undergroundusa · 4 months
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"If this case isn’t fast-tracked to the US Supreme Court – or if the High Court refuses to hear the case because of institutional cowardice, then we are on the final leg of transforming the United States of America into a banana republic…"
Down To The Banana Republic…
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Trump’s criminal trial begins in Manhattan
The criminal trial of Donald Trump for election interference began on Monday. Despite nearly non-stop media coverage, the proceeding was similar to the first day of most criminal trials in America—a fact that should give us all comfort. The first-day proceedings were consistently ordinary, sometimes boring, but glorious in their relentless insistence that all persons are equal before the law.
Rather than overinterpreting small actions or obsessing over whether a Trump-friendly juror can lie their way onto the jury, it is helpful to recall how we got here and what the case is about.
Rachel Maddow presented a superb summary of the sorry path to Trump's prosecution in state court for a federal conspiracy that sent Michael Cohen to prison for a year—but allowed the person who directed the conspiracy—Donald Trump—to escape prosecution. See The Rachel Maddow Show 4/15/24.
Although you already know the story, Maddow’s explainer is an absolutely essential refresher for the state prosecution. The short version is this: When Trump's DOJ investigated and prosecuted Michael Cohen for his role in the hush money payoff, then Attorney General Bill Barr ordered the Southern District of New York to cease its investigation of Michael Cohen’s co-conspirator--Donald Trump.
The failure of the DOJ to pursue Trump in 2018 was political corruption at its height. The fact that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg picked up the prosecution three years later is a credit to Bragg—not a ground for criticism.
The fact that Bill Barr was able to quash the federal investigation into Trump also explains the central legal theory of the state prosecution. Trump is charged with a state crime of falsifying documents in furtherance of a second crime—election interference, which is a federal crime.
Many observers were initially skeptical of Bragg’s legal theory, but some have come to believe that Bragg has a strong case. See Mark Joseph Stern in Slate, I Was a Skeptic of the Stormy Daniels Prosecution. I Was Wrong.
Stern writes,
Last year, I was uncertain whether this scheme, while sordid, rose to the level of a felony offense. I am now convinced that, if proved that [Trump] took these actions, it surely does. The falsification of business records is, by itself, a misdemeanor under New York law, but it’s a felony when it’s done with the “intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” In his indictment, Bragg claims that Trump lied about the payments with the intent to violate election law, which is what elevates the crime to a felony. Bragg has argued, convincingly, that the former president intended to violate at least two election laws—one state, one federal. First, Bragg asserted that Trump and Cohen ran afoul of the Federal Election Campaign Act by making unlawful campaign contributions (in the form of a payoff) at the direction of a candidate (that is, Trump). . .   Second, Bragg argued that Trump ran afoul of a New York election law that forbids any conspiracy “to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means.”
Read Stern’s article for additional explanation of the legal theory of the case. I find Stern’s analysis convincing.
Of course, the fact that Trump should be found guilty under a proper application of the law to the facts does not guarantee that a jury will return a guilty verdict. In every trial, it is always possible that a juror will not participate in good faith. Given the high-profile stakes and intense scrutiny involved in this case, I think the odds that a “stealth bad faith juror” will lie their way onto the jury are low.
But I am speculating in the same way as all other legal commentators. We must simply await the jury’s verdict and trust in a system that works most of the time. Trying to predict the future is a fool’s game. And remember, the prosecution of Trump is not a substitute for beating Trump at the ballot box.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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calebjorgens2024 · 2 months
Star Wars: Agent 02.
this is yet another idea that had come into mind. This time it is of Tech redeeming his CX-2 persona by choosing to secretly remain in the Empire as a hidden double agent for the growing rebellion, by using what remains of his Imperial Conditioning and utilizing his exceptional mind, Tech would rise through the ranks of the Empire with a ruthless streak and even stand side by side with Thrawn!
in this AU, regardless of his service to the dark side and to the Sith Order, Darth Vader, once known as Anakin Skywalker will still care for all clone troopers no matter if they still work in the empire or are rebels…
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gaiakoraidon · 9 months
Been thinking about Lilo and Stitch lately along with the underrated experiments from the mixed review anime Stitch, a spin-off series based on the world of Lilo and Stitch. I've drawn Dark End and Witch, but not the other two I also like. Here's both: Experiment 147 Bragg/Flute and the one labeled Experiment 0 known as Cyber. I gave both slight redesigns.
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With Bragg, the one who lies and schemes to get what he wants, I made his heart markings cracked. As a cunning trickster and liar who uses popularity to gain more power, I can see him having broken hearts as an alternative take to his heart patterns to represent this after when everyone saw his true colors shine.
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As much as I really liked Cyber's design, I thought the cyborg eye he had in the original looked a bit too goofy, so I redesigned it with a lil help and inspiration from Sonic Prime's Rusty Rose.
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taimonromance · 2 years
just a meme
One of the characters from the Stitch! anime, and the other from the Russian TV series Fantasy Patrol
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ludusschola · 1 year
SÁBIOS ILUSTRES - William Henry Bragg
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William Henry Bragg (1862-1942) desempenhou importante papel durante o início dos estudos da estrutura cristalina por meio dos raios X, semelhante aos da luz, porém com um comprimento de onda muito mais curto. Um cristal é um conjunto de átomos e moléculas, dispostos em estrutura regular. Em 1911, o cientista alemão Max von Laue descobriu que quando um feixe de raios X incide sobre um cristal, ele se dispersa formando figuras regulares. Quando as ondas de raios X atravessam o cristal, os átomos as dispersam, e os raios difratados aparecem nas direções onde as ondas dispersas de todos os átomos se somam. Estudando este efeito, é possível determinar a disposição dos átomos que formam a estrutura cristalina, o que constituiu um grande passo científico, pois é necessário conhecer a estrutura atômica da matéria antes de explicar suas propriedades.
W. H. Bragg, estudante em Cambridge, foi o primeiro que utilizou o complexo método descrito por von Laue para determinar a estrutura do sal comum (ClNa). Bragg construiu um instrumento muito mais simples e eficaz, o espectrômetro de raios X, com que foi possível investigar estruturas mais complexas, como a do diamante. Sua grande descoberta foi a existência dos raios X de comprimento de onda bem definida, característica dos átomos. Os Bragg, pai e filho, obtiveram o Prêmio Nobel de Física no ano de 1915.
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rhdcarts · 2 years
Fuck the head bitches at Warner this is a Matt Bragg appreciation account always and forever
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stunningbitterness · 2 years
Window frame views, hiding faces, and watchful eyes
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vilmublue · 2 years
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Experiment 145
Bragg (also known as Flute)
Primary function: To annoy people by telling tall tales/to gain power from attention and admiration
Originally a big monstrous experiment who simply told tall tales, he was later transmuted and given a different appearance and function to gain literal strength from popularity to even rival Stitch's incredible strength (though this power is dependant on the said popularity.)
Now small, cutesy and an excellent manipulator and a liar, he acted in a way that made people like him: helped and complimented others and behaved well-mannered to make himself look good, blamed others more likely to be seen as the culprit when about to be found out for wrongdoing, exaggerated his misfortunes and came-up with tragic stories to make himself appear more sympathetic, and charmed people with musical talent he possessed thanks to having some of Experiment 021 Twang's DNA (notably by playing flute, hence the new name he was given.)
One true place: Unknown
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simply-ivanka · 5 months
Piece of shit------Bragg
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oldtestleper · 2 years
i love vinegar. it’s like an edible degreaser… the solvent of the kitchen if you will
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coffeenuts · 1 month
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noneofyrbz · 3 months
UPDATE: Condemned USA Founder Treniss Evans on His Lawsuit Against State of New York, Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Bragg, Merchan & Colangelo news from the rabbit hole. Color of law charges against them. Already on the 5 cuircuit.
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gaiakoraidon · 1 year
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I was thinking about the smug boyo Bragg/Flute from Stitch!, so I decided to do a collage of the dude. I may enjoy the anime in general as well as the experiments Witch, Darks(my nickname for Dark End), and Cyber, but Bragg happens to be another favorite of mine from the anime. I enjoy how the villain experiments are written whether they be main or side, and Bragg is the perfect definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing. He uses his cuteness and musical abilities to receive popularity to gain power, something added by Hamsterviel when he modified the experiment's physical appearance. In fact, at max power, he could even rival Stitch when it comes to strength. Even though the modified version of the experiment is more well known, the anime shows us an official design of what Bragg/Flute formerly looked like, and it's quite an interesting design.
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mc-posts · 3 months
Alvin Bragg will not prosecute progressive rioters at Columbia. That's how you keep crime rates down.
Alvin Bragg will not prosecute progressive rioters at Columbia. That’s how you keep crime rates down. It seems as if Soros type prosecutors have found a way to keep crime rates down. This is not just NY, but nationwide charges are dropped or not even filed. NY’S excuse? Stephen Millan, a prosecutor in the Manhattan district attorney’s office, said there was insufficient evidence to show that any…
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kmac4him1st · 4 months
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You do have to wonder... where is all the money coming from???? Who is funding this 34 counts of bull shit where not even one law was broken, where the FEC FEDERAL... not state did not want to prosecute it... where the court room was so biased against the truth, did not even let the Defense have the witnesses that would have totally cleared up this travesty of justice.
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