evaria · 7 years
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ADC in 2017
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emperorbirdems-blog · 7 years
LoL Glacial Augment Fiora 11/13
Glacial Augment has been catching my eye recently. The slow is great. 40% initial slow that increases to 50% over time. 7s CD per target. Good synergy with Approach Velocity. Fiora Q applies on Hit effects and is a gap closer which is why I think Glacial Augment Fiora is probably good. You can apply it as you go for a vital and make it harder for the enemy to trade back through the slow making laning even easier. Glacial Augment will also help Fiora stick to targets even more. I’d say she would be impossible to escape if she lands her Q. Damage isn’t a problem because It’s Fiora... her true damage is disgusting. Bramblevest IS a problem for Fiora but Legend: Bloodline+Ravenous Hydra should help her sustain more as she builds more damage items which Future’s market will help her get a little bit faster. I think I’ll build Gargoyle Stoneplate to help with team fights.. I’m pretty sure her ult/passive damage isn’t affected by gargoyle active but I might be wrong. I’m looking forward to trying this tomorrow and finding out how this idea goes. I was going to try it today before I went to bed but someone banned it... the first time I want to try Fiora and someone bans her... I guess that’s league for ya.
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