#boxman junior
k4pp4-8 · 6 months
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since we're not getting more okko episodes I'll just make them myself I guess
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emmy-the-dragoness · 2 years
Been a hot minute did I posted an official video of mine related to OK KO 😜
(That and I joined in on the Sonic Frontiers music meme bandwagon!)
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dorkafricska · 3 years
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bat-snake · 3 years
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I was thinking about a lot about this...
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Combo Breaker is Boxman Junior 2.0: Revisited
Combo claims to be a cyborg, but doesn’t seem to have organic parts. Even when we get a look at the inside of his head, we see sparks instead of a brain.
If a completely new robot entered the Plaza, folks would probably jump to conclusions and assume they’re a new Boxbot. KO and friends would then be told to go kick their ass. Combox looking like an organic avoids this problem. He’s able to just waltz into the Plaza any time he likes! This allows him to spy on people there, covertly mess with machinery, etc.
He still wrecks the Bodega like the Boxbots do, albeit on a smaller scale and “unintentionally”.
He’s apparently loyal but not great at following orders. Sounds a lot like the Boxbots!
His mission is specifically to mimic, learn from, and antagonize KO. I’m not sure yet if this is a generic “destroy the Plaza” plot or if it has ties to the turbo conspiracy.
Granted, I don’t think his admiration towards KO is fake. “KO’s Health Week” shows that the Boxbots and the Plaza Crew can get along just fine! But Combox has his orders, and Boxman will reboot him if he fails to comply.
He flew off with Neil for a bit because he’s an easily distracted child, and may not have been brainwashed as much as the rest of the Boxbots yet.
One last idea: remember how Combo’s personality was nothing like we expected? We thought we’d get a rowdy boy and instead got a cinnamon roll. Perhaps now that “antagonizing KO” didn’t work, Boxman will tweak his directive to “mimic, learn from, and antagonize TKO”?
Cinnamon roll:
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Rowdy boy:
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Also KO would feel super betrayed if this cute little guy who admires him so much was actually toying with him the whole time. :)
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vinan-rhaplanca · 6 years
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my troll soul asked me for this i’m so sorry don’t kill me please  😂 😂 😂
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Am I the only one mad at what happened with Boxmore, not because of how they handled Boxman or how Junior died, but because I just don’t like Darrel?
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the-smallest-star · 5 years
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//from the stream! venomous 
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apollo18 · 5 years
Venomous: *laying on the bed next to boxman* hey boxy what happened to the baby we made? I haven’t seen him at all since I moved in.
Boxman: *having funeral flash backs* Uhhh... I, um,sent him to preschool! A boarding preschool in fact, so don’t ask if you can pick him up from school...and they don’t allow parents to visit so don’t ask about that either!
Venomous: oh ok how’s preschool going for him?
Boxman: GREAT! Great! He’s having a lot of fun, or so they tell me. I am after all not supposed to visit... *laughs*
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ulisesbarreiro · 5 years
Entrevista a Hugo Manente del Club Juventud y Armonía por Ulises Barreiro colaborador de la Sub-comisión de Historía del Club Atlético Boca Juniors.
                                                 Septiembre, 2019  
Se Entrevistó a Hugo Manente  del Club Juventud y Armonía. Dentro del marco de investigación histórica de las Bochas en el Club Atlético Boca Juniors, se llego al Club Social y Deportivo Juventud y  Armonía de Pompeya. Allí nos entrevistamos con el Hugo Manente un socio de 85 años de este club. El cual es un libro de historia de los deportes de esta institución. El Club Juventud y Armonía fue fundado en 1930, y esta tan solo a metros de la casa donde vivía Homero Manzi. Fue un Club donde iban varias glorias y leyendas de la sociedad argentina porteña.     
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theangrycomet-art · 3 years
The Knock-Off Knockout (Gem!Boxman Junior), with the emotions 10A or G
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"Are you questioning my orders?"
Not gonna lie this was pretty fun- need to draw feral expressions more often.
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k4pp4-8 · 5 months
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I finally decided to slightly redesign fink (I just wanted to give her a tattoo tbh)
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loudlychoppedbread · 3 years
Story arc that I randomly thought up for @theangrycomet's "Let's Be Gems AU" because I like hurting my heart.
Basis: The Gems that have been rejuvinated by [REDACTED] includes, but is not limited to: Amko, Enide, Radiquoise, and Ruko.
Plot points under the cut
after [REDACTED] gives the current Bodega gems the idea of putting puzzle pieces together. Dendydot tries to get Amko and Ruko to fuse back into Kaio by threatening first Amko, then Ruko. This fails.
However, something goes wrong and while Dendydot is trying to save them, both Amko and Ruko interpret her as trying to hurt them. When they both try to help other Gems, they end up having to fuse into Kaio, which helps majorly during the disaster.
Dendydot cannot really interact with Kaio, not that she would want to after them being still so afraid of her. During this time, Kaio finds he likes hanging out with another fusion, (Boxman) Topaz Junior.
After getting his memories back, Kaio wants to begin to spend time with Dendydot over Topaz Junior, which infuriates him.
Topaz Junior tricks Dendydot into thinking that Topaz Junior wants to be buddy buddy with her again, and Dendydot accepts because she misses her brother figure.
Topaz Junior claims he wants to try to fuse with Dendydot as their first activity, and with reluctance, Dendydot does because she likes Topaz Junior.
Unfortunately, she plays right into his hands, because while fusing, Topaz Junior is carrying a corrupted Gem that he mixes into the fusion, then jolts away, leaving his form in tact.
This forceful fusion between corrupted and uncorrupted gem doesn't last long, but the damage is already done to poor Dendydot.
Of course, afterwards Topaz Junior "poofs" Dendydot with the thought of stashing her on a different planet coming to his mind. He bubbles her and keeps the bubble in his gem for safe keeping.
I've got more, but I'm going to leave it here for now.
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dorkafricska · 3 years
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bat-snake · 3 years
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Tfm when you don’t have the nerve to tell your crush that the robot baby you helped him make is fucking ugly
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3wisellamas · 5 years
So, want to cry some more?  Here’s another sad DVC realization.
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That’s a diaper box that SV gave to Boxy to pack his kids in.  Why the heck was there just a random diaper box lying around the factory?
Granted, it could be a holdover from when the bots were in diapers themselves, but that would have been quite a while ago.  But, there was someone in diapers much more recently:  Junior.  
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Remember when Boxman was importing all those weapons and baby supplies for him?  That’s very likely where the bulk-sized box came from.  And...why it didn’t get thrown away.  It’s a memento.
So, three things.  First, courtesy of @the-golden-ghost , SV literally gave Boxman a reminder of their first joint project, their child together, as he was telling him to GTFO.  Their DEAD child, that Boxman even brought up that first day he and PV moved in together.  Ouch.
Second, on a slightly happier note, SV also gave Boxy a little bit of Junior to take with him along with the rest of his kids.  And, a little bit of Junior to set free as well -- the baby was present there in spirit if nothing else.
Third...it was a memento of Junior, dangit.  To the bots as well, not just to Boxman.  That’s why they were thinking so much of him throughout the latter half of the episode, and why Shannon brought him up specifically during their battle with TKO!
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