#brandon spats
bogwitchbooks · 2 years
I NEED the Warbreaker sequel. I am desperate to know why Vivenna is chasing Vasher across different worlds
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patrocles · 1 year
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To say that Torrhen Stark's decision to bend the knee to Aegon I was an unpopular one was an understatment. The king had ruled for nearly twenty years by that point and had maintained a rare tenure of peace and agricultural prosperity before the arrival of the Targaryen invaders. But while the decision to give up his crown may have saved the lives of the people of the North, it cost him the respect of his sons, his lords, and his brother, Brandon Snow.
Brandon was nearly a decade younger than the king, only just older than Torrhen's sons. The two had been close all their lives, as Brandon was raised within the royal Stark family amicably. He was trained as a warrior, one of the finest archers of the land. And he was bold, too. But like the rest of the North, Brandon held on to his grudges. It would be many months before Brandon spoke to Torrhen again after bending the knee to Aegon, and many more years before he considered forgiving his elder brother.
Torrhen prevented Brandon from trying to kill the dragons of Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya. Before departing Winterfell, Brandon carved three arrows. He prayed over them, willed the power of the Old Gods to guide them true and slay the beasts. But Torrhen forbade him from using them. They argued and raged at each other before finally Brandon agreed to treat with Aegon, but left his bow behind. By the next morning, Torrhen handed his crown to the conqueror and Brandon spat at his feet.
It was not that Torrhen did not believe his brother could accomplish his mission, and for many years after it haunted him that perhaps he should have let the boy try. But he knew that Brandon would die a martyr in the attempt. Perhaps it as his selfishness to not see his brother, and eventually his sons to die pointless deaths. In the attempt to find a peace, he lost his brother's respect, and his sons struggled to even look at him. Brandon lived in his rage; anger at Torrhen's cowardice, anger at himself for listening to him. But Brandon could not fathom a king's responsability to his country, and did not bear the weight of it. Perhaps Torrhen was preventing his brother from an inevitable failure that which he would be blamed for. The bastard that could not kill a dragon. He gladly kept Brandon's resentment for the rest of his life, if meant saving him that.
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witchersmistress · 2 months
Rescuing Ann
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Hello my beautiful darlings! I've been slacking and letting Ann and August fight amongst themselves. But I got them to work together. I'm not 100% certain how I feel about this so don't be surprised if I
Trigger Warnings: blood, violence, assault, smart ass remarks, chasing, fighting, stolen movie quotes clearly labeled
Word count: 2K
August”s POV
The broken glass crunched under my feet as I walked back into the building. My phone started to vibrate, pulling it out of my pocket and I answered it quickly “ Yes?” “ Sir, we have confirmation that Julian is going to be attacked today, by a group of men called the De Santis brothers. My blood ran cold. Charles, Brandon and Levi. They were absolutely ruthless men, who played twisted games in order to compete with their father.
“Sir, are you still there?” my second in command, Jace asked me. Releasing the breath I was holding “ Yes I'm still here, get a team ready, I'm going after her.” disconnecting from the call, I left the party and climbed into the black sedan that was waiting for me. Shooting a text off to an old number that I prayed was still active, hoping I wasn't too late to save her.
Ann’s pov
His chilling threat still clung to my skin, “You will pay for making me look stupid” he was on his third glass of whiskey as the driver pulled into a long driveway. Taking in a deep breath as i observed the house, it looked warm and inviting but the man who lived here was anything but, i know i was expected to go home with him but i’ll be damned if that fool thinks that he will be able to touch me, i’ll die before i let that happen. Stepping out the car I followed Julian inside, the front door locking behind me and trapping me inside. “Second bedroom on the right, go upstairs now” he spat at me as he made his way towards his  liquor cabinet. Taking off my heels I jogged up the stairs and into that bedroom shutting behind me. Leaning my head back I took in a few deep breaths before peeling myself off the door and out of this damn dress. Sliding my arms out of the straps, I began to tug the dress over my head. I'll be damned if I ask Julian to help me. Tossing the dress to the floor in a mess of cabernet tulle, I moved over to the full length mirror and stared at my reflection. My strappy lingerie clung to my curves, dark hair falling down my back, I looked and felt like a Goddess and the only man that I wanted worshiping at my altar was August. I wonder if I hold as much power over him as he does me. I let my glance linger for a few moments longer, before stripping out of those and climbing into a hot shower.
In comfy black pjs I was about to settle into bed for the evening when the door flung open to reveal Julian, standing my ground I waited for him to say something. “ You embarrassed me tonight, you know that, by letting the Walker hold on to you like a little lost puppy. It's pathetic really, but do you know how that made me look, that my wife-to-be  is a wanton whore for an American CIA agent?!?!” he is practically foaming at the mouth. “I’d rather be his whore than your wife” Did i just quote the Titanic at him yes i did. I turned around to walk away from him, but he reached out and grabbed my still damp hair and pulled me back to him. Scream and clawing at the hand that held my hair, he spoke is a dark tone “ If you want to act like a whore that is how i am going to treat you do you understand me” the hand that was holding my hair lowered, i turned my head and bit him like a rabid dog “ You fucking bitch”  he snarled as  punched me in the gut and i stumbled back into the frame of the canopy bed, landing against it with a heavy and my head with a sickening crack. My vision was fuzzy for a few moments but I got my bearings and stood on shaky legs, ready to face him.
“ I could do this all day” I taunted him, yes I quoted Captain America, leave me alone. Wrapping a hand towel around the bite on his hand, he just smirked. “ You think you're funny?” I cocked my head “ I think I’m adorable”  he sneered and lunged at me, skirting around him so he crashed into the bed, I tripped and landed on my ass, such a clumsy thing. This felt like a sick and twisted game of cat and mouse, but I'd be dead if this kitty cat caught me. Staggering into the hallway, I braced myself as Julian came charging out, and grabbed my waist. I whipped my head back crashing straight into his nose with a satisfying crunch and it began to gush like a fountain. With a sharp jab to his gut he stumbled back and towards the stairs, he grabbed my shirt and pulled me with him as we went down the stairs. Breathing hurt, moving hurt, everything fucking hurts. Shoving Julian off me, I struggled to my feet. When the patio doors burst open and three men dressed in black and came charging in with guns pointed. Julian sprung up from the floor and wrapped an arm around my throat “ Who the fuck are you?” he hissed at the men.
One of them laughed like an absolute lunatic. “ Wow I knew you were dumb but I didn't expect you to be that stupid. We are here for you dumbass” one of the other goonies moved at the speed of lightning and rushed at him. He threw me to the side to protect himself, stumbling on my feet. I bolted for the patio door when I was snatched by the third goon. “Easy poppet, we wouldn't want to hurt you know would we?” he sneered, his breath reeking of whiskey and cigarettes. I audibly gag as he continues to breathe on me as he secured my hands behind my back with zip ties.i could feel them biting into my skin, the big goon laughed as i attempted to rub my wrist together to relieve the pain “ What's wrong? Cant handle a little bondage?” he wiggled his eyebrows at me, disgusting pig. I spit in his face and he was pissed, he punched me in the stomach with full force, doubling over in pain he grabbed my head and slammed it off the counter. Fuck now i really was seeing stars, i could feel warm liquid pouring down my face  “ Charles” one of the shadows snapped “ Leave her be, she has no part of this” i laughed out loud, i clearly was losing my mind as Charles pushed me into a chair “ Charles, you fucking name is Charles? Jesus, you must have been such a mama’s boy eh Charlie boy” i cackled and threw my head back with laughter. If I was going to die tonight might as well have the last laugh. Charles was seething “ You better watch your fucking mouth or i’ll make you sorry you ever opened it” he walked towards, his keeper and Julian. One day I am going to learn to shut my goddamn mouth but today is not the day.
Snorting loudly as my vision became blurry and my head began to spin. “ With an attitude like that, you must have to tie up all your girls to get attention. Even then you probably have a hard time satisfying them with that tic tac in your pants you call a penis. Oh sweet baby jesus, i did it, his control snapped “ Charles no” julians goon screamed as he spun around and came right for me, tackling me to the ground, my head met the ground with a snap and the chair broke under our combined weight as he reared back and clocked me in the face, spitting the blood at him, i smiled as my eyes crossed. Well I clearly was on death’s door as I heard more voices and I vaguely saw the blue eyes of my savior, August. He grabbed my face and talked to me. “Ann dont you dare, keep your eyes open. Look at me” he growled, I forced my eyes open for the last time. I smiled at him as blood dripped from my mouth “ Déjame ir” Let me go. Uttering my last goodbye as he drifted further and further away from my vision, his voice blending in with the white noise in my head, I closed my eyes for the last time. 
Unknown POV
He called me and made me promise that she wouldn't get hurt. I was a fool to make a promise. I thought I could keep her safe. I raced back into the formal dining room but I was too late. Charles had her laid out flat on the floor and he was beating her. I whistled at my other guy who dropped Julian’s unconscious ass like a sack of potatoes and raced over to help me pull Charles off of her. “ Charles no, we need her alive” he was foaming at the mouth and he was struggling to get out of our hold. He was so desperate to get to her, to finish what we started as she was on her side choking on blood. Charles grunted and went limp in our arms, I looked over my shoulder and saw him. The person who begged me to protect her, someone I was equal parts terrified and proud to call my brother, August Walker. He ran to her and tried to get her to stay awake, but as she slipped away into the night, he looked back at me, his eyes full of murder. I may have been his brother but I was most certain that I wasn't going to survive the night.
August’s pov
pushing passed Levi and Brandon, knowing I'd deal with them later, I scooped you into my arms and took off.
*a few hours later*
Pretty sure I've worn a groove into the floor waiting to hear from the surgeon. They rushed you into immediate surgery upon our arrival and that was several hours ago. Sitting down, I hung my head. Already tormenting myself if you didn't make it. “Hey” a voice started me, looking up to see Levi holding out a cup of coffee to me. I smiled softly and took it from him. He sat besides, bouncing his leg impatiently. “August,” he began but I cut him off. “Don't,” I said, “ I will deal with him accordingly.” He nodded as he looked down at his cup of coffee.
“Mr. Walker?” A petite nurse called. Standing up I walked over to her. “ They just finished up the surgery, if you would follow me” I glanced back at Levi and he nodded as I walked with the nurse. She pointed to your room, and I thanked her. I expected to walk in and see you awake and talking but you weren't. You were still hooked up to machines. A tube was breathing for you. I wanted to scream, I wanted to rage. The surgeon rambled on about what they did and your prospective recovery. Walking over and grabbing your hand. Your hand was warm in mine, I squeezed it but there was no response. “ How long until she wakes up?” I asked him as I watched that machine breathe for you.
Clearing his throat “ I’m sorry Mr. Walker” he started i stared daggers at him waiting for him to continue “ She went through a long surgery and we almost lost her. Her brain has severely swollen so we placed her in a medically induced coma to help heal her brain '' I don't know if there was a disconnect in my brain but I wasn't clearly understanding. Levi stood in the doorway with a heavy sigh he just looked at you “ In plain terms Doc” he muttered and the dr turned towards him and nodded “ Mr. Walker, i'm not sure if she will ever wake up” my knees buckled from the weight, she may never wake up..
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masonmtxo · 2 years
Late Night Gossip
Note: I havent written anything in ages but came up with this after some discussions ive seen on the feed recently. Its super short and not proof read but enjoy!
Feedback is obvs always welcome ❤️
Note: somehow the first half of this deleted and I havent got it saved anywhere so sorry if its a little confusing at first 😫
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Your let yourself through the front door of your house, instantly plopping to the floor in order to remove your far too tight heels. The stairway light suddenly flicked on, distracting your attention for your current task to see your boyfriend standing at the top of the stairs in a pair of tight black boxers, sleepy eyes squinting in confusion.
“Hi baby!” You grinned, spinning back onto your bum and sitting up to wave at him as he slowly descended the stairs.
Having made his way down to you, he was quick to realise the extend of your drunkenness, reaching down to gently pull you to your feet.
“Wasn’t expecting you back tonight otherwise I would’ve waited up,” he mumbled as he crouched down to unbuckle your first shoe and lightly rubbing your foot as it was released from its cramped position, “thought you were staying round Alicia’s tonight?”
You leant on his naked back for balance, sighing in contentment as your second shoe was removed, your other foot also receiving a quick massage before Mason rose to his full height.
“Thank you,” you whispered, pecking his lips before leaning into his chest for a cuddle, you drunken brain automatically seeking his comfort, “I was gonna but Brandon was being a dick when he picked us up so I asked to come home instead.”
“What happened?” He stepped back from your embrace before guiding you towards the kitchen, standing you in front of the counter with his hands around your waist as he waited for a response.
“They were arguing before we went out, apparently Brandon didn’t want her going out in the dress she was wearing,” you stated, Mason not replying as he waited for you to finish, sensing there was more to the story as he lifted you onto the counter.
“So she wore it anyway as he was being a controlling pig,” you spat, causing Mason to snort as he ran the tap and filling you a glass of cold water. “And we took some banging pictures in the loos when we got there that we were posting on our stories-“
“I saw,” he interrupted with a smirk, handing you the glass and gesturing for you to take a drink before you continued, “you looked really really ‘banging’ tonight”
You shared a grin, pecking his lips again in thanks as you wrapped both your arms and legs around his body stood between your thighs. “Shame Brandon cant appreciate his girlfriend looking nice too. He kicked off with her, called her a slut and implied she was going to try and cheat on him. Kept ringing and texting the whole night, eventually Alicia answered and he told her he was coming to get us. I wasn’t ready to leave yet,” you pouted.
Mason glanced up towards the clock behind you, noting it was only half past 1, much earlier than you would normally get home after a night out with your best friend.
“Well Brandon is a complete prick, we know that. Should’ve stayed and ignored him, you know ill always come and get you both and Alicia knows shes always welcome to stay here,” he spoke into your neck between soft kisses.
“I know, but you were tired after the match and he would’ve just come in and caused a scene anyway when he got there if Alicia didn’t come out,” you groaned, frustrated at how your night turned out, now considerably more sober after reciting the story to Mason.
“She needs to just break up with him,” Mason shrugged. That was one of your favourite things about your boyfriend, he loved a gossip about your friends and was always there with an ear, ready to listen and give his opinion when needed on the drama at hand. No girly topic was off limits, Mason giving his two cents about everything from boyfriends to bitchy arguments about clothes.
“Ive been telling her that for ages but she never listens,” you rolled your eyes, leaning back from his embrace to press a string of kisses against his softly pouted lips. “Can we go to bed now, and cuddle?” You asked, tiredness now taking over.
“Obviously,” he smirked, hands cupping your bum as he lifted you up from the counter, stepping away to carry you up to your unmade bed that he had occupied solo earlier on in the night.
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obsessedwithhotmen · 3 months
⇾ (The walking dead) Brandon Carver x gn!reader
⇾ Summary: you insists that the both of you should leave the Reapers and Brandon gets upset.
⇾ Warnings: slight angst.
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You had been thinking about it for a while now, running away. The first time you debated on whether or not it would be a good idea, was when Brandon had come back to your shared bedroom all bloody and bruised. While on a hunt he had made a mistake, which ultimately resulted in a beating from Pope and some of the other camp members. Ever since that day he had become more ruthless than ever, even at times he would express his anger onto you, although he always hid it under the excuse of him just trying to protect you.
You were scared, not only for yourself but for Brandon more than anything. He had such a valuable role in the camp, being one of the main guys that went out and fought a lot, you always feared that one day he wouldn't make it back to your room, and you were growing sick of that constant fear.
His eyes were trained on you, head tilted slighting as he examined the way that you were lost in thought. "Babe.." he called out, attempting to gain your attention. You gave no reaction, not even noticing that he was speaking to you. "Y/n!" He stood in front of you, snapping his fingers in your face, finally bringing you out of your state. "What's goin' on in that pretty head of yours?" He questioned, frowning as he wasn't met with your usual smile.
A sigh escaped your lips. "I've been thinking..." you trailed off, debating whether or not it was a good idea to tell him the truth. You hesitated for a bit before finally coming to the conclusion that you would tell him what you were thinking about. "I think we should leave." You admitted, meeting his eyes bashfully.
His gaze hardened as he stared down at you. "What?" He snarked, brows furrowing and and jaw slacking as he went to respond but nothing came out. He moved away from you, letting out a scoff and shaking his head. "No, don't ever suggest something like that again." He spat, rolling his eyes and walking out of the room.
You would've liked to say that you were left completely and utterly shocked by his reaction, but the truth was, you weren't. You had grown accustomed to these kind of responses whenever you said something he wasn't too fond of. He would leave before getting a response, and then wouldn't return until the next day, sometimes even more.
Tears welled in your eyes as you stared at the door that he had walked through and closed on his way out. All you wanted was for him to be safe, and you didn't even get the opportunity to explain that to him.
You hadn't expected a return from him, believing that it would take him until the next day for him to show his face to you again, but as you lay in bed - prepared to go to sleep all alone which was something you had grown a habit of - you heard the door opening and closing.
Your head shot up, thinking that somebody else had entered the room, only to frown as you saw Brandon stood with a guilty expression on his face. "What's wrong?" You asked, presuming that something else had happened while he was gone.
He walked further into the room, yanking at the belt that held all his weapons, before proceeding to aggressively undo his jacket and throwing that somewhere on the floor. His shirt followed shortly after and then his cargo pants. He was left in nothing more than his boxers when he walked over to the other side of the bed and laid down beside you.
You were left confused as he tugged you close to him and insisted that you laid your head on his warm chest. His arms wrapped around you, tightly hugging you as if you were trying to escape from his hold. "Brandon..? What's going on?" You questioned.
"Sorry I left like that, but you can't ever suggest somethin' like that again, alright? If someone had of heard you, they would've reported back to Pope and you would've been thrown into the fire or somethin' worse. As much as I want you get the fuck away from this place, we can't. Not yet at least." He caved in and finally explained why he left so quickly earlier. "You have to understand, I'm not gonna entertain a conversation that could result in your death." He mumbled, making sure his voice was kept in a hushed whisper so that anyone outside couldn't hear him.
Your body relaxed, happy to hear that he wasn't actually mad at you, but at the situation you were both stuck in. "I'm sorry. It just sucks seeing you have to do all the dirty work. I don't like the way he treats you and the fact that you can be gone for so long and I don't even know if your still alive most days." Your voice broke as you explained your side of the argument, not even wanting to imagine the day that he doesn't return home.
"That ain't gonna happen, alright? And- and if somethin' does go wrong, just know I fought my hardest to be back here with you. Your the only thing keepin' me goin'. Had you not been here, than I would've given up a long time ago." He placed a kiss on your forehead, hand rubbing up and down your clothes back to reassure you.
A tear rolled down your cheek at his words. "I'm so scared, Brandon. What if you don't come back one day? What am I supposed to do? I can't stay here by myself." You sobbed, pressing your face harder into his chest once the tears flooded.
"It'll all be okay, you hear me? Nothing will happen." He replied, trying to soothe you, but it was no use, the thought was already in your head and there was no way you would be able to calm down. "I'd kill every person left on earth before I leave you alone with Pope."
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damon-loves-pie · 2 years
You’ll Always Have Me.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader.
Word count is about 1,700 words. 
Warnings: 18+, character is 18+, alcohol, abuse, glory beating.
Summary: Main character is Dustin’s older sister and she ended up getting beat on by her kid’s dad. She leaves him and he follows meeting an angry Eddie who shows him what it’s like to get beat on. Right now it’s (Y/N but might get a character name if story continues.)
Author’s note: I was planning on making this a whole series haven’t decided on a name for the character or the series. But I just had to share. For now it’s going to stay being an imagine, but let me know PLEASE in the COMMENTS if you want more. I have tons of ideas. There will end up being cute fluffy scenes where Eddie cares for the kids if it extends. 
You’ll Always Have Me Masterlist
Writing Masterlist
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You grip your face shocked, feeling the warmth rush to your skin. Your boyfriend Brandon shocked, drunkenly taken back glancing at his hand in front of him. You step back tears starting to fall down your face. He hit you again, after he said he wouldn't.
"I'm done." You barely whisper, running out of the room. The adrenaline starts pumping through your veins as you start to stuff your clothes and the kids clothes into a diaper bag. You were just trying to help your crying son who was only 8 months old. Brandon didn't like that and pushed you away from him, in his drunken state and told you that you weren't allowed to till the argument was over. Angered you pushed him back, which resulted in him giving you a clean slap to the face.
It was so loud when it happened, echoing in your ears. You had just asked him to please stop drinking like you have done for the last 3 almost 4 years. This wasn't the first time Brandon had laid his hands on you, but you promised yourself if he did it again you were leaving. You sniffle, wiping your tears away as you grab your daughter who was sleeping soundly in her bed. She looked so peaceful, not knowing what was going on in the next room. She was just turned 2, so innocent and pure.
You pushed the thoughts out of your head as she stirs in your arms. "Mommy?" She whimpers, making your heart ache knowing this was best for all of you. "Shhh it's okay baby," You whisper giving a small kiss to her temple. As you inhale, preparing yourself for the mess you will find in the living room.
"(Y/N) please don't do this," Brandon begs, grabbing your hand as you set your daughter down. You feel rage come over your whole body as you rip your hand back. "Don't I do this?" Where was that thinking when you slapped me? When you shoved me down on the ground bruising my whole side? When you choked me on multiple different occasions?" You spat at him, moving towards your sleeping son.
"I didn't mean to do any of it." He begs, moving to his knees. He looked pathetic and drunk on the ground. "You were sober for most of that." You shake your head, slowly putting the sleeping angel into his car seat. "(Y/N) please I can't live without you." He cries, still on his knees. You sigh, grabbing your keys, the kids, and your belongings. You walk over to the door and turn around. "Well I'm sorry Brandon but I can."
The cold night air hits your face as you walk to your car. Tears streaming down your face as you realize you are doing this. You are leaving, and you are going to be leaving for good. This isn't like any other times.
Where do I go? You wreak your brain glancing at the clock. 10:48 pm. Great, what day is it? Thursday? No it's Friday. I could go to my mom's. But who even knows if she's awake. What would she think if I went there? Is Dustin home? Would he be awake?
You mind races as your subconscious drives you to where it knows you should go. Home. Your heart races as you pull into the driveway to see your little brother already outside, and he wasn't alone. He smiles and waves, but looks confused on why you were there. Do you have the kids? Is everything alright, he wondered. You start to shake knowing everyone will soon know about the one thing you've been hiding for years. How Brandon actually treated you.
Getting out of the car you felt embarrassed that it got to this point. But you were a stay at home mom, who's in college, luckily this is your last semester for you associates degree.  But the thing was you're only 20 years old. During all of your thinking your little brother had walked up to the car. "Is everything alright (Y/N)?" He asks you, putting his hand on your shoulder. You turn to look at him, tears welding in your eyes as you just let all of your emotions go.
"Shhhh. What happened?" Dustin tries to calm you, rubbing your back. You sniffle hard, and go to speak, lifting your head off his shoulder. You make eye contact with him and break down again, sobbing even harder. How could you, his older sister tell him you messed up your life? You were too busy crying to notice the group of boys who slowly joined around the vehicle, wondering what could possibly be wrong. Among the group was Eddie Munson, originally in your class.
"He hit me for the last time." You sniffled, lifting your head to see all the jaws drop around you. That sight just make you cry harder. You felt weak, and like a failure for having even gotten into a relationship like that. Let alone having kids with someone like that. "He hit you?" Dustin asks, shocked the words came out of your mouth. If he's being honest he never cared for Brandon. He always thought he wasn't good enough for you. "Yes, but tonight was the last time I'm ever allowing it to happen." You sigh, pulling back and wiping your wet skin with the back of your hand. You all see a car pull up behind you on the road, not just any car though. Brandon's.
He hops out, not knowing what to expect. She's never told anyone before, maybe tonight would be the same he thought. "Just leave Brandon." You yell, turning and pointing back to his car. Eddie was furious though, seeing him walking like nothing mattered. How dare he put his hands on you? On anyone? "She said go." Eddie spoke up, loudly making everyone look at him. This is when you finally noticed who all was standing around you. What was Eddie doing here with your little brother? You haven't seen him since high school, I mean besides at the store here and there. You haven't actually had a conversation since your senior year 2 years ago.
"Stay out of this Munson," Brandon spits. Eddie smirks, feeling anger taking over his every move. "Or else what Smith? You gonna put your hands on me too?" Eddie asks, walking closer to him ever so slightly adjusting his rings. Brandon stops in his tracks, eyes widening slightly as he realized everyone knew. "I-I-I didn't mean to." He stutters, backing up slightly. "Sounds to me like it wasn't the first time." Eddie shrugs, continuing towards the boy. "It wasn't," you tell him, letting him know all he needed to know. Brandon sees Munson and the rest of the boys start moving towards him and turns around heart beating fast. He runs, hoping to make it to his car scared of the fate that sits before him.
He wasn't fast enough though. Turns out Eddie can move quickly when he's pissed. Brandon feels his body slam against the car, someone pulling his hair back lifting it off the cool metal. "I always knew you were a little bitch Smith." Eddie tells the boy, pulling his neck back, so he has to look at him. "Hitting girls is a low blow, especially the mother of your children." Eddie spits at him, slamming his head onto the car, causing blood to trickle from his nose. "Ohh," the young boys gasp, surprised at the sight in front of them. None of them had ever really have seen this side of Eddie. You feel a moment of happiness, part of you wanting to stop the scene but part of you happy to see he was finally getting what was coming.
If you're being honest it's hot to see Eddie like this, defending you. You always had a little thing for Eddie but got with Brandon when you were 16. You didn't expect the relationship to go where it did, but here you are with your two kids in the car leaving him. You watch as Eddie turns Brandon around, giving him a swift punch to the jaw. Eddie's rings made Brandon's jaw deliver a loud crack when meeting the bone sitting underneath his skin. Brandon grips his face, and falls forward onto the ground, trying to run away. Eddie smirks adjusting his rings again as he talks a step towards the pathetic boy.
"Still like hitting things Smith? Feel good to get beat on?" Eddie taunts, giving him a good kick in the leg. Brandon falls onto the ground groaning. Everyone watches the fight unfold wondering if they should intervene. "You should of left when she told you to." Eddie chuckles, giving him one last good kick to the abdomen. Brandon groans, arms moving to his lower stomach. Eddie squats down and lights a cigarette, grabbing the beat up boy by his shirt. He blows out smoke as he looks at him.
"Now you are going to leave, and not come back?" Eddie points at him, cigarette getting so close to Brandon's skin. He nods as Eddie smirks, standing up and dragging Brandon with him. "Go." He shoos, pushing the boy to his vehicle. We all watch as Eddie stands in the road, waving Brandon goodbye. Everyone besides you starts to clap applauding the man. You were too shocked, still not believing the events that took place tonight. Eddie makes his way to the driveway, looking up from his feet.
Your eyes meet as he walks up to you. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." He tells you, scratching the back of his head. His heart breaks at the look in your eye, seeing how broken you were. Eddie has always been fond of you, and was upset when you got with Brandon. When he found out you were having his baby he was sure that his chance with you was gone.
"Thank you." You manage to muster out. "Anytime love, you'll always have me." He nods at you, taking one last drag.
Please comment if you want this as a fic so I know. PLEASEEEE.
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general incivility, chapter three
                              - a brienne x jamie pride & prejudice retelling -
chapter one l chapter two  l chapter three
Brienne woke,  still in the previous evening’s ill humor. She had forgotten to close the shade and thus was rudely awakened despite seemingly only just falling asleep. She lay there for a moment, knowing Septa Roelle would not begrudge her a lie-in after her evening at the assembly.  For a second, she was tempted to do just that. Lie there, stewing in the memories of Tyrion Lannister’s voice, bordering on admiration but landing in disbelief, and green eyes, dabbling in disbelief but ending, as they always did, in revulsion. 
Instead, Brienne rolled out of bed and laced on her boots. She donned an old threadbare gown before she quietly made her way down the stairs. Faint snores emanated from Septa Roelle’s room, even though the kitchen staff were already awake and seeing breakfast. The scully maid was too busy poking worriedly at the unrising loaf of bread in the oven, so Brienne grabbed an apple from the basket before anyone could see and slipped outside. Mr. Tarth may pay their wages, but Septa Roelle ran the staff with an iron grip, if any of them saw Brienne up this early, they’d have fetched the matron at once. 
Despite the lingering humidity, the early spring air was frigid this morning. It felt refreshing and by the time Brienne had made her way to her gate, she was wide awake and eager to start her day. Taking another large, satisfactory bite of her apple, Brienne meandered down the path to the Colonel’s yard. Having foregone a bonnet, she tipped her face to the cloudless sky to enjoy the warmth against her skin.
“Dinna expect to see you, this morn.”
Inhaling deeply, Brienne lowered her gaze to where the Colonel stood at his gate. “Morning,” she greeted before finishing the apple with another large crunch. Juice ran down her fingers, and she was tempted to lick her fingers clean, but she didn’t dare. Colonel Brandon was a lot of things, but he was also still a man. One more interested in other men, whether for the love of boxing or for another kind of pleasure, Brienne couldn’t say. Nor did she care. 
Forging the pleasures of the apple, Brienne lowered her hand to her side, discreetly wiping her fingers against her skirt. It was ruined anyway; being slightly sticky and smelling of apples was hardly the worst thing to befall it. “You’re finally fixing it?” she nodded to the gate, one creaky hinge slightly off-kilter and causing the entire panel to sag into the dirt of the path. 
“Thought I’d have the time.” The Colonel spat into the bushes as he leaned against the fence post he was repairing. “What with you having had the ball or what not.”
“The assembly,” Brienne corrected. 
“Word is the new master of Morne Manor is the runt of the litter. Any truth to that?” Brienne recalled the mismatched eyes crinkled up at her in solidarity, a queer sort of understanding between two outsiders. “He seems like a good man,” was all she said. 
The Colonel snorted. “Your a’ great deal too kind to people in general, lass. You never speak a cruel word of anyone, including those who deserve it.”
Brienne’s grip tightened around the apple core until juice squeezed between her knuckles to drop to the dirt beneath her boots. “Up for a bit of sport this morning?” Brienne proposed. 
“Most ladies would be talking my ear off about the new lord and his company,” the Colonel observed as he swung the gate open to permit her entry. 
Brienne tossed the apple core aside. “And what would I have to say about the new tenants? Lord Tyrion is shorter than most, this is true- but he possesses no shortage of wit. He danced nearly every dance and conversed with all that approached him.”
“Beggars cannae be choosers,” the Colonel grunted as he dropped into a ready position. 
Brienne followed suit. “He was a deal more pleasurable than his brother or their cousin.”
“Heir to the Rock dinnae have to be pleasurable. A dwarf bastard does.”
“He’s not-”
“Fists up!’ The Colonel had taken a swing at her, and she stumbled to the left to avoid the jab. 
“I wasn’t ready!” she protested in disbelief. 
“Stop your chattering then,” he advised, feinting back before issuing a clean uppercut. Brienne blocked it, and he danced away, giving her a precious moment to compose herself. “Always be ready. Distractions are just that, distractions.”
They fell into a familiar pattern. The Colonel was older, slower, but precise. He waited for her to drop her guard before dancing close. Brienne circled slowly, keeping her fists up. She was careful to keep her feet light, knees bent, elbows close as she watched her opponent. 
The next time he came at her, she was ready. She feinted to the left, and when he followed, she sidestepped neatly. He floated past her, already turning on his heel, but she pressed the advantage. She had him against the fence with three quick punches. He raised his elbows, took the hits, and returned them in equal force.
He was a tall man, maybe as tall as Jamie Lannister, but he had been brawnier in his youth, where the young lion was lean. Now, the Colonel’s brawn had withered away to a hollow chest, leathery sinews, and a weathered face. Still, they both had that same easy grace of a soldier in their movements and in the way they looked at her, sizing her up not as a woman but as an opponent.
The Colonel lashed out, and Brienne, caught in her recollection of the handsome stranger, barely raised an elbow to block him. His punch landed on her chin. She staggered backward, and instinct took over. She pitched forward to offset her momentum, throwing out her left hand wildly to prevent the Colonel from pressing his advantage, but he was already lowering his arms.
“Ah,” he groaned, rubbing his cheek with the back of his hand. “You here or somewhere else this mornin’, lass? I havene got such an easy hit since you were sprouting ringlets.”
Brienne straightened, internally cursing herself for three times a fool. “Here,” she proclaimed before dropping into a fighter’s stance. Boxing was her respite, her haven. Here, everything else faded away to the dance. She was no longer too big, too tall, too strong- here, she was no lady, no one’s daughter,  just a boxer. 
A damn good one too.
Brienne released a flurry of jabs and punches, ducking once, twice, three times before landing an uppercut before spinning away. The Colonel did not follow, taking the time to set back up before she came towards him again. This time, she danced around him in a circle, just out of reach. Her skirt flapped about her ankles, but she paid it no mind. It was nothing to her. Here, she was not the Beauty, the maid of Tarth, or an unfortunate wench. Here, she was Brienne.
As the sparring practice continued back at Morne Manor, the trio of Lannisters were just arriving home. Jamie and Cersei stumbled off to sleep, but Tyrion, still slightly drunk on brandy and good times, made his way to the breakfast room.
The staff had already laid out the morning meal, noticeably less than most mornings but perfectly suited for his needs. There was toast and porridge, a rather large pot of coffee, which he ignored, and boiled eggs. He helped himself to a bit of everything, humming some country tune he had just learned that evening. His legs were cramping terribly, but overall, he was in such a fantastic mood he could barely be bothered to care.  He was free. Free to do whatever he liked, such as throw the plate to the floor, demand more brandy, or fall asleep in his porridge. Here, clear on the other side of Westeros, his father’s shadow was not quite as long. Tyrion had six thousand pounds to his name, an estate of his own, and was quite satisfied with the arrangement as it stood.  
Unbidden, he thought of Tysha and how well she would like it here, but the thought sucked all the joy out of the morning. Tyrion crashed back to earth, all too aware of what he was, what others must have thought of him. He grew somber as he stared out the window across his new garden, where the trees were starting to bud, and dew glistened on every blade of grass. It was shaping up to be a beautiful day, yet his mood darkened. 
Tysha was a sore spot, much like an abscessed tooth. He ought to leave it alone, but he found he could not. How did one forget their first love? Their only love?
A whore, Tyrion corrected with a shake of his head. “I ought to have known,” he said aloud as he looked down at his stubby fingers where they clutched the knife and fork. “Ah, but it was a sweet lie while it lasted.”
Humming the same tune from earlier, he hopped down and made his way towards his bed. He was growing aware of the alcohol leaving his system and the dregs of exhaustion growing too pronounced to ignore much longer. At the top of the stairs, he stopped to look about his manor.
Red and gold hung everywhere, all orchestrated by Jamie in some misguided guise to remind Tyrion he was a Lannister. Poor, dim Jamie had never understood their father did not think of Tyrion as anything more than a cruel jape, a millstone about his neck. 
“Well, father,” Tyrion drawled. “I would have been happy with a cottage in the woods with a whore for the rest of my days, but I suppose I’ll make a go of playing the lord’s son.”
He had not expected Jamie to come with him. He had barely spoken to his brother since Tysha but Jamie had been there at his departure and throughout the journey east. And just as he had always been, Tyrion was somehow comforted by his presence. 
After all, the two had been close as far back as Tyrion’s earliest memories. In spite of all their great oppositions, Tyrion loved his brother even though they could not be more different in temperament or life experience. Tyrion had learned at an early age to charm with wit and quip but Jamie had always been loved for his beauty and brawn and never developed any charm. He was blunt and bold, and people permitted it because he was heir to Westeros's richest estate.
And yet here he was, with Tyrion, attending dances and setting up manors, all things Jamie Lannister hated. 
On the way back from the assembly, Tyrion had pressed Jamie for his thoughts on the Stormland assembly, eager to hear what his brother had to say. “Very pleasant people, these Stormlanders,” Tyrion had declared. Sure, people had whispered and pointed but they had done that in the Westerlands as well.  “And the girls- as pretty as any girl in Lannisport,” he needled, watching Jaime’s face closely. 
Jamie just lifted an eyebrow and went back to watching the horizon roll past as Cersei dozed beside him. He had spent the evening in abject boredom, having found the company dull and vapid. The girls had not been any prettier than any he had seen before, the country fashion far out of style and the dances clumsy at best. The talk had been of weather and crops, same town gossip, and that of the militia coming to town by summer. He had been bored within the first hour of their arrival. 
Though, there had perhaps been one note of interest, that huge hulk of a woman, the one his brother had called the Beauty of Tarth.  He had been taken aback when he had first laid eyes on her. Her strange, homely face had been so open he could read every thought crossing her mind- but then he had seen her arms- capped in ridiculous sleeves and adorned in white gloves- the lace only served to accentuate the tendons in her arms, the curve of the muscle, the only curves she possessed judging by the way her gown fell in a shapeless sack. 
Jamie would have taken odds the horrible excuse for a dress hid a waist as thick as a tree trunk. And by the time he had remembered himself, she had been flushed as red as a Lannister flag, every inch of flushed skin covered in freckled skin that spoke of too many days in the sun. She had somehow managed to disappear into the crowd before he could get another look at her. Surprising considering her broad shoulders and the fact she had towered over even him. 
Brienne the Beauty. Whoever had given her name had been in his cups—there was truly nothing beautiful about that poor creature. Brienne the Brute, Brienne the Bear—he amused himself with the various nicknames, her name rolling around in his mind like wine in a cup—each new alliteration causing him to grin: Brienne the Barbarian, Brienne the Beast, Brienne, Brienne, Brienne.
As he fell into his bed, Jaime stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. Despite his exhaustion, whenever he closed his eyes, he could only see a pair of rather remarkable sapphire eyes. 
AN: I honestly can only blame @butterednuggets17, who commented and reminded me this existed. After that, it would not leave my head, so I wrote some more of it.
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medium-observation · 10 months
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Beetlejuice - First US National Tour
February 19, 2023 - Medium Observation
Justin Collette (Beetlejuice), Isabella Esler (Lydia Deetz), Britney Coleman (Barbara Maitland), Will Burton (Adam Maitland), Jesse Sharp (Charles Deetz), Kate Marilley (Delia Deetz), Lexie Dorsett Sharp (u/s Miss Argentina), Abe Goldfarb (Otho), Brian Vaughn (Maxie Dean), Karmine Alers (Maxine Dean/Juno), Jackera Davis (Girl Scout), Ryan Breslin (s/w Ensemble), Morgan Harrison (s/w Ensemble)
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Excellent video of the tour, featuring Lexie's second show as Miss Argentina. There is a head on the left side that is always worked around and doesn't take away at all. some washout is seen in wideshots but it's minimal.
NFT Date: February 6, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAsWs4
Video is $20
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Some Like it Hot (Shaiman and Wittman) - Broadway
April 26, 2023 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Christian Borle (Joe/Josephine), J. Harrison Ghee (Jerry/Daphne), Adrianna Hicks (Sugar), Kevin Del Aguila (Osgood), NaTasha Yvette Williams (Sweet Sue), Adam Heller (Mulligan), Mark Lotito (Spats), Angie Schworer (Minnie), TyNina Rene Brandon (Ensemble), DeMarius R. Copes (Ensemble), Casey Garvin (Ensemble), Devon Hadsell (Ensemble), Jenny Hill (Ensemble), KJ Hippensteel (Ensemble), Jarvis B. Manning (Ensemble), Brian Martin (Ensemble), Abby Matsusaka (Ensemble), Amber Owens (Ensemble), Charles South (Ensemble), Brendon Stimson (Ensemble), Raena White (Ensemble), Richard Riaz Yoder (Ensemble)
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Absolutely Flawless video. There is a small head on the bottom left but it only obstructs the very front of the stage. The whole cast was really fantastic.
NFT Date: February 6, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjABxXi
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
43 notes · View notes
asskickedbygirl · 2 years
The CKY Groupie
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Ryan Dunn x Reader, Brandon DiCamillo x Reader, Bam Margera x Reader, Chris Raab x Reader: 6k words
Description: All the moments in your life in which you’re romantically involved with the members of the CKY crew <3
A/n: God this took me a long time to write i will not be doing this again in one part 😭 Not beta read and probably has some inaccuracies and if so just know all smut content on this is with 18+ year olds!!! feel free to reblog and send any requests <3 This is an f!reader fic but other than the last part a lot of this could be gn!
warnings: smut (18+), alcohol, oral m!receiving, face fucking, p in v, unprotected sex
* Chris *
It was the third grade and a crowd had gathered around you and Chris during recess. “Just kiss!” Someone in the mass jeered as you stood an awkward distance away from the boy you had been pressured into kissing. Chris was bright red in the face, matching the blush that spread on yours as Bam and Dico began pushing him towards you. “Just do it wimp!” Bam laughed, enjoying this torture thoroughly.
The morning of that fateful day, whispers and notes had been passed around the class detailing one certain rumour. “Chris likes y/n.” You didn’t know for sure if it was true or not but sure enough, the boys bullied it out of him and it was unveiled as the truth. Recess was a whirlwind of excitement, basically everyone in the grade knew about this potential romance, probably most of the school too and so someone settled that this meant the two of you had to kiss.
That’s what lead you to the corner of your school yard, not really wanting to be there but the peer pressure got to you. A lengthy amount of time had passed and you two were still standing there, stiff as a board, terrified of touching lips. The crowd were beginning to get annoyed. “Are you guys gonna kiss or not?” A boy in the grade above you spat, a couple “yeah!”s followed suit.
Getting impatient yourself, you decided to bite the bullet and smooch this awkward 9 year old. The group of kids cheered and whooped as you grabbed Chris’ shoulders and landed your lips on his, your teeth knocking gently. The kiss only lasted a couple seconds, with Chris’ arms still glued to his side, before a teacher broke apart the commotion. After you pulled away, Chris looked horribly embarrassed and ran as fast as he could to the opposite side of the yard causing everyone to laugh manically at his distress. You felt humiliated at the time, your first kiss and the receiver ran away in fear? Great. But with time, the kiss became an ongoing joke between the two of you as well as the rest of the crew as they absorbed you as their own.
* Ryan *
A good few years down the line, you and the CKY crew were the best of friends. It was High School now and you basically hung out with the idiots every day, forming a tight knit group. With any friendship group there comes … the crushes. And you couldn’t lie to yourself anymore, you had liked Ryan Dunn for many years. The cute blonde kid (pre-beard) had caught your eye at some point in middle school and you were basically head over heels for him come high school.
In your Junior Year of High School, Jess managed to smuggle a bottle of Smirnoff from his parent’s alcohol cabinet and you got completely wasted on it. Your time at the big High School party of the year was now being spent bent over the toilet, puking your guts up as Ryan Dunn held your hair back and patted your back comfortingly. “I’m sorry Ryan.” You groaned, spitting the gross residue left in your mouth into the bowl. “Don’t apologise y/n.” Dunn laughed, rubbing circles into the spot below your neck. “No, no, You should be out there having fun, not stuck in here with me.” Ryan smiled, “What if I want to be stuck in here with you?” You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and turned to look the boy in the eyes. “Don’t do that Ry.” He looked confused, his brows furrowing together. “Don’t do what?” He laughed, passing your rather blunt statement off as just you being inebriated. You groaned once more, turning around to lay your face in the (no doubt) filthy toilet seat. “Don’t say stuff like that. You know I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time.” Ryan’s grip on your hair loosened slightly. The silence in the bathroom juxtaposing the bustling party just a few feet away from you. “You like me?” He asked, genuinely shocked. “Don’t act like you don’t know. It’s fine that you don’t like me back, just don’t say shit like that.” Ryan let go of his hold on your hair and turned you around to face him. “Y/n what makes you think I don’t like you?” The underlying insinuation of this question sunk to the bottom of your stomach like an anchor, your drunkenness becoming less apparent as it dawned on you what you had just admitted. Your confused looks mirrored each other, both of you realising what exactly this bomb drop meant. “Hold on, do you mean you do like me?!” You asked as Ryan started to laugh, alleviating the tension in the room. “I don’t know if you’re full of shit cause’ of all the booze so I’m gonna answer that tomorrow.” You shook your head, lifting yourself onto you knees to come closer to him. “I promise you I’m not full of shit Ryan.” Your faces were pretty close now, a shot of excitement painting your cheeks a rosy red. Dunn brushed a piece of hair behind your ear and grabbed your shoulders gently. “Y/n let me walk you home, we can talk about this tomorrow.” You smiled flatly. God why’d he have to be so sensible. You let him help you up and out of the house and although he wouldn’t kiss you that night, he held your hand like a promise, “I’ll say it when you’re sober.” He whispered in your ear as he led you to your doorstep, pecking your cheek lightly. Your eyes lingered on him as he strolled away, so nonchalant as if he hadn’t rocked your entire world.
Shortly after that fateful night, You and Ryan were dating. Everyone knew about it, you did all the typical High School romance stuff, he held your hand in the halls and kissed you when he had to leave. Nights were spent in his car, Bam’s mixtape playing in the background as you made out like typical teenagers, his roaming hands causing your heart to flutter as every time it went farther, and farther. Eventually you lost your virginity to him in your own bed while your parents were away. A night of fumbling limbs and whispers of “Is this okay?” followed by light whimpers and groans as you shared your most intimate parts with the kid that used to stick gum in your hair in elementary school. You guys were cute and even though the crew would mock you for your overly cutesyness, Ryan was never ashamed to be with you, opting to show you off and kiss you in front of them all. He was your first serious boyfriend and everything about him made your stomach swell with butterflies as the honeymoon phase seemed to be eternal. Well High School eternal. Sometimes Raab would crack jokes about how he was your “first” warranting Dunn to smack him in the face often enough. You were there when they started filming their stupid videos, often the videographer of Bam’s skating clips and even in front of the camera during pranks that would land you in the principal’s office. Everything was so perfect, prom and graduation spent with your sweetheart, up until the summer after Senior Year.
You hated to admit it but you guys were fighting a lot and not just silly little bickers. Full on screaming matches that lead to tears and hurt feelings, it always ended the same, with you in his bed, kissing away your apologies but you knew it wasn’t right. Maybe you had outgrown each other, you weren’t really sure how it happened so quickly but it was obvious it wasn’t going to work out for much longer. It was a hard decision to break up, and a rough split it was. You barely got out of bed after it, depressed and heart broken but you knew it was how it was meant to be. You and Ryan were still completely civil, in fact a couple months after you called it quits you were basically best friends again. Of course the hurt was still there, in the back of your mind and maybe it was still there in Ryan’s but you were both happy and that’s what was important.
* Dico *
It had been over a year since you and Ryan broke up and the crew was as strong as ever. Filming stupid videos and pranks was basically all you did now that Bam had gotten into this whole video thing meaning you spent every day with the idiots. None of you were very set on college aspirations so you had plenty of time to fuck around. After the summer, Dico had been acting a little… strange. He was constantly smiling at you with this weird knowing look like he was in on something you weren’t. At first you were paranoid he was pulling some elaborate prank right under your nose but alas, nothing really came of it. He was leaving lasting touches on your skin and would walk or drive you home whenever you drank despite the fact your house was pretty out of his way. This whole funny business he was getting up to came to a climax (ha) on the night of Halloween.
Rake was throwing a huge party at his with majority of the youth population of West Chester rocking up. You and the gang decided on an excellent group costume. You would be Hugh Hefner, sporting a classy red velvet robe, scantily clad underneath of course, (it was still halloween after all) and a captains hat with a pipe in hand while Raab, Dico, Ryan and Bam were wearing their own interpretations of a playboy bunny, topped off with the classic ears and bow ties. It was a funny costume no doubt but apparently whatever girl Ryan was going out with was pretty pissed he had ditched their couples costume in favour of something with his ex. You understood her anger but were quick to reassure her that there was nothing there anymore and you weren’t really lying. It felt good to finally be over Ryan for good, you were happy he moved on too and that you were both still friendly enough to do something stupid like that for the special day.
You spent a lot of time at the party playing beer pong very poorly, meaning you were drunk fairly fast but you were having a great time. Dico was stuck to your side for most of the night, flirting with you quite outwardly, becoming a little touchy feely but you weren’t mad about it. In fact, it felt kinda good. You had a pretty dull summer hanging out with those bozos meaning you hadn’t slept with anyone since Ryan and you were beginning to see Dico in a different light. There was something kinda sexy about his confidence and he was pretty cute too. After another ball ended up in your cup, you downed it, now finding the courage to lean into whatever act Dico was putting on. Later on you sat next to him on the couch, leaning into his legs and bending your body towards him to talk to him rather seductively. He had his arm around your shoulder now and often you’d see him taking a peek down your robe, just as you planned. Before you knew it, Dico had his hand resting on your thigh and was slowly inching it upwards as he rubbed circles into your bare flesh. He talked nonchalantly about whatever unimportant topic of conversation you were discussing as your breathing became shaky the further his hand reached. You gasped as you felt the pads of Dico’s fingers brush against the edge of your panties, you hadn’t even realised he had gone that far. You grabbed his wrist and looked him in the eyes, a smug grin present on his face. “What are you doing?” You asked, narrowing your eyebrows though your smirk gave away the pleasure you were truly having. Dico’s smile grew, “You seemed to like it.” Your heart was beating exponentially fast at this point, his fingers still lay on the inside of your thigh, your hand just keeping it there. “We’re in the middle of the party Brandon.” Dico moved his hand away, putting his hands up in mock surrender. He smiled and licked his lips, an idea popping into his head. “Can I tell you something?” You looked puzzled as he motioned “come here” with his fingers but moved your ear towards his mouth anyways. Pulling the oldest trick in the book, Dico used his fingers to pull your chin towards his face before pressing his lips against yours.
You gave in immediately, moving your lips in sync with his, you felt a little stupid for falling for the deception but nonetheless, you were kissing Brandon fucking DiCamillo. The adrenaline of the kiss fuelled it to get a little more intense, anyone could see you right now, even Ryan. Fuck, Ryan. You were confused on whether or not Dico was concerned with how this would go down within the crew. I mean weren’t you used goods or something? Or bro code breaching at the very least. Still, you let him pull you onto his lap to straddle him as the kiss deepened. He bit your lip lightly in order to sneak his tongue in and now you were almost grinding on his lap as he fondled your ass roughly, his tongue down your throat. You laughed into Dico’s mouth as you pictured the scene happening, Hugh Hefner straddling a bunny on a couch in the middle of a college home town party. “What?” Brandon pulled away smiling as you giggled. “No no it’s nothing.” You laughed again, going back in to kiss him some more, quickly becoming addicted to the way his tongue moved against yours. He pulled away again this time to move to your neck, kissing it softly and beginning to lightly suck. You held onto his neck but then became worried you’d get too damn horny in this rampant room so you tore Dico’s head away from you. He looked confused before understanding when you got off his lap and held his hand to lead him away from the masses.
You made eye contact with some of your old friends from high school who were giving you winks and thumbs ups and slightly startled expressions giving you the impression basically everyone saw your display of affection on the sofa. That’s when you met eyes with Bam and Ryan, both looking pretty shocked but faint smiles appeared on their faces. You shook this off, continuing to lead Brandon up the stairs to find Rake’s bedroom, praying it would be unoccupied. Alas, it was and as soon as you pulled the kid in and locked the door, you were grabbing at each other, roughly making out before stumbling on to the messy bed, not that you gave a shit. Dico had you under him, his hands roaming over your body as you held onto his face. You could feel him attempting to pull your robe off but you stopped his hands, you had other plans in mind. You pulled away from the kiss and told Dico to sit up, pulling yourself away from him and situating yourself on your knees between his legs as he did what he was told. “Jesus Fuck.” You could hear him whimper under his breath as he realised what was really going to happen.
You got to work on his belt, he was wearing stupid slacks and a white dress shirt that was unbuttoned, the bow tie and bunny ears long discarded. His face was flushed as was yours and man did he look fucking great from your angle. His smugness had almost dissipated, simply patting your head when you pulled his already hard dick out of his underwear. You spit on top of it, letting your saliva drip out of your mouth on to his tip. Dico groaned at the sensation, you knew that’s what Ryan liked. God why the fuck were you thinking of Ryan right now? I mean you couldn’t really blame yourself, he was the only person you had ever given head to before and you had a lot of practice so it was time to put those skills to use. You licked around his tip as your hand slowly pumped his base. His dick was slightly bigger than Ryan’s which excited you a little, you never realised you’d actually miss giving blowjobs. Not before long, you put your whole mouth around Dico’s cock, sucking lightly, earning a moan from him. You tried to adjust your position to fit more of him in but it took Brandon’s own hand to push your head down in order to go all the way. He brushed your hair away from your neck to form a makeshift ponytail as he gently pushed his dick down your throat. You gagged a little but insisted you were okay when he eased up. You released his member from your mouth with a pop to have a brief breather. Brandon wiped a tear that was falling down your cheek with the pad of his thumb and angled your face up towards him. “Open.” He whispered, his voice a low rumble. You did as he said, opening your mouth wide and sticking your tongue out teasingly. He spat in your mouth and shut it with the grip he held on your chin, leaning back to let you continue. You went back to licking his tip before taking him in fully, bobbing your head up and down but you still couldn’t manage to take him in fully. He held your hair back once more and angled himself in a way that he could thrust into your throat while you continued to bob up and down on his cock. You shut your eyes tightly as Dico set the pace, hitting the back of your throat with each movement. You focused on hollowing out your cheeks and sucking lightly as you breathed through your nose. Dico’s moans were getting louder and more erratic as his pace became inconsistent. “Can I cum on your face?” He managed to say, trying to still his hips as to not finish prematurely. You nodded quickly, releasing his dick and looking up at him through hooded eyes, eagerly sticking your tongue out as he pumped himself above you. After a few seconds Dico finished with a loud groan, coating your tongue and face with his cum. “So fucking pretty.” He sighed, looking down at you, still out of breath and stroking his cock slowly. You swallowed his load and wiped the rest of it off with your fingers, sucking on them afterwards while Dico zipped his slacks back up.
You got up and looked at yourself in Rake’s mirror, makeup all smudged under your eyes and lipstick all around your mouth. You looked a fucking mess. “Sorry for cumming I didn’t know if you wanted to fuck or not.” said Dico, wiping whatever substance on his slacks and getting off the bed to move towards you. “Don’t apologise, I wanted to do that, I don’t care about sex.” You replied, turning around to face the man you’d just sucked off. He laughed when he saw the state of your face, then holding your face in his hand and kissing you again. “You’re a really good kisser you know that?” You said, flipping around once again to face the mirror and trying your best to conceal the evidence of what you had been up to. Dico chuckles once more, looking at you with adoration through the mirror. “I could say the same about you.” You grinned, then remembered your original fear from earlier. “Shit, what about Ryan?” You spat, turning around to look Dico in the eyes with concern. “What about Ryan y/n?” His confusion at your questioning confused you even more. “Well hello? He’s my ex and your best friend, surely we’ve just broken some unwritten rules just now.” Dico laughs as if you’d said the most childish thing. “You know you’re one of my best friends too right? And you’re your own person.” You shrugged your shoulders, sort of understanding what he’s getting at. “I guess but this is definitely gonna be this whole thing now isn’t it.” Dico smiled flatly. “Yep.”
You were right. You were not gonna live down sucking Dico’s dick in Rake’s bedroom dressed as Hugh Hefner and him, a bunny on halloween any time soon. A romance didn’t exactly blossom between you and him after the matter but that didn’t mean you regretted it. It was fun being man handled for once, Ryan’s high school self was far too kind to face fuck you so at least Dico had the balls to do it. It was a little awkward between you and Ryan for a while, he’d chuckle at the stupid dick jokes Bam would make about your encounter but would never talk to you about it directly and you weren’t sure if that was purposeful or not. Alas, things went back to normal with the CKY crew and although you were reminded that you gave Brandon DiCamillo head by Bam on a daily basis, you were feeling good about everything.
* Bam *
It was January now and most of the mocking had died down, you and Dico still shared some awkward experiences sometimes. Who knew it would be hard to look your best friend in the eye after they came on your face?! Now that you had gotten with another member of crew, it seemed like the line you once viewed there being was gone. You always thought Bam was cute, he was younger than you so he was just Jess’ little brother until he grew up and became the sort of ring leader of the group. Now he was looking a little less cute and a little more hot. You figured he was off limits after you and Ryan broke up but now that the whole halloween thing happened, the possibilities were endless. You and Bam were hanging out in his basement now, watching old horror VHS tapes. The other guys were all busy but that didn’t stop you from lying down, legs across Bam’s lap as some girl got her hands chopped off, the poor visual effects and dramatic screams urging the two of you to laugh. “God, how does anyone find this crap scary? This is a comedy!” Bam nodded in agreement, his eyes flicking over to you. You could feel them bore into your face. “What?” You asked, smiling nervously. Bam wet his lips, “So you’re like, over Dico now right?” You laughed, “Bam I don’t think I was ever under him.” Bam raised his eyebrows suggestively earning him a smack on the arm. “We didn’t even fuck.” He nodded, rolling his eyes. “I know, I know. You just blew him off.” You chewed on the bottom of your lip. “Why are you even asking?” Bam’s hands were playing with the bottom of your jeans as your legs were still over his own, avoiding eye contact. “Is it still weird between you guys?” You shrugged, struggling to answer the question yourself. “I mean, I guess it’s a little strange to talk to him normally after he fucked my face.” You laughed half heartedly, trying to ease the tension but it only thickened when Bam looked at you like a deer in the headlights. “Wait he fucked your face?!” A bright red blush was spreading across your face. “Well I mean yeah, you guys already knew that though.” Bam shook his head dramatically, a stupid grin slapped on his face, revelling in this newly uncovered sexual secret of yours. “We knew you sucked his dick, face fucking is like a whole different ball park!” You took your legs off Bam’s lap and sat up on the couch to get closer to him. “How?” Bam shook his head, bewildered you didn’t understand this apparent stark difference. “Well come on, getting face fucked is so much more raw and sexual, sucking dick is more awkward, like you’re back in high school.” You nodded a little, starting to understand what he was getting at. “I didn’t really know Dico had it in him to be honest.” You said, making Bam laugh. “Ryan never really did anything like that.” The mention of Bam’s best friend added a little more awkward tension to the room. The silence seemed to prolong for too long before Bam shifted a little, getting closer to your face. Your eyes met and there was something new in his now, his pupils blown out, a sense of lust hidden under them. He wet his lips once more, his blue eyes burning into yours. “And did you like it?” You were caught off guard by this. It was clear more friendship boundaries were being burnt down along with the burning in your face and the beating of your heart. “Yeah.” was all you had to say before Bam crashed his soft lips onto yours.
This kiss was far more frantic and needy than any you had had before. Like all this pent up horniness was being let out in one big dramatic explosion. Your hands flew up to hold Bam’s face as he held your waist, lying you down so he could get on top of you, positioned between your legs. You made out hard and fast, teeth knocking at certain times because of how erratic you were being. Bam’s hands went wandering as he slipped his tongue in your mouth, pulling at your shirt to take it off, breaking the kiss briefly to do so. He felt up your boobs over your bra but you moved his hands to go under, encouraging him to break the barrier. You pulled at his shirt now and it didn’t take him much convincing to tear it off. You awkwardly tried to unbutton your pants with one hand while pulling at Bam’s belt. Bam huffed and kneeled up between your legs, unbuckling his belt and pulling down his jeans as you shimmied your own off, leaving you both in your underwear. You resumed your make out, Bam’s hand snaking around to your back to undo your bra. You felt a little exposed, underneath Jess’ little brother with your tits out but your hesitance ceased when you felt his crotch, his dick already rock hard. Bam moved his hand down to your heat, starting to rub you clit through your underwear. “Just give me one.” He whispered in your mouth, referring to an orgasm. Your cheeks were as hot as ever, your breathing hitching every now and again as your orgasm was already quickly approaching. You were barely making out now, too engrossed in the way Bam’s fingers were making you feel. Bam leant down and started kissing your neck, not marking you or anything, not that you’d mind, but the sensation was enough to get you to the edge as he rubbed you out at such a relentless place. “I’m gonna cum.” You moaned, gripping tightly onto his shoulders as you felt yourself tense up and release, Bam’s fingers still not letting up. It took a couple seconds before you moved his hand away before he could overstimulate you.
You pulled Bam’s face into yours and kissed him softer than you had this whole time. You sighed into his mouth and pulled your panties off while Bam discarded his boxers. You looked down to take a peek at Bam’s dick. It was a nice size and you even whimpered when you thought about what was about to happen. You had literally been celibate for a year, spending too much time with the fucker who was about to fuck you to indulge in the dating pool. Just as well. You spat into your hand and reached down to pump him a bit, swiping the precum on the tip of his dick with your thumb. He groaned into your ear, sending shivers down your back. He swatted your hand away, probably worried you’d finish him prematurely before slipping a finger inside you unexpectedly. You moaned but held his wrist, you were already quite sensitive from your previous orgasm and you just wanted him to fuck you already. “S’alright, I’m just making sure you’re ready.” Bam laughed at your neediness before positioning himself at your entrance. He put his arm above your head and both of you groaned in unison as he slipped inside, slowly. He held your waist with the other hand before setting the pace, not giving you much time to adjust as he moved. You felt yourself getting wetter as you heard Bam’s cute whimpers every time you clenched around him. You could tell this position may be a little uncomfortable for him as he heaved with every thrust and so an idea popped into your head. “Wait.” You said, placing a hand on Bam’s hip to stop him moving. He looked at you quickly to check your face with concern but instead was met with a beaming grin.
“Lay down.” You said and you didn’t have to say much more, Bam was out of you and under you in a few seconds, flipping you to get on top of him too causing you to giggle at his excitement. Bam held onto your hips as you took his dick in your hands, leaning back on his legs to spit on it, letting your saliva drip onto his tip, just like you had for Dico. He groaned at the sensation. You pumped a couple more times before getting up on your knees and hovering over the member. You positioned it at your entrance and slowly sank down onto it, caressing a moan out of the two of you. Bam still gripped your hips tightly and helped your move once you got used to it. Not before long, you were bouncing on Bam’s dick, moaning loudly and moving forward to let the guy grab at your tits. You lay your hands on his shoulders and began grinding now, letting it fill you up all the way. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt so full. You let yourself loose, making loud noises, not worried anyone would hear as you were home alone and in the basement. You were too focused on your own pleasure you forgot to look down at Bam, who’s face was contorted in such pleasure, his whimpers were now almost high pitched, murmuring “Fuck.”s and “Yeah, shit.”s under his breath. His fingers were burrowing into your hip, sure to leave bruises in the morning which made you feel really good. “Are you close Bam.” You asked, resuming your bouncing which caused Bam to groan loudly. “Yeah, fuck I’m really close baby.” You almost smiled sadistically. He was so fucking horny he just called you baby? “Are you gonna fill me up baby?” You knew you’d probably cringe at your dirty talk once the horny cloud wore off, like you always did, but man was it fucking worth it when you could hear Bam’s desperate noises. He could only nod, his eyes shut tightly. You moved your hand to wrap around his throat, not choking, just in a domineering way. “Do you want to cum Bam?” It was hard to keep up with this composed persona when you yourself were hurtling toward your big finish. “Yeah, oh fuck yes.” His words were just mutters and mumbling but they said all you needed to know. “Cum for me.” You sped your movements up to chase your own high as Bam desperately thrusted up into you himself. The combined movements sent you off the edge once more with Bam following immediately after. His hips stopped as he kept you still on his cock, cumming with a loud moan and a “Fuck!”.
You both stayed there for a moment, panting heavily and fucked out. Your legs were shaky as you moved yourself off Bam’s cock, feeling his cum and your arousal dripping down your legs. “Shit let me get you something.” Bam said after noticing the mess left on you. He got up and moved to his laundry room, you giggled childishly at the way he walked away naked. “Fuck you.” You could hear him laugh, knowing you were chuckling at his bare ass despite the fact he had just been inside you. He emerged from the room in a fresh pair of boxers and with some clothes in his hand. He used an old t shirt to clean up your legs, you whimpered slightly when he swiped your heat with it, it still sensitive from the sex. He smirked slightly when he noticed your shudder, knowing it was him that made you feel that way. He handed you a pair of his boxers and a t shirt to put on, understanding you’d probably feel a little exposed being naked without a blanket to hide under, plus there’s no way you’d want to put your dirty underwear or jeans back on. “Come on, we’ll go up to my room.” He said, standing up and reaching his hand out for you to hold. You looked over at the TV, the horror film had ended quite a bit ago, not that either of you had cared to notice. Your moans probably drained out the dramatic screams anyhow. You followed Bam up the stairs, avoiding anyone who could’ve been in the house and climbed into bed with him. It was only the early evening but nonetheless you snuggled up to him as if ready for bed. You lay your head on his chest as he played with your hair. You should’ve been content but there was just one thing playing on your mind.
“Bam.” “Hmm?” He replied, still messing with your locks. “I’m not like a slut am I?” Okay you knew Bam wasn’t gonna flat out say yes to that leading question but you knew he’d probably make you feel a little more sane. Bam laughed comedically. “Y/n you’ve slept with like two people, I think you’re fine.” You sighed. “Yeah but I’ve fucked three guys in my own friend group, that’s slutty behaviour.” He shook his head. “Technically only two, we’re leaving face fucking out of this.” His stupid joke made you smirk. “Y/n you’re not a slut for sleeping with people in your friend group and if anyone says you are, tell me their names and I’ll deal with them.” You smiled softly. Somehow Bam always knew how to cheer you up. Of course you knew this was also going to be this whole thing but something in you felt something great could come of this.
* Epilogue *
It was now two months later and Bam had just asked you to be his girlfriend. Yeah you skipped a couple steps on that night in January but whatever. The gang reacted spectacularly to the news you had now fucked Bam. Jokes about you being the CKY ‘groupie’ were now circulating though Bam shut them down immediately “How can she be a groupie if she’s in the damn group Raab.” You laughed them off, insisting to Bam it didn’t hurt your feelings. Dico was completely normal about the whole situation, after all you were never actually a thing though Bam had now spread to the rest of the group about the ‘face fucking’. Dico had become some what of a hero after that due to your good reviews, leaving him pretty chuffed. Ryan was a little awkward about you and Bam. Apparently they had a conversation and Ryan said it was totally cool but I guess nothing will ever be completely normal between the two of you and that would be that. Raab still brought up the fact he was officially the first recipient of the CKY groupie’s love but would be embarrassed whenever you brought up the fact he went running straight after the kiss. All was well in the group once again and you were as happy as ever with Bam. If you were the certified CKY groupie, so be it.
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stratossphere · 1 year
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wrong side of the bed | v.v
ville’s in a horrible mood, and you’re the one that’s been abandoned to deal with it.
warnings: gn!reader, ville is a huge douche for most of this fic, drinking, smoking weed, arguing, fluff at the end
word count: 5k
a/n: fic is based very loosely off of this interview. grimey-as-hell ville has a soft spot in my heart
tags: @asskickedbygirl @lieutenant-cinnamon-roll @kissofdawn666 @brandons-wife @valos-venus-doom @ghoulishguns @h3artk1ller @4377666
— —
Today had been so shitty it was almost comical. First, and what had caused the day to go the way it had, was the fact that you and Ville had been fighting since you'd gotten up that morning.
"Brush your fucking teeth. You're going to be on live TV today." You said for the millionth time as Ville sat dead-faced in one of the bus seats staring at the wall whilst not moving. He was still in his clothes from the night before, and there was a huge stain on the sleeve of his shirt from where you'd accidentally knocked a bottle of wine on him the night before. He hadn't moved an inch since crawling out of bed at the asscrack of dawn to sulk in a real seat, and he only had 15 more minutes before he had to be at the studio you were taking him to for his interview with Charlotte Roche.
"Will you shut the fuck up and quit nagging me? I don't give a shit what I look like on their piece of shit show." He snapped back, shooting you a venomous look where you were already dressed and ready to go. Everyone else had gone out to breakfast seeing as they'd quickly opted out of being any part of this whole deal, which left you stuck alone with the devil himself.
"Oh my god. Whatever. Go in smelling like garbage and looking like you're homeless. See if I give a shit." Some days you got really sick of arguing with Ville over having some basic hygiene. You put up with his hatred of showers and changing his clothes well enough, but in a tiny bus, you could only stand it for so long.
"Well, I only have three outfits, and you doused one of them in red goddamn wine, so I don't know what you expect." Ville spat just as you got up from where you were sitting across the aisle from him, his gaze following you as you walked right past him.
"I would feel bad if you knew how to pack for yourself. Not my fault you like to permeate in the same disgusting clothes for a month at a time." You muttered, moving to the other side of the bus and grabbing your cigarettes from where you'd left them in the windowsill the night before. He turned completely in his seat so that he could continue to glare at you from across the bus.
"What do you fucking want? What will make your pissy ass happy?" He pressed, looking like he couldn't have had a clue in the world. You just stared at him for a second, then began naming off a list.
"Brush your teeth, change your goddamn clothes, put some deodorant on, and put on a fucking hat to cover your hair." You weren’t dying from his lack of bathing, as he'd probably be easily convinced to jump in the shower in the dressing room after his show tonight, but every time he went into an interview looking greasy as all hell, you had someone shoving it down my throat once you were back at home. You weren't a fan of Ville giving himself a reputation to be a pissy, grimy piece of shit amongst your friends and family through the media.
"My god. You're like a mother." He said degradingly, shoving himself out of his seat and now completely avoiding looking anywhere near you as he angrily dragged his tiny travel bag out from under the bench seat of the bus before slamming it down on the table. You just shook your head at him in awe.
"What the hell is up your ass today?" Sure, sometimes he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and could be a little grouchy (which usually just meant he didn't respond when you talked to him), but today he was being outwardly aggressive. Something told you it had something to do with who specifically was interviewing him, but you knew pointing that out would just make it worse, so you kept that little observation to yourself.
"I'm doing what you want. Are you going to nag the shit out of me the whole time I do it, too?" He asked, his tone so full of snark that you were thankful you were so far away for fear of throwing something at him had you been close enough. He was really lucky that his good traits outweighed his bad ones.
So yeah. Good start to the morning. Ville made the both of you about ten minutes late, which you had seen coming from a mile away, and by the time you got to the studio where Charlotte and her team were filming, Ville was in an absolutely horrific mood. He wasn't talking, he wasn't even smoking, and he wasn't looking at you at all. He just glared straight ahead the entire ride, and continued to do so as you entered the back of the studio so that you could head to the green room and he could go straight to the stage considering he was so late.
"Don't bitch at her out there just because you're mad at me." You warned as you paused in the hallway where he would continue to the stage and where you would go into the green room behind you to watch his interview on the monitor that was inside. You had a hand on his arm because you knew he would just ignore you and walk away if you didn't, and he just stared ahead like he wasn't listening. You sighed. "There's no one else out here except for you, which would usually mean that's who I'm talking to."
"Yes. Whatever. I'll see you in an hour." And, with that, he promptly started to walk right away from you without another word. You could not have physically rolled your eyes harder.
"No kiss, dickhead?" Usually you had a stupid little 'good-luck-kiss' ritual before either of you had to do interviews or go on stages, and there was no way his bitchy attitude was going to break your streak. He let out a huff, spinning back around on his heel before coming back to you.
"Fine, fuckass." He gave you my kiss, which was a lot nicer than what you had anticipated considering his mood, before he wrapped a single arm around your waist and hugged you. Who would've ever thought. "I love you."
"...I love you too. Please be nice." Your chances weren't good on that request, but you were asking anyway. He gave you another kiss with a look on his face that told you there was a good chance he was going to do about the opposite of that, before you really did have to watch him disappear down the hallway.
God, this was not going to go well.
As you got comfortable in the green room (thankfully there was no one else but you inside), you watched with one hand resting against your face as Ville and Charlotte started the interview.
It was pretty well known amongst everyone that knew Ville that he didn't like Charlotte Roche. She clearly had a huge, burning crush on him, and made it extremely obvious with her annoying habit of twirling her hair and laughing at everything he did despite the fact that he was often more standoffish than conversational with her throughout the multiple interviews they'd done together. So, sending him into her interview in the mood he was in was like sending a wolf to help a chicken stuck in a trap.
They started an awkward talk about the album that had been out for almost a month now, during which Ville put about zero effort into looking like he wanted to be there (enough for Charlotte to point it out), before they moved on to arguing about what was an acceptable time to get up in the morning after Ville mentioned usually getting up at two in the afternoon.
To give him credit, you would've hated talking about any of this stuff too, and he was incredibly hungover from staying up into the good hours of the morning, but Ville was clearly being a brat just to be a brat. You would've felt bad for Charlotte, had she not been continuously invading your boyfriend's space on live television.
"I can say whatever the fuck I want on my fucking shit show." Charlotte was saying after Ville had made a half-assed joke about telling her not to swear, leaning in ridiculously close to his face as she spoke and making him tiredly lean away. They were making you cringe, and you weren't even there.
"You just ruined some children's lives." That was his helpful retort to her badly-landed joke, which made it even worse, and then he continued even further. "There could be two four-year-olds listening in, and now that you’ve said fuck, they're going to want to say fuck."
Jesus, he really knew how to make situations painful when he was in a bad mood. It had taken you a while to get used to Ville's devotion to trying to make every conversation he had dry and awkward on purpose when he was sober (which he'd eventually gotten over once he'd realized he was attracted to you), but Charlotte didn't really know him. Albeit, you didn't necessarily like her, but this was just hard to watch.
And then he made it even worse, because he had clearly stopped being able to ignore her horribly aggressive hair twirling habit (that you knew was because he had a crush on him) that she acted on in all their interviews.
"What are you doing with your hair? You're acting like a fucking psychopath." He then proceeded to do an impression of her fast-paced talking while doing an even more dramatized version of twirling his own hair, and you couldn't help but literally laugh out loud at how horrible they were. There was a reason they gave actors pep talks on at least pretending they had chemistry when they had to do interviews.
You quickly realized that Charlotte was clearly staying off of the topic of you on purpose, and you found amusement in the fact. It was especially obvious when she tried to joke about Deep Shadows and Brilliant Highlights being about a secret affair, only for Ville to immediately shut that down and correct her with the reiteration that the album was 'a dedication to the hardships the love of his life suffers through for his companionship'. You would've been lying if you'd said you weren't pleased with the way she struggled on her feet after his quick snap back.
Most of the interview was painfully horrible to watch, so eventually you stopped paying attention and just busied yourself with one of many bottles of champagne left in a gift basket for Ville. You didn't mind waiting, but forcing yourself to cringe for long periods of time was torture, so you were avoiding watching the monitor in front of you at all. The only moments you paid attention was when you heard your name.
"Y/n, actually, is very helpful with all of that. They take care of most of it." Ville was talking more than dismissively now, and you hadn't been listening to what Charlotte had asked him, but you had a feeling it had been either about music videos or the pictures on the inside of the album, because that's mostly what you’d been allowed to help out with.
"Y/n is...your partner, yes?" Yeah, she had to be doing that on purpose. There was no way she'd met him (and you!) this many times without remembering. Ville clearly thought the same thing, because even you could see the look he shot her.
"Yes. They’re here, actually." He muttered, leaning back a little further where he was sitting and glancing uninterestedly ahead. They then divulged into a (mostly one-sided) conversation about what it was like to travel with a spouse (thankfully Ville left all of your fighting out of his answer), and then you were tuning out again. You’d hear his own rendition of the painstaking conversation once he came back and dragged you right out of the studio so that he could go off just like every time he and Charlotte ended up in the same country.
Eventually you got bored enough to where you started to doze off, the interview in front of you completely forgotten in lieu of catching up on a shitty night's sleep due to sharing a twin sized bed with someone who was all long arms and legs.
So, when you suddenly heard the door slam open, you jumped about ten feet in the air as you opened your eyes to the view of Ville storming into the room. Thankfully, he was still by himself, but he left the door open as he grabbed the gift basket off the table before standing in front of you where you were lying horizontally on the couch with a champagne bottle in your lap.
"Get up. We're going." He prompted, glancing behind him like he was checking to see if anyone was coming after him. You stared at him for a second, trying to wake yourself up before he just offered out a hand with impatience.
"What did you say?" You asked tiredly as you accepted his hand before he was pulling you to your feet, setting the decently-dented champagne bottle back in the basket. There was no way he was leaving this quickly if it had been a nice send off between the two of them. He made a face.
"I didn't say anything. I'm fucking tired and pissed off and I want to get the fuck out of here." He muttered, guiding you right out the door and back down the hallway that you'd come from. Something told you he was leaving so quickly because he was probably supposed to be talking to someone else before he left, but it wasn't like you were going to argue. You wanted to be out of there just as bad as he did.
"Was it really bad?" You already basically knew the answer to that question based off the little amount of the interview you'd stayed awake for, but you could tell he was just waiting to burst and go off, so you gave him the rip in the seams to do so. He took a deep breath and shook his head for a second before he even replied.
"I'd like to say I deeply appreciate and admire all of the female species, but she is a raging goddamn cunt." He spat, slipping a loose arm around your waist once you made it out of the backstage door. "How much of it did you see?"
"I stopped paying attention after you did an impression of the hair twirling." You muttered, shielding your hungover eyes from the sun as you walked back to your rented car. That actually pulled a chuckle out of him.
"Well, what do you expect? She acts like a wild animal in every interview, and she's got the eye makeup for it, too." He defended himself as you both separated to get in either side of the car, slamming his door a lot harder than he needed to once he was inside. You laughed as you got into the driver's side.
"Ville, that was like, ridiculously bad. I couldn't even watch it." You said truthfully, giving him a good reason for the fact that you'd been asleep on the couch facing away from the TV when he'd came and got you. "I get that you don't like her, but..."
"—but nothing. I don't care if it was bad." He huffed, slouching down in his seat and then letting his eyes close. "Did you hear the bullshit she said about the album being about a secret affair?"
"Oh yeah. That was kind of funny, actually." The idea that Ville was so bold about cheating on you that he would create an entire music album about the fact was so horrendous that it was comical. "Do you think she does coke before she does interviews?"
"I don't fucking know what her deal was. I don't want to think about it." He was grumbling, which about told you how sociable he was going to be for the time being. "You seem pretty calm for how close she was getting."
"You were pissing me off, so might as well enjoy watching you suffer." If you were ever to be intimidated by another person 'threatening' your relationship, that other person sure as hell wasn't going to be Charlotte Roche. Hard to be intimidated by someone your boyfriend spent his free time murdering in his head.
"You're an ass." He muttered, leaning away from you when you tried to reach out and touch him with your hand that wasn't on the steering wheel. You rolled your eyes, dropping your arm loosely on the armrest and shaking your head.
"Takes one to know one." Okay. You were being a little childish, but it's not like he had been the pinnacle of maturity today. Hell, he'd compared you to a mother, which was incredibly offensive to you, personally.
He didn't respond to that (thankfully), and you drove back to where the bus was parked outside of the venue in tense silence. You weren't in the mood to play peacekeeper considering how early it was and how much of the animosity was coming from his side as opposed to yours, so you made no attempt to try and break the tension. He would get over himself eventually, and hopefully you'd feel a little less hungover by that point.
So, the remainder of the morning was spent doing pre-concert rituals on the bus (which meant everyone had begun the long day of drinking themselves to shit) whilst you and Ville talked little to almost not-at-all. He was still pissed off (which everyone else was completely ignoring), so he was actually avoiding conversation with everyone as well as you.
Fine by the rest of you.
When it finally came time for you to head backstage to get ready for everyone to head out and start their set, Ville still hadn't eaten anything, had gone through an entire bottle of wine and half a bottle of champagne, and had changed back into the wine-stained shirt. He looked like shit, and he was acting like shit, too.
"You need to give him some downers to even him out. He's going to perform like shit." Linde begged you after watching Ville angrily stumble into the bathroom and slam the door, earning a chorus of irritated agreements from everyone else in the room. You winced, opening your bag to see what you had on hand.
"Everything I’ve got is out." You’d gone a little overboard the night before, so you were basically cleaned out for most of what you'd picked up since joining the tour several days before. Suddenly, Burton stepped around the couch, and then held out a small sandwich bag with a couple nuggets of weed.
"If this will make him stop being such a raging cunt, then you can have it for free." He said tightly, dropping the bag right into your lap. You laughed at that, because it was amazing what Ville's horrible temper could bring out in people.
"Hey. We can share. He's gonna get all weird and bitchy if it's just him smoking." He'd know that you were purposely trying to get him to fix his behavior if not everyone else was passing. Gas cast an irritated look towards the closed bathroom door.
"My god. How long is he going to be weird and bitchy? It's getting old." He huffed, running a hand over his face.
"Until he's drunk." Linde and Mige spoke at the same time, and you snorted at that because that was about as true as it could get. He was only getting more agitated and angry at the moment, and it would take a lot more than what he'd ingested to get his mood to lighten. In fact, it might've never lightened at all, as red wine just made him aggressively horny. Hooray for you.
As you waited for Ville to make his grand entrance back into the room, you and Burton rolled two joints out of a copy of the setlist on the coffee table in a team effort to set Ville up for success. Sure, he performed a little weird on weed (he usually liked to drag out long notes and shove the microphone in his mouth an unsettling amount of times), but that was everyone else's but your problem, so you didn't care.
Finally, when Ville came back out with a champagne bottle still in hand, he was met with the sight of Mige with a joint in his mouth and Gas with one between his fingers.
"Jesus. Don't fucking wait for me or anything." Clearly his bitchy attitude had eliminated any need to convince him on anything, and Ville plucked the joint right from Mige's mouth as he shot everyone in the room a collective dirty look.
"Well, if you hadn't been drinking in the toilet like a fucking bitch..." Linde clearly wasn't in much better of a mood, and you and Mige shared a look as Ville's eyes shifted from yours over to Linde with an red-hot glare on his face.
"Hey. Come sit down and chill the hell out." You interrupted before Ville could find it in him to snap back a reply, motioning to the couch next to you and scooting closer to Burton so that he had room. However, Ville instead decided to step over your legs and drop down between you and Burton, forcing you both to both shove in opposite directions as he wormed his way into space that hadn't been there in the first place.
You were sure everyone in the room shared a look at that, but Ville was too busy ashing his joint on the floor to notice. Figures.
You spent most of the concert in a drug-induced haze laying on the couch, during which, as your horrible luck would have it, Bam Margera called trying to convince you to let him join the tour.
You failed to get around his complaining for half an hour before the band finally re-entered the room, giving you the scapegoat you needed to get out of a conversation that clearly should’ve been for Ville.
“Ville’s back. I have to go." As you said that, Bam immediately protested not getting to actually talk to Ville, but you were quicker. You blurted out your goodbyes before you promptly hung up, looking expectantly at everyone else besides Ville to gauge whether or not he'd shaped up his attitude. Thankfully, Linde quickly waved it off before promptly being hit in the face with Ville's shirt.
"That better not have been Bam Bam you were trying to put me off to." Ville's tone was loud and rushed, but he moved to stand by your feet at the arm of the couch before he rubbed an absentminded hand up your leg while he fished for his cigarettes in his back pocket. You shrugged.
"You’re lucky I didn’t." You muttered, running both hands over your face before forcing yourself to sit up. "Are you done being an asshole?"
"Indefinitely." He promised, crossing his finger over his bare chest before he leaned down and gave you a kiss. "I was made aware that you purposely drugged me so that I'd stop being a cunt."
"Barely. And it worked, so who cares." You said dryly, standing up and immediately being enveloped by a sweaty arm around your neck. You could barely get your words out as Ville pressed more kisses to your lips and cheek, and pretty soon Mige was spitting out a scoff.
"Oh. Now all of a sudden he's nice." He said sourly, shaking his head as he grabbed his bag from off the floor behind the couch. You groaned, trying and failing to get out from Ville's grasp.
"Yeah. And he's gross, too." You huffed as Ville ruffled your hair before letting you go, smacking his ass as he headed towards the small bathroom in the corner where there was a shower. Score! "Are we drinking tonight, or hitting the road right away?"
"Road. Glasgow next." Gas said as he finished off the last of the beer he'd left on the table, his voice coming out muffled as he drank and talked at the same time. You sighed, because that meant a night of shitty sleep with drunken shenanigans in painfully-tight quarters, before dropping down on the couch because you knew it was going to be a while.
But, it was for the sake of a clean and showered Ville, so you were more than fine with waiting.
Thankfully, the gentle shaking of the bus as it drove seemed to chill everyone out considerably, and by the time you'd been back on the road for 15 minutes, everyone was yawning and shutting the shades. You were all for drunken behavior and partying all hours of the night, but you'd already slept like shit before, and you were essentially running on empty as everything you’d drank and smoked started to pull you closer and closer to exhaustion.
"I don't know how uncharismatic you can get, but he was working on it." You were tiredly relaying Ville's interview with Charlotte back to Mige, who was the only one besides Ville still out of bed, and he just chuckled.
"Yeah, she fucking sucks. She must have to be taking some sort of amphetamine." He agreed with your earlier prediction, finishing off the last of his beer before he messily shot the bottle for the trashcan (and missed). "Bet she got the brunt of that shit-ass mood, though."
"Oh yeah she did. It got so much worse once you guys went out to breakfast." You muttered, speaking lowly to keep Ville (who was looking for snacks inside the beat-up cabinets of the bus) from overhearing you. "I don't know what his fucking problem was today, but I'm glad he's over it."
"Are you the type of relationship where amphetamine-riddled fangirls who want their hands down his pants make you jealous?" It was a funny way of wording it, but Mige looked completely genuine as he asked that question. You waved it off with a scoff.
"No. He's such a bitch to everyone that I don't even have to worry about it." Never once in your life had you seen Ville treat someone who was clearly drooling over him with anything other than blatant irritation. He wasn't super great at hiding his lack of interest in certain things.
"I can hear you." You didn't whisper that part, because you were completely fine with helping Ville be self aware, and he shot you a look from the cabinets as he called you out. You grinned, sliding out of the chair that you were sitting in and trying to stifle a huge yawn.
"What? You are!" You defended yourself, slipping an arm around his hips and leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek. "At least today you were."
"You, my friend, found yourself a good one. It brings a tear to my eye that they know you're a cunt." Mige snickered as Ville groaned in your arms, getting out of his seat as well and passing the both of you towards the bunks. "Think hard on that while you're snuggled up tonight."
"Yeah, fuck you too." Ville scoffed, leaning into your kisses despite his hostile tone with his arm slipping around your shoulders. "God forbid I be in a bad mood once in a while."
"You're allowed, but if you ever compare me to a mother again, I'll call your mom and tell her everything you’ve been saying." You threatened, knowing that the one person who could whip Ville into shape better than you could was Anita Valo. He chuckled at that, resting his chin on top of your head.
"Don't call my mama." He begged softly as he broke away from your embrace to give you a kiss. When you gave him a skeptical look, he gave you his most convincing smile before kissing you again as he turned off the kitchen light. "I'll be a good boy. Swear."
"You better. I'll kick your ass if you're grouchy again tomorrow." You muttered, trying to sound intimidating but still laughing when you felt his lips on your neck in the dark.
"I love you. Let's snuggle." He crooned, hands on your hips as he guided you in the direction of the bunks whilst trying to avoid bumping into anything while you walked. You sighed but obliged, blindly feeling around until you both reached your bunk and then shushing him when he swore loudly as he bumped his arm into the wall. "God fucking damn it. This fucking bus!"
He completely ignored your shushing him as he kicked the wall, huffing to himself and pulling a couple of groans out of the bunks around you before you just forcibly guided him into your bed so that he would shut up.
"Honey. Just be quiet." You groaned, climbing in halfway after him and then being yanked inside the rest of the way by his hand wrapped around your hip. He just let out a huff and pulled the covers over the both of you, his arm wrapping tightly around you as he shoved his face in your neck.
"You be quiet." He grumbled, and you could feel him smile against your neck when you yanked on his hair slightly for his attitude. You rolled slightly so that you could get comfortable in the limited space combined with Ville's space hoarding problem, ending up slightly turned away from him with his face in the crook of your neck and your arm backwards over his waist.
Well, a better end to a day that had started like fucking shit. You weren't completely comfortable, but you couldn't complain when you were snuggling with Ville, so you were happy. Especially because you fell asleep first, which meant you didn't have to hear any snoring from the man leeched up behind you.
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Peña’s Anatomy — Chapter Ten
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pairing: doctor au!javier peña x resident!reader
chapter rating: E (tension w/ parents, mentions of grief, fingering, unprotected piv, creampie, oral sex fem receiving, cum eating, another creampie LMAO)
word count: 5.2k
authors note: well! we’ve arrived at our first pit stop for Peña’s Anatomy! this first season was meant to establish their relationship and dynamic, but season two (coming September 24th) will focus more on their work life/social dynamic. we’ll dive into readers family/hometown/ex-boyfriend a bit more, as well as Javier’s past and life in Laredo. expect a bit less angst, a lot more humor, and a bunch of FILTH in the coming season :)
series masterlist
“Well, it’s, uh…it’s nice to meet our little girl’s friends.” You sat at lunch with both of your parents, Mickey, and Javier.
Your birth-givers refused to leave town like they’d agreed to, having found a way to stay an entire week after their first appearance knowing that eventually you’d break down and agree to a sit down with them. To their dismay, you’d brought along two of your favorite humans, surprising them with your choice in company—a pregnant woman with the mouth of a sailor and a man ten years your senior who doted on you far too much to be just a friend.
You forced the pair into coming along to this lunch by guilting them with your injured state and recent grief—not exactly proud of your manipulation but aware that their presence was necessary if you were going to get through this lunch without a mental breakdown.
“J-Javier? Right?” You cringed at your mother’s judgmental tone as she turned to the man on your left, your hand coming to rest on his knee under the table to offer a bit of reassurance. “Are you two…seeing each other?”
“Oh, no.” He lied skillfully, giving her that charming smile of his. “Lucky’s just a good friend.”
“Oh, that makes me feel a little better.” Your mother held her hand over her heart and sighed in relief, your father chuckling along with her while the three of you gave each other knowing looks. “Not sure I’d approve of such an age gap.”
“Not sure it matters if you did or didn’t.” Mickey chimed in, making you smirk at your mother’s appalled expression. “Sorry, that was the hormones talking.”
“Yes, congratulations. I’m sure your husband must be elated.” You turned to eye your friend with raised eyebrows and an amused smile, eagerly awaiting her explanation.
“Oh, I’m not married. The father doesn’t even know. Could you pass the breadsticks?” Mickey paid no mind to your parents conservative nature, both you and Javier chuckling to yourselves.
“Sweetheart, I’ve been meaning to ask how you broke your leg in the first place.” Your father spoke up as he handed Mickey the basket of breadsticks. You turned to Javier for a second, his warm eyes meeting yours as though to tell you he was just as clueless for an explanation.
“I was…running.” You attempted a lie, watching as both of your parents furrowed their brows.
“Running? Since when do you run?”
“Since when do you care?” You snapped, Javier clearing his throat and reaching for his water.
“You’ve, uh, really changed since you moved. Perhaps you should think about coming back. We all miss you. Brandon—“
“Mom.” You spat, cheeks burning at the mention of your ex-boyfriend.
“You broke up with him like he meant nothing to you, and you were together for nearly a decade! I think it’s normal for me to grieve the life you could’ve had with him, you know? It’s only been three months.” You caught Javier’s stare from your peripheral and sighed, scooting your chair back.
“Well, it’s been fun, but I’d rather not sit here and listen to you talk about all the ways I’ve let you down.” You grabbed your crutches and hobbled away, Javier and Mickey following shortly behind.
“Do you wanna—“
You cut Mickey off before she could finish her sentence. “No.”
“Bebita, I think—“
“No.” You snapped again as Javier tried to chime in. He sighed and nodded, knowing you well enough to know that once you were set on something there was no changing your mind.
You hugged Mickey goodbye as you reached Javier’s Audi in the parking lot, insisting that you were fine even with the break up, broken leg, dead friend, and judgmental parents coming into town all in one week. You were well aware she didn’t believe you, but felt grateful that she gave you your space regardless.
Javier helped you into the small luxury car, grabbing your crutches and sticking them in the backseat before walking around to the drivers side. You teased him earlier about his car choice, amused that he was trying to impress your parents with it but he insisted it was only because it would be easier to get you in and out of with your injury. You weren’t sure you completely bought that excuse.
“Thank you for lying about us.” You turned to him as he sat down and turned the car on, a chuckle leaving his lips.
“It was easy to lie because I don’t know the real answer.” He replied honestly, shrugging at you. You gave him a sympathetic look, heart aching a bit as you took in his slight frown. “Anyways…”
“Yeah.” You faced forward and fell silent as the two of you pulled out of the parking lot.
The ride to your apartment was silent, both of you very aware of the impending emotions that would come with opening up Rose’s place to clear out her things.
Much to your surprise she’d left everything to you in her will, the touching act not making her death any more bearable. Objects could never replace her presence and impact on your life, and so you made the decision to donate and sell the majority of it—only keeping a few pieces of jewelry that felt too sentimental to part with.
“You sure you’re ready?” Javier asked as he parked outside your building, a sigh leaving your lips as you shrugged.
“We have to clear it out before the month’s over anyways. Gotta man up and get it done.” He shook his head and leaned over, holding your chin and turning your face to his. He pressed his lips to yours and let them linger there until you kissed him back, your fingers lacing in his hair as you held him close.
There it was—that balm to soothe all your aches. A new medicine only meant for you called Javier Peña.
“Okay,” you pulled away and looked him in the eyes. “I’m ready.”
“Okay.” He pinched your chin lovingly before stepping out of the car and walking around to your side, grabbing your crutches out of the back before helping you onto your feet.
Javier walked behind you at your slow, carefully planned pace, eyes watching you closely in case you stumbled and he needed to catch you. Though this injury had drained you physically, mentally, and emotionally, Javier’s unrelenting company was one perk that came with it. He was always by your side, offering a helping hand on your better days and a bit of reassurance on your bad ones.
You hadn’t slept with him yet since he went and got tested six days prior, but you weren’t entirely sure why.
Of course there were obvious clues as to why you’d chosen celibacy—the lingering anger over his lapse in good decision making with Jessica, the grief running through each and every one of your veins from the loss of your beloved friend, and the more shallow reason being this unattractive boot on your left leg. Though you knew all of these reasons probably had a role to play in your holding back from him, there was a certain itching in your heart that told you perhaps it was for a more romantic reason than you’d ever admit.
You wanted it to be special—the first time the two of you joined your bodies again after so much heartbreak. To have a quick and hasty fuck would almost feel like spitting on the love you shared, especially when the two of you weren’t even together.
You wanted him to be yours again when you made love, wanted to show him that—all sarcasm and passive aggression aside—it was water under the bridge.
He’d more than proven himself to you by devoting his entire existence to taking care of you, even when he wasn’t benefiting from it in the slightest. The most he was getting from you was conversation and a few kisses, surely less than any other man you knew would’ve demanded in return for their services.
When you took him to bed again, you planned on telling him that you were madly in love with him. That you wanted to be his girlfriend. That you wanted him to be your boyfriend. And until you felt prepared and ready to do that, you’d continue holding back from him. He deserved to have you completely, not this fantasy you’d created out of anger where you and him would be just friends.
“Alright, you ready?” Javier lifted up the mat in front Rose’s door and pulled out the spare key, looking at you in confirmation before unlocking the apartment. You took a much needed breath and nodded, your lips pursing together as he opened the door. He stepped in first, your crutches sounding from behind him as you slowly made your way into the living room. “Take a seat, bebita. I’ll do the packing, you just…take a seat.”
You nodded and walked over to the couch, her favorite recliner too hard to look at so you turned away from it. Javier rubbed his palms together as he took a breath and started with the living room. He felt like he was stabbing you in the stomach with a dagger when he began taking the framed pictures off the walls, setting them in a neat pile on the floor. You batted your eyelashes to try and ward off tears, Javier’s eyes finding yours at the sound of your sniffles. He gave you a sympathetic frown before returning to his work.
You felt useless just sitting there and grieving, so you carefully moved yourself over to her large bookshelves, situating yourself down onto the ground in front of them. You made two piles: one for donations and one for books you’d keep as momentos.
“What do you want to do with these?” Javier asked as he set the final picture frame down, your eyes following your fingertips as you ran them over the paperback copy of Charles Bukowski’s Love Is A Dog From Hell. “Bebita?”
“Huh?” You lifted your eyes at the sound of Javier calling you, having not heard him the first time. He frowned a bit before sitting down in front of you on the floor.
“You read that before?” He asked, changing the subject to an easier one. You shrugged, half nodding.
“Read some of his stuff, but not this one.” You sighed and placed the book down onto the keep pile, turning to grab another but Javier stopped you by reading through one of the poems.
“All I’ve ever known are whores, ex-prostitutes, madwomen. I see men with quiet, gentle women—I see them in the supermarkets, I see them walking down the streets together, I see them in their apartments: people at peace, living together. I know that their peace is only partial, but there is peace, often hours and days of peace.” He began reading a poem, your eyes glued to him as he looked down at the book.
Your attention was completely his—the way his lips moved with every softly spoken word, the furrow in his brow as he concentrated on reading aloud, the rasp in his voice from keeping it hushed as to not ruin the delicacy of the moment.
“I need a good woman. I need a good woman more than I need this typewriter, more than I need my automobile, more than I need Mozart; I need a good woman so badly that I can taste her in the air, I can feel her at my fingertips, I can see sidewalks built for her feet to walk upon, I can see pillows for her head, I can feel my waiting laughter, I can see her petting a cat, I can see her sleeping, I can see her slippers on the floor. I know that she exists, but where is she upon this earth as the whores keep finding me?” Javier let a chuckle slip from his lips as he finished reading the poem, closing the book and letting it sit where you’d placed it. “Fitting.”
“Very.” You chuckled too, humor creeping into the moment and alleviating some of the aching your grief brought on. “Javi?”
“Yes, my love?” You smiled and let out a huff of amusement at the term of endearment, your eyes dropping to watch as you picked at your cuticles.
“Does it get easier?” You finally managed a question, its vague nature causing Javier to tilt his head at you when you lifted your eyes back to his. “Grief?”
Javier sighed and let his head hang, no doubt thinking of his own grief from his mother’s passing.
“It dulls. So much that I go weeks at a time without thinking about her. And then I start to feel guilty for not thinking about her, as though it makes my love for her any smaller or less real.” He took a breath, eyes lifting to yours and hand reaching over to rest on your knee. “But we aren’t built to be able to sit in our grief like that forever. It would kill us.”
“It feels silly, you know? She was just my neighbor, just an old woman…” You shook your head as though to order the tears in your eyes not to fall. They didn’t listen.
Javier reached up and stroked them away as they rolled over the apples of your cheeks, his palm lingering and warming you up.
“It’s not silly. These tears and the way your heart feels like it’s fighting you inside of your chest is proof that it’s not.” He whispered, his words causing the dam to finally break, your sobs filling the room as you covered your hands with your face. He scooted closer to hold you as you finally allowed yourself to cry for the first time since hearing that she passed. “It’s okay, baby. Let it out. It’s good. This is good.”
“I—I think we should hire someone.” You managed to speak a full sentence through the suffocating lump in your throat, your hands lowering after wiping away the remaining traces of your momentary lapse in strength. “To do this.”
“Okay,” he nodded and placed a kiss to your temple. “We can do that.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, confirming that this was too much. You’d take a few things now and hide them away in your closet but everything else…you needed someone else to deal with it. You had enough going on.
“You wanna go to yours? Get some water, maybe something to eat?” He asked, helping you up after you nodded. Standing on one foot, you waited until he gave you your crutches before hurrying out of the apartment and into yours next door.
You hadn’t been back here since everything happened. It seemed cold, unfamiliar, small. The good memories were tainted by the bad, and although all of your belongings reminded you that you did once dwell here, it didn’t feel like home. Home could only be found one place these days, and it was walking right behind you into the kitchen.
“Sit down, Crutches. Pick out a movie, I’ll get some popcorn going.” He ordered and you obeyed, hobbling over to the couch you bought secondhand and reupholstered yourself while Rose watched. Everything was tainted.
“What, uh, what sounds good?” You asked as he brought over a cup of water and found the binder full of DVD’s, handing it to you before returning back to the kitchen.
“Your pick.”
Your mouth twisted as you perused the selection. You knew any sort of comedy was off the table—you didn’t want to force yourself into laughter and ruin a good movie. Romance was also a bit sketchy considering the ever-complicated nature of your friendship with the man in the next room. Perhaps a drama would be best suited for the current mood, though you weren’t quite sure Javier would enjoy it very much—he was getting his fill just through knowing you.
“How about a horror movie?” You asked as the microwave peeped, Javier chuckling at the suggestion.
“I might be hiding the whole time, but sure.” He walked over to you with the popcorn, your mouth humming as you popped a piece into it. Perfectly salted.
“Not a fan of scary movies?” You asked as you selected The Shining—a rather tame one, you thought. Javier took the disk from you and popped it into the DVD player before going into your bedroom. You were expecting him to just bring out a few blankets, but when you heard a thud, your brows laced together in concern. “Jav?”
A moment later you chuckled as you watched him haul out your queen-sized mattress, shoving the coffee table out of the way so that he could lay it down in front of the TV. He walked back into the bedroom to grab some blankets and a few pillows, tossing one at you playfully before he made the bed.
“Alright, now we can start the movie.” He grunted as he plopped down onto the mattress, kicking his shoes off and undoing his jeans. You smirked as you crawled down onto the bed and cozied up to him, careful not to scratch his now bare legs with your chunky boot.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the scary man with the axe.” You teased as the film began to play, Javier rolling his eyes before chuckling at your joke.
“Here’s Lucky!” He gave his best impression of the famous line, making you rumble with laughter as your head rested on his chest, his fingertips drawing lazy circles on the mostly bare skin of your shoulder.
At some point in the middle of the movie, you’d fallen asleep, leaving Javier to lay beside you and study your sleeping face. He fought the urge to trace your features, knowing just how little rest you’d gotten this last week between your grieving heart and injury. You deserved this bit of peace, even if it was only for a little while.
As though you had a sixth sense dedicated to him, your eyes slowly fluttered open, a sharp inhale of breath through your nostrils as you woke yourself up. You glanced at the window, surprised to see it was still light outside, before turning your eyes to the man beside you. You gave him a sleepy smile, your head relaxing against the pillow again.
“Sorry,” you apologized but he shook his head to reject it.
“Don’t be, I was having plenty of fun just watching you.” You blushed at his flirting and closed your eyes again, your smile widening. Javier finally allowed his fingers to trace over your features, the softness of your skin stirring him more than he thought possible. “Did you sleep well?”
“I did…” your mind flipped back to the dream you were just woken up from—a dream you desperately craved to become reality. “I dreamed about you…and me.”
“Oh yeah?” He chuckled and lowered his fingertips to your jaw, continuing down the side of your neck and shoulder until he reached the strap of your top. “What were we doing?”
Your breath hitched as he slid the strap down, his fingers continuing their trip across the plains of your warm skin. Though you wanted to do this properly—romantically—you couldn’t help but feel a pool of desire form between your thighs. It had been so long since you’d had him. So long since you were connected to him.
“We were…kissing,” you began your eyes following his fingertips as they traced back up your arm and across your collarbone to the other shoulder, giving your arm closest to him the same treatment. “You were on top of me…and I could feel you. It felt real…I wanted it to be real.”
“Where could you feel me, bebita? Show me,” your chest was lifting and falling dramatically as he guided your hand to rest on top of his, demanding you move him where you’d like. You swallowed thickly and lifted his hand off your arm, placing it on your stomach before sliding it down your body and beneath the blanket.
Lifting the hem of your dress up, you watched as his jaw went slack at the feeling of your cotton-covered heat underneath his fingertips. His eyes never left yours as you used your fingers to guide his in circles over your clit, your brows furrowing at the pleasure of being touched after so long. This was intimate. This was romantic.
“I’ve missed you so much, Javier.” You whispered to him as he laid on his side, propped up on one elbow while his fingers took control. He lowered his lips to yours, pressing softly and giving you the space to reject him, but you tugged him closer, pressing your lips against his in slow, sensual motions.
“Baby,” Javier moaned into your mouth. “I’ve missed you.”
Taken over by some animalistic need, you pulled him down by his collar, one of his thighs resting between yours, his hand moving to grope your breast. You moaned against his lips as he pressed his thigh against your throbbing clit, your hips rocking against him but it wasn’t enough. You needed him inside you. Needed to feel that you were his and he was yours and everything was as it was supposed to be once more.
“Need you…need you so bad, Javi.” He nodded against you and shimmied his jeans off just enough to let his cock out, it slapping against your clothed stomach. He whimpered when you wrapped your fist around it, pumping him until he was so hard you thought it must’ve hurt.
His fingers moved your panties to the side as he became situated between your thighs, his eyes on you as he pressed his cock into your wet heat in one achingly slow thrust. Your eyes screwed shut at the indescribable feeling of having him inside you after so long. This is what you imagined it felt like to die—no pain, no anguish, just a peaceful sort of euphoria that felt too good to be true. So good that it was almost scary.
“G-god, baby.” Javier moaned into your ear as he held your face in his palm, his hips snapping into yours at the perfect pace. “Look at me. Show me those pretty eyes.”
You did as he commanded, locking your eyes with his as he unraveled you in the way only he knew how to. You mewled beneath him and he nodded in understanding, his head shaking a bit.
“You have no idea how good you feel…I wish you could see yourself like I do.” He whispered as he hovered over you, his cock sliding beautifully against every good nerve inside of you. “You’re so beautiful, baby.”
“I love you,” you whimpered as you began to cry from the euphoria of it all. Javier cooed and wiped your tears away, his hand then lowering in between your bodies to stroke over your swollen clit. You writhed beneath him and closed your eyes, hearing a tutting noise come from your lover in response.
“Mm-mm, come back to me. Look at me. Wanna see you when you cum.” Did he know how good this felt? Surely he couldn’t have any idea. This was beyond sex. This was…revival. A cleansing. A claiming of your soul.
“I love you,” you repeated, those three words the only ones that you knew in this state. Javier’s brows furrowed as he stared deeply into your eyes, his hips stuttering a bit.
“I love you.” He confirmed what you so desperately longed to hear, that coil that had been built up over the course of this week now snapping and stealing all of your breath.
You wondered for a moment if you’d actually died. It felt like it. Your body was suspended in a blinding void of bliss and if it hadn’t felt so damn good, you might’ve started to panic.
“Jesus, I-I’m gonna cum.” He warned, bringing you back to him. You nodded and held his face, stroking over his stubbly cheeks and whispering praises to him, the corners of your eyes shedding tears of bliss. Javier looked absolutely anguished by the pleasure, his cock pounding into you, your breath being stolen with each deep thrust until he stilled. With a drawn out moan, he spilled inside of you, claiming you as his own once again.
“Thank you,” you breathed out as you watched his face remain scrunched with the aftershocks of his climax, his breathing ragged and heart pounding. He opened his eyes and took you in, a smile growing on your face as you continued to swipe your thumb over his cheeks. “I’m yours, Javi. Can I be yours?”
“Don’t play with me,” he warned, half-scared to believe you meant what you were asking for.
“I’m not. I…need to be yours. Please…let me be yours.” He nodded and interrupted your begging by crashing his lips against yours. You hugged him tight and wrapped your legs around his waist to keep him there.
“You’ve always been mine, and I’ve always been yours.” He whispered as he continued to lazily move his lips against yours. “You don’t ever have to ask for that. My heart is yours.”
“Thank you…for being here for me through all this. You didn’t have to do any of this but you did because you’re a good man. I know that you love me, and whatever happened in the past…it’s the fucking past. All I care about is our here and now.” You pinched his chin as he propped himself up on both hands to hover above you. “And here and now, I’ve never felt more loved by anybody. Thank you, Javier.”
“Sweet thing,” he shook his head as smiled at you, a teardrop falling from his eye onto your cheek. You went wide eyed at the sight of him openly crying with you, your mind left clueless as to how to display the heaping amounts of love you had for him. “You are…the love of my life, Lucky. Crutches. Bebita. Baby.”
He finished off his string of endearments by using your full name, the dam inside you breaking again. You pulled him down to your chest, not caring about his weight against you as you cried into his neck, Javier kissing the side of your head and squeezing you close as you let it all out.
“I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to hurt you,” he mumbled against your ear before kissing it. “But I will never do that again. Never.”
“I believe you. And I forgive you.” You pressed a kiss to the curve where his neck met his shoulder, your tears stopping as you lifted your head to meet his eyes. He stroked his thumb over your cheek and found his hips thrusting into yours languidly, his cock swelling again with desire to cement your love. You nodded at him and whimpered, Javier sitting up on his knees and watching as his cock slid in and out of your dripping cunt.
“So beautiful. So fucking beautiful.” You nodded at his praise, bending your neck to be able to watch it as well. Javier cradled your neck and jaw with one hand while he brought the other up to his tongue, licking the pad of his thumb before lowering it to your clit hoping that it would satiate his desire to taste you.
Abruptly, he pulled out of you and shuffled down until his mouth was hovering over your wetness, his eyes locking with yours as he licked a broad stripe through your folds, swallowing the combination of your climaxes before wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking. Your head fell back against the pillow as he continued alternating between flicking licks and wet sucks to your swollen heat, your fingers threading through his dark waves.
“God, we taste so good together.” He sat back up and wiped his mouth before pressing back into you in one deep stroke, a strangled cry falling from your lips as your second orgasm took you by surprise. Javier stared at you in awe as he continued stroking slow and deep, your walls spasming around him and sucking him in deeper. “Jesus, do you know how good this fucking feels, baby? Feel like…like…I’m floating. Can’t…describe it. Feels so good.”
“I know,” you nodded and reached for his face, pulling him down so that you could kiss him. He growled into your mouth as he continued snapping his hips into yours, both of you no longer conscious human beings and instead becoming two souls wrapped in a blanket of bliss.
“That’s…fuck…I’m gonna cum again, baby.” He pressed grateful kisses all over the side of your face as he wrapped his arms underneath the arch in your back and pulled you to sit in his lap. His hands held both sides of your face as you bounced on him, your foreheads pressed together. “Yes, fuck. Keep going baby. Just like that.”
“God, I’m going to fucking squirt, Javier!” You warned as you felt a different sort of orgasm building, one you weren’t completely accustomed to but welcomed eagerly. You cried out and Javier lowered his eyes to watch as you drenched his lap with your climax, a deep growl coming from his throat as he came deep inside you. His orgasm seemed to go on for minutes, his hands roaming every inch of your flesh that he could find to thank you for this pleasure that only you were able to bestow upon him.
“I love you so much.” He whispered against the valley of your breasts as his forehead pressed to your chest, pecking your heated skin.
“You’re mine.” You proclaimed, unashamed of your possessive tone. Javier chuckled and lifted his head, nodding eagerly.
“I am yours. Until my dying day.”
taglist: @infesstisssumam @outlawedmando @suttonspuds @joelmillerscoffee @ajeff855 @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @tooflef @mariasabana @tae27 @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @jbh-castaway @oceandolores @mandomover @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @vanemando15 @wickedmunson @marvel-sw-lover @jediknight122 @harriedandharassed @star-wars-fan-2005 @alwaysdjarin @jalobro @trickstersp8 @mccn-bcys @manuymesut @trinkets01 @tanzthompson @jlmaddinson @golden-library @ayoungpascallover-readings @ziggyrocket @pasckles @mrsparknuts @dodgerandevans @medusaandposeidonshead @pastelnap @mando-amando @notyourlovemonkey @psychesreads @oncasette @laureliciousdefinition @notyourlovemonkey @peachyaeger (sorry if your tag isn’t working!)
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boogiewrites · 2 years
Seeing Stars Pt 18
Star shows Eddie the most unambiguous sign of true love his cynical eyes have ever seen. A chapter of fights, revenge, and falling in love.
TW: Use of the f slur by a bully. Canon typical violence, 3-on-1 fight. Panic attacks from bullying/PTSD triggered. Cleaning/patching up after a fight. Snuggling for comfort. Protective Eddie. Major Hurt/Comfort.
Part 1 if you missed it!
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Star was sipping her soda, her lipstick leaving a red ring around the straw while she watched the boys she called her closest friends argue about whether the two albums they were looking forward to this month, Black Sabbath or April Wine would have the better record. Eddie was firmly planted in Black Sabbath and damn near screeching with a pointed finger at his bandmates.
The appearance of someone behind enemy lines walking up to their table made everyone freeze and turn to look at his appearance. It was hard to miss the guy, he was a basketball player and one of Jason’s puppies that followed him around.
“Hey.” He got out with a nod, nervous glances at the intimidating mid-argument faces glaring at him. Star sipped her soda and having reached the bottom she broke the silence with a noisy inhale through her straw, eyes up at the familiar face. Everyone stopped to look at each other now, confusion taking over as he wasn’t calling them crude insults.
“Did you come over here to stand and blot out the sun, you behemoth or are you gonna say something?” Eddie asked the large athlete.
“Uh, no I came to talk to her.” He nodded to Star whose chin pushed into her neck in surprise.
“She’s got a name you know.” Eddie spat back out.
“Yeah. Star.” He looked at Eddie with genuine puzzlement. Eddie’s tone surprised no one, even if this hadn’t been the guy that had slipped notes into Star's locker all year that she’d been avoiding, he would’ve been just a bitey.
“What is it?” She asked with a neutral voice, sitting her empty can away.
“Could I talk to you?”
“You are.” She stated plainly with a nod.
“I mean can we go somewhere and talk?”
Eddie's eyes shoot to Star dissecting her every reaction. Star narrowed her eyes, but subtly. She let the question hang in the air, long enough to make him squirm.
“I’m going to be honest with you. I don’t trust you. I don’t trust your friends. I’m not going to go anywhere alone with you. So you can ask what you want here or wait.” She shrugged casually and the guy started to sweat. His face went through stages of grief and landed on acceptance as Star openly stared him down.
“Okay.” He said with disappointment clear in his voice. He cleared his throat, hand to his mouth before shoving them in his pockets. “I uh-have seen you dance before.” Star blinked and awkward judgemental smiles started to sprout among the guys around her. “And you’re good at it. And…” his eyes shot to Eddie who had sat back and crossed his arms, legs spread to take up space as the tiny in comparison man intimidated the much large one with only a look. His eyes switch back to Star as he scratched his head nervously. “And I think you’re hot. And-“Star's mouth rolled into a tight line, holding in a laugh. She couldn’t believe the guy was going through with it. “And there’s the valentine’s dance coming up and I wanted to ask you to go with me.” He said quickly to get it out and over with.
Star sucked her teeth and let out a loud sigh, pity on her face.
“Oh hun, no. That’s not gonna happen.”
“You like to dance. It’s a dance.” He said as if that should change her mind.
“Brandon, let me be clear. No.” She stated with praying hands that chopped down. “I’ve avoided you and your notes all year because the answer is no. I’ve been subtle and that isn’t your strong suit. Your consistent insistence that you liking me is a reason for me to give you a chance is very stalker-esque and not to mention sexist. I owe you nothing. I won’t go to any dance with you or date you or give you a drunken hand job out of pity. Let it go, big guy.” She pat his arm condescendingly and shooed him away with her hand. He turned bright red and watched the other guys covering their mouths to not laugh.
“Why do you give them a chance and not me, huh?” He motioned to the table.
“They’re my friends. They’ve had more interactions with me than writing poorly edited notes and telling me I’m hot. They know me as a person, not some predictable weird girl fetish they think they want. They aren’t trying to fuck me to fulfill some misogynist fantasy. I trust them. I don’t trust you. I don’t trust your friends. I trust mine.” She stated again. Not raising her voice and sticking to facts but it still bruised his ego.
“W-well what about him?” He pointed to Eddie like a child and he noticeably sat up and back in retort.
“What about him?” Star became louder and more challenging.
“You’re fucking him.” He blurted out.
“And?” She said confirming and challenging someone 4 times her size.
“Why him? He’s a fuckin freak and I’m a nice guy and -“
“Imma stop you right there you numb nuts Clydesdale.” She had a single finger pointed at him and the guys shared a sibling-like grin of watching another kid get in trouble with your mom. “You answered your own question in 3 sentences.” She snapped. “He’d never call someone a freak like that.” She glared up fearlessly into the overgrown toddler's eyes.
“What’s he got that I don’t have?” He asked genuinely and angrily. She shook her head and frowned.
“Do you really want to do this to yourself in front of everyone? You’ve got an audience now.” Her tight expression, not overly emotional scared him.
“Yeah, I wanna know.”
“Fine. He’s the opposite of you. Is that what you want?” She leaned forward. “I like him. I don’t like you.” She tapped her finger to her palm to emphasize her points. “He knows no means no and consent isn’t a big word he doesn’t understand!” She raised her voice. “If those words are all too big for you, I want to fuck him and I don’t want to fuck you. Since sex seems to be all you cavemen give a shit about.” She sat back and huffed out an angry sound.
“You’re a-fat ugly bitch.” She sputtered out. “Jason was right about you. I was just trying to be nice.” He turned and stomped off.
“If I had a dollar for every time someone called me a fat ugly bitch I could buy a damn house, am I right ladies?” She raised a brow at the group of girls sitting at the table next to them and a giggle ran through them.
“Tell me about it.” One snorted out in agreement.
“Just another day living as a woman.” She turned and put her elbows on the lunch table.
“You’re not gonna punch him?” Dustin asked, knowing she fought a guy almost as big before.
“No, he’s not worth it. He’s stupid as shit.” She chuckled.
“You’re not a fat ugly bitch by the way,” Gareth added in without eye contact but feeling bad for her.
“Don’t go pretending to be sweet on my behalf, I’m fine.” She smiled.
“You might’ve got insulted but I think you complimented Eddie so much his ego is gonna make his head explode.” Mike grinned.
“I mean.” Eddie shrugged and let out a genuine bashful laugh as he looked to the table to avoid eye contact. “That was very nice of you Star.” He swung his head her way and she rolled her eyes but the smile told him she meant it.
“It was all true. Guessing stroking your ego is natural to me now since I’ve been stroking your-“
“Hey! Oh!” Eddie tutted and covered her mouth. “Children are present let’s not.”
“We know she meant your dick dude,” Dustin said deadpan. It sent the older friends into a cackle.
They were already healed and back to enjoying their lives again. But across the lunchroom, a wounded group of jocks was stewing in their not-so-stroked egos.
If there was one thing Star wouldn’t miss about high school it was gym. She hated everything about it. No amount of naked girls in the locker room could make up for the loathing the rest of the experience caused her. She wasn’t a gifted athlete. She couldn’t hit a ball with a bat to save her life. She couldn’t remember choreography. And her aim was self-admittedly shit. So when dodgeball was announced as the game of the day she groaned into her hands amongst the cheers of the rest of the class.
Star was jumpy and paranoid without the threat of balls being launched at her face. And this was in no scenario in which that statement could be interpreted as fun. The only time she wanted balls hitting her in the face was during a sloppy blow job.
She’d tried to purposely get hit at first. But the gym teacher caught on and made her get back out on the floor unless it looked like she was trying. So she was. She was avoiding a ricocheting ball by running toward the middle of the court. A vengeful Jason, angry at her for making his friend look bad had been watching her, waiting for an opportunity. He ran forward as she was distracted, and when he was within arm's distance of her he yelled her name, causing her to turn to look his way before he pelted her right in the face as hard as he could.
Those balls seem like they wouldn’t hurt that badly. Their big and bouncy and make a fun noise when they hit something. They seem innocent enough. But anything when hurled at your face from 3 feet away by someone who handles balls for a pastime. Insert joke here. It’s going to ruin your day.
Star got knocked flat on her ass as she felt her nose throb. Everyone let out a mix of amused and concerned ‘ohs’ when she hit the ground.
“What the FUCK?” She shouted and put her hand to her nose. Jason strutted up to her and looked down at her.
“You’re out.” He smirked.
“Your balls are gonna be out of your mouth.” She growled. He had enough time to look confused before she used her angle to her advantage and kicked him in the balls. He doubled over and there they both sat on the shiny hardwood floor, each holding their injuries.
Jason groaned and gritted out strings of half-words that were all insults. Star sat and watched his friends try to help him up but his knees wouldn’t work yet. It was no surprise to Star that no one had come to pick her up.
“If you want to be able to have kids. Don't fucking hit me, dude. I didn’t do anything to you, you asshole.”
“You’re a bitch.” He grunted.
“Again with this? I haven’t even talked to you. What the hell is your problem?”
“Oh come ON.” She groaned loudly. “You hit me because I turned down your friend? That’s fucked up man, even for you.”
“He was trying to be nice and ask you out. The guy likes your weird ass for some reason.” Star was standing now and Jason wasn’t risking being left on the floor, his friends trying to help him up.
“I told him no. I gave him reasons. I answered his questions. What more do you fucking want from me?”
“Go out with him.”
“Go fuck yourself.” She rolled her eyes.
“I’m serious,” he took a deep breath. “He’d be good for you. You’re a mess star. You’re with the wrong crowd.”
“Again. Go. Fuck. Yourself.”
“I hate to see a pretty girl with so much potential have such a nasty mouth.”
“Fuck you, you fucking fuck.” She bit back.
“Munsons a bad influence. You’re gonna catch something you know that?” He was standing now but still bent.
“You’re one of the most ignorant brainwashed people I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.”
“You’re the one who’s brainwashed! Those guys, that club, they’re no good.”
“They are good which is ironic. They were my friends when no one else would be. They don’t hit me in the face and insult me. Why would I hang out with people who want to hurt me when I have a group of good people I trust? What don’t you get?”
“C’mon. Good? Them? Munson?” He scoffed. “Kids a freak. He kills cats you know.”
“He loves cats!” She screeched defensively. “He wouldn’t hurt a fly!”
“You expect me to believe a guy that looks like that is good? That he’s worth your time? I don’t know what you see in him, Star. You need to ditch him. He’s got a reputation. His whole family does. His dad's in jail. His mom was an addict. He sells drugs. Lives in a trailer park? I mean come on the guy's a loser.”
Star got so close to Jason that he stumbled back and put her nose right to his.
“You keep their names out of your fucking mouth you ignorant piece of shit.” She reared back and spit on his shirt. “Eddie’s a better man than you could even think of being. He’s smarter than you. He’s funnier. He’s kinder. He's more of a man than you ever will be.”
“Aw, the freaks are in love, you guys.” They all mockingly awed.
“And what if we were? It has nothing to do with you! What we do affects you in no way. Why do you care? We don’t care about you!”
“Yeah, you do you’re getting all emotional right now.”
“Have you ever noticed how we never go after you guys? We’re always acting in retaliation to you? Happy people? Us? They don’t go around worrying about what other people are doing and wanting to make them feel bad for no reason.”
“People like him don’t deserve to be happy.” Star blinked in shock at the honesty.
“You are pathetic. Brainwashed. Pitiful tiny little shadow of a person. I feel so bad for you.”
“I feel bad for you! That’s what I’m saying!” He entirely missed her point. “You need someone like us to make you see you’re the one that’s brainwashed! And it’s okay, you're a girl, it happens. But Munson? He’s a born-and-bred loser. You need someone like Brandon, who’s from good parents, and has real moral values. He can set you straight.”
“I don’t need your help. I sure as hell don’t need Brandon. I have what I need. And that’s Eddie.” She said it without thinking. Talking straight from her gut and trusting it would tell her what she needed to hear. It delivered. “I would choose that so-called loser over you any day. Every time he wins. In any scenario. He beats you. Always. He’s better than you in every way. And that kills you. Eats you up inside. Because you’re scared and you’re afraid of things that are different from you. And that’s why he’s better. Because he’s everything you aren’t. Everything you wish you could be but are too afraid to because what would other people think? What if people see the real you and realize you’re nothing? An imposter. A bunch of hot air inside with no real value. Nothing of worth. Not worthy of love or friendship. You envy Eddie. Who is openly himself. He has friends that love him. The real him. He has the love and the freedom you wish you had. You’re so fucking predictable. All of you. All the same. Enjoy these last months of high school because this is your peak. This is as soon as it gets for you.” She spits out the venom with her words and said them so close to his face he could feel the heat from her breath. She knew guys like Jason. They were all the same. She cut hard into him and it felt so good to see the spark of worry that she might be right in his eyes. The fear of how did she know that’s what I’m scared of.
“She’s hopeless.” Jason blurts out, defensive, voice cracking under someone getting into his head.
“Then leave me alone,” she growled before storming off.
Jason was a little spooked by Star’s words. He didn’t like that someone knew his weaknesses and that they said them out loud so other people could hear. He had heard she was a witch and being who he was, he fueled his anger with a sense of righteousness. He broke away from his group, following out to the parking lot to see what Star did after their altercation. What he saw only made him angrier. He saw Eddie sweep in with the caring face that she had claimed he had. He held her face and pulled her towards him, a hand to her cheek as she sighed and explained, her fingers stroking the fabric of his jacket on his biceps where they held him back. He saw the tenderness, the kindness, the love between them. They shared a kiss they both laughed through as Eddie stroked her face and hair, kissing the tip of her nose where it was starting to bruise. They held each other for a moment, he saw Eddie’s face hold both anger and softness and Jason grew angry that he could feel both at the same time. The fact that they were just as happy as she claimed made him furious. Eddie Munson was beneath him. He didn’t deserve to have someone love him like that. Especially not someone that was conventionally attractive. Guys like him didn’t deserve it. That’s what he’d been told his whole life. He was compelled to do something to take it away. What he didn’t know, however, is you should never seek vengeance against a witch who knows how to protect herself and those she cares about. Because it will backfire. Jason was going to learn that soon.
Eddie was swearing and catching all the shit falling out of his locker like it did almost every time he opened it. He caught the slide of stacked books in his arms, noticing a note that sat on top. He grabbed it in his teeth and shoved the books back inside forcefully. Turning his back to his locker, he opened it to find it was from Star.
“Meet me after work out back. I’ve got a surprise for you, babe.” it was signed with a sloppy star and a heart. He smirked before chuckling. Babe was new. Was she trying to flirt? Set a tone? The heart made him annoyingly hopeful. He shoved it into his jacket pocket and headed home to be anxious the entire evening.
It was late, Eddie was wearing the mix of oils and cologne Star loved. He was looking forward to having her bury her face in his neck, comedically inhale and groan and bite him. He itched for her touch the whole evening, stomach fluttering with nervousness he couldn't explain.
Star was woken up out of her nap by a wave of nausea. She curled up and groaned, feeling nothing rise in her throat but the pain in her stomach stayed. She got out of bed and had tea as the sun set, sitting on her front porch, overlooking the treeline and field but the usual calm that it brought wasn’t coming. It stayed with her all evening, sitting in the doorway of her small bathroom and sucking on peppermint sticks to try to ease it, but it never manifested into throwing up and never went away. If anything it got worse. She started sweating, not even the January air stopping it as she let herself get too cold outside in an attempt to ease it. She wondered if she had food poisoning for a moment, but she’d been emptying out in one way or another if she were. She decided to call Eddie. See if he felt bad, if he did maybe they were getting sick. Or maybe he could come over and be a distraction. She felt compelled to be with him when she felt bad. The phone rang to no answer. She even left a shouting message, thinking he was asleep or in the bathroom, and still, no one picked up. She became restless, well into the night now she paced, feeling like she might crawl out of her skin. She decided to take a drive, letting her intuition take her where it wanted. She felt better in the car, the window cracked and the radio on. She headed towards town with no real idea of what was up with her.
Eddie didn’t see Star’s car when he pulled into a nearly empty parking lot. The diner was dark inside as he pulled in. He saw Steve’s car on the street outside Family Video. He thought maybe he’d given her a ride. Eddie trotted up the back alley of the diner, that nervousness building again. He stood under the street light where he’d watched Star argue with the line cook. Eddie lit a cigarette and shifted his weight from his heels to his knees. He heard footsteps from the other end of the alley, expecting Star or Steve to appear, maybe both since his car was still around. The silhouette wasn’t familiar and Eddie felt a shiver come over him. Jason came into view with a smug smile on his face.
“I see you got my note.” he stood confidently with his hands on his hips.
“Oh shit,” Eddie said under his breath.
“For once we agree, Munson.” two more silhouettes began to grow in the distance and Eddie felt his stomach drop out of his ass.
“So you wrote the note?” his voice gave away nothing, a plume of smoke escaping in the exhale after.
“Of course I did, why would Star want to see you?”
“Because she likes me.” he gave a cocky smile, eyes bright in the shadows as he let the cherry of his cigarette light up his features with an eerie orange glow in the low light of the alley. “And I think that really chaps your ass, Carver.” he chuckled.
“She doesn’t like you. I’ve heard her say so.”
“That’s interesting because when she’s begging me for more in bed she says some very, sweet things to me. I bet you can imagine.” Eddie was terrified, but he wouldn’t lose the mental game. That was something he refused to do.
“I don’t know why she’d even touch you.” his cheeks began to grow red.
“You wanna find out big boy? I’m very good with my hands.” he winked.
“Don’t even joke about that faggot shit.”
“I don’t think I could handle all three at once but, your boys can watch like they usually do.” he grinned.
“I said shut up!” he moved towards him now, trying to intimidate him. When Eddie remained relaxed, appearing unbothered and looking Jason up and down it made him start to sweat.
“What’s wrong Jason? What’s got you wound so tight?”
“Little 'ol me? Well, I didn’t do nothin’.” he flicked his cigarette away. “Except Star.” he turned with a villainous charming smile. He started to laugh as Jason's nose twitched. “You HAVE a girlfriend Jason. Your little Chrissy. Why are you trying to intimidate me over a girl?” his easygoing laugh burned Jason's cheeks. “Oh. Oh, no does SHE like me too? So you wanna take my girl away? As cute as Chrissy’s little ass is I still think I’d stick with Star, thanks though.” he patted him on the arm and Jason grabbed his forearm hard. It hurt, but Eddie didn’t show it.
“You don’t talk about Chrissy.” He growled.
“I could tell you to shut the fuck up about Star too.” Eddie straightened his posture. “What the fuck is your problem, man? You’ve got yours. Just let me have mine.”
“No.” he snapped. “People like you don’t get to be happy.”
“Well shit, tell me how you really feel.” he snorted.
“You’re going to learn that people like you don’t get what they want. You don’t get Star, you don’t get your friends. You’ve been having it too good lately Munson.”
“Yeah, I thought it was going pretty good myself.” he nodded. “You think beating me up is gonna stop that?”
“Y–yeah.” he stuttered. “If you’ve got the shit beat out of you maybe it'll knock you down a few pegs. You won't be able to protect Star or your friends. She’ll see you’re a loser who isn’t as big of a man as she thinks.”
“If you think beating me up will turn Star away you’re a fucking idiot. It’ll do the opposite. And then she’ll come after you.”
“Am I supposed to be afraid of her?” he laughed.
“You should be.”
“She gonna put a spell on me?” he cackled.
“Yeah,” Eddie answered without an ounce of laughter. That did scare Jason a bit.
“You’re all freaks. You deserve each other.”
“Do I deserve her or not here, dude? You’re giving me whiplash. I’m starting to think you don’t even know why you’re doing this.” he laughed and shook his head.
“You don’t deserve to be happy.” he gritted out.
“Listen, if you’re gonna beat my ass just get it the fuck over with. Because I’ll go to Star and she’s going to wait on me hand and foot like a fucking baby. She’s going to be so mad she’ll rain down hell on all of you. It’ll make us closer, she’ll love me even more. And I think you know that. Deep down. That you can’t do anything to take that away from me, so you’re resulting to hurting me physically because you can’t hurt my feelings.”
“Maybe so. But she’s not as good as you think she is. Do you think she’s going to stay with you here? She’s not from here. Nothing is keeping her here. She’s smarter than you, she’ll go to college and leave your dumb ass here to rot in that trailer. I think she’s with you because she feels sorry for you. You know how girls are, they see a hurt dog and they want to help it. That’s you. You’re the dog.” For the first time, Jason hurt Eddie’s feelings. It was only for a moment, tapping into a worry he’d had from the moment he laid eyes on her.
“I think we’ll leave together. And pursue the things we want in life. And we’ll be successful because we’re good people who work hard. We’ll be happy. We might do the whole, marriage and kids thing. Who knows? And I think you’ll still be here. You’ll probably marry Chrissy and have some kids. Close to 30 you’ll start losing those boyish looks. You’ll lose your hair, you’ll get fat, and spend your time rehashing the glory days and being miserable. Chrissy won’t love you anymore, because you’ll hate yourself. Because one day you’ll wake up and realize you never made a single decision in your life for yourself. You only did what other people wanted. You’ll have a crisis and maybe buy a car you can’t afford because you’re not as smart or talented as you thought you were so things aren’t turning out how you wanted. You’ll drink too much, you won’t know how to relate to your kids. They’ll probably be the opposite of you. They’ll be like me. And you’ll hate them for it. And they’ll hate you because they know their dad's good-for-nothing bully who doesn’t know how to handle his emotions. One day you’ll have had too much to drink and one of them will say that. And you’ll hit them. And you’ll regret it. You might get divorced, or put a gun in your mouth about it. You’ll wish you were dead.” Eddie, like Star, could read people. And people as transparent as a high school jock weren’t hard to know how to scare them. Because it’d been done so many times. He probably just repeated to him his own father’s life. And of course, he wouldn’t want to be like his father. But deep down he knew he was. “And there I’ll be, miles and miles away. Happy. Loved. Successful. Not having thought about you since I left this podunk town. You’ll have been dead to me for years.” he grinned. “I’ll have the life you wish you had. And you’ll be here, alone or dead. And either way, everyone around you will be better off for it.”
Jason landed the first hit. He’d made sure that point was made before they started this plan. Eddie, being the unhinged person he was laughed at the knock on the cheek.
“I think I struck a nerve.” he touched his cheek and laughed. Jason hit him in the stomach.” You’re so cute when you’re mad, princess.” he kept the smile on his face until he’d taken too many hits to count. -
Star was headed downtown, her heart racing, feeling on the verge of a panic attack. She wondered if she should stop and if she was finally going to be sick. She wished she was because then she could shake this looming feeling something bad was gonna happen. She’d rather have food poisoning.
She saw the diner in the distance, her focus on it, dark as she approached. She saw Eddie’s van first. She turned the wheel so hard the car made a noise of protest. She swung into the parking lot, swerved with a squeal, and gassed it when three Hawkins letterman jackets came into view. She made a line straight for the guys and slammed the brakes just as she got near them. The thunk of hitting one of them who had been frozen in fear by the headlight's appearance let her know she’d hit them. She launched out of the car, she was moving so quickly on instinct alone she blacked out. She saw the one who was hissing and clutching his leg, the others now stood and gawking, stuck in processing what was happening. She knew who they were. She made eye contact with Carver and launched herself at him. He ran, the other guy getting away, but she grabbed Jason by his jacket and was on him like a piranha in a flash. She had no idea what she said, she knew she used her long nails to try to gouge out his eyes. She failed but left scratches all over him. She’d gotten a few good hits in using surprise to her advantage. She kneed him in the crotch as she hit his head into the pavement by his hair. The other injured guy booked it out of the alley past them. Star looked at him for split second and Jason hauled back and slugged her in the face. It knocked her off him, the already sore and bruised nose now thoroughly split open.
Eddie hadn’t frozen like the three guys beating him up at the sound of Star’s tires squealing into the parking lot. He took the chance to pop his head up from his protective curled position. The headlights blinded him, but he saw the bright yellow paint glint and knew in a heartbeat who it was. He felt his body relax, seeing one guy now on the ground, his leg having taken the hit of her bumper against it. He lay hissing in pain as the others ran. He saw Star in a blur and knew from the fading blonde hair bouncing and the banshee screams that ripped into his ears that it was her. He sat up, letting his head rest against the brick wall. A sudden wave of exhaustion hit him, he felt sleepy, his entire body twitching from strain. He heard her growling and screaming, a guy's voice shouting back at her, pleading. Eddie knew he was in no shape to help her, but it sounded like she wasn’t being hurt, so he let himself sit there in the wet gravel and close his eyes. She was there, everything would be okay. His guard dog guardian angel had swooped in and he could rest for a moment.
She let out a frustrated sound as he scrambled away. She quickly turned, to her hands and knees before running and stumbling back to the hunched form against the alley wall. He was lit so beautifully like a baroque with her headlights. She choked out a sob, seeing his eyes fluttering about, closed.
“Eddie!” she squeaked, her throat feeling sore and raw. She hadn’t known it but she’d been screaming. He made a sound, she knew he was alive but that was all. “Eddie, baby, please.” hot fat tears built and fell in an instant. “No, no, no.” she cradled his head as her hands shook to wipe away the fresh blood on his face. “Not you, Eddie, no.” she kept chanting and repeating her words as they came to the forefront of her mind. “Eddie, baby, please. Open your eyes. Look at me, sweetie please.” she begged, a light slap to his cheek as she held his upper body in her arms.
“MMnnrrrggg.” he managed, eyes rolling in their sockets.
“C’mon Eddie, baby. Wake up for me. It’s your Star. It’s me, please. Look at me.” she rasped out crying.
“Ugh. Shit.” a little clearer, his brow furrowing before he hissed at the pain.
“Oh thank you.” she sobbed, holding him to her chest, her clothes covered in blood. She didn’t realize that most of it was hers. She looked up at the sky and thanked the bright moon. “Eddie, baby. Can you hear me?”
His eyes focused, one then the other as he looked up at her. She was silhouetted by the car lights, but he knew her touch, her smell, her shape through a veil of blood and tears. She smoothed his hair out of his face, in an attempt to soothe him.
“There he is.” she cried through a smile. “There’s my pretty boy.” The light hit his eyes in a way that made them warm amber. They glowed from within as they tried to focus on her face, feeling his hand reach up to hold her forearm.
“Star.” his voice was a whisper, trying to get his bearings but he was dizzy.
“Yeah, baby it’s me.” she leaned her nose to his so he could hear her. She wanted to squeeze him so tight their bodies fused into one, her whole body was alive and on fire, tingling and burning like her lungs.
“MMm.” he smiled and let his head rest in her hands, his cheek mushed. “Baby does feel nice,” he muttered and she giggled, wiping away at her tears as they started again.
“You silly man.” she kissed him, she didn’t care about the split lip and the blood. “We’re gonna get in my car and I’m gonna take you home okay?” she promised with her nose to his.
“Kay,” he grunted out, his hands slapping out to find purchase.
“Put all your weight on me, I’ve got you, don’t worry.” she touched him as gently as she could, thankful to not see any blood anywhere besides his face. She felt like the stories of mothers who suddenly have the strength of ten grown men when their child was in danger. She managed to get her car door open, Eddie let himself weigh against the car on his arm as she did so. He was slowly realizing he could use all his limbs and that even though they all hurt, they didn’t seem to be broken. He got into her passenger seat and looked at his hands. They were a bloody scraped mess, one finger looked a little crooked and he was concerned about that.
“You okay?” she shut and locked her door, turning to help him with the seatbelt. She wanted him upright.
“I mean… define okay,” he mumbled and touched his face, only finding more blood. He finally looked at her with fully open eyes. “Oh fuck, Star.” he reached out to her face and she jumped.
“I’m fine.” she gently took his hand and put it down.
“Have you seen your face?” he asked and she flipped down her visor.
“Shit.” she hissed. “Doesn’t matter.” she sighed and smacked it shut. “Do you need a hospital?” she looked over his legs, they were both moving, just like his arms.
“I'd rather just go home,” he admitted with a defeated exhale.
“Home or my place? Do you want Wayne to-”
“Yours.” he nodded and let his head rest on the seat. He wouldn’t want Wayne to see him like this until he had it all cleaned up. Star by far had the superior first aid setup out of the two of them.
“Can I drive? Are you okay?”
“I’m… here. Promise. Drive.” he sighed and let himself slouch. As soon as she was out of the parking lot she took his hand into hers. She held it tight and shuddered the whole ride home. He looked at it, a smile on his face. He knew he was right. Doing this would only make her care more. He lifted it and kissed it before putting it back onto his thigh with a rather content-sounding sigh, putting his other over it.
“I’m so sorry.” he heard the tears in her voice.
“What are you talking about?”
“If I hadn’t been so mean to him maybe he wouldn’t have-”
“This didn’t have anything to do with you.” It was partially a lie to make her feel better but he also knew Jason’s real issue was with himself, not anyone else.
“I don’t believe that. It was at my work. Why?”
“He left me a note pretending to be you. Told me to meet him here after work.”
“Motherfucker.” Star gritted out.
“I said much the same.” Eddie groaned. “What I’m more curious about now is how you knew where I was?” He saw her eyes squint and her head tilt as if she were weighing her options.
“I don’t really know how to answer that.”
“That cryptic answer makes me nervous so could you try?” he asked nicely.
“I didn’t know where you were. I woke up sick from a nap. I felt like I had food poisoning but I wasn’t getting sick from it. I tried calling you because I felt bad and you weren’t home. So I went for a drive to clear my head, and get some air and I didn’t think about it. The closer I got to town the more my stomach sank. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack, you know that feeling you get when you’re like, something bad is going to happen even if you don’t know what it is? That’s what it was. And I went into town and saw your van at the diner and I just…” she stopped and took a breath. “I just knew somehow. And there you were,” she said in a raspy whisper. She felt him squeeze her hand.
“My little witch.” he grinned and hummed. “First the shower. Now, this.” she felt his thumb rub comforting on her hand. Star was still twitchy and looking distressed. She was scared of the connection between them and what it meant.
“I’m… I’m still shaking.” she took in a deep inhale to steady herself. “I didn’t know if you were … fuck. That must’ve been what it was like finding me,” she whispered, he saw fresh tears rolling down her cheek. “Baby, I never wanted this to happen to you. I’m so sorry. I don’t care if you don’t want to hear that I’m sorry. I am. I don’t know why. I just am. These things aren’t supposed to happen to you. Nothing bad isn’t supposed to happen to you!” her voice cracked as her chest tightened. He felt warm and fuzzy from the outpouring of emotion trapped in the small space between them. How many times had she called him baby? He felt selfish wanting more.
“I’ll be okay. Shhhh.” he squeezed and kissed her hand. He brought a hand up her shoulder to rub it comfortingly. “We’re fine. I mean, not fine but we’ll be fine. Breathe.”
“I know. I’m s-.” she stopped herself and bit her lip. “I just don’t want anything bad to ever happen to you,” she whispered and another tear fell. He felt the burn, the threat of tears in his own eyes at the sight. He reached her cheek with his knuckle and wiped it away.
“Baby. I’m okay. Get us home. That’s all you have to do.” he said with that burn in his chest appearing again. She had thrown herself into a fight with three men, all bigger than her. She hit one with her car. She did not hesitate. She was willing to sacrifice herself, and her safety for him. That was the most unambiguous sign of true love Eddie knew of.
Star quietly cried the whole ride home, squeezing his hand. He wasn’t the only one that felt it. Her chest burned for him in the same way. The thought of losing him, or having something bad happen to him had been the kick in the ass she’d needed. The universe isn’t one to be sorry. But it wasn’t particularly glad it had to hurt Eddie in such a way to get it through to Star that she loved him. That she was in love with him. But it had worked. She knew. She was in love with Eddie Munson.
“Oh fuck.” Star said loudly in surprise as she saw the state of herself in her bathroom mirror. She’d looked up from getting a warm washcloth for Eddie’s face.
“Told you.” Eddie smiled to himself, sitting on the edge of Star's bed.
“I’m gonna get the blood off me, I’ll be a minute.” She insisted.
“I’m not going anywhere. Take your time.”
When she appeared the damage was more clear on her face, scratches covered her chest, neck, and face. Her nose was darker now, looking a little crooked and swollen.
“You should see the other guy.” She gave him a soft smile, putting on a kettle as she dug out her first aid box. She’d taken her now bloody clothes off and had pulled on a big loose sweatshirt. She kneeled in front of Eddie and he saw the wince she tried to hide as her scraped knees weighed on the floor. Her shoulder was bare from the old sweatshirt falling off it when she hunched over the kit.
“Who did that to you, baby?” his crusted hand took her by the chin and saw her eyes swollen from crying and red. A wet shine still to them as they brightened at his touch. She blinked as if she forgot how to speak for a moment, her mouth opening and closing, affected by his tender tone. She felt the heat burn from her chest to her stomach as he stroked her cheek with his knuckles.
“I only managed to get ahold of Jason.” She whispered, looking away as if she was ashamed.
“He did this?” Eddie’s brows raised.
“He…” she stopped and an odd smile moved across her face. “He had to.” She let out a quiet laugh. “I was on top of him and I wouldn’t stop hitting him. I don’t know that I would’ve stopped if he hadn’t punched me.”
“Can you tell me what happened?”
“What do you remember?”
“Being on the ground and hearing the tired squeal then being blinded by a light and seeing someone hit the ground and the others run. I think I saw you running down the alley. But there was blood in my eyes and I was feeling light-headed.”
“You didn’t miss much then.” She shook her head and laid everything out next to him on the bed. “Can you strip for me?” She asked casually, clicking the space heater on.
“I want to see what the damage is.”
“Oh.” He laughed nervously, grunting to take his shirt off. She leaned up on her knees to help pull it over his head. “I was gonna say, I don’t think I’m up for it sweetheart.” He joked, wincing through the ache. She undid his jeans, his fingers throbbing from defending himself. They were pulled off with his socks to check for broken toes. Her hands were light and cold and felt nice on his hot, angry skin. He let out an audible sigh as she softly rubbed his back before wrapping a blanket around him. The kettle sounded with a scream and she raised to switch it off.
“Nothing seems broken. That’s good news.”
“I guarded my ribs like a mother fucker. Didn’t want to deal with that. But that means my arms took most of the hurt.” She had a mug made and sat on her bedside table for him after he was finished.
“You’re going to be covered in bruises for weeks.” She said, sitting back on the floor with a grunt on impact.
“Good color study huh?” He smiled at her and she stopped after clipping back his hair and looked at him for a silent moment. Her eyes danced over his face and he felt self-conscious suddenly, she seemed so somber but her eyes were so bright.
“It will be a beautiful color study.” She whispered and kissed his cheek.
She whispered apologies as she cleaned him up. Hurting him to find out what was blood and what was injury. Sweet apologies and gentle touches were all he knew from her. After she had a pile of dirtied cloth and tissue she deemed him finished. She bandaged what she could. It seemed mostly superficial but he knew it was going to hurt. “That’s all I can do.” She said with sorry eyes. “I’ll give you some of the pain pills I have for my period. That’ll take the edge off.”
“You’ve done more than enough already.” He took her hand and she stared at it, quiet again. “Do I get to take care of you?”
“I’m fine.” She shook her head and smiled at him, holding his hand back. “He only hit me once.”
“One too many.” He said with a deeper tone as he touched her face. It was as if she startled herself, looking down at his hands.
“I might’ve really hurt Jason.” She whispered.
“He ran away, didn’t he? He hit you. He can’t be that bad.”
“I blacked out. I knew it was you they were hurting and I just-“ she swallowed audibly and looked as if she might cry again. “I hit his head on the pavement. I saw red. I didn’t think. I just did. I didn’t care if I killed him at that moment. I wanted to. Just thinking that they hurt you I-“ tears started to fall again and he pulled her to him despite the pain.
“You did nothing wrong, okay?“ he said into her ear as she cried in his arms. “I’m… flattered honestly. I’m… more than thankful to have you give a shit about me at all, let alone to the point of…. What went down tonight.” He pulled her away to meet her eyes. “Thank you.” He put his forehead to hers. “From the bottom of my heart. Thank you for doing what you did.” She felt it ache, but it was overtaken again as she let out a sound of pain.
“I’m going to make them pay, Eddie.” It was a gravel-filled rasp and he felt a cold hit his spine. “No one gets away with hurting you. You understand?”
“We can’t go after them Star. They’ll expect it and I’m in no shape to-“
“No. No, we won’t. She’s going to take care of it.” She gritted her teeth and stood, she grabbed an empty jar from the cabinet and slammed it onto the counter. “I’m going to ruin his fucking life.” She was spitting fire as Eddie watched her, timid from the energy coming off her. She put sloppy pinches and pours of oils and herbs into the jar. She ripped a piece of her notebook out. “What are their names?” She asked with a white-knuckled fist holding her pen. “Their middle names too if you have them.” She didn’t look at Eddie, she stared at the paper. He didn’t dare disobey. She scribbled furiously. She put them into the jar, she was repeating things over and over, about how they’d pay and hurt and grieve their choices. She threw in things Eddie never would’ve thought of. Nails, chilis, vinegar, and dirt. With an almost full jar, she turned to him with her eyes as dark as he’d ever seen them. “Don’t do what I’m doing right now.” She told him. The eye contact was intense but he wasn’t afraid of her. He knew anyone else should’ve been. She went into the bathroom and had a jar now full of a familiar colored liquid in her hand. “I shouldn’t be doing this like this but I’m too angry to take my time. Always protect yourself.” She held the jar up. She grabbed the star he gave her around her neck. “May their words come back to haunt them.” And she added the last ingredient of spit and sealed the jar. Eddie knew black candles scared him. She lit incense and sat at the kitchenette. She sealed the jar shut with wax. He couldn’t make out her words but it sounded like something a villain of his campaigns might do. He was inspired, fascinated, and also a bit uneasy. She put out the candle and shook the jar in both hands as hard as she could as she let out a roar of a scream. After she looked like it all caught up to her fast. She stood against the counter for a moment, the jar on the kitchen table directly her opposite. She panted as if she'd ran and slumped, her head hanging down. He sat in silence and looked on in awe. She was terrifying and also the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. With tired eyes that were a serpentine stone color, she came back to herself and turned to face him. She studied him for a moment before coming over and kneeling again. She felt so tired, he could feel it coming off her as she touched his face. “No one hurts you.” She whispered and kissed his forehead. He felt the prickle of tears threaten him. He’d never felt so defended and supported before. Not as an adult anyway. It felt similar to how Wayne had been when he was young. He felt loved. “No one will hurt you and not feel pain from it.” She was protecting him, promising him. “They’ll see the error of their ways quickly. And be better for it after. They will not hurt you again. Any harm to you is a lesson they’ll learn the hard way.” He felt as if he was being blessed by a goddess. She sounded so sure. He didn’t know where to start. Did he thank her, tell her he’d do the same for her? He didn’t know. So as she rest her forehead on his, he kissed her. He felt her smile against him. His worry turned into a memory. “Would you stay with me tonight?” She asked, pulling away and taking his hands into hers.
“Of course.” He barely spoke the words. Her asking was a courtesy more than anything.
“I don’t want to be apart from you right now.” She admitted and kissed his hand. “I’m still scared.” Another quiet confession.
“I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” He sounded so sure, she thought. She let it bring her comfort. “Let’s get in bed.” He suggested and she nodded. Silently they stripped down and got between the sheets together. Feeding their touch-loving selves seemed most important. Instead, she held him. She kissed his face and hair. He took her hand into his and held it between them to his chest until he started to fade. She brought up his hand to explore the minute details of it. She kissed his fingertips and palms and let the warmth of him soak into her face. She watched his lashes dark and long fan out over his cheeks. He’d swell more and look less angelic tomorrow. But she knew he was okay.
She didn’t feel okay. She felt more terrified than ever. She’d blacked out. What if it happened again? What was this love going to make her feel next? She didn’t know how to navigate it, how to feel it properly and it terrified her. She’d never felt this before. Realizing she’d never been in love before was another revelation that weighed heavily on her. She couldn’t tell him. That would make it real, make it have consequences. Make her face her issues with no brakes on. She couldn’t do that. She was afraid it'd make her lose her mind.
She heard her ex’s voice in her head telling her she was alone in the fact of being in love and being childish. That she was a terrible person and partner. That she was selfish and annoying, and bringing anyone into her life would be a burden to them. That as soon as she tried to be with someone else they’d see right through her. They’d see she wasn't worth it. That she couldn’t be what they wanted. She still believed that. She hadn’t allowed any evidence to the contrary to be felt. To do that she’d have to be vulnerable and honest. She’d killed that part of herself to survive her ex. And she still hadn’t been able to revive her. Being in love was the best feeling she’d ever had. Especially looking at him like this, kissing his bruises and hands, holding him, and being useful. It was a double-edged sword. As she felt the sting of self-sabotage inside her.
It was all too much. She would have to figure out how to deal with being in love tomorrow. Tonight she had done enough.
School the next day was interesting. Three basketball players showing up, one with a black and blue face and one with a major limp was fuel for the rumor mill fire. Star and Eddie had stayed home to sleep it off. That Friday they returned, swelling subsiding and makeup helping cover a good amount of Star’s bruising. Eddie however, refused and wore his with an odd sort of pride. He was still sore, everything still hurt, he figured his ribs were bruised since his arms, covered with the layers of his clothes were turning a gnarly watercolor mix of bruise shades. Once they both appeared, the rumors swelled again. Star set anyone straight who had the balls to ask. No, she and Eddie weren’t in some domestic violence situation. Jason was a jealous asshole who tried to hurt Eddie and Star intervened and beat his Ken doll face into the asphalt. She was starting to understand why Eddie lied to people so much, when you have a weirdo reputation, no one believes you even if you tell the truth. So Star decided to have some fun with it.
“Can we switch seats?” she whispered to Gareth from across the lunch table.
“Huh? Why?” he drew his face back and glared.
“She wants to sit next to me.” Jeff wiggled his brows and a chuckle moved through the group.
“That and Gareth has a straight line to Carver. I have my back to him. I want to mess with him.”
“You two look like you got hit by a bus are you sure that’s a good idea?” Dustin hissed, Steve’s influence coming through.
“Yes, Dad I do.” she snarked back.
“Anything to mess with that guy,” Gareth said giving up his seat.
Eddie’s bruised face, a busted lip, nose, and brow watched Star as she settled in, taking a giant crystal out of her purse.
“What the hell is that?” Mike asked.
“It’s a rock, what’s it look like dummy,” Jeff added.
“No shit I mean, why do you have it?”
“Trust the process.” Eddie let out a raspy chuckle.
Star hovered her hands over the stone and started saying nonsensical words. Not loudly, just enough to show her mouth was moving, shutting her eyes. She did this for an uncomfortable amount of time.
“Is he looking?” Eddie somehow knew she was asking him.
“Go for it.”
She snapped her eyes open to stare directly into Jason, not stopping the words. She jolted to put her hands on the stone and Jason jumped. Eddie covered his mouth and hid his laugh.
“It’s too easy,” he said quietly, shoving a fry into his mouth.
“She’s freaking him out.” Jeff snorted.
Star took a deep breath and rolled her eyes back then slumped, a very stereotypical movie performance of someone casting a spell. She sat back up slowly to blink her eyes open and put the stone back into her purse. She leaned in like nothing ever happened.
“He’s gonna piss the bed tonight.” Eddie grinned.
“If he hasn’t in his Levi's already.”
“He’s leaving.” Jeff was shaking holding in a laugh.
“It’s too easy sometimes,” Star said with a smile.
Eddie had taken them to school and taken them home just the same that day. They hadn’t parted since the incident. Star was feeling a new neediness she was afraid of. She didn’t want him to leave. At first, she put it to worrying about his injuries but now she knew that wasn’t true. They were both in bed, in next to nothing as they had been for a few days. Star split a pain pill with him, and they smoked themselves out. They lay in bed, Star’s hands moving carefully through Eddie’s hair, being sure not to bother his sore spots.
“I think your bruises have peaked,” she spoke softly, her thumb light on his temple.
“I’m still so sore.” he confided to her with tired eyes.
“The pills not helping?” she asked, concerned.
“Oh yeah, they are, right now. But without them, I can feel everything. My arms especially.”
“Your tattoos are mixing in with the bruises.” she mused, fingers touching the bats on his forearm.
“I hope it doesn’t fuck with them.”
“It shouldn’t. Don’t worry.” she kissed his forehead. “Just enjoy it not hurting for now.”
“Are you?”
“Very much so.” she smiled, having her nose not hurt when she moved her face.
“This is nice.” he sighed. “I could stay like this forever,” he murmured, the mix of pills and weed softening them both to mush.
“Me too,” she whispered, taking his hand and bringing it up to kiss the busted knuckles. “You got more hits in than I thought. I saw all three of them today. They all had something going on.”
“I think they got more,” he answered pitifully but it made Star laugh.
“But you’re still pretty and they look like busted orcs.”
“Orcs are already ugly.”
“That’s my point.” she felt him chuckle. “But you’re still elf pretty. You get hit in the mouth? Your lips are plusher. Hit in the nose? It gives it a new angle. Brow? Suddenly you’re super intimidating.” she kissed his face, and a happy hum from Eddie as she rolled him out of her chest and kissed every bit she spoke of.
“I got hit in the dick too,” he muttered and she fell into giggles, burying her face into his neck. He wrapped his creaky arms around her to keep her close. “Does he get kisses?”
“No.” she smiled and raised to see his eyes shut and an impossibly soft sleepy expression on his face. “You’re still hurt. A pulled muscle isn’t something I’m interested in adding to your injuries.” she kissed his cheek. “Plus my nose is busted. Gotta breathe to do that.”
“I was joking, sweetheart.” he yawned and opened one eye to see her gazing down at him, stroking his hair back. He knew they were both not sober but he swore she was looking at him differently. “What?” he decided to ask.
“You’re pretty,” she said with a smile. A light kiss to his lips. “I like looking at you.” she snuggled in and let him hold her this time. Face to face they touched noses and look each other over.
“That’s me. Your pretty boy.” his eyes shut when his cheeks rose in a pronounced grin.
“You are.” she leaned in to kiss him again with a content sigh. “You’re my pretty boy,” she whispered into his mouth. Another kiss he pushed back into. He squeezed her tightly to him, despite them both knowing it hurt. She let herself curl up into him, entangling their legs together and nuzzling like a kitten against him. They kissed with no intention to take it further for the first time. It was gentle hands in hair and caresses over bruises. Brushes against barebacks and fingertips to faces. There was something there in the haze of intoxication they were both too weak to fight. They floated together in the warmth of being someone else’s under the covers. Neither wanted to pry and take away the good feeling when both were already worn down from pain. They lazed together, kisses intermittent and spurred on by nothing but unspoken affection. As they fell asleep, one would kiss the other in the rounds of waking through the night. They would smile in their sleep, knowing the touch was safe and wanted, and pull the other closer. It was what they both wanted every night together to be. They wanted this every night. They wanted it forever. But both were too afraid to admit it.
Star woke to Eddie’s concerned face over her, his hands on her shoulders, shaking her awake. She gasped out of unconsciousness, feeling the warmth of tears on her cheeks. Her eyes darted and lolled as she came out of her dream.
“There she is, hey sweetheart. You were having a bad dream.” he cooed at her, petting the sides of her face to steady her.
“Yeah.” she rasped out, throat thick with sleep. She swallowed and caught up her breathing, having been thrown into a heaving pace from the moment she woke. “Sorry I-”
“Shhh.” he insisted with a creased brow, leaning on his side and pulling her in. He’d heard her ex’s name cried from her trembling lips in her sleep, she didn’t need to explain. “I wouldn’t have woken you up but you were upset.” he rubbed her back as she let herself wrap her arms around his waist. “Didn’t like the thought of you trapped in there with him,” he said barely above a whisper and he felt her shrink and squeeze him tighter. It hurt, his body still sore and bruised but he didn’t let it show.
“It was bad,” she muttered into his bare chest. She had flashes of the dream come back to her, all flickering an old fear in her head.
“I know, I heard.” he kissed her head and she nuzzled into the barely-there hair on his chest. “But you’re safe now. You’re here with me. And he’s far, far away, locked up. You don’t have to worry about him anymore.” he softly said in her ear, trying to reassure her. She knew all these things, but hearing it from him made her chest hurt.
“But I do.” she whimpered rather pitifully. It helped her release a pinch of the pressure she felt from having his voice in her head so much since realizing she loved the man holding her in his arms.
“I know, baby.” he sighed, feeling the exhale slump his shoulders at the weight of the statement. He wanted her ex to be a bad memory and nothing more. He wanted that so badly. The guy had been out of the picture for a long time and he was still messing with Star’s life. Eddie didn’t want to feel impatient, but it was hard not to at times like this when emotions were high.
Eddie woke from a dream, hands fumbling on the soft bed around him as he recalled where he was. He had fallen asleep in Star’s bed. He’d come over, fed the cats, and settled in with a book, resigned to wait on her to get home from work. He felt a cold chill cross him, aware of the sweat that covered his skin, and an odd feeling that he had been having a bad dream he’d already forgotten. He laid back, body stretched out as he watched the single streetlights' fuzzy light fight through the darkness to glow shapes onto the ceiling through the curtain. He was in an unpleasant state of half awake and sleeping when the phone rang. He nearly jumped out of his skin, his hands jolting to his chest as he looked in its direction with a high-pitched shriek he was glad no one was around to hear. He mumbled and cursed, sitting up at staring at the phone on the wall. He wasn’t sure if he should answer it. It wasn’t his phone or his house. But something whispered into his ear, telling him to.
“Hello?” he decided on, Reynolds residence felt silly, too formal even if it was factual.
“Ugh, thank christ he’s there.” he hear a muffled familiar voice. “Hey, Eddie, It’s Steve.”
“Uh.. hi?” he tilted his head despite no one being there to see it. Steve calling Star didn’t seem that weird, but the fact that he knew who he was coupled with the formerly mumbled words didn’t sit right with Eddie. “Star’s not here, she’s working tonight. She should be home soon though,” he said, sleep still heavy in his voice.
“I know, she’s here with me.” Eddie’s brow lowered at the news. “We’re at Family Video, are you in any shape to drive down here?”
“You think I’m just high all the time?” Eddie deflected, looking at his watch to verify that it was in fact past closing time and late.
“Do you want me to answer that?” Eddie rolled his eyes. “Besides, this is serious. Those guys that she went after pulled some fucked up shit on her at work. She can’t drive. Or I won’t let her in this shape. She needs you.” Eddie’s heart fluttered, happy at the statement, but his stomach also dropped at the news that something had already happened in retaliation.
“Yeah, I’ll leave right now. Is she okay?”
“She’ll be okay she’s shaken up. No need to drive any more recklessly than you already do.”
“Sure. Be there in 5.”
The diner was dark, and Star’s car was still in the parking lot. Family Video was closed, and the sign turned as Eddie jogged up to it. He saw the familiar trio inside, sitting on the countertops of the checkout. Steve jumped down to let him in, Robin was trying her best at being comforting and failing to Star who looked beyond exhausted.
“She’s-” Steve began as Eddie shoved past him, ignoring him. He shrugged, not insulted due to the circumstances. Eddie leaped over the counter, forgoing walking the distance around and making a straight line to Star who had already held her arms out to him.
“You okay baby? What happened? You hurt?” he blurted out after they pressed against each other for a heavy moment. Robin gave a sympathetic smirk to Steve at the pet name.
“I’m okay. I mean, I’m not hurt I’m just… so tired. I had a panic attack.” there were dark circles under her eyes, and her mascara ran down her cheeks. Her usual neat bun was loose and tilted on top of her head.
“What happened?” he asked, holding her cheeks to look her over to make sure she wasn’t downplaying her situation. She looked over to Steve who had already heard it all. She was so tired she didn’t have it in her to go over it again.
“Can you fill him in? I don’t have it in me.” she exhaled and let her shoulders slump, her head landing on Eddie’s shoulder.
“I was out back and heard screaming. I saw her run out of the diner to her car and she was in a full-blown panic attack. The not talking, crying, hyperventilating, the whole 9 yards. So I ran over and tried to do… something. Anything you know?” he shrugged. “They turned the gas stove on and held the door shut on her, while one lit it from that little window where they keep the order tickets. It flamed up really big and she…” he held his hand out toward her. “Understandably blacked out and went full-blown PTSD soldier.” Eddie frowned at the insensitive description. “Her words, man.” he held his hands up to show he wasn’t at fault. Eddie’s face softened again, having now perched up on the counter next to Star, his arm around her, rubbing her arm as she let herself lean against him. She stared at the floor the entire time.
“Was it Jason?” he asked her, looking down at her.
“I assume. I didn’t see anyone. Just a guy's arm come in the window. They got scared when it happened, I heard other guys’ voices shouting and they ran. I heard the back door slam.”
“How’d they get in the diner?” his voice was angry, but she knew it wasn’t directed at her. She was too tired to be angry and was thankful someone could be on her behalf.
“No idea. I thought the back door was locked while I cleaned up. John left, he’d cleaned the kitchen, and I was finishing up everything else before I headed out.”
“That’s that line cook isn’t it?” Eddie didn’t hide the disdain in his voice. “I bet he did it.” Steve shrugged. “Did he try something again?” Eddie asked, holding Star’s face up to his to look into her eyes, making sure she was telling the truth. Her brow furrowed at his suspiciously.
“How did you know?” she asked quietly.
“Steve and Robin told me he hits on you all the time.” Star let out a huff of a laugh.
“I set him straight a little while ago. Yelled at him and told him to fuck off. All that shit. He’s not done much since then.” she shrugged.
“It was multiple guys though. She said she heard more than one voice.” Robin pointed out.
“I’m thinking he might be how they got into the diner.” Eddie elaborated and Robin nodded slowly in understanding.
“That guy has bad vibes written all over him,” Steve said with an assertive hand. “I wouldn’t put it past him to let those guys in.”
“That’s what I’m thinking too.” Eddie let Star’s head rest again, rubbing on her back now. “It had to be Jason. He’s been the one messing with us. He’s hurt he got beat up by a girl. Two of the three that came after us had to sit out on one of their games so they’re pissed about that too.”
“Jason’s the one that knows I’m scared of fire,” Star said quietly.
“Wouldn’t anyone just assume you were from the scars?” Robin asked obviously.
“Jason threatened her at the Halloween party with it though.” Eddie backed up Star’s statement.
“A lot of people don’t even know they’re from fire,” Star added with a roll of her eyes.
“That’s fucked up,” Steve said with sympathetic eyes Star didn’t mind at the moment.
“We can’t just let them get away with this right? It’s not just some fight or bullying. This was… yeah... fucked up.” Robin said, chewing on her nails.
“It feels personal.” Steve winced as he and Star looked at one another and she gave a small nod.
“We can’t go beat them up. It won’t work. That’s clear now. We have to do something different.”
“You won’t be doing anything,” Eddie said, looking down at her. “We’ll handle this. You can’t be attached to this. If they know it’s you, or us they’ll keep coming back and this won’t end. We need a plan.”
“Something sneaky,” Robin added.
“Something that can’t be traced back to you.” Steve tapped his pronounced cupid’s bow, his eyes tight in thought.
“We need to scare them.” Eddie’s already dark eyes were black with vengeance. If they put their heads together. They could figure this out.
Star sat out the next Hellfire meeting, she was exhausted still from the panic attacks. Eddie didn’t give her any shit about it. It gave him a rare moment to get people together without her involved.
The appearance of Steve and Robin at Hellfire confused the hell out of the club.
“Tonight’s session will be delayed. One of our own has been personally attacked and we’re going to brainstorm a way to ruin these guys' lives.”
“But no amateur shit, alright?” Steve said forcefully. “We aren’t talking fights and rumors. We need a solid plan of attack.”
The combination of Steve and Eddie and their rage fueled their leadership. With the addition of multiple points of view, the genius of Dustin, the insider knowledge of Lucas, and Mike’s ability to get access to what Nancy had access to they formulated a plan.
Steve pulled Eddie aside, his face and tone still serious.
“I know you aren’t going to agree but I think if we talked to Hopper-.”
“The cops? Are you fucking kidding me? No. Absolutely not.” he shook his head and motioned in the negative dramatically.
“Listen. We can trust him. You saw how he let Star go. He’s not as big of a piece of shit as you think. I know him. We can trust him.”
“I have a lifetime of experience that tells me otherwise, Harington.” Eddie snapped back.
“Hopper and I…” Steve sighed and rubbed his face, he couldn’t tell Eddie the truth, so he had to try to find a way to convince him. “Hopper and I have been through some shit together okay. I mean, life-changing, government-level shit. I got involved when Barb went missing. When Will went missing. Do you remember? The chemical leaks and all that shit? I was there. Hopper and I went through hell trying to figure that shit out.”
“You were involved in that?”
“Yes. It’s complicated. I got involved because Will was missing and Nancy was helping Jonathan look for him and he was friends with Mike and all the kids and that’s her little brother and their friend and it all just got….complicated. So if I talk to Hopper, maybe we can get his help. Or at least an idea or two.”
“The Chief of Police is gonna help some shithead kids take revenge on some other shithead kids?” Eddie said with no belief in his eyes.
“Will you go with me? Can you trust me? You know I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think it was a good idea. I’ve taken care of Star before right? You know I care about her too. I’m not going to make things worse. Can you at least trust that?” Eddie groaned. Steve had a point.
“What the hell are you two doing in my office so damned early?” Hopper groaned, sitting down at his desk.
“We needed some advice.” Steve started, Eddie had promised to keep quiet. He didn’t want to say the wrong thing while in a natural mode of defense in a police station. He’d never been in one for any good reason. “About Star.”
“Are you two a little old to need advice on girls?” Hopper grinned and laughed in amusement at himself. Eddies brow quirked up at the odd friendliness he was showing.
“Not like that. We have reason to believe that Carver kid and some of his friends, maybe the line cook at the diner is involved too, attacked her to scare the shit out of her.”
“A prank?”
“She’s deathly afraid of fire. You saw the scars on her arms. They lit up the gas stove in the diner’s kitchen and held the door shut and it sent her into a full-blown PTSD flashback and she nearly had a heart attack from a panic attack.” Eddie blurted out, still hurt over the fact that it happened.
Hopper blinked, seeing the Munson kids' passion for the situation. He sat back and Eddie watched as Hopper's face contorted, not happy about the information he just blurted out.
“You have any proof?” was the first question.
“I saw her run out of the diner screaming and hyperventilating. She was still freaking out by the time I got her into the store. Robin was there. Is that a witness?”
“Did you see who did it? Did she?” he clarified.
“No.” Stever frowned and slumped noticeably.
“She said she saw a guy's hand light the stove through the window. And it had to be someone strong holding the door to keep her from opening it. You saw her take that giant kid down, she’s not weak.” Eddie added.
“She heard more than one guy's voice when it happened. It scared them too. They didn’t know it would be that big of a fire cloud, I’m guessing.”
“They could've killed her,” Eddie said, his voice cracking.
“I know that old place doesn’t have surveillance. There was that weird incident with the car and blood everywhere a little while back. Are these things related?” Hopper eyeballed Eddie who still had an inkling of bruising still left on his face. Eddie looked at Steve nervously.
“I told you. You can trust him. Tell him.” he offered earnestly.
“I have no reason to be a dick to you kid. I get pranks and the dumb shit you kids pull. I was an idiot once myself. But terrifying a poor girl who’s already clearly been through a lot isn’t acceptable in my book. I’m not here to give you shit for getting in a fight.” Eddie shifted uneasily.
“Jason Carver and two of his basketball team members faked a note from Star and jumped me in the alley. I thought I was meeting her after work. Star showed up and she got ahold of Carver and beat his face in. He looked rough. She got me and took me home. We think that them scaring her at the diner was retaliation for her fighting back.”
“Unfortunately that makes sense for that kind of person,” Hopper mumbled.
“I can’t press charges without evidence. And you don’t have any. I know that’s not what you want to hear but that’s me being straight with you.” He sat back in his chair and sipped his coffee.
“We can’t let them get away with it. But we need something to get them back, that can’t be traced back to us.” Eddie, although more at ease, was still tightly wound and surprised by Steve’s willingness to be so direct.
“Sorry, kid I’m not gonna pull some Lone Ranger-type shit on a bunch of high schoolers.” he chuckled and paused, then leaned forward on his desk and motioned for them lean in too. “But… there are plenty of ways to very quickly make a car not run you know,” he smirked. “I’m sure you can use what you know about cars to figure something out, Munson.” Jim gave him a nod. “Keep in mind what I said about evidence.” he sat up with a grunt. “It can be used for people besides you. A well-placed piece of evidence can be very damning in the right circumstances.” Eddie’s eyes went wide as he blinked at Hopper in disbelief. He was being… helpful. “I’m just saying this to warn you of course. This isn’t me giving you any ideas.” he winked and nodded.
“Shit. That’s a good idea.”
“What’d I just say?” Hopper grumped at Steve.
“You’re right. Thanks. We just needed some…guidance on what NOT to do.” Steve gave an overly performed wink and Hopper groaned.
“Don’t get caught,” he said as they stood to go to the door. “Don’t. Get. Caught.”
Star sat back, each unfortunate accident a surprise to her and she relished in each one. In the next few weeks, things moved fast. Star didn’t mind the nights alone when she knew her friends were out raising well-deserved hell. Cars started mysteriously not working. Whole engines needed to be replaced. Mike, pleading for the sake of revenge got Nancy to let an embarrassing typo at Jason’s expense into the school paper in the name of justice. However, she might’ve chosen the least flattering photos of him for the ones used in the paper for the rest of the year. Jason and his friends suddenly were failing their classes on their midterm report cards. Thanks to Dustin’s girlfriend, Susie. Dustin messed with the tech at basketball games. The scoreboard would miscount, creating arguments and distractions to make them perform poorly. The cameras would just so happen to stop recording from time to time. Enough to make Jason miserable, missing out on having his top performances lost to memory as they weren’t recorded. Star’s personal favorite was an anonymous call being put in for a health hazard at Benny’s, the abandoned building the jocks partied at was suddenly boarded up and covered in caution tape for the second time in its history. This time, a big poison sign was plastered to the front. They no longer had a place to party. The boy’s favorite was the senior prank gone wrong. Steve had been blamed for spraypainting things before but never had. Eddie had a hard-on for vandalism he rarely indulged in due to always being the one that got blamed. But with the help of the club, too many of them to catch them all, and a shit load of spray paint and spray foam insulation, not only did they get two days off school for the subsequent cleanup, they got Jason suspended. with a well-placed receipt for the purchase of the two products used in the vandalism and the spray paint can used under his bed he couldn’t deny it. It was labeled a distasteful senior prank gone wrong. A disgrace they called it. He was now an outcast, his parents deeply disappointed, grounding him for a month, and the church ripe with rumors of the downfall of a once-promising young man. They dare not even speak the words spray painted all over the school inside and out. It was beautiful to the perpetrators, seeing some justice in the world for the first time in a long time.
If you enjoy my work, likes, comments, and reblogs really help get my work to a bigger audience.
Part 19!
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mylifeisactuallyamess · 11 months
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Chapter 4: Coffee and Dinner
A/N: I love this chapter 🥲 just reminding myself how much I love Hux tbh. Sigh.
Warnings: mentions of food…and fluff.
Word Count: 3.5k+
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September blended into October. The leaves on the trees had all changed to red, golds and oranges, the leaves falling and littering the ground in huge mounds. Millicent came back more often now with twigs and suchlike stuck in her fur but she adored the attention she received off Hux. He had taken to brushing her once a day, he was up before you most mornings, the cat already fed and purring with wild abandon in his lap. He had talked you through the medkits and food rations he’d pulled from the pod and you were amazed by how not so different it was.
The bacta though was something else, when he sliced his finger on a piece of metal he sprayed it and within the hour there was just a small pink line left. You strictly told him you didn’t want any part of it, that was far too alien for you even as he spewed facts and figures at you trying to get you to see the benefits you still did not want that blue healing liquid in your body.
He had taken to staying behind when you headed into town and he didn’t disappear which you were pleased about as it allowed you to meet up with Sage for coffee.
You clutched the cup of coffee in your hands, your knee jigged nervously under the table as you watched the door to the diner. She was never usually late but then, you were stupidly early. Nerves made your palms sweaty as you rubbed them on your jeans, running over all the topics you could talk about with her. No mention of space men, no talking of Armitage. You could find other topics, ask questions about her work, tell her about the book you’d been working on because that had finally started flowing.
“Hey stranger!” You jumped up with a squeal and wrapped her in a tight hug which she returned, making you wince slightly. “How are you doing? You feeling ok? It’s been weeks since I’ve seen you.”
“Yeah sorry I’ve been busy writing, but I’m feeling much better.” She gestured for a coffee and you got a refill, the silence stretched between you both as you stirred your drinks. “How’s work?” You almost blurted out.
“Oh yeah, good. Busy. I mean it’s a bar…”
“Yeah…” you sipped your drink trying to ignore the way it scalded your entire mouth as your eyes roamed over the diner. Say something!
“What’s this book about?” She asked and you felt relief at a topic you could talk about.
“Well it’s a continuation of the last one, they want me to kick out so many words a day and the deadline is like February, so I really should write…more.”
“You’re making it into a series?” She asked.
“A trilogy. I don’t think I have anymore in me after that.”
“Can I get you girls something to eat?” Both of you looked up at the waitress, ordering your usuals before the silence between you returned. Why was this so difficult? When did you struggle to find anything to say to each other?
“You been up to much?” You asked curiously and she leaned back in the booth, turning the coffee cup as she tried to find an answer.
“No? I mean it’s literally work, sleep, eat, repeat. Nothing exciting.”
“No, same. Wake up, coffee, write, eat, sleep. Repeat.” You both nodded, avoiding eye contact with each other as you cleared your throat and suddenly wishing you hadn’t ordered food because now you had more silence to try and fill.
“Heard much from Brandon?” Your entire body stiffened at the sound of his name, the fear that he could appear any moment quivered inside and you swallowed nervously.
“No. Well he tried to ring me a few weeks back,” when Armitage landed. “But I blocked his number.”
“Good. That man is a waste of life,” she spat. The waitress deposited the burgers and fries in front of you with a shared basket of onion rings cutting the conversation short, thankfully.
“How’s Max?”
“Oh, cheeky as ever. You know he had really taken to…” she tapered off and you frowned.
“To what?”
“This new ball I got him, yeah. Keeps burying it in the garden and covering it in mud. He’s a fool. What about Millicent?”
“Oh you know, coming home covered in literal branches. We have to keep plucking them from her fur,” you recounted with a soft smile. “But she is loving the attention.” Sage was watching you and then it dawned on you what you’d let slip. Your brain tried to scramble for a new topic as your heart beat relentlessly against your ribs. “How’s the car?” You shot at her, almost following it with a wince at how desperate you sounded. She frowned at you over her burger, picking a piece of the bun off before she answered.
“Fine. It’s not fallen apart yet.”
“Mmm,” taking a big mouthful you hoped she wouldn’t ask anything else. She opened her mouth to say something when her phone rang, tilting the screen away from you she answered it.
“Hello?” She shifted her way out of the booth and went to stand in the corner, keeping her voice low she muttered into the phone. Chewing slowly you tried to listen, maybe it was her boss? Or Christina? You cast a forlorn look at your own phone, Sage was the only person you heard from these days or your publisher. “I need to go,” she huffed. Snatching an onion ring from the basket and grabbing her coat.
“We’ve barely eaten!”
“I know I know!” She muttered round the onion ring. “I’ll make it up to you I promise.” She gave you a swift kiss on the top of your head and an awkward squeeze across the shoulders. She went to fish some money out of her pocket but you stopped her.
“This is my treat today.”
“You sure? I should be treating you as, it’s your birthday.”
“You know I don’t usually do anything! Seeing you is enough, yes I’m sure. Go on, you can owe me.” She bent down for a better hug this time and you returned it.
“I’ll message you!” And with that she was gone. You debated staying and finishing but you looked stupid here with two baskets of barely eaten food so you asked the waitress to box it up for you. Swiftly you paid and headed out into the briskness of midday, but at least the sun had warmed up the inside of your truck for which you were grateful for. Setting the food down you realised you needed to do some shopping. Thankfully it was empty today as you meandered round the store, trying to ignore the sinking feeling of disappointment that had settled on your chest. You missed your friend, maybe it was high time you introduced her to Armitage, seeing as he was here to stay. Except, how were you going to explain him?
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Hux emerged from the shed when you pulled up, the handbrake of your truck clicking roughly as you yanked it. He was wiping his hands on a rag he’d found, his coat fluttered around him and again you caught yourself admiring him more than you should be.
“Building another escape pod in there?” You joked as you jumped from your truck and he gave you a wry smile in response.
“I don’t have any fuel,” like it was an absolute possibility that he was.
“Sure, lack of fuel is your only problem,” you muttered to yourself. He followed you inside, hanging his coat up before taking yours and hanging that up too. He was so particular, and tidy. Living with him for over a month now everything became the norm very quickly, well he had nowhere to go so you supposed he had no choice but to settle into an easy rhythm with you. Some days you had heated discussions and others you just sat comfortably in silence while you tried to write and he filled in his journal.
“I got you this from one of the shops in town,” you told him, gesturing to a bag bigger than the rest. “I hope you like it.” You busied yourself putting the shopping away and trying not to watch as he dragged the coat from the bag. The coat was black, not as fitted as his greatcoat but almost as long. The silk lining on the inside was a deep but noticeable emerald green colour and for a moment he just stood there holding it up. “Don’t you like it?” You asked in an attempt to appear nonchalant but all the while you were desperately awaiting his approval. The rustle of fabric told you he was slipping it on, making you turn to admire him as he adjusted the collar unsuccessfully. “Here,” you stepped up to him with a quiet sigh, running your hand along the collar so it sat flush against his neck. You absently smoothed the lapels down, beaming up at him before you stepped back to appreciate how fine he looked.
He moved his arms and fidgeted with the sleeves, tugging it to his liking before his sea green eyes flickered up to where you were expectantly waiting for his reaction, your fingers pushing your lower lip between your teeth in anticipation.
“Is this to make me blend in more?” He asked and you refrained from rolling your eyes.
“I didn’t think you’d want your coat ruined in the shed, plus if we do happen to have visitors they won’t ask what the sigil means.” His whole demeanour went on the defensive and you braced yourself for a lecture.
“You mean the organisation I have dedicated my life to? All my hard work is related to that sigil.” He said, pointing to the coat hanging up. “The very essence of my…”
“Yes exactly!” You interrupted him with an affectionate pat on his chest, stealing the wind out of his sails and his expression relaxed slightly at the lingering touch. “I could sit here and listen to you for hours but other people, probably not so much,” you shrugged and went back to your shopping. Hiding a smug smile as you put food in the fridge, you loved how riled up he got over certain things, his passion was evident but occasionally you saw the wistful look on his face. He did miss where he came from.
You had given him some books to occupy him and he was, much to your amusement, currently nose deep in some of your favourite series. You thought the Dragon of Pern books would resonate with him seeing as they were space travellers settling on an unknown planet. He seemed to be enjoying them because he hadn’t said otherwise, though, that meant anything with him. He had hung up his new coat and sat in the armchair with the book, Millicent appearing from nowhere and planting her massive self on his lap, draping her front legs over his shoulder and resting her head in the crook of his neck.
You opened the cupboard to find yet again your chocolate stash was depleted. Of all the things you thought he’d get attached to it wouldn’t be chocolate but it was a good choice.
“I got you a new bottle,” you said, making him look up from his spot on the sofa, waving the bottle of scotch you were about to put away.
“When I return to the First Order I’ll have to make sure I take a crate with me. I find it’s more pleasing than Corellian Whiskey.” His attention went back to his book and the cat, your cat that never seemed to leave his side so he didn’t see the swift disappointment that no doubt filled your face. You hadn’t given much thought to him going back believing he was stuck here but now you weren’t so sure. Your gaze was drawn to the shed outside, maybe he was building something that would get him home you just didn’t have the heart to find out. Truthfully, you didn’t want to know.
“What’s in the boxes?” Hux asked, not lifting his gaze from the page.
“What?” He sighed, as though it was such a chore to repeat himself, you wondered if he was used to people hanging on his every word. The book tipped down to rest on Millicent who just purred louder.
“The boxes…?”
“Oh! Well we didn’t finish our lunch but it’s been left a while. I wouldn’t eat it now.” Tapping your fingernails on the counter you debated for a moment before walking over to the sitting area. His eyes snapped up from his book again and you smiled a little at the unspoken question that resided there. “I could teach you how to cook.” The book dipped once again and you could see he was considering it. “Well I think it’s time I start preparing you to make your own way here seeing as you can’t…can’t go home.” His brow tugged down a little and you swallowed. “Pretty sure you don’t want to live here with me forever,” you stated with a little nervous giggle at the end.
“Getting to know your food would be beneficial,” he finally spoke and your heart jumped a little.
“Well, I have the ingredients to make beef wellington and I just know it’s something you’re going to enjoy.” You grinned as you hefted Millicent off him, noticing the way he rubbed his chest where the cat had been sitting. She was a Maine Coon, this cat was heavy and she was nearly as wide as he was. Planting a kiss in her rich fur you noted the way she smelled like him first, with her usual warm scent underneath and you hugged her just that bit tighter before releasing her.
You washed your hands, passing him the tea towel to get the ingredients out of the fridge. To his amusement you opened the bottle of wine first, looking up you caught him smiling a little.
“You always do this before you cook.”
“Always?” You enquired and he nodded, accepting the glass you gave him. “Some habits die hard.” Sipping the golden liquid you mentally ran through the ingredients, it had been a while since you’d attempted anything from your Nan’s cookbook. “Ok, so this is a complicated recipe but so worth the hard work.” You opened the book, hearing the crack in the binding and some of the pages slipped loose as they were disturbed.
“Why are we putting in so much effort today? I’ve seen you cook without instructions.”
“Because today is my birthday,” you said simply, running your finger down the page before moving to preheat the oven.
“I had no idea.”
“Not many people do, it’s generally something I don’t acknowledge,” you admitted.
“Neither do I,” you glanced up to see him staring down into the glass. “Just reminds me of the mother I never had the chance to know.” Your heart fell apart at his soft admission and on reflex you reached out to lay a hand on his arm. He tensed, his eyes flying to meet your gaze but he didn’t move away like you expected him to. You couldn’t find any words, the loss of a parent wasn’t something you could articulate and you hoped your touch alone could convey enough. Breaking eye contact he cleared his throat and peered down at the book, you withdrew your hand, blinking rapidly as the moment slipped past you both like a fleeting shadow.
“So the first thing we need to do is roast the beef.” You handed him a brush and he listened as you read out the instructions. As he brushed oil over the beef and you chased his motions with sprinkled pepper, trying not to get distracted with how close he was in your small kitchen.
“What creature is this from?”
“A cow. Also where our milk comes from.”
“What is this?” He pointed to the small pot in your hand.
“Pepper, beef and pepper are a match made in heaven. If you like this I’ll have to cook you a steak sometime.”
“Also from a cow?” You glanced up at him with a smile, his naïvety was endearing and it made your heart beat faster. Putting the meat in the oven you introduced him to the food processor and already you could see his interest flare at the sight of it. You let him chop the mushrooms, you expected him to be slow or to cut them unevenly but he suddenly revealed some hidden skills with a blade after you gave him a demonstration. Each mushroom was cut quickly and efficiently, the slices falling perfectly on the board.
“And you’ve never cooked before?” You asked in surprise.
“No, but I know how to wield a blade.” Of course he did.
“Right well,” you drained your glass of wine and poured some more. “Next we blend them.”
“What’s the point of cutting them first?” You shrugged as you swiped them into the processor.
“So they don’t get stuck? I don’t know, I just follow what it says.” He tutted softly as though disappointed in your answer.
“You should question things more. You have no fight in you.” Lifting your head you turned to glare at him and he surprised you yet again, with a small smirk over the rim of his glass.
“And here I was thinking you desired perfect obedience from your subordinates?”
“You are not one of my subordinates,” he pointed out. “If anything, I am yours.”
“Oh!” You put the lid on the top and smiled up at him mischievously, trying to ignore the way the words “I am yours” had your heart tripping over itself. “Well what would that make me? If you’re a General and you’re my subordinate?”
“Grand Marshal.”
“In that case, General. I need you to pulse chop these mushrooms but I don’t want to see sludge, soldier. I want a nice breadcrumb consistency.”
“Yes ma’am,” he breathed, the smile still curving the edges of his lips and you smiled back. “What’s a breadcrumb?”
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You weren’t sure if it was the bottle of wine you’d had together or the joy of doing something so domestic with someone else but your soul was soaring. He relaxed, smiles were more readily gracing his expression and his eyes danced whenever you said something amusing. His laugh was reserved, as though he didn’t dare unleash the fullness of his delight. He was witty, his comebacks were whip sharp and you didn’t hold back your joy at his dry humour.
When you finally sat down to eat your belly was hurting from laughing so much but you were sure more wine would sort that.
“You’re right,” he commented after a few mouthfuls.
“I don’t hear that very often.”
“You told me I’d like it. And I do.” He sipped from his glass before continuing. “Though, I’m fairly sure you could make a womp rat taste exquisite.” You could feel the heat rush to your face at his praise and you tried to think of something to say except your throat had closed up. You took a gulp of wine but it was almost too much and your eyes watered.
“What’s a womp rat?” You managed to gasp out.
“Hideous creatures, generally native to Tatooine but for some unknown reason, people think they make good pets.” His entire expression scrunched up in a typical, what you liked to refer to as the, “Armitage doesn’t appreciate this” face.
“Rats here make very good pets, they’re intelligent and clean. I do feel sorry for the wild ones when Millicent decides she wants to play.” His gaze rolled to fix on your face, his head tilted slightly and he sighed.
“These are about the same size as Millie.”
“Oh.” He got up and took the empty plates. You finished your wine and stood, mentally scolding yourself when the floor tipped a little. Too much. He followed you to the living area where you flopped onto the sofa with a dragged out, contented sigh. He stoked the fire, making the flames erupt from the burning log before easing himself onto the sofa. His motion caught your attention, he never sat here, always preferring his own space in the arm chair. Slowly you slid across the seat towards him, just as he leaned back and draped his arm across the top of his seat. He glanced at you, noticing how close you were only to focus once again on the fire, but he didn’t move away.
“Thank you,” a huskiness had entered your voice that you weren’t expecting and he shifted slightly in his seat.
“What for?” Tentatively you leaned into him, resting your face on his chest. Hearing his sharp inhale and the kick of his heart behind his ribs, feeling the way his entire body locked up as you nestled against him.
“Thank you for making my birthday nice again,” you whispered. For a moment neither of you moved but then you felt his arm rest gently around your shoulders, his hand splayed on your arm and you fully relaxed into him. The heat of the fire pulled you very quickly into a comfortable stupor, making your eyes heavy and your breathing even. Sleep was dragging at you but you swore you heard him murmur something back to you, if only you could remember what it was.
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sc0tters · 5 months
i think both is the best option!
welcome to college jealousy!
Gabe wanted to throw up seeing people they used to play with at school on the other team “you want to tell us who she’s catching up with?” Will asked as he elbowed Ryan who kept on glaring at the guy who Jamie was talking to “he’s been trying to get into her pants since freshman year I swear.” Gabe grumbled remembering having to watch Brandon flirt hits way into trying to partner with Jamie for every drill they did.
It made Will smirk “so you would be okay if he was finally successful?” Will knew he was just going for a reaction from the boy “Jamie isn’t that fucking stupid to sleep with him.” Gabe shook his head as he gripped his fingers around his stick “then you shouldn’t care that he has asked her for a tour of Boston during his spring break?” That was total bullshit but Will was having fun pushing his buttons “where are you going?” Ryan asked Gabe as the boy pushed off on his skates.
Gabe motioned to Jamie “to go remind him that he didn’t pick Boston.” Gabe spat as he glared at his old teammate but the moment he saw Jamie smile “Gabey!” Jamie had used that nickname for the last week to irritate him because one of the cheerleaders was trying to flirt with him. But the moment Jamie turned her attention to him it was like Gabe forgot why he was there “long time no see Perreault.” Brandon smirked making bile build in his mouth.
That was why Gabe was there.
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sultryfandoms · 1 year
Headcannon Time!
“My Favorite Boys” (Being The Young Bucks' Little Sister and she's dating Henry Cavill)
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Matt and Nick are very overprotective people with their loved ones and more especially with their little sister; you.
So when your older brothers had found about the actor Henry Cavill dating their little sister, their protectiveness went into overdrive because they don't want you to get your heartbroken;
Though sometimes their protectiveness gets annoying to you.
"He's not the one for you Y/N" Nick and Matt would often say about your boyfriend.
"How would y'all know? You haven't even met Henry yet! He makes me happy, I love him and he loves me! The main reason why I don't let you meet him is because of your overprotective asses!" You spat out in frustration and that made them stop badmouthing Henry.
Meanwhile, Henry wants to meet them, to let Matt and Nick know how much he loves you.
"I don't think it's that bad love, I want to meet your brothers, I want to befriend them and prove to them that I will never ever hurt you" he smiled and kissed your forehead
As soon as they met; after all the "hurt her and we'll kill you" threats are out of the way;
The three of them were literally inseparable.
Matt and Nick made him a member of the Elite, to the amusement of Kenny and Hangman (and to Brandon's jealousy, he literally thinks that Henry is his replacement)
He often appears in their BTE vlogs
Matt and Nick also offered to train Henry to wrestle
And in turn Henry introduces them to the world of Warhammer, becoming closer than ever.
Heck, Kal is even The Elite's new mascot.
"And yet I thought you both hate him, nowadays he spends more time with you guys than me!" You joke
"He's a cool guy! And Nick and I know that you'll be happy with him (Y/N/N)." Matt spoke
"I'm a lot happier now that all of my favorite boys get along."
Feel free to lmk if you wanna be on my upcoming taglist ❤️
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 1 year
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Part 23 - Charles
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Series Masterlist
Part 22 -- Part 24
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Pairing: Charles x ofc (Sloane)
Summary: The guys throw a New Years Eve party at 179th Crescent Street...
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, oral (m and f receiving), p-in-v shenaningans. And some minor violence, and drinking.
Word count: 3.3k
A/N: Alright, Charles' turn! Do we expect him to shag someone? Yes we do! Does he? That's a stupid question! (It almost didn't happen!)
A liiiiiittle more insight for you guys in the Marshall situation, but not too much (I actually had to go back and edit some stuff out because I felt I was giving too much away, whoops.) Anyway: Enjoy! And let me know what you think! 🥰
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@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn @summersong69 @peaches1958 @fvckinghenrycavill @keanureevesisbae @livisss @sillyrabbit81 @ellethespaceunicorn @ylva-syverson @poledancingdinos
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It’s rather busy in the kitchen, but I think they’re almost done, which means it’s probably safe for me to go take a look without being put to work. Besides, it looks like Leon is taking most of the heat for now. I’m almost slammed into a wall when Mike squeezes past me in the narrow hall, announcing the internet has been fixed.
“I knew there was a reason we kept him around.” I say as I join Leon in the kitchen. 
“Yeah, it would be so awful if you couldn’t watch porn for one night.” The only reason it doesn’t sour my mood is because Dani is the one saying it. Anyone else could get bent for all I care, but her, I like. It doesn’t stop me from elbowing Leon wherever I can hit him, though, because he should know better than to laugh.
“I don’t think I’ll be needing any tonight,” I say indifferently. From the corner of my eye, I notice that Mike’s paying attention for a change, and I can’t help but throw in a mildly inappropriate wink at Dani - just to see what he’ll do. And how she will react to it.  
“Think you can still get laid with a broken nose and a black eye, Brandon?” I was never planning on taking the flirting further, but if I had been… Mike is fast, and I really don’t need a dent in my face tonight. I’ve definitely become more careful since Sol kicked me in the nuts and Geralt came really close to permanently disfiguring my face.
One look at Dani, however, tells me enough. She’s biting her lip as she looks at Mike. Mikey, on the other hand, doesn’t take his eyes off me while he pulls Dani into his side. God, I’m glad they seem to work out. I can’t take another week of him smiling at his phone like an idiot but too nervous to actually ask her out. I’m fairly sure Anjelica ended up hitting send on that text for him. It was the weirdest thing to witness, because Mike actually has game - which is also why I don’t exactly mourn the fact that he’s off the market, although I’m fairly sure Sy is even happier about that. Everyone in this house has broken up more than one spat between those two about who stole whose chick. 
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Word travels fast around campus, because there’s a staggering amount of people in the house that I know I didn’t invite. I don’t mind, of course; plenty of the ladies present I’d happily invite back - and from the looks of it, a fair amount of them would be more than happy to come along. Tonight, however, I'm mostly interested in the girls who are with Danielle. From the corner of my eye, I notice that Leon has similar ideas, and he’s a lot closer than I am. Luckily, he seems to be more interested in the other roommate, Ariel. The one I’m after is Sloane Price. She plays hockey on the university team, and I occasionally run into her after practice. She’s been sizing me up for weeks, and it’s driving me insane. The one spanner in the works; Sy. Sloane seemed to have set her sights on him, although I don’t know why. Luckily - again, though I like to pretend I don’t depend on luck - he’s occupied by Alicia Thomson. I decide to try the luck I say I don’t need, and talk to her.
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My hand hurts like hell. It’s the price you pay for kicking out some douche who can’t keep his hands off your roommate’s girlfriend. 
“Thanks for doing that.” The voice is familiar to me now, and when I look up, Sloane is standing in front of me, holding an ice pack. She hands it to me, and I accept it gratefully. 
“Thank you.” The cold is amazing on my sore knuckles. 
“Can I take a look at that for you?” Sloane asks kindly. I nod, gritting my teeth as I move my hand slightly. She’s a med student - and this might just be a way to get both of us out of here a little quicker than I thought. “I don’t think anything is broken, but I’m fairly sure you sprained your middle finger. Is there any tape in the house?” Bingo! As a matter of fact, there is. 
“I think there’s some in my hockey bag,” I say, “do you want me to check?”
“Might as well come with you.” Sloane shrugs. 
We make our way upstairs and I lead the way to my room. My bag is at the bottom of the wardrobe, and I was right about the tape; there’s still some in there. 
“This is a pretty nice house,” Sloane says as she starts working on taping my finger to the next. “Better than the apartment I share with Dani and Ari… Definitely bigger.”
“I’d hope so,” I say, “there’s eight of us! It’s crowded enough as is.”
“It’s neat, for a house with eight guys,” she notes. I can’t say she’s wrong; we do keep things clean around here. It’s either that or get murdered by August, Geralt and Sherlock. Trust me when I say no one would ever find the body. 
I hiss when Sloane pulls the tape a little too tight. “Easy.” 
“Sorry.” She has a fantastic smile. “You’re all set.” She lets go of my hand a tad quicker than I’d hoped. It's strange. Normally I'd be wishing for them to get the niceties over with as soon as humanly possible, so we can get to the fun stuff. Not with her. It's not that I'm going to try to pretend I don't know what's going on. I've been in love before. The guys would try to say that I fall in love three times before breakfast every godforsaken day, but they're wrong. I like to fuck. That's all there is to it, really. More importantly: I don't do relationships. Those just end with everyone involved disappointed and hurt. I can't do that to her. To anyone. Not anymore.
Now, the smart thing to do would obviously be turning away, going back to the party, finding someone else and screwing her brains out. The only problem with that idea is that I wouldn't be with Sloane - who is agonisingly slowly leaning in for a kiss, while I'm moving away even more slowly. 
"I'd feel incredibly insulted if I couldn't see with my own two eyes you're rock hard for me," she purrs out of nowhere. "To resist you is an almost olympic level achievement, but to be resisted by you? I'm not sure my reputation could take a hit like that…" Her hands are on my thighs, sliding up. I know exactly where they're going. Do I stop her? Who am I kidding? I don't have the strength of character to do that. Involuntarily, I let out a groan. 
Her lips meet mine, and I’m done for: there’s absolutely nothing I can do to stop myself now. She pries my mouth open with hers and slips her tongue into my mouth. The vague taste of liquor - not beer or wine, it’s something else - lingers on her lips. It’s good. As far as kisses go, this one is pretty fucking amazing. Miss Price is handsy, and my shirt is on the floor before I know it. Part of me wishes they were all this fast. Yes, from a time-saving perspective. Don’t judge me, at least I’m aware I’m a bit of a jerk. I consider a world where all girls are as eager to sleep with me as Sloane for a moment, until she rakes her fingernails over my chest. When one of them grazes my nipple, I hiss. Hate the feeling. She has way too much control over me at this point, anyway. 
I toss her on my bed, fully expecting her to shriek - and she does. They all do. Sometimes, I find myself wondering when things became so predictable. Is there really nothing new to this anymore? She pulls me in for another kiss. God, even if it’s the same old thing over and over again, it never stops feeling good. The decision to wear jeans was a poor one, I have to admit. They’re not going to be a problem for long, however, judging from the enthusiasm with which Sloane attacks my face and neck. Those wet kisses along my jaw and down towards my collarbone make me shiver. 
“You like that,” Sloane moans into my ear. I love how it isn’t a question, but rather an observation. And she’s not wrong. 
“I do,” I reply, “but it makes me wonder what else that mouth can do.” Not even a minute ago I was impressed with her tempo, and now I’m acting as if she’s not even fast enough for me. What is wrong with me? 
“Are we in a hurry?” she asks. We really aren’t, but I’m acting like we are. Sloane raises an eyebrow at me. “I’m happy to admit I’m throwing myself at you, Charles, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to get away with a five minute pump and dump.” 
“Don’t insult me,” I scoff, “or do I have a bad reputation I don’t know about?” 
“You mean a reputation for being a manwhore? I’m surprised you didn’t know…” I laugh at her retort - albeit sarcastically. 
“I mean a reputation for being bad in bed,” I fire back at her. The corner of her mouth twitches, but she doesn’t say anything. I don’t consider it a win just yet. Until she finally shakes her head, that is. I smile at her. “I can give as well as take.” 
If that’s not a statement of the type ‘put your money where your mouth is’, then I don’t know what is. Sloane sighs as I slowly kiss my way down her neck. It doesn’t seem to do much for her… Oh, well. I’ll figure it out after I get a good look at these tits. She helps me take her sweater off. The fabric is thin, so even though it’s a relatively modest thing, it did reveal that she has much heftier equipment than I had expected. Curse sports bras and their figure-hiding properties - it's practically the only thing I've seen her in up until now. She stops me when I move to undo her bra, leaving me… confused, in a way. Is she distracting me from the fact she won't show me her tits by taking my cock out? Well… it's working. 
My jeans are off in no time, and she makes her way down quickly. Those massive bedroom eyes make up for what she lacks in technique. Not that she's bad. Not at all! It's just… 
"That - oh, fuck! Keep doing that!" I'm a simple man. There's two or three things I really like, and I don't need much more than that. It makes it really easy to give pointers. Unfortunately, any kind of hint makes it really easy for girls to want to punch me in the nose. Listen, I know us guys can be dicks about getting directions during sex, but ladies… Pot, kettle, black. In my experience, at least. Sloane doesn't seem to mind, though, which is lovely. She just settled for what I told her works best, making this one of the nicest blowjobs I've ever had. It's a matter of finding out how quickly she'll give up, now. 
About five minutes into giving a blowjob, about fifty percent of girls are going to call it quits. The ones who see oral as nothing other than pregame. Next forty to forty-five percent are gone after ten minutes. They're the ones who consider sucking dick fun enough to have at it until jaws start cramping or whatever. If she sticks with it after that time, that’s when I start to consider actually saving her number for future reference. Is that something a total jackass would say? Absolutely. Like I said: I don't have any strange ideas about what I am. I know many people consider me a jerk, and Sloane's assessment of 'manwhore' was far from incorrect. Still, I don't think I deserve the amount of shit I get for screwing around. I've never pretended to want more from a girl than a bit of good fun. It's not my fault some still expect me to call them, right? And I quit getting caught up in serious relationships after I ruined the third one by cheating. Now, some of the guys think my stance on sleeping with girls who are in relationships is questionable, and I won't pretend my opinion on the matter is undisputed… 
Sloane breaks into my thoughts in a rather unorthodox way: sinking her teeth into my cock. 
"I don't feel I deserved that," I groan. It didn't hurt, she was gentle enough, but it was an unwelcome enough surprise, nonetheless. What's worse is that she comes crawling up and kisses me. It's not the kiss that bothers me, it's the fact that she's no longer sucking my cock. Oh well, she's made it well past the ten minute mark. 
"Tell me," she moans into my ear before softly sucking on my earlobe. Fuck, she's good. "Would you ever have cum from that?" 
"No," I answer honestly, "but it felt absolutely divine." There's a big difference between a good blowjob and one that's going to finish you off. 
"I'd ask you to return the favour but… I would actually like to cum," she whispers. I chuckle softly. I'm reasonably confident I can make that happen for her. And I'd love to. 
She’s a willing participant for sure. She’s loud, which I’m definitely not going to complain about. Tastes good, too, and the way her pussy clenches around my fingers makes me very curious and very eager to fuck her. I keep eating her out until she screams my name - it’s almost suspiciously easy to get her there, but I’m the last person to question it. I can’t hold back a chuckle when I feel her fingers beneath my chin, pulling me up. Sloane’s hands are gentle, but impatient - so is her mouth. She kisses me fiercely. Feverishly. Almost desperately. I allow my eyes to wander, feel my expression turn into a frown when they meet her bra. It’s pretty, but in my way. Sloane, however, also stops my next attempt to take it off. 
“Why?” I ask. I’m curious by nature, which is not always beneficial - not even in these moments. Sloane looks at me and rolls her eyes. 
“What? I’m not good enough for you like this?” she counters. 
“I never said that,” I warn her. Women and their godforsaken talent to twist your words. I swear it’s at least half the reason I get in trouble all the time. “I was just wondering.”
“I like the support. They’re pretty heavy,” she says plainly.
“I can imagine.” Apparently, there’s a tone in my voice she doesn’t like, because she smacks me in the arm. “Hey!” 
She’s testing my patience now, and it’s working. It’s gone. I reach for my nightstand. Can’t screw around the way I do without protection - as disappointed as I am about that. I’m surprised when she puts a hand on my cheek and turns me back to her. 
“Skip it,” she says, “I’m on birth control.” Maybe if I hadn’t looked into her eyes, I would have been able to resist her. This is not a good idea. 
When she kisses me, I’m lost again. Next thing I know, I’m pushing into her, listening to her moans as she takes me all the way, hissing when she digs her nails into my shoulder. The sprained finger adds another degree of difficulty: it’s incredibly difficult to keep myself up, because - pardon my French - that finger hurts like a bitch. 
“Your hand?” she asks kindly as she strokes the side of my face. Her hands are warm and soft against my skin, which makes me sigh. I nod, my face screwed up from the pain. I’m nowhere near drunk enough to ignore the feeling. 
“Allow me,” she whispers before gently nudging me onto my back. I’m the last person to complain about a woman on top, especially when the view is so exquisite. As she rides me - with vigour, I must say. It’s greatly appreciated - I almost forget my displeasure regarding her bra. And my own name. 
“Do you have this kind of stamina when you’re on top?” she asks after a while. I grin widely - I can’t help myself. It disappears, however, when she climbs off and sits on my bed, my open arms clearly not enough of an invitation for her to join me in a more comfortable position. 
“Give my hand some time to heal, I’ll show you,” I say. She doesn’t seem particularly put off by the idea, which is lovely. “Come here for a minute.” Normally I wouldn’t ask. I’m not above a quickie in a bathroom stall, and I have been known to occasionally take off immediately after sex. What I don’t do, is ask the girls I shag in my own bed to leave - and not just because their staying the night exponentially increases my chances of having lazy morning sex, which I might just describe as my favourite pastime. In those cases, after sex cuddling is an inevitability. A nuisance, even. For me to ask for it… It reminds me immediately of just how terrible an idea this was. 
“Do you want a drink?” I ask quickly, hoping for an excuse to leave my room and get my head on straight again. 
“With alcohol? Yes, please,” Sloane answers. 
“I’m sure they won’t miss a bottle of wine.” I put my clothes on as quickly as I can, and make my way downstairs. 
At least… I try to, because a spat between Marshall and his best friend Peter prevent me from going into the kitchen. I’m not getting mixed up in this - or rather: I am going to try my very best, but if this guy keeps going the way he’s going, I’m afraid I’ll have no choice. My hand may not be broken now, but it surely will be if I have to assault one more person today. And I wasn’t planning on spending the rest of my night in hospital… Luckily, Ange gets in the middle of it before things really get out of hand. When the dust settles, I make my way into the kitchen to get a bottle of wine. Marshall doesn’t look too good… I might have to ask Sloane to take a look at him in a bit. If he’ll let her. He looks as if he just wants to disappear - and I don’t necessarily blame him. He hasn’t been himself, lately. The bad mood wasn’t unusual, per se, but there was something melancholic to it that didn’t suit him. I doubt this has fixed the issue. 
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As expected, he won’t let Slo into his room. I’d be sad if it didn’t mean I got to have her back with me quicker. When I got back to my room, I promised myself tonight. Just this one night with her, and then I forget about her. She just wants to know if the stories are true, she won’t mind. If she’s smart, she won’t expect a thing from me - and she’s in medical school. She’s smart. We just finish the bottle, talk about nothing, and laugh. 
“Are you up for another round of debauchery?” she asks after she has put the empty bottle on my nightstand. She’s on her knees, straddling my thighs, clothed - unfortunately - because I haven’t had a chance to take her clothes off after she came back to the room. Neither of us are remotely sober now. Chances are that whatever happens next, will be forgotten before morning. 
One night. And then I forget about her. 
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