#bracken the unicorn
kaponebi · 5 months
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You're beautiful Kendra.
Yall missed me? That's my big come back from the dead.
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carolinelikesdinner · 7 months
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Here is the promised Bracken art from the poll :3
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bobdarock · 2 days
Bracken : Meet my sisters Gizelle, Lizelle, Mizelle, and...
Seth : RIZZelle!
Everyone : ...
Kendra : Sorry, my brother only speaks middle school boy
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fangsinmypants · 8 months
Bracken and seth bonding time
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It's so bamboozlingly funny because bracken is a unicorn and Seth says he's hungry and if he's really hungry he'll be so hungry he could eat a horse and unicorn is a horse get it so funny all my friends giggled
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quihi · 7 months
Bracken: Finally! What took you so long to get here?
Kendra: I had a history test. It's hard to justify dropping everything to rush to your rescue when this is, what, the fifth time you've been captured since we met?
Bracken: The Sphinx does not count. He captured me before you were born and he got you too!
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magicae-est-realis · 4 months
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Unicorn and aroura! Drew this from a picture I took of the aroura.
This is Bracken.
Between becoming an adult and giving up his horn, when he was finally able to explore the world freely.
Ages and ages ago when humans were few and far between.
When the wilds were everywhere.
Before the light pollution, where you could look up and see thousands upon thousands of stars glittering like they have a secret, one that we'll never know.
Where the air was crisp and fresh.
When the magical creatures didn't have to live in hiding.
Before preserves.
This is Bracken, just looking up at the sky in wonder, when life was happier.
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a-dip-in-the-source · 5 months
The benefits of Bracken being an end of series character is that if the theoretical Live Action Fablehaven is bad it would be canceled before they get to him.
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thinklikeseth · 10 months
Would pay all the money in the world to be in a room with all of the Fablehaven characters
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shayjay26 · 7 months
big long rant
Okay okay so I love looking for and reading bad brackendra fics cause they’re fucking hilarious.
But some of them are good, like really good
It got me thinking, about the logistics of Bracken’s immortality and Kendra’s age again. About Ronodin’s immortality. About Lena’s
My first impression is ew, especially with Bracken, right? But Brandon wrote it so it’s ew, even if unintentional, he did.
Would it be wrong in every situation, no matter what?
We know that Brandon claims their minds are young, which does justify some things, except for the fact that their actions prove otherwise. If their actions proved Brandon’s words would it be okay? Would we believe it?
What if they genuinely felt like that? What if they were genuinely at the maturity of that age? A lot of the reason dating laws exist is because of the difference in maturity. And even though I don’t think 18 should be the cutoff, it’s why it’s there. 
I mean, I still find it weird when people think once a child is 18 it’s suddenly okay to like them. Because your brain stops maturing at around 25. For me, it’s all about maturity. If their maturity was genuinely at that level, would it be okay? Would it be separate enough from their wisdom and experiences from their long life?
Another thing that got me thinking was an essay I wrote for my English 1010 class. One of the sources provided mentioned the brain affected things like attraction. 
This source provided an example of how a tumor, pushing against where attraction is created, forms pedophilic thoughts and urges in someone. And while yes, this is bad, could it be the same in other scenarios? Could the way the brain is arranged cause different, uncontrollable, emotions and feelings?
If their brain was arranged in such a way, if the part that controlled their emotions was shaped in such a way, they wouldn’t have any control over it. It’s not some malicious or creepy feeling anymore, to them at least.
If they were genuinely at the same maturity, genuinely had no control over their attraction, because that’s just how they were made, how they were built, would it still be creepy? 
Could they be considered the same age if their maturity was at the same level?
It’s like, I’m attracted to people my age. Because that’s how it should be, that’s how I was made. That’s how the thing in my brain is shaped. I’m not attracted to little children, because it’s wrong, and it’s not how I was made. If all of those immortal beings were made to mature at a certain rate, and made to be attracted to certain people, are their feelings valid, or is their species as a whole just wrong?
Just some thoughts. Wondering how everyone else feels on the subject? Still undecided myself honestly. I want some opinions outside of my brain.
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raxtusfordragonking · 11 months
Kendra: This is my boyfriend, Bracken. He just got out of prison for the third time.
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lunaloon4 · 5 months
"I have been mortal, and some part of me is mortal yet. I am full of tears and hunger and the fear of death, although I cannot weep, and I want nothing, and I cannot die. I am not like the others now, for no unicorn was ever born who could regret, but I do. I regret."
This line from the last unicorn is so Bracken coded.
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I’m gonna come out here and say it;
it would have been way funnier if Seth and Bracken became a chaotic duo BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH CANONICALLY RULE BREAKERS. Bracken spits in the face of authority. He disregarded his mom’s advice and WENT DIRECTLY TO THE SPHINXES SANCTUARY. He roasted the Sphinx every opportunity he got. In a perfect world, Seth and Bracken would have laid down a diss track about the Sphinx while Warren beatboxes in the background.
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bobdarock · 7 months
I was wondering if chat gpt thought that Lizelle and Mizelle were the same person, and I got this gem
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fangsinmypants · 16 days
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Ronodin and bracken doodles bleh
Hate bracken but love drawing him god save me i dont want the mpreg king atuck in my head
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cococrim · 1 year
Bracken in CotTG:
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kaponebi · 1 year
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The final scene of Dragonwatch 5
Don't we love a little Brackendra moment ?
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