#brandon stark 01
ofcatelyns · 4 years
She’d developed a habit a years ago of doing whatever work she brought home with her in the kitchen so that she didn’t make herself unavailable to her family. Besides, it was something of a main thoroughfare and it meant that she didn’t miss any comings and goings. Attention had been held by some potential plans, lips thinning somewhat at one particular option that didn’t seem to have gone through their usual channels. In an instant, phone was pulled out and a terse email is sent off to her coworker. The wait for the reply is interrupted by the sound of footsteps and she pauses what she’s doing to see who’s decided to join her.
Sharp gaze lifts, flickering over her brother in law as lips purse. “Do I want to know where you’ve been?” Brow raised slightly though her displeased mask never shifted as she fell into the familiar sparring that the two of them called a conversation. “Actually, I don’t want to but do I need to know?”
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theopaquemind · 4 years
Grief in all its Glory
Written: 10/08/2020
Posted 5/01/2021 - 4 years since Brandon’s passing.
Content warning: death, suicide, grief, drugs, addiction, swearing.
I recently came across a website for Australians to speak openly about grief. It was startling. Not what was said on it. But the fact that a website like that now existed. I’d never seen anything so open and frank before. What should be startling is that humans still live in this discomfort of talking about certain sadness's, bereavements, pains and anguish. The most inevitable experience is still faux pas - we all die, but talking about it is not altogether acceptable. Along the journey of life, there are other sadness’s and struggles which, once brewed in scalding waters of unsavoury conversation, now seep in tepid tolerance. For the most part, I refer to this broadly as ‘mental illness’, and while its garnered greater awareness, it is still riddled with stigma and misunderstanding. Similarly, discussions around addiction are typically soaked in the self-aggrandising dogma that this only happens to the lower echelons of society; those plagued by weaknesses that led to their inevitable misfortune. And then the doozy of ‘grief’ – talking about it makes many people uneasy; people hold an expectation that you transcend these melancholy confines in a swift enough fashion that you don’t leave them feeling uncomfortable. Yet, grief is unfortunately something every adult will likely experience at some point. Another scandalous topic is that of suicide, despite it sadly becoming an increasingly more and more common way of dying. Then there is the matter of suicide survivors – the one’s who must continue their life with a chasm formed by the absence and loss. Grief with the awareness that someone chose to die is something very staggering.
One of the things that I find most difficult when talking about mental health is that I am in part supporting a system that I do not have faith in. You can tell people that help is out there, but when it comes down to it, the mental health care system in Australia is wildly ineffective (globally, I daresay, and infinitely worse in many locations; however my experience is significantly with Australia so I’ll refrain from speaking too broadly). Worse, it can be even more detrimental than the ills that plague the human mind.
It is hard trying to get help when you need it. It is harder getting the right help. It is a battle. It is a challenge and sometimes it feels like the world is working against you. That's probably because it is, albeit not always intentionally. This is what happened to my brother, to my family, to me.
I should note that he was a very private person, with a strong distaste for the narcissistic realms of social media. I wholeheartedly acknowledge that I am possibly doing something so deeply against his wishes by speaking openly about him and the situation, but to be blunt, he lost the privilege of secrecy. Others too, may not agree with how I elect to narrate this, but from my perspective, you can’t grow awareness and fuel prevention without the discourse.
I understand that this is in part a unique occurrence that I will expand on, but because of this experience I was exposed to a great deal more stories of a similar nature where the health care system let people down. However, this isn’t an ‘all hope is lost’ memoir. To the contrary.
I have…had an older brother. His name was Brandon. He took his life at the age that I am while writing this - 29. Brandon saw mental health specialists. He did try to get better, although arguably not nearly hard enough. In fact, when I cleared out his room after his passing, I dug through the referrals and prescriptions. There was a blister pack of antidepressants. Without the other appropriate tools to recover, or at least to find a semblance of stability, anti-depressants can only do so much. By this point he had very evidently given up on these little dosages of ‘here-this-will-help-but-may-also-increase-your-risk-of-suicidal-ideation.’ Only one pill was missing. The anti-depressant was not in his toxicology report, although the post-mortem showed many, many other drugs. In clearing his room, I later read his journaling scrawls that he had found drugs that numbed his pain more effectively than anti-depressants. Some of these are ones that Brandon got hooked on due to an overzealous general practitioner. And then another general practitioner. His addiction began with prescription opioids and graduated with drugs acquired from the dark web including heroin and fentanyl, amongst other things. My family and I only found out about this after his passing. 
Codeine (free)
Morphine (free)
This part isn't altogether unique. We take suppressants to deal with pain…to deal with life. A hard day at work - have a drink. Can't sleep - have a vali. Can't survive the never-ending and all-encompassing pain - take it all.
The opioid problem in the US is significant and garners a fair amount of attention. It exists here in Australia, too. That is why legislation came into effect to further regulate practitioners from prescribing them. This took place about a year after Brandon’s death. This blanket restriction isn’t an entirely curative solution. There are those that genuinely need these medications for chronic pain who now must jump through hoops to get their treatment. There are those who still have the wherewithal to find a source, even if through illegal means (queue Brandon). This form of paternalistic legislation does not solve the problem at its root – why there is a mental health epidemic; where is society failing that the individual solution appears to be a sturdy dose of numbing or a leap of faith into the dark abyss. Opioids work in a manner of escalation. A dosage that was once satisfying does less and less. So, you need more and more. Price can also become a factor, so you salvage heavier shit for a lower cost.
Brandon wound up in hospital only a few days prior to taking his life. He had collapsed in my father’s kitchen. My dad thought he was losing him right then and there. An ambulance came and he was rushed to hospital. He had 'accidentally' taken too much tramadol. During this incident, the ambulance respondents commented in front of my younger brother on the visible track marks on Brandon's arms. Brandon was released from hospital the following day. Simple as that. My father didn't know that the foreboding premonition of losing Brandon would be the stark reality a few short days later as he tried to perform CPR on his eldest son.
The ambulance workers that saw Brandon's track marks would not have consciously made the choice to neglect a person who clearly needed help. But somehow, he fell through the cracks of a less than fastidious system. In some ways, learning about Brandon's history with prescription drugs was more difficult than his actual suicide. Learning how he had been failed was, and is, harder to come to terms with than the fact that he recognised he had been let down. The thing that came as a shock to Brandon's friends (and subsequently me) was that he did not die of an overdose. He did not take his life in that way. That is something I have battled with. He made a very different sort of deliberate effort in how he left us which I may never understand. That’s suicide though – you often don’t understand and are left wondering so many things.
We won't ever know if the tramadol overdose was intentional or not, but it was explained to me by my older brother as an 'oopsy-daisy' in an email. I was overseas at that time. Ironically, I took one tramadol tablet for my flight back and found the experience horrible and was sluggish for days after. The same day that I had recovered from my singular adventure with tramadol my brother made that irreversible choice.
I was at the pub with friends when Brandon made that fateful choice to dive into that dark void. I had missed calls on my phone from my mother. I called back and didn’t receive an answer. I later found out my younger brother and mother were debating just driving straight to me in order to not have to tell me over the phone. It was my younger brother's birthday that day and I had presumed they were contacting about that. I texted back that I was currently out and tried calling again. ‘Brandon hung himself’, my mum said. I dropped to my knees on the outskirts of the bar and wailed, ‘no’. In a daze I went back to my friends, grabbed my bag mumbling that my brother had killed himself. A friend walked me home. My mother and brother arrived some period of time after. I still don't understand how my mother was capable of driving. She drove us to my dad's house where the suicide had occurred. We weren't permitted near that section of the house and the police referred to it as a 'crime scene'. We sat outside the house as a family, coming in and out of tears and shock.
At one point I had to go to the bathroom and went up around the other side of the house – the side that wasn’t deemed part of the crime scene. Through the glass I saw my brother lying on the cold stone floor with a neck brace on and a sheet pulled midway up his chest. I went to the bathroom and vomited. I stared at my face with mascara smeared everywhere and recognised that while I looked so distraught, that was possibly the most peaceful I'd seen my brother in a long, long time. I took some breaths and went back to my family. I have never really been able to leave my family since that point. I will have panic attacks if I can't reach one of them, thinking that something bad has happened. That is part of the PTSD of losing a loved one in a shocking way.
On my family's healing journey, we attended suicide survivor groups. At these I heard other tales of the health care system having failed them and/or their loved ones. One that stuck with me the most was a suicide in the middle of a hospital ward while under 24/7 suicide watch. On my personal healing journey, I've had several problematic run-ins with the health care system. To name a few:
I had a psychologist tell me that Brandon's choice to take his life in the family home was a sign that he blamed the family. Guilt is such a huge thing that follows a suicide. Psych 101 is alleviating that form of mental anguish for suicide survivors. That mental health practitioner failed at the first hurdle. Despite me having the knowledge that you cannot blame yourself, having someone - who is meant to understand the human mind, with all the complexities of grief and guilt – tell you that you are blamed is a pretty heavy cross to bear. I had found Brandon's parting note. It was on stained paper, written a long while ago. On it he said that he was sorry, but the pain was too much. A psychologist I had sat in a room with for all of 15 minutes told me that he blamed us. A sister riddled with guilt that she didn't save her brother. Brandon said a lot of things, but Brandon did not outright blame us. Still, in most ways, he did not say enough.
Sitting in anger about Brandon's introduction to prescription opioids, I had a different psychologist tell me that I shouldn't make noise because it would cause me more distress, that people can't change and the system won't change so it's best I change my view on things. That was her response to most things. No inclination to think that holding someone accountable for some of Brandon's struggles would have offered me enormous relief. One of his original GPs died two weeks prior to writing this. I honestly felt a sense of liberation but also a sense of loss, primarily because I never got to lambast them. Only last week did I learn that the best avenue would have been to make a complaint via the Health Care Complaints Commission so that this GP would not make the same grave errors. That would have potentially changed a person and a segment of the system, as well as maybe saving others from addiction. But in a system where health care providers would prefer you don't 'rock the boat' it's better you just sit quietly in your grief.
I have struggled with this loss. I wasn't close with Brandon anymore. We had a dysfunctional relationship and I had honestly largely tried ridding my life of him. Subsequently, as mentioned, I felt overwhelmed with guilt. I myself turned to ways to numb this feeling. I drank too much and partied more. I made reckless choices, acted rashly, behaved erratically. A psychiatrist put me onto medication to help me deal with these stages of grief. This is now a medication that I have been unable to get off because of the withdrawal side-effects. The mental health industry prefers a quick-fix solution such as medication. It appears as though they are making effective progress. Brandon's pain was 'effectively' dulled by opioids. My grief was 'effectively' subdued with medication rather than giving me the tools to process the grief and miss my brother in whatever way I needed to. I’ve learned the hard way, but the greatest remedy for some of the most common forms of mental illness doesn’t come in the form of a pill. It is habitually changing the way you think, how you perceive yourself, how you see the world. There are tools and techniques you can learn to make these changes, and these are not measured in milligrams or dosage frequencies. They do not have side effects. Tell a depressed person that one of the potential side effects of their anti-depressant is to experience depression and see how much hope you give that down-trodden soul.
Grief is a peculiar thing. It can come in waves. It can come in so many ways. But something I can definitively say is that you can be stronger than the grief and you can be strong enough to survive, whether the system lapses or not. I am testimony to that.
To mental health generally, in the end, only you can make the best decisions for yourself. That choice is yours. Yes, addiction can make that a whole lot harder, and the crutch can create a cyclic pattern in a self-fulfilling prophecy of defeat. A lot of external factors can impact your choices and make it more challenging to make the right decisions. But you’ve been through harder things. To climb out of those dark places is entirely within you. Sometimes you don’t have great footing to help get you out, be it the health care system, employment strife, financial burden, or friends letting you down. But it doesn’t mean that the required strength isn’t still inside of you. YOU have that strength. YOU have all that within you. You need to see that power in all its glory and grace, and you will see that your situation can, and will change. The first step to that change is what you decide to do.
Yes, I am placing blame on the shoulders of some others besides Brandon, while in a contradictory fashion saying you make your own choices. That’s another thing about grief – you want to assign blame somewhere. So, for clarity, Brandon made his choice and might have made it irrespective of the system. But our broken system sure as hell got him there prematurely, not even seeing 30.
I have shared this because I absolutely know that it is hard. That it is not always easy to get help. That the system is fucked. But that is not enough reason to give up. I sit here in my anger and sadness that the system let both my brother and me down countless times. But it is still not enough reason to give up. You can always be stronger and will get back up. Each. And. Every. Fucking. Time. Some people have said to me that it’s impossible to get better, that they can’t be fixed, that they can’t find help that works. There are many different ways of getting help, and if the ‘traditional’ mechanisms of speaking to a shrink doesn’t float your boat then it doesn’t mean all hope is lost. On the contrary – you’ve found one approach that doesn’t aid you and the process of elimination on your mental health journey should be valued. Knowing what doesn’t help can sincerely lead you to learning what does help.
I have also shared this because this is just a small portion of what losing someone to suicide does. This is the honest truth of what grief looks like. I recognise and admit that I have struggled so much with it. As I said, Brandon and I weren’t even close anymore. This is the pain that I feel from losing a dysfunctional sibling relationship. Do not think that you won’t leave people in agonising pain, no matter your relationship with them.
A further reason why I’ve written this is what I alluded to at the start – these are topics that people don’t like to talk about or hear about. But this is reality. These conversations are fucking triggering and upsetting. Hell, it’s taken a god damn lot of strength for me to write this. However, the more we elect to not talk about what’s wrong with the world, these social maladies will continue under the cloak of secrecy, the guise of accepting the status quo, and within the nonchalant notion that we can’t change things.
The final reason for why I’ve shared this is for my own personal growth and to voice some anger and dissatisfaction. I am so tired of the way the world operates. The abuse of power. The legitimisation of harmful actions in the name of greed. You don’t need to spend $490 (not an exaggeration, this is an actual amount) for 45 minutes at a psychiatrist’ office to ‘get better’. Being told that costly drugs are your only cure isn’t the singular answer. Not banking your hope for a tranquil mind on external sources should be a part of psych 101. It’s a hard fucking slog, and I get to say this from my ivory tower of white privilege. Likewise, my older brother won’t fit the stereotyped bullshit of a lowly sort destined for failure who succumbed to addiction. He wasn’t deprived of finances and destitute; he was extremely intelligent and had potential beyond belief. The ineptitude of the mental health system might fail us privileged ones, but the collateral damage is far greater than just us. Quite often those who are struggling the most do not have the financial stability to even contemplate these forms of ‘solutions’. It is a mental health system supported by greed and the foundations of neoliberalism. If we are forced to adhere to this approach – that the onus is always on the individual to better their personal situation – then use this to your advantage. Say fuck the system, I’ve got this with or without you. I am a strong human and I will carry myself through.
There are some ugly things being put on full display because of Covid19. But there are also some good things that you can't lose sight of. We might feel alone, either physically or mentally, but I promise you that you are not. Please get in touch if you need to talk and I will be there. Sometimes even a stranger can extend a kindness to you that you so desperately needed. This is a huge part of why I always say to be there for the people in your life. There is something so significant that loved ones can provide. Although, this is just the icing on the cake of what a gift your life is. You don’t need this affirmation and support from others because you’ve bloody well got this on your own. Albeit, it sure does help having someone care, so don’t forget that part when you’re given the opportunity to be kind to someone else. We are all part of a thriving organism called society that breathes and glistens on the basis of human connection and the human experience. It reaffirms that we are not alone. You are not alone, even when you feel as though you are.
That voice calling for calm or a cessation to the pain isn’t asking for the dark abyss; it’s asking you to stand up and fight the battle worth fighting. Your life is worth fighting for, even against an invisible enemy.
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arabian-bloodstream · 5 years
Full Circle All-Around
I’ve referenced my whole Full Circle theory with regards to Arya and Gendry in the past, most specifically in this meta post titled, well, “Full Circle, Baby!”  To sum it up (which is from an earlier post—Arya + Gendry = Ice and Fire):
Gendry and Arya are essentially the getting-it-right version of [Robert and Lyanna]. Gendry is strong, stubborn, handsome like his father, but he’s also good and loyal and knows to treat his Northern lady with respect and love for exactly who she is. Arya is strong, willful, beautiful like her aunt, but she’s also loyal and steady and would never betray her vows, her home and leave the rest of the world to destroy itself.
Robert and Lyanna began this story. And it ended BADLY. So I think that George R.R. Martin–with all of his foreshadowing and seed-dropping (he wrote a love song for Arya and Gendry, ya’ll!)–intends for Arya and Gendry to *finish* this story happily. They ARE the ship that is promised.
Well, I’ve begun to think that this whole full circle theory of mine may be more widespread than just Arya and Gendry. Obviously, I could be completely and totally wrong. And in one week’s time (well, less than one week) we will know for sure whether I am or not! (Totes, totes possible!) Here is what I’m thinking.
Let me preface this by saying that I read an interview with Maisie Williams about a year ago. I cannot find it now. I have looked. It was not during the pre-press for the season, so it wasn’t something that was picked up as particularly stand-out-ish, more of an off-hand comment, one line in a paragraph or two about Game of Thrones in a fairly long interview she was doing about her app, Daisie. Definitely before any press for the final season even remotely began.
It stuck out to me, though. Paraphrasing what it said, basically it was along the lines of… I had to go back and rewatch season 01 to really get what happened with Arya in the end. Now, she’s been much more circumspect and cagey in her pre-press for the season, but that line there in that interview was pretty much ignored but it always lingered in my mind. For me, the only scene I can think of that makes sense with the current narrative on display this season alongside with everything else that aired prior to this season is one of her scenes with Ned: the infamous “that’s not me” scene.
I’m one of those who feel that the scene has always been misinterpreted. Arya was not telling Ned that she didn’t want to get married, she didn’t want to settle down, didn’t want to ever be a Lady. Rather she was telling him, she didn’t want to just be some Lord’s Lady, his property, just there to sit by him, look pretty, run his home and bear this children. This is the dialogue in that scene:
Arya: He wants to a knight of the Kingsguard. He can't be one now, can he? Ned: No, he can't be. But someday he can be Lord of a holdfast. He'll sit on the King's Council. Well, he might raise castles, like Brandon the Builder. Arya: Can I be Lord of a holdfast? Ned: You will marry a High Lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princes and lords. Arya: No, that's not me.
Ned basically was all, ‘Oh, you’ll be the little woman, doing womanly things as women have always done.’ And Arya was all, 'Uhm, I’m gonna rule the world! I’m not just gonna run the castle, I’m gonna be the Lord of the Holdfast—basically run the whole place.’ (Note, that is pretty much exactly what Gendry was kinda asking her to do… but I digress.)
I mention this because this one scene, Arya mentioning that she wants to be the Lord of a Holdfast *and* Ned predicting that her sons would be knights and princes and lords is the only scene in the first season that does not completely track with just about everything else that would fit with Arya’s presumed expected ending.
So taking that into account, let’s finally hit on my full circle for the whole gang theory.
Arya and Gendry = Lyanna and Robert
Daenerys = Aerys II
Tyrion = Jaime
Jon = Ned
Now, how does this track? Well…
Arya and Gendry succeed where Lyanna and Robert failed. They wed, joining the houses of Stark and Baratheon.
Daenerys succeeded in burning down King’s Landing already where Aerys II failed.
Tyrion, like his brother, Jaime, will kill the sovereign he has sworn to protect to do the right thing and protect more innocent lives.
Jon will send the Queenslayer North to spend his days like Ned wanted to do to the Kingslayer, but failed. Remember, Tyrion spent time at the Wall in season 01. Tyrion was supposed to take the Black in exchange for his life at Joffrey’s trial. And he has been celibate since he married Sansa, which was shortly before the trial, and we were reminded of that celibacy this season. A man of the Night’s Watch is supposed to be celibate.
Yes, there is a question of ‘Is there still a Wall? Is there still a Night’s Watch?’ Well, they weren’t guarding against the Undead so much as the Wildlings. And I don’t know how long the Wildlings are going to stay happy beyond the Wall with all that’s happened. So… it could come back up sooner rather than later.
And Jon will have the power to sentence Tyrion to such a fate because just might wind up being the last Targaryen King.
Oh, and why did Tyrion and Jaime both succeed whereas only this current generation succeeded while the earlier one failed? Well, because, you know… the Lannisters always pay their debts.
Now, let’s take take that Arya and Ned scene into account one last time. Jon, if he is the King, will need heirs. Technically, I do believe he cannot have children; he is a fire wight. Therefore, he would likely make his siblings’ (in all but blood and name) children his heirs. Bran… yeah, no. Sansa likely will never marry or have children. That leaves… Arya. Making her children—her sons, as Ned predicted, knights and princes and lords.
So, yeah, it could all come full circle to how it began. Robert and Lyanna didn’t get together, but Arya and Gendry will. Aerys II didn’t burn down King’s Landing, but Daenerys did. Jaime killed the sovereign he swore to serve and protect; Tyrion kills the sovereign he swore to serve and protect. Ned didn’t get Jaime sent to the Wall, but Jon will send Tyrion. And the only ones who succeeded in their “tasks” both go-rounds were the Lannisters because the Lannisters always pay their debts.
Again, I could be totally, totally wrong, but… full circle. It all tracks.
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awolfhashishonor · 5 years
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Wild Boys Fallen Far From Glory || A Brandon Stark Playlist
01 Gladiator // 02 Wish We Were Older // 03 Wild Boys // 04 I Know I’m A Wolf // 05 Could Have Been Me // 06 Young & Wild // 07 When Winter Comes // 08 Girls / Girls / Boys // 09 Rosyln // 10 Control // 11  It Will Come back
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omertaorg-blog · 5 years
Brianna Archibald - anne winters / diabolik / 04/01
Gregory Dolman - Nick Jonas / Badass / 06/12
Leon Scott - Jamie Dornan / King / 19.04
Carrie Bennet - Nathalia Dill / Naraka / 16.08
Jenna Fawkner - Chiara Ferragni / Amaretto / 30.11
Megan Mackena - Perrie Edwards / Kitty / 21.08
Natalia Hayato - Natalia Barulich / Pistole + 07.06
Bruna Gallagher - Ester Expósito / Brooklyn Nails / 11.11
Louise Quinzel - Margot Robbie / Madam Satan / 14.12
Diana Prince - Gal Gadot / Wonder Bitch / 17.05
Tony Hayato - Maluma / Headshot - 22.04
Illyana Rasputin - Anya Taylor-Joy / Magic / 12.12
August Walker - Henry Cavill / The boss - 28/01
Tohrment Morgenstern - Aaron Taylor-Johnson / King of hell / 18.02
Lauren Baldrick - Marina Ruy Barbosa / Hope / 29/03
Brooke Florence - Grace Elizabeth / Catastrophe / 16.11
Jane Foster - Candice Swanepoel / Goddes of thunder/ 26-11
Mary Stuart-Valois - Adelaide Kane / Insane / 16.07
Jean Grey - Danielle Victoria / Garota Marvel / 10.01
Dianna Agron-Baker - Demi Lovato / Angel face / 18/06
Mats Hummels - Mats Hummels / El patrón / 03.01
Elizabeth Rincón - Jessica Chastain / Phoenix / 16.08
Elizabeth Christeensen - Blanca Suárez / Furiosa / 21.06
Katherine Hawrd - Phoebe Tonkin / Jade / 08/02
Rachel Green - Jennifer Aniston / evil bitch / 30.01
Behati Prinsloo - Behati Prinsloo / Garota Enem / 22/11
Samantha Kane - Lili Reinhart/ Dark Betty / 09.08
Julian Edelman - Julian / Juliano / 25.05.
Renne Fernandes - Tom Ellis / Lúcifer / 02.01
Rimena Elliot  - Danna Paola / Mermaid / 25-09
Sam Hunt - Sam Hunt / Hunter / 21.06
Bella Sanders-Ackles - Josephine Skriver / Queen Bee / 01/02
Sebastian Barnes - Sebastian Stan / Ghost of Sparta / 23/09
Freydis Brandon - Alicia Agneson/ Leona/ 19.07
Howard Stark - Dominic Cooper / $tark / 07.12
Ronnie Gerloff - dulce maria / devil |/ 08.11
Yoshi Kurozaki - Shownu / Godster / 26.02
Jax Teller - Charlie Hunnam/ Men of Mayhem/ 09.12
Katherine Pryde - Barbara Palvin / Dragonfly / 09/08
Harley Quinn - Hailey Baldwin / Vixen / 23.03
Candice Jones - Nina Dobrev / Eletric / 07.06 ****
Jhonny Bravo - Tom Hardy / JB / 10-07
Barbara Gordon - Miriam Leone / Babs / 02.08
Rachel Amber - Claire Holt / Firefingers /18.03
Scarlett Barkov - Ana Luiza Sparrapan / sweet demon / 25/03
Jake Riley- Chris Wood / Falco Colt / 25.07
Christopher Dietrich - Chris Evans / Daddy Shark / 20.05
Manon Crochan - Kiernan Shipka / Satansoul / 08.08 ++ diana reserva harley ++ capo dei capi, att 02/01/2019
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Wild Boys Never Chose This Way || A Brandon Stark Playlist 
01 Gladiator || 02 Wish We Were Older || 03 The Wild Boys || 04 I Know I’m A  Wolf || 05 Could Have Been Me || 06 Young & Wild || 07 When Winter Comes || 08 Girls / Girls / Boys || 09 Rosyln || 10 Control || 11 Death Of A Bachelor || 12 It Will Come Back || 13 Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time 
Spotify Playlist
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ourdrewstark · 5 years
The Tale of Rhys Stark.
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Rhys Stark (Legitimized bastard son of Brandon Stark and Barbrey Ryswell-Dustin), his birth was known by the Stark and Ryswell familys, but never announced to the public so Barbrey could keep her virtue, and eventually find a husband.
When Brandon is killed by the Mad King, Rhys is only 2 years old, when Eddard Stark returns, he adopts Rhys, and claiming when Rhys comes of age he will become able to choose between living in Winterfell or living with his mother in Barrowton.
Rhys grows up to be the Joker of the group of Stark children (and Theon) and is often the defuser of any tension when fights would break out between Theon and Jon. He was renowned to have a sweet smile that would make people believe in good.
His psychical features resemble more from his mothers side than his fathers, he is fairly skinny and somewhat handsome, but was not as striking as his cousins, his hair is short and dark brown. The few things he inherits from Brandon are his hot bloodedness (Shown as the story unfolds) and his love of riding, which he would often take journeys on horseback to meet his friends of the Stark banner men, which included Smalljon Umber a man he considers to be his best friend and they would often spare with each other for fun, Rhys grew up with the traditional Stark Honor and Loyalty understandings. He also has a love for Horses and spends time with stables men nursing and delivering newborns, his love of horses led to him having a bizarre respect for Dothraki Culture.
When he came of age, Eddard told him the truth of his parentage and Rhys chose to meet Barbrey Dustin in Barrowton, but before he arrived he instead diverted from the path and headed back to Winterfell to which he then proclaimed as his home and Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark as his parents. This act led to some distain from Barbrey Dustin, who has never yet to see Rhys in person.
Rhys is renowned as a great hunter and skilled swordsman, often times besting his Cousins, but is not above using dirty tactics like kneeing people in the groin or throwing dirt in his opponents face when knocked down, a trait that earned him some wrath and scolding's from Rodrik Cassel and Eddard. Rhys has often been described by many in Winterfell to be one of the best hunters of the North, he mainly is great at tracking and trapping animals.
His sex drive has been very prominent as he often visited brothels, so much so he tried on some occasions to get Jon to come with him, along with Theon. But deep down he has a sinful lust for his cousin Sansa, to which he does not act upon, but has on occasion let his feelings show, often when people spoke of Sansa in a sexual nature, he even once has a scuffle with a drunk Bolton soldier he overheard in a tavern talking ill about Sansa’s maidenhood.
Season 1: He’s pretty much a background supporting character like most of the Stark children, with only a few stand out scenes.
1:01 WINTER IS COMING: Along with Jon and Robb, Rhys is helping Bran with his Archery lessons in the beginning and accompanies Ned Stark at the Beheading of the Watch deserter. On the way back to Winterfell, Rhys spots the dead Direwolf and alerts Ned. When the children adopt the wolves, Jon offers Rhys ghost after Theon insults him being the runt of the litter. But Rhys rejects Jon Snow giving him Ghost, and tells him in a brotherly tone. “Jon. That’s yours”. He attends the feast and can be seen eating with Theon and Robb. He also greets Uncle Benjen.
1:02 THE KINGSROAD: He wishes Jon goodbye with a hug, and tells him that uncle Benjen took him to the wall once, he tells Jon, ‘he’ll fit right in.’
1:04 CRIPPLES, BASTARDS AND OTHER BROKEN THINGS: He is seen in the meeting when Tyrion arrives to deliver the blueprints for Bran’s saddle, and before he leaves he asks how Jon is doing at The Wall, Tyrion simply tells him, that “He’s cooping well and has the face for it.”
1:06 A GOLDEN CROWN: Rhys is seen out in the forest with Robb, Theon and Bran, he sides with Robb about keeping the piece with the Lannister’s saying that King Robert will bring them to justice, but when Robb insults Theon, he tells Robb not to take his anger out on Theon and proceeds to tell Robb that if Catelyn didn’t take Tyrion hostage they all might’ve avoided this. Rhys attacks the Wildings with Robb, and doesn’t comment on Robb’s chastising of Theon’s actions.
1:08 THE POINTY END: He’s in the tent with the lords when discussing there battle plan.
1:09 BAELOR: Rhys is with Robb and Company when Jaime is captured.
1:10 FIRE AND BLOOD: Rhys is sadden and talks with Theon when Ned is killed, and talks about certain moments, while drinking with other bannermen and Rhys tells them the story of how he was going to see his mother and that half way through the journey he turned around and came back to Winterfell and on that day he fell to Lord Eddard’s knees and begged him to call him father, and how he just told him “You gonna keep throwing dirt in your opponents faces when you spar?” he’s at the coordination of Robb where he fully dedicates himself to his cause.
This will show him being a very caring character that cares deeply about his family.
Season 2: Again still a background character for the most part, but has more character development.
2:01 THE NORTH REMEMBERS: Rhys confronts Theon before he leaves and tells him that the alliance is very important and wishes him luck, he then hugs him. And lets him leave.
2:04 GARDEN OF BONES: Rhys one night goes to sit and talk with Jaime, Jaime asks “What does Brandon Starks boy want with me”, and Rhys says he’s just come to small talk with him, Jaime at first tells Rhys that he’s the one that pushed Bran out the tower, and Rhys says he’ll never forgive him for that act, but tells him that he’s not evil, this catches Jaime off-guard and he tells Rhys ‘he must be a bigger fool than any regular Stark', but Rhys tells him how he thinks nobody is truly evil, he then tells Jaime was a monster that day and that he knows that, but he did it for one reason. Jaime looks at him smugly, but with faint hints of doubt and Rhys tells him the reason, “Love”. Jaime than tells Rhys ‘he’s talking nonsense and that Rhys is to young to understand anything about love’, he agrees he doesn’t know much about love and what he does know might not even be love, but he tells Jaime that he saw how protective he was around Cersei when she came to Winterfell, and he also confides in Jaime that he’s that way with Sansa sometimes and talks about having incestuous thoughts about Sansa sometimes and how he wishes he was just a normal cousin, Jaime tells Rhys that cousin marriage isn't forbidden in the north, but Rhys says it’s looked down upon, and then says it makes him feel sick to think these thoughts sometimes and Jaime actually opens up and talks with him about it his relationship with Cersei and how she and her grew up together and there mother couldn’t separate them apart, ”Until she did” and Jaime tells Rhys that “There are truly evil men in this world, but there's the difference in knowing your evil and having to do evil things, to survive, to be comfortable… To Love.”
2:06 THE OLD GODS AND THE NEW: Rhys is shocked to hear of Theon’s betrayal and try's to persuade Robb to let him go and capture Theon, but Robb’s anger is too great as he wants revenge.
2:07 A MAN WITHOUT HONOR: Rhys is seen trying to help Catelyn delay Jaime’s execution when he is re-captured, but also try's to keep the piece with Brienne.
2:08 THE PRINCE OF WINTERFELL: Rhys talks with Robb after he imprisons Catelyn and tells him that if he had a mothers heart, he’d probably do something as stupid too. He leaves when Talisa comes into the tent.
2:10 VALAR MORGUNUS: Rhys is present during Catelyn talk with Robb over marrying Talisa, Cat tries to have Rhys talk some sense into Robb, but Rhys supports Robb’s decision, but does have some concerns about the Frey allegiance.
His plot this season is mainly trying to see the positive outcome of all of this.
Season 3: More development this season, but still in the background for most part.
3:02 DARK WINGS, DARK WORDS: While at Winterfell, Rhys confides with Robb about the chances of success, but also giving him hope, by telling him of the time he, Robb and Jon built a castle of snow and Robb would always be able to keep his castle Standing while Jon and Rhys’s would eventually fall.
3:03 WALK OF PUNSHMENT: Is present at Riverrun during the funeral of Hoster Tully and witnesses Robb chastising Edmure.
3:05 KISSED BY FIRE: After Karstarks treason, Rhys also supports the decision to keep him as a prisoner, but is ignored. After Karstaks execution he tells Robb that, with his permission he will take a few loyalists and head to Raventree Hall to try and take Duskendale (Which would give them the advantage if they took Castarly Rock to take Kings Landing). Robb agrees but makes sure to let Rhys know that this if he loses, so does the north, Rhys assures Robb he won’t fail and that they’ll see Joffrey’s head on a spike yet.
3:06 THE CLIMB: He takes with him a small force of 100 men, his friends Smalljon Umber with him as well as a lord of small House in the Riverlands called Tytos Blackwood, who has been told by the other lords that he is not well liked by the other lords in the Riverland’s due to his truthful nature, Rhys approaches Tytos Blackwood with ease and tells him of how a ancestor of the Starks married a Blackwood, Tytos makes claim that it was a woman called Black Aly and that she served as Warden of the North during the Hour of The Wolf. Rhys claims he was never one to know about history, Tytos claims that History is all that remains. Rhys takes a liking to over his silent honour and stern conviction of the war, but tells him off when Tytos tells him about Robb’s chances of Taking Castarly Rock being almost futile.
3:08 SECOND SONS: Rhys and his forces arrive at Harrenhal and spend the night, Rhys discovers that they have Jeyne Poole (Handmaiden at Winterfell and best friend of Sansa) with them on they’re journey, she is a steward and has offered her services to Rhys on there travel. Rhys claims that they have no need for her as the mission could result in death, Jeyne feels useless, but she proceeds to tell him that a bath has been prepared for him, while in the bath Rhys discovers some gold locks of hair (Jaime’s) but doesn’t dwell on it.
3:10: MHYSA: After The Red Wedding, some Bolton men and Frey’s that came with the 100 men, try to murder Rhys and the loyalists, but they kill them before they get the upper hand, with Lord Blackwood saving Rhys from a lunging Bolton solider, Rhys starts brutalising a Frey son, taking him to the ground and cracking his skull open in anger over a rock. As the blood of the dead Frey spills out into the river the sound of Rhys still throating away at Frey’s son’s dead body, while the Son’s blood creates enough blood for the small river to be infected.
This season shows Rhys’s complete loss of innocence and hope.
Season 4: Rhys becomes more of a main character.
4:01 TWO SWORDS: Rhys, still reeling from Robb’s death feels helpless and tells Tytos he was right about Castarly Rock and about the war and tells him to go home, Tytos refuses and tells Rhys if he’s going to die he’s going to die fighting and that he lost 3 sons at The Twins who died. Rhys inspired by Lord Blackwoods words makes a statement to all the troubled northern loyalists, that he will continue to fight and murder all the Bolton, Freys and Lannisters till they are completely whipped out, and closes the speech off by saying “This isn’t about kings anymore, it’s about vengeance”, this spurs all the remaining loyalists to follow Rhys in his doomed plot for revenge (Takes on Lady Stoneheart storyline).
4:04 OATHKEEPER: Rhys send a few of his forces deep into the south of the Riverlands and orders them to kill Frey men, His men assault a small town inhabited by Frey Men called Tumbler’s Falls, they let the villagers live but unknown to Rhys his men rape and kill a family then steal there goods. Rhys arrives at the Stoney Sept to ask for refuge, Rhys, Smalljon and the fellow lords visit the Peach for drinks and Smalljon orders a prostitute named Bella, who claims to be Robert’s bastard daughter.
While drinking Tytos Blackwood comments to Rhys that what he plans on doing, Rhys coldly says he’s going to destroy House Lannister, and comments how Joffrey died was too easy compared to Robb’s death.
Thoros of Mir spots Rhys and Tytos and calmly introduces himself and Rhys asks if he could speak to Berric, Thoros shows the two to a room where Berric is having sex with a prostitute, after the sex, Berric offers his condolences to Rhys and tells him that they wish to join his cause in purging the Frey’s. The Brotherhood without Banners join in purging the Riverland's of the Frey’s.
4:05: FIRST OF HIS NAME: Brotherhood without Banners, Rhys and his loyalists don’t stay long in Stoney Sept and proceed to move around the Riverlands to the north, murdering Frey men and Lannister men and convincing local villages to aid them in vengeance. Rhys informs the villagers that Walder Frey’s and The Lannister's will not let them live great lives under his rule, a few villagers with children and wives join Rhys’s ranks, with some of the men bearing arms to fight for him in vengeance for the Tully’s. Walder Frey send Tywin Lannster a raven to ask for assistance to find and kill Rhys Stark and has been dubbed as “Outlaws”, Tywin recognises the threat and secretly writes a note to an unknown assailant to help kill Rhys.
4:06 THE LAWS OF GODS AND MEN: Rhys and his forces travel into Oldstone and have captured Petyr Frey (Who killed Greatjon Umber at the Red Wedding), Ryman Frey and Merrett Frey. Rhys lets Smalljon kill Petyr Frey with his father Ryman watching him die, Rhys then personally kills Ryman and then has Merrett hanged.
Rhys becomes more violent by his vengeance and starts hanging the Frey bodies from trees with words “Traitor” carved into them. Rhys tells the villagers with children to cover there eyes and tell them stories while passing through the bodies. A mother covers her child's eyes and sings him a song “The Day They Hung Black Robin”.
Smalljon Umber, proposes to Rhys he will head back to the North and bring more loyal soldiers back to him via river in the Crackclaw Point. Rhys argues that there is no need, but Smalljon peruses that they could secretly play lay a trap for the Bolton’s, Rhys reluctantly agrees.
4:07 MOCKINGBIRD: Rhys forces march through Oldstone, Rhys starts to further his relationships with Lord Blackwood to the point where he tells Rhys to call him Tytos and Tytos talks about Brandon Stark being his father, he tells Rhys “What the Mad King did to him was worth more than Jaime Lannister's sword” Rhys faintly looks down reminded of Jaime and Rhys asks Tytos if he ever met Brandon and tells him that he met him when he came to wed Catelyn Tully and how he had a “Gruff” sense to him, he then tells Rhys he reminds him of Brandon, to which Rhys tells him that he doesn’t consider Brandon isn’t his father and Eddard Stark was his true father, Tytos keeps quiet and looks at him with some pity.
Jeyne Poole is seen getting hit on by some soldiers, which she shyly tries to ignore, Rhys interrupts them by telling them that she’s Jeyne Poole and promised to a noble lord in the north, the soldiers apologise and leave her alone, Rhys invites her to ride next to him, they start having a conversation about of Sansa and her favourite types of cakes, Rhys asks Jeyne if she has anyone waiting for her back home, she tells him that her father died at Kings Landing when Eddard Stark was betrayed by the gold clokes, her brother died at Winterfell with the Greyjoy coupe and doesn’t know if her mother is alive, she then says, she hopes all that have wronged them die.
4:10 THE CHILDREN: One night Rhys gets drunk with his men and a soldier annoys him by talking about how he killed a Frey loyalist at there assault at Tumbler’s Falls and then raped his wife and killed there child, Rhys firmly beats him to a pulp and makes a statement that they will not butcher and rape Frey loyalists. He retreats to his tent and continues to drink, Tytos comes into his quarters and tells Rhys to not act irrationally towards his loyal men, but Rhys tells Tytos to get out and throws wine at him breaking the bottle, but Tytos tells Rhys to let out all his anger here, and Rhys starts cursing about Walder Frey, about Tywin, Cersei, Jaime, about Roose Bolton and about Theon Greyjoy and then breaks down in Tytos’s arms when talking about Robb, Ned, Cat, Bran and Rickon. Tytos just hugs Rhys.
This season shows Rhys in a different light, showing how much anger and blood thirst he has.
Season 5: This season features him as a main character.
5:01 THE WARS TO COME: Rhys and his Loyalists and The Brotherhood without Banners, have grown to nearly 200 men, women and even children start heading to Crackclaw Point to rendezvous with Smalljon Umber for more Loyalists. Berric comments that they are moving slow to there destination, having just past Fairmarket not 2 days ago, but Rhys claims that the rain has made the roads muddy, Berric also says they are now being hunted by Black Walder and that maybe they could of taken Ryman Frey hostage, Rhys tells Berric that justice needed to be served and Berric agrees that the hangings did well to send a message, but also to make them more wanted targets. Rhys tells Berric if he’s not happy he can leave, but Berric tells him not to be stupid and tells him he’s loyal, Rhys brings up the fact that Thoros told him he brought Berric back from the dead. Berric talks about the Lord of Light with Rhys and Rhys thinks that the god is useless unless he can bring back everyone that’s died.
5:02 THE HOUSE OF BLACK AND WHITE: Rhys and everyone stop and camp, Anguy approaches Rhys with 3 other brotherhood members, Anguy suggests to Rhys they go hunting for food and hands Rhys a bow and arrow, Rhys happily agrees. Anguy is shooting rabbits, but Rhys tells him to check out a Bear Cave, even Anguy laughs at him, but Rhys goes into the cave and then runs out with a Bear chasing him, but the Bear steps into a bear trap Rhys had set up, Anguy shoots the bear directly into the head and Anguy and Rhys both laugh and brings the Bear back for the villagers to eat.
5:03 HIGH SPARROW: After nearly reaching Saltpans, Rhys notices his Horse (Margaret) is a little weary and one of his scouts comes back and tells Rhys that Saltpans is burned and destroyed, but before Rhys can react, (Margaret) collapses and Jeyne runs up and tells Rhys that his horse is pregnant. Rhys stops his company to make sure Margaret gives birth, Jeyne Poole helps Rhys, with her help Margaret gives birth to a Boy foal. Rhys thanks Jeyne and Rhys claims they must spend the Night as Saltpans and share there food and drink with the survivors. Thoros jokes to Rhys that he wants to “fuck” Jeyne or maybe he’s in love with her, Rhys tells Thoros to “Piss off”.
5:05 KILL THE BOY: A village boy (Martyn Rivers) that was picked up from the village in Sevenstream, it’s told by Rhys, Martyn is a Freys Bastard son, but was not raised in the Twins and has only grown up around the village people, his adoptive parents died during the war of five kings, when Lannister Men raided his village and tried to rape his adoptive mother, he was playing in the woods when they killed his parents. Martyn is shown swinging a stick as a sword around practicing, at first Rhys leaves him alone, out of spite for the Frey’s, Jeyne asks Rhys if theres something wrong and Rhys tells her about Martyn, and how he can’t trust any Frey’s, but Jeyne tells him that Martyn is a bastard like Jon, and abandoned by the Frey’s. Rhys proceeds to ask if Jeyne she has been ok, to which Jeyne tells Rhys she is and asks if she can do anything for Rhys, they look at each other for a moment and Rhys kisses her, which shocks her at first and Rhys as well and he apologises and dismisses her for the night.
The next morning Martyn is training by himself with the same stick and breaks it against a tree. Rhys comes out and tells Martyn he’s got some skill with a stick and comments how sticks and practice swords are somewhat alike, Rhys then picks up a stick and starts training with Martyn, knocking him down, until Martyn throws dirt in his eyes and knocks Rhys down. Rhys forces Martyn off him and Martyn expects to get a beating so he raises his stick, but Rhys just laughs it off (Reminding him of himself). Jeyne sees Rhys practicing with Martyn like he used to do with his cousins, and he suddenly give his ‘sweet smile’ that hasn’t been seen since hearing of The Red Wedding.
5:06 UNBOWNED, UNBET, UNBROKEN: On the travel, Anguy spots some Tully soldiers, who turn out to be led by Brynden Tully (The Blackfish), Rhys rushes to meet him and they embrace when seeing each other, Rhys asks Brynden how he survived The Red Wedding and he reveals he snuck away during the slaughter, he offers his apologies to Rhys, saying ‘he failed Robb and he failed Cat.’ Bryden says he’s heard of Rhys’s actions against The Frey’s and says he saw the bodies himself hung, and he smiled when he saw them, Rhys asks if Bryden has come to join him, but Brynden tells Rhys, he’s come to ask for his help to take back Riverrun, Rhys says he wishes he could, and had he sought him out a year ago he would of helped him no questions, but he now has a new responsibility to the villagers that follow him, Bryden does not take this well and says that Rhys would let The Frey’s have Riverrun, Rhys tells Bryden that he will give him some of his Loyalists with the Blackfish to help take back Riverrun, but Bryden tells him he needs more than just men, he needs Lords of other houses to help him rally troops to take back Riverrun, he asks for Lord Tytos Blackwood’s help. Rhys is resistant to let Tytos leave the company, but Tytos reminds Rhys that he is sworn to serve the Tully’s. Bryden leaves with Tytos and a good 100 of his soldiers leave for Riverrun, before Tytos leaves Rhys’s party, he tells him once they have Riverrun and the Northerner Loyalists, then they might stand a chance at overtaking The Twins, they embrace and part ways.
5:07 THE GIFT: Rhys and his company have now reached Crackclaw Point and has set up camp. At night it becomes very cold and Martyn becomes very cold, Rhys sits next to him in order to keep him warm, Rhys sees a pact of natural wolves nurturing it’s cubs not far from them, but they spot Rhys looking at them, which they then move away from and when Martyn questions what Rhys is looking at he says “Nothing. Just something that reminded me of someone.”
5:09 A DANCE OF DRAGONS: Rhys and his loyalists arrive at The Whispers (The agreed Meeting place Smalljon promised he’d provide more Northern Allies for) but there is no one. Rhys and company set up camp and as night comes, Rhys is told that the scouts he sent to find Smalljon haven't found anything, Jeyne talks with Rhys if this was a mistake and maybe they should have gone with The Blackfish to take back Riverrun, Rhys argues with her that this is there one chance to gain the upper hand on the Lannister’s, but Jeyne tells him that she doesn’t want him to give his life to take Kings Landing and a frustrated Rhys tells her that ‘she’s just a stupid handmaiden and doesn’t get to tell him how to die.’
Rhys barges out and wonders around and sees Berric with Thoros, Anguy and another Brotherhood member looking out, Berric tells Rhys they must leave his company soon and Rhys questions why, Thoros talks to Rhys about seeing visions of an oncoming battle in the North and they aren't needed, Rhys questions about whereabouts of Smalljon is and just as he does, an Arrow strikes the other brotherhood member and dies, Anguy gets out his bow and arrow and shoots at someone in the distance, another arrow nearly pierces Berric and Anguy keeps shooting arrows, they then run back to the camp and everything is on fire, an ambush from Bolton forces, they are killing the villagers and have burnt tents with people fleeing out of them while on fire.
Berric, Thoros and Anguy fight with Rhys and they all kill a few Bolton men, defending most of the villagers, who also take up arms to fight and kill Bolton men, and Martyn kills a Bolton that almost kills Thoros. Rhys asks a soldier if he knows where Jeyne is, he says she’s in the far end of the camp, Rhys tells Martyn to stay with Berric and to protect the Villagers. Rhys fights his way through the fire to try and find Jeyne. Anguy runs out of Arrows and is then struck by one through the head and dies instantly in front of Berric who avenges his death.
Jeyne is hiding inside Rhys’s tent and three Bolton soldiers find her and attempt to rape her, while Jeyne tries to fight them off they punch her to the floor and rip her dress off, then they try to rape her, but before they do, Rhys arrives and fights all three of them, killing the first two with his sword, but the last stabs Rhys in the gut, but Jeyne grabs his hunting dagger and cuts the soldier’s throat, Rhys collapses to his knees as Jeyne tries to help him, but Rhys just hugs Jeyne in comfort.
As the rain comes down the fires start to decease. The Bolton’s are fierce but even when they kill some, they also get killed with the Loyalist final blow, resulting in more casualty's for the Bolton men than expected, to the point they start to flee back to there boats, but the loyalists chase after them and kill them.
5:10 MOTHER’S MERCY: The Blackfish attacks Riverrun at night by surprised and overwhelms the castle with the numbers that Rhys provided him. When piling the bodies of Frey soldiers Tytos is seen sitting by the bodies looking grim despite there victory. Brynden tells Tytos he led the birage at the gate well, but sees that Tytos is troubled about Rhys. Brynden tells Tytos to take his loyal men and go support Rhys, Tytos says he Brynden needs help securing Riverrun, but Brynden tells him that they can outlast any attack now that they have Riverrun, Tytos then leaves with the loyal men Rhys sent with them.
Berric visits an injured and bedridden Rhys, who concludes that Smalljon must've betrayed them, Berric tells him that they found the ship they sailed on and tells them that all they are going to leave the next day, Jeyne argues that Berric is leaveing Rhys to die, but Berric tells Jeyne that Rhys will live because The Lord of Light doesn’t want him to die. Rhys once again says he doesn’t believe in the lord of light, but Berric doesn’t care, he asks Rhys what he’s going to do once he’s healed, Rhys tells him, he’s going to kill the Boltons but lets those who wish to go home, leave, he tells Berric to tell the others of this, Berric nods and as he leaves Rhys says he’s sorry about the fellow Brotherhood men that died. Berric leaves. The offer results in nearly all of Rhys’s forces leaving Rhys in order to go back to the villages and some soldiers who have taken farm girls as there wives also go with them. At the end the 200 forces Rhys had in the beginning nearly all left with Tytos and Blackfish, died or left with the Villagers. Rhys now only has 23 Loyal Soldiers left from the beginning, including a few hardend villagers who wish to keep fighting for Rhys. The cold winds blow from the North.
Rhys is still in recovery and Jeyne comforts and nurses him, Rhys tells Jeyne he’s sorry for calling her stupid and tells her he was so worried about her, Jeyne puts her hand on Rhys’s cheek then leans down and they start to kiss, Rhys pulls her onto him and they engage in passionate sex.
This season is meant to bring Rhys back to his human side and show his followers loyalty.
Season 6: Now an established Main Character in the series.
6:01 THE RED WOMAN: Rhys and his few loyalists use the ship the Bolton’s used to sail into the North, but before Rhys and company depart, Tytos returns with the loyalists. Rhys smiles and they embrace and after that they arrange to sail for White Harbor, then head to The Wall to meet Jon. Claiming they are going to take back Winterfell from the Bolton’s or Die trying.
6:03 OATHBREAKER: When Rhys and Company reach the White Harbor they are escorted to Wyman Manderly (Takes over Davos in Dance of Dragons chapters). Manderly talks to Rhys about the rule under The Bolton's, claiming that Roose Bolton’s bastard is flaying people all over the north alive and is a disgrace to the north. Rhys tells lord Manderly that he intends to take back Winterfell or Die trying. Manderly likes Rhys’s courage but claims he’s foolish to walk in blind, telling him what has happened to Stannis Baratheon, then tells Rhys he cannot support him to help take back Winterfell, Rhys argues that Manderly is sworn to the Starks, but Manderly tells him he won’t but looks hurt when he says it, Rhys doesn’t push it and Manderly tells him he will have Rhys and his men fully prepared for there journey to the Wall, and will not inform the Bolton’s of there whereabouts.
6:04 THE BOOK OF THE STRANGER: Rhys, Tytos and there remaining 30 soldiers get ready to set out, but before they set out, Rhys spots Martyn who claims that he’s coming with him, but Rhys tells him that he must stay to protect Jeyne and Martyn tearfully agrees but doesn’t want Rhys to die, Rhys tells him that if he doesn’t leave there will be no justice and Rhys gives Maryn his hunting dagger and claims it’s his if he doesn’t return and tells him to avenge him if he falls he then walks away from Martyn. Rhys goes to Jeyne’s room, and she's packing her belongings and tells Rhys she's ready to go, but Rhys stops her from exiting her Room, Rhys tells Jeyne to stay in White Harbor as he does not know what may come next, Jeyne begs him not to go with tears in her eyes, but Rhys kisses her and tells her that “You brought me piece, in a time of terror. Who am I to refuse the same for you?”, he also has her keep Margret’s foal. Rhys then sets out with the remaining loyalists, Margret and Tytos to go get Jon who is at the wall as Jeyne watches them leave with Martyn by her side.
6:07 THE BROKEN MAN: While Jon and Sansa are convincing the wildlings to fight for them, Rhys meets them for the first time in 5 years. He hugs them both and starts crying, with Toumund looking weirded out.
Jon, Sansa and Rhys discuss briefly about old times, and discus the time Jon covered himself in flour and jumped out to scare Sansa, Sansa says she wishes she could remember those days better, but can’t, Rhys gets right to business and tells Jon that he has 30 men, but the most loyal men that would give there lives for him.
They all then head to Bear Island and Moat Callin, and chides that Lord Glover is a Traitor, but Lord Glover just walks away, Jon and Rhys latter drink heavy that night and Jon talks about Ygritte, Jon tells Rhys of how Ygritte was a gorgeous woman who was “kissed by fire”, Rhys claims that he knew it’d be a Red Head that’d take his cock, Rhys then claims he’s gotten very close to Jeyne and Jon is surprised that it’s the same haindmadien from Winterfell and Sansa’s best friend, he claims that she once laughed at him when Sansa and her watched him spar with Ser Roderik and fall on his arse. Rhys then talks about Martyn and Jon changes his glee to despair, Rhys notices Jon’s not himself, Jon reveals how he was killed at the Wall, by showing his stab wounds, he then says he killed boy like Marytn who he took as a steward and tried to train him to be like him, and he was the last one to deliver the final blow. Rhys (knowing about Berric’s lord of light), is shocked but understands and tells Jon how ‘he wishes that it’s all just a dream.’
6:09 THE BATTLE OF THE BASTARDS: The day before the battle, Ramsey and Smalljon meet Jon, Sansa, Davos, Lyanna Tomund, Tytos and Rhys for a parlay. During Ramsey’s insults, Rhys and Smalljon’s looks at each other. Rhys starts blurting out insults at Ramsey, calling him a “Trueborn Bastard” and “A Cunt that needs traitors to wipe his ass” while also insulting his former friend Smalljon, he then goes on to give a speech about Roose Bolton fathered him by rape and how he’s always wanted his approval because he was nothing to begin with. Ramsey shows everyone Shaggywolfs head and Sansa takes off, while Rhys just stares at Smalljon, who looks at Rhys with some regret in his eyes. Rhys then threatens Ramsey, saying how he will always be a bastard unlike Jon, and how he is going to desecrate Roose’s grave and that Ramsey will be the last flayed man in North. He then tells Smalljon that he’s going to take his head off tomorrow “And Smalljon! Know that I'm going to take you’re traitorous head off tomorrow.”
That night of planning, Jon, Sansa and Rhys all gather to work out the battle strategy, and Rhys and Jon agree that Rickon’s safety is paramount to this battle. When Sansa tries to think of another way for battle, Rhys tells her that her place isn’t in battles and she shouldn’t gamble with Rickon’s life. Sansa chastises Rhys and Jon and storms off to write the letter to Littlefinger. Rhys and Jon converse a little more about the battle strategy and both think is will work. Ghost walks into the tent and Jon pets him, he then says he’s retying for the night, thought he doesn’t know how much sleep he’ll get, Rhys claims he should use his hand. They both chuckle and smile. When Jon is gone, Rhys looks at Ghost and thinks of Shaggydoggs severed head. “Where gonna get revenge for your brother as well, so don’t you worry”, Rhys says while about to cry, Ghost whimpers and he hugs Ghost and cries into Ghosts fur, knowing that the plan is futile and Rickon will probably die tomorrow.
Tytos has a discussion with Davos about the efficacy of there forces and Davos tells him that they won’t be caught of guard for a second. Tytos has a quick discussion about the death of there liege lords, Stannis Baratheon and Brynden Tully and claim that they both should have died with them, maybe they could have done something about there deaths, they also both talk about the deaths of there sons, Davos gives his apologies about Tytos’s massive loss of 3 sons. Tytos then claims that Davos knows how to survive it, Davos says that Sherieen kept him going, saying that she was like a daughter to him, Tytos then claims Rhys is like a son to him as well.
On the day of the Battle of the Bastards, when Ramsey brings Rickon out, Rhys is petrified at what Ramsey might do to him. Ramsey cuts his hand tie and has him run to Jon, Jon rides out first, but Rhys, still shocked, Rhys gets on Margret and leads his men into battle behind Jon, when Rickon is killed, Rhys stops and shouts in Grief “NO” and then looks up to Ramsey “BASTARD” he charges behind Jon, and when Jon’s horse collapses and he is faced with the oncoming barrage and seemingly accepts his death, Rhys on Margret jumps into the barrage of horses and is followed by his men and then by the other Stark Loyalists.
The fight ensures and with Margaret getting shot with an arrow and Rhys watches Margret tremble as she goes limp and dies. Rhys then goes on a killing spree by taking on even mounted Bolton men with just his sword. Jon almost dies by being stampeded to death, only to have Rhys pull him out of the pit, surrounded by thousands of Northern men. The Knights of the Vale arrive and Jon goes after Ramsey.
Rhys fights off with his once long time friend Smalljon, who has just had his ear bitten of by a wildling, They both stare at each other before the fight, and a group of Umber men and Wildling/Northern men surround the two to witness the fight. The fight is mostly on Smalljon’s side, with Rhys giving the occasional punch to his face, while also chastising him by say words like “Who’s going to hold your fucking head!”, “Come on traitor!", "Did you always want me dead?” as there swords clash close to there faces, Smalljon breaks the parry and swoops his sword under and cuts Rhys’s leg making him fall to the ground, but Rhys throws dirt in his eyes and jumps and stabs him in the gut, causing both men to fall to the ground, Rhys grabs his sword out of Smalljon’s gut and prepares to decapitate Smalljon, as Smalljon looks up at Rhys with a dying expression and blood convulsing from his mouth and his eyes dwindling, he looks at Rhys and try’s to put his hand on Rhys’s face in an act of an apology, he succeeds, but Rhys slaps it away and proceeds to saw off Smalljon’s head. Killing his former friend.
After the battle, Rhys and his last 8 loyal men gather to torture Ramsey near death, with cuts on his face, having pieces like his ears, toes, nails, fingers, teeth ripped and cut out, being pissed on, as well as having his testicles burned with a hot iron brand. Rhys is seen leaving as Sansa arrives, saying he has business to settle at The Riverlands.
This season shows how far gone Rhys really is and how brutalizing people has become a part of who he is now.
Season 7: Becoming a Final Main Character.
7:02: STORMBORN: Rhys is seen with his loyalists at the crossroads inn, which Arya is also staying at after killing The Frey’s, unknown to both of them, Arya and Rhys is mere inches away from each other, and Rhys and his men talk about heading to Kings landing and Rhys says he’s going to check on take a piss, and as he says that Arya turns around to check if it’s someone she knows. But Hotpie then interrupts her and proceeds to tell Arya of the Battle of the Bastards. Rhys heads back in and sits back down just as Hot Pie says “I can’t believe I thought you looked like a boy.” Arya then walks out of the inn and is deciding on whether to head to Kings Landing or back to Winterfell. Just as she notices the wagon for Kings landing start to move some of the soldiers come out and so does Rhys, and he is shocked, Arya and him lock eyes and Rhys and Arya both run into there arms with Rhys kneeling down to hug Arya and he starts crying in joy as she holds Rhys shoulders extremely tight.
Rhys tells Tytos to take the men to Raventree Hall (Blackwood castle) without him, as he’s heading back to Winterfell to take his cousin Arya Stark home. Tytos accepts this no questions asked, but tells Rhys to hurry back when he’s ready to prepare an assault on Kings Landing.
Later that night Rhys is seen with Arya at night, by a campfire. They are eating some bread and Rhys offer Arya some wine, but takes it back telling her that he remembers that she doesn’t like the taste, but Arya grabs it out of his hands and start drinking is down. Rhys smiles a faint smile, Arya asks Rhys what happened at The Battle of the Bastards, and Rhys tells her that she doesn’t need to know such violent things. Arya tells Rhys that she had nearly died in Bravos, Rhys is surprised and asks how she ended up in Bravos, she says she saved a man named Jaquen Hgarr and he offered her training in Bravos, Rhys asks what type of training, and she says “Training to be a faceless woman”, Rhys looks horrified. Arya tells him the training worked, as she was able to kill Meryn Traynt and then she killed a girl who tried to kill her, then she sailed back to Westoros, then stole a row boat and rowed up to the Twins and then snuck in disguised as a child and then slit Walder Frey’s throat, then she poisoned all the Frey Lords in there hall and watched them die, while disguised as Walder Frey himself. She smiles and Rhys looks at her horrified, he tells her that he thought he’d be the one to do it (kill Frey), Arya looks at him and asks if Jon is the only one at winterfell, he says “No Sansa is too”, she smiles, but Rhys doesn’t she asks him if somethings wrong. Rhys softly tells Arya that Rickon’s dead, Arya looks horrified. Rhys tells Arya that Ramsey killed him, and that Jon rode out to save him and he knew what was coming, but he rode out as well, and he could see the arrows deliberately miss three time, but he still knew what was coming and as Jon was about to reach out. Rhys pauses and stops. Arya asks in anger if Ramsey is dead, Rhys says he saw to it he would bleed out, and that he’s dead. Rhys then says “You shouldn’t have to see or hear such sad things… I’m sorry.” Arya asks who he’s apologising to? Rhys turns to her and says “To ghosts.”
In the morning, he and Arya start putting there fire out, when wolves start to Appear, Rhys draws his sword as they surround him and Arya, they see Nymira, Rhys doesn’t recognise her and tells Arya to stay behind him, but Arya tells him to wait and she approaches Nymira and talks to her, Rhys remains prepared to strike, when the wolves leave Rhys stares at Arya with pity.
7:04: SPOILS OF WAR: Rhys guides Arya home to Winterfell, but his horse gives way from the cold and he tells Arya to go up ahead. Rhys looks at his replacement horse and he comments to himself that “No one should have been born in summer.”
Rhys has the guards who insulted Arya clean up the privy’s, when The Soldiers complain that this work is beneath them, Rhys retorts by saying “Good people clean up shit, when I was stranded in the Riverlands, do you think I had my own privy? No, I cleaned my own shit, are you saying I’m not a good person?”, “No my lord”, “No? Good then get to scrubbing soldiers.”
Rhys then spends time with Sansa in her office and talks to her about the rescoses that they have gained from each Northern house and he tells her that ‘She’s good at this’, to which Sansa smiles at and tells him that ‘she’s glad he’s here, Rhys tells her that he’s always going to protect her, they stare at each other for a moment and Sansa proceeds to ask about Jeyne Poole, to which Rhys looks awkward about for a second, but then tells her that Jeyne means a lot to him and that when the times right he’ll marry her, to which Sansa looks at Rhys and smiles. Rhys leaves Sansa and parts by calling her “Lady Stark.”
He has a moment with Bran near the Godswood tree, where he sees the effect of what has happened to him. Rhys approaches Bran while he’s in Warged, He calls him Bran and Bran stops warging to look at Rhys, “Hello Rhys” Bran says, Rhys smiles and asks if he’s cold, Bran says he’s become used to it, Rhys tells him it’s been a long time since he’s been in Winterfell and says that he thought Bran and Rickon were dead when they couldn’t find them, he tells him how Catelyn could be heard crying some nights, Bran doesn’t speak and Rhys looks says they can build a snow castle if he’d like to, Bran still doesn’t answer and he apologises but he must continue to scout for The White Walkers, and Bran goes back to his warging. Rhys claims he will just wait till he’s finished and then they’ll build a castle, but Bran doesn’t hear him, Rhys looks at Bran and he realises he’s no longer the Boy he left back at Winterfell. Rhys moves over to Bran and he cries into his lap and apologises for not protecting him, as he cries Littlefinger from afar stares at him.
After Arya finds the letter to Robb from Sansa, Arya confronts Rhys on the wooden walkways and asks if he had known if Robb had sent a letter from Sansa? And Rhys claims to have not have been there to see, but says he expects so, Arya then says, what if Sansa wrote the note for an anterior motive. Rhys now frustrated asks what Arya is getting at. Arya claims that Sansa might be the reason Robb went to war, and maybe she wanted that. Rhys becomes angry at Arya and claims how ‘Stupid’ she sounds, then tells her that she should apologise to Sansa now. He then starts walking away but Arya follows him and chastises him for always taking her side, and for always being the one to look away from things and then tells him he should have been there to protect Robb but couldn’t cause he’s so useless. Rhys turns around in anger and slaps her in the face so hard is knocks her down and causes her to have a bloody mouth. Rhys looks at his hand and immediately apologises and approaches Arya, but she looks at him with a death stare and gets on her feet to run away from Rhys.
After the confrontation with Arya, Littlefinger tells Rhys how hard it must be to see your family like this, Rhys tells Littlefinger that Catelyn told him about how when she went to try and get Renly Baratheon to recruit to Robb’s cause, he tried to use the opportunity to get her to be with him. He also tells Littlefinger how obsessed he must be with ‘Us Starks’.
Littlefinger playfully agrees with Rhys about his obsession and how it probably all could have been avoided in one way.
Rhys mentions his fathers Name and Littlefinger looks at Rhys. Rhys goes on to chastise Littlefinger for being a fool in love, knowing full well he could never ‘officially’ have anyone from the Tully family.
In his (well hidden) anger, Littlefinger tells Rhys that he knows of Rhys’s hidden feelings for Sansa and his relationship with Jeyne Poole, he then says he must be using Jeyne as a substatue for his imagination of Sansa. Where as he (Petyre) will fully have Catelyn's daughter as his bride.
He tells Littlefinger how he once though of Brandon as an idiot. “Someone who rode off and got him and my grandfather killed” he tells Balish.
“You know, I once thought of my father as an Idiot, like you do I’m sure. Someone who rode off and got him and my grandfather killed. What good did it do him to have a slow mind and a flaming heart? Then I think to myself, It’s better to have a slow mind and a flaming heart, than to have a great mind and bleeding heart”
Littlefinger tells Rhys that if Brandon was as good with words as Rhys is, than maybe he’d of stood a chance at being a great warden of the north, but he wasn’t. And now all he is, is a memory of what not to do, like so many of the Starks.
Rhys (Holding in a lot of anger) says “Where was it that my father gave you that scar?”
He turns around and belts Littlefinger in the head, knocking him down to the floor, he then kicks him in the ribs all the while asking if it was “here!”, he then kneels down and punches Littlefinger in the face.
Littlefinger says “Your making a stupid mistake Rhys”
Rhys claims the only mistake was that his father didn’t “Finish you off!” (stomps on his chest)
Sansa then appears with a guard of the Vale and the guard draws his sword on Rhys, Rhys also goes to draw his sword but Sansa says “STOP” she then grabs his face and speaks to him softly, saying it’s all right and to leave him alone “He’s not worth it” she tells him and Littlefinger looks at Sansa and Rhys and just stares in hatred.
Rhys in anger argues he should die for all he’s done. But Sansa tells him he cannot kill a guest that has been invited into our walls, Sansa then tells him he must leave now or be imprisoned until Robyn Aryan disposes justice on him. Rhys looks at Sansa in anger and tells her how despicable she’s become, he then spits at Littlefinger and leaves, he then seen on a horse riding out of Winterfell.
7:07: THE WOLF AND THE DRAGON: During the trial between Arya and Sansa, after Sansa reveals Littlefinger is in fact on trial, Rhys and his men appear, Rhys looks at Baelish with his hand on his sword, when Baelish pleads for his life and asks for the knights to escort him back to the Vale, Rhys gives him a smirk, when Sansa passes the sentence, Rhys drives his sword right through Baelish’s chest then grabs his head and pulls it up for him to look at Rhys, while Arya cuts his throat. Killing Petyre ‘Littlefinger’ Baelish.
Rhys is shown in the Winterfell in the chamber hall having drinks with his last surviving 8 loyalists and Lord Blackwood as they all drink ale and smile at one another, Rhys looks at Lord Blackwood and tells him it’s going to be a long winter. Tytos simply says “That it is.”
Season Seven shows how much war has effected him, to where he’s trying to forge bonds with the cousins he now knows are long gone.
Season 8: The End
8:01: WINTERFELL: As Jon and Daenerys march into Winterfell, they are greeted by Sansa, Bran & Rhys. When Jon embraces Bran, Rhys smiles. Jon embraces all of his family and introduces Daenerys to Rhys as his cousin, Rhys smiles at Daenerys, who then says that Jon had told her about Rhys’ knowledge for Dothraki. Rhys once again smiles and tells her that with her permission he would love to ride with them some time. Greetings are cut short by Bran’s demand for the oncoming attack from the White Walkers.
At the meeting with the Northern Lords Rhys stands in the crowd and gives worrying glances to Jon and Sansa when some of the lords chastise Jon.
During the arrival of people around the north. Rhys helps out in the grounds of Winterfell when he stands in shock at Jeyne Poole riding in on Margaret's now grown foal & a late teen Martyn.
Rhys cannot control himself and to pick her up off the horse and kiss her passionately so much that she has to pry her legs away from Rhys’ arms holding her and as she places her feet on the snow Rhys looks at her with his face nearly in tears. And Jeyne asks why he didn’t ask for her to come to Winterfell sooner. Rhys replies with the fact he had to deal with some problems, but he got rid of them once and for all. Jeyne still looks a little hurt, but Rhys replies with.
“I will never leave you again. From now on, it’s just you and me.” as Martyn looks on like the odd one out. Rhys turns to him and involves him in there hug as all three laugh together. Sansa looks on from the balcony with Commander Royce with a hint of a smile before Tyrion Arrives.
Tytos Blackwall also meets with Tyrion, Varys and Davos and joins them in there talks for the fates of the seven kingdoms and they all look over Jon and Dany talking. As Tyrion comments on that they make lovely pair. Tytos says “Compared to your siblings, aye they do make a lovely par” to which Tyrion rebuff saying “Lord Blackwood I’m sure all the young lovers in Riverland's just dream of the day they will be wed in shit filled swamps.” but Tytos gets back to the situation by claiming there will be “no shit filled swamps for young lovers should we lose this war.” and Davos agrees.
8:02 A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS: Rhys is in the Great Hall when Jamie is in northern court. He say’s nothing but makes it obvious he hates Jamie from the death stares he gives him when Jamie looks at Bran.
When Jamie meets Bran in the Godswood to apologise for crippling Bran all those years ago. When Bran tells Jamie of his unknowing of there being a future for him. Rhys appears and questions why Jamie is with Bran alone in the Godswood.
Jamie says it has been a long time since the two of them met. He tells Rhys he came to apologise for all the pain and misery he’s caused Bran and to an extent House Stark.
Rhys tells Jamie that if he wishes to be sorry for all he’s done, he should travel back to Kings Landing and kill Cersei and then himself. He claims he’s killed one King already, why shouldn’t he do the same for a Queen.
Jamie replies that he no longer has any allegence to Cersei and he is here to defend Winterfell with his life.
“With your Life?” Rhys retorts.
“Yes.” Jamie firmly states.
Rhys smiles at Jamie and only utters one word to him “Man without Honor”, Jamie proceeds to walk out of the Godswood while hanging his head in shame.
After Theon reunites with Sansa he asks where Rhys is.
Rhys waits for him in the crypts of Winterfell. Sansa joins him in case Rhys does anything rash. Rhys stands by.. Rhys tells Theon the tale of how they used to all come down in the Crypts when they were kids. He then points to a crypt he says that all of them would play Monsters and maidens and they would always scare Sansa. Theon tries to apologies to Rhys, but he interrupts him by telling him that the Frey’s threw Catelyn's body in the river, the brotherhood told him that she got chewed up by dogs and couldn’t even be recognised. Sansa stands in horror at hearing this, but Rhys continues, saying that they never found Robb’s remains so they could never give him a proper funeral and his bones will never be here with his ancestors.
Again Theon tries to apologise, but Rhys charges at Theon and tackles him to the ground, he then takes out a knife and holds it to Theon’s throat. But Sansa yells at Rhys to not hurt him.
Rhys ignores Sansa and presses the metal onto Theon’s throat. But Theon doesn’t struggle. “What ever Ramsey did to you, I promise it will be nothing compared to what I could do”
“And you have every right to Rhys” Theon claims with tears in his eyes. Theon softly says.
“I betrayed you, I betrayed Robb, who was more like a brother to me than I deserved. I don’t want to die here Rhys, I want to help make up for my mistakes. But if you wish it to be. Then I won’t stop you.”
Rhys then hesitates and realises what he’s doing. While still in anger, Rhys gets up and looks at the knife in his hand then looks at Theon’s fingers which have had the nails ripped from them and then looks to Sansa who rushes towards Theon to cover him.
“Rhys please don’t. He saved me!” Sansa begs on the verge of crying.
Rhys throws the knife away and takes one more look at Theon to say “We need you now, but when this is all over. And if we survive this. You will never set foot in Winterfell again.”
Rhys then walks away from the terror he’s caused.
When everyone meets to discuss there plan to destroy the White Walkers Rhys stands next to Sansa, Lord Tytos Blackwood is also present and stands next to Lord Yohn Royce. Bran announces that the Night King will try to come after Bran to kill him, Bran than shows the mark the Night King left Bran and when he suggests using Bran as bait for the Night King. Sansa, Arya and Rhys are quick to object to his safety.
Theon says he will protect him. But Rhys objects by telling him that Theon is too weak to be of a greater use and that Rhys and his Loyalists will also defend Bran with the Iron Born but not Theon. Theon rebuffs Rhys by telling him that this isn’t about there issues, this is about keeping Bran safe. Rhys then yells “And how are you going to keep him safe!? Your a fucking eunuch and a Coward!” Jon grabs Rhys to stop him from moving towards Theon, Daenerys then demands Rhys to stop his outburst. Rhys looks at her with anger but then back at Jon, Sansa and Bran. He stops and says that he and his men will also protect Bran, he then follows up by saying Theon, his men, Rhys’ loyalists and him will have a better chance of protecting Bran. The room falls silent for a few seconds but then Davos returns to the plan.
When everyone leaves Jon and Sansa confront Rhys outside of the room and they say that Rhys needs to solve his differences with Theon. But Rhys fires back at Jon by telling him to “Tell that Robb” Rhys then tries to walk off, but Jon slams him into the wall and tells him.
“I think about Robb everyday! I think about Rickon and Cat’s and Father everyday. And I would kill everyone that betrayed us to have them back. But they’re not coming back! There dead! And no matter how much it hurts, no matter how much pain you have to keep inside, it’s what you have to do in order to keep moving, to keep believing that there deaths meant something more than suffering. There memory is what we fight for, and Theon for all his deceit and all the pain he has brought us, is still trying to fight for Robb’s memory, for our Fathers memory.”
Rhys asks for Jon to ‘please’ let him go. Jon releases Rhys and Rhys turns to look Sansa in the eye. Rhys then in guilt walks away from his cousins.
Later in the night Rhys brings Jeyne to an Underground road that leads out of Winterfell to were hills and valleys could make could cover from the dead. He tells her that Bran showed him this way. “He knows more that the rest of us”
“Stop! Why are you telling me this?”
Rhys slowly moves into Jeye with the fire from his torch revealing her fear her fear.
“If I die tomorrow.”
Jeyne gasps with tears in her eyes but Rhys continues.
“The dead will kill everyone in Winterfell. The women, the old and the children. I cannot let that happen to you and I will not. So I’m giving you this chance.”
Jeyne stands in shock.
“No, no, no! You just promised me we would always be together and now your breaking your word!”
“I won’t have you die here”
“I will do what I want. And if I am to die, I want to die with you!”
Rhys raises his voice.
Jeyne now sobs but Rhys grabs her by the face and tells her straight.
“I will not let that happen, not while I live. You run to the Riverland's, you run to Kings Landing, you run to the Narrow sea and beyond if you have to. But you run! and you don’t look back… Pr..Promise me Jeyne.”
Jeyne’s hesitantly nods.
“I love you. Thank you… for everything.
In the Chamber where Tyrion, Jamie, Brienne, Pod, Tormund, Tytos & Davos meet for final drinks and final words.
When Tormund finishes telling his tail of how he got his last name Tytos bursts out in laughter followed by Davos saying he will have that drink.
Later in the night Rhys is seen practicing his archery skills as Arya makes her way into the area. Rhys is not shooting well (Missing the thin target) so Arya quietly grabs a bow and hits the mark. Arya claims that Rhys is loosing his touch to which Rhys lets out a laugh. Rhys looks at Arya and just stares at her until Arya asks what it is that is bothering him. Rhys says that he’s known Arya for so long and seen her grow up into a strong woman. But she will always be the smallest Stark, to which they both laugh. Rhys then tells Arya that he is sorry for striking her that day. Arya says that “We’re family, we fight. But we always have our backs.”
Rhys smiles as Arya start shooting targets. Rhys then tells her that her Father and Mother would be proud of her. He leaves her saying one last thing. “It might be our final night, make sure you have some fun.” he then leaves her to practice her shooting. Until Gendry arrives.
When Tyrion chips in about most being at war with the Starks and now they are in there chamber ready to defend it together. Tytos tells Tyrion that “It’s funny I not so long ago dedicated my life to wiping out your family *Takes a Drink* yet here I am now… and maybe it’s the wine clouding my mind, but here I am now... Enjoying your company.” Tyrion laughs at that. And Tyros claims that Rhys was first planning on storming on Kings Landing and killing Tywin Lannister but Tyrion beat him to it. Tyrion then says he’s “Glad to be of service Lord Blackwood”
Brienne than says after a quite moment “At least we’ll die with honor”
Tyrion retorts by saying “I think we might live” which gets a giggle from the room
Tytos joins in with the clapping at the knighting of Brienne of Tarth.
Later on in the night when Tyrion asks for a song from someone he asks Tytos if he knows any. Tytos responds that he never learnt how. Pod then sings the beautiful Jenny and her Ghost.
As the beautiful tone is sung everyone relaxes before the war.
Rhys lays next to a naked and sleeping Jeyne in bed as Rhys remains awake for the coming battle & Martyn is seen practising with the others for the fight.
Rhys and Theon and their forces escort Bran to the Godswood. As Rhys walks, he looks at the Night sky, blacker than any night sky before, no stars, just blackness and cold winds.
The forces of Westeros arrange their places and form their lines as the darkness consumes even the vision of the enemy. But out of the bleak darkness rides a lone woman on a horse. Melisandre. The Red Woman asks Ser Jorah if he knows the language of the Dothraki forces he rides with this night. Jorah confirms he does and Melisandre asks Jorah to tell the Dothraki to raise their swords.
With the words of Dothraki Jorah speaks and tells them to raise their swords. And they do.
Melisandre then moves to the Dothraki Forces and clenches the steel of one Dothraki solider. She grants her witch magic on the swords and from the magic came a flurry of flaming swords to light even the long night up. And with it hope as well.
Jeyne almost leaves through the Underground passage Rhys showed her. But she turns around and arrives in the Crypts before the fighting begins.
The men charge with there new found hope to the end of the world. But just as soon as hope became a fire.
It was just as soon burnt out. As the men who had charged, had all disappeared. Save Jorah Mormont who rode back with what looked to be an Injury from Tormund Giantsbane Eyes.
Now the Winds raged harder than ever and the darkness turned into a void of Nothingness. So much fear could be seen on The Unsullied of all people. As the monsters came so too did The Dragon Queen, The King in the North, Dragons. Lighting the flames of Hope once again, though many have fallen and much fear still resides in men that believe the Battle may not be won.
Down in the Crypts Sansa arrive and Jeyne greets her with a hug. After Sansa tells Tyrion “It would never work between us” because of Daenerys, Missandei walks away in Anger over Sansa’s comments.
Jeyne whispers to Sansa (In order to not cause a panic) and tells her that she knows a way out but they must leave now across the Broken Tower. But Sansa claims there are too many people, and they will only get caught in the fight. Jeyne tells Sansa to promise her that if the Crypts become breached, she will allow Jeyne to take this chance. And for Sansa to come with her. Sansa agrees with taking the people, but not her, she says her place is here and she could think of no better place to die.
Jeyne smiles at Sansa and remembers how ironic it is how as young girls all they dreamed and talked about was living in a beautiful castle, when Winterfell has been that castle all along.
As the Battle rages on outside of Winterfell everyone in the Godswood is prepared to fight, Rhys stands ready with his bow and arrow, along with Theon.
Theon takes these possible final moments to ask for Bran’s forgiveness. And Bran tells him that everything he did brought him here. “Home”
Rhys looks on, but not with anger. With some form of peace of mind that Bran forgave Theon. Bran then proclaims “He must go” and as Theon asks where Bran wargs into Ravens to seek out the Night King. Rhys and Theon exchange looks of fear over the coming battle.
Bran see’s The Night King riding his risen from the dead Dragon Viserion, this leads to a fight with Daenerys and Jon while on Dragon back. The two keep The Night King occupied while the Wight’s start to Siege Winterfell.
Despite everyone's efforts the dead cannot be stopped.
The Wight’s start climbing over the castle walls and while the strength and heart of the Soldiers are great. There are too many dead to defeat.
Soon the Winterfell wall is breeched and takes the lives of even more Soldiers even Lyanna Mormont.
Even The King in the North is brought down by The Night King.
And even The Mother of Dragons gave The Night King her full wrath.
But to no Avail.
As the dead draw nearer Theon asks Rhys if “This is it?” and Rhys confirms to Theon that
“Yes this is it.”
Theon tells his men to “Make every shot count.” Rhys tells his last 7 loyalists to “Protect Bran at all costs.” They dead then come and they come fast. And so the Battle in the Godswood finally begins.
Jon seeing from afar how indestructible The Night King is, he goes after him on foot, but The Night King turns to Jon and with his horrifying powers summons back all the Dead.
From the fallen Wight’s to the Fallen Dead to even the depts of the Stark crypts
As Theon and Rhys fight of the Wight’s Rhys and Theon are the last ones standing, they are tired and when Theon is knocked over by a Wight Rhys comes to Theon’s aid as the two kill the Wight. Rhys then picks up Theon and puts his hand on his head and leans a breathless Theon on his shoulder.
“It’s alright, take it slow”
Rhys and Theon keep the fight going.
With the assist of Daenerys, Jon takes off to Kill The Night King before he gets to Bran.
Back in the Crypts the dead are raised and they terrorise and murder anyone in sight. Sansa, Tyrion and Jeyne all his behind a crypt.
Jeyne curls Sansa’s hair one more time and smiles. As Tyrion leaves cover, Jeyne try’s to as well, but Sansa grabs her by her hand and silently cries which makes Jeyne tear up at there eventual deaths.
Jon makes his way through Winterfell he comes across so much blood and so many screams.
Lord Blackwood and Davos defend each other on the balcony and keep fighting along with every soldier. But like everyone they are soon piled on by too many of the dead and can only fight in from one side.
The day is lost to the dead. Jon still tries to get to the Godswood but as soon as Jon reaches the entrance Viserion crashes in and starts blowing blue flames anywhere it can. Jon is blocked by Viserion’s rampage, unable to reach The Night King.
In the Godswood Theon and Rhys keep fighting even though they are exhausted they refuse to let Bran die. Just when it looks like they’ve cleared the area from Wight’s.
The Night King Arrives.
Theon and Rhys take in there certain doom as The Night King makes his presences noticed. Fear grips Rhys, but he turns to Theon and tells him he will hold them off so Theon can protect Bran.
“No, I’ll go” Theon states.
“Stop trying…”
“Theon” Bran interrupts
Theon looks to Bran.
“You’re a good man.”
Theon starts to tear up with Bran’s words to him as Rhys realises this is what Theon has been wanting, redemption.
“Thank You” Bran utters his last words to his brother.
Theon turns to look Rhys in the eye and Rhys gives Theon a nod of acceptance, then Theon rushes with all the might a Stark can give.
Theon is impaled by the Night King and collapses to his death. As Rhys looks on with a mournful acceptance of Theon’s death he focuses on The Night King approaching step by step.
Rhys doesn’t break his eyes from his enemy. He will not let another monster take anyone else from his family.
The Night King approaches with his spear. Rhys raises his sword for possibly the last time. But he shows no fear, even in the face of death. He will protect Bran.
Just as the Night King moves forward Rhys makes the first strike, but The Night King blocks it and attempts to impale Rhys, but Rhys dodges to the side. The Night King strikes again but Rhys clashes his spear away and lunges his sword forward, but The Night King moves to the side and Rhys try's to block him from getting anywhere near Bran.
The Night King swings his spear at Rhys several times Rhys blocking them all. Rhys blocks The Night Kings spear into a parry but The Night King grabs Rhys’ sword and then with one swift motion drives his spear through Rhys’ gut.
Rhys falls to one leg. Still clinging onto his sword. But profusely bleeding, he eventually drops to the ground as The Night King starts to now move to Bran, despite his wounds he still reaches out his hand in a last attempt to save Bran but is too weak.
The Night King looks at Bran and just when all seems lost.
Arya out of no where goes for the final blow. But The Night King catches her, except Arya still has the Cats Paw Dagger.
Arya defeats The Night King which causes a chain effect through all the dead as they all return to there original corpses.
Arya turns to Rhys and kneels down beside him, tears are in her eyes as she tries to comfort a dying Rhys.
As Jon walks through the gate he see’s Theon’s body, he knees and is almost on the verge of tears. He then looks forward to see Bran, Arya and a dying Rhys and runs to them.
Rhys’ blood covers the snow, he shakes from the cold with his family surrounding him. Jon kneels down and cries as he grabs Rhys by his head and holds his dying cousin.
Arya looks at Jon with tears streaming down her face as well.
“I’m sorry.” Jon exclaims as he lets out his tears.
Rhys smiles a faint smile and grabs both of his cousins by there hands he looks at them both still smiling as breaths his last breath.
As the Dawn breaks Jon & Arya continue to hold Rhys in their arms as Bran has a single tear drip down his cheek.
8:04 THE LAST OF THE STARKS: During the last goodbyes to the fallen from The Long Night everyone takes moments to reflect on there loved ones. Sansa gives Theon a Stark symbol to be burned with, on the other side Sansa see’s Jeyne crying over Rhys as she holds his face, she kisses his lips one last time and then Sansa hugs Jeyne to comfort her. Sansa stares at Rhys’ body and kisses his head while a tear rolls onto Rhys’ face she then escorts Jeyne in her arms back to the crowd.
As Jon gives his speech Tytos stands next to Davos with Sandor and Gendry.
Jon looks at Lyanna Mormont’s body, then turns Rhys’ on the side of Theon Sansa looking at her fallen brothers. As the pyres burn Jon takes one last look at Rhys through the flames.
“Goodbye Brother”
During the celebration of the Night Kings demise, Tytos Blackwood doesn’t enjoy the festivity’s too much and instead spends the time next to Davos.
When Deanery's decrees Gendry Robert’s true heir. Tytos smiles as the memory of Rhys being honoured as a Stark thanks to Robert. And now Gendry is disposed upon the same honour that Rhys was given so long ago. Tytos along with Davos and the North all honour Gendry.
When Davos, Tyrion and Tytos chat, Davos talks about the lord of light coming and then “Fucks Off” to which Tytos chimes in that maybe the Lord of Light never existed in the first place. Tyrion suggests this topic may not be happy for Davos and Davos says he doesn’t want to be happy, which gets a little chuckle out of Tytos, as Tyrion finds himself amongst odd friends.
When Tyrion leaves Davos and Tytos alone. Tytos tells Davos what’s he going to do for the remaining days?
“I’ll follow Jon Snow. The King in the North has been good to me, I’ll write a letter to my wife, maybe she can come join me up north. Though being born in the south, she might kill me as soon as she see’s me” Davos says as Tytos and him laugh.
“And what about you Lord Tytos Blackwood? A Castle with peasants to serve your every whim till yar die on a comfy bed near a fireplace?”
“If that’s what peasants should be doing than I’ve been treating them the wrong way. I’ll, stay with Jon Snow too, the lad surely does have his fathers strength and passion, not his looks though. Aside from that I haven’t decided yet.” Tytos says as he stands deep in thought of Rhys & Home.
The celebration calls for toasts.
“To the Dragon Queen” Tormund toasts
The North Appreciate.
“To Arya Stark the Hero of Winterfell” Daenerys toasts
The North stand in Appreciation
“And to all our fallen brothers that took the fuckers down with them.” Jon adds to the biggest applause as Tormund starts to glug down his drink.
As Tormund gives his speech about Jon’s brilliance. Davos and Tytos look on as Dany starts feeling conflicted.
Sansa meets with Jeyne away from the party in the stewards Rooms of Winterfell.
“I just don’t know what I can do without him.”
“Did you sleep with him?” Sansa firmly asks
“What does that have to do with….”
“Did he impregnate you?”
Jeyne realises what Sansa is saying.
She tries to hide tears in her eyes.
“Promise me you’ll let me stay here and raise it.”
“I swear on the old gods and new. As long as I live you and your child will live in comfort for the rest of your lives. You are a part of our house.”
The two friends hug and both start crying. “I loved him so much”
“I did too.”
In the morning Martyn rivers awakes after having a bit too much drink. He looks confused and lost, he then looks to see Arya Stark leave on horseback, he turns to look in the stables and he see’s Margret’s now grown foal is awake and looks at Martyn.
“Ok Rhys. Lets go”
Martyn takes Margret’s foal “Rhys” and rides with it over to Sandor Clegan and Arya Stark after there conversation.
“Wait” Martyn states as he rides up to the two.
“I know where your going.”
“No you don’t” Sandor claims as he threaten to draws his sword, but Arya looks at Martyn curiously.
“Arya. We swore to your cousin that we would destroy Cersei. I will honor his memory by doing just that.”
“Than you know that your most likely going to die.” Arya says to Martyn with no feelings.
“Doesn’t Matter.” Martyn brings out Rhys’ hunting dagger “It’s about vengeance.”
As Jon prepares to leave for Kings Landing, Tytos Blackwood approaches him.
“Your grace” Tytos introduces his presence.
“You don’t have to call me that, not when we have a queen we’re fighting for” Jon states
“With all due respect, I’ve called your brother before you Your Grace and while Daenerys Targaryen may become the queen soon, she not just yet. Add to that, I’m a stubborn old man set in his ways. So let’s just stick with ‘You’re grace’ shall we.”
Jon smiles at Lord Blackwood. “Aye”
“I imagine you will be heading home with the rest now Lord Blackwood?”
“I’m not going home your grace. Before Rhys fell, we made a promise to take Kings Landing, he might not be here to see it. But that doesn’t break my promise to him.”
“I offer you my sword in the coming battle your grace, for it may be my last time to for fill my promise to your cousin. And to House Stark.”
“It would be my honor Lord Blackwood” Jon says
Lord Blackwood rides out with Jon Snow to Kings Landing.
8:05 THE BELLS: As Arya, The Hound and Martyn arrive at Kings Landing behind Stark lines they decide to press on out of the camps and proceed to sneak in through a hole Rhys told Marytn years ago while they travelled to take Kings Landing.
The three sneak in and then hide out in the ruins of The Sept of Baelor.
“Ok, we’ll leave the horses here, get some quick shut eye for 3 hours than we move as soon as I even a hint of fucking light.” Sandor tells strictly.
As Martyn get comfy he notices Arya staring at him.
Arya tells Martyn how Rhys told her he was a bastard of a Frey. Martyn tells her that Rhys told him that she killed ‘All of the ‘Frey’s’, she confirms this and continues to stare at him for a few seconds leaving Martyn feeling quite awkward. Martyn tells Arya that he never cared about ‘them’ anyway. Arya tells him that Rhys loved his horses and that he taught Arya how to ride one. To which causes Martyn to stare at Margret’s now fully grown Foal.
“Rhys gave me this horse as a foal for me to take care of, he’s Margret's. She fell during the Battle of the Bastards, but she still has him to carry on her legacy”
“What’s he called?” Arya asks.
“Rhys” Martyn says with a smile to Arya, who also forms a smile on her face.
“Ok, you two shits stop babbling on about past lives and legacy’s. There’s only one legacy that we need to worry about tomorrow. Our own.” Sandor proclaims.
“Geeze fucking kids.”
“Do you have any last regrets you’d like to make up for? We are in the Sept of Baelor” Arya says as Sandor looks at the broken walls and rubble.
Sandor looks guilty and says one thing “I’m sorry I killed The Butchers Boy.
“His name was Mycha…”
“Mycha, yes I know girl.” Sandor interrupts Arya in guilt.
Sandor then says “Seven fucking gods, old gods, red gods or all the other fucking gods I can’t count and I don’t fucking care about. I’m…. I’m sorry. For Mycha, for… well others too, well you’re the fucking gods you know who I'm sorry for and who I’m not.”
Martyn smiles as well as Arya. As Sandor looks to the Night Sky.
“I’ve been running away for far too fucking long.”
As morning comes every civilian starts running to the Gate to the Red Keep so they can avoid the coming attack from the Dragon Queen. Arya, Sandor and Martyn all start traveling like a unit towards the doors, pushing everyone they can out of the way.
The Golden Company’s leader Harry Strickland arrives on his stead to command the forces at the gate.
From afar the northern troops are organised, as well as the remaining Dothraki and Unsullied. Tytos Blackwood stands next to Jon Snow on his left, behind Tyrion.
When Tyrion tells Jon about listening for the Bells beyond the gates and Tytos and Davos then proceeds to follow Jon to the front line.
Sandor, Martyn and Arya still pushing through although Arya looks back to see a Mother & Child left behind with the rest of the people.
As the gate is blown to pieces by Drogon's flames. Harry’s Horse is thrown with the fire and dies. The Northern Army attacks the remaining Dothraki first as Harry Strickland is killed by Grey Worm.
As the army enters Kings Landing there attack overwhelms the Lannister army as Drogon continues to destroy the Scorpions and the outer city.
Grey Worm, Davos, Tytos & Jon all make there way through the gates, killing any soldier that suicide charges them. They eventually make it to the grounds where The Lannister Army and The Northern/Queen’s Forces standoff. In this moment Tytos looks to the Bell tower to see if it will ring.
The tentsion mounts for the sound of the bell. But The Lannister Army lays down there swords. This concerns Tytos as he looks to see Jon has the same reaction.
Amidst the tension there are constant shouts among the people to “RING THE BELL”
The Bell then Rings. And with it a smile creeps across Tytos’ face. But not for long as he See’s Drogon’s flames burn Kings Landing. He watches in Horror as he has no time to react to Grey Worm aiming to throw his spear
Grey Worm launches his spear at the Lannister Solider. Very quickly the North and Queen forces all barrage the Lannister Troops, except for Jon, Tytos & Davos.
Jon is clouded in thought. “My Lord not like this!” Tytos states, snapping Jon out of his daze. Jon and Tytos try to restrain the Northern men from the rampage, as Grey Worm stares with anger at both of there disobediences to the Queen. But soon the Lannister forces fight back, Jon, Tytos and Davos are forced to fight this bloody fight.
The fight eventually leads to the civilians and no mercy is shown on them by either The Northerners or The Queens forces. Davos tries to save as many as he can and Jon try's to rally his men to stop, but the carnage of Men is too much and with the Lannister Army still fighting it’s hard for Jon or Tytos to not fight.
Jon eventually goes into another daze from all the carnage that surrounds him, he even see’s a member of the Northern army attempt to rape a woman, Jon stops him but he still try’s to attempt rape, but Jon out of humanity for the woman chooses to kill the solider instead.
The flames engulf Kings Landing as the Dragon makes his way to the Red Keep
Tytos fights through the Lannister Soldiers, but continues to look around to see the dark side of war. He looks up to the balcony's of the houses to see a baby is thrown out the window to the ground by a Stark Solider. He looks to his right to see The Unsullied stabbing a mother holding her dead child. He looks to his left to see Stark Solder's raping a woman on the floor. Tytos turns around to see Unsullied and Stark Soldiers cutting down Civilians and Lannister Soldiers alike. As he looks around at nothing but carnage, The Red Keep’s towers falling and the sounds of Dragon Roars, Tytos mutters to under his breath “Is this what you wanted Rhys?”
In the Red Keep Martyn starts looking scared and worried about the next dragon attack.
“I think we should go back!”
“Go back if your so Scared Martyn.” Arya tells Martyn with some fear of her own heard.
“Don’t act like you’re not Scared too Arya. This far too much for us.”
“Go home Girl” Sandor says “Fire will get her, or one of the Dothraki. Maybe that Dragon will eat her. Doesn’t matter She’s dead.” Sandor tells Arya as he looks afar up the stairs, he then turns to her.
“And you’ll be dead to if you don’t get out of here.” Sandor says in an oddly warm tone.
But Arya has none of it and continues to walk forward to the stairs.
“I’m going to kill her” Arya says but is stopped by Sandor’s hand.
Sandor then tells her about the cost of vengeance as Martyn listens and is afraid and saddened.
“You come with me. You die here.” Sandor says as his last parting words to Arya.
The Hound turns around one last time to Arya.
“Thank you.” Arya softly says
Martyn then walks up to Arya and takes her by the arm to guide her away from The Red Keep.
As the Red Keep starts to fall so does the entire city, and with the dragon breathing fire at every turn it makes it hard to Navigate for Arya and Martyn who constantly run into frantic civilians, falls towers, bursts of fire from Drogon, and finally a mass of people running for safety as both Martyn and Arya are trampled in the haze. Arya is eventually forced to run the opposite way of Martyn separating them as she screams ‘No’ but is then crumbled by falling stone.
Near the battles end Tytos sees a small child crying for its dead mother, the child is shaking the body to try and wake it’s mother up, with tears running down it’s eyes. He then see’s an Unsullied soldier approaching the child and picking her up, then taking his knife out. Tytos rushes to the Unsullied and runs his sword through him. Tytos realises what he’s done as Davos looks on in shock.
Tytos still in shock look to the still crying child and grabs her in his arms for comfort, he looks around again at all the carnage then locks eyes with Davos, who gives him single to abandon’s the company. Tytos leaves Kings Landing with the child in his arms. Leaving behind Jon and the Northerners as Dragon fire and wild fire spread.
Eventually Jon tells his men to fall back.
Arya eventually comes too and finds it is just a struggle to stay alive in the midst of all this destruction. She eventually finds the same mother and child she saw at the Red Keeps gate. She takes them but the Dothraki trample the mother and the child. She tries to get them to keep moving, even the mother pleads for Arya to take her daughter.
Just then Martyn arrives from behind of Rhys, he shouts to Arya as Arya tries to save the young girl, Martyn jumps off Rhys and attempts to as well, but Drogon is so close and the child pulls back. Arya tries again but “ARYA!!” Martyn franticly pushes Arya out of the streets for her to run a little bit further while the flames engulf the street and Martyn.
Smoke and ash cover everywhere, the buildings are burnt to the ground Arya looks to see a servery injured, but thanks to Martyn still alive. She looks around at the desolation of Drogon and see’s burnt corpses, everywhere, even of the Mother and Child she tried to save.
She then here's a gurgle and turns her head to see that Martyn is unfortunately still breathing she quickly runs and kneels to him. His skin completely burnt, one eye is melted along with half of his body. His words are gurgles, but he still utters them with all his might.
“It hurts! Please! make it stop!” Martyn pleads.
Arya grabs takes out needle and stabs it in Martyn’s heart as he groans in agony and sadness the boy’s eyes cannot close, but he dies. Arya sheds tears for Martyn then see’s he still has Rhys’ hunting dagger on him. She goes to retrieve it, but is crumbles to ash as she touches it.
Arya then stands up and from the smokes and fire she see’s ‘Rhys’ who just survived the flames at the last minute but is very burnt below. The horse notices Arya and Arya looks at ‘Rhys’. The two slowly approach one another. Arya then takes Rhys’ reigns and calms the horse all the while Rhys allows Arya some reprieve from all the death that surrounds them.
Arya rides out of the desolation of Kings Landing on Rhys’ back.
8:06 THE IRON THRONE: Amidst all the destruction of Kings Landing. Arya rides on Rhys to the place where Kings Gate use to be.
Arya gets off the horse and runs around to take its bridle & reins off. She then pets Rhys and then looks it in the eyes.
“Thank you” Arya says as she gently slaps the horse to get going, Rhys runs up over the hills of the Kings Lands. Rhys stops on top of the hill and looks back Arya for a moment.
Arya closes her eyes. And then opens them. Rhys is no where to be seen. Arya then walks back to where the Queens army have gathered.
Daenerys is Queen.
But Tyrion refuses to serve a queen who burns city’s of innocents.
Tyrion is imprisoned and waiting for Execution.
“I know a killer when I see one.”
“Arya what happened?”
“She happened. She burnt them all. She almost burnt me. I’d be dead like all the rest had Martyn not saved me”
“Martyn?” Jon says in horror
“He came with me. She burned him to a crisp. I had to kill him.”
Jon looks horrified. But Arya only smiles at an irony she thinks to herself.
“It’s funny. He was the only Frey left I didn’t kill out of Hatred. Yet he had the worst death I could give him.”
Jon still horrified puts his arms on a now disturbed Arya.
“Mercy.” Arya says while shaking in fear.
Jon turns to look at Daenerys with shock.
Jon later visits Tyrion in his cell. They talk about there loyalty to there queen and her massacre, and what they have to do today.
Jon then meets with Daenerys in the Throne Room for one last time. Begging her for absolute piece. But Daenerys confirms to Jon that the only piece is that which they’ll make and no one else has the power.
Jon kills her. Thus ending the life of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. The Last of Her Name.
Drogon takes Daenerys body to an unknown world, but not before burning the cause of all this chaos and death.
Weeks latter In the Dragon Pit there is a meeting between all the lords of Westeros as well as those who have participated in the destruction of Kings Landing and The Battle of Winterfell. Tytos Blackwood is among them representing House Blackwood as he sits between Howland Reed and Edmure Tully.
They discuss the release of Jon Snow, but Yara Greyjoy says she not quick to forgive him as she was sworn to Daenerys, but Arya threatens to slit her throat which cause Tytos to let out a sigh of shame as Davos tries to bring everyone together back to the topic of Jon Snow and tries to make peace with the Unsullied.
Grey Worm say’s all the Unsullied want is justice. Which causes Tytos to chastise Grey Worm as being irrational and what the Mother of Dragons got was Justice, but Grey Worms angrily retorts “It Was Betrayal! Just like how you betrayed her the moment you fled from the city?”
Tytos bites his tongue and Edmure Tully puts his hand on Tytos’ shoulder to calm him, and Tytos swallows his anger.
“Jon Snow cannot go free” Grey Worm states one last time.
Tyrion chimes in that it is not for Grey Worm to decide, which make him mad, but Tyrion still continues.
He talks about Jon’s crime and that it’s up to a king or queen to decide his fate. But Yohn Royce points out they have neither, to which Tyrion claims they must choose one and Grey Worm agrees.
Edmure Tully stands up and makes his speech for King, but is told politely to sit by his niece Sansa. Which Tytos smiles at but quickly hides it for Edmure’s pride as the Riverrun lord sits.
Samwell tries to announce a democracy, but everyone laughs at his announcement and Sam sits down in embracement. But Tytos looks to Davos in seriousness, both knowing the value of the common people and soldiers from there journeys.
Tyrion is suggested as king, but Tyrion suggests that story’s are what unites people. And proclaims Bran’s story is the one that will inspire and unite everyone, from a boy who was crippled at a young age to a man who has sacrificed so much in order to defend all of Westeros and all while being a broken cripple.
“He is our memory. The keeper of all our stories. Our Wars, Weddings, Births, Massacres, Famines. Our Triumphs. Our Defeats, Our Past. Who better to lead us into the future?”
Sansa at first makes claim about Bran’s inability to birth Children, but Tyrion claims Sansa knows all to well about the possibility of cruel sons and tells Grey Worm the wheel of torment can be broken this way and not be of born inheritance to the crown and will be chosen by the Lords and Ladies of Westeros.
Tyrion asks Bran if he will be a good king should the Lords and Ladies choose him.
“Why do you think I came all this way” Bran says with the honor.
“The Brandon of House Stark. I say I” Tyrion Lannister states with hope.
“I” Samwell Tarley states with joy.
“I” Edmure Tully concedes.
“I” Howland Reed states with confidence.
“I” Tytos Blackwood proudly states with a soft smile.
“I” Yohn Royce says with a nod.
“I” Robin Arryn says in agreement.
“I” is heard among all the lords and lady’s of Westeros.
Sansa then turns to Bran and asks for him to make the North an Independent Kingdom like it was in the days before Targaryen rule.
Tyrion declares Bran Stark king of the 6 kingdoms and protector of the realm
“All hail Bran The Broken”
Bran then declares his first act as king to appoint Tyrion as Hand against the wishes of Grey Worm, but Bran overrules him and states Tyrion will make up for all his mistakes, but there is still the matter of Jon.
Later Bran sends Jon to the Nights Watch and when Jon is about to leave he wishes goodbye to all his true family.
He bends the knee to his brother and apologises to Bran for not being there when Bran needed him, but Bran gives him solace by telling Jon he was right where he needed to be all along.
Jon gives Bran, Arya & Sansa one last look of peace than sails off for the rest of his days at The Wall.
Tyrion holds a small council meeting which includes, Davos as Master of Ships, Bronn as Master of Coin, Sam as Maester & Brienne as Lord Commander of Kings Guard.
Bran arrives and claims they are still missing a Master of Whispers, War & Laws, Tyrion says suitable prospects will be brought in within the coming weeks, but Davos states Lord Tytos Blackwood would suit well for the Master of Laws position and Bran agrees while also stating that Tytos is currently attending to the survivors of Kings Landing, offering them homes in his castle at Raventree Hall until repairs are made in the capital. Tyrion suggests that they will to rebuilding as soon as possible.
Bran talks about finding Drogon and leaves his small council to there duties.
In the Winterfell Crypts Jeyne stands next to Sansa, who has also come to light a candle for all the Stark Statues, including new ones crafted with Robb, Catlyn, Rickon & Rhys.
“They are all together now.” Jeyne says
“Yes they are” Sansa replies
Jeyne looks bothered standing next to Rhys’ statue and starts to tears up and cry.
“What’s there legacy in the end?” Jeyne asks in wonder. As Sansa turns to look at her.
“It… It just feels so lost. Like there’s something that was never said.” Jeyne continues as she cries.
“And because it never happened it never mattered.” Jeyne asks Sansa.
Sansa moves to a crying Jeyne and embraces her.
“Just close your eyes. Think of all the good things, what does that make you feel?” Sansa whispers in Jeyne’s ear.
“It makes me feel safe, like he’s still there.”
“Because he is.”
Sansa turns to look at all the statues in the crypts.
“They all are, because we remember them. I think that’s enough to make us feel like it all mattered.” Sansa tells Jeyne.
“Yes, I know what you mean.” Jeyne says with a Smile as her tears drip down while.
During Sansa’s coronation. She stops and looks at Jeyne who holds her & Rhys’ child. Sansa looks at it and smiles she then bends down and kisses the newborns head. (It also seems to have inherited his smile)
When Sansa takes the crown and the title of Queen in the North. Jeyne looks on with her baby in there arms and smiles at her best friend, now what she always wanted to be. Queen.
0 notes
Yoongi: A Very Tragic Boy with Enormous Wings || 01
Genre: angst, fantasy
Summary: Tomorrow Enterprises, the last hope for some of our... rarer species.
Word Count: 1.8k
Inspiration from “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by García Márquez and “Winter Music and Gothic Music” by Derek & Brandon Fiechter
Link to: 02
Tumblr media
photo credit: merimask on etsy (go look their masks are super cool)
He isn’t much different from my other clients. Underfed, emotionally shut down, a perpetual scowl etched into his features. It always pained me to see them like this, in a word, defeated. They come to me, those with no other options, to give what they have in return for a sickeningly small sum of money to push their life just a little bit further.
I don’t hate my job. That’s a misconception. I hate seeing what my job does to these people.
My people.
“Well, Yoongi, it looks like we have a buyer,” I let an excited smile tug at the corners of my lips, but it hardly makes a difference. Here, it’s hard to keep up customer service pleasantries.
He looks sickly pale under the florescent light, stripped to nothing but the company issued identification bracelet and his underwear, ribs visible, cheeks hollow. His ashen face, framed by bedraggled black hair, is only colored by the dark shadows beneath his eyes, which watch me with an obvious glint of distrust and worse, disgust.
But I don’t blame him.
“Great,” is his only answer.
Yoongi’s bitterness is ironically slightly reassuring. At least he isn’t just resigned to handing his gift over, unlike most of my clients. Some of them could barely even walk from the door to the armchair at the side of the room and practically threw themselves at me. At least this one seemed to have some fight left in him.
“You’ve signed all of the paperwork, correct?”
“Alright, I just need one more thing. This is a tape recorder, I need to have your verbal consent,” I say, sliding a pice of paper across the table. “Please read this, take however much time you need to process the information, and then say it aloud. Only when you’re ready.”
His hardened stare drags along the sheet only briefly before he reads it aloud, “My name is Min Yoongi. Tomorrow Enterprise has my full permission to carry out the necessary maintenance, beautification, and surgery required to successfully remove the desired features. I have read and agreed to the terms and conditions as well as my list of body-related rights.”
He hadn’t even skimmed it beforehand. Maybe he’s more desperate… more broken than I originally thought.
“Thank you,” I say stiffly, shutting off the recorder and picking up a remote to brighten the overhead lights to a sharper intensity.
My voice has naturally adopted a colder tone. I can hear it. Then again, it’s a pattern that never fails at this part.
I clear my throat, “Okay, Yoongi. Now I’ll begin with an examination. Can you stand and spread them for me?”
Yoongi shifts in the chair, looking uncomfortable before painfully rising to his feet.
I’m slightly afraid his knees will buckle, but then his hands ball into fists and he takes a slow, deep breath. Wincing slightly, in stark contrast with the bare wintery blue, almost white walls, Yoongi carefully spreads his enormous, raven black wings.
An ache settles deep in my chest as several large feathers drop from the delicate structure, floating in a silent, slow motion avalanche to rest on the hardwood floor.
I rise to my feet with a tight smile. At least I didn’t have to extend the arm of the wing for him.
Maybe it isn’t too late.
With a diligence that only comes from years of observation, I start to slowly circle his bony frame, inspecting more closely than the primary appointment allowed. I’m looking for specific types of damages and parasites. The wings themselves are viable for donation, but now it’s a matter of how much repair I’ll have to do. And how much I’ll have to charge their recipient for the care products and procedures.
There are splits in most of the vanes, giving the feathers an unhealthy ruffled look and most of the fluffy down has either fallen or been plucked out. I know that some pillow companies will pay a high price for homo-avian down feathers.
Tentatively, I reach out, running my fingers across what should have been a glossy, smooth texture. Instead, my skin is met with a rough, dry surface.
Yoongi clearly hasn’t exercised them in a while and flight is clearly out of the question, at least for now.
I grip a few of the feathers to move them aside, preparing to inspect for parasites, but they simply detach in my hands, the shafts pulling free with almost no effort.
This will definitely be an expensive case, but I know the buying client who made the bid earlier today has money to spare.
I let the feathers drop, the ache in my chest intensifying. How could someone be willing to give up such a beautiful gift? It’s a question I ask myself every day.
“Are you done yet?” he grumbles, wincing as I bend the wing to test its flexibility and get a better view.
“Almost. I know this is painful, but only a few more seconds. I promise.”
From what I can see, there is a heavy flea presence, but no lice or ticks. I release the wing, letting Yoongi fold it against his body in the normal resting position, tips of the lowest feathers brushing against his calves.
With practiced ease, I don’t even have to look to dim the lights back to a comfortable setting.
Instead, I can’t help but let my gaze shift to the place where the arms of the wings seamlessly fit between his human shoulder blades.
A new type of sadness permeates through me, but I push it aside to focus on my newest client.
“Okay, you can redress. When you’re finished, I’ll be outside the door to lead you to your room.”
As soon as I exit the small office space, a strange heaviness lifts from my shoulders, but a metaphysical fist flexes its grotesque fingers around my heart. I hate meeting new clients. No. That’s wrong. To clarify, the buyers never matter to me. I visit their fancy offices, lay out the profiles, collect their financial and medial information, and leave. But these people… the donors…
A long exhale rushes past my lips.
Maybe this time I’ll be okay. Maybe this time I can find it in me to be professional, to not care.
The door swings open with a small squeak and Yoongi blinks rapidly, his eyes adjusting to the bright flood of natural light from the floor to ceiling windows that span one side of the hallway.
“Right this way.”
I guide him to the elevators, where I swipe my I.D. card and press the button for the fourth floor of the Tomorrow Enterprise building, the homo-avian ward.
“You are allowed in any common space on this floor, but there is only one other resident as of now. We have quite the collection of movies, games, and books in the recreation room, which is this way down the hall,” I breathily rattle off the necessary information as we walk. “And this will be your room. As you know, there is a bathroom attached, stocked with toiletries.”
Yoongi says nothing as I open the door.
“I’ll have the staff bring you lunch in a few minutes. If you need anything, there is a button you can press on your bracelet. See you tomorrow for your first official appointment.”
He only grunts.
Calming classical music eases out of the overhead speakers.
Yoongi sits naked in the shallow basin, facing away from me with a towel covering his lap. I can see he took a shower some time either last night or this morning, his hair having lost some of it’s oily sheen. There’s also slight water damage in some places on the wings.
“Good morning,” I greet him cheerfully, pulling the cart with the various medicated soaps closer to the oversized sink.
He says nothing in response, merely ruffling his feathers.
“Okay, so today we’re just going to work on getting rid of the fleas. I’ve already made sure that the staff is cleaning your room while we go through your routine today,” I turn on the water as I speak, making sure it’s at the lukewarm temperature that homo-avians prefer.
Yoongi lets out a strained sigh as soon as the water begins swirling around the bottom of the basin. I can’t tell if it’s one of annoyance or relief.
“Did you use the shampoo we provided?” I ask the mandatory question, even though I know the staff members must have given him a list of instructions and judging by the slightly acrid chemical smell coming from his hair, I can already tell he followed through.
“Good. That will keep the fleas from traveling to other parts of your body when we wash your wings,” I explain. “Is this a good temperature?”
“If you experience any sensitivity, please let me know immediately.”
Hopefully he didn’t lie about not having open sores. While both of my inspections came up clean, he could have picked at something during the night.
Reaching around his body, I grab the detachable shower head and change the setting to “light rain” before switching the valve to force water away from the faucet. Carefully, I let the small, gentle streams run down the base of the wings. Switching off the flow, I reach to the cart and grab the tallest bottle of medicated soap, already knowing the procedure by heart.
Squeezing a sizable dollop of soap into my palm, I gently begin lathering the wet areas. This process will continue for the next twenty minutes.
“So, Yoongi, what do you like to do?” I inquire, knowing full well that all of the questions I actually want to ask- like what brought him so low that he had to come here- are probably too sensitive for the second day.
Surprising or not, I’ve dealt with less talkative clients, so even his annoyed, one word answers are more than enough.
“Ah, sleep. Something we should all get more of hmm? Good dreams I hope?”
“Well that’s too bad,” again, I’m not fazed. “Hopefully things will get better soon.”
Yoongi doesn’t respond.
I continue attempting the broken conversation and while his answers are short, he’s not as rude as some of my other clients had been. It’s a nice change. After washing out the medicated soap, I can’t help but notice how small he looks. Feathers plastered down, pale bony frame shivering at the bottom of the massive basin- I’m afraid that if I touch him, he’ll shatter.
But I know better. He’s suffered through a lot. To end up here, one has to reach their breaking point. They teeter on the edge of a precipice, caught between a plateau of complete emotional fatigue and an abyss of hopelessness.
Because who else would cut off their wings? Who else would get rid of this beautiful gift to hand it over to some privileged rich person with nothing else to throw their money at? A person who knows the only other option is starvation, disease, or hypothermia. Tomorrow Enterprises is their last lifeline.
I should know.
Part of the Fauna Series.
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jatracei · 8 years
Dica de Escritora #01: O que você precisa saber antes de escrever sobre Magia
por Amanda Steilein
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Quem já leu meus livros ou conhece meus esboços de ideias aleatórias que podem ou não se tornar um livro futuramente sabe que eu escrevo basicamente sobre fantasia. Gosto de fazer isso pelo simples fato de poder usar a imaginação sem nenhum tipo de limitação, posso transformar a história no que eu quiser e fazer um dragão gigante aparecer para queimar uma cidade e isso vai fazer sentido porque é fantasia.
Apesar de poder usar a imaginação livremente, não é como se eu pudesse simplesmente fazer isso. Você aí pode me perguntar: “Mas como assim? Você não escreve sobre magia? Lá tudo pode acontecer!”. Aí é exatamente onde você se engana. Tudo pode acontecer, tudo bem, superamos isso. Mas não posso fazer com que tudo simplesmente aconteça.
Quer saber o motivo? Brandon Sanderson explica para você de uma maneira muito simples e óbvia: a magia precisa ter regras. Posso até ouvir alguém dizendo: “Eu não vou criar regras, é a minha magia e eu faço o que eu quiser”. Bom, as coisas não são assim tão fáceis, não é? O seu mago na história vai ter fonte de poder ilimitada e fazer com que tudo se resolva assim que o problema aparecer? Espera aí, o seu mago tem uma fonte de magia? Mas se ele pode resolver tudo com ela, qual será exatamente o problema da sua história? Por que as suas personagens sofrem se a magia pode resolver todos os problemas deles e acabar com a fome no mundo? Admita, você precisa de limitações para criar um bom enredo. Caso contrário, a sua história não vai ser sobre personagens interessantes ou um conflito intenso, mas sim sobre como a magia resolve todos os problemas de todo mundo sem ninguém se esforçar muito para isso.
Brandon Sanderson sabia disso e como ele é simplesmente incrível, criou o que conhecemos como “As Três Leis de Sanderson Sobre Magia”. Quer conhecer? Então vamos lá!
Primeira Lei de Sanderson:
”A habilidade do autor resolver um conflito com mágica é DIRETAMENTE PROPORCIONAL a quão bem o leitor compreende tal mágica”.
O que o mestre sobre o assunto quer dizer com isso? É muito simples: o escritor precisa conhecer a magia que criou para adequá-la a história de forma coerente e não adequar a história à magia. Em seu texto original, Sanderson cita o exemplo de O Senhor dos Anéis e a forma como Gandalf é um mago poderoso, mas ao mesmo tempo não fica resolvendo os problemas da Terra Média com a sua mágica. Não porque ele não se importa – Gandalf foi até Mordor lutar para proteger Frodo e Sam para que os dois conseguissem destruir o Um Anel, por favor –, mas sim porque a sua magia não é ilimitada e tem restrições. Se não fosse assim, o próprio Gandalf poderia simplesmente fazer um feitiço e destruir o Um Anel, acabando com os problemas de todo mundo.
Mas como fazer isso? Eu diria que essa é a parte mais difícil. É claro que como escritor, você pode usar muito a sua imaginação sem precisar fazer uma série de pesquisas, desde que sua ideia seja muito bem planejada e não precise realmente disso. Você pode criar uma nova Terra Média tão fantástica quanto a de Tolkien, como criar um universo futurístico distópico ou utópico. Por experiência própria, acredite em mim quando eu digo que é muito importante que, independente do gênero que você decida escrever, se você for escrever sobre magia, você precisa de regras.
Sanderson classifica a magia em três modalidades: soft magic, hard magic e o que ele chama em seu texto de “meio do caminho”. Achei isso muito interessante porque você não precisa necessariamente ter uma série de regras e explicações, desde que tenha isso muito claro em sua mente.
Soft Magic é, basicamente, a magia de Tolkien. Ninguém sabe realmente como ela funciona ou como acontece, de onde vem e o que exatamente ela faz. Ela existe, está ali e é isso que sabemos sobre ela. Sobre soft magica, Sanderson diz basicamente o seguinte:
“Entretanto, existe algo que você deve entender sobre escrever deste lado do espectro. Os autores realmente bons de ‘Soft Magic’ raramente usam a magia para resolver problemas em seus livros. A magia cria problemas, e então as pessoas resolvem esses problemas sozinhas, sem muita magia.”
Se você decidir basear a sua história mágica em soft magic, você deve saber que não precisa explicar a magia para os leitores. Os leitores não precisam saber como ela funciona e o que faz nesse tipo de modalidade, mas Sanderson alerta que você não pode usar isso como uma grande muleta para a sua história funcionar. Como exemplo disso, Sanderson citou George Martin e a forma como a magia criou um baita problema em Westeros e agora todo mundo tem que resolver isso sem usá-la. Sabemos que a magia causou tudo isso, mas não sabemos o que a magia faz. Ou você entendeu como os Caminhantes Brancos surgiram e o motivo de ninguém questionar realmente o tamanho dos lobos que os Stark encontraram? Pois é, exatamente isso que quero dizer. Ficamos maravilhados e instigados e essa é uma das consequências da soft magic.
Já a hard magic é completamente diferente. Se você basear a sua história em hard magic, então você deve criar regras para ela e explicá-las ao leitor. Aqui eu faço um adendo muito importante: você não precisa criar um capítulo introdutório só para fazer a sua personagem tagarelar sobre como a mágica funciona. Na minha opinião, isso geralmente se torna chato e forçado na narrativa, como se você estivesse querendo fazer o leitor entender imediatamente a sua magia. Não é assim que as coisas funcionam. Todo livro é diferente do outro e seus sistemas de magia também, de forma que o leitor precisa se adaptar aos poucos com as novas regras e transições que existem de uma história para a outra. Fazer a sua personagem tagarelar sobre isso não vai acelerar as coisas. É preciso ter paciência aqui e desenvolver as suas explicações conforme você vai escrevendo.
Sanderson diz que nesse tipo de magia – a hard magic, não esqueça – as suas personagens podem usar a magia para resolver problemas. Isso é porque a sua magia está sendo explicada e o leitor compreende as suas vantagens e limitações, de forma que na verdade foi a inteligência da personagem e sua estratégica que resolve o problema e não a magia propriamente dita. Eu disse acima para você não despejar informações no leitor sobre como sua magia funciona, mas também não deixe para explicá-la somente quando acontece alguma coisa e subitamente a sua personagem desenvolve um poder novo para salvar o mundo. Para exemplificar isso, o Harry Potter treina os seus feitiços antes de sair usando-os por aí. Em O Prisioneiro de Azkaban ele sofre o ataque dos Dementadores no trem e depois disso, o Lupin ensina a ele como usar o Patrono para se proteger. O leitor já conhece essa magia e quando acontece uma situação onde o Harry precisa desesperadamente do Patrono, ele já sabe como usá-lo e nós também, de forma que não é algo que surge de repente para salvá-lo da morte.
Sanderson diz o seguinte:
“Se o leitor entende como a magia funciona, então você pode usar a mágica (ou melhor, os personagens usando a mágica) para resolver problemas. Nesse caso, não é a mágica misticamente fazendo tudo ser melhor. Ao invés disso, são a inteligência e experiência dos personagens que resolvem os problemas. A magia se torna outra ferramenta – e, como qualquer outra ferramenta, é o uso cuidadosa que pode melhorar os personagens e a trama.”
O que Sanderson chama de meio do caminho é basicamente algo entre a soft e a hard magic.O próprio Sanderson classifica que seus livros estão nesse meio termo. Nesse sistema, você cria regras e as explica para o leitor, suas personagens compreendem a magia e utilizam-na para resolver algumas questões. Porém, você não explica o plano inteiro – você não diz determinadas coisas como quando essa magia surgiu no seu universo e por quê suas personagens podem utilizá-la.
Harry Potter é interessante porque podemos utilizar esse universo para citar vários exemplos de soft e hard magic, por isso ele está no meio do caminho. JK não explica como a magia surgiu no mundo e porquê alguns são bruxos e outros não. A magia existe e algumas pessoas podem usá-las e outras não, simples assim. No entanto, você compreende que os bruxos precisam de uma varinha – e que é a varinha que os escolhe. Como isso acontece é um mistério, embora nós tenhamos uma boa explicação do que se pode ou não fazer com a magia e como os feitiços funcionam.
Em meus livros, acredito estar classificada bem aqui. O universo de Anastácia é mágico e cheio de problemas por causa dessa magia. Eu não me preocupo em explicar ao leitor como, quando e por quê essa magia surgiu, mas ela está ali e criou o maior problema na Província de Órion. Em contrapartida, Aeron não pode usar os seus poderes para fazer qualquer coisa – sua magia tem uma fonte e ele tem várias limitações, apesar de eu explicar um pouco como ele pode usá-la e o que basicamente pode ou não fazer. É essa mesma lógica que utilizo em A Princesa do Ar, explicando para o leitor o que Alescia pode fazer, embora não conte a história de como a magia surgiu no mundo deles.
Segunda Lei de Sanderson:
”Limitações > Poderes”
O que eu repeti diversas vezes ali em cima faz sentido agora, não é? A Segunda Lei de Sanderson é exatamente isso: as limitações devem ser maiores do que os poderes da sua magia.
Não entendeu? Deixa eu explicar.
Vamos voltar ao exemplo do nosso amado Gandalf: ele é um mago, sabemos que ele é poderoso, mas não sabemos como sua magia funciona. Ele vai até o Condado vez ou outra e estoura fogos de artifício e deixa todos os hobbits muito animados com isso. Mas, claro, não é só isso que nosso Gandalf faz. Embora não façamos ideia de toda a magnitude do poder de Gandalf, nós temos muita consciência do que ele não pode fazer. Ele não pode usar seu cajado e destruir o Um Anel, não pode teletransportar Frodo diretamente para Mordor e também não pode sair voando por aí quando dá na telha (exceto quando ele convenientemente pede ajuda para as águias gigantes).
Ainda não entendeu? Explico de novo.
Por acaso o Harry pode ressuscitar o Dumbledore ou o Sirius? Ou seus pais? Ou o Lupin e a Tonks? Essa é uma das coisas que a JK deixa muito claro desde o primeiro livro e quando a pedra de ressurreição aparece, também fica evidente que ela não traz as pessoas de volta dos mortos do jeito que você quer que voltem.
Você precisa de limitações maiores que os poderes das suas personagens para justamente a sua história não se tornar uma história só sobre a magia. Se os poderes forem maiores que as limitações, qual o propósito do seu conflito? Qual será o seu enredo? Se fosse assim, a magia poderia resolver tudo já no primeiro capítulo e você não precisaria se dar ao trabalho de pensar em toda uma história e situações.
É preciso ter em mente o que eu disse lá em cima: é a magia que precisa se adequar a história e não a história que deve se adequar a ela. A magia deve ser uma coisa a ser utilizada ou um plano de fundo, nunca uma personagem da história.
Terceira Lei de Sanderson:
”Expanda o que você já possui antes de criar algo novo.”
Você precisa entender também que não precisa criar cinquenta regras para a sua magia e jogar tudo dentro do livro e esperar para ver o que acontece. JK pesquisou sobre alquimia para Harry Potter e não usou todo o seu estudo nos livros porque não achou necessário.
O primeiro passo para a sua história de magia é criar o seu universo. Isso vai acontecer no nosso mundo ou em outro? Nessa época, no passado ou no futuro? Você vai especificar isso em seu livro? Quando escrevi Anastácia eu não disse se a história se passa no nosso mundo ou em outro, mas você tem a opção de fazer isso ou não. Você deve trabalhar em seu universo e na sua magia antes de adicionar toda e qualquer ideia que anda tendo enquanto escreve. Quando algo novo surge no meio de um capítulo sem ter sido trabalhado antes, dá a impressão que o escritor teve aquela ideia bem naquela hora e enfiou tudo na narrativa do nada.
Você vai dizer: “Mas eu sou o escritor e sou eu que decido isso!”. Tudo bem, meu amigo, concordo com você. Quando estamos escrevendo, temos uma enxurrada de ideias e vamos adicionando tudo conforme elas vão aparecendo e no final o livro pode se transformar em uma coisa ótimo ou em uma história Frankenstein. Mas é justamente para isso que existem as revisões, não é? Um bom beta reader também vai lhe dizer o que exatamente sentiu quando leu o seu livro e não somente te rasgar de elogios e você vai poder trabalhar nessas coisas depois que tiver escrito todas as suas ideias e transformado a sua imaginação em um livro.
O importante dessa regra é não ficar parecendo que a todo momento surge algo novo e inexplicável. É interessante você trabalhar sutilmente em sua narrativa vários aspectos do seu universo e da sua magia, de forma que quando algo novo aparecer na história, não vai parecer algo surreal e fora de contexto.
Lembra o que eu falei sobre não jogar informações em cima do leitor para forçá-lo a entender a sua história? Pois é. Essa lei não se trata exatamente disso, na verdade diz que você deve explicar as coisas. Lembra como Hagrid encontrou Harry? Ele foi despejando informações sobre o mundo bruxo em cima do Harry de onze anos para que o leitor compreendesse imediatamente o que estava acontecendo? É claro que não. É muito mais divertido você criar um clima de mistério ao redor disso, mas não a ponto de tudo que acontece ser uma novidade surgida do nada na sua história. Faça isso, mas faça isso com calma e paciência, não precisa se afobar e explicar tudo sobre o seu universo e magia no primeiro capítulo.
Essas são as três Leis de Sanderson sobre magia. Acreditem em mim quando digo que elas ajudam muito quando você vai escrever uma história sobre magia. Se você quiser ler a integralidade dos textos do Sanderson, você pode acessar o site dele e se divertir com um artigo que o Affonso Solano publicou sobre o assunto no Omelete.
Nota: Quem é Brandon Sanderson?
Ele nasceu em 1975, é escritor (e dos bons) e professor de escrita criativa. Ele escreveu a trilogia Mistborn que recentemente teve o seu último livro publicado pela editora Leya. Ele também escreveu Elantris (minha primeira descoberta sobre ele) e o livro também foi publicado pela Leya. Além desses livros, Sanderson tem inúmeros outros projetos que não foram publicados no Brasil, além do livro Coração de Aço que foi publicado em 2016, publicado pela editora Aleph. Se você não conhece esse cara, sugiro que vá correndo ler algum livro dele!
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unionrising · 8 years
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Black Bloc vs. Peaceful Non-violent Protest, infiltration and agent provocateurs 
Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer Got Punched—You Can Thank the Black Bloc A dispatch from inside the J20 protests.
Unmasking The Black Bloc: Who They Are, What They Do, How They Work -
what many are lacking is an understanding of the Black Bloc, it's history, the types of people who are in it, and the problems within.
‘Black bloc’ style tactics seen as chaos erupts in downtown D.C.
“They’re basically anti-capitalists,” Gomez said. “They like to destroy or damage businesses that reflect their view of the world order.”
The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation
At the ‘Security and Prosperity Partnership’ meeting protests at Montebello Quebec on August 20, 2007, a Quebec union leader caught and outed three masked undercover Quebec Provincial Police operatives dressed as ‘black bloc’ protestors about to start a riot by throwing rocks at the security police.
A Deeper Look at the Black Bloc: Did Trump's People Fund these Anarchists?
The black bloc anarchists's "tactic is go out and destroy property." Peaceful anti-Trump demonstrators tried to stop them during protests there, but they were "not having any luck," he said.
Some reports even say there are undercover police officers involved, with the government's goal to have a good excuse to impose Martial Law-like crackdowns. Some on the right say the bloc receives funds from liberal sources, while those on the left counter that money comes from conservative sources, such as financiers close to Trump. No one has figured out where the bloc gets much of its funds since it is not the kind of group that files financial reports or even has a general spokesperson. But let's just say this kind of violence does provide Trump a convenient reason to cite if he wants to, say, make all public demonstrations in D.C. illegal. Many might scoff at that scenario, but remember, many scoffed a year ago that Trump had a shot to become president.
Who Are These Protesters In Black And Why Are They Smashing Things?
The moment a bunch of masked thrill-seekers pull hammers out of their backpacks for some performative felony-committing, they have the attention of the media writ large.
Thadeaus said that generally black bloc participants are aware of the media dynamic they're participating in.
"I think there are a minority of people who engage in black bloc who aren't particularly conscious of the role that they're playing in the spectacle that they're creating for the media.  And there are people who try to resist that co-optation and becoming part of a media narrative, who are there for other reasons. They feel empowered to act in solidarity and act out their rage and encourage and empower other people to do the same thing."
Police Violence Escalates As Provocateurs Infiltrate Standing Rock, #NoDAPL Protests
In stark contrast to the water protectors’ many actions of peaceful prayer and ceremony, the atmosphere at the bridge the night of Oct. 27 was more reminiscent of an outdoor rave. The protesters on the bridge set fire to an SUV, and threw rocks and other objects at a row of armored vehicles operated by law enforcement. This small faction of non-peaceful protesters and officers briefly tossed smoke bombs back and forth.
When several water protectors came to the bridge, they told those setting the fires and instigating violence that this isn’t what they want for the movement.
“We’re here to protect the water, not initiate a riot or some violent protest, which is the image that the whole world is getting right now. Our elders have come together to condemn all of these wrongful actions like catching things on fire.”
Apparently intent on forcing their tactics upon the movement, these outside forces appeared uninterested in listening to the Standing Rock Sioux or other Native water protectors.
Although the black bloc tactic has been used as a legitimate way for protesters to shield their identities from law enforcement, it has also been exploited by law enforcement. Police masquerading as black bloc activists have been exposed at the 2001 G8 Summit in Genoa, Italy, and at protests in 2007 in Quebec, and police posed as activists to infiltrate the Occupy movement.
At Least 217 Arrested, Limo Torched Amid Trump Inauguration Day Protests in Washington
The capital's interim police chief, Peter Newsham, said in a Periscope video posted on Twitter earlier today that the problems were caused by one group, "and it's a very, very small percentage of the number of folks that came here to peacefully assemble in our city."
The #DisruptJ20 coalition, named after the date of the inauguration, which promised that its participants would attempt to shut down the inauguration events, tangled with Bikers for Trump, a group clad in leather biker gear that backs the president.
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri, responded to the protests on Twitter, writing, "Nothing is more unAmerican than protesters who are not peaceful. Disgusting."
How a Radical Leftist Became the FBI's BFF
David McKay and Bradley Crowder, a pair of greenhorn activists from George W. Bush's Texas hometown who had driven up for the protests were wide-eyed guys in their early 20s, they'd come of age hanging out in sleepy downtown Midland, commiserating about the Iraq War and the administration's assault on civil liberties.
St. Paul was their first large-scale protest, and when they arrived they were taken aback: Rubber bullets, flash-bang grenades, tumbling tear-gas canisters—to McKay and Crowder, it seemed like an all-out war on democracy. They wanted to fight back, even going so far as to mix up a batch of Molotov cocktails. Just before dawn on the day of Palin's big coming out, a SWAT team working with federal agents raided their crash pad, seized the Molotovs, and arrested McKay, alleging that he intended to torch a parking lot full of police cars.
Back in Texas, flyers soon began appearing at coffeehouses urging leftists to beware of Brandon Darby, an "FBI informant rat loose in Austin."
The feds ultimately convicted the pair for making the Molotov cocktails, but they didn't have enough evidence of intent to use them. Crowder, who pleaded guilty rather than risk trial, and a heavier sentence, got two years. McKay, who was offered seven years if he pleaded guilty, opted for a trial, arguing on the stand that Darby told him to make the Molotovs, a claim he recanted after learning that Crowder had given a conflicting account. McKay is now serving out the last of his four years in federal prison.
Darby is through being a leftist radical. Indeed, he's now an enthusiastic small-government conservative.  He sounds a bit like his new friend, Andrew Breitbart, who made his name producing sting videos targeting NPR, ACORN, Planned Parenthood, and others. 
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monkeypressde · 4 years
THE KILLERS – Imploding The Mirage
Wir befinden uns im Jahr 2020, am Anfang der neuen Zwanziger. Es ist das Jahrzehnt, mit dem viele Menschen Zäsuren und Aufbrüche, Untergänge und Neubeginne assoziieren. Es soll das Jahrzehnt sein, an dem wir uns endlich neu erfinden oder für immer zum Teufel fahren. Und es ist das Jahr, in dem The Killers im 20. Jahr ihrer Diskografie stehen. Es gibt ein neues Album, das sechste in der Reihung. Es heißt Imploding The Mirage.
Lass Dir den Beitrag vorlesen:
Ich muss zugeben, ich hatte die Band um den schillernden, viel zu hübschen Rock-Star Brandon Flowers etwas aus den Augen verloren. Das letzte Mal hatte ich sie 2008 mit ihrem Album Day & Age auf dem Zettel. Da trug Flowers noch Federn und wurde ab und zu von Aliens entführt. Damals wurden die The Killers noch als das Wunder der Gegensätze gefeiert. Man kam aus der Wüste von Nevada, funkelte wie die Lichter der Gambling Metropole Las Vegas, nahm sich vom Sound her jedoch aus wie eine Waschechte Britpop Combo, die das Beste aus den 80ern mit dem Flair von New Order und der großen Geste von U2 verband. Und die Band hatte das Potential das alles in die ganz großen Stadien zu bringen, ähnlich wie seinerzeit Muse. Von Anfang an ging diese Melange auf, bereits das Debüt Hot Fuss (2003) erreichte Platin und ich erinnerte mich, warum ich so schnell das Interesse an The Killers verloren hatte.
Wenn Bands zu Unternehmen werden, wird ihr künstlerischer Output zu einem Produkt, vielleicht noch mehr als das bei anderen stark kommerziell ausgerichtet arbeitenden Künstler*innen der Fall ist. The Killers haben in ihrer Karriere diesen Übergang recht früh absolviert. Und mit dem Album Nummer sechs hat der Sound der Band aus Nevada weiter an Profil abgenommen. Man hat sich dafür stärker auf die Signature-Elemente konzentriert, die ihren Erfolg ausmachen und den Wiedererkennungswert enthalten. Nicht einmal Brandon Flowers scheint über die Jahre altern zu dürfen.
Die zehn Songs auf Imploding The Mirage lassen sich mehr oder weniger nahtlos aufteilen in gefühlige 80er Erinnerungsstücke und aufwühlend auffahrende Stadion-Hymnen. Bei Lightning Fields erwartet man zum schmalzigen Up-Tempo-Clapp-Clapp-Refrain fast schon einen mitgröhlenden, neonfarbenen Kinderchor, wird aber hinterrücks von K. D. Langs rauchiger Stimme ins diabetische Koma gesungen. Ich war so ergriffen, ich hab gleich noch einmal an Live Aid gespendet. Die andere Seite derselben Medaille liefert der direkte Nachfolger Fire In Bone, nur dass dieser eher aus der unterkühlten Feder von The Human League stammen könnte. Macht nix, denn gleich danach klingen die Arrangements von Running Towards A Place so deutlich nach Billy Idol, dass spätestens jetzt für jeden Fan des am heftigsten gerevivalten Jahrzehnts etwas dabei ist.
Wenn man darüber aber schon hinweg ist, hat man ja immer noch die andere Hälfte von Imploding The Mirage und die ganz, ganz großen Gefühle. Caution z. B., ist eine Stadion-Hymne wie aus dem Bilderbuch. Da stört es auch nicht weiter, dass sein Gitarrensolo (das einzige auf dem ganzen Album) so weit in den Hintergrund gemischt wurde, dass nichts, aber auch gar nichts mehr an Rock’n Roll erinnert oder My God mit seiner einzigen Hookline auch nur eins kann: nämlich stampfend nach vorn marschieren.
Imploding The Mirage schillert schön bunt, ist perfekt produziert und bereits vor seiner Veröffentlichung ein Hit. Es ist so schön und ohne Überraschungen, dass es den Hörer durch seine Eingängigkeit und das Gefühl der Nostalgie als Geisel nimmt. The Killers sind nicht die erste Band und werden nicht die letzte Band sein, die ihre Fans mittels Stockholm Syndrom an sich binden kann.
Imploding The Mirage ist am 21. August bei Island Records erschienen.
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Tracklist THE KILLERS – Imploding The Mirage:
01. My Own Soul’s Warning 02. Blowback 03. Dying Breed 04. Caution 05. Lightning Fields [feat. k.d. lang] 06. Fire In Bone 07. Running Towards A Place 08. My God [feat. Weyes Blood] 09. When The Dreams Run Dry 10. Imploding The Mirage
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© monkeypress.de - sharing is caring! Autor/Fotograf: Katja Spanier
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bloglivre-blog · 5 years
‘O Primeiro Homem’, novo filme de Damian Chazelle, é o grande vencedor do Hollywood Film Awards 2018
New Post has been published on http://baixafilmestorrent.com/cinema/o-primeiro-homem-novo-filme-de-damian-chazelle-e-o-grande-vencedor-do-hollywood-film-awards-2018/
‘O Primeiro Homem’, novo filme de Damian Chazelle, é o grande vencedor do Hollywood Film Awards 2018
Embora o Hollywood Film Awards não seja uma premiação grande como o Oscar, o evento sempre atrai um grande número de estrelas de Hollywood. Neste ano, a 22ª edição do evento aconteceu no hotel Beverly Hilton e o grande vencedor da noite (04) foi O Primeiro Homem, novo filme de Damian Chazelle, levando três estatuetas. O filme estreou no Brasil em outubro (18) deste ano.
Dirigido por Damian Chazelle, cineasta que vem se consolidando como um dos principais realizadores da nova geração, o longa metragem narra a experiência do astronauta estadunidense Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) ao embarcar na histórica e perigosa jornada à Lua em 1969. Além do prêmio de melhor direção, O Primeiro Homem recebeu os prêmios de melhor compositor, para Justin Hurwitz, e de montagem, para Tom Cross, embora este esteja longe de ser um trabalho de destaque do diretor.
A grande homenageada da noite foi Nicole Kidman, com o prêmio especial de carreira. Aliás, a atriz participa de dois filmes muito fortes esse ano – O Peso do Passado (Destroyer, com lançamento previsto para 25 de dezembro nos EUA) e Boy Erased: Uma Verdade Anulada (com estreia prevista para 24 de janeiro de 2019 no Brasil) – e é possível que ela esteja presente em todas as festas da temporada de premiações. Shailene Woodley entregou o prêmio para sua companheira de elenco de Big Little Lies, Nicole Kidman.
Vencedora do Oscar 2003 de Melhor Atriz na pele da escritora Virginia Woolf em As Horas (2002), de Stephen Daldry (O Leitor, 2008), em 2017, Nicole Kidman retornou à televisão com a série Big Little Lies da HBO, onde atuou e produziu. Seu desempenho como Celeste Wright, uma vítima de violência doméstica, foi aclamado pela crítica e Kidman ganhou dois Prêmios Emmy do Primetime, um na categoria de Melhor Atriz em Minissérie ou Telefilme e outro como produtora na categoria de Melhor Minissérie, além do Globo de Ouro de melhor atriz em minissérie ou filme para televisão.
Glenn Close foi acompanhada da filha, Annie Starke, que também está no elenco de A Esposa. A atriz veterana foi premiada na categoria melhor atriz por sua atuação em A Esposa, drama de 2017 dirigido por Björn Runge e escrito por Jane Anderson, baseado no romance de mesmo nome de Meg Wolitzer. Joan Castleman (Glenn Close) é a esposa de Joe Castleman (Jonathan Pryce) e enquanto eles viajam para Estocolmo, na Suécia, onde ele receberá o Prêmio Nobel de Literatura, ela questiona suas escolhas de vida.
O troféu de melhor ator foi entregue por Anne Hathaway, ao amigo Hugh Jackman (O Rei do Show), por sua atuação The Front Runner (O Favorito). Conhecido por ser o Wolverine nos cinemas, aqui Jackman mostra um lado diferente. O escândalo sexual do candidato democrata à presidência Gary Hart, em 1988, é o tema do mais recente filme de Jason Reitman. O filme tem previsão de lançamento em 17 de janeiro de 2019 no Brasil.
Timothée Chalamet, que desponta como promessa do cinema e está entre os novos queridinhos de Hollywood, foi o vencedor da estatueta de Ator Coadjuvante por sua atuação em Querido Menino (Beautiful Boy). Baseado no best-seller par de memórias de pai e filho David e Nic Sheff, Querido Menino narra a experiência devastadora e inspiradora de sobrevivência, recaída e recuperação em uma família lidando com o vício ao longo de muitos anos. Dirigido por Felix Van Groeningen, que recebeu de Brad Pitt o prêmio o troféu de Diretor Revelação 2018, Querido Menino tem previsão de estreia para 14 de fevereiro de 2019 no Brasil.
Na categoria Elenco Revelação, o premiado foi Podres de Ricos. A comédia dramática com elenco predominantemente asiático estrou no Brasil na semana passada (01) e a estatueta foi recebida pela produtora Nina Jacobson. A atriz Octavia Spencer entregou o prêmio de melhor elenco, incluindo Viggo Mortensen e Mahershala Ali, para Green Book. Ambientado em 1962, Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen), um dos maiores fanfarrões de Nova York e precisa de trabalho após sua discoteca, o Copacabana, fechar as portas. Ele conhece um pianista (Mahershala Ali) que quer que Lip faça uma turnê com ele. Enquanto os dois se chocam no início, um vínculo finalmente cresce à medida que eles caem na estrada. Os roteiristas Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga e Brian Hayes Currie, também receberam a estatueta de melhor roteiro por Green Book, novo filme de Peter Farrelly (Debi & Loide 2, de 2014), que chega ao Brasil em 24 de janeiro de 2019.
Na categoria Atriz Revelação, a premiada foi Amandla Stenberg, por O Ódio que Você Semeia, que estreia em 6 de dezembro. Starr Carter (Amandla Stenberg) é uma adolescente negra de dezesseis anos que presencia o assassinato de Khalil (Algee Smith), seu melhor amigo, por um policial branco. Ela é forçada a testemunhar no tribunal por ser a única pessoa presente na cena do crime. Mesmo sofrendo uma série de chantagens, ela está disposta a dizer a verdade pela honra de seu amigo, custe o que custar. O filme tem estreia prevista para 06 de dezembro no Brasil.
O prêmio de Ator Revelação foi para John David Washington, por Infiltrado na Klan (BlacKkKlansman), novo filme de Spike Lee. Taraji P. Henson entregou o prêmio para John David Washington, filho de Denzel Washington. Em 1978, Ron Stallworth (John David Washington), um policial negro do Colorado, conseguiu se infiltrar na Ku Klux Klan local. Ele se comunicava com os outros membros do grupo através de telefonemas e cartas, quando precisava estar fisicamente presente enviava um outro policial branco no seu lugar. Depois de meses de investigação, Ron se tornou o líder da seita, sendo responsável por sabotar uma série de linchamentos e outros crimes de ��dio orquestrados pelos racistas. Infiltrado na Klan estreia nos cinemas brasileiros no dia 22 de novembro.
A atriz mexicana Yalitza Aparicio recebeu o prêmio Nova Hollywood em reconhecimento pelo seu trabalho em ROMA. O novo trabalho de Alfonso Cuarón recebeu o Leão de Ouro deste ano, prêmio máximo do Festival de Veneza. O longa é um drama em preto e branco sobre uma família de classe média na Cidade do México dos anos 1970. Com a vitória, Roma é o primeiro filme da Netflix a vencer uma premiação de renome. Vale lembrar que a organização do Festival de Cannes impediu que o longa-metragem fosse exibido na Croisette deste ano.
O filme Pantera Negra abriu o ano com um megassucesso em bilheteria e críticas, mas não é um filme para ganhar o prêmio de melhor do ano, não é? No entanto, Michael B. Jordan entregou o prêmio honorário do Hollywood Film Awards para o diretor Ryan Coogler e para o produtor Nate Moore. Até agora, não havia nenhum troféu que indicasse “melhor filme”, então eles acabam de criar a primeira edição, dando o prêmio da noite para o longa de T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman), rei de Wakanda.
Na categoria Documentário, o laureado foi Believer, dirigido por Don Argott e que acompanha o vocalista do Imagine Dragons, Dan Reynolds, e aborda a falta de tolerância gay no mormonismo. Como um próprio Mórmon, Reynolds uniu-se ao cantor de Neon Trees, Tyler Glenn, que é um mórmon abertamente gay, para chamar a atenção para a dificuldade dos jovens LGBTQ de se sentirem inseridos dentro da igreja Mórmon, a qual Reynolds fez parte desde a infância e hoje se sente preparado para se posicionar contra algumas doutrinas que não concorda. Believer estreou no festival de Sundance este ano após um acordo feito com a HBO Documentary.
O prêmio na categoria animação foi para Os Incríveis 2. Produzida pela Pixar Animation Studios e distribuído pela Walt Disney Pictures trata-se de uma sequência de Os Incríveis e se passa exatamente após os eventos do primeiro filme. Dessa vez, a família Pêra vai ter que lidar com o fato de que infringiram a lei e atuaram como super-heróis.
Confira os demais vencedores nas categorias técnicas:
Fotografia: Matthew Libatique, Nasce uma Estrela
Efeitos Visuais: Dan Deleeuw, Kelly Port, Russel Earl e Dan Sudick, Vingadores: Guerra Infinita
Figurino: Sandy Powell, A Favorita
Maquiagem e Cabelo: Jenny Schircore, Sarah Kelly e Hannah Edwards, Duas Rainhas
Design de Produção: Hannah Beachler, Pantera Negra
Som: Erik Aadahl, Ethan Van der Ryn e Brandon Proctor, Um Lugar Silencioso
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wefireandblood · 6 years
Reservas al 13/01 10:30 pm hora México
Casas reservadas
-          Dayne – Ashara 
-          Manderly -Rodrik 
-          Velaryon – alysannenoalyssane
-          Waynwood – anteros
-          Hightower – yomera
-          Fowler – Brandon Stark 
-          Hunter – tremblay 
-          Uller– Erick Karstark 
-          Yronwood - User: Sangre Regia 
-          Casa Darklyn – Morrisey 
-          Casa Royce – Annelys
Personajes canon reservados
-          Edrik Greyjoy – Daniel 
-          Medgar Tully – Pececillo 
-          Harmon Baratheon – QuieroPapitas 
-          Tommen Arryn– brandon stark
-          Lia Tyrell – exelor 
-          Olene Tyrell – Marte 
-          Alys Stark (Reed) – tremblay
-          Mariah Targaryen/Martell – Dorniense 
PB reservados
-          Judah Lewis – alysannenoalyssane
-          Michelle Gómez - alysannenoalyssane
-          Natalie Dormer – yomera
-          Anna Speckhart – yomera
-          Adelaine Kane – Ashara 
-          Amelia Zadro – Ashara
-          Michael Fassbender – Brandon Stark 
-          Sean bean - Bran stark 
-          FionaGlascott – tremblay 
-          Eric Bana - User: Sangre Regia 
-          Alexandra Daddario – Morrisey 
Elaena Targaryen – tremblay 
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.co.uk/what-kareena-kapoor-khan-and-deepika-padukone-wore-on-29012018/
What Kareena Kapoor Khan and Deepika Padukone wore on 29/01/2018
No one switches between Indian ethnic wear and casual OOTDs as seamlessly as Deepika Padukone. After treating herself to a Rajasthani thaali this weekend in a green Sabaysachi sharara set, the star set out yesterday in two contrasting looks. During the day, Deepika Padukone flew out of Mumbai with sister Anisha Padukone channeling a normcore vibe (the siblings twinned in matching Levi’s tees, jeans, black jackets and white Nike sneakers). Come evening, we spotted Deepika Padukone cheering for her father in New Delhi as he accepted a Lifetime Achievement Award, wearing yet another Sabyasachi creation: a pink and gold brocade sari worn with statement earrings.
Kareena Kapoor Khan amps up her workout look
In stark contrast, Kareena Kapoor Khan spent her day yesterday hitting the gym in yet another must-see workout look. The actor was spotted in a semi-sheer polka dotted white tee worn over black leggings. What made her gym look stand out? The reflective sunglasses she paired with her outfit of the day.
1/9 Anisha Padukone in Levi's with Deepika Padukone in Levi's and Nike at Mumbai airport
Image: Viral Bhayani
Deepika Padukone in Sabyasachi in Delhi
Image: Viral Bhayani
Kareena Kapoor Khan at a gym in Mumbai
Image: Viral Bhayani
Shilpa Shetty Kundra in Shivan & Narresh and Outhouse in Mumbai
Image: Instagram.com/sanjanabatra
Parineeti Chopra in AM:PM and Curio Cottage in Mumbai
Image: Instagram.com/sanjanabatra
Tamannaah Bhatia in Varun Bahl
Image: Instagram.com/sanjanabatra
Bella Hadid in Issey Miyake, Prada and Chanel in New York
Image: Instagram.com
Dakota Kohnson in Brandon Maxwell and Christian Louboutin at Fifty Shades Freed promotions
Image: Instagram.com
Kendall Jenner in Vetements, Yeezy Mafia and Givenchy in New York
Image: Instagram.com
Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Parineeti Chopra favour wedding-ready Indian ethnic wear
Padukone wasn’t the only star who had wedding hoppers talking with her Indian ethnic look last evening. If you’re particularly partial to saris, you need to check out the versions Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Tamannaah Bhatia wore yesterday. While Shetty Kundra’s leafy Shivan & Narresh drape makes the ideal pick for a pool-side wedding cocktail (don’t miss the embellished gold leaves dotting the fabric), Bhatia’s blush pink Varun Bahl wouldn’t look out of place at mehandi celebration. And if you have most fun in comfortable anarkalis, Parineeti Chopra’s look from yesterday was unmissable. The star attended a friend’s wedding in Mumbai in a midnight blue AM:PM creation featuring ivory embroidery. Check it out in our slideshow now.
The post What Kareena Kapoor Khan and Deepika Padukone wore on 29/01/2018 appeared first on VOGUE India.
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thedeadshotnetwork · 7 years
10 things you need to know today: November 10, 2017 1. A woman told The Washington Post that Roy Moore, the Republican nominee for a U.S. Senate seat in Alabama, initiated a sexual encounter with her when she was 14 years old and Moore, now 70, was a 32-year-old prosecutor. The woman, Leigh Corfman, said Moore kissed and fondled her, and "guided her hand to touch him over his underwear." Three other women said Moore started inappropriate relationships with them when they were 16 to 18. Moore, a former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice, called the allegations "completely false" and "a desperate political attack by the National Democrat Party." The White House said President Trump believes a "mere allegation" shouldn't be allowed to "destroy [Moore's] life," but that he should "step aside" if the accusations are true . 2. Senate Republicans on Thursday unveiled their tax plan, which differed from the House version on some key points. Like their House counterparts, whose revised bill was approved by the House Ways and Means Committee on Thursday, Senate Republicans want to cut the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent, but they want to delay the reduction until 2019. Stocks, which have been boosted by anticipation of corporate breaks, dropped Thursday and headed for another fall Friday due to investors' concerns over the Senate's proposed delay. Supporters of the legislation also worried that the differences between the House and Senate bills on such issues as whether to keep deductions for state and local taxes could threaten efforts to pass the overhaul quickly. 3. President Trump said at a regional summit in Vietnam on Thursday that the U.S. "will not tolerate" trade abuses, saying only countries that "follow the rules" will get U.S. business. Trump said that the U.S. had removed trade barriers to let foreign goods into the U.S., but many countries have not reciprocated by opening their markets. "We are not going to let the United States be taken advantage of anymore," the president said at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit in Danang. "I am always going to put America first, the same way that I expect all of you in this room to put your countries first." Despite speculation of a possible one-on-one meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the White House said "scheduling conflicts" would prevent a meeting. 4. President Trump's former security chief, Keith Schiller, privately testified to the House Intelligence Committee that he refused a Russian offer to send five women to Trump's hotel room during a 2013 trip to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, CNN reported Thursday, citing several sources with direct knowledge of the testimony. Schiller, a longtime Trump confidant, reportedly said he assumed the offer was a joke, and that he and Trump laughed it off. Committee members brought up the matter because of a controversial dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele, working on opposition research funded by Democrats during last year's presidential campaign. Steele concluded that Russia had dirt on Trump, including salacious details of an alleged encounter with prostitutes in Moscow. 5. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday suggested that the U.S. is pushing for the disqualification of Russian athletes at the 2018 Winter Olympics in an attempt to interfere in Russia's presidential campaign. Putin noted that the Olympics start in February in PyeongChang, South Korea, and Russia's election is in March. "There are very strong suspicions that all that is done because someone needs to create an atmosphere of discontent among sports fans and athletes over the state's alleged involvement in violations and responsibility for it," Putin said, adding that the U.S. might be trying to "create problems in the Russian presidential election in response to our alleged interference in theirs." 6. Pastor Frank Pomeroy, leader of the Texas church where a gunman murdered 26 people on Sunday, told leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention that the building would be demolished. The pastor said the church was "too stark of a reminder" of the massacre, in which his own teenaged daughter was killed, said a spokesman for the national church. The decision won't be final until surviving congregation members are consulted. Charlene Uhl, whose 16-year-old daughter Haley Krueger was killed, agreed that the building should be torn down, saying as she visited a row of white crosses placed on the property that there should be a church, "but not here." Other sites of some other mass shootings, such as Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, also have been demolished. 7. A juror excused from Sen. Bob Menendez's (D-N.J.) bribery trial said she would have found him "not guilty on every charge." The former juror, Evelyn Arroyo-Maultsby, said she believed the government was "railroading him," and she predicted the jurors would be unable to resolve disagreements on the case. "It's a hung jury right now," she said after she was dismissed Thursday at the end of the third day of deliberations. The judge replaced Arroyo-Maultsby to keep a promise that she would be able to make a trip planned earlier. Prosecutors accuse Menendez of doing business favors for Florida eye doctor Salomon Melgen in exchange for lavish gifts and campaign contributions. Menendez and Melgen deny it, saying they are just close friends. 8. One-time New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez, who hanged himself in prison in April while serving a life sentence for murder, suffered the most severe case of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) ever observed in a person his age, Boston University researchers revealed at a medical conference on Thursday. The researchers said the damage would have significantly affected his thinking and judgment. Doctors found that Hernandez had Stage 3 CTE, never before seen in a brain younger than 46 years old. The finding was expected to fuel renewed debate in football's concussion crisis, and heighten concerns over the possibility of injuries to young players. 9. A major Puerto Rico power line repaired by the tiny Montana company Whitefish Energy failed on Thursday, leaving more than 80 percent of the island, including parts of San Juan and other major cities, without electricity, two months after Hurricane Maria. The failure of the line early Thursday knocked out 25 percent of the U.S. Caribbean island territory's power generation, which had been restored to 43 percent capacity, the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority said. Whitefish, which lost its contract after critics questioned its qualifications, denied that the new problems "have anything to do with the repairs Whitefish Energy performed," spokesperson Brandon Smulyan said. 10. Five women told The New York Times in an article published Thursday that comedian Louis C.K. either asked to masturbate in front of them or in fact did it , without permission. Comedian Rebecca Corry said C.K. asked to pleasure himself in front of her while they were on set for a TV pilot in 2005, but she declined. Comedic duo Dana Min Goodman and Julia Wolov said that in 2002, they went to hang out with C.K. in a hotel room and, before they removed their winter coats, C.K. asked them if he could take out his penis. The women thought he was joking, but then "he really did it. ... He proceeded to take all of his clothes off ... and started masturbating." When reached for comment, C.K.'s publicist told the Times that the comedian "would not answer any questions." November 10, 2017 at 01:04PM
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b4inselfsufficiency · 8 years
Developing Survival Skills to Make a More Resilient You
Developing Survival Skills to Make a More Resilient You: By Brandon Martin Survival Skills Gas Mask Map Grid iStock AmmoLand Gun NewsUSA – -(Ammoland.com)- I believe that skills are paramount if one wishes to have any chance at life in an uncertain future and should be at the center of anyone’s plans, without them, one is incredibly vulnerable.I fully understand the boldness of that statement that I have just made and it only after much thought that I arrived to that conclusion.All the prepping in world will only potentially buy you time, whereas skills will not only make you more resilient but potentially a coveted asset when others are lacking. Combining both the learning of skills (especially now when the cost of failure isn’t life or death) and reasonable preparation is the ideal solution in my opinion.Normally when people meet me for the first time the topic of hobbies inevitably comes up and I will hear about the various things people are into which is usually anything from RC car racing to video games, and when it’s my turn to answer I’ll be honest and tell them something like: learning to identify wild edible and medicinal plants growing locally, or learning the ins and outs of marksmanship (I still have a long way to go in that category). The reactions I get from those statements are always amusing ranging from ‘this is the guy I want with me in the apocalypse’ said in a joking manner to the rarer look of them trying to determine how just how strange I am.While I’m not too bashful to reveal my eccentric hobbies, I do tend to usually keep the reason why I have chosen the hobbies that I have to myself unless specifically asked because the subject matter can be quite heavy and coming to the stark realization that our current way of life is on the precipice of irrevocable severe change is a little too much for an initial conversation.These conversations usually end in one of two ways, either I’m dismissed outright as a lunatic, or someone will ponder the things that I have to say and then push it out of their mind in a matter of minutes.What’s so important about skills that trump other means of preparedness in terms of importance?The answer is because skills will always be with you as long as you keep them sharp and as long as you draw breath. I could potentially buy 30 years worth of preserved food and water, but that food and water is susceptible to thievery (that is from both from people and animals), environmental effects (earthquakes, floods, etc.), the limit of the preservation techniques themselves, and my supply eventually running out. http://beforeitsnews.com/survival/2017/01/developing-survival-skills-to-make-a-more-resilient-you-2651594.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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