warcorrespondence · 4 months
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z-ppy · 4 months
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in the berkshires and all i can think about is brad and ray surprising nate at harvard and dragging him out here for some r&r after finals
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tuungaq · 5 years
Brad, Nate and Ray each have two hands and they make a GREAT OT3 don’t @ me
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BradRay - A+: OTP -  i care them
BradNate - E: I don’t really like it - this ship just doesn’t really interest me
NateRay -  B: It’s really cute - (idk if “cute” is the right word, but B felt like the right level to give this one.) - i'm not big on multi-shipping, but @jillsandwichs  said nateray fwb and i said y’know what? i’m on board. (i just think bradray is still endgame.)
BradNateRay - C: Not a bad ship - again i’m primarily about bradray, but this is something that intrigues me. 👀
send me a ship and i’ll rate it
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warriorgays · 6 years
I'm sorry if this is weird, but you had a post about the bradnateray OT3 and the galaxy brain meme - something about how writing NateRay as the established couple and Brad as the addition is the best? I can't find it (presumably because Tumblr is a nightmare?) and I want to link to it because you inspired me to write some ficlets. Do you know how/where I might find it?
ahh yes I had almost forgotten about that! here it is and thank you for doing the good work of writing more fic
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warriorgays · 6 years
Title: The Chain of Command Pairing: Brad/Ray, pre-Brad/Ray/Nate Summary: Brad is too nice, Ray crosses several boundaries in rapid succession, and Nate is a sex psychic.
This was written for my Gen Kill Bingo prompt "Brad/Ray/Nate: BDSM." This fic does not contain actual BDSM. It contains a lot of talking about relationship dynamics, and 2500 more words than required by the challenge, because it was written by me and this is what I do.
I posted this one on AO3 because it’s part of a larger verse I’d like to expand on someday... and because of its unintended length.
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