philippecombaz · 4 years
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#BioTRIZ #entropy #ExtinctionRebellion #time #Space #SpaceTime #NewOrder #Chaos #Opportunity #Genius #BoycottPolluters #BoycottAmericaFirst #BoycottBlackRock #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #PhilippeCOMBAZ #孔八子 #贾珍珍 #孔八子兵法 #孙子兵法 #BlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #StopAmericanization #MethanolEconomy #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #SolarToLiquid #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism #RebelForLife #TellTheTruth TOTALSA DGSE DGSI GiletsJaunes YellowVests ЖелтыеЖилеты 노란조끼 黃背心 GaucherAmbidextre HIRAK ALGÉRIE & GILETS JAUNES: MÊME COMBAT! DEHORS LES VERMINES PROFITEUSES QUI NOUS GOUVERNENT! TOUS DES VOLEURS MILLIARDAIRES QUI NE NOUS LAISSENT QUE DES MIETTES À NOUS & À NOS ENFANTS! QU'ILS SOIENT MAUDITS EUX & LEUR DESCENDANCE! LNG Oil TOTAL КОМБАЗ BioTRIZ Le18EnCommun PlannedObsolescence ThinkOutsideOfTheBox TotalCommittedToBullshit Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-10="8" Communism Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9jdYQOIri5/?igshid=1drmyagsrvf72
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duranduratulsa · 3 years
Any company or business that forces their employees to get the covid vaccine on order to keep their jobs needs to be boycotted! #covid #COVID19 #coronavirus #DeltaVariant #vaccine #covidvaccine #mybodymychoice #protectyourrights #vaccinesdontwork #donttrustthevaccine #standupforyourrights #Dontbelievethehype #covidvaccineskill #faucilies #CDCLies #WHOlies #openyoureyes #wakeup #BoycottUnitedAirlines #BoycottFacebookAdvertisers #boycottamtrak #boycottanthem #BoycottBlackRock #BOYCOTTCISCO #boycottcitigroup #BoycottDeltaAirlines #BoycottEquinox #boycottDoordash #BOYCOTTFORD #BoycottGoogle #boycottgoldmansachs #boycottjefferies #boycottlyft #boycottmicrosoft #boycottmorganstanley #boycottnbcuniversal #BoycottNetflix #BoycottNewYorkTimes #boycottSaks #boycottNewYork #boycottlosangeles #boycottsalesforce #boycotttwittersponsors #BOYCOTTTYSONFOODS #BoycottUber #boycottunionsquarehospitalitygroup #BoycottUnitedAirlines #BoycottViacomCBS #boycottwalgreens #boycottthewaltdisneycompany #BoycottWalmart #boycottthewashingtonpost
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Parkland teen survivor just shined a light on a hidden way 90 million people support guns.
David Hogg knows a happen or two about boycotts. The 18 -year-old Stoneman Douglas High School senior and Parkland shooting survivor has put Fox News host Laura Ingraham in the hot seat after orchestrating a hugely successful boycott of her appearance. Before that, he helped impart attention to companies that have business deals with the NRA, leading to some companionships like Hertz to objective those partnerships. Now he’s announcing out some of the country’s biggest investment firm for augmenting the artillery manufacture . strong> On April 17, Hogg tweeted to his 700 k adherents that Vanguard and BlackRock “are two of the biggest investors in gun producers; if you use them, appear free to cause them know. Thanks, ” including “ #BoycottVanguard #BoycottBlackrock, ” in a series of follow-up tweets. #BoycottVanguard #BoycottBlackrock — David Hogg (@ davidhogg1 11) April 17, 2018 This is far big than his boycott of Laura Ingraham because it feigns millions of people with retirement funds — possibly including you. According to some estimations, around 90 million Americans invest in shoot producers through their retirement plans, arising in $1.51 billion in yearly earnings for the industry. That represents the average American with a 401( k) intention has around $17 invested in grease-gun creator inventories, whether they know it or not. Both Vanguard and BlackRock are major contributors to this phenomenon. Blackrock is the leading shareholder of at the least two gunmakers — Ruger and American Outdoor Symbol( formerly known as Smith& Wesson) — as well as the second-leading shareholder in Vista Outdoor, which carries a number of firearm-related business under its corporate umbrella. Vanguard is right behind, as the second-leading stockholder in Ruger and the third-largest purchaser in both American Outdoor Symbol and Vista Outdoor. Simply leant, if Hogg and his supporters can convince Vanguard and BlackRock to reduce or divest their grease-gun furnishes, it would have a major impact on the industry . strong> BlackRock is now present purchasers a money free of artillery asset and said it’s talking to gun manufacturers. Both companies pushed back against Hogg’s boycott call without precisely criticizing Hogg or any other student activists. BlackRock has been previously created an investment plan for customers that is specifically free of stocks restrained to gun both manufacturers and told you so has engaged with some of those gun producers about public policy issues smothering shoot security in a larger reassessment of its relationship with those companies following the Parkland shootings. Vanguard too released the following statement claiming that “3 59 of its 388 stores do not immediately invest in … Ruger, American Outdoor Symbol, or Vista Outdoor.” They noted that customers can solicit an investment fund that does not contribute to gun manufacturers and repetition BlackRock’s decision to engage instantly with artillery producers over policy discussions. “Importantly, Vanguard is taking action, meeting with the leaders of grease-gun both manufacturers and distributors, ” the statement predicted. “We want to know how they will mitigate the risks that their makes pose and how they plan to help prevent such tragedies from happening again.” If you’re unsure where your retirement funds are being invested, here are two guides that can help you ensure your funds aren’t going to artillery companies. As awareness of corporate responsibility originates, Hogg provides evidence that our retirement funds don’t have to come at the costs of others’ lives. Hogg is picturing partisans and concerned shoppers alike how they can use their articulates and their billfolds to alter the artillery savagery plague in the U.S. While progress continues to stall on actual grease-gun safe legislation, businesses and larger organizations are not immune to economic pressure. Endowing in gun makes has been good business for fund managers, but it surely isn’t the defining informant of their income. So if the boycott persists, it was able to prove to be a headache that far outweighs any business amplification they previously enjoyed. Read more: http :// www.upworthy.com/ parkland-teen-survivor-just-shined-a-light-on-a-hidden-way-9 0-million-people-support-guns http://dailybuzznetwork.com/index.php/2018/06/18/parkland-teen-survivor-just-shined-a-light-on-a-hidden-way-90-million-people-support-guns/
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cesnakai · 6 years
one time i took the train from nyc to connecticut and this old business guy sat next to me and i was of course stuck in a mostly one-sided conversation with him.
he of course ended up talking about how trump is saving the world or some shit about the economy, which like idc about bc money is fake anyways. i brought up the environment but he ignored it. of course he did, it’s the only tangible thing that could ever be discussed so there’s no black or white. tbh the encounter kinda ruined my weekend.
but now #boycottblackrock is trending and i’m glad bc he said his son works for it. but also it’s funny bc he said him and his son don’t talk to each other bc his son went to a more “liberal” college so they would get into arguments. i’m just gonna assume the son is a libertarian or something.
point is: fuck corporations and stuffy old rich white men. annihilate them.
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
David Hogg Push Boykott von Investmentfonds Unternehmen investiert in Gun Manufacturer Stocks
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/david-hogg-push-boykott-von-investmentfonds-unternehmen-investiert-in-gun-manufacturer-stocks/
David Hogg Push Boykott von Investmentfonds Unternehmen investiert in Gun Manufacturer Stocks
Revolverheld David Hogg drängt einen Boykott von Fondsgesellschaften, die in Aktien von Feuerwaffenmanufakturen investieren
Dies folgt auf seinen Boykott gegen Laura Ingraham von Fox News, was dazu führte, dass sie anfänglich Anzeigenkunden verlor und sich bei ihm entschuldigte Zuschauerzahlensprung um 20 Prozent.
Nun zielt Hogg auf BlackRock, die Vanguard Group und einige andere Fondsgesellschaften, die die Aktien von Waffenherstellern in ihren Investmentfonds halten.
Hogg twitterte:
. @blackrock und @Vanguard_Group sind zwei der größten Investoren in Waffenproduzenten; Wenn Sie sie benutzen, können Sie sie gerne wissen lassen. Danke 1965
– David Hogg (@ davidhogg111) 17. April 2018
Er versucht die Hashtags #BoycottBlackrock und #BoycottVanguard in den Trend zu bringen.
Am 17. April Breitbart News berichtete, dass der Bürgermeister von Chicago Rahm Emanuel (D) und die American Federation of Teachers (AFT) ähnliche Kampagnen gestartet haben. Emanuel will Banken bestrafen, die ungehindert Geschäfte mit Waffenschmieden und Verkäufern tätigen, indem sie den Banken Städteverträge verweigern. AFT fordert Manager von Pensionsfonds auf, sich von jeglichen Beteiligungen an Herstellern von "Angriffswaffen" zu trennen.
AWR Hawkins ist ein preisgekrönter Kolumnist des zweiten Verfassungszusatzes für Breitbart News, der Moderator der Breitbart Podcast Bullets mit AWR Hawkins und der Autor / Kurator von Down Range mit AWR Hawkins, ein wöchentlicher Newsletter, der sich auf alle Dinge Second Amendment konzentriert, auch für Breitbart News. Er ist der politische Analyst für Armed American Radio. Folge ihm auf Twitter: @AWRHawkins . Erreiche ihn direkt unter [email protected]. Melden Sie sich an, um down range auf breitbart.com/downrange.
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Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student and Parkland shooting massacre David Hogg has launched a boycott against two of the largest money managers over their investments in firearms companies. Hogg, who is followed by over 750,000 accounts on Twitter, used the social networking platform to launch the boycott on Tuesday. #BoycottVanguard #BoycottBlackrock — David Hogg (@davidhogg111) April 17, 2018 “Imagine a world in which two asset managers call the shots, in which their wealth exceeds …
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philippecombaz · 4 years
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#EndOfCapitalism #LarryFINK #BoycottBlackRock #ExtinctionRebellion #BoycottPolluters #SolarToLiquid #PhilippeCOMBAZ #JFK #LINCOLN #孔八子 #贾珍珍 #孔八子兵法 #孙子 #孙子兵法 #BlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #BioTRIZ #EURIPIDES #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #MethanolEconomy #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #ЖелтыеЖилеты #노란조끼 #黃背心 #ecoKapitalism #BoycottAmericaFirst #RebelForLife #TellTheTruth #TOTALSA DGSE DGSI StopAmericanization GaucherAmbidextrous HIRAK ALGÉRIE & GILETS JAUNES: MÊME COMBAT! DEHORS LES VERMINES PROFITEUSES QUI NOUS GOUVERNENT! TOUS DES VOLEURS MILLIARDAIRES QUI NE NOUS LAISSENT QUE DES MIETTES À NOUS & À NOS ENFANTS! QU'ILS SOIENT MAUDITS EUX & LEUR DESCENDANCE! LNG Oil TOTAL КОМБАЗ BioTRIZ Le18EnCommun PlannedObsolescence ThinkOutsideOfTheBox TotalCommittedToBullshit Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-09="7" Communism Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9h--E3oOGP/?igshid=1kve1kpue7sx1
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philippecombaz · 4 years
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#LarryFINK #ExtinctionRebellion #BoycottPolluters #entropy #space #time #SpaceTime #BoycottBlackRock #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #PhilippeCOMBAZ #孔八子 #贾珍珍 #孔八子兵法 #孙子 #孙子兵法 #BlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #BioTRIZ #BoycottAmericaFirst #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #MethanolEconomy #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #SolarToLiquid #ЖелтыеЖилеты #노란조끼 #黃背心 #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism StopAmericanization RebelForLife TellTheTruth TOTALSA DGSE DGSI GaucherAmbidextre HIRAK ALGÉRIE & GILETS JAUNES: MÊME COMBAT! DEHORS LES VERMINES PROFITEUSES QUI NOUS GOUVERNENT! TOUS DES VOLEURS MILLIARDAIRES QUI NE NOUS LAISSENT QUE DES MIETTES À NOUS & À NOS ENFANTS! QU'ILS SOIENT MAUDITS EUX & LEUR DESCENDANCE! LNG Oil TOTAL КОМБАЗ BioTRIZ Le18EnCommun Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-09="7" Communism Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9hstoBofoO/?igshid=86q0rl5bp61f
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philippecombaz · 4 years
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#WomensDay #WomensDay2020 #HappyWomensDay #HappyWomensDay2020 #WomenAgainstBlackRock #Divorce #Hypergamy #GoldDigger #MonkeyBranching #RedPill #OlgaBORCHIKOVA #AOC #RGB #BoycottBlackRock #ExtinctionRebellion #WhistlerBlower #PhilippeCOMBAZ #贾珍珍 #孔八子 #孔八子兵法 #StopAmericanization #黃背心 #BoycottPolluters #LeftHanded #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #GaucherAmbidextre #PlannedObsolescence #MethanolEconomy #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-08="6" 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK (at Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ex83tlfwa/?igshid=1uzh56i0u7s2z
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philippecombaz · 4 years
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#OlgaAlexandrovnaBORCHIKOVA #OlgaBORCHIKOVA #BoycottBlackRock #ExtinctionRebellion #WhistlerBlower #PhilippeCOMBAZ #贾珍珍 #孔八子 #孔八子兵法 #StopAmericanization #黃背心 #BoycottPolluters #BioTRIZ #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #TellTheTruth #GaucherAmbidextre #PlannedObsolescence #ThinkOutsideOfTheBox #TotalCommittedToBullshit #BlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #MethanolEconomy #SolarToLiquid #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism #BoycottAmericaFirst #RebelForLife #HIRAK ALGÉRIE & GILETS JAUNES: MÊME COMBAT! DEHORS LES VERMINES PROFITEUSES QUI NOUS GOUVERNENT! TOUS DES VOLEURS MILLIARDAIRES QUI NE NOUS LAISSENT QUE DES MIETTES À NOUS & À NOS ENFANTS! QU'ILS SOIENT MAUDITS EUX+LEUR DESCENDANCE! 노란조끼 ЖелтыеЖилеты Communism GaucherAm LNG Oil КОМБАЗ Le18EnCommun Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-07="5" Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dLfcplwmm/?igshid=cnybunzxpim2
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philippecombaz · 4 years
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#BoycottBlackRock #LarryFINK #ExtinctionRebellion #WhistlerBlower #PhilippeCOMBAZ #贾珍珍 #孔八子 #LanceurdAlerte #AnneFRANK #BoycottPolluters #CICERO #SCHUMPETER #BioTRIZ #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #AnneFRANK #ARISTOTLE #DGSE #PLATO #TellTheTruth #BlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #MethanolEconomy #SolarToLiquid #노란조끼 #ЖелтыеЖилеты #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism #BoycottAmericaFirst #RebelForLife HIRAK ALGÉRIE & GILETS JAUNES: MÊME COMBAT! DEHORS LES VERMINES PROFITEUSES QUI NOUS GOUVERNENT! TOUS DES VOLEURS MILLIARDAIRES QUI NE NOUS LAISSENT QUE DES MIETTES À NOUS & À NOS ENFANTS! QU'ILS SOIENT MAUDITS EUX+LEUR DESCENDANCE! 孔八子兵法 StopAmericanization 黃背心 Communism GaucherAm LNG Oil КОМБАЗ Le18EnCommun PlannedObsolescence ThinkOutsideOfTheBox TotalCommittedToBullshit Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-07="5" Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dD06AlWer/?igshid=17vvzrvcjf2gh
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philippecombaz · 4 years
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#LarryFINK #BoycottBlackRock #ExtinctionRebellion #WhistlerBlower #LanceurdAlerte #DavidHOGG #BoycottPolluters #PatrickPOUYANNE #孔八子#LeftHandedAmbidextrous #WarrenBUFFETT #DGSE #DGSI #TellTheTruth #BlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #MethanolEconomy #SolarToLiquid #노란조끼 #ЖелтыеЖилеты #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism #PhilippeCOMBAZ #贾珍珍 #孔八子兵法 #BoycottAmericaFirst #RebelForLife #StopAmericanization HIRAK ALGÉRIE & GILETS JAUNES: MÊME COMBAT! DEHORS LES VERMINES PROFITEUSES QUI NOUS GOUVERNENT! TOUS DES VOLEURS MILLIARDAIRES QUI NE NOUS LAISSENT QUE DES MIETTES À NOUS & À NOS ENFANTS! QU'ILS SOIENT MAUDITS EUX+LEUR DESCENDANCE! BioTRIZ GaucherAm LNG Oil КОМБАЗ Le18EnCommun PlannedObsolescence ThinkOutsideOfTheBox TotalCommittedToBullshit Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-07="5" 黃背心 Communism Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/B9dAs2KFPLt/?igshid=kcfhw7i54yva
0 notes
philippecombaz · 4 years
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#DavidHOGG #BoycottBlackRock #WhistlerBlower #LanceurdAlerte #BoycottPolluters #ExtinctionRebellion #PhilippeCOMBAZ #贾珍珍 #LarryFINK #EINSTEIN #NIETZSCHE #MLK #CIA #DGSE #DGSI #HIRAK #TellTheTruth #BlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #MethanolEconomy #SolarToLiquid #ЖелтыеЖилеты #노란조끼 #黃背心 #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism #孔八子兵法 #RebelForLife HIRAK ALGÉRIE & GILETS JAUNES: MÊME COMBAT! DEHORS LES VERMINES PROFITEUSES QUI NOUS GOUVERNENT! TOUS DES VOLEURS MILLIARDAIRES QUI NE NOUS LAISSENT QUE DES MIETTES À NOUS & À NOS ENFANTS! QU'ILS SOIENT MAUDITS EUX+LEUR DESCENDANCE! BoycottAmericaFirst 孔八子 LeftHandedAmbidextrous StopAmericanization BioTRIZ GaucherAm LNG Oil КОМБАЗ Le18EnCommun PlannedObsolescence ThinkOutsideOfTheBox TotalCommittedToBullshit Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-07="5" Communism Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/B9cGUziln1s/?igshid=i1ahc7okomr7
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philippecombaz · 4 years
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#BoycottBlackRock #BoycottPolluters #ExtinctionRebellion #LarryFINK #EINSTEIN #SunTzu #孙子兵法 #BlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #BioTRIZ #StopAmericanization #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests # #MethanolEconomy #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #SolarToLiquid #ЖелтыеЖилеты #노란조끼 #黃背心 #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism #PhilippeCOMBAZ #孔八子 #贾珍珍 #孔八子兵法 #BoycottAmericaFirst #RebelForLife #TellTheTruth #TOTALSA #DGSE DGSI GaucherAm HIRAK ALGÉRIE & GILETS JAUNES: MÊME COMBAT! DEHORS LES VERMINES PROFITEUSES QUI NOUS GOUVERNENT! TOUS DES VOLEURS MILLIARDAIRES QUI NE NOUS LAISSENT QUE DES MIETTES À NOUS & À NOS ENFANTS! QU'ILS SOIENT MAUDITS EUX & LEUR DESCENDANCE! LNG Oil TOTAL КОМБАЗ BioTRIZ Le18EnCommun PlannedObsolescence ThinkOutsideOfTheBox TotalCommittedToBullshit Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-03="1" Communism Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАК��ОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ZvlUpoysk/?igshid=1tuy64zufgrm0
0 notes
philippecombaz · 4 years
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#ExtinctionRebellion #BoycottPolluters #StopAmericanization #SolarToLiquid #BoycottAmericaFirst #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism #DGSE #DGSI #PatrickPOUYANNE #RebelForLife #孔八子兵法 #TellTheTruth #PhilippeCOMBAZ #BoycottBlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #GasToLiquid #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #孔八子 #贾珍珍 #TOTAL #BlackRock #BioTRIZ #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #TOTALSA #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PlannedObsolescence #GaucherAmbidextre #ThinkOutsideOfTheBox КОМБАЗ ЖелтыеЖилеты 노란조끼 黃背心 GasToMethanol SolarMethanol Ambidextrous Coal Oil Nuclear Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-01="8" Communism Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/B9NR1W5opQ_/?igshid=1i34pnxilqp8x
0 notes
philippecombaz · 4 years
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#BoycottPolluters #SolarToLiquid #ExtinctionRebellion #BoycottAmericaFirst #PhilippeCOMBAZ #BoycottBlackRock #BoycottTOTAL #GasToLiquid #GasToMethanol #SolarMethanol #GiletsJaunes #YellowVests #孔八子 #贾珍珍 #Ambidextrous #OilAndGas #LNG #Oil #Coal #Nuclear #EndOfCapitalism #ecoKapitalism #RebelForLife #孔八子兵法 #TellTheTruth #BioTRIZ #LeftHandedAmbidextrous #TOTALSA #TotalCommittedToBullshit #PlannedObsolescence GaucherAmbidextre КОМБАЗ TOTAL ThinkOutsideOfTheBox DGSE DGSI PatrickPOUYANNE BlackRock ЖелтыеЖилеты 노란조끼 黃背心 Love Amour Любовь 爱 사랑 愛 प्यार حب לאהוב 2020-03-01="8" Communism Benoit POTIER (Air Liquide / LURGI) Methanol 甲醇 Sunpower 香港 HK 黃背心運動 SwansonsLaw SolarMethanol Revolution French media are controlled by our government! "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself" Benjamin FRANKLIN Biomethanol Algeria Algerie SunPower SAFT CrudeOil LNG GasToMethanol PlannedObsolescence LGTBQ Methanol COH4 CH3OH Ethanol C2OH6 C2H5OH Energy BioEthanol Capitalism DimitriCOMBAZ VictorCOMBAZ PhilippeCOMBAZ GillesCOMBAZ JeanCOMBAZ BlackRock AMUNDI GNL NuclearBioMethanol CoalBioMethanol ROBESPIERRE Algerie BlackBloc Police CRS Ambidextrous Ambidexter FVMMO DETTINGER ParisOnFire SolarMethanol GasToMethanol MethaneToMethanol ProudToBeFrench ProudToBeJewish ProudToHaveMuslimFriends ProudToBeIrish ProudToBeChristian ProudToBeItalian ProudToBeSavoyard MethanolEconomy MethanolAppeal 酒 Sake 俳句 Haiku Haïkou: 高 - 01 い - 02 偉 - 03 大 - 04 さ - 05 は - 06 強 - 07 い - 08 性 - 09 格 - 10 と - 11 善 - 12 に - 13 あ - 14 り - 15 ま - 16 す - 17 高い偉大さは強い性格と善にあります "High greatness lies in strong character and goodness" Philippe COMBAZ フィリップ 孔八子 inspired by "Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character & goodness" AnneFRANK ElonMUSK MasterBullShitter TESLA SpaceX u forgot to say "thanks" to me when you created SolarCity! BENALLA МАКРОН 马克龙 GeorgeOLAH JamesBALDWIN https://www.instagram.com/p/B9NHxQUo_Bg/?igshid=8troim7p4iyt
0 notes