS they don’t like someone. Y’get what I mean? ” Well, no. The other man probably doesn’t. He’ll have to explain himself.
“ I ain’t sayin’ we all gotta be best friends with any man we can’t stand. But it just don’t make no damn SENSE t’me. Think on it. Ya spend all yer days crowin’ on ‘bout how much ya wanna gut a man like a fish in towns like this? If that feller ever ends up gettin’ fed t’the coyotes, then the cavalry’s gonna come kickin’ down your door first. ”
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“ A smile an’ a lil’ hashish t’even out the temper goes a long way fer keepin’ yerself outta trouble these days. Or at least outta the minds of what little law we got here. ” He sports a cheeky smile as he takes another sip of his bourbon. “ Now y’can call me naive or soft if ya want--- don’t bother me none, heard that said ‘bout me a few thousand times. But I don’t see a whole lotta mild-mannered men with their faces on those WANTED POSTERS hung up all ‘round town. ”
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vanderking · 4 years
♞ @bountyman​​ insisted: "You're bleeding, Van der Linde. So unless you wanna risk losin' that arm of yours, you better sit down, shut up, and let me take care of it."
miscellaneous angst starters.
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❛ You son of a bitch, John! ❜ He detests the predicament he has got himself into. It was humiliating to be at the mercy of a lawman. ❛ This wouldn’t have happened if you’d kept you filthy nose to yourself! ❜ Despite all protests he is aware that he is no condition to be barking orders and refusing what help was offered to him. He takes a moment to compose himself, dropping down next to the other.  ❛ One day I hope you tire of sniffing shit. It doesn’t suit you. ❜
His arm is quite the sight, shot in three places while hanging like a thread on a cross-stitch from an escape ladder. He had almost gotten away too. ❛ What part of your pay entails helping the fella you’re  try’n’a bring in? ❜
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