#zoisite ideale
loosesodamarble · 2 months
Magic Knight Squad Robe Redesigns
A long time ago, I had the idea of redesigning the uniforms of the Magic Knight squads for the (many) next gen ocs that me and my friends have. I thought it would be fun for the squads to each have a unique article of clothing for the squads' uniforms, to make each group a little more unique beyond their colors.
With the help of my beloved friend Steph ( @cringeyvanillamilk ), that idea has now come to fruition! I commissioned her for all the art you are to see.
And modeling the redesigned uniforms are mine and my friends' next gen ocs.
Representing the Golden Dawn is @lyranova's oc, Alistar Vangeance.
For the Black Bulls is @eme-eleff's oc, Hikari Yami.
Wearing the Crimson Lion King's uniform is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc, Leonidas Vermillion.
From my own collection of ocs and representing the Blue Rose Knights is Dawn Faust.
The representative for the Aqua Deers is also my oc, Merel Faust.
The Silver Eagle's uniform is worn by @koneko-pi's oc, Avalinia Silva.
Representing the Coral Peacocks is @sailor-muno's oc, Bellini Fortuna.
Showing off for the Green Praying Mantises is @faewraithsworld's oc, Sullivan Vixen.
And the model for the Purple Orcas is another of @/faewraithsworld's ocs, Zoisite Ideale.
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The CLK and GPM's uniforms have different versions that can be worn by the squad members. As seen below.
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Thank you to Steph for taking my commission. And thank you to all my lovely friends for allowing me to turn your next gens into some gorgeous models!
Further notes about the uniforms below the cut.
Golden Dawn: they wear full body coats that are meant to be worn open. Squad members can have tassels added to their coats so they can be tied close if they so choose.
Black Bulls: they're not wearing leather jackets. It's standard fabric, that's all. Jacket length is somewhat adjustable though longer jackets are avoided to steer clear of having the same silhouette as the Golden Dawn.
Crimson Lion Kings: the sashes are sewn so that squad members don't have to wrap the fabric over their shoulder and around their waist every time they don their uniform.
Blue Rose Knights: it's a short cape already attached to a shirt. You'd just put it on like a regular shirt and hope that you don't get the cape in your face as you put it on.
Aqua Deer: it's a scarf, plain and simple. The ends of the scarf are to be a clean cut.
Silver Eagles: this squad retains the original form that a majority of the squad robes have in canon, a short mantle with an long cape attached. For the next gen's version, the fluff of the mantle was made a smaller component so that the feathers can be the main focus, instead of being mostly equal parts fluff and feather.
Coral Peacocks: a waist sash with the end of the fabric being shaped to resemble the tail feathers of a peacock.
Green Praying Mantises: arm sleeves that can just cover the forearms or cover the upper arms too. There's also a version with a slit in the sleeves in case there are squad members who don't want to wear the form fitting sleeves.
Purple Orcas: a vest with pointed hems reminiscent of the triangular shape of the squad robe worn by the previous generation. There are buttons on the vest so they can be worn open or closed to a squad member's preferences. (And most members tend to wear a shirt under the vest. Zoisite only wears his uniform this way because he can.)
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Pleochroism in gem quality zoisite var. tanzanite
Apparently we're doing this...
*my pictures, not my crystal
Ever wondered why the colour of some gemstones seems to shift as you view them from different angles? Perhaps are you were looking at a pleochroic gemstone!
Pleochroism is a body colour effect seen in transparent to translucent, optically anisotropic* crystalline material caused by differential absorption of the polarised light rays following different paths through the gemstone, and causing a change to perceived body colour when the stone is viewed from different directions.
...Okay, but what does that mean?
Pleochroism means 'many coloured'. When light passes through a crystal, it is sometimes split into two rays - each ray takes a slightly different path, and because it encounters different atoms within the crystal structure, it is modified to a different colour.
When both different coloured rays of light exit the crystal, your eye resolves them as a single colour. Clever, right? :D
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The four photos above are of the same crystal. The top photos show the crystal from two different angles - one looks distinctly more purplish than the other, right? That is eye-visible pleochroism!
Even gems that show pleochroism don't always show it strongly enough to see with the naked eye. But this tanzanite crystal does.
The bottom photos show the same crystals viewed through a type of polarising filter called a dichroscope. The dichroscope is made of polarising film where each half lets through only one of the rays of coloured light - meaning you can see each of the two colours at the same time, one in each half of the filter!
But wait!- I hear you cry. Why are there THREE different colours??
Hmm well this is getting into a deeper discussion of crystal habits and their optical behaviours, so for now let's say that depending on the symmetry of the crystal, an optically anisotropic* stone can show two or three colours - but only ever two in one direction! You have to turn the crystal to see the third colour.
If a stone shows two colours we say it is dichroic, if it shows three it is trichroic. This is the maximum number of colours you will see.
When you view the tanzanite crystal in the position in the left photo, the light rays being transmitted are blue and reddish-purple. Your eyes resolve this to show a purpley-blue colour. Neat!
But in the position from the right photo, it's transmitting blue and yellow. Wild! The yellow ray dilutes some of the intensity of the blue, so the colour you see is a weaker blue tone.
The photo I'm missing from my set is the crystal viewed from top-down, which would then show a purple and yellow split through the dichroscope!
So turning the stone, or moving your head position relative to the position of the stone, really does change its colour, because you are perceiving a different set of coloured light rays being transmitted through the stone!
When fashioning a rough crystal, a lapidary (that's a stone cutter) would to orient the crystal so the best colour is face-up - ie. when you look at the finished polished stone, you will see the most attractive balance of colour. What is considered ideal varies with the stone - you might cut a very dark crystal to show its lighter colour, or a pale one to show the most intense colour it is able to!
Fun additional fact - tanzanite can be heated to improve its colour. It does this by removing the yellow element entirely, meaning you will see intense bluey-purple tones from all angles! The wonders of stone treatments!
*Edit I am misleading you by saying you will see bluey-purple in all directions... in two directions (as tanzanite is a biaxial gemstone) you will find an optic axis, which is a direction of optical isotropy in an otherwise optically anisotropic* gemstone. So in this direction, you will only have a single transmitted ray of light, not two!
*I use the phrase optically anisotropic a couple of times and it's hard to explain without a whole separate citizen lecture on crystallography, but the quick summary is that it means a crystal in which light behaves differently as it travels in different directions - such as the differential absorption resulting in different colours in pleochroism! This is as opposed to an optically isotropic crystal, where light behaves the same way in all directions of travel.
And that is a recited-from-memory summary of pleochroism! :D (please don't tell me off if I got any of it wrong I didn't go upstairs to check my notes ;_;) (I mean I didn't get any of it wrong but my quoted definition probably wasn't word perfect ^^;)
@royallykt thank you so much for your interest i hope you enjoyed learning about all this :)
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loldragoon-ffxiv · 2 months
Obligatory Long Dawntrail Post
I wanted to wait a while to say anything and let my hype die down first, but I think it's finally time. Overall, I really liked it! Especially how it relates to my WoL, which is more what I want to focus on because the internet has had enough hot takes about Wuk Lamat. More rambling under the cut:
To get the big picture stuff out of the way, I have always felt that this game is at its best when it's leaning into its politics. I'll admit it's risky to do from a commercial standpoint in this very polarized world, and sometimes I think it misses, especially when they try to touch on something that Japan has a huge blind spot towards culturally. But many of its best story beats, in my opinion, are the political ones. I'll always remember playing patch 2.55 for the first time, and that moment of realization I had watching Nanamo and Alphinaud both face consequences for their well-intentioned idealism, that we may not solve all the worlds' problems through the power of friendship and being really good at fighting alone. Obviously, the power of friendship is a big part of the game's central ethos, but it isn't enough. It was a hint at the underlying pragmatism of the game's politics that I really wasn't expecting from an MMO, especially one that has as many cheesy hopeful feel-good moments as this one tends to. I am also a big Stormblood liker overall, as much as I acknowledge it had serious problems with the pacing and character writing. I think the comparisons to Dawntrail are fair, but I like the same things about both of them. They're both best interpreted through the lens of actual world history and current events, and I think seem more shallow on the surface than they really are if you're not paying attention to the smaller moments with minor NPCs during the "exploring the new zones" bits of MSQ. I'd argue that Dawntrail did an even better job with its political commentary than Stormblood did, and I had a feeling it would when they mentioned they were hiring sensitivity readers. I think they did a great job of addressing a lot of the things that made people uncomfy about Stormblood by having the Scions take the backseat and letting the Turali people have their own agency in the story. I have a lot more opinions on the politics in Dawntrail overall, but I think other people have mostly said everything I want to say about that already. More interestingly, I think this expansion really surprised me with how well a lot of my character decisions with Zoisite, my WoL, ended up paying off. Because I hadn't really thought of Zoisite as an OC until early Heavensward, I tried to think about her backstory through the lens of what would make her the most interesting protagonist for the themes and plotlines I thought the game was trying to set up. I decided to make her half Doman, with a foreign adventurer father, and with an older half-sister that spent most of Zoisite's life fighting against Garlemald. During the events of 1.0, while her sister was busy with the XIVth legion and Project Meteor, Zoisite ended up more of an adventurer instead, and entangled with Minfilia and the Path of the Twelve because of the Echo, which was unique to Zoisite. I wanted her to have a personal connection to the Garlemald plotline so that it felt deserved for her to be the one to "resolve" it, but explain why she was willing to go along with these other diversions during ARR and HW that weren't related to it, too. Obviously, the game itself had a similar idea with Lyse, but I thought the parallel was actually kinda nice and it was a big part of why I ate SB up as much as I did. As much as SE and the writers have no real control over this, these accidental predictions and coincidences have honestly been a big part of why I have enjoyed FFXIV as much as I have. My favorite moments in the game are when I'm wondering if the writers are reading my google docs for ideas. It makes me feel like I'm doing a good job picking up on subtext.
But aside from her backstory, I let MSQ itself determine most of Zoisite's arc, and I very rarely find myself "retconning" MSQ vs the other way around. She is just trailer WoL/Meteor in most ways, with the big exception being Feldspar's existence from the late HW patches on. Because Feldspar is my RP character and I'm mostly writing 20ish years post-MSQ, Zoisite's primary role as a character has always been Feldspar's estranged birth mother first, and MSQ WoL second. When I'm experiencing the game through Zoisite's perspective, however, I constantly have to reconcile these two roles, and it has honestly been very difficult to do that during ShB and EW. It's hard to justify the tedious fetch quests when the stakes (for her, at least) are so high. It made it very hard for her to care much about the ancients, or the people on the First, or Zenos's weird one-sided obsession with her, even when the game was trying to force her to. As much as possible, I've tried to rationalize away these character inconsistencies as an intentional distraction on her part, and that the excuse of saving the world and helping people has been keeping some of that fear and guilt about "abandoning" her son at bay for a while now.
And then Dawntrail really just came out and addressed it for me, in a way I was not expecting. It presented itself from the outset as a "vacation" from the high stakes, where Zoisite was just kinda standing in the background most of the time, along with a VERY HEAVY THEME of parental abandonment to force her to reckon with her issues. She spent all of Dawntrail wondering if Feldspar would feel the same way about her that Krile and Wuk Lamat feel about their parents, and see it as a noble sacrifice for his best interest, or if he would resent her for abandoning him without explanation like Gulool Ja and Koana do. Most importantly, it was much harder for Zoisite to pretend that she had no other choice than to give Feldspar up when she was constantly facing the reality that she could step down at this point and the world would probably keep turning without her protecting it. Unfortunately, it's too late for her to change her mind about Feldspar, both because Feldspar's narrative demands it, and also because years have passed and she can't just casually ask for him back even if she wanted to. Zoisite had no choice but to mourn and let it go, and I think watching Cahciua and Erenville's interactions in Living Memory also helped with that, because she kinda got a glimpse of the type of mother she most likely would have ended up as, and saw that motherhood might not have worked out as perfectly as she'd started fantasizing about in retrospect. Like Cahciua, she cares the most about seeing the world and helping people, and doing what's "right," and she would always struggle with putting anyone else (including her own son) ahead of that, if it came down to it. Without another parent in the picture to help, there was no route that wouldn't end with Feldspar feeling abandoned by Zoisite in some way. All-in-all, I liked how this gave me a satisfying conclusion to that arc for her, and a nice refresh for future expansions. I'd rank it on par with SB and ShB for how much I enjoyed them, with my overall ranking being something like HW > SB-ShB-DT > ARR > EW. There's also that minor detail about the Alexandrians having rock names, and Zoisite's existing backstory that her name is a family naming convention from her father's side, and that she doesn't really know where he's from. I have yet to figure out how to make that connection, but man. The possibilities.
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themattress · 11 months
Favorite Villains of Anime for Children
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Myotismon - Digimon Adventure is an exceptional childrens' anime with a great assortment of villains. However, the one who stands tall among the rest is Myotismon, the vampiric Digimon who decides to take the fight in the Digital World to his human enemies' home world of Earth, creating the most personal level of stakes in the series. Myotismon is as charismatic as he is cruel, an equal parts attractive and repulsive presence in the tradition of Dracula and all other famous vampires of that ilk. And even if it wasn't written ideally, it's still impressive that he ended up being the mastermind behind all the evil that transpired in the sequel series Digimon Adventure 02. It's a testament to what an effective, unforgettable villain he was.
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The Dark Kingdom - The villains of the original Sailor Moon anime series, the Dark Kingdom (known in the first English dub as "the Negaverse") were a very classic sort. An evil witch-like queen, Queen Beryl, and her four generals tasked with villainous operations on Earth that each carries out with a distinct style: Jadeite using disguises and deception in order to steal energy, Nephrite combining potent astrological power with skillful personal manipulations, Zoisite playing as dirty as humanly possible to come out on top, and Kunzite using military-style strategies and deadly traps to counteract his enemies. On top of that is Metallia, the terrifying demonic entity the Dark Kingdom serves and seeks to fully resurrect. The story arc they served as antagonists of was perfectly paced and wonderfully executed, serving as many children's introduction to anime and anime villains. And for this they deserve respect.
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giacoloredstones · 14 days
How to Choose the Right Tanzanite for Yellow Gold Settings?
Tanzanite, with its mesmerizing blue-violet hues, is a gemstone that has captured the hearts of many jewelry enthusiasts. When paired with yellow gold, this rare and beautiful stone creates a striking contrast that elevates any piece of jewelry. However, selecting the right tanzanite for yellow gold settings requires careful consideration of several factors to ensure that the final product is both visually stunning and durable. This article will guide you through the key aspects to consider when choosing tanzanite for yellow gold settings, offering expert advice to help you make the best decision.
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Understanding Tanzanite: A Unique Gemstone
The Origin and Characteristics of Tanzanite
Tanzanite is a gemstone that was discovered in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in 1967. It is a variety of the mineral zoisite and is prized for its unique trichroism, which means it can display three distinct colors—blue, violet, and burgundy—depending on the angle from which it is viewed. Tanzanite’s rarity and beauty have made it one of the most sought-after gemstones in the world.
The Importance of Color in Tanzanite
When selecting tanzanite, color is the most critical factor to consider. The most valuable tanzanites exhibit a deep, rich blue with violet undertones. Lighter stones are also beautiful but are generally less valuable. The color of tanzanite is typically enhanced through heat treatment, which is a common practice that improves the stone’s appearance without compromising its integrity.
Tanzanite Hardness and Durability
Tanzanite has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, making it softer than other popular gemstones like sapphire or diamond. This means that tanzanite requires careful handling and is best suited for jewelry pieces that are not exposed to rough wear, such as pendants, earrings, or occasional rings. Understanding the stone’s hardness is crucial when selecting the right tanzanite for a yellow gold setting, as it will influence the choice of design and setting style.
Why Yellow Gold? The Perfect Partner for Tanzanite
The Warmth of Yellow Gold
Yellow gold has been a timeless choice in jewelry design for centuries. Its warm, rich hue complements a wide range of gemstones, but it creates a particularly stunning contrast with tanzanite. The golden tones of yellow gold enhance the blue and violet shades of tanzanite, making the gemstone appear even more vibrant.
Durability and Versatility of Yellow Gold
Yellow gold is also known for its durability, making it an excellent choice for settings that need to withstand daily wear. Additionally, yellow gold is a versatile metal that pairs well with both modern and classic designs, allowing for a wide range of creative possibilities when designing a piece of tanzanite jewelry.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Tanzanite for Yellow Gold Settings
Tanzanite Color and Yellow Gold: Achieving the Perfect Contrast
The color of the tanzanite is the most significant factor to consider when pairing it with yellow gold. For yellow gold settings, it’s essential to choose a tanzanite with a deep, vivid blue or violet hue. Lighter tanzanites can sometimes appear washed out against the richness of yellow gold, so selecting a stone with strong saturation will ensure that the gemstone stands out.
Size and Cut of Tanzanite: Maximizing Beauty and Brilliance
The size and cut of the tanzanite are also important considerations. Larger tanzanites tend to display more intense color, making them ideal for yellow gold settings. When it comes to the cut, choose one that maximizes the stone’s brilliance and color. Popular cuts for tanzanite include oval, cushion, and emerald cuts, which enhance the stone’s natural beauty and complement the yellow gold setting.
Clarity: Ensuring a Flawless Appearance
Clarity refers to the presence of inclusions or imperfections within the gemstone. Tanzanites are generally considered to have excellent clarity, but it’s still important to examine the stone carefully. Inclusions can affect the overall appearance of the tanzanite, so choosing a stone with minimal to no visible inclusions is ideal, especially for yellow gold settings where the gemstone will be the focal point.
Setting Style: Protecting the Tanzanite
Given tanzanite’s relative softness, the setting style plays a crucial role in protecting the gemstone. For yellow gold settings, consider designs that offer good protection for the tanzanite, such as bezel or halo settings. These styles provide a secure frame around the stone, reducing the risk of chipping or damage. Prong settings can also be used, but ensure that the prongs are sturdy and secure.
Popular Tanzanite and Yellow Gold Jewelry Designs
Tanzanite and Yellow Gold Rings: A Statement of Elegance
Tanzanite rings set in yellow gold are a popular choice for those seeking a bold and elegant piece of jewelry. The contrast between the blue-violet tanzanite and the warm yellow gold creates a stunning visual impact. When choosing a tanzanite ring, consider the size and cut of the stone, as well as the setting style, to ensure that the ring is both beautiful and durable.
Tanzanite and Yellow Gold Earrings: Subtle Yet Striking
For those who prefer a more subtle approach, tanzanite earrings set in yellow gold are an excellent option. Whether you choose studs, hoops, or drop earrings, the combination of tanzanite and yellow gold offers a sophisticated and timeless look. Consider smaller tanzanites for a delicate appearance or larger stones for a more dramatic effect.
Tanzanite and Yellow Gold Pendants: A Versatile Choice
Tanzanite pendants set in yellow gold are versatile and can be worn with a variety of outfits, from casual to formal. A well-chosen tanzanite pendant can serve as a focal point in any jewelry collection. Opt for a simple setting that highlights the beauty of the tanzanite, or choose a more intricate design for a unique and eye-catching piece.
Caring for Tanzanite in Yellow Gold Settings
Cleaning and Maintenance
Tanzanite jewelry set in yellow gold requires proper care to maintain its beauty. Clean your tanzanite jewelry regularly using a soft brush and warm soapy water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as these can damage the stone. After cleaning, gently dry the jewelry with a soft cloth.
Storage Tips
When not wearing your tanzanite jewelry, store it separately from other pieces to avoid scratches. Tanzanite’s relative softness means it can be easily scratched by harder gemstones like diamonds or sapphires. Use a soft pouch or a lined jewelry box to keep your tanzanite jewelry safe.
Professional Checkups
It’s also a good idea to have your tanzanite jewelry professionally inspected once a year. A jeweler can check the setting for any signs of wear or damage and ensure that the tanzanite is secure. Regular checkups will help keep your tanzanite jewelry looking its best for years to come.
Selecting the right tanzanite for a yellow gold setting is a process that requires careful consideration of several factors, including color, size, cut, clarity, and setting style. By focusing on these elements, you can ensure that your tanzanite jewelry will be both beautiful and durable. Whether you’re designing a ring, earrings, or a pendant, the combination of tanzanite and yellow gold offers a timeless and elegant look that will stand the test of time.
With the right care and attention, your tanzanite and yellow gold jewelry will continue to dazzle and delight for many years, making it a cherished addition to any collection.
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catherinejones5152 · 2 months
Signature Statements: Unique Ruby Zoisite Jewelry Crafted with Distinction
Ruby Zoisite is well known for boosting circulation, and its amplifying powers give vitality to the entire system. Also known as a bloodstone due to its red tint, it is also used to treat cardiac ailments. Known to promote overall healing in the body, it heals the myocardium, strengthens the heart's ventricles and coronaries, and stimulates circulation and blood flow. Wear this incredible stone to combat tiredness and lethargy. This is the ideal stone for calming down if you're feeling energetic. It is also thought to be advantageous to the reproductive organs and is used to treat infertility, sexual dysfunction, impotence, and other gynecological issues (pregnancy difficulties). It also treats motion sickness by stimulating the kidneys, adrenals, and spleen, which help restore the luster and sparkle of hair and nails. Its stimulating properties make it an excellent stone for promoting optimal cellular activity and regeneration. Ethically treating cell growth imbalances, often malignancies, strengthens the neurological system. It reduces fear and improves the health of the eyes, thymus, and ductless glands.
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kristen0395 · 2 months
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Signature Statements: Unique Ruby Zoisite Jewelry Crafted with Distinction
Ruby Zoisite is well known for boosting circulation, and its amplifying powers give vitality to the entire system. Also known as a bloodstone due to its red tint, it is also used to treat cardiac ailments. Known to promote overall healing in the body, it heals the myocardium, strengthens the heart’s ventricles and coronaries, and stimulates circulation and blood flow. Wear this incredible stone to combat tiredness and lethargy. This is the ideal stone for calming down if you’re feeling energetic.
Also read: Unique Ruby Zoisite Jewelry Crafted
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alishafaina500 · 3 months
Ruby Zoisite Bracelets – Vibrant Elegance and Spiritual Harmony
Experience the enthralling magnificence and mending properties of Ruby Zoisite bracelets. These dazzling pieces consolidate the energetic red of ruby with the verdant tones of zoisite, making a striking differentiation that is both outwardly staggering and profoundly enhancing. Every arm band is fastidiously created to upgrade your internal essentialness and profound equilibrium. Ruby Zoisite is famous for advancing joy, diminishing negative energy, and encouraging a feeling of prosperity. Ideal for regular wear or extraordinary events, these bracelets are embellishments as well as charms of energy and amicability. Lift your style and soul with Ruby Zoisite bracelets.
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rpmemesandstuff · 3 months
THE CRYSTAL GAME abalone: what kind of situations compromise my muse emotionally aegerine: my muse's opinion of the supernatural agate: how my muse calms down blue lace agate: my muse's favorite form of communication (verbal, letters, texting, etc.) fire agate: if my muse is brave or cowardly moss agate: if my muse has a high or low opinion of themself amazonite: what kind of situations call for my muse to be dishonest amethyst: what my muse would most like to be able to shape-shift into ammolite: how lucky or unlucky my use is angel aura quartz: my muse's opinion of LGBT+ issues apache tears: a sadness headcanon apatite: a headcanon about my muse's intuition apophyllite: my muse's religious/spiritual beliefs aquamarine: where my muse feels most calm/relaxed biotite: the biggest problems my muse is currently dealing with bloodstone: how my muse sees themself as part of the world at large calcite: my muse's social tendencies (introverted vs extroverted, parties vs one-on-one conversations, etc.) carnelian: an art-related headcanon celestite: how my muse deals with anxiety chalcedony: the saddest my muse has ever been chalcopyrite: how my muse deals with ending relationships charoite: who my muse looks up to chrysocolla: a money-making headcanon copper: how I think my muse will end up when they're older coral: how my muse views the natural world diamond: a sex headcanon dolomite: a sleep headcanon emerald: how my muse tells someone they love them without words fluorite: what my muse's room looks like fossil: what my muse's dream job is galena: what it's like to be in a relationship with my muse garnet: what my muse's perfect partner would be gold: my muse's financial situation hematite: how squeamish my muse is hiddenite: how much of an "inner child" my muse has iolite: my muse's drinking habits jade: if my muse would ever cheat on a partner jasper: what my muse would be like as a parent kyanite: an anger headcanon lapis lazuli: where 'home' is to my muse lodestone: what kind of people gravitate towards my muse malachite: what my muse as a child thought they would be when they grew up mica: what my muse views as their worst personality trait moonstone: my muse's opinions on outer space mother of pearl: if my muse tends to lift people up or bring them down nebula stone: how good my muse's memory is obsidian: which of the seven deadly sins my muse would be opal: how creative my muse is pearl: a mental health headcanon petalite: what my muse would do if they found a wallet on the street pyrite: a physical health headcanon quartz: how my muse thinks other people see them rhodonite: if my muse prefers elegance or convenience rubellite: if my muse has any 'triggers' that inspire painful memories ruby: a happiness headcanon sapphire: if everyone my muse knew was hanging off a cliff and they could only choose three to save, the rest certainly dying, who they would choose serpentine: how my muse would seduce another [alt: how my muse makes their money] silver: if my muse prefers masculinity or femininity tsavorite: if my muse believes in destiny or fate ulexite: how empathetic/sympathetic/compassionate my muse is unakite: what my muse's ideal pet would be verdite: my muse's ethnicity/family history zebra stone: what gets my muse excited zoisite: does my muse believe everything's going to work out for them in the end or not?
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Alistar: Would your rather: die or- Dusk: Oh definitely dying. Mikhail: You didn't even hear the second option! Dusk: I still choose it. Zoisite: What's the other option, Al? Alistar: Fighting with your parents. Dusk: I choose death. Leon: Please wait. Do you mean "fight" as in "argue" or "fight" as in "a physical altercation"? Alistar: I meant an argument to be honest. Zois: Guys, this is Dusk, I think arguing with his parents would send him into cardiac arrest. So he'd still die! No offense. Dusk: None taken. Though I would've said a stroke- Zois: Nah, it's your heart that would give out. Mikhail: Can we *not* imagine Dusk suffering a severe medical emergency? Leon: Fair enough. Although... What would be the cause of death for the "death" option? Alistar: Hm... I just kinda assumed the idea of collapsing dead out of nowhere. Zois: Damn, you can't give Dusk a cool death? Alistar: Alright then, I'm deeply sorry for not elaborating on a hypothetical death scenario! Mikhail: (looks into the camera) These guys are supposed to be my seniors? Give me a break.
Alistar is @lyranova's oc. Dusk is my own oc. Mikhail is @koneko-pi's oc. Zoisite is @faewraithsworld's oc. Leon is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc.
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balley01 · 3 months
Radiant Elegance: Ruby Zoisite Necklaces for Timeless Glamour
Hoist your style with our wonderful assortment of statement ruby zoisite necklaces. Created with accuracy and enhanced with the enrapturing magnificence of ruby zoisite gemstones, each piece in our assortment radiates an exceptional appeal that easily joins the profound red tints of ruby with the lavish green tones of zoisite. Whether you're searching for an assertion piece for an exceptional event or a flexible frill for regular wear, our necklaces offer an ideal mix of refinement and normal charm. Enjoy the sumptuous charm of ruby zoisite and add a dash of immortal style to any gathering.
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emilyblunts-blog · 5 months
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Gemstone Magic: Unveiling the Beauty of Ruby Zoisite Jewelry
Ruby zoisite is a delightful gemstone that is ideal for making exceptional and eye-getting adornment pieces. So, you might be thinking about how to style it with your outfits. Here are a few hints to assist you with flaunting your ruby zoisite jewelry in style. First and foremost, consider the shade of ruby zoisite and how it supplements your outfit. Ruby zoisite is a blend of green, black, and red, so it functions admirably with nonpartisan tones like black, white, or dim. You can likewise coordinate it with intense varieties like red, green, or purple to make a differentiating impact. Furthermore, consider the style of your ruby zoisite jewelry.
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gemstone-jewelry8 · 5 months
Elegant Ruby Zoisite Earrings A Stunning Fusion of Colors
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Ruby Zoisite is a unique gemstone that combines the fiery red color of ruby with the black and green tones of zoisite. It was initially found in Tanzania in the 1950s. It immediately rose to prominence in jewelry creation due to its obvious look. Additionally, Rananjay Exports chooses the highest caliber materials to create a broad range of wholesale Ruby Zoisite Earring collections. It enhances the positive energies surrounding your body, mind, and soul, and the wearer also develops a sense of spiritual learning to understand life and everything they face. This lovely gemstone is the alternate birthstone for people born in July, and it helps them increase their creativity and imagination without losing their connection with humanity. Ruby Zoisite Earring is distinctive and attractive jewelry; to acquire the highest quality, you must work with the most reliable wholesale gemstone jewelry supplier, and Rananjay Exports is the ideal place to go if you want to buy wholesale gemstone jewelry for your retail company that is entirely authentic and stunning. We have served the industry since 2013 and have many pleased clients all over the globe.
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tsubasaclones · 3 years
its really funny that my favorite parts of the original sailor moon anime are things they changed from the manga but my least favorite parts are also things they changed from the manga
likewise my favorite parts of crystal are things they kept from the manga but my least favorite parts are also things they kept from the manga
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doubleca5t · 4 years
What Your Favorite Sailor Moon Ship Says About You
transcription below the cut
Usagi/Mamoru - You really like disney movies
Haruka/Michiru - You really liked Revolutionary Girl Utena
Usagi/Seiya - Either Mamoru wasn’t enough of a bad boy for your liking or you just wish this show was even gayer than it already is
Usagi/Minako - Your ideal relationship dynamic is clowns to lovers
Usagi/Ami - Your ideal date is getting tutored
Makoto/Rei - You want a girlfriend who not only CAN kick your ass, but will do so upon request
Makoto/Ami - You hypothetically want a girlfriend who can kick your ass, but realistically you just wanna get bridal carried
Usagi/Makoto - You saw Usagi’s reaction to seeing Makoto for the first time in her intro episode and were like “I’m sorry, are you gonna tell me that’s NOT what a crush looks like?”
All of the Sailor/Shitennou Ships - You are heterosexual. Or to be more specific, you’re heterosexual and annoyed that Usagi is the only inner senshi with a well-developed love interest
Usagi/Rei - You’re either really into tsunderes or really into bickering married couples. Or both.
Rei/Minako - You like Usagi and Rei’s dynamic, but you wish it was just like a little bit less antagonistic
Haruka/Usagi - You have a thing for tiktok lesbians
Minako/Makoto - You believe the solution to getting disappointed by men is to date women
Minako/Yaten - You love this show, but have exactly zero patience for Usagi
Ami/Rei - You’re always a sucker for opposites attracting
Haruka/Seiya - You’re just here for some butch girls
Setsuna/Michiru - You’re just here for some high femmes
Seiya/Yaten - You’re just here for some gender fluidity
Haruka/Setsuna - You are a lesbian with a thing for moms
Zoisite/Kunzite - You’re just really into Yaoi
Hotaru/Chibiusa - You just want good things for Hotaru. And really, who wouldn’t?
Chibiusa/Helios - You… are a horse girl
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lightdancer1 · 2 years
To use one example of that realism factor as applied to queer people in my stories
I use three approaches. First, the queer people in these stories are fully rounded people with lives, family histories, interests, histories of doing things, and in all of that they're queer, either lesbian, bi, gay, trans, or what have you. It is a part of their lives and neither all-consuming and a substitute for anything else with the character, nor is it minimized and given only lip service. Meaning, in short, that if two queer characters have sex with each other it gets the same level of attention as straight characters in the story. Short of outright smut stories, it gets treated as a matter of fact part of life, not all of it. Which is how sex and sex lives work in the real world.
Second, there is a diversity of body types, appearances, and multiple types of queer people. Including specific efforts to include people who get left out in real world discussions. Two of my main original characters in one fandom are a butch lesbian and the bi lover of a deceased (or not) canon character. One of them is a survivor of one of the roughest, most brutal units in her society's wars and comes out of it with a wee bit of an Eddie Blake from Watchmen vibe. She works as a foil to the canon character she's usually shipped with and the two embody the gap between ideal societal self perception (canon character) and much more unpleasant reality (original character).
The other is the partner of a deceased character in many stories but not in all of them, who sticks together with the other person in the triad.....and while bi and a man he also has a hypermasculine macho aura that is in its own way a blatant bit of queer performance art that subverts the pretense which is no small part of how he gets away with it under the Sozin laws. He's basically a gender flipped de Maupin for the Sozin era who's basically 'fuck your rules.'
And of course there's Azula, who is neither butch nor femme, but somewhere in between with a clothing choice that's both/and and not either/or.
In the Sailor Moon fandom Kunzite and Zoisite are portrayed as gay in both past lives and the present, and no less badass than their canon selves. They're both very pretty men in one way, but also showcasing that pretty/femme gay men can be every bit as badass as the more conventional 'macho' types.
Haruka and Michiru are written in a specific way that goes for a different approach to standard fandom. The Kaiohs do not like Michiru's gayness, so she gets booted out and lives with everything provided for her but nothing from her family but that. She is 100% gold star lesbian, and a femme hyper-feminine lesbian.
The Tenohs do accept Haruka, who is butch, lesbian, but like lesbians in real life she did date a man and her first relationship was with a boy. Said character sometimes shows up and isn't entirely reconciled to Haruka being gay, in some storylines, and is entirely accepting in others (and not actually the main villain in any case but more of a sitcom arch nemesis for Michiru in the sense that he sees himself as this and she barely deigns to notice his existence at all).
So in this sense it subverts things in standard Sailor Moon style that the more obviously gay character is the one who has full heartwarming familial acceptance and the lipstick lesbian is the one who got kicked out and 'we don't talk about Michiru'ed.
With Adora and Catra, they're both gay as I write them, with Catra being more butch and Adora more in between/not really giving a damn about clothes. Adora is 100% Catra-sexual, Catra spends a lot of time in denial of feelings that drive her actions and which shape their dynamics in the Magicatra AU while giving Catra the Mistress of Mixed Signals moniker in a way that makes, of course, things fun to write. LOL.
There are a variety of different experiences and realities with this in real life, and I aim to capture that in fiction while using it to amplify that sense of realism.
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