#brainrot bugs got me goooood
michaelwatt · 1 year
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Can't sleep. Have this silly thing of todd rivers/dr lucien sanchez i made specifically for my lock screen
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dourpeep · 3 years
ahhhh they're gen ed classes so everyone's gonna take them and it fills up quickly
but yeah during that break i just go sit in the caf and just watch shows or something to entertain myself since i get bored so easily (and eating lunch ofc)
not the laying down in the courtyard tbh me too kinda a mood
bro the scaling on baals burst is literally crazy like mines only at level 8 and she be doing crazy damage
also just want to say wishing for a character: simping >>>> meta, just a personal opinion tho (bc i got childe bc i needed another main dps and i barely use him anymore and i don't even like him)
ooo glgl with genshintober, tbh i could draw a lot more than i am rn but i get very distracted by anything (but the tweet itself LOL)
ahhh is there a way to show you what i've drawn bc tbh the albedo drawing brainrot is kinda a mood
but ahhh tyty for the well wishes i hope everything goes well for you too :)))
and yeah rn is a good time to catch up bc i think god of hs rn is on pause for now since i think the most recent season just finished? but gl if u do read it :)
Ahhhh booo GED classes are stinky. Extra stinky b/c they make you retake stuff that you already have credit for
On the bright side, this means you've knocked out a few more GED's so now you don't have to worry about them in future semesters nodnodnod but yeah that's what I do, too. That and take walks around campus, look for weird bugs, stare at birds, pester the campus strays because cats are cute.
Laying in the courtyard is an obvious plus nodnod
AND AAA YES YES HER BURST IS SO GOOOOOD I also have her at lvl 8 for her burst and my g o d. The artifacts I have on mine are kinda trash but on a crit she deals 50k on that first hit-
That's more than one of Xiao's burst plunges (though overall Xiao does more since his are consistently big bonks) but even so like...
she's so strong OTL especially when you have all the stacks.
hehe simping >>>> meta nodnod I wholeheartedly agree
Ah!! Thank you :DD I'm still working on the first two days ehehe like the Xiao I'm sketching out?? It's been three days and I'm still tweaking it because I'm also practicing anatomy
I still don't know any other ways to share anonymously apart from the one from yesterday OTL
And ofcofc!! :DD I love to see my friends and dear anons doing well nodnod
wait I forgot to read that last night ehe oopsie
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