#boy howdy you did this to yourself aily. this is what you get for being a right ol bitch who can’t shut up 😂
brockachu · 2 years
actually, shane wright being a bit of a dick and also expressing a normal human emotion makes me more invested in him and the Seattle Kraken!
the expectations and responsibilities placed on him as privileged white kid who will probably end up making more money than I can really conceive off may not be comparable to players of color’s experiences or my own but expressing frustration with them is a normal human reaction he should not be punished for.
lmaaooo so the thing is … if you have followed me long enough, you will know that i am a right ol bitch who in turn likes hockeys who are a little obstinate, a little rough spoken, or also just right ol bitches. not gonna delve into all of that bc that’s a can of worms about my psychology & imprinting behaviors. but point is — i feel that, anon. i could be convinced to be interested in whatever it is lil mr wright gets going over in seattle. of course, as a canucks fan, i also think it’d be fun for the VAN-SEA rivalry to take off. so i might have to make wright my gleeful lil enemy (i am also still waiting for mccann to declare his vendetta against VAN as the team that drafted him & cast him aside. i think narratively it would be very funny if we made our own worst nightmare. i also hated that he was traded so i think he deserves to be mean to us.) ANYWAY
look, yeah, i frankly think it is a Weird argument to be asking whether or not we can or should empathize with a privileged white kid just bc disadvantaged kids of color exist. like to begin with, that’s a fucked up framework that automatically puts people of color in a category that pities us instead of treating us with dignity & believing in our agency. like we should care about kids of color getting equal opportunity & equitable treatment bc they are ppl who we value, not bc we feel bad about them vs white kids (does that make sense? idk i should prolly be sleeping instead of drafting this answer). More Over, emphasizing again the things i said in my original post & the other answer — you don’t have to believe this guy (or anyone in a similar situation) is the best person or that he’s ‘not privileged’ (another not great framework) to just understand that hyper-criticizing behavior only reinforces a norm. a norm which many of us have expressed mild to complete disdain for — so why are we helping to reinforce it? and again, how strict we are about respectability on the most privileged in a group is Always enforced harshest on whoever is deemed expendable/not wanted by the hegemonic norm.
so yeah, i find it weird that y’all wanna get mad at this one white boy for saying a pretty lackluster thing to express his disappointment. and i think trying to police that reinforces a culture that doesn’t let anyone express themself, which tends to get enforced to the most extreme on players of color. and even if this were somehow just about him (which for the record, the culture we enforce on any individual is never in a vacuum), as stated here by this anon — expressing frustration or disappointment or just any emotion at all, just bc it’s not a ‘pleasant’ emotion, isn’t something i’m interested in villainizing.
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