#boys will be boys asjhfiausrh!
loosesodamarble · 5 months
Alistar: Would your rather: die or- Dusk: Oh definitely dying. Mikhail: You didn't even hear the second option! Dusk: I still choose it. Zoisite: What's the other option, Al? Alistar: Fighting with your parents. Dusk: I choose death. Leon: Please wait. Do you mean "fight" as in "argue" or "fight" as in "a physical altercation"? Alistar: I meant an argument to be honest. Zois: Guys, this is Dusk, I think arguing with his parents would send him into cardiac arrest. So he'd still die! No offense. Dusk: None taken. Though I would've said a stroke- Zois: Nah, it's your heart that would give out. Mikhail: Can we *not* imagine Dusk suffering a severe medical emergency? Leon: Fair enough. Although... What would be the cause of death for the "death" option? Alistar: Hm... I just kinda assumed the idea of collapsing dead out of nowhere. Zois: Damn, you can't give Dusk a cool death? Alistar: Alright then, I'm deeply sorry for not elaborating on a hypothetical death scenario! Mikhail: (looks into the camera) These guys are supposed to be my seniors? Give me a break.
Alistar is @lyranova's oc. Dusk is my own oc. Mikhail is @koneko-pi's oc. Zoisite is @faewraithsworld's oc. Leon is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc.
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