#bradshaw baddie™️
thedroneranger · 2 years
Call You Mine
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
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Précis: It's hard to get over Bradley Bradshaw. And who can blame you? Love makes us crazy. If it doesn't, are you doing it right?
Note: Excited to finally post this! Life made this one take a little longer. This is one of two entries for @cherrycola27’s #top gun taylors version challenge! Congratulations, on the milestone, babe—I'm sure we'll be celebrating another soon! This fic is inspired by a T. Swift favorite of mine, Don't Blame Me. Enjoy!
Warnings: 18+ only, explicit: stalking, violence, attempted murder, masturbation.
Word count: 3.5k
What did he see in her? 
It wasn’t the first time that thought had crossed your mind, and it surely wouldn’t be the last.
Her hair was down, and her outfit casual—light-colored jeans with a loose-fitting t-shirt front tucked. Sunglasses shading her eyes, she sipped coffee and scrolled her phone while she waited for him. After what seemed like an eternity, he joined her. 
Through narrowed eyes, you watched as she stood to greet him and they embraced. She threw her arms around his neck, getting on her tiptoes, while his arms slung low on her waist.
You and Natasha met a handful of times. Bradley insisted he and Nat were friends and nothing more. Of course, you didn’t believe Bradley for a second. Every touch, every hug, every late night phone call said otherwise. 
They were so natural together. Like birds singing as the morning sun rose or crickets crooning in the twilight. 
No wonder Bradley thought it couldn’t work with you. How could he when there was five-foot-seven worth of gorgeous grin and glowing skin staring at him over a coffee cup?
She had to go.
Sinking lower in the driver’s seat of your vehicle, you watched as they got up together. After disposing of their cups, Bradley walked Natasha to her SUV, which you knew was parked around the corner. As they disappeared, you punched the ignition button and pulled out of your curbside spot across the street.
“Catch you later tonight?” Natasha asked as she slid into the driver’s seat. 
“Absolutely.” Bradley rasped, holding the door open. They grinned at each other as he closed it. As she pulled away, and they exchanged waves through the window. 
Bradley waited on the street, hands in his jean pockets and watched until her tail lights illuminated at a stop sign before she drove through the intersection. Then, he walked a few spaces up to his Bronco and hopped in. 
This morning, when you tailed Natasha, her day was rather uneventful. You waited until you spotted her sleek SUV rolling out of the private garage of her condo building. Shifting into drive, you followed as she first stopped at the post office. Once she came back out, Natasha took a call while she sat in the vehicle, shuffling around, looking for something she eventually found. 
Next, she stopped for gas and went inside to get a shitty gas station latte. Seemed to be a routine indulgence for her. After that, she spent what seemed like an eternity in the grocery store. Once all her groceries were loaded into her vehicle, Natasha headed back to her condo that was tucked in a mid-sized building on the downtown main drag.
You’d found the building plans in the public records and knew which unit was hers. Although the building wasn’t that large, it was well-secured. In contrast, Bradley’s bungalow had a much lower security threshold. Plus, you were familiar with the layout. 
Since you’d followed Natasha this morning, and would bet your next month’s salary that she and Bradley were meeting at the Hard Deck tonight, you decided to see what Bradley was up to this afternoon.
Leisurely, you drove to Bradley’s, taking an elongated route. As you turned onto Bradley’s street, you killed the music, glided by his house, confirmed his Bronco was parked in the driveway and continued on to the street parallel to his. You parked in the spot that gave you the perfect view of his backyard and into his house through a couple curtainless windows. 
There he was. Shirtless. Floating around, bopping his head to the music surely streaming through the living room sound system. Watching through your camera lens, you snapped a few images. 
As you captured photos, you recalled the couple times you’d witness him and Natasha twirling around, dancing. Faces lit with laughter as he spun her around, and then dipped her for the finale. 
Bradley never did that with you.
The burn of jealousy you felt quickly washed away as your lens zeroed in on Bradley’s broad back. Your thoughts drifted to touching Bradley—every dimple, every tendon, every scar. 
Of course, the few months you and Bradley spent together weren’t sexless. For you, it was some of the best sex of your life, and Bradley seemed to have no complaints. A matter of fact, each moan or toe curl you were able to pull from Bradley seemed like a badge of honor.
Thinking about Bradley laying underneath you as your hand steadied yourself on his sculpted chest had you sighing deeply. You could practically feel his hip bones cradling your thighs as you rode him and his hands curving around your hips.
The memory of his thumb drawing tight circles on your clit had you sinking into your seat, squeezing your eyes closed and heat gathering in your lap. Replays of your sexcapades continued to flood your mind, filling your dam. You needed a release. Soon, your jeans were unzipped and your legs as wide as the car seat would allow.
Your lip disappeared between your teeth as you slipped your middle and ring fingers into yourself, slicking them to then paint your swollen clit so you could attempt to recreate even a fraction of the pleasure Bradley had given you several times over. 
Envisioning Bradley’s large hand palming your chest, and then sliding up to cover your throat, had you gripping the door handle with your free hand as your pace quickened. The heat in your belly was building to boil, the pot lid close to skittering off.
Bradley’s face as he finished—the furrow of his brow, twitch of his mustache—flashed through your mind and pushed you across the finish line. A sigh only for you left your lips as you let your release wash over you, dissipating the tension. Pulling yourself back together, you continued watching Bradley through the back windows. 
On his days off, he always hit the gym late in the afternoon. You attributed it to keeping his daily shower count to one. Because, undoubtedly, Bradley would come home post-workout to get ready for the Hard Deck. 
While Bradley was at the gym, you were going to the hair appointment you’d scheduled a few weeks ago. A smile pulled your lips as you perfectly parallel parked across the street from the salon. Marc, your stylist, was there to greet you with open arms and an Americano.
Like all trusted stylists, Marc knew all about your life, including Bradley. He knew all about Bradley’s longtime friend who had had her chance to shoot her shot with him. However, she hesitated too long, and now you were in the picture. But that didn’t stop her from crossing boundaries even though you asked her to stop. 
Tonight, you were going to end it once and for all.
After an afternoon in Marc’s hands, you were practically a new person. A cute sundress would compliment your makeover perfectly. Back home, you twirled in front of the full-length mirror in your bedroom, deciding which dress was best. Eventually, you decided on the knee-length one with flutter sleeves and a deep V-neck. 
Tonight was a night that your inability to be anywhere in a timely fashion paid off. By the time you reached the Hard Deck, the parking lot was fairly full, allowing you to park toward the back of the lot undetected. With one final look in the rearview mirror, you slid out of the driver’s seat and headed for the front door. 
Bradley’s Bronco was unmistakable, proudly parked as close to the entrance as possible. A few spaces down was Natasha’s luxury SUV.
The bar was crowded, so you easily disappeared into the sea of civilians and servicepeople. Head on a swivel, still waiting for Natasha or Bradley in your peripheral, you causally wound through the crowd, venturing around the venue. 
There he was. The floral print Aloha shirt wrapping his broad shoulders gave him away. Natasha stood tucked into his side, his arm draped over her shoulders. You recognized many of the faces they were laughing with from photos. 
With them in your sight, you headed to the bar to find a spot with a view but that also kept you in the crowd. The woman behind the bar didn’t recognize you as you ordered. One of the few times you’d been here with Bradley, he had introduced you to the bartender, who also owned the establishment. 
Drink in hand, you slipped into a seat that had conveniently opened up. Bradley and Natasha bantered with each other, with their friends and shittalked while facing each other in a game of pool. 
“Hey.” The greeting bore a hint of southern drawl. You turned to see one of their friends, the good looking blond, dragging his gaze over you. You coolly returned his greeting and took a sip of your drink. 
The man had no clue who you were. Not that you could blame him. He’d met you once and had seen you maybe two or three times total. Plus, with your drastic cut and color, you might as well be a complete stranger. 
He made small talk while he waited for a fresh round of drinks. As he departed, he invited you to stop by the group. Upon his departure, you gave him an open-ended response and a wink. 
It amazed you how few boundaries Bradley and Natasha had with each other. As the night wore on, you watched each touch grow more intimate. At one point, Bradley had his arm wrapped around Natasha’s hips with his hand in her front pocket. It was a move he had put on you while you two walked to keep you close. 
You watched as each drink made them a little looser, a little flirtier. At one point, you watched Natasha play wingman for every man in their group—except Bradley. 
At last call, the crowd began to thin. You finished your drink, cashed out and slunk to your vehicle. Hand on the door and a glance over your shoulder, you slipped into the backseat. Sitting behind the passenger seat gave you a better view of the building. To the unassuming eye, your vehicle was one of several destined to spend the night in the lot.
Before Bradley and Natasha spilled out of the Hard Deck, you watched the blond from earlier climb into a black F-150 Raptor. You were surprised to see him alone. Must be all talk. A few more familiar faces filtered out. 
Finally, they shuffled out with another friend. The friend you were convinced was pining for Natasha but was too shy to do anything about it. He and Bradley chatted while Natasha clung to Bradley’s side. She clearly was not driving tonight. They parted ways, the shy friend going to his vehicle, and Bradley putting Natasha in the passenger seat of the Bronco before getting in. 
First, Shy Friend eased out of the parking lot. Then, Bradley backed out and headed for the exit. A smile pulled your lips as he turned left, signaling he was taking her home with him.
This time you drove straight to the spot on the street parallel to Bradley’s that had the perfect sightline into his house. From there, you watched as he carried Natasha through the hall, disappearing in the direction of his bedroom. Eventually, the lights died and a stillness fell upon the house.
Quiet as possible, you slipped out of your vehicle. As you walked, you slipped on leather gloves you’d had for ages but never had a reason to wear. Knowing the family living in the house directly behind Bradley’s was away on vacation, you took the most direct route to his house. Under the cover of the thick trees and sparse streetlights, you snuck down their side yard and into the back. 
You easily scaled the standard chain-link fence that conjoined their yards. Thankfully, Bradley kept his yard tidy. Looking at his grill and the outdoor dining set made you think of the few times he’d grilled for you. Surely Natasha was reaping that benefit tenfold now. 
Standing in front of his backdoor, you gingerly grasped the handle and twisted the knob. It gave you zero resistance as the door floated open. Bradley would absolutely be locking his back door after this. Making sure the hinges didn’t  betray you, you took your time stepping across the threshold and closing yourself in. 
Enveloped in a new level of darkness, you stood for a minute, allowing your eyes to adjust. Slowly, you began to see the familiar lines of the counter and the silhouettes of appliances. 
You wanted to touch everything but knew to touch nothing. Your ears were on alert, listening for the slightest disturbance. So far, the only thing you could hear was Bradley’s deep breathing that, arguably, was a light snore. However, it didn’t sound like it was coming from his room.
Curiosity piqued, you glided toward the living room. Bingo. Splayed on the oversized, for his comfort, couch was Bradley. He was in a deep slumber. You admired him. Lips barely open, but enough to produce his audible breathing. Curls mussed and resting on his bulging bicep that acted as an extra pillow. The man ran hot, so the blanket he started his slumber with was now tangled at his feet, leaving his form clad only in drawstring gym shorts. 
As you watched him, the streetlight in front of his house gave the living room a bit more light, his chest rose and fell. Your mind wandered to why he was on the couch and not in his bed with Natasha. You didn’t think too hard about it, though. It made your task easier.
Releasing you had your fists balled at your sides, you unclenched them as you turned to head for the bedroom. The door was ajar, just the slightest. Using the back of two gloved fingers, you slowly pushed it open. 
Natasha was nestled under the fluffy bedding in the center of Bradley’s huge bed, sleeping soundly. Your eyes stayed glued to her as you crept into the room and put the door back the way you found it. Staying to the edge of the room, you calculated your plan of attack. Watching her sleep with a neutral expression, seemingly relaxed, you thought you might be beginning to understand why Bradley was so taken with her.
Gaze never leaving Natasha, you approached the edge of the bed. She didn’t stir. Removing a glove, you gingerly leaned onto the bed, knee first. Eyes still glued to Natasha for any sign of movement. Eventually, you were leaning over her, face-to-face, really studying her. 
Unable to help yourself, you ran your thumb along her full bottom lip. She was soft, angelic—maybe that’s why Bradley liked her so much. Your face was so close to hers—you really wanted to know what her lips would feel like against yours. Add evidence to the case for why Bradley liked her so much.
While you thought about Natasha’s lips, keeping your gaze on your face, you managed to mount her without disturbance. The amount of down bedding between the two of you was a huge aide in minimizing the movement ripples.
You looked at her one last time as you took one of the pillows her head wasn’t resting on and held it in front of your chest. “Sweet dreams,” you said barely above a whisper as you leaned forward to cover her face with it. 
Your grip was light until you felt her tensing. She was waking, trying to free her arms that were bracketed by your legs and trapped underneath the blankets. Her screams were muffled. “Shh, I’ll take great care of him.” Your closed eyes as you hugged her head with the pillow. Natasha was fighting less and less. 
“What the fuck?!” you heard from behind you. At the same time, you heard the door bang against the wall. You looked over your shoulder to see Bradley charging toward you. Before you could move, his hand was around your neck, ripping you off the bed. Natasha scrambled to the edge of the bed furthest away from you. Bradley was there, arms open, waiting to embrace her. 
Sheer size allowed him to throw you against the dresser a few feet away from the bed. You heard a thud and felt a sharp pain in the back of your head as you hit the heirloom dresser. Your eyes were having a hard time focusing as you slid to the floor. Involuntarily, your hand moved to the back of your head where the pain seared most. As your hand re-entered your field of vision, you could see your blood on your fingertips.
Bradley’s voice sounded distant. Question in his voice as he said your name. However, you looked up to see him kneeling in front of you. Your vision was slightly blurry. “You’ve gone too far this time.” Of course, Bradley still recognized you—some hair dye and a drastic cut wouldn’t fade your face from his memory. 
“What the hell are you doing?” His voice pulled you out of your mind and back into the room.
Natasha bound into the doorway, wearing one of Bradley’s t-shirts. He must’ve dressed her before he put her to bed. They exchanged looks before her gaze dropped to you on the floor. She quickly turned and disappeared.
“Let’s go.” Bradley gruffly grabbed your bicep. He gave you no time to get to your feet. Instead, three quarters of your body dragged along the floor as he pulled you to the kitchen. When he let you go, you slumped to the floor, your forearms stopping your face from hitting the tile. You were still lightheaded with fuzzy vision as you pressed yourself up on your palms.
“Bradley…” You slowly moved into a cross-legged sitting position.
“Don’t.” He cut you off. Bradley squared his body to you, arms across his chest. “There’s no coming back from this.” Bradley was pissed. 
You shook your head. “No, no.” Panic set in. “Don’t blame me!” you squeaked. Tears were beginning to well as you tried to get to your feet. 
“Stay on the floor,” he commanded. His look was deadly. Tears rolled down your cheeks. 
He sighed and ran his hands over his face. Bradley should’ve seen this coming. You were insane. The letters, showing up at his home unannounced, somehow frequenting the same places he did at the same. However, it never crossed his mind that you would try to murder someone, let alone his best friend.
While you reasoned with Bradley, Natasha was standing next to the couch, arms wrapped around herself, staring toward the kitchen. Eyes dilated from shock. She kept forgetting to breathe. When her body finally remembered, the sharp inhale would jolt her back to reality. She could hear Bradley’s voice but was not comprehending his words. The tones of your voice were grating her nerves, causing her arms to constrict tighter around her.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw the front door slowly open. Iced to her spot beside the couch, she watched fingers curl around the edge while the barrel of a standard-issue pistol poked inside. Holding the gun was a plain-clothes police officer. “Jay.” Relief washed through Natasha as she identified the face holding the weapon. 
“Hey, Nat.” Jay mouthed and flashed a reassuring smile. Quickly, he pressed his free pointer finger to his lips. A curt nod from Natasha let him know she understood his command, and then she watched as he stalked toward the kitchen.
A friend of Bradley’s, Jay was supposed to meet them at the Hard Deck earlier but had to cancel due to work. Of course, Natasha’s heart sank a little when she heard, but the text message from him promising to make it up to her eased the discomfort. 
Jay huddled in the kitchen doorway shadows, waiting for his partner to reach the backdoor. Natasha had briefed him on the situation when she called, so they plotted their entry on the drive over. Familiar with Bradley’s house, Jay knew the entry points, so your odds of escaping were minimal. 
Back to the door, you didn’t see a face appear in the corner of the window. Bradley noticed but did not acknowledge in a way that made you aware. Not that it mattered—your vision was hazed between your head injury and the tears. Plus, you were occupied mumbling apologies to Bradley.
Everything happened all at once. The backdoor sprang open, someone jumped on top of you, and a man you had seen a few times stepped out of the shadows, pointing a gun at you. Bradley had fallen back and was standing with Natasha in his arms at the living room-kitchen threshold.
Your mind was numb as the officers cuffed you and read your Miranda rights. The last thing you remembered was falling to your knees in the driveway and yelling for Bradley to forgive you. Standing in the doorway, he looked you dead in the eyes and closed the door.
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Visit my masterlist for more | Sign up for my taglist!
The Bradshaw Baddie™ Bunch (my taglist): @cherrycola27, @roosterforme, @galaxy-of-stories, @taytaylala12, @malindacath, @violyn20, @awildewit, @potato-girl99981, @shanimallina87, @i-simp-much, @blue-aconite, @djs8891, @linkpk88, @furiousladyking, @daggerspare-standingby, @princess76179, @jstarr86, @hecate-steps-on-me, @chicomonks, @darkheartcherry
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laracrofted · 9 months
I LIVE for positivity night, so thank you for hosting one 🥹
First and foremost, I am absolutely in love with Baby, I’m High Octane and am so excited for any future updates! It’s phenomenal and I devour every word you give us!
@hangmansgbaby is my platonic soulmate, the sharer of my brain cell, and my very best friend. We’ve been through some shit together 😅 but I couldn’t be more grateful that we’ve stayed as close as we are! I fell in love with her Always, Darling Jake series over a year ago (what?!) and have continually fallen for every single story she writes! Pucking Finally, a Javy x Nat hockey fic, is incredible and I CANNOT WAIT for yall to get to read Royally Pucked (the Jake x OC!!!! next story). It’s amazing. As is You Burn With Us, a Hunger Games x TGM crossover. I don’t have words for how good all of her writing is, but I can absolutely tell you they deserve all the love and praise in the world! Gbaby, I love you with my whole heart! 💕
@sarahsmi13s is another one of my early days babies! I’m so grateful for her friendship and always being happy to have me bounce ideas off of her! She also has SO MANY incredible series that are underrated. We bonded over my love for her Tell Them series and I absolutely latched onto J&S immediately after. I love you, Vin!
@roosterforme has been such a kind, loving, and supportive friend in the whole time I’ve known her! I’m wholeheartedly obsessed with Adult Education and almost had a heart attack when the queen Bradshaw Baddie™️ wrote a Jake fic! She also went and made me fall in love with a Bradley in Old Habits Die Hard. Beer Boy and Sugar FOR LIFE
@thedroneranger has been a sheer force of positivity through so many things! I’m so thankful that I’ve made a friend in Jay and that she loves GP as much as I do 😂. The To-Do List is one of my all time favorite series and was a huge inspiration for how I structured The Honeyverse! Coffin Cuddler™️ till the end of time
@trickphotography2 has been a supporter for quite a while now and I so enjoy all of our conversations! Her D-Day & Tis The Damn Season series have me in absolute chokehold and I pester the hell out of her regularly for little sneak peaks 😉
@callsigncurse is a new friend and I ADORE her! Snow is such a precious nugget and I’m so happy we found each other. Her Evergreen Falls series is absolute magic and yall should keep an eye out for it 😍
@aviatorobsessed ANDY. My sweet lovey! I live for her comments on my fics AND our conversations. I’m so happy we’ve gotten to be better friends and notifications from you make my heart so happy!
@teacupsandtopgun BETHHHHH. Beth is the best with the most thoughtful comments on everything and is honestly such a sweet soul! I’m fully hooked on Jake & Flick and still come back for more pain because it’s SO DAMN GOOD. Also, Beth’s moodboards are STUNNING and I swoon over them every time.
@seresinhangmanjake holy moly, I am so in love with the Oh, Baby! and The One I Want series she has. Her words paint a stunning scene and I always feel like I’m right in the middle of it!
@ohtobeleah is currently murdering my feelings with Was It Over? It’s so raw and real and emotional and my heart breaks more with every chapter. I also adore I.R.I.S and will forever love her badassery! I’m looking forward to getting to know her better in the new year!
@na-ta-sh-aa I honest to God teared up over your sweet submission and want to frame it!
To my newest friends @dizzybee03 @jynxmirage @shanimallina87 @djs8891 @taytaylala12 @capoteera @hookslove1592 :
I could not imagine writing without yall! Your kind words, screeching at me in reblogs or DMs and overall support make me smile so big that my face hurts! I’m so thankful y’all are always happy to let me bounce ideas off of you and encourage me when I’m struggling. I’m sure I’ve missed a few of my nuggets, but I love them all so much 💕
you've been such an incredible supporter of baby, i'm high octane, and i'm so grateful for your feedback and your kind words. happy new year! 🤍
end of the year positivity night 💌
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ohtobemare · 1 year
We have our Bradshaw Baddies™️.
Seresin Sluts Girlies™️.
May I propose us Ice hoes be called Kazansky Queens™️? Also known as Ice Queens™️? Because I need this ok thanks byeee
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myfaveficrecs · 2 years
Creator Spotlight
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@thedroneranger​ has some of the most amazing little worlds they create with the relationships they cultivate within their stories. My current favorite is the To Do List, but don’t just take my word for it. Please head over to their masterlist and show them all the love with likes, comments, and reblogs.
A Little Q & A:
1: What is your favorite thing you've written or made? This is a tough one! Fan fic for me is so self-indulgent, so it’s hard to pick. Right now, I really like Mustache Masquerade. And, my two Bradley fics, You Get Me Closer and Puppies are Forever, were really fun to write. 
 2: Top 3 favorite creators you want people to check out? So hard to give just three! I’m gonna pick based on what I’m reading right now. @cherrycola27​’s masterlist is a treasure trove. Currently, she’s running two series I’m OBSESSED with: Till Death? and To Hec and Back. Also check out her one shots! One of my favorites is Domestic AF. 
@chemistryread ( @ikercasllias​ ) has a Jake fic I literally can’t stop re-reading. It’s not complete yet, but it’s one of my favorite fics in the fandom. I actually found her because she wrote a Rhett Abbott fic that has just as much of a chokehold on me. Content comes in many forms, so I want to mention @babyrooster​ and @unicornships​. The visual content they create and curate provides a lot of the organic, real-time interaction within the fandom. I interact with something from each of them at least once a day. Truly, this list could go on and on! 
 3: An idea you have for a future work that people should look out for? Ooh, my WIPs are overflowing. I’ll have two entries for @roosterforme​’s Love is in the Air challenge. Of course, one Jake and one Bradley. Gotta do right by my Seresin Girlies and Bradshaw Baddies™️. Something outside my wheelhouse is I have a one shot idea for Bob that I’m fleshing out, so Bobby Gals stay tuned. Working title is Bob vs. B.O.B. 😏 There’s also a Rhett Abbott WIP kicking about for the Lewis Pullman fans reading this. It would focus on Rhett as a bull rider. Plenty of angst. Lastly, I have a few Javy ideas whirling around. Writing about Jake’s bestie seems like a natural next step to exploring other characters in the TGM universe.
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roosterforme · 1 year
How does it feel to know you’re carrying the rooster x reader tag on your back?? Love your writing♥️
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There are others doing god's work as well. The few, the proud, the Bradshaw Baddies™️
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lewmagoo · 1 year
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I’m sliding in to share some gratitude of my own 😊
My OG BB™️, @roosterforme, who has created four roo-nicorns 🦄🦄🦄🦄 that I truly enjoy reading about. I also enjoy when she lets Jake Seresin roam around the ranch every now and then 🤠
Little Miss Onion 🧅, @cherrycola27, who keeps us all on our toes, and me in my grave. Thank goodness she resides in the neighboring coffin and also is good at seances so she can resurrect me 🍒
To my fellow Seresin Girlies @mayhemmanaged and @cassiemitchell. Thank you for thirsting over our VP with me 🖤 We know I love my Bradshaw Baddies™️, but it’s nice to some Seresin Girlies
Lastly, I could tag a bunch of folks from memory, but I would not be able to hit everyone, so thank you to anyone who has written a fic I read, curated a moodboard I liked or painstakingly created a gif I reblogged. And to anyone who has taken the time to read, comment or positively interact with me and others creators, you make this fandom great. Let’s keep doing it!
hugs and love to all of these lovelies
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hangmansgbaby · 1 year
Hey Cass! Saw the little ask game you had posted, figured I’d throw some stuff out there: S, U and V! Love ya!
Enjoy a Jake because I can!
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Okay one 🫠🫠🫠
And two
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
God I don’t even know😂 I can’t think of any off the top of my head🤷🏻‍♀️
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
@cherrycola27 cause she literally murders me with every update! I’m always on the edge of my seat or crying or laughing and thoroughly enjoying my time!
@roosterforme for literally the same thing!🙃 Bradshaw Baddies™️thrive cause of Em 🫠
Shit…. Honestly I gotta drop you Fern ( @desert-fern ) cause A Gun Amongst Daggers is just *chefs kiss*
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Oh shit…… uhm……… thats a hard one…. Even though I know I could never do it justice it would be @callsignmeiga ‘s Seeing Red (imma miss them😢)
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
2. My favorite chapter in my favorite fic of yours
Chapter 1 of VV! I don't wanna admit the number of times I've reread it 🫣 I'm a sucker for first meetings and that smut scene??? 🥵🥵
14. A fic I didn't expect to like so much.
VV! (I'm a Jake girl first hehe) VV is so beautifully written and the way you write Rooster made LUST all over him 🫣
9. A fic i'm excited for you updating/posting
Ah shit this, I just know this fic will turn me into an Iceman wh0re™️
I love that so much!! first chapters are always really hard for me so I'm super glad that it works for you!!
not to toot my own horn, but I feel like I've converted both Bradley and Jake girlies with my fics 🙏 and I'm coming out of the woodwork to say that I think I'm literally 50% Bradshaw Baddie and 50% Seresin Slut! pls accept me </3
ohhh yeah. hoping to turn EVERYONE into an Ice whore by the end of Northern Sky!!
asks for the askers!
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ohtobemare · 1 year
can anyone be a Bradshaw Baddie or is it an existing group of blogs?
Well howdy my friend! 🫶💕
So this is not technically MY term—I was crowned a BB™️ by the beautiful @thedroneranger who coined the term.
I believe the only rules are that being a Baddie is first, a state of mind; secondly, Rooster is your first TGM love (how couldn’t he be though I mean???).
So if that’s you I preemptively say welcome(???). Come in come in to the henhouse! 🐓💕
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roosterforme · 2 years
Em, if a Seresin Girlie who loves the flair Bradshaw Baddies™ bring to their writing slid into your asks with a compelling idea for a Jake request, would you consider it?
For you, Jay, I would consider it 😂 also still considering putting Bradshaw Baddie™️ in my profile.
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roosterforme · 2 years
Em, my Bradshaw Baddie™️! I am in your asks for the #love is in the air tgm challenge :)
Because I have zero chill, I’d like to request two:
Kind of Love We Make, Luke Combs, (Bradley)
Talk You Out of It, Florida Georgie Line (Jake)
Gotta support both my Bradshaw Baddies™️ and Seresin Girlies 🖤
JAY! Two?! You got it! Both of them are all yours!
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roosterforme · 1 year
i'm SOBBING over your latest Bobby fic 😭😭 when will it be my turn to find a man like him?? 💔💔 GOSH the way you write, ESPECIALLY the way you write Bob 🥰🥰 i'm so in love (with him AND you) 💖💖 now if only we could manifest these men for ourselves 🙏🏼🙏🏼
ily a bily!! 🧁
Hey nonny!! I'm glad you loved The Wingman! This made me laugh, because I'm such a Bradshaw Baddie™️ at heart. But I also love writing Bob! Omg, wait...I think that's why I love Batting Practice so much, because they are both heavily featured in it. But yes, let's keep trying to manifest these men!
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thedroneranger · 2 years
I would love a Director's cut of "You Get Me Closer"
🖤, your favorite Bradshaw Baddie
Siren, my BB™️, anything for you! 🖤
** cracks knuckles **
You Get Me Closer is my very first Top Gun: Maverick fic, and the title is pulled directly from the Nine Inch Nails song Closer. 
When the idea came to me for You Get Me Closer, Bradley felt like the natural fit over Jake or anyone else in the Dagger Squad. 
Some of my headcanons about Bradley include:
He’s obsessed with music (of course) and enjoys a wide variety of genres
He gets in his feels with industrial rock (Nine Inch Nails, Static-X, Powerman 5000, Rob Zombie, etc.)
I also love music and have very eclectic taste. That said, I’ve always said if I were a stripper, my persona with be a rocker, so Closer would absolutely be in my set. 
Inspired by that, I think this song could be a turn-on for the right person. In this case, that’s our boy Bradley. 
I also have a headcanon for Bradley that he finds a love like Nick and Carole’s in a very non-traditional way. Enter stripper!reader who is also a business woman with aspirations—the kind of woman that's perfect for Bradley. She’s independent, but he’s by her side throughout and happily champions her successes.
Their relationship is considered non-traditional from the outside, but it works for them.
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roosterforme · 2 years
1. Not me crying tears of joy because Bradshaw Baddie™️ is in your profile 😍🥰😘
2. Saw your response to the nonny about listening to an entire country song. Now I gotta know: what’s your musical vibe, Em?!
Jay! Yes, I had to add it to my profile! I love it too much! (and I trademarked it, apparently).
My musical vibe is....probably interesting 🤔 I am a big fan of Motown Records and Sun Records and the music that came out of Detroit and Memphis in the 1960s. I visited Sun Studio in October and I'm wearing my tee shirt today 😂 I also LOVE the mid to late 1960s British Invasion and psychedelic music. My favorite band is The Kinks. And I also truly love late 90s early 2000s rap and hip-hop!
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