#patch 7.14
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Riot, I love you for the 7.14 patch Taric buff!. Seriously, I love you, Riot. The changes with his Q make the heal decent. The E change is pretty good; a 1.25 sec stun throughout all levels is nice. It’s like a gift from the gods, this buff. Now I can play my boy more! ❤️
Art by @cangsir
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evaria · 7 years
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ADC in 2017
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niche-pastiche · 3 years
SPN Clown Meta no one asked for.
From the person's mind that brought you the SPN Gun Meta no one asked for. It's the SPN clown meta no one asked for!
Though a more accurate title would be:
Clowns, Dean's internalized homophobia, Sam Meta and a case for Dean/Ash.
Just a warning up front, this deals with some heavy topics, and if that's not your cup of tea for meta, consider skipping this one
Things discussed within include: Discussion of the heavy implications that Sam is a CSA survivor. Discussion of the serial murderer and child predator John Wayne Gacy (no graphic detail). The "predatory gay" trope. Homophobia of the 1955 "Boys Beware" anti gay PSA variety. That same brand of homophobia, but internalized. The general homophobic background noise of the 2000s.
Use your best judgement and stay safe. I totally understand this meta's not going to be for everyone.
Okay lets start by listing off some episodes with clowns in them/mentioned in them.
2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown written by John Shiban Lots of clowns. So many clowns. Clowns out the wazoo. Going to go in depth on this one later in the post. 2.05 Simon Said written by Ben Edlund There’s a line about clowns. Specifically a reference to John Wayne Gacy. 5.11 Sam, Interrupted written by Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin Serial killer and sexual predator John Wayne Gacy's clown art is mentioned when Dean sees some creepy clown art done by Martin Creaser, an extremely anxious frightened man. 7.14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie written by Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin Clown is an evil effeminate man working at a Chucky Cheese who specifically looks for vulnerable children (and brings drawings of their worst fears to life) 11.07 Plush written by Eric Charmelo and Nicole Snyder Clown is just a man. A good man. Mistakenly accused of being a bad man. 14.13 Lebanon written by Andrew Dabb and Meredith Glynn Clown is the literal ghost of John Wayne Gacy 14.20 Moriah written by Andrew Dabb Clown is the literal ghost of John Wayne Gacy. 15.01 Back and to the Future written by Andrew Dabb Clown is the literal ghost of John Wayne Gacy.
Please notice just how much John Wayne Gacy shows up in this. It's not the Joker (Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger or Mark Hamill varieties.) Not Bozo or Buster Keaton. The go to reference is John Wayne Gacy. We get one mention of Ronald McDonald.
5 out of 8 of those instances are Gacy. Three of them are his actual ghost. There's something going on here.
Now lets take a closer look.
(I put an absolute clown car worth of meta after the cut)
Going in reverse order, we can set 15.01 14.20 and 14.13 to the side right now. John Wayne Gacy is John Wayne Gacy. It's not deeper than that.
But who is John Wayne Gacy? Why's it relevant to SPN?
If we want to understand what 2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown says about Dean Winchester's internalized homophobia, we have to understand what all things he's internalizing. Dean's go to clown reference is Gacy, so it obviously left an impression.
Wikipedia puts it thusly:
"John Wayne Gacy (March 17, 1942 – May 10, 1994) was an American serial killer and sex offender known as the Killer Clown who assaulted and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. Gacy regularly performed at children's hospitals and charitable events as "Pogo the Clown" or "Patches the Clown", personas he had devised."
But that really doesn't give a full picture of who this dude was, or what it has to do with Dean.
Gacy was a horrible predatory man who preyed on teenage boys and if you want the particulars of that you can look it up yourself. It was brutal. There were twenty-six dead, brutalized bodies were found in the crawl space of Gacy's home.
Which brings me to why this meta is about....
Clowns and Dean's internalized homophobia.
If you want to understand the Winchester's framework for who queer people are and what queerness is, you've got to remember that Dean was growing up during the AIDs crisis in an environment where the media he is exposed to is hardly likely to portray gay, much less bisexual men in a positive light. And Dean's ideas of queerness has been shaped by horror movies and high profile sex offenders.
I've never watched Lost Boys, but @deanwasalwaysbi puts it nicely, saying "Dean’s clearly very into Lost Boys, the 1987 queercoded gay vampire panic version of peter pan, complete with AIDS metaphors and fear of family acceptance."
That's the mental stage on which Everybody Loves a Clown is set. Queerness as predatory.
2x02 Everybody Loves a Clown
It's the second episode of season 2. John Winchester has just traded his life for Dean's. Dean is dealing with heaps of survivor's guilt. Their Dad, the head of household. The one traditionally responsible for protecting to the family (and who took that responsibility to unhealthy extremes) is dead.
Everybody Loves a Clown takes place one week later.
And Dean is managing. At the start of the episode, he's rebuilding the Impala. This is a good thing.
The Impala is Dean's childhood home, but also a symbol of himself. It's doing well when Dean is. It's not when he's not. This metaphor is established in the previous episode 1x01 In My Time of Dying during this conversation between Bobby and Sam while Dean is lying in the hospital dying after the car crash:
SAM looks down at the mangled car. BOBBY is there as well. SAM: Oh man, Dean is gonna be pissed. BOBBY: Look, Sam. This... this just ain't worth a tow. I say we empty the trunk, sell the rest for scrap. SAM: No. Dean would kill me if we did that. When he gets better he's gonna want to fix this. BOBBY: There's nothing to fix. The frame's a pretzel, and the engine's ruined. There's barely any parts worth salvaging. SAM: Listen to me, Bobby. If there's only one working part, that's enough. We're not just going to give up on... BOBBY (quietly) : Okay. You got it.
At the start of Everybody Loves A Clown, Dean is fixing things. He's staying occupied. He's putting in the work to get better. And so the car is getting better too. And he's fixing the car because it's something he can fix. He can't save his dad, but he can save this car. The only home he's ever known.
Dean's in rough shape, but he's getting better. He's putting in the work at self improvement.
The boys head to roadhouse, and find Ash asleep on the pool table. Like this. And the pose feels weirdly sexy in a way I can't pinpoint.
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Sam moves on when they determine that Ash is not a chick and thus probably not Ellen, but Dean who walked closer, lingers longer.
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And glances back while walking away.
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Dean gets so distracted, in fact, that Jo is able to sneak up on him and hold him at gunpoint.
When we get our first real introduction to Ash...
Dean starts flirting with him within the first minute of meeting him.
"You got to be kidding me. This guy's no genius. He's a Lynyrd Skynyrd roadie." is a compliment coming from Dean. And Ash's appearance tells Dean enough to know that it would be one to Ash too. Dean's tone makes that clear even if you didn't know anything about Lynyrd Skynyrd.
If you watch Dean's body language in this scene, it may look a little closed off, but mostly it looks a lot like the thing guys do sometimes where they'll cross their arms so they can tuck their hands under their biceps to make their muscles look bigger. It's as adorable as it is obvious. And his body is turned towards Ash.
He's flirting. Dean Winchester starts this episode openly flirting with an openly queer man.
Ash responds positively, and Dean moves in closer.
What do I mean Ash is openly queer?
I can not possibly emphasize enough just how loudly queer this feral country boy is. This is 2006. Ash is wearing his gay little vest with his already very skinny frame and he's got one ear pierced.
Please trust me when I say that Country Good Ol' Boys like Ash (who we find out in 5x16 Dark Side of The Moon grew up in a snake handling church) did not pierce their ears in 2006 to be trendy.
People aren't going to see that and think he's cool, or punk. They're going to see it and know he's gay.
Literally the only reason for a guy like Ash to be walking around in 2006 with an earring is because he's loudly and proudly gay.
And Dean notices. Dean's interested.
By the end of that conversation, Dean's body language is open and entirely directed towards Ash. He's impressed. And he's considering it. As Ash leaves Dean takes his chance and complements Ash's hair. Look at that face. That is Dean's flirting face! And Ash is preening under the attention.
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Gif description: "By the way, I dig the haircut." Dean flirts. Ash flirts back, preening a little as he says "Business in the front. Party in the back." Complete with a little hair toss of his mullet.
Of course, the second Ash leaves, Dean checks out Jo's ass. As if to remind himself and the world that he's still into women.
Sam's fear of Clowns. Why Clowns? Why Gacy?
Ellen hands Sam the folder on the child abducting clown and is kind of gentle, hesitates a little a first when she says "I was going to give this to a friend of mine."
I think the implication being that she was going to give it to their dad.
Which makes sense considering how almost obsessively protective their dad was of Sam. And honestly, in light of the clown symbolism, I'm feeling pretty dang protective of Sam too.
Okay let me explain. And tie things into another clown episode.
In 7x14 Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie, it's heavily implied that Sam was abused by a child predator after Dean left him at one of those play places as a kid. When Dean calls and asks Sam "Do you remember a chain called Plucky Pennywhistle's?" Sam's face looks genuinely afraid at just the mention of them.
SAM: [after a pause] No. DEAN: Really? Could have swore you loved those places. SAM: No, dude, I hated them. Uh, you would dump me and go trolling for chicks. DEAN: It's not like I left you in jail. I mean, those places are supposed to be fun.
Dean asks Sam to go investigate and when Sam expresses reluctance, sounding genuinely scared now, Dean wonders aloud "Yeah, what in the world did they do to you?" And Sam makes a face Dean can't see from over the phone that says clearly they did something.
The reason they stamp kids hands at those kinds of places are to make sure that each kid leaves with the adult they came in with, and while it's better than nothing, it's incredibly far from fool proof.
Dean left Sam in those places unsupervised as a kid, and if Dean's account is at all trustworthy it seems like Sam's fear of clowns was something developed after that started. And Sam would have been particularly vulnerable, as isolated as he was.
The bad guy in that episode turned out to be an employee at Pennywhistle's who targeted vulnerable children. And also targeted Sam Winchester.
In 1x18 Something Wicked, we find out that a Striga who disguised itself as a pediatrician and preys on children targeted Sam as a child. Azazel has appointed himself in the role of an evil coach at evil summer camp and made sexual comments about Mary Winchester while wearing the body of her dead father during 4x03 In the Beginning. (The same Samuel Campbell who Sam works so closely with after he comes back from hell soulless.) then broke into their house while John was asleep and bleed in Sam's mouth infecting him with demon blood. Then, there's a scene from 5x22 Swan Song which only works if watched while remembering that boys and men can be victims too.
In some astoundingly good acting by Jared Padalecki, we watch Lucifer (wearing Sam's skin) bring together people who have all taken advantage of him at some point in the past. An elementary school teacher. Sam's "prom date" (guys can also be coerced into sex) and Doug from "that time in east lancing."
The show doesn't say it outright, but it insinuates it. Rewatch that scene with an eye towards that and it becomes clear. Sam Winchester has been through repeated revictimization. (Sam's storylines are dark, y'all. Ruby was his abusive girlfriend and drug dealer. Meg 1.0 repeatedly makes unwanted sexual advances on him. Sam is dealing with A LOT.) There's themes of self harm/drug use (demon blood) and coercion and being taken advantage of that Sam's stories put center stage and portray as matters of importance to the entire world. This stuff that usually gets wrongfully minimized and dismissed as "teen girl problems", as if that makes it less important.
Is it messed up that this show had to give a man those stories to be able to address them seriously? Yeah. But I'm still glad they did it.
Because Sam's got a lot going on to write meta about if you look past the stories you'd expect based on his gender.
Anyway, it's little wonder why the show uses Gacy's Pogo the Clown as the quintessential clown instead of someone else. Because Sam's fear isn't really about clowns.
Back to Everybody Loves a Clown though. Dean doesn't know about the clown case yet. He's off going through the motions of flirting with Jo but his heart's not in it. And he realizes that so he gives up before even really trying. And like... she calls him on the fact he was going to try a pickup line. There's no chemistry there. Zilch. Zero. Nada.
In the office at the carnival, there are two chairs. One's a normal one, and the other looks like a clown. Sam looks incredibly uncomfortablewhen he has to essentially sit on this plastic clown's lap.
In this episode, we also discover that Dean hates funhouses.
Hmmm. I wonder why? Is it because they're full of mirrors that reflect yourself back at you, but distorted. Is the metaphor a little too on the nose surrounded by all those clowns?
At the job interview for the traveling circus or whatever, this exchange happens:
MR. COOPER: You see, this place, it's a refuge for outcasts. Always has been. For folks that don't fit in nowhere else. But you two? You should go to school. Find a couple of girls. Have two point five kids. Live regular. DEAN is about to say something, but SAM leans forward, eyes serious. SAM: Sir? We don't want to go to school. And we don't want regular. We want this.
Dean sits back and shuts up, looking at Sam trying to figure him out.
Suddenly Sam has started caring about what "dad would have wanted" now that John's dead. (Please take a moment to note that the entire plot of season 2 is about how the demon that their dad has been trying to hunt down and kill is one that sneaks into children's nurseries and bleeds in babies mouths and kills their mothers. This show is not subtle with its aids fears. But they're all filtered through a bizarre brand of masculine right leaning home invasion fantasy.)
And Dean's stuck reassessing how safe it is to come out of the closet right now.
Anyway, the rest of the episode happens and Dean and Sam fight a child abducting clown in a funhouse and Dean hates fun houses and Sam hates clowns.
And then it's back to the roadhouse.
What's with Dean's lack of chemistry with Jo?
I swear this interaction with Jo looks more than anything like she's trying and failing to flirt with Sam. But Sam's just being an idiot and reads it wrong.
I know that's not what they meant for it to look, but that's what it does look like.
And then we're back to Ash again with the way Dean says "Hmm. Can I be honest with you? See, normally I'd be hitting on you so fast it'd make your head spin. But, uh, these days... I don't know."
This is a boy who's probably not fully aware that bisexuality is even a thing. But Jo seems a bit more informed. "Wrong place, wrong time?" Jo replies knowingly, as they are waiting for Ash to return any minute now.
"Yeah," Dean mutters, not making eye contact.
"It's okay. I get it." She assures him.
And then Ash opens the door. Returning triumphant. And this time he's lost the shirt he had on under his home made vest. He's showing significantly more skin, and dropping a Pink Flamingoes reference.
Pink Flamingos is a cult classic and it's extremely queer.
This feels like Ash is testing Dean to see if it was just a fluke or if Dean really is queer.
To admit knowledge of Pink Flamingoes is to admit to some level of familiarity with queerness. And Dean does.
Sam looks confused at the reference, but Dean just takes it in stride. Ash glances at Dean, and then continues.
And then Dean, reaches out to touch Ash's laptop. And the way it is filmed is... It's kinda sensual? Anyway, Ash drinks Dean's beer. Ellen, who took in this squirrelly country boy after he got kicked out of M.I.T. for "fighting" (i think it was probably self defense), and who is raising this kid like he's one of her own, watched this interaction and offers them a place to stay.
Ellen hands Dean an excuse to stay the night.
Somehow I get the feeling Ash doesn't have a lot of friends. And even fewer queer ones. Ellen is being a good adoptive mama to this young gay man who likely has no other family to turn to. The entire roadhouse is so gay. I love it, y'all. (Even the gun Ellen pulled on the boys was a really butch choice. Gender roles are something that happen to other people in the Harvelle's roadhouse.)
But Dean says no. He's not quite ready to come out yet. But he's so close.
And then Sam and Dean are back at the Impala. Dean's Baby. Having a heart to heart about Sam's feelings and grief over their dad. Grief that Dean is (at that particular moment) doing his best not to wallow in. I don't think it's a coincidence that Dean is considering exploring more of what life has to offer right after John died in suspicious enough circumstances that Dean can guess that some kind of deal was made, even if he doesn't know for sure yet.
SAM: I miss him, man. And I feel guilty as hell. And I'm not all right. Not at all. (Tears in his eyes.) But neither are you. That much I know. (pause) I'll let you get back to work.
But Dean is listening to Sam here as someone who was just starting to think that maybe it's alright to be queer. Who was thinking that maybe the family he has left would accept him. Would understand that being a little different from who they thought was doesn't mean he's evil or predatory.
Dean goes back in the closet and hates himself.
They've been fighting killer clowns in funhouses and now he's hearing "You're not all right" as a sign to stay in the closet.
Because now's not the time. Or "it's not safe" or "think about your family" or how he "can't add one more thing for Sammy to deal with right now." or maybe it's just wrong.
So Dean takes a crowbar to the Impala.
Just last episode it was established that the state of that car reflects the state Dean's in as a person. So I think directly attacking his car like, destroying something he loves and cares about, counts as an indirect form of self harm.
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So Dean beats himself the car up over it. The part of the car specifically made for carrying baggage around.
And stays in the closet.
Which finally brings me to the whole reason this meta demanded to be written. The episode title.
Everybody Loves a Clown by Gary Lewis & The Playboys.
It is a Dean/Ash anthem. Check out the lyrics and tell me this does not sound like Dean "Undiagnosed Adult ADHD, Internalized Homophobia, Closeted Bisexual" Winchester.
I don't know how to say that I love you 'Cause you would smile and say, "Tell a joke or two" Yes, I'm a clown but I don't wanna be Why can'tcha see the other side of me? Guess I'll be the guy who plays the part Of a clown with a broken heart Dreamin' of your love and not knowin' where to start
This is the episode that sold me on the idea Dean is Bi.
Originally I was going to write more about how Martin Creaser is also afraid of clowns and is so convinced that Benny must be predatory. But I think this meta has gotten too long already so I'll leave it here for now.
Dean/Ash took up too much space for me to get to Dean/Benny. But I think I made my case about the clown symbolism well enough without the Martin stuff.
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mia-japanese-korean · 3 years
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Sake cup (guinomi), Koie Ryōji, early 21st century, Minneapolis Institute of Art: Japanese and Korean Art
irregularly shaped black sake cup; large white patch on side with speckled black design Size: 2 1/8 × 3 × 2 13/16 in. (5.4 × 7.62 × 7.14 cm) Medium: Glazed stoneware
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Hi! In 7.14, Sara looked pretty distraught while she and Brass interrogated Jesse, who killed his mom after she put him up for adoption. Do you think the case kind of… had an effect on her? Jesse was in the system and obviously went through trauma due to his mother. It might be a stretch but do you think it was one of the episodes that built up towards her departure in the future (and her eventually kinda patching things up with her mom)?
hi, anon!
this experience is one that i think she definitely reflects back on once she does decide to leave vegas and reunite with her mom.
that said, i believe it's probably more of a justification for than a catalyst of her decision.
here’s how i figure:
certainly, this case affects sara strongly in the moment, as do most cases involving current or former foster children, and especially those with strained relationships with their biological parents.
whenever sara looks at a current/former foster child who is either the victim or perpetrator of a violent crime, she probably thinks, "there but for the grace of god go i."
in particular, jesse's line from the end of the episode probably hits a little too close to home for her: "don't tell me i have a mother, because i don't. i never did. and i never will."
sara definitely knows that feeling, not in the sense of being abandoned since infancy, like jesse was, but rather in the sense that even though she lived with laura during her early years, laura was never really a mother to her in terms of providing for her needs and making her feel cared for and safe; she had too many issues to really parent sara in the way that sara so desperately craved.
i also think sara can relate to jesse with regards to his dual love and hatred for his mother, which is something she talks about at the end of episode 05x21 "committed" within the context of adam trent; while she would never be violent toward laura in the same ways that jesse is and adam wants to be toward their mothers, she understands what it's like to feel such conflicted emotions for one's parent(s).
on the one hand, sara retains a lot of rage for her mother, who was supposed to nurture and shield her when she was young and helpless but failed to (and indeed eventually herself became a major source of pain in sara’s life). on the other hand, even after so many years and so many disappointments, there is still some part of her that would give anything to have her mother swoop in and embrace her and tell her everything will be all right.
she gets the self-loathing that comes from this kind of internal conflict, as well as the disturbing thought patterns.
honestly, that's what probably fucks her up the most in this situation: her awareness that even though she would never take the same actions jesse has, she can understand why he did what he did.
—and that's where i think her distraught look comes in.
it's triggering for her, coming into contact with fractured parent-child relationships in general, but especially in this case, where she feels empathy for the killer.
his parting words haunt her, as in many ways she sees herself in him.
all of the above said, i don't know if after the initial gut-punch wears off she thinks about this case much in the weeks and months that follow, but i do imagine that while she's on the plane to san francisco a year later, she probably hears jesse's words echoing in her mind and ponders whether or not it's going to be possible for her to move past her trauma and "have a mother" in a way he never could.
while this case may not be “the straw that breaks the camel’s back” in terms of actually getting her to leave vegas and go see her mother in the first place, it’s likely something that she looks back on retroactively and thinks, “this is just another example of why i need to address these issues in my life once and for all. i don’t want to be this way anymore. i don’t want to have to carry these kinds of thoughts and feelings around with me forever.”
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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engineerload207 · 3 years
Git Visual Studio Code
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GitDuck is a video chat tool built for developers that has direct integration to the IDE so you can talk, share your code in real-time and easily collaborate with your team. It enables remote developers to work as if they were side by side. With GitDuck you can code with people using different IDEs, like VSCode or WebStorm, IntelliJ or PyCharm.
Visual Studio Connect To Git
Git For Visual Studio Code
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Visual Studio Code has git support built in. You will need to have git version 2.0.0 (or newer) installed. The main features are: See the diff of the file you are editing in the gutter.
The easiest way to connect to your GitHub repositories in Visual Studio. Download GitHub Extension for Visual Studio anyway. Download Download GitHub Extension for Visual Studio. By downloading the extension you agree to the End-User License Agreement. Requires Windows and Visual Studio.
1. Getting Started
1.1 About Version Control
1.2 A Short History of Git
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5. Distributed Git
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6. GitHub
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6.6 Summary
7. Git Tools
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7.15 Summary
8. Customizing Git
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8.4 An Example Git-Enforced Policy
8.5 Summary
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9.3 Summary
10. Git Internals
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10.2 Git Objects
10.3 Git References
10.4 Packfiles
10.5 The Refspec
10.6 Transfer Protocols
10.7 Maintenance and Data Recovery
10.8 Environment Variables
10.9 Summary
A1. Appendix A: Git in Other Environments
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A1.2 Git in Visual Studio
A1.3 Git in Visual Studio Code
A1.4 Git in IntelliJ / PyCharm / WebStorm / PhpStorm / RubyMine
A1.5 Git in Sublime Text
A1.6 Git in Bash
A1.7 Git in Zsh
A1.8 Git in PowerShell
A1.9 Summary
A2. Appendix B: Embedding Git in your Applications
A2.1 Command-line Git
A2.2 Libgit2
A2.3 JGit
A2.4 go-git
A2.5 Dulwich
A3. Appendix C: Git Commands
A3.1 Setup and Config
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A3.3 Basic Snapshotting
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A3.6 Inspection and Comparison
A3.7 Debugging
A3.8 Patching
A3.9 Email
A3.10 External Systems
A3.11 Administration
A3.12 Plumbing Commands
2nd Edition
Git in Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code has git support built in.You will need to have git version 2.0.0 (or newer) installed.
See the diff of the file you are editing in the gutter.
The Git Status Bar (lower left) shows the current branch, dirty indicators, incoming and outgoing commits.
You can do the most common git operations from within the editor:
Initialize a repository.
Clone a repository.
Create branches and tags.
Stage and commit changes.
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Resolve merge conflicts.
View diffs.
With an extension, you can also handle GitHub Pull Requests:https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=GitHub.vscode-pull-request-github.
The official documentation can be found here: https://code.visualstudio.com/Docs/editor/versioncontrol.
Those new to Visual Studio (VS) Code might just see a code editor. The true power of VS Code lies in it’s extensions, integrated terminal and other features. In this hands-on tutorial, you’re going to learn how to use Visual Studio Code by working with a Git repo.
Related:What You Need to Know about Visual Studio Code: A Tutorial
Using built-in VS Code tooling and a few extensions, you’re going to write code and commit that code to source control using a single interface.
This blog post is a snippet of a chapter from the eBook From Admin to DevOps: The BS Way to DevOps in Azure. If you like this chapter and want to learn about doing the DevOps in Azure, check it out!
Tutorial Overview
In this tutorial, you’re going to learn how to use various VS Code features on Windows by building a project using Visual Studio Code and Git. You’ve been tasked with figuring out how to build an Azure VM with Terraform as a small proof of concept (POC) project. You have VS Code and have heard of its capability as a full IDE and want to put it to the test.
You’re going to:
Create a VS Code workspace to share with your team
Install the Terraform extension
Modify the Terraform configuration file to fit your naming convention and Azure subscription
Create a snippet for a common task you’ve found yourself typing over and over
Commit the Terraform configuration file to a Git repo
This tutorial will not be meant to show how to use Terraform to deploy Azure VMs. We already have an article on Terraform and Azure VMs for that. This tutorial will focus on learning Visual Studio Code.
Does this sound like an interesting project? If so, read on to get started!
To follow along with this Visual Studio Code Git tutorial, please be sure you have the following:
VS Code – All examples will be using VS Code 1.44 although earlier versions will likely work as well.
Terraform – All examples will be using Terraform for Windows v0.12.24.
Git for Windows installed – All examples will be using v2.26. If you’d like VS Code to be Git’s default editor, be sure to select it upon installation.
Clone the Git Repo
Since this tutorial is going to be focusing on working with code in a GitHub repo, your first task is cloning that GitHub repo to your local computer.
For this project, you’ll be working from a GitHub repo called VSCodeDemo. Since VS Code has native Git integration, you can clone a Git repo with no additional configuration. To do so:
Open the command palette with Ctrl-Shift-P, type git where you will notice various options, as shown below.
2. Choose Git: Clone which VS Code will then prompt you for the repo’s URL. Here, provide the URL https://github.com/NoBSDevOps/VSCodeDemo.gitand hit Enter.
3. Choose a folder to place the cloned project files. This project will place the repo folder in the root of C:. Once you select the repository location, VS Code will invoke git.exe in the background and clone the repo to your computer.
4. When it’s finished, VS Code will prompt if you would like to open the cloned repository immediately as shown below, click Open to do so.
You now have an open folder in VS Code for the Git repo. You now need to “save” this open folder and all settings you’ll be performing in a workspace.
Creating a Workspace
Now that you have a folder opened containing a Git repo, save a workspace by going up to the File menu and clicking on Save Workspace As….
Save the workspace as project in the project folder. VS Code will then create a file called project.code-workspace in the Git repo folder. This workspace now knows what folder you had opened. Now when the workspace is opened in the future, it will automatically open the C:VSCodeDemo folder.
Now, instead of a folder name, you will see the name of the workspace.
Setting up Extensions
Extensions are one of the most useful features of VS Code. Extensions allows you to bolt on functionality to help you manage many different projects. In this tutorial, you’re going to be working with Terraform.
Open up one of the Terraform configuration files in the workspace along the left sidebar. Notice how an editor tab opens up and shows the text but that’s about it. There’s no usual syntax highlighting or any other features. VS Code thinks this is a plain-text file and displays it accordingly. Let’s remedy that.
For VS Code to “understand” a Terraform configuration file, you need an extension. Extensions are a huge part of VS Code that opens up a world of new functionality. In this case, you need the Terraform extension to assist in building Terraform configuration files and deploying infrastructure with Terraform.
To install the Terraform extension, click on the extensions button on the Activity Bar and search for terraform. You’ll see multiple extensions show up but for this project, click on Install for the top result created by Mikael Olenfalk. VS Code will then install the extension.
Once installed, navigate back to the workspace and click on one of the TF files in the workspace. You’ll immediately see one of the most obvious differences when using an extension, syntax coloring.
Now you can see in the following screenshot that VS Code “knows” what a comment is (by making it green), what a string is (by making it red) and so on. It’s now much easier to read a Terraform configuration file.
There’s a lot more functionality included with Mikael’s Terrafom extension. Be sure to investigate all of the potential benefits you can get from this extension if using Terraform.
Code Editing
Chances are when you find a script or configuration file on the Internet, it’s not going to be exactly how you need it. You’re going to need to modify it in some way.
In this tutorial’s example, you’d like to change the main block label in the infrastructure-before.tf. Terraform configuration file to perhaps project. To do that, you’ll need to find and replace some text. In VS Code, there are multiple ways to do that.
One of the most common ways to find a string and replace it with another is the good ol’ find and replace functionality.
Hit Ctrl-F and you’ll see a dialog similar to the following screenshot. Here you can type in the string you’d like to find and if you click on the down arrow, it will expand and provide a spot to input a string to replace it with. In the screenshot below, you can see options like Aa and Ab| for case-sensitive searching and also regular expressions.
You can also perform a “find and replace” using Ctrl-D. Simply select the text you’d like to find and begin hitting Ctrl-D. You’ll find that VS Code will begin to highlight each instance of that string with a blinking cursor.
When you’ve selected all items, start typing and VS Code changes all instances at once just as if you had selected each one individually.
Saving Time with Snippets
Let’s say you’re really getting into Terraform and Azure and are tired of typing out the Terraform configuration file block to create a new Azure resource group in the following code snippet.
To save time creating these blocks, create a VS Code snippet.
Related:VS Code Snippets: Speed Up Coding with Shortcuts
To create a VS Code snippet:
Copy the azurerm_resource_group block from the Infrastructure-before.tf Terraform configuration file.
2. Open the command palette with Ctrl-Shift-P.
3. Type “snippets” to filter the list of options.
4. Select Preferences: Configure User Snippets. This brings up a list of all the snippet files typically separated by language.
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5. Type “terraform” to filter by the Terraform snippets.
6. Select terraform (Terraform) to open the Terraform snippets file (terraform.json).
Visual Studio Connect To Git
With the Terraform snippets file open, remove all of the comments and copy/paste the following JSON element inside.
Note the use of t and the backslashes. You can’t directly place tab characters inside of a snippet. To represent a tab character, you must use t. Also, you must escape characters like double quotes, dollar signs, curly braces, and backslashes with a backslash.
8. Save the terraform.json file.
Git For Visual Studio Code
9. Go back to the Terraform configuration file and type “rg”. Notice now you see an option to expand a snippet.
10. Select the rg snippet as shown above. Notice that it now expands to the snippet you just created with three items highlighted.
VS Code highlighted each of the words to act as placeholders due to the variables defined in the terraform.json snippets file (${1:block label}).
At this point, you can hit Tab and simply type in the values you need without worrying about how to create the block itself.
For a full breakdown on snippet syntax, be sure to check out the Snippets in Visual Studio Code documentation.
Commit Code to Git
At this point, you’ve cloned a public GitHub repo that contains a couple of Terraform configuration files. You’ve edited some files and now you’re ready to get those changes back up to the GitHub repo.
To get changes back up to the GitHub repo, you must first use Visual Studio Code and Git to commit changes to your local cloned Git repo. When you cloned the GitHub repo earlier, you downloaded not only the configuration files but also a Git repo.
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If you’ve been following along, you should now have the cloned Git repo open with a couple of pending changes, two to be exact. How do you know that? By noticing the number in the Activity Bar, as shown below.
When you have a Git repo opened in Visual Studio Code, you’ll get a glimpse on the number of files that you can stage and commit into a local Git repo in the Activity Bar.
Click on the Source Control item on the left and you’ll see two items; the infrastructure-before.tf Terraform configuration file and the workspace you saved earlier (project.code-workspace). The configuration file will have a red M to the right indicating it’s been modified. The workspace file will have a green U to the right of it because it’s untracked meaning it’s currently not under source control.
To ensure both of these files get back to the GitHub repo, first create a helpful commit message indicating why you’re committing these files. The message can be any descriptive summary. Once you’ve written a commit message, stage the changes. Staging changes in Visual Studio Code in Git adds the file contents to the staging area preparing for a commit to the repo.
While on the Source Control pane, click on the + icon beside each file to stage them as shown below.
Once staged, click on the check mark to commit all of the staged changed, as shown below.
You will probably receive an error message indicating you need to configure a user.name and user.email in Git.
No problem. You simply need to provide Git the information it needs. To do that, go into your VS Code integrated terminal and run the following two commands changing my email address and name for yours.
Now try to commit the files. You should now see that the files commit to the repo.
You can stage all changed files without manually clicking on the + beside each file by committing them all at once. VS Code will automatically stage all of the files for you.
If you were working on a team with a shared repo, the next step would be to push these changes back to the GitHub repo or opening a pull request.
VS Code is a feature-rich IDE. It can not only help you write and understand code better, it can also build and make changes to infrastructure, invoke utilities and more. VS Code provides you one place to manage all of your development efforts.
Although this tutorial only covered a portion of what VS Code can do, this IDE is capable of so much more. If you’d like to learn about what VS Code can do, check out What You Need to Know about Visual Studio Code: A Tutorial.
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A Close Look At The Latest Research Trends Within The Gynaecological Devices Market
Americas held the largest market share in the Gynecological Devices Market: Americas region holds the largest market share in the gynecological Devices Market and is anticipated to reach $6.17 billion by 2023 at a CAGR of 4.04%. However, APAC witnesses highest growth during the forecast period and is expected to reach $5.2 billion by 2023 at a CAGR of 7.14%. North America holds the major share in the global gynecological devices market due to ageing population along the increasing disorder prevalence among the females which is the major driver for gynecological devices market in the region. The key end-users in this region include Hospitals and Clinics among others.
Selected Pricing Analysis was done in the Gynecology Devices Market report:
The pricing concept is used to estimate the pricing standards of the various gynecological devices being used in the market. The average selling prices (ASP)s differ significantly depending upon the end applications of the products.
The price of these devices differs prominently due to the invasive and non-invasive techniques adopted on the basis of the end applications. However, the prices of the general examination and operation equipment don’t vary significantly although the specifications differ according to the devices it is incorporated with.
Excerpts on Gynecology Devices Market Growth Factors:
Hospitals are the major demand areas pertaining to end-users and is estimated to contribute $4,070.33m in revenues for this market by 2022.
Operative laparoscopy is substituting conventional gynecological surgeries. Technological advancements with the adoption of robots for gynecological procedures will drive the laparoscopes market
The United States is the dominant region for the implementation of laparoscopes in gynecological treatments
The market for gynecological laparoscopes is estimated to reach 793 million by 2023 at a CAGR of 4.33%.
Use of these devices for research, development, and training to enhance patient comfort and recovery time is analyzed to propel the market in the future.
To access/purchase the Gynecology Devices Market report browse the link below: https://industryarc.com/Report/4337/Gynaecological-Devices-Market-Research-Report.html
Key players of Gynecological DevicesMarket:
Boston Scientific Corporation, one of the key players in the healthcare industry, acquired IoGyn Inc., a start-up company that specializes in products for gynecology surgery in May 2014 creating a high growth in Gynecological Devices market
Medtronic Plc. is an Irish Company which manufactures medical device company. It is the world’s largest stand-alone medical technology company. It is a public-listed company.
Key competitors for Medtronic Plc. include Dow Corning Corp., Saint Gobain, and Hitachi Cables America Inc. among many others.
Gynecological Devices Market Report is segmented as indicated below  Gynecological Devices Market By Gynecological Products: 1. Endoscopy 2. Endotherapeutic Devices 3. Surgical Instruments 4. Disposals 5. Implants Gynecological Devices Market By Endoscopy Types: 1. Colposcopies 2. Laproscopes 3. Resect Scopes Gynecological Devices Market By Devices 1 Introduction 2 General Examination and Operation Devices 3 Gynecological Examination Couch 3.1 Fixed-Height Gynecological Chairs 3.2 Adjustable Height Gynecological Chairs 4 Female Sterilization Devices and Contraceptive Devices 4.1 Electrical methods 4.2 Tubal micro-inserts 4.3 Tubal Ligation or Excision Methods 4.4 Transdermal patch 4.5 Intrauterine devices (IUD’s) 4.6 Hormonal IUD 4.7 Copper IUD 4.8 Gynaecological implants 5 Gynaecological Endometrial ablation devices 5.1 Microwave endometrial ablation 5.2 Thermal balloon 5.3 Bipolar radiofrequency 5.4 Hydrothermal ablation 5.5 Cryoablation 6 Gynecological Fluid Management Devices 7 Pelvic floor electrical stimulation devices 8 Pelvic organ prolapse repair devices 8.1 Nonsurgical 8.2 Surgical 9 Hysterometers 10 Cervical cytology brushes 11 Gynecological dilators 12 Gynecological finger cots 13 Gynecological curettes 14 Gynecological forceps 15 Breast pumps 16 Intrauterine devices 17 Birth Pools 18 Fetal monitors and dopplers 19 Hysteroscopes • Gynecological Devices Market by End User 1. Introduction 2. Hospitals 3. Clinics/ASP 4. Research Institutes 5. Diagnostic Labs
• Gynecological Devices Market By Geography (Covers 12 + Countries) • Gynecological Devices Market By Entropy
Companies Cited/Referenced/Interviewed in Gynecology Devices Market: • Femcare – Nikomed Limited • Karl StorzGmBH& Co. Kg • Bayer AG • Schmitz U. SÖHNE GmbH & Co. KG • Cooper Surgical Inc. • Hologic, Inc. • Wallach Surgical Devices • Johnson & Johnson • Company 10
What can you expect from the report? The Gynecological Devices Market is Prepared with the Main Agenda to Cover the following 20 points: 1. Market Size by Product Categories 2. Market trends 3. Manufacturer Landscape 4. Distributor Landscape 5. Pricing Analysis 6. Top 10 End-user Analysis 7. Product Benchmarking 8. Product Developments 9. Mergers & Acquisition Analysis 10. Patent Analysis 11. Demand Analysis (By Revenue & Volume) 12. Country-level Analysis (15+) 13. Competitor Analysis 14. Market Shares Analysis 15. Value Chain Analysis 16. Supply Chain Analysis 17. Strategic Analysis 18. Current & Future Market Landscape Analysis 19. Opportunity Analysis 20. Revenue and Volume Analysis FAQ: Does IndustryARC publish country, geography or application based reports in Gynecological Devices Market? Yes, we do have separate reports as mentioned below: 1. Americas Market for Gynecological Devices Share(2018-2023) 2. Europe Market for Gynecological Devices Growth(2018-2023) 3. APAC Market for Gynecological Devices Analysis(2018-2023) 4. RoW Market for Gynecological Devices Insights (2018-2023) 5. General Examination and Operation Device Market for Gynecological Devices Forecast (2018-2023) 6. Gynecological Examination Couch Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 7. Female Sterilization and Contraceptive Devices Gynecological Examination Couch Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 8. Gynecological Endometrial Ablation Devices Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 9. Gynecological Fluid Management Devices Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 10. Pelvic Floor Electrical Stimulation Devices Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 11. Pelvic Organ Prolapse Repair Devices Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023 12. HysterometersMarket for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 13. Cervical Cytology Brushes Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 14. Gynecological dilators Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 15. Gynecological Finger Cots Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 16. Gynecological Curettes Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 17. Gynecological Forceps Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 18. Breast Pumps Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 19. Intrauterine devises Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 20. Birth Pools Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 21. Fetal Monitors and DoplersMarket for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 22. Hysteroscopes Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 23. Hospitals Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 24. Clinics/ASCs Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 25. Research Institutes Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 26. Diagnostic Labs Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 27. Endoscopy Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 28. Endotherapeutic devises Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 29. Surgical Instruments Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 30. Disposals Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023) 31. Implants Market for Gynecological Devices(2018-2023)
Does IndustryARC customize these reports and charge additionally for limited customization? Yes, we can customize the report by extracting data from our database of reports and annual subscription databases. We can provide the following free customization: 1. Increase the level of data in the application or end user industry. 2. Increase the number of countries in geography chapter. 3. Find out market shares for other smaller companies or companies which are of interest to you. 4. Company profiles can be requested based on your interest. 5. Patent analysis, pricing, product analysis, product benchmarking, value and supply chain analysis can be requested for a country or end-use segment.
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 Media Contact: Mr. Venkat Reddy Sales Manager Email 1: [email protected] Or Email 2: [email protected] Contact Sales: +1-614-588-8538 (Ext-101) About IndustryARC: IndustryARC is a Research and Consulting Firm that publishes more than 500 reports annually, in various industries such as Agriculture, Automotive, Automation & Instrumentation, Chemicals and Materials, Energy and Power, Electronics, Food & Beverages, Information Technology, Life sciences &Healthcare.
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