#brb gonna go replay this part over and over again and cry
"None of us know how long we have. We don't know what tomorrow holds. And Mjlonir... Mjlonir chose you. And it chose you because you're worthy."
--Thor: Love and Thunder
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utopianvoices · 5 years
dating au | k.hongjoong
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⤗ check my masterlist for other members!
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how he acts around you
the dumbest tbh
will say the dumbest most stupidest things when you’re around because he just gets so nervous
and blurts out the first thing that comes to his mind
especially when you’re left alone with him
“bRB i gotta go feed my pet cactus.”
actually really really wants to spend so much time with you bcs he’s practically in love with you
but is constantly worried he’ll say stupid things and that he’ll never get a chance with you because who likes dumbasses
the members definitely know that he likes you
tbh i think the whole world knows he likes you
except for you ofc
because we need this obliviousness for the plot
how he confesses
with the possibility that you don’t find out about his crush on you
boy’s gonna be extra af and compose a song for you
because that’s what he was made for 
to produce bops and to love you
his two main purposes in life
will spend hours in the studio thinking about all the time you spent together and will write pages and pages of lyrics
gets the song done quite fast too
stares at your chat for hours thinking of what he should send you
finally seonghwa gets irritated and snatches his phone, types something, and hits send, before throwing the phone back to hongjoong
will check his phone in horror 
“can you come over to the studio at around 8pm? the one near the fountain.”
okay maybe it wasn’t too bad.... and it was the best thing he could’ve said without having to worry too much
let’s all thank park seonghwa for doing god’s work
almost drops his phone when he receives a reply from you
“sure! i’ll be there.”
can’t stop smiling at his phone
but as the time reaches 8pm boy will be a mess
frantically cleans the studio and dusts the place
arranges all the chair properly and even cleans up his desktop
you know, just in case
jumps when he hears a knock on the studio door at 8pm sharp
and rushes over to open the door for you
greets you and guides you over to the chair that was set up beside his producing chair
you are: confused
“i-i produced something and was wondering if you could check it out for me?”
..... hold uP
kim hongjoong asking you for music advice?????
you were sure pigs were flying outside the window
but either ways you agreed
of course
what were you going to say? no?
he clicks the mouse a few times and pauses right before hitting the play button
sensing his hesitation, you look at him, and see him taking a deep breath before looking at you
instinctively you shoot him a smile, seemingly relaxing him and soon the room is filled with a soft guitar sound
you were surprised at first—ateez songs usually didn’t sound like that—but you decided that he was trying something new, so you just enjoyed the song
that’s when you heard the lyrics
and they sounded very familiar...... almost as if you had gone through them with him
you turn slowly towards hongjoong, mouth slightly open as you see him smiling nervously at you, finally realising what was going on
your crush made a song for you
and he likes you bACK 
it turns sappy real fast, let’s be honest
there’s tears streaming down your face because who wouldn’t cry
the memories the lyrics brought back were overwhelmingly precious and you couldn’t help but be emotional
and seeing you cry makes him cry
soon it’s a crying mess
as the song ends, you throw yourself onto him, clinging onto him tightly 
“that was so beautiful. i like you too joong. so so much.”
he hugs you back equally as tight, basking in the moment, thankful that you liked him back 
first date
i highkey wanna say studio date but that’d happen later on in the relationship
for a first date tho, this korean big minion will bring you for a picnic!
with home-cooked food and everything
obviously he didn’t cook it..... he begged seonghwa and wooyoung to help him put together some simple food
he was aiming to impress
finds a place under the shade and lays the mat down, while you help lay the food and drinks on the mat 
y’all get comfortable and start eating, exchanging words here and there, the occasional giggle escaping you when you see food that was stuck at the side of his mouth
after you’re done eating, y’all just lay on the mat, side by side, arms touching, and talk about everything under the sun 
quite literally
as your conversation progresses he’ll build up the courage to slowly intertwine his fingers with yours, heart beating a million beats per second
almost dies of relief when you intertwine them back tightly, his thumb automatically rubbing the back of your hand
if it rains, he’ll quickly pack the things up while giving you his jacket so that you could cover yourself and get to a shelter first
just overall willing to put you first no matter the circumstance
would prefer to fall sick himself rather than seeing you go through the pain of sickness
whipped culture
first kiss
so cliche
you were on your fifth or sixth date at the local coffee shop close to hongjoong’s studio
he had been really busy, and you were fine with leaving him alone
but he wasn’t
found the small loophole he had in his schedule and immediately made plans with you at his favourite place
you were halfway through your simple date, with him telling you all the things that had happened throughout the times you were not together
and you intently listening because that is the key to a good relationship everybody
you take a sip of your drink, so immersed in his words that you don’t realise the little blotch of whip cream that was sitting right at the corner of your lip
but hongjoong did
immediately breaks out into a smile, wondering how you managed to be so cute even with whipped cream on your face, as he reaches for the napkin laying beside his drink
you watch him cluelessly, wondering what was going on
until he reaches towards you with the napkin
well damn...... you just made a fool out of yourself
except you didn’t because he found you cute as fuck 
but anyways
leans over the table and gets close to your face to wipe the cream off
and you can’t help but stare at him as he does so
clearly it was doing Things to his heart
unconsciously moves his face closer to you, eyes flickering down towards your lips and back up so fast that you would have missed it hadn’t you been staring at him
a loud bang from somewhere in the shop jerks the both of you back to your senses, hongjoong immediately retracting his face and you feeling your face heat up from the moment you just shared
he mumbles something under his breath and passes you the napkin, looking everywhere but you, as the almost-kiss replayed in his head over and over again
the rest of the time at the cafe was spent in a slightly awkward setting, neither of you knowing what to say after that little incident
when you’re done, you walk him back to the studio, your hands making contact every once in a while 
you finally reach the studio and say your goodbyes to him, giving him a lingering hug 
as you pull away, you realise that hongjoong’s arms were still snaked around your waist, trapping you in between him and his arms, your hands resting comfortably around his neck
stares at you for a few seconds before going in for a kiss
no warning 
as he pulls away slightly, forehead resting on yours, he lets out a small chuckle 
“should’ve done that at the cafe.”
safe to say he gave you a few more kisses before unwillingly parting ways with you
first fight
doesn’t really happen until very far into your relationship, when you’re 100% comfortable with one another
it’s all just really bad timing
you’d be over at his place, complains piling from the other members that he was overworking himself to the point of exhaustion
and that he hadn’t been taking good care of himself
you would initially go over to make sure he’s eating his meals properly and was getting enough rest
but when you saw him you knew that he definitely wasn’t getting enough rest or food
“you really need to start taking care of yourself, joong.”
“i know, it’s just that i really need to finish this soon.”
the conversation kind of escalates from there
because you’d be back a few hours later, and he’d still be glued to his computer at the same position
seeing this, your worry turns to frustration and you start to nag at him to take better care of himself
and he just bursts
all the stress from deadlines, producing, and just generally everything, comes pouring out on you
and he wasn’t in the right mind to care about the words he was using as well
you’re shocked at his words, but instead of walking away, you argue back, prolonging the argument
tbh the argument doesn’t stop till one of you gets your head straight and decides to talk civilly about things
sometimes it’s you, but most of the time it’s him
it’s just in him, as a leader, to separate the rational and irrational part of his brain and try to set things straight properly 
after the fight you both just cuddle and promise each other that you’ll take better care of yourself and be more understanding 
favourite things to do together
will really enjoy working on songs with you around
firstly because you know when to get him to stop and take a break before he passes out in front of the computer
secondly because it just gives him a sense of peace
whether you’re doing your own work beside or dozing off in his lap
he’ll give anything to spend the day with you at the studio, although no words need to be spoken
is way more productive with you around
can finish his work twice as fast sometimes and it just gives him that much more satisfaction
doesn’t know it at the beginning, but he slowly comes to the realisation that you’re his muse and that just by being with you gives him utmost happiness
general affection
similar to seonghwa, wouldn’t initiate cuddles often
but if you were to show any signs of wanting to cuddle, is instantly by your side
his favourite is to usually cuddle with you on the sofa that was placed against the wall of his studio
it was definitely not big enough for the two of you, so you’d practically be lying on top of him, while he softly plays with your hair
cuddling time is prime time for deep talks
will talk about his day while y’all are cuddling and will share any worries he has
it’s the time when he’s the most vulnerable, so he might shed a few tears if he was feeling really stressed out
loves it when you run your hands up and down his arms—it was like his personal comfort
prefers to be the big spoon because our boy wants to protecc
but definitely wouldn’t mind being babied sometimes
being the leader of seven crackheads isn’t an easy feat and these are the times he feels like he can be stripped off his leader role and just be a normal boy in the arms of his lover
loves to kiss you everywhere including your face while you’re cuddling
your hands, shoulder, neck, even your fingers
just takes the time to admire every part of you and will always go to sleep with a smile after doing this
on normal days, wouldn’t really feel the need to be physically close to you because he’s so busy with producing 
but once he’s done, you have a whiny baby on your hands
will not rest till he gets at least five kisses from you
and not just pecks
it has to be proper kisses
will shake his head and say that it doesn’t count as a kiss if you just peck him on the lips
you’d think that make out sessions were rare with how busy he was but oh boy are we wrong
his go-to when he’s feeling too stressed is kissing you so buckle up and prepare for a long ride when he comes straight for you after slamming the studio door open
will be really gently though
it’s like kissing you helps him get his focus back, as much as that doesn’t make sense
but what even makes sense in love
feels much more rejuvenated after your little session, and he’s back to the studio, more inspired than ever
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