#brainwashed dark choco
onesacrificiallamb · 4 months
Hey, i loved your drawing of dark choco...can you draw another one? Tbh I....couldn't bring myself to like the post because of that weird thing that person requesting it said. Sorry you had to deal with people calling you that out of the blue. It seemed really...weird.
Have some more brainwashed dark choco!
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And don’t worry, they’re my friend, they just didn’t realize we weren’t at that stage of friendship yet.
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brittle-doughie · 2 months
Well since you missed it, I’m gonna tell you my ask again and I hope you actually see it this time. Again, it’s a long one so it might need to be split up into multiple parts. (It also contains cannibalism so CW) Here’s an Idea for a Y/N Cookie Run fic. Y/N is a viscous, cannibalistic cookie with a sadistic, psychotic, and murderous, yet also elegant, (they not like an animal), personality. They are based of the Bloody Mary cocktail (but their name is, like, Tomato Juice Cookie because alcohol isn’t allowed to be mentioned in the word of Cookie run) and their design motif is based of of the Bloody Mary urban legend with a hint of evil spirits and vampirism. They are extremely strong in both physical strength and magic, so powerful that even the ancient cookies and Cookies of Darkness are at least somewhat intimidated by them, and are able to brainwash other cookies with their magic into becoming cannibals just like them (although a bit more brutal and messy because it entertains Y/N) and do their bidding. Y/N often likes to play with (aka torcher) their “food” before preparing and eating it.
Y/N part of the juice bar gang (which they have also hypnotized). They live in a huge, luxurious, yet somewhat decrepit old mansion, which they lure other cookies into before they torcher and consume them. Y/N’s other hobbies include painting and cooking (which is how they “prepare” their victims, they are quite sophisticated).
They used to be a witch (called Mary, of course) who ate children even after said act was considered taboo in the witch community. They were eventually were executed for their crimes via beheading. Before they died, they used their magic to come back as a cookie were they decided that “if I’m only allowed to feed on cookies and not human children, so be it😏”
I know it’s pretty long, you’ll probably have to split it into multiple parts. I hope you actually notice this one this time.
this ask was inspired by multiple Cookie Run cannibalism fanfics.
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Tale of the Mansion
There lives a tale of a lonesome cookie, living in the hallways of the abandoned, yet glorious mansion on the hill. They say that on certain nights, you’ll hear the humming of this cookie on one of their nightly strolls, it is advised that you do not listen intently or you might find yourself being drawn to it.
The victim will feel their legs moving on their own before they realized, no hope to stop it now. Their mind will be entranced from this cookie’s elegant humming, a tune that non can resist. Fortunately for this cookie, this is what exactly they wanted to happen. It never hurts to have a companion on your walks, right?
Yet the legend tales that any cookie that follows this humming are not expected to return. Many cookies in the village keep their doors and windows closed for this reason, it wasn’t rare for this mysterious cookie to walk into town as an alternate path in their nightly stroll.
“Y/N Cookie (or Tomato Juice Cookie)…” was all one victim muttered before they followed them one night, this is all the village knew of their mysterious, yet terrifying visitor.
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Maybe you do make it. You get to see the mansion in all of its pristine glory, the floors and tables looking freshly cleaned despite being abandoned for a long time. This cookie will ask you to sit and help yourself to the prepared food made for any visitors of their mansion. Do not worry if any of the food has an..odd texture to it, that’s just your mind letting you know that you’re quite hungry!
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Do enjoy a refreshment from one of the mansion staff, Sparkling Cookie. He serves you a glass of sparkling refreshment as he leaned close to pour it into the cup, showing something…off with his eyes. They look…empty, don’t you think?
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But don’t dwell on that for too long, it’s time for the entertainment as your host snaps their fingers and out comes Mint Choco Cookie playing a tune on their violin, it helps to calm your nerves from any sort of suspicious feeling! Just enough for you to not notice his empty eyes too…
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Still anxious? Have no worry. The mansion’s green thumb, Herb Cookie, is here to help with that by smelling his plants! Doesn’t the fresh smell of recently planted greens help to settle you down? Good, because he won’t stop until you are! There’s nothing to worry about, you’re in the care of such a generous and wonderful host! They promise there’s nothing to be afraid of!
You excuse yourself to the restroom, which is directed to you down the hall. You slowly make your way over, getting unnerved by any small sound the mansion made.
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A door creaking catches your eye, an ominous red light pouring out of the crack….
You’re tempted to go in, curiosity mixed with fear as you slowly poked your head into the room, it looked like a simple bedroom…curiosity eats at you and you enter the room fully….
You’ll come to regret it seconds later….
The paintings were the first thing you noticed. They painted many different cookies, some with normal expressions like a smile or a resting face. Others…painted more fearful and pained expressions, their heads looked like they were…removed from their bodies….It may have been the room light, but you swore the paintings dripped a little from their frames, as if it was…strawberry jam…
The numerous items like a spellbook, a witch hat, pitchforks, even a sort of..bathtub with a…substance nearly at the top.
The large painting above the painting. It was not a cookie featured in it, but rather…a witch. They oddly bared a resemblance to your host from earlier…
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“Looks like another found out, huh? You really should’ve just went to do your business.”
You jump at the shockingly casual voice from behind you. Leaning at the doorway was Vampire Cookie, as he gently tip his glass of juice around and around.
“Y/N Cookie doesn’t like cookies that poke their eyes where they don’t belong. Good for them, just means dinner is server sooner then later…”
Vampire Cookie opens his eyes, revealing the same empty look as the others. You now could see Herb, Sparkling, and Mint Choco at the doorway too, their pinprick white irises creepily glowing in the dark. You step back away from them, asking what Vampire meant by that….
“You’ll see…or rather what you’ll don’t see..
You suddenly felt a sharp jab to your neck. A voice from behind you calls.
“A shame it had to end this way for you. I promise your dough won’t go to waste. Enjoy your rest here, because you won’t be waking up anytime soon…”
Your vision fades to black as you collapse, the many eyes at the doorway looking at you as the world plunged to darkness….
Another missing cookie reported in the village.
All the residents could do was honor their memory with a burial without a body and warn others with the tale of the mansion on the hill.
Whatever you do, do not listen to the humming to the forest or in the village late at night. For it will be a night that will never dawn for you…
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You know, the cookies of darkness is kinda like a cult. Cause most of them were taken in at their lowest of lows or had no other choice but to join. So here's what I think of em. (under the cut)
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And I'll name most of em off.
Licorice Cookie: Dude was literally an outcast in every sense, it's assumed that his tribe literally fluffing DIED and that the magic he was good in (necromancy) is relatively frowned apon. He was an outcast, and likely starved of attention due to having no peers around him that he could really connect to beyond VERY surface level things, and Dark Enchantress probably took advantage on it, I could see him being given praise for his magic early on, but never getting any of that attention later. That very want for attention from one of the few who actually expressed any interest in his talents being the only reason he's still around.
Poison Mushroom Cookie: That's a child, probably an orphan, possibly alone because of their poisonous shroomies driving most away. Similar case to Licorice, the kiddo got attached to the ones around them and doesn't want to leave.
Red Velvet Cookie: He was born into this, came out the oven without an arm, and is (what I'm assuming) part cakehound, he was born an outcast, and likely has nowhere else to go. Red Velvet clearly cares about the cakehounds and soldiers more enough to keep him to stay. He has little other choice at this point.
Pomegranate Cookie: She was literally trained to be a high priestess to her village, and then learned that she was fated to effectively destroy it. I'm betting my right leg that she was probably DEVASTATED when she learned that, to learn that everything she has worked up to, she would betray. She trusted the mirrors vision over her own wants, and so she left to serve darkness, and (like Licorice Cookie) was given praise at what she done to her village, but that praise became less and less frequent over time. the combination of her having no other place to go, effectively destroying all allys she could have, the same starvation of praise, and her blind trust in Dark Enchantress Cookie leaving her unable to leave, not without a fight.
Dark Choco Cookie: I think this one was pretty simple. He was already pretty vulnerable and broken down on his own after losing everything to a sword he's stuck with. He got manipulated and brainwashed into thinking he had no other chance and that he was stuck forever. No lovebombing, no praise, just manipulation from somebody with a silver tongue. (His abandoning of the C.O.D. is something that could happen to any of the rest, but his already fragile connection made it a lot easier for him to break ties.)
Strawberry Crepe Cookie: A (possibly robot) child who thought they were abandoned by their kingdom(and which they sadly kinda were). They were alone with only robots to comfort them, do I even need to explain this?
Matcha Cookie: Like Red Velvet, but kinda worse. She was deemed a failure and had EVEN LESS TIME TO GROW OR DEVELOP BEFORE BEING THROWN INTO WORKING FOR THEM (At least, I'm guessing she didn't), plus she didn't have cakehounds to connect with, just her plants.
Butter Roll Cookie: Dude was kiddnapped. Need I say more?
Affogato Cookie: If he didn't join, he would probably be dead. Again, need I say more?
So far, I think this kinda matches up with a cult, but if anyone has a better definition for it, do tell in a reblog or comment.
That's about it, if any more of these guys come out, I'll update this.
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xaytheloser · 3 months
Sleep, Sweet Child..
characters: Dark Choco Cookie, Mystic Flour Cookie warnings: brainwashing, kidnapping (essentially), mystic flour's weird ideology ig, my shit writing
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when he awoke, everything was white.. the air was thick, filled with some sort of.. dust..? no, not dust... flour. no buildings, no other cookies, no one. Dark Choco was alone. or so he thought.. .... "welcome, sweet child..." "...!" "you are tense... I see..." a feminine voice echoed, it seemed to be coming from all directions.. it was so loud.. "do not worry, all of your pain and anger shall be over soon enough.." "ugh.. what are you talking about..? where am I- AGH!!" Dark Choco's head felt a spitting pain.. it felt like thousands of needles were being jammed into his skull. "AGH!! STOP...! N-NO MORE!!" "now now, it will be over soon enough.." numbing pain washed over him.. all the memories he had.. they felt like they were burning away.. he tried to hold on to his now slipping memories, the cursed strawberry jam sword, the cookies of darkness.. Dark Cacao Cookie, his.... his.. who was Dark Cacao Cookie again.......? ........... Dark Choco felt numb, no more pain.. it wasn't even an uncomfortable numbing sensation... it felt.. warm.. he felt so tired... his knees gave out as he fell onto them.. he felt someone gently place their hand on his cheek.. lifting his head up oh so gently... his eyes met with the grey ones of the beast.. "there, isn't that better....? no more painful memories.. now just a blank canvas for me to paint on.." his throat was numb.. he couldn't speak.. "do not fear child, I, the Master of The Ivory Pagoda, shall care for you... you shall know the beauty of futility.." Dark Choco's eyelids began to droop, his body felt so heavy.. yet he felt so warm... "now sleep, dear child...." he couldn't help but listen... her voice was.. so soothing.. his eyes shut, and his whole world went black..
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sparkplgggrrrrrrr · 1 month
Modern day Affogato AU
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✦ Characteristics:
For the sake of confusion, we’ll call this AU version of affogato „corpogato” because he runs a big ass company, obviously named Affocorp because he’d NEED his name plastered everywhere in the cacao kingdom, but in the modern day it would be called “The Cacao Republic”, as I believe it would be a communist country. The Cacao Republic is based off South Korea and Modern China. With the two cultures blending, representing the choco and coffee cookie descendants being in a cultural melting pot. This is not to be orientalist or mix two completely different cultures or ideas. The cacao republic faced a similar cultural revolution to China, heavily industrializing in its later days, and cacao’s leadership costed thousands of lives even if it wasn’t intentional. Many cacao residents suffered under said communism. For the conditions of these people, I referenced my own family’s experience in communism and stories I’ve read in books.
Affocorp is this mega corporation that started out as an unethical pharmacy, based on canon affogato’s link to medicine malpractice. At the time this pharmacy was called Affolabs, founded when Corpogato was just thirty. He has a master’s degree in pharmaceutical chemistry, so he is well aware of what substances do what, but he isn’t too concerned of the harm. The scientists backing him were apart of a union he started in secret, composed of underpaid scientists with a vendetta against Dark Cacao. Soon enough, they practically became his most loyal subjects.
Affolabs created pills that were advertised as pain medicine and antibiotics, but they were either placebo or hallucinogenic. Some even made the symptoms of ailments worse so they bought more. This “get rich quick scheme” seemed to work pretty well for the soon-to-be corporate giant, because corpogato got the “BRILLIANT” idea,, to look at other avenues of manufacturing. Keep in mind, this man is fucking evil. He’s not a misunderstood villain, he’s not morally grey, he’s EVIL. VILE. FOUL. PUTRID. So, he looked at the rise of online clothing shopping, and how people were just looking for affordable clothing. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he found a poor community, and took advantage of their labor. He set up a sweatshop, one of horrid conditions, set in the coldness of the northern cacao countryside. These workers had a terrible life ahead of them. Corpogato made their lives miserable, only working for a few coins an hour., yet the clothing was labeled as ethical, made from choco bamboo fibers or recycled material.
While he ran this hellscape, he set up his clothing brand extension: Affoexpress. Affoexpress was very much like what you think of when you imagine fast fashion. Think of it like Shein, Zara, or Romwe. Affoexpress, little by little, gained popularity, before exploding in sales with many cacao residents for its affordable prices. Many cacao residents are in poverty or at least close to it, because cacao cannot for his life manage the republic’s money, leading to a command economy. Corpogato jumped on this shit immediately. He took advantage of his preexisting close ties with cacao to “take his place.” He essentially began to expand the branches of his companies to manufacture more and more products until eventually he could make it so people could ONLY buy his products. As this plan took motion, he centralized his companies, it was now Affocorp. Each of his other companies were now just branches of Affocorp, so he could now keep a watchful eye on all of them. Corpogato had a stiff hold on his employees, he had practically a cult following on social media, and a quite literal cult underneath the layers of Affocorp. The cult in secret was very ritualistic, made up of Corpogato’s early team of scientists, who have slowly been brainwashed into unwavering loyalty. Affogato now with government power, as he did take advantage of his closeness with Cacao, bought properties, and housed his most loyal subjects. They viewed him as their savior, getting them out of the grasp of poverty, “saving their career” and now they repay him by practical worship. Corpogato made it get to a point to where they started to view him as a prophet of sorts, as Corpogato slowly laced their food and residential running water with the very substances they created.
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Affoexpress started to sell more than just clothing, they began to sell cheap electronics and mini appliances. In order to do this, corpogato had to set up more and more factories, contributing to the growing air pollution of the cacao republic, leading the cacao citizens to go to his companies for medicine and masks to wear for protection from the air.
He essentially made the cacao people rely on his affocorp for every day life. Under all of this was something more sinister if you thought it couldn’t get any worse, corpogato was looking at oil drilling in secret, because once you get ahold of oil, you get ahold of the world.
Design choices:
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His cult emblem, its central to his body because it is central to his existence, he cannot keep on if his cult cannot.
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He was given soft curls as it was remnant of his milk ancestry.
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His jacket was based off of his Silla Era hanbok in his canon design.
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I imagine affogato has weak knees, as he probably grew up malnourished with a genetic disposition to low iron from a very young age, which can lead to various health problems. So his staff is likely functional, and that’s why I gave him a dripped out cane.
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These pants are based off of the “Baji” or pants of the hanbok.
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His eyes were tilted further to the center of his face to have a more direct stare, like he’s staring into your thoughts. I also gave him little blush marks because he’d likely apply that to appear more approachable and harmless. I also gave him a wrinkle thing that most older cookies have because this man is probably pushing 50.
If you use the sprite anywhere credit would be kewl
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quibbs126 · 2 years
(Sorry if you already did this)
Could you do a dark choco x caramel arrow fankid? It’s a rare pair but I love it:DDD
(also I love your art)
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For all the people who requested this, here you are, this kid is Caramel Fudge Cookie. He was actually a bit up in my requests, but since so many people were asking I thought might as well do him early. I’ve been skipping around a bit
Now, for the name, I know there’s definitely a bunch of things with chocolate and caramel around, I just had to find something that was just called “chocolate caramel”. The original name I was going to go with is something with syrup, since I know both chocolate and caramel can be made into syrup, but I didn’t end up going with that, since he didn’t give me that vibe. Now, what he reminded me of were brownies topped with caramel, along with marshmallows and maybe some graham crackers as well (my family’s made those before, they’re delicious and now I’m hungry). Well the marshmallows and graham crackers make it a s’more, but the chocolate brownies with caramel are called turtle brownies. So, I named him Turtle Fudge Cookie (the “fudge” part isn’t part of the food name, but I didn’t think Turtle Brownie worked as well, so I just put it in instead. Also there is turtle fudge, but I was thinking of the brownies). I was also debating changing it to Caramel Fudge, since I thought the “turtle” part didn’t fit, but after asking my friend she says turtle sounds better, so I’m going with Turtle Fudge
Turtle brownie/turtle fudge:
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I really want brownies now
Anyways, on to his design, I think he looks cute, but also I worry he looks too much like a mini Caramel Arrow and not enough like Dark Choco. Maybe it shows more when he gets older. Currently he’s like 8. He also originally had black eyes like her, but I wanted to change it to look more like him. Purple eyes like his grandfather was also an option, but my friend told me the red eyes looked better
So on to him himself, so he’s determined to become a Watcher and is basically starting early, since he lives in the Citadel. He’s always trying to train, he goes around telling people when their shifts change (he knows when they do, he’s not making up times to change), and he’ll spend hours (or at least he’ll try to, he’ll usually end up falling asleep) looking atop the wall for any sort of threat. Thing is, he’s a little kid and basically just looks like a tiny Caramel Arrow, so everyone just finds him adorable. He’s so sincere in his efforts that no one can bring themselves to be annoyed or mad with him.
I gave him a spear just because those are another weapon in the kingdom and I wanted to give him something different from his parents. He does know how to use a bow though, he’s just not the best at it
Oh yeah, another thing I was going to draw as a sketch but forgot to, I had an idea that he might have some weird connection to the Licorice Sea. Like, he can’t help but stare out at it, almost thinking something in there is calling to him. Not sure if I’m keeping that or it just stays an early concept
Another potential plot point is that he comes across Affogato Cookie sneaking into the Citadel, not knowing who he is, only that he’s trespassing. Affogato sees him and immediately thinks “is that a tiny Caramel Arrow??”. Upon asking if he’s related, Affogato learns that this kid is the son of Caramel Arrow Cookie and Dark Choco Cookie, which by extension also makes him Dark Cacao’s grandson. Realizing he has an opportunity for revenge against the people who screwed him over, he kidnaps Turtle Fudge. How successful he is (he escapes with Turtle Fudge, I mean how long before he’s found or even if he’s found) and what that revenge entails I’m not sure. But there is a possible scenario where Turtle Fudge grows up to be a loyal servant to Affogato, either not knowing his parents or thinking they abandoned him, probably due to brainwashing on Affogato’s account. If anyone wants to do anything with this concept, feel free
But yeah, I think that’s about it for Turtle Fudge. I’ll be honest, I feel like I focused more on the Carrow side of him and basically nothing about Dark Choco. I’m half debating whether or not Dark Choco is even there, or if this is an alternate universe where they had the kid before Dark Choco got banished, meaning Turtle Fudge just has his mother. I’d like him to be there, but it feels like how I wrote him Dark Choco either isn’t there or is just in the background
But anyways yeah, hope you like him!
Edit: I just realized the second one asked me what I think of the ship. I mean, I get the ship, but personally I like to see Dark Choco and Caramel Arrow as having a sibling relationship, so it just doesn’t work out for me personally
Also I am just now realizing the second person might have been asking me to draw Dark Choco and Caramel Arrow and not a fankid. Sorry about that, I’ve seen so many of these that if you give me a two characters and ask about a ship I’m probably going to think you’re asking me to make a fankid
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pure-vanilla-lilies · 2 months
continuing on the topic of de/wl in fresh dough, quote time!
GingerBrave: Who the hell are you?
Dark Enchantress: Fan service.
Dark Enchantress: OH, VANILLA!~
Pure Vanilla: WHY ARE YOU BACK?!
Dark Enchantress: Because I can be.
Dark Enchantress: Chocolate chip child.
Dark Enchantress, staring at a massive hole in one of her wings as the airship she's on is about to blow up: Oh this is gonna hurt, isn't it?
Mystic Flour: Hey, so, you owe me shit.
Dark Enchantress: NO.
Dark Cacao: Get off my property!
Dark Enchantress: No.
Dark Cacao: I'm giving you the count of 3, maroon 5!
Dark Enchantress: THE BAND????
Dark Cacao: I-I'M GETTIN OLD, WHAT??
Dark Enchantress: Die.
Dark Enchantress: You fucked up, little one!
Dark Choco: *choking sounds*
Dark Enchantress: YEET!
Shadow Milk: Greetings again, adopted child!
GingerBrave: Why you helping the bitch?
Dark Enchantress: I have major trust issues.
GingerBrave: Fair enough.
Dark Enchantress: Let me take my son.
Dark Choco: NO.
Dark Enchantress: *inhales in bitch* Okay.
Dark Enchantress, fighting with a possessed Pure Vanilla: Taste the rainbow motherfucker!
Dark Enchantress, holding Cloud Haetae: GingerBrave you have an adopted sibling!
GingerBrave: Awh really?!
Dark Enchantress: Temporarily-
*speaking at the same time*
Dark Enchantress: HE'S FUCKING DEAD TO ME
GingerBrave: -._-.
Dark Enchantress: Boy kids! It looks like something's very wrong here! Can YOU tell me what it is?
Dark Enchantress: Oh yeah!
Dark Enchantress: THESE RINGS ARE FAKE.
Pure Vanilla: If you go over there, and you touch him, I AM GOING TO-
Dark Enchantress: Huh? Huh? Whatcha gonna do?
Dark Enchantress: Whatcha gonna do, huh?
Dark Enchantress: You're stuck.
Dark Enchantress: You're just gonna traumatize your kids more, there's nothing you can do.
Dark Enchantress: BITCH.
Red Velvet: Now I know how Enchantress feels.
GingerBrave: Who the fuck is Enchantress?
Red Velvet: Wow, he hates her so much that he actually brainwashed you into forgetting about them.
GingerBrave: Oh no, no, no, no I never forgot about her, it was just a joke.
Dark Enchantress: OH THANK GOD
Dark Enchantress: I'm getting that fucking ring.
Stormbringer: The gay ring? HA! You know what that means!
Stormbringer: I don't give a shit I like fuckin' around with you!
Dark Enchantress: I will throw your Nezha looking ass down a FUCKING stream when I get BACK THERE!
Wizard: I will NOT be manipulated by some Hot Topic motherfucker!
Dark Enchantress: Yeah, I THINK THE FUCK NOT!
Wizard: WHY?!
Dark Enchantress: Oh hell nah, I KNOW he DID NOT just hit my son.
Dark Enchantress: Sorry kid, OFF TO AMPHIBIA.
Shadow Milk: What can I say? I'm a theatre major!
Dark Enchantress: See, I'm gonna need you to let him go, since I'm the only one allowed to torture him.
Dark Enchantress: And I'm kind of a full-time mother now, so, do us the brightest favor, and fuck off.
GingerBrave: Uh, y-yeah, f-fuck off, you stupid bitch-
Pure Vanilla and Dark Enchantress is like those divorce parents at a birthday party 😭
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random mama Mystic Flour au idea; she takes Dark Choco in, but it takes a turn when she wipes his mind clean and essentially brainwashes him, making him forget all his memories so that he could have a "clean slate" before Mystic Flour plans to return him to flour as well. essentially she wants him to live and go out with peace her baby<3 also imagine the yummy angst that will happen when Dark Cacao finds him :33
but oh no the angst-
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fear /j
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pinkvaquita · 4 months
I HAVE A SILLY AU IDEA!! Mama Mystic Flour au, where she looks after Dark Choco Cookie!! she lures takes Dark Choco in, it would be more wholesome if she didn't essentially brainwash him, wiping his memory clean, making him forget everything that happened to him. his father, the cookies of darkness, all wiped from his mind. Mystic Flour grows fond of Dark Choco, and wishes wishes for him to live what she believes to be a peaceful life, she will lead him to a life of bliss, before she will grant him the wonderful release of returning to flour.
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DEAR MOTHER FUCKING GOD-, i mean... At least he is no longer traumatized-
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Pastry Cookie Headcanons
... Which may or may not originate from my main AU and personal interpretation of her character. Yeah, I have a tendency to do that. This contains slight spoilers for the Tower of Sweet Chaos and Cookie Odyssey.
- She views herself as aroace, but now she’s uncertain if that’s how she really feels or if it’s one of the effects of the Order’s brainwashing. She’s curious to explore her identity further, but fears potential consequences from Reverend Mother Cookie
- I feel like she wouldn’t be a big a fan of anime just because of the amount of fanservice, especially with younger-looking characters
- She wants to escape from the Order. She really does, but she’s aware that her every movement is being watched by the Shadow Sisters. She doesn’t know where they are, but she knows they’re there
- After the Tower of Sweet Chaos storyline, she started becoming haunted by the memories of those she “purged” due to being “unclean”. Some days are better than others, but it doesn’t help that the Order’s method of therapy is just praying, especially with what she now knows about the Witches
- She finds it harder to get out of bed now more than ever. She’s lost all motivation to pray and carry out her duties as a Sister of the Order, with the one thing keeping her going being the fact that her life is on the line now
- Really, she thinks of herself as more of an agnostic or atheist now, rather than someone who genuinely believes in the Order’s teachings. She doesn’t know what to believe anymore
- She desperately wants to uncover who she was before she joined the Order. She’s pretty much entirely forgotten who she was before she became a Sister, not even remembering her name, and she’s uncertain if her body is really her own
- She’s trained to be ambidextrous, but was baked right-handed
- The reason she tends to have one eye closed in her sprites is because she’s actually blind in one eye! It can either be a baking defect (this is why we don’t rebake our Cookies) or it could be the result of one of her missions
- I have two ideas for her background story. One idea is that she was an orphan from the Creme Republic who got brainwashed and indoctrinated, and the other is that she experienced something so traumatic before joining the Order that she repressed all of her memories, which is why they considered her “rebaked” as she stepped into her new life
- She sleeps on her stomach, drools, and has a very messy bedhead when she wakes up
- Her favorite color is periwinkle
- She wears a binder. Interpret that as you wish
- She has the virtues of chastity, diligence, humility, and temperance. She has the sin of wrath
- She’s very much aware of who the Cookies of Darkness are, aside from Dark Enchantress Cookie, Red Velvet Cookie, and Pomegranate Cookie. She knows who Dark Choco Cookie is, for example, and what he’s done
- ^When Dark Choco ditched the CoD and word got to the Order, she thought “Damn... maybe I can do that too”
- She would become a vigilante if given the opportunity. She doesn’t feel comfortable being in a normal Cookie society, given everything she’s been brainwashed into believing and everything she’s done, but she doesn’t feel comfortable with the Order existing either
- I can’t really see her going back to Red Velvet Cookie if she were to leave the St. Pastry Order. Not only do I feel like that would be a bad environment for her (surrounded by the Cakes she was taught and trained to slaughter, stuck in the place that traumatized her and shattered everything she thought she knew, stuck with the person she tried to kill due to those teachings and beliefs), but I also feel like Red Velvet Cookie wouldn’t trust her enough to let her stay. Which makes sense; she DID try to kill in the name of the Order, after all. How could he know if this was a trick or not?
- ^Besides, if she does leave the Order, what she needs is to discover herself and make her own choices and identity. Not become a blind follower of another Cookie/group. Plus, with all of her guilt and horror over knowing she was purging innocents the entire time, I don’t think she’d be onboard with attacking Cookies just because Dark Enchantress Cookie is going against the Witches
(Not to mention I feel like she’d be uncomfortable with how Pomegranate Cookie and Licorice Cookie both sorta hold Dark Enchantress Cookie in a god-like view, when she’s religious traumatized because of her own godly entities. She’d probably see too many parallels with the Order for her liking)
- This girl can’t cook to save her life (this will appear for a lot of characters)
- She also can’t style her hair to save her life. One of the other Sisters has to help her make her hair not look like a hot mess. But on the plus side, her hair is naturally that voluminous and very, very soft and fluffy
- She’s tall. Like, really tall. She’s actually taller than Reverend Mother Cookie
- Muscular Cookie woman. Big strong arms. Hug me
- She would be a fan of Melanie Martinez’s music and would listen to Lady Gaga’s “Bloody Mary” and “Judas”
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onesacrificiallamb · 4 months
Hiiii this is for @xaytheloser ‘s mystic flour brainwashed dark choco au ok byebye
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magic-human-bean · 2 years
What would it take for the human to gain the trust of cookies? (Especially the ones that really don't trust them)
Would the human have to save a cookies life? Or would the human have to try take the risk of being hurt to protect them?
Some cookies I believe could never ever ever trust a human no matter what you do for them (I'm mostly talking about Dark Enchantress Cookie (therefore Pomegranate Cookie too). She wants us dead, that is clear to me).
But I think most cookies can be befriended, if done right. I think different cookies mean different methods to approach them.
But most of all, I think the best thing to get their trust is time. The more time cookies spend around the friendly human, the more they'll get used to the freaky size and appearance, and realize that the human's behavior is really harmless.
So i'll just pick a few non-trusting cookies (obviously cherry-picked but whatever) to say how I think would be the best ways to befriend them. Or just scenarios i think would be perfect for their character
Dark Choco Cookie - Saving them from a deadly weather that nearly killed him. So maybe he gets mega soaked in a heavy rainstorm or something, he's so weakened he can barely move, and a human just scoops him up and takes him inside to let him dry by a heater. He's mega shaken and confused, even more so when the human asks him what kind of food he eats. He refuses to speak to the human at first, and he even refuses to eat the food the human offers him. Over time, as he starts to get better, he acknowledges that the human is really doing this out of kindness. He mumbles a thank you eventually, but he still refuses to eat the offered food (because being the self-loathing and well-mannered person that he is, he thinks he doesn't deserve it or something). He trusts the human now, and if you're very lucky and not too insistant, he might open up to you and tell you some things if you ask him questions.
Purple Yam Cookie - Honestly, I think if he saw a human break down after an anger outburst, he could almost instantly become fond of the human. I don't think Yam can be afraid of a human's anger because he thinks his own anger is the most powerful anger. So seeing a human get angry would only make him go "same" and make him want to join and hit things. Not really a trust thing, but I really wanted to say it. Also, If he saw a human get angry in front of him and refrain from doing anything that could hurt any nearby cookie, that could really impress him. He'd acknowledge the human's self-control as proof that the human really doesn't want to hurt anybody, even when they're angry. Also food. I think you can buy his trust with food, maybe.
Pastry Cookie - Really tough one. She's REALLY in denial about your intentions. She's in denial about your existence, even. Beings that are like witches but not godly? Are you trying to trick her into thinking witches are not inherently godly?? You must be a deceiving demon or something. You might have to save her life and get hurt, AND spend a lot of time around her for her to start accepting you. Brainwash is hard to get over.
Knight Cookie - Let's assume you saved Princess Cookie's life. He'd be forced to be extremely thankful, but he might also panic and try to get the princess away from you as quickly as possible. But once the panic moment passed, I'm sure he'd find the courage to properly thank you. Knight Cookie is a nervous cookie, but he recognizes when someone cares about others' safety. I think he just needs to see a human attempt to protect a cookie, and he'll trust that human from then on. But he will always be nervous about the human getting too close to the princess.
Licorice Cookie - Ok this is kind of silly, but imagine if Licorice Cookie got stuck in a plastic bottle or on a glue trap. The human finds him in this super helpless situation, and Licorice Cookie makes a desperate attempt to scare the human away, then eventually resorts to begging for mercy as the human moves closer. But then the human just starts working on helping him out of this sticky situation, asking them if they're okay and asking them to stop struggling to make this easier. Licorice Cookie is in disbelief at first, but after a while of the human carefully trying to free him, he just kind of accepts that this is happening. Once you set him free, he's so fucking confused he doesn't know what to do, and just stands there, staring at you in confusion. Eventually he'll go "...Thank you...?" Now you have to show him the power of friendship! Encourage him to vent about Pomegranate Cookie, make fun of people with him, praise him a whole bunch... Seriously he really needs it. Give him reasons to not need Dark Enchantress Cookie's approval anymore, and he might just become your best friend, tbh. But as long as he's on Dark Enchantress Cookie's side, he can't be seen with you.
(I'm not talking about Dark Cacao Cookie and Red Velvet Cookie because I already talked about them like twice in previous posts when it comes to trusting humans)
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o-wyrmlight · 3 years
Genuinely do not understand the people that keep on calling Dark Choco a ‘kylo ren wannabe’ and say that Dark Cacao’s actions were right and stuff like… the story itself acknowledges how fucked up their relationship is. Dark Choco was literally cursed, brainwashed, and then manipulated to believe that everything is his fault. That scene in the laboratory(?) where Gingerbrave tries to get him to join and you can see that he wants to but is so sure of his own evilness and believes he will cause nothing but ruin and destruction, and I just- He is by no means innocent but when I saw him all I saw was regret, despair, and such self-hatred. Neither Choco or Cacao were in the right, and they’re both suffering for it, but god I wish Cacao had at least tried to investigate further. Anyway trying to definitively say that one said is more evil than the other is making it black and white, and just. Simplifying a complicated situation with no real right answer. Love your analysis and everything you say btw! Your art gives me life
Both of them were wrong, and to paint one of them as right and the other as wrong is disingenuous to their characters. They were both placed in a terrible situation but considering the situation, the circumstances at the time, and the build-up to everything else, it's understandable.
Also! Super agree with the manipulation and brainwashing part. For real, how can you look at that scene in the laboratory (was it a laboratory or an infirmary? I'm not sure) and say that he's just plain evil? When he has so much remorse for what he's done, when he wants to still do good? But he's been broken down so much by the people he surrounded himself with that he's come to almost believe that he's destined to fully embrace the darkness.
I really do wish that Dark Cacao and Dark Choco would've just. Talked it out. A little bit more. But both of them were in a high-stress situation. Dark Cacao's been so concerned about building up the wall that it's pretty much become the ultimate focus in his life, and Dark Choco's been so manipulated and brainwashed that I doubt he'd have broached the subject in a manner that'd open the door for further investigation.
I also just had a thought--Dark Cacao had also just discovered that Affogato was a traitor, that his son was working for the cookie that destroyed the Vanilla Kingdom, and that the Cookies of Darkness were quite literally there. Affogato betrayed him in a way similar to how Dark Choco did before, and now Dark Choco--who as far as he might know betrayed him on purpose--was now standing before him.
It sort of makes sense that he wouldn't be in a good state of mind to talk. His mind was probably going a million miles an hour, and his reaction is utterly understandable--anger. Because he'd been hurt in the past, and this just ripped off the scab and punched the wound in rapid succession. God I love complex characters.
(Also like. Can we not victim blame Dark Choco? That'd be nice. Kylo Ren wishes he were as good a character as Dark Choco.)
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xaytheloser · 4 months
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brainwashed Dark Choco Cookie I made for a silly au while chatting with mutuals :33
i made the au, the design is by @onesacrificiallamb !! :33
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
in reference to your cookie run post. why does the majority of the fandom on Twitter paint pastry as being terrible and irredeemable? both her and red velvet are being manipulated by evil organizations but red velvet gets uwu baby boy treatment and pastry is treated as an evil nun when she is literary being brainwashed.
Oh, see, I've been seeing the part of the Twitter fandom painting her as a victim without agency and the only way for her to have a good life is if she's essentially rewritten into a completely different character (i.e.: all the AUs I've seen of her getting amnesia and making her way to the Kingdom where she lives a cottagecore lifestyle with Beet and Carrot) and that shipping RedPastry is 'bringing her from one toxic background to another'.
I will agree that the western fandom has a bad habit of uwu babby-ing all the Cookies of Darkness (from Pomegranate all the way down to Poison Mushroom and Chess Choco), but, yeah, I don't know why Pastry gets all these bad takes when it comes to 'respecting her backstory and character'.
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quibbs126 · 1 year
For Zuccotto Cookie, maybe they could be a shaman? There's a cake monster called the Pomegranate Cake Shaman, so maybe they could be associated with that or have one as a companion?
Ooh maybe. A shaman with cake powers sounds cool
Also reading this I realize, this ship is the first one I’ve done where both characters are villains, and it’d make sense for their kid to also be one, at least at this point in their stories. Like yeah, I’ve done ones with one of the villains, but usually the other isn’t and so I assume the kid exists in a world where they become good. I mean there’s the darklico kids, and then later down the line I have darkvelvet, but I consider Dark Choco an exception since he left the Cookies of Darkness and seems to be working towards redemption, so it’d be assumed that both characters in the scenario would turn good. I have Affogato/Pomegranate, Black Pearl/Longan, and then just now I added Red Velvet/Licorice, but I haven’t gotten to them yet so I don’t have a precedent for what to do. I’ll have to think about that with Zuccotto
And also I realize that I don’t think I really have any fankids that are villains. Best I have is Turtle Fudge being a villain later on, though that’s due to brainwashing, and Mandel being a bit morally dubious in his usage of time powers. Maybe I should change that
But yeah, I think I’m gonna go with the cake shaman idea, I like it
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