#bren does christmas
brennacedria · 11 months
🎄🌟🕯️Holiday Cards!❄️🎄🎅
I almost completely forgot about this, until a mutual posted their own form. Will be open until December 10th, maybe, but I'm guessing from past experience that any cards not sent by December 1st will be delivered late. :(
So... fill the form by Black Friday (Nov 24th I think, for non-USian followers) if possible, so I have a week to pick out and send your cards by December 1st <3
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loverontheleft · 7 months
Happiest (revised)
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Original request(s): I would love an imagine where the reader and Brendon are at Disney World, and he proposes in front of Cinderella Castle and it’s just so fluffy and sweet? Thanks! Aaaaaaand I would love to have a Brendon x reader imagine during a slow dance in their home followed by really slow, passionate, fairly vanilla sex.
Brendon x reader
Word count: 3.9k➡️5k
Warnings: nothing really. Pretty vanilla per the request.
“Bren, why are we walking so fast?” You’re practically trotting alongside your boyfriend, your hands tangled together as he cuts through the crowd—well, as he follows through the parting of the people Zack makes as he cuts through the crowd while Jake brings up the rear, his camera in tow. “Our next Genie+ pass isn’t until—” you pause to think.
“5:30. For the Seven Dwarves. But—” Brendon cuts himself off and tugs you close so you’re flush against him as a tour group in bright yellow shirts marches by, chanting at the top of their lungs. “But we’ve got somewhere to be,” he finishes, stroking the small of your back. “Come on, my love.” He nods in the direction where Zack and Jake are waiting patiently. Before starting though, he adjusts his hat as the stragglers of the tour group shoot you both furtive looks. You nudge him and look up at him, and he looks back at you. You’re silently asking the question, and Brendon nods. There’s a bit of time.
He waves at the teenagers, who squeal in stunned recognition, while you dart away to tell Zack that Brendon needs five minutes. Mission accomplished, you move back to where your boyfriend stands, and offer to take the photos. He beams at you, and the girls are gushing with gratitude to you both.
Photos taken and Zack alerted, he’s back to his brutal pace, and you and Brendon are laughing as you stumble over each other to keep up with him. Jake is taking his time, stopping and shooting his own photos seemingly at random but always catching back up with you by weaving through the crowds effortlessly. When you finally come to a stop, you stare up at the castle in front of you. “Brendon, what are we—” but your stomach growling interrupts you before you can finish the thought. He smiles.
“Fixing that. Come on, Y/n. We’re having lunch at the castle!” Brendon beams at you as Zack leads your group into the tunnel cutting through the castle and opens an ornate door on one side. You must look like a child at Christmas when you launch yourself at Brendon, hugging him tightly, and you can hear the shutter of Jake’s camera going crazy. “Happy, Princess?” Brendon murmurs in your ear. You nod, still clinging to him.
“You do make me feel like a princess,” you tell him, smiling radiantly. “I’m the luckiest, happiest girl.”
He kisses your forehead and holds you close as Zack lets the cast member at the hostess stand know the four of you are here. “Zack doesn’t mind being the responsible adult, handling all of this for us, does he?” You cling to Brendon, and he shakes his head.
“Nah. For one thing, he knows I shouldn’t do it myself. Best to lie low whenever possible. Small things like the photos earlier aren’t a big deal, but…my name on a lunch reservation feels different. And our anxiety manifests differently. Mine, I need to avoid it all. He needs to feel like he’s in control. And this way, he is. Despite what he may say or how he rolls his eyes, he likes taking care of you. He knows you’re important to me,” and Brendon breaks off so he can kiss you softly. “He knows you’re important to me, which means you’re important to him. He knows you make me the happiest I’ve ever been so…he’s going to keep you safe and keep you around.” Brendon shifts a little, biting his lip. “I love you.”
Your eyes are welling, and you clutch him to you. “I love you too. Thank you for treating me so well.” Brendon smiles and brushes his lips over yours once more, murmuring that he’s only treating you the way you deserve to be treated. “Still…” you trail off when Zack beckons. “Oooh! Time to go,” you say giddily, tugging at Brendon’s hand. “Let’s go, baby!”
“How do I look?” Brendon angles the plastic crown on his head and looks to you for approval. “That bad?” He teases when he catches your rapt expression. “Yikes, I knew I’d look dumb, but—” and as he reaches to remove the crown, you shoot out a hand and slap his away.
“Don’t you dare. You look gorgeous,” you murmur, transfixed on him. “Absolutely gorgeous. My Prince Charming.” He beams at you and raises his glass to yours, tapping them together lightly. “To us,” you say with a smile. He echoes your toast happily, and you both drink. Zack and Jake mimic the two of you, making you and Brendon blush and laugh.
“Sorry guys, we’ll try to stop living in our own little world,” you offer, and Jake shrugs, urging you two to lean together so he can take a photo. Brendon gets up and moves around the table to wrap his arms around you, and you smile up at him, forgetting about the camera and everything else. You tend to do that in his arms. There’s the snap of the shutter—you both blink, adjusting your expressions for the camera.
“Don’t bother,” Jake says with a wave, studying the preview screen. “That candid was everything.” He turns the camera to show you both, and you gasp quietly. “I know, right? It’s perfect.” Jake looks ridiculously pleased with himself, but you have to concede that the photo is definitely your new favorite.
Brendon kisses the top of your head before moving back to his seat. Once seated, he reaches across the table, taking your hands.
“Alright, time for a confession.” You look at him with wide eyes, and he smiles nervously. “This technically isn’t just a vacation.” Brendon pauses, and you nod, encouraging him to continue, even though you’re confused. “I have something important to do later. But if you’ll bear with me, I promise it’ll be worth it.” He smiles reassuringly and squeezes your hands. “I promise.”
“I believe you,” you tell him, raising your intertwined hands to kiss your interlocked fingers. “You always keep your promises. What do you have to do later that’s important?” He mimes zipping his lips and grins at you as the server places your side salads in front of you. You’re distracted; you give a quiet squeal of delight and gesture at your salad bowl. “Bren, even the croutons are shaped like Mickey!” He laughs delightedly at your glee and nods, watching you happily. “B, this is amazing. You’re amazing. Even if you won’t tell me what we’re really here for, this is amazing, and I’m so happy.”
“I’m glad. You being happy is all I ever want.” He shoots Zack a playfully dirty look when Zack gags into his cheeseburger, and you all laugh before digging into your food. “I mean it,” Brendon murmurs later over the slice of cake you’re sharing for dessert. “You being happy is everything to me.” You stab a piece of cake with frosting and bring it to his lips, smiling when he delicately plucks it from your fork.
“I am happy. I'm so happy. Brendon, my love, I’m the happiest. Are you?” You ask the question softly, taking your own bite. He nods eagerly, echoing your statement and strokes your hand that’s resting on the table with his index finger. “Good. You are so good and kind and wonderful. You deserve to be the happiest you can be,” you tell him, leaning in and meeting his lips for a soft, chaste kiss. As you part, the server approaches with the bill; Brendon holds out his wrist to tap his magic band to the scanner. Quickly, he signs the slip she offers and adds a tip before the four of you stand.
Brendon slips an arm around your waist and holds you close so Zack can lead the way out of the restaurant. You duck your head and follow Zack out, Brendon right behind you. His hand on the small of your back is soothing; you relax into his touch. Once you’re outside, you both slip your hats back on and check each other. “Good?” You ask, and he nods, kissing you quickly.
“Perfect. I’m good too?” He asks, tugging at the brim of his hat, and you echo him, taking both of his hands in yours and swinging them back and forth. “Good,” he affirms, squeezing your hands. “Let’s go,” he says after a moment, beckoning you to follow him. You’re at a leisurely pace now, and Zack pauses by a building designed to look like a fire station on Main Street. He knocks on a door, and it opens; Zack herds you and Brendon inside.
“Here we are,” Brendon murmurs, shrugging out of his leather jacket, leaving him in black jeans and a black t-shirt. You shiver just looking at him, and he slings it over your shoulders. “Cold, sweetness?” When you nod, he presses his lips to your forehead. “Then I’ll leave it with you. And my hat.” He nests it over yours. “Keep those safe for me?” He asks, and you give him a quizzical look.
“Where will you be? Wait, where are we?”
Brendon smiles sheepishly when a Disney cast member trots up with a clipboard in hand. The back of the clipboard has a familiar wreath logo on it, and you gape at him in disbelief. “Are you…no…wait. Are you—are you going to be in the Disney Christmas parade?” You’re whispering, even though everyone in this huge room seems to be in on the plan.
He grins at you and nods as another cast member appears with a garment bag. She unzips it swiftly and whips out a jacket you’ve never seen before, but it’s definitely meant for Brendon: the gold swirls look like a recent tour jacket, but these are slightly more precise, more uniform, and they look like—you grab his arm. “Those are Mickey heads!”
Brendon smiles and nods as he slips into the jacket, and yet another cast member comes up with a small black case that opens to reveal his signature golden microphone. “Urie, you sneak!” You exclaim in a stunned whisper, unable to stop grinning. “I didn’t even know they were recording today. This is the best surprise ever.”
“Hopefully not ever,” he murmurs with a small smile, passing you the microphone to hold while Zack slips him the box with his cufflinks; they’re a custom black opalescent set you got him last Christmas with his band’s logo engraved in them, and you get a little thrill every time you see him wear them. “Okay. I’ll see you soon, my love.” He kisses you once more, holding you close and breathing you in. “I won’t miss our Genie+ pass. Promise.” He pulls back and smiles, eyes shining. “I love you, Y/n.”
You whisper it back, hand him his microphone, and he blows you one last kiss as he’s whisked away by the cast members; you whirl around to look at Zack and Jake. “You guys knew?” They exchange looks and then meet your eyes. “Oh, of course, you knew. He couldn’t take one step without one of you knowing about it. Okay, so…now what? Do we get to watch? Where do we watch?” You’re impatient; you just want to see him perform. You know they’re taping and will require several takes, but you don’t care. You love watching him perform and want to see every moment of it.
At your question, a woman looks up; she recognizes Zack and waves the three of you over. There’s a cluster of large monitors and chairs; Jake makes himself comfortable in one and you do too, settling in to wait.
It’s been probably about twenty minutes when one of the cast members who is standing around introduces herself and says she’s in training to work in the boutique doing hair; she asks if she can practice on you. You’re not opposed, but you don’t know the plan. When you glance at Zack, he shrugs and nods, telling you you’ve got the time.
She flags down two fellow cast members to do your makeup and nails after begging to let them practice on you, and before you know it, your vision is entirely blocked by the woman doing your makeup and, honestly, you don’t mind. You know they’re not filming yet, so you're not missing anything, and the brushes feel good on your skin. You only did the bare minimum this morning: a tinted moisturizer, some mascara, and your lip gloss. But Shannon, as she introduced herself, is going all out, studying you from different angles while Tori works on your hair, debating between different styles behind you, and Renee works diligently at your cuticles. The camera shutter startles you; you look up, and Jake is grinning at you innocently, telling you Brendon will want to see you all done up.
“God,” you marvel, looking at yourself in the mirror. “You’re all incredible!” They blush and thank you before turning their attention to the monitor where you can see Brendon’s float just edging onto the screen. His voice carries through the air, and you’re swooning internally, watching him work the crowd from the Nightmare Before Christmas float he’s been assigned. Everyone else in the waiting area is mesmerized too, and your heart swells with pride. Your man is so talented and makes people so happy. He’s clearly having the time of his life, and you can’t wait to curl up in bed with him and have him tell you all about it.
It’s been maybe thirty minutes of repetition, of pulling the float back to reshoot from a new angle, when Zack checks his watch and comments that your clothes, a pair of jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt with Brendon’s leather jacket thrown over it, don’t really match your face and hair. The three women guide you out of your chair and lead you away with knowing grins, telling you not to protest.
“I blame you for this, Zack!” You call back teasingly before falling into stunned silence when Shannon flings open a door to a room that’s filled with what looks like dresses in every shade and every type of fabric known to man. “Well,” you say with a good-natured shrug. “You’ve done my hair, nails, and makeup…might as well dress me up too.”
“Oh Y/n!” Zack exclaims in a teasing voice. “You look like an absolute princess!” You roll your eyes at him and smooth your hands over the black crepe sheath dress Tori convinced you to put on. Brendon’s jacket is still keeping the chilly air off of your otherwise-bare shoulders and you insisted on keeping your high-top converses on; still, you do actually feel pretty fantastic.
Zack checks his watch again. “Right. Come on.” He reaches for you, and you shoot him an alarmed look, saying you’re not going anywhere; you need to go change out of the dress. “No time. We’re going now.” He’s putting a hand on your shoulder and steering you towards the fire station entrance and back towards Main Street, despite your protestations. “Come on, let’s go.”
When you step out onto Main Street, your breath catches. The parade is still going, and it’s absolutely incredible. Zack keeps walking, the hand on your shoulder propelling you gently forward. As you approach the castle, Zack waves at another cast member with a clipboard and headset, and there’s a call to pause. Brendon’s float is centered in front of the castle, and Zack nudges you through the floats. You look up; Brendon is waiting for you, an expectant smile on his face and—is that anxiety in his eyes? “
Brendon, what is this?” Your voice shakes, because you think you know. At least, you hope you know. The hair and makeup, the change of clothes, the manicure, the perfect positioning of the float in front of the castle—it’s all hinting at one thing, and you know you’ll be disappointed if you’re wrong. “Brendon?”
Instead of answering, he holds out one hand for you; you take it, and he leads you to the center of the float, smiling at you reassuringly, his thumb moving in soft circles over the back of your hand.
“I love you,” he murmurs, squeezing your hand. Your eyes are wide, your legs are trembling, and your hands are shaking as he raises the microphone back to his mouth. You’re more sure than ever that you know where this is going, and you take a steadying breath. He’s worked so hard to make this all possible; you’re going to take it all in and remember every single detail.
“Two years ago, you made me the happiest man alive when you said yes to being my girlfriend. It’s been two amazing years, and I can honestly say you being by my side for the highs has made them that much sweeter, and the lows have been so much more bearable. You’re perfect for me; we complement each other so well, and I’m so wildly in love with you. I don’t want to go a single day without you in my life. Y/n Y/l/n, will you make me the happiest man alive once more?”
Your hands are over your mouth, and your eyes are brimming with tears as he drops to one knee while fishing a small box out of his suit jacket. Eyes on his, you drop your hands, letting him take your left hand with one as he holds the open ring box carefully in the other. “My love, my dream girl, my princess—can we add one more title? Will you become my wife and do me the honor of marrying me?”
You’re nodding, repeating your “yes” over and over again before the whole sentence is even out of his mouth, and he’s on his feet in an instant, his arms around you as his lips find yours for a passionate, ecstatic embrace. The crash startles you both; you pull away and start laughing giddily as the gold glitter fireworks explode behind the castle. “You’re absolutely incredible; you’re the best man I’ve ever known,” you tell him, forehead resting against his and lips brushing.
“Because you make me strive to be. Let me put your ring on your finger, my love,” Brendon murmurs, stepping back and taking your left hand again so he can slide the ring onto your finger. It’s a perfect fit and truly stunning; it’s a large, round solitaire diamond that shines like nothing you’ve ever seen before. “It looks beautiful on you,” he tells you softly, and you fling your arms around him again, telling him it’s absolutely perfect as you kiss him deeply. His hands slide down your back and move past your waistline; you arch into him, desperate for more. Zack clears his throat, and you pull apart, beaming at each other and breathing hard.
“You’re on a float for a family parade in front of Disney’s castle; everyone is watching. Keep it PG,” Zack intones. “Good news; that was the last take for Brendon. You’re both free to go.”
“I have one more surprise for you,” Brendon murmurs, stroking your hand lovingly as you sit snuggled up beside him on the grass at the fireworks viewing party following the dessert buffet he booked for your group. You look at him in wonder; he’s had surprise after surprise this afternoon.
“It’s a good one,” he assures you, and you laugh, nudging him with your shoulder and telling him that each surprise has been perfect. “I think you’re really going to like this one though,” he says with a smile. “I hope.” He slings his arm over your shoulder and you burrow against him, warmer now that you’re back in your original clothes—though you appreciate his sneakiness earlier; he knows you well and knew you wouldn’t want to be in jeans when he got down on one knee. The first firework goes off, and he turns his head slightly to kiss your temple. “I love you,” he whispers. “Thank you for making me happier than I ever thought possible. I truly am the happiest I’ve ever been.” You smile up at him and murmur it back, cupping his face in one hand and drawing him in for a long kiss.
When the fireworks come to an end, Brendon stands and offers you his hand; you clamber to your feet and wait for the crowd to disperse. Zack is standing close by and Jake is leaning against the fence of the garden seating area, having gone for a walk to take some photos. When the people thin out, Zack nods and follows closely behind you while Brendon leads the way. Your hands are tangled together and he’s beaming when you approach the castle again. “Brendon, dinner here too?” You’re teasing, but he nods, running his thumb over your ring.
“Sure, we can order room service if you’d like.”
Your eyes go wide. “Wait, what?”
“Honey, we’re home,” Brendon says in a dramatic voice, knocking on a door. “We’re staying in the Cinderella Suite. Just for the night though,” he amends with a grin. “A gift from the Mouse to us, celebrating our engagement.” A cast member in an opulent blue velvet uniform swings the door open and greets you by name with a broad smile. He guides you inside and invites Brendon to tap his magic band against a small panel under a painting of the glass slipper. He does so, and elevator doors slide open. You’re in awe; Brendon guides you in after the cast member, Nathan, and Zack and Jake bring up the rear. As the doors shut, you’re still staring at Brendon in silent wonder. The doors open to a marble foyer, and Nathan leads the way, giving you a brief tour of the space.
Once he leaves, Zack checks in with Brendon, who nods and tells him that you’re both fine and definitely in for the night. “Go back out, have fun,” Brendon tells Zack and Jake, who don’t need to be told twice. The elevator doors close after them, and Brendon turns to you, eyes soft.
“Alone at last,” he murmurs, taking you in his arms. “My sweetest girl. My gorgeous princess. My love. My fiancée.” The word makes you beam; you throw your arms around his neck and he lifts you up slightly, carrying you into the living room, or the salon as Nathan called it.
Brendon places you gently on the couch so you’re sitting, and he turns towards the bookshelves, messing with his phone. After a moment, Sinatra’s “All The Things You Are” softly fills the room. “Dance with me, sweetheart?” He extends a hand to you, and you place yours in his eagerly, letting him pull you close.
He’s singing softly in your ear as you dance slowly, one of his hands sliding down your back to rest at the curve of your spine. “All that I want in all of this world is you,” Brendon’s voice is low and smooth, and you find yourself melting into his arms. He holds you tightly before carefully dipping you, and you swoon playfully. You giggle as he brings you upright again, and you cling to him. “I’m the happiest man alive,” he tells you, kissing you softly. You nod, going on tip-toe to kiss him back tenderly.
As the song closes though, you tug at his shirt, leading him back towards the bedroom you saw earlier. You’re ready to really celebrate. “Bedtime, sweetness?” He follows eagerly when you nod, practically tripping over himself as you both laugh and race to the bed hand in hand.
The large bed has an ornate canopy over it, and he lifts you up and lays you out over the plush comforter. “Let me take care of you,” he whispers, and you nod, already barefoot as his fingers work at your jeans.
He makes quick work of your clothes and it’s not long before you’re both under the covers, pressed against each other with roaming hands and eager mouths. “Brendon,” you murmur against his lips. “I need you.” Your hand sneaks down to stroke him gently, and he kisses your temple. One of his hands slips between your thighs and nudges them apart so he can trace his fingers against the wet heat he finds there. You’re moaning and squirming, desperate for more; you drape your leg over his waist, and he pulls you even closer.
“Need you,” you repeat, running your fingers through his hair and rubbing against him. “Brendon, please.”
“I know, sweetness,” Brendon murmurs, kissing you softly. “I know. I need you. But I also need to get you ready for me; can’t just—” and his hips rock forward. “What kind of fiancé would I be if I just stripped you naked to get my cock in you?”
“Fuck,” you whine, clinging to him. You’re not sure if it’s the feeling of him against your thigh or the things he’s saying, but you’re overwhelmed with lust. “I know you’re being wonderful right now, but—”
Brendon laughs, shaking his head and kissing your forehead. “But nothin, sweet girl,” he teases. “We’re going to do this right, okay?” When you sigh your acceptance, he moves down your body and presses a gentle kiss to your hip. Your back arches just feeling his warm breath on your skin, and your legs fall open wider for him. “Good girl.”
“Oh, yes,” you moan, delving your hands down under the covers to grip his head. “Oh please, Brendon, yes!”
His tongue is moving with delicate strokes, lips caressing and breathing heavy. You’re glad he insisted on foreplay; you love his mouth so much. Brendon’s making soft, desperate sounds as he buries his face in you more firmly, his fingers wrapping around your waist and holding you in place on his mouth. After a moment, both of his hands move behind your knees, guiding them up so the blankets drape over him loosely.
You can’t stop moving against him, can’t stop whimpering his name and praising his tongue or the way he’s slipped two fingers in deep and is curling them back. You gasp, and Brendon nods, murmuring that he wants you to come for him. “Come on my face; give me all this sweetness—love you so much, want you to let go, really come for me. Know you can, and you know I want it all. Give your man everything you’ve got.”
You kick the blankets off, needing to see him. His dark eyes flash up from between your legs; you moan when his tongue rubs against your clit, and then you’re coming hard. Your body is trembling, eyes wide open, lips parted, and your fingers curl in his hair as you come with a loud squeal.
Brendon groans, tongue caressing while his fingers keep stroking through your climax, and you’re trembling when he crawls up the bed to take you in his arms. “Hi, my love,” he murmurs, grinning when you clutch him close and kiss him desperately. “It was good, then?”
“Yes; god, so good,” you whisper, nodding to reinforce your point. Brendon sighs contentedly, running a hand between your legs and stroking over his length. “Need you,” you remind him, and he agrees, situating himself over you and kissing you as he pushes in. His quick intake of breath matches your short gasp of pleasure; he caresses your face as his hips move slowly. “Yes,” you repeat, raking both hands through his hair and holding his mouth close to yours. “I love you.”
“I love you,” Brendon says as he rocks forward again, going deeper this time. “Does this feel good?” You tell him yes, you can’t get enough of him; his mouth is on yours again, and he’s got one hand resting on your thigh while the other cups your face, lingering between you and the pillow. You’ve got one hand playing with his hair at the nape of his neck while the other strokes over his back. “I love you so much,” he repeats, resting his forehead against yours.
“I love you too,” you whisper, clinging to him. “So much. I’m going to be your wife.” At the word, both of you break out into uncontrollable grins, and he holds you tight, both of you moaning and moving together slowly. “Oh B,” you whimper, burying your face in the crook of his neck. “Don’t stop.”
“Not gonna,” Brendon groans, breathing hard. “Y/n, love, my sweet girl, you feel so—”
“Yeah,” you agree in a tight voice. “Yeah, you feel so good—oh god, Brendon! Brendon! Now!”
“Y/n, yes!” The hand framing your face moves to caress your hair and his mouth is on yours with urgency. You’re both moaning into each other’s mouths, your tongues touching and lips moving together as his stomach tenses, and you feel him come. Feeling him brings a hot second wave of pleasure through you, and he groans, clutching you close as you tremble under him. “That’s it honey, come for me. Come for your future husband.”
“Ooooooh fuck,” you gasp, eyes rolling back in your head as you quiver in his arms. “Brendon, yes!”
“Y/n,” Brendon murmurs after a moment when both of your breaths are steady and even again, nuzzling your nose. “You’re so beautiful. All the time, but especially when you come for me.”
“God, Brendon,” you say with a soft laugh. “You’re—you’re perfect.”
“You are too, Y/n. Perfect and perfect for me,” Brendon says as he brushes your hair over your ear and pulls you closer still. “You’re so damn perfect for me. You’re everything I've ever wanted in a partner. I can’t wait to marry you,” he whispers in your ear, stroking your thigh.
“I’m pretty sure they call Disney the happiest place on earth,” you mumble, resting your head against his chest. “Well, I can confirm that’s true. I’m the happiest girl alive right now, and I will be, as long as I’m your wife. So basically forever,” you say with a soft smile. “Since I’m always going to be yours.”
“They also call it the place where dreams come true,” Brendon tells you, kissing your forehead. “And, to quote the love of my heart, the light of my life, and my future wife…I can confirm that’s true, because you’re my dream girl, and I’m always going to be yours.” He kisses you once more as you snuggle in closer. “Y/n…all of my dreams came true today. I love you so much.”
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magicalberserk · 1 year
Microwave Society Quote Starters rp meme [Bren edition]
"If covid-19 doesn't take you out, can I?"
"The Lion King is a Shakespeare play but for furries."
"You know, if I was [their] parent, I would really hope that [they] loves [their] new foster family."
"I am NOT going to Ohio! In fact, I'm going the opposite direction!"
"You know what I wish I had in my hands right now? A gun, so I could shoot whoever made this."
"Did none of the grown people [who decided on this] realize that and go 'You know what? Maybe you should not.'"
"I'm gonna murder two children tonight."
"Someone's halls are getting decked."
"I have no friends and I'm not gonna start now!"
"The only problem with that is the fact that I don't care."
"It's the Pogger Express!"
"This is a sports competition! Why did you have GRENADES!?"
"Nothing personal, but you are the worst being/s I've ever encountered."
"We're not gonna feed [name] unless you buy a shirt."
"I'm gonna put my head in a guillotine."
"Nobody that works here is sad, 'cause if they are sad they're dead."
"Snip snap, your opinion is crap!"
"If we barrel to our deaths, at least we'll be singing a really cool song!"
"Your parents didn't love you and no one else will either."
"Gamers! Rise up!"
"You're boiling my vibe! You are heating my vibe to 212°F bro!"
"I will forever remember the sound of a dodgeball hitting you in the face. That's a sound that stays with you for the rest of your life."
"I don't care if they know they're bad! I want them to know they're bad!"
"By that logic, potatoes are also very hilarious."
"Oh god I forgot this was a musical! NOOOOO!"
"This is the beginning of my villain arc."
"[I'm] like, microwaving [my] dinner, waiting for [my] hotpocket, and this demon walks in [my] door."
"I forgot [their] name but [they're] pretty cool."
"You know, I hate to break it to you, uh, but you're wrong."
"I wish the motion would stop."
"Check out my new invention: gun!"
"Yeah, they probably built that wall because of you."
"If I could be a fish, I would be."
"This is a call for help. I haven't eaten in days."
"The [insert group/establishment name] does not care for the lives of of children."
"As a pianist, you make me wanna tear my hair out."
"Merry Christmas! [Explosion]"
"Picture this: it's seven am, you just woke up. You eat your hypothetical eggs and bacon. You walk out to the bus and two minutes later you're experiencing fifteen Gs."
"Are you tired of sleeping on popsicle sticks?"
"My grandma's cooking dinner. [Smoke alarm goes off]"
"Technically pirate ships are just really big sailboats."
"To me, he's just a normal frog!"
"Joke's on you, there was a landmine RIGHT there."
"Everyone clapped. Obama was there."
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mrkoicarp · 9 months
This is the run!
Got all the rest of the Rimworld DLCs for my Christmas, so we will be beginning the tribal children run
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Here is the genome, note egg laying which should allow for far more children
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Important bits of the ideology, here is why im going for the armor and naked speed, since that gives a large amount of metabolism for what is essentially no change in speed. Spouses is 4 or fewer due to the polyamorous beds capping out at 5. This also cuts off 3X work drive, which I dont even know what does, but sounds good.
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Here is the leader, a high social guy called Alpaca
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Kangaroo, there for high plants and crafting
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Boar, high art and already in love with the leader
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Abesenca, high medical and crafting, useful pawn
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And Bren, a high construction and cooking pawn
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hugheshugs · 2 years
Hunter getting way more gifts and things from bren from Christmas and maybe yn only gets one or two small ones and it’s in front of like tons of people like the brissons and maybe the umich team so she has to try to hide her sadness why everyone just feels terrible
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the way i got these two asks right after one another 😭
for the first one: i feel like the boys would somehow find out how many gifts he was giving you (either by finding his hiding spot or it was just brought up in a convo) and would end up getting you more gifts so you wouldnt feel bad. bc they care about you a lot and they dont want you to feel that kind of hurt on christmas day
for the second one: i kindaaa agree, but it really depends on his mood. like, if he wants to show you love he'll do it by replenishing your favourite things but if he's busy he wont bother, yk? but he does love her, you're right, his way of showing it is just a bit iffy
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imitheous · 3 years
brennan & miranda ship meme 😇
Who is more aggressive in bed?
I honestly don’t know the answer to this question asdajhsdfkgf I think it might depend on who breaks first and pulls the other one away
Lights on or off?
For some reason I feel like on is the most common? mostly because they get too distracted too quickly and forget to turn it off lmao also miranda IS the person to tease with lingerie so I feel like Brennan would wanna look ashdfgahjsd
Who does what chores?
Miranda was raised by a nanny so certain things like organizing and what not she might be kinda useless? But I definitely think Rosa also forced her to learn certain things - so she can clean the dishes, do the laundry, etc. Overall, I think they would balance it well.
Who gets babied when they’re sick?
I can see both of them babing each other? Brennan would be more than happy to spoil her until she felt better and she would love every second of it, but she wouldn’t mind bringing him whatever he wanted either.
Who makes breakfast?
I know this is Brennan specialty so I’ll let him have this one
Where would they go on their honeymoon?
Definitely somewhere out of the continent. Miranda would wanna travel and go somewhere Romantic - so France or maybe Spain so Brennan can show off his new Spanish skills?
What are their quirks while sleeping?
Miranda likes to have some kind of contact when she’s sleeping, even if it’s just back to back, or a foot hooked around his ankle or something.
What is their favorite activity as a family?
I never thought this answer would apply to Miranda but anything with them just staying in and hanging out. He’s gonna change her in ways I never thought this chick would change, im already emo about it :elmo:
Who is the stricter parent?
This would have to be Brennan, he’d be way more efficient in enforcing rules and discipling. Miranda would have her moments where enough is enough, but she’d definitely be the more laid back parent
Who would be the big spoon?
Definitely Brennan 😌
Who would wake up first?
Brennan, probably to go finish one of his billion projects. If the sun’s not up, it’s too early for her and his alarms are probably the bane of her existence
Do they have nicknames for each other?
I don’t think he calls her anything specific? She calls him Bren or ‘acere’ but that means friend/dude so that might have to switch at some point lol
What happened when they met each other’s parents?
As if Miranda would want her mother to have any knowledge or involvement in her life. Instead, she’ll have a panic attack over meeting his mom - parental acceptance? Miranda says I don't know what that is.
How do they apologize after an argument?
I can see both of them being extremely stubborn over this and thinking they were the person that was right until one of them breaks and apologizes.
What would they be like as parents?
A mess asdfjhaskdjs im kidding. Miranda would 1000% be the fun loving ‘do what you want as long as it’s in my house’ mom cause she would be determined to be the exact opposite of her mom. Brennan seems like he would be a stickler for the rules, but I think Miranda will be able to wear that off of him
Who is the better cook?
Miranda refuses to say he’s better at cooking then she is
Who is more romantic?
Depends in which way? Miranda is probably more romantic overall - but Brennan leaving little notes for her around the house will make her wanna melt into the floorboards.
Who gets jealous the easiest?
I genuinely see this going either way, but maybe Miranda has him beat by a little bit? But she’s naturally flirty so i honestly have no idea
Who gets more excited for events? (e.g. birthdays, christmas…etc)
Miranda lol she loves any and every reason to have a party
Who is the most adventurous?
Miranda. thank u, next.
Who is the most protective?
Hm, maybe Brennan? Just because Miranda is a wild child and ends up anywhere and everywhere in the span of a night. Sorry, Bren.
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts?
Omggg shy nerd meets extroverted wild girl? Maybe paired up for a group project and both of them hate it, but learn to love it by the end of the semester c’:
Song to sum them up?
Just for Now - Maren Morris c:
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mangleschmidt · 4 years
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a, you guys/pos
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Does this means I have to say 15 things and send 30 followers? (i might lower than 30 because followers I interact with are mostly my mutuals akfkkepa) I can’t see why not though it’s hard ): i want to send this to you back just for the favorite followers tho uwu, if that’s alright. Ily! :00000
I’m getting better at being a Medic Main
How I draw the sketches
I think I’m funni sometimes
I’m smort and big bren
Being able to voice Himiko
My eyes are brown :0
My hair looks black at first but when you look at it closely, it’s like really dark brown, I had a bronze strand
My ability to draw in general
Able to solve math (as long as being demonstrated properly)
I’m still not over the fact that I’m able to escape from the enemy team like some kind of cockroach or something, as Medic (I mean I still die a lot but like, it should be illegal when it happens)
The fact that I just called my beautifully christmas painted ubersaw “The Simp Blade” with the description which is basically one of Gonta’s quotes
My gamer skillz
Being able to at least adapt quickly
Empty ):
@carlitagt @sunii-cafe @daydreamarts
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this-geek · 4 years
5 Fandoms
I was tagged by @colorofmymindposts  thank you so much, this looks like a fun one.
Rules: Pick 5 TV shows and then answer the questions on them.
1. Doctor Who (2005)
2. The Sarah Jane Adventures
3. Major Crimes
4. Dinnerladies
5. Star Trek Voyager
Who is your favourite character in 2? 
Slightly a cop out but Sarah Jane Smith, as a child she was someone i looked up to greatly and even now as an adult i wish I was more like her; especially her clothes because i want a collection of waistcoats.
Who is your least favourite character in 1? 
My first thought was Rose Tyler because she’s just very i don’t know; she’s always present even when she isn’t there and that can get quite dull for a character
What is your favourite episode of 4? 
There are so many good episodes in Dinnerladies however my first thought is ‘Christine’ (S02E08) which has the great b plot of who took the Viagra
What is your favourite season of 5? 
I think for me, its gotta be season 3. Not only does this season have ‘Future’s End’ (e9/10) it also has ‘Macrocosm’ (e12) which was a brilliant episode and my love for has nothing to do with Kathryn Janeway’s arm
Who is your favourite couple in 3? 
Shandy, Sharon and Andy. They were terribly treated by certain writers but I did fall in love with them very quickly.
what is your favourite episode of 1? 
There are so many episodes that adore, mostly from New Who. The first story that comes to mind is ‘School Reunion’ (S02E03). Its one of the first I can remember watching first time round. Although second choice would probably be ‘Planet of the Ood’ (S04E03)
What is your favourite episode of 5? 
There are so many I love from Voyager instinct tells me ‘Coda’ (S03E15) a very emotional episode that I cry at every time.
What is your favourite season of 2? 
This is so difficult because I love each season for different reasons. Season 2 has some great narrative foreshadowing but Season 4 also has some brilliant episodes and Season 3 has some bangers too but I’ll say Season 4.
How long have you watched 1? 
A long time, i think I missed the original airing of season 1 but joined in Christmas ‘05 which is 15 years. Over that time i have watched the original airing of most seasons, perhaps being slightly less involved in 11′s era towards the end but it’s been in my life so long the great details are quite blurry.
How did you become interested in 3? 
Ooh, this must have been in 2014; I had just finished Voyager for the first time and was getting into fanfiction and tumblr on a greater level and i kept seeing Gifs of this really beautiful woman I would soon learn was called Sharon Raydor and from that moment on the show was a constant companion through one of the most difficult periods of teenhood.
Who is your favourite actor in 4? 
Well, obviously its Victoria Wood.
Which do you prefer: 1, 2, or 5? 
Hands down number 2. 
which show have you seen more episodes of: 1 or 3? 
It’s not a very fair line up as I’m pretty sure Doctor Who (2005) has like 3 times the episodes of Major Crimes. 
If you could be anyone from 4, who would it be? 
I see a lot of myself in Bren, she’s very skittish and doesn’t view herself very highly so I am here and she is my favourite so I willing admit that.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? 
No, Dinnerladies is a comedy and Major Crimes is about murder. If they were to crossover it would quite crack like; for the shits and gigs if you will.
Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? 
There are so many characters you could put together. i would 100% stay away with any pairing with the Doctor because NO, I don’t like heavily romantic pairings with the doc so like perhaps Clara and Yaz.
Perhaps not in a romantic sense but maybe bumping into one another and teaming up to save the Doc. I quite like the dynamic of the Doctor’s past colliding with the Doctor present.
Overall, which show has the best storyline: 3 or 5? 
Voyager wins because Major Crimes ended terribly and the characters really struggled to grow.
Which has better theme music: 2 or 4? 
No, I love the theme song for both. SJA has an iconic theme but Dinnerladies is very sweet and I love Victoria Wood’s voice. Ok I will go with SJA because I have more nostalgia towards it.
This was hella fun to do so I am going to tag @elizabeththefandomgirl @good-ship-promises @a-hepburn-junkie @sarahstreep7 @meanwhile-in-other-worlds
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protezioni · 5 years
14, 23, 29 - Eis !
Of course!! Thank you for sending some stuff in, mama!! Love you!!
Eis Herzen
14. What is something that never fails to make them excited?
To be honest, I think it is heavily hinted by her name, but she is ALWAYS excited for Winter! She loves Christmas with her whole heart, she loves playing in the snow, she enjoys the hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies which her mother figure makes--- She just loves everything about it! Fun fact but her original design is that she always had a scarf with her, but I changed that later on because I had another oc which had one! But yes, winter is something she is ALWAYS excited about!
23. What do they want most in life?
Something which she wants most in life is something she already got- and that's a true family. A bit of a spoiler in her backstory but she didn't feel like she was a part of her family, and that she was more of a figure to them that's more like a doll than a daughter. The moment she stayed in the orphanage before becoming an official member made her realize she found her true family in an unlikely way, but she loves them regardless!
29. What do they do to relax?
She absolutely loves knitting! She loves making scarves and sweaters for other people, and she does it to relax as well! She also knows how to stitch stuff, so she sometimes fixes the ripped clothes of the Protezioni after a mission, and she really does enjoy it! She tends to make clothes for the others if she isn't talking with anyone! The anyone usually being Ayame, Tsuyobi or Yarohe, but next time it becomes Bren. Bren is literally her ladder. She climbs on him sometimes and he just doesn't care at this point dkjcjrjf
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brennacedria · 9 months
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Yes, I am a grown-ass woman and YES I'm wearing Christmas PJs to bed on Christmas Eve. 👍
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loverontheleft · 6 years
By two request(s): I would love an imagine where the reader and Brendon are at Disney World, and he proposes in front of Cinderella Castle and it’s just so fluffy and sweet? Thanks! Aaaaaaand I would love to have a Brendon x reader imagine during a slow dance in their home followed by really slow, passionate, fairly vanilla sex.
Brendon x reader
Word count: 3.9k
Warnings: nothing really. Pretty vanilla per the request.
“Bren, why are we walking so fast?” You’re practically trotting alongside your boyfriend, your hands tangled together as he cuts through the crowd - well, as he follows through the parting of the people Zack makes as he cuts through the crowd while Jake brings up the rear, camera in tow. “Our next fast pass isn’t until-“ you pause to think but he turns and smiles at you nervously.
“2:30. For the Seven Dwarves. But-“ Brendon cuts himself off and tugs you close so you’re flush against him as a tour group in bright yellow shirts marches by, chanting at the top of their lungs. “But we’ve got somewhere to be,” he finishes, smiling down at you. “Come on, Sugar.” He nods in the direction where Zack and Jake are waiting patiently. Before starting though, he adjusts his hat as the stragglers of the tour group shoot you both furtive looks. Self-consciously, you adjust yours too and, squeezing his hand tightly, follow him.
Zack keeps a brutal pace and you and Brendon are giggling as you stumble over each other to keep up with him. Jake is taking his time, stopping and shooting seemingly at random but always catching back up with you effortlessly. When you finally come to a stop, you stare up at the castle in front of you. “Brendon, what are we-“ but your stomach growling cuts you off before you can finish the thought. He smiles.
“Fixing that. Come on, Y/n. Lunch at the castle!” Brendon beams at you as Zack opens the ornate door. You must look like a child at Christmas because you launch yourself at Brendon, hugging him tightly and you can hear the shutter of Jake’s camera going crazy. “Happy, Princess?” Brendon murmurs in your ear and you nod, still clinging to him.
“You do make me feel like a princess,” you tell him, smiling at him radiantly. “I’m the luckiest girl.” He kisses your forehead and holds you close as Zack lets the cast member at the hostess stand know the four of you are here. “Zack doesn’t mind being the adult, does he?” You cling to Brendon and he shakes his head.
“Nah. For one thing, he knows I shouldn’t do it myself. Best to lie low. And our anxiety manifests differently. Mine, I need to avoid confrontation. His, he needs to feel like he’s in control. And this way, he is. Despite what he may say or how he rolls his eyes, he likes taking care of you. He knows you’re important to me,” and Brendon breaks off so he can kiss you softly. “He knows you’re important to me which means you’re important to him. He knows you make me happier than I’ve ever been so...he’s going to keep you safe and keep you around.” Brendon shifts awkwardly, biting his lip. “I love you, Sugar.”
Your eyes are welling and you clutch him to you. “I love you too. Thank you for treating me so well.” Brendon smiles and brushes his lips over yours once more, murmuring that he’s only treating you the way you deserve to be treated. “Still…” you trail off as Zack beckons. “Oooh! Time to go,” you say giddily, tugging at Brendon’s hand. “Let’s go, baby!”
“How do I look?” Brendon angles the plastic crown on his head and looks to you for approval. “That bad?” He teases when he catches your rapt expression. “I mean I knew I’d look dumb but-“ and as he reaches to remove the crown, you shoot out a hand and slap his away.
“Don’t you dare. You look gorgeous,” you murmur, eyes transfixed on him. “Absolutely gorgeous. My Prince Charming.” He smiles at you and raises his glass to yours, tapping them together lightly. “To us,” you say with a smile. He echoes your toast with a broad grin and you both drink. Zack and Jake mimic the two of you and you both blush and laugh. “Sorry guys, we’ll try to stop living in our own little world,” you offer, and Jake shrugs, urging you two to lean together so he can take a photo. Brendon gets up and moves around the table to wrap his arms around you and you smile up at him, forgetting about the camera for a split second. There’s the snap of the shutter and you both blink, adjusting your expressions for the camera.
“Don’t bother,” Jake says with a wave, dropping the device. “That candid was everything.” He turns the camera to show you both and you gasp quietly. “I know,” Jake crows, sounding pleased. “It’s perfect.” Brendon nods and kisses the top of your head before moving back to his seat and taking your hands over the table.
“Alright, time for a confession.” You look at him with wide eyes and he smiles softly. “This isn’t just a vacation.” Brendon pauses and you nod, encouraging him to continue, even though you’re confused. “I have something important to do later. But if you’ll bear with me, I promise it’ll be worth it.” He smiles reassuringly and takes your hands in his. “I promise.”
“I know,” you tell him, kissing your interlocked fingers. “I know. What do you have to do that’s important later?” He mimes zipping his lips and grins at you as the server places your salads in front of you. “Bren, even the croutons are shaped like Mickey!” He laughs delightedly at your glee and nods, watching you happily. “Baby, this is amazing. You’re amazing. Even if you won’t tell me what we’re really here for, this is amazing and I’m so happy.”
“I’m glad. You being happy is all I ever want.” He shoots Zack a playfully dirty look when Zack gags into his cheeseburger and you all laugh before digging into your food. “I mean it,” Brendon murmurs later over the slice of cake you’re sharing for dessert. “I just want you to be happy.” You stab a piece of cake with frosting and bring it to his lips, smiling when he delicately plucks it from your fork.
“I am happy. I’m the happiest. Are you?” You ask the question softly, taking your own bite. He nods eagerly, echoing your statement and strokes your hand that’s resting on the table with his index finger. “Good. You are so good and kind and wonderful. You deserve to be the happiest you can be,” you tell him, leaning in and meeting his lips for a soft, chaste kiss. As you part, the server approaches with the bill and Brendon holds out his wrist to tap his magic band to the scanner. Quickly, he signs the slip she offers and adds a tip before the four of you stand. A few people are pointing and murmuring as you go but Brendon slips an arm around your waist and holds you close so Zack can lead the way before any of them can work up the courage to approach. You duck your head and follow Zack out, Brendon right behind you. Moments like these always make you nervous, but his hand on the small of your back is soothing and you relax into his touch; you know he’ll keep you safe. Once you’re outside, you both slip your hats back on and check each other. “Good?” You ask, and he nods, kissing you quickly.
“I’m good too?” He asks, tugging at the brim of his hat and you nod, taking both of his hands in yours and swinging them back and forth. “Good,” he affirms, squeezing your hands. “Let’s go,” he says after a moment, beckoning you to follow him. You’re at a leisurely pace now and Zack pauses by a building designed to look like a fire station on Main Street. “Here we are,” Brendon murmurs, shrugging out of his leather jacket, leaving him in black jeans and a black t-shirt. “Cold, my love?” As if on cue, you shiver in the brisk November weather and he kisses you softly as he slings the jacket over your shoulders and nests his hat over yours. “Keep it safe for me?” He asks, and you give him a quizzical look.
“Where will you be?” You wonder, and he smiles sheepishly as a Disney cast member trots up with a clipboard in hand. The back of the clipboard has a familiar wreath logo on it and you gape at him in disbelief. “Are you...no...wait. Are you- are you going to be in the Disney Christmas parade?” You’re whispering so you don’t attract any more attention than his hatless, jacketless appearance already has. He grins at you and nods as another cast member appears with a garment bag. She unzips it swiftly and whips out a jacket you’ve never seen before, but it’s definitely his - the gold swirls look like his most recent tour jacket, but these are slightly more precise and they- “those are Mickey heads!” He smiles and nods as he slips into the jacket and yet another cast member comes up with a small black case that opens to reveal the signature golden microphone. “Urie, you sneak!” You exclaim in a stunned whisper, unable to stop grinning. “This is the best surprise ever.”
“Hopefully not ever,” he murmurs with a small smile, passing you the microphone while he fixes his cufflinks - an opalescent set you got him last Christmas that has his band’s logo set in them. “Okay. I’ll see you soon, my love.” He kisses you once more, holding you close and breathing you in. “I won’t miss our fast pass. Promise.” He pulls back and smiles, eyes shining. “I love you, Y/n.”
You whisper it back and he blows you one last kiss as he’s whisked away by the cast members and you whirl around to look at Zack and Jake. “You guys knew?” They exchange looks and then meet your eyes. “Oh, of course, you knew. He couldn’t take one step without one of you knowing about it. Okay, so...now what, we wait?” You’re impatient; you just want to see him perform. You know they’re taping and this could require several takes but you don’t care. You love watching him perform and want to see every moment of it. “Where do we wait?”
Zack walks you over to the fire station building’s side and pushes open the door that the cast members kept appearing from. A girl looks up, recognizes Zack, and waves the three of you over. There’s a cluster of monitors and chairs; Jake makes himself comfortable in one and Zack indicates you should choose one and you do so, settling in to wait. It’s been probably an hour when one of the cast members who is standing around introduces herself and says she’s in training to work in the boutique doing hair; she asks if she can practice on you and you glance at Zack, who shrugs and nods, telling you you’ve got the time. She flags down a fellow cast member to do your makeup after begging to let this girl practice on you, and before you know it, your vision is entirely blocked by the woman doing your makeup and, honestly, you don’t mind. You know they’re not filming yet and the brushes feel good on your skin. You only did the bare minimum this morning; a tinted moisturizer, some mascara, and your lip gloss. But Shannon, as she introduced herself, is going all out, studying you from different angles while Tori works on your hair, debating between different styles behind you. The camera shutter startles you; you look up and Jake is grinning at you innocently, telling you Brendon will want to see you all done up.
“God,” you marvel, looking at yourself in the mirror. “You’re both incredible!” They blush and thank you before turning their attention to the monitor where you can see Brendon. His voice carries through the air and you’re swooning internally, watching him work the crowd from the float he’s been assigned - you can’t help but smile; of course, they gave him a Nightmare Before Christmas-themed float. It’s been maybe 20 minutes of repetition when Zack comments that your clothes, a pair of jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt with Brendon’s leather jacket thrown over it, don’t really match your face and hair. Shannon and Tori each link an arm through yours and lead you away with knowing grins, telling you not to protest. “I blame you for this, Zack!” You call back teasingly, laughing when Shannon flings open a door to a room filled with what looks like dresses in every shade and every type of fabric known to man. “Well,” you say with a good-natured shrug. “You’ve done my hair and makeup, might as well dress me up too.”
“Oh Y/n!” Zack exclaims in a teasing voice. “You look like an absolute princess!” You roll your eyes at him and smooth your hands over the black crepe sheath dress Tori convinced you to put on. Brendon’s jacket is still keeping the chilly air off of your otherwise-bare shoulders and you insisted on keeping your high-top converses on. “Come on.” Zack reaches for you and you shoot him an alarmed look, saying you’re not going anywhere - you need to go change. “No time,” Zack tells you, putting a hand on your shoulder and steering you towards the fire station entrance and back towards Main Street. “Come on, let’s go.”
When you step out onto Main Street, your breath catches. The parade is still going and it’s absolutely incredible. Zack keeps walking, the hand on your shoulder propelling you gently forward. As you approach the castle, there’s a call to pause. Brendon’s float is centered in front of the castle and Zack nudges you through the floats. Brendon is waiting for you, an expectant smile on his face and - is that anxiety in his eyes? “Brendon, what is this?” Your voice shakes as he holds out one hand for you; you take it and he leads you to the center of the float, smiling at you reassuringly, his thumb moving in soft circles over the back of your hand.
“I love you,” he murmurs, squeezing your hand. Your eyes are wide, your legs are trembling, and your hands are shaking as he raises the microphone back to his mouth. “Two years ago, you made me the happiest man alive when you said yes to being my girlfriend. It’s been two amazing years and I can honestly say you’ve been by my side for the highs and the lows. You’re perfect for me; we complement each other so well and I don’t want to go a day without you in my life. Y/n Y/l/n, will you make me the happiest man alive once more?” Your hands are over your mouth and your eyes are brimming with tears as he drops to one knee while fishing a small box out of his jacket. Eyes on yours, you know your smile matches his and you drop your hands, letting him take your left hand as he holds the ring box carefully in his own. “Will you marry me?”
You’re nodding, repeating your “yes” over and over again before the words are even out of his mouth and he is on his feet in an instant, his arms around you in a tight embrace as his lips find yours. The crash startles you both; you pull away and start laughing giddily as the fireworks explode behind the castle. “You’re incredible,” you tell him, forehead resting against his and lips brushing.
“Because you make me strive to be. Let me put your ring on your finger, my love,” Brendon murmurs, stepping back and taking your left hand again so he can slide the ring onto your finger. It’s a perfect fit and it’s truly stunning; a round solitaire diamond that shines like nothing you’ve ever seen before. “It looks beautiful on you,” he tells you softly, and you fling your arms around him again, kissing him deeply. His hands start to slide down your back and you arch into him; Zack clears his throat and you pull apart, grinning at each other.
“Family parade,” Zack intones. “Good news; that was the last take. You’re free to go.”
“I have one more surprise for you,” Brendon murmurs, stroking your hand lovingly as you sit snuggled up beside him on the grass at the fireworks viewing party following the dessert buffet he booked for your group. You look at him in wonder; he’s had surprise after surprise this afternoon.
“It’s a good one,” he assures you, and you laugh, nudging him with your shoulder and telling him that each surprise has been perfect. “I think you’re really going to like this one though,” he says with a smile. “I hope.” He slings his arm over your shoulder and you burrow against him, warmer now that you’re back in your original clothes - you appreciate his sneakiness with Shannon and Tori; you are glad you were wearing what you were when he got down on one knee and not jeans. The first firework goes off and he turns his head slightly to kiss your temple. “I love you,” he whispers. “Thank you for making me happier than I ever thought possible. I truly am the happiest I’ve ever been.” You smile up at him and murmur it back to him.
When the fireworks come to an end, Brendon stands and offers you his hand; you clamber to your feet and wait for the crowd to disperse. Zack is standing close by and Jake is leaning against the fence of the garden seating area, having gone for a walk to take some photos. When the people thin out, Zack nods and follows closely behind you as Brendon leads the way. Your hands are tangled together and he’s beaming when you approach the castle again. “Brendon, dinner here too?” You’re teasing but he nods.
“We can order room service, sure, my love.”
Your eyes go wide. “What?”
“Honey, we’re home,” Brendon says in a dramatic voice, knocking on a door. “Welcome to the Cinderella Suite, my love. For the night,” he amends, with a grin. A cast member in an opulent blue velvet uniform swings the door open and greets you by name with a broad smile. He guides you inside and invites Brendon to tap his magic band against a small panel. He does so and elevator doors slide open. You’re in awe; Brendon guides you in after the cast member, Nathan, and Zack and Jake bring up the rear. As the doors shut, you’re still staring at Brendon in silent awe. The doors open to a marble foyer and Nathan leads the way, giving you a brief tour of the space.
Once he leaves, Zack checks in with Brendon, who nods and tells him that you’re both fine and definitely in for the night. “Go back out, have fun,” Brendon tells Zack and Jake who don’t need to be told twice. The elevator doors close and Brendon turns to you, eyes soft. “Alone at last,” he murmurs, taking you in his arms. “My sweet girl. My fiancée.” The word makes you beam; you throw your arms around his neck and he lifts you up slightly, carrying you into the living room, or the salon as Nathan called it. Brendon places you gently on the couch so you’re sitting and he turns towards the bookshelves. After a moment, Sinatra’s “All The Things You Are” softly fills the room. “Dance with me?” He extends a hand to you and you place yours in his eagerly, letting him pull you close. He’s singing softly in your ear as you dance slowly, one of his hands sliding down your back to rest at the curve of your spine. “All that I want in all of this world is you,” Brendon’s voice is low and smooth and you find yourself melting into his arms. He holds you tightly, dipping you carefully and you swoon playfully. You giggle as he brings you upright again, clinging to him. “I’m the happiest man alive,” he tells you, kissing you softly. You nod, going on tip-toe to kiss him back tenderly. As the song closes, you tug at his shirt, leading him back towards the bedroom you saw earlier. “Bedtime, honey?” He follows eagerly when you nod, practically tripping over himself as you both giggle and race to the bed hand in hand. The large bed has an ornate canopy over it and he lifts you up and lays you out over the plush comforter. “Let me take care of you,” he whispers, and you nod, already barefoot as his fingers work at your jeans.
He makes quick work of your clothes and it’s not long before you’re both under the covers, pressed against each other with roaming hands and eager mouths. “Brendon,” you murmur against his lips. “Need you. Skip everything else. Just need you.” Your hand sneaks down to stroke him gently and he kisses your temple. One of his hands slips between your thighs and nudges them apart so he can press closer. You let your leg draped over his waist and he pulls you even closer. “Yes,” you whisper, nodding to reinforce your point. He kisses you as he pushes in. His quick intake of breath matches your short gasp of pleasure and he caresses your face as his hips move slowly. “Yes,” you repeat, raking both hands through his hair and holding his mouth close to yours. “I love you.”
“I love you,” Brendon says as he rocks forward again, going deeper this time. “Is this okay?” You tell him yes, of course, and his mouth is on yours again and he’s got one hand resting on your thigh while the other cups your face, lingering between you and the pillow. You’ve got one hand playing with his hair at the nape of his neck while the other strokes over his back. “I love you so much,” he repeats, resting his forehead against yours.
“I love you too,” you whisper, clinging to him. “So much. I’m going to be your wife.” At the word, both of you break out into uncontrollable grins and he holds you tight, both of you moaning and moving together slowly. “Oh baby,” you whimper, burying your face in the crook of his neck. “Don’t stop.”
“Not gonna,” Brendon groans, breathing hard. “Y/n, love, Sugar, you feel so-“
“Yeah,” you agree in a tight voice. “Yeah, you feel so- oh god, Brendon! Brendon! Now!”
“Y/n, yes!” The hand framing your face moves to caress your hair and his mouth is on yours with urgency. You’re both moaning into each other’s mouths, your tongues touching and lips moving together as his stomach tenses and you feel him come. Feeling him brings a hot second wave of pleasure through you and he groans, clutching you close. “That’s it honey, come for me. Come for your future husband.”
“Ooooooh shit,” you gasp, eyes rolling back in your head as you tremble in his arms. “Brendon, yes!”
“Y/n,” Brendon murmurs after a moment when both of your breaths are steady and even again, nuzzling your nose. “You’re so beautiful. All the time, but especially when you come for me.”
“God, Brendon,” you say with a soft laugh. “You’re - you’re perfect.”
“You are too, Y/n. Perfect and perfect for me,” Brendon says as he brushes your hair over your ear and pulls you closer still. “It’s why I want to marry you,” he whispers in your ear, stroking your thigh.
“I’m pretty sure they call Disney the happiest place on earth,” you mumble, resting your head against his chest. “Can confirm. I’m the happiest girl alive right now and I will be forevermore, as long as I’m your wife. So basically forever,” you say with a soft smile. “Since I’m always going to be yours.”
“They also call it the place where dreams come true,” Brendon tells you, kissing your forehead. “And to quote to the love of my heart, the light of my life, and my future wife...can confirm, because I’m always going to be yours.” He kisses you once more as you snuggle in closer. “Y/n...all of my dreams came true today.”
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caladhel-iarian · 6 years
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A conversation, taken from Lin’s comm, between the triplets. This was born from a chat with @london-riker about how the triplets’ text messages might appear.
Lin abuses the shit out of emojis and typically types in chat speak because he knows it irritates Dhel. His brothers hate using his phone because he’s replaced his autocorrect dictionary with all his abbreviations.
Dhel always types with proper punctuation, grammar, capitalization, and few to no emojis whatsoever. He also turned off his autocorrect because how dare some stupid chunk of metal assume it knows how to spell better than he does?
Bren mostly communicates in memes and gifs, and he has an entire gigantic folder on his phone full of images to suit every occasion. Dhel hates it.
LIN: ull nvr guess what i found 2day! \(★^∀^★)/
BREN: [picture of Judy Garland as Dorothy, with the caption: “What would you do with a brain if you had one?”]
DHEL: If you plan to waste my time with guessing games, I will turn my comm off right now.
BREN: [picture of Brick from Anchorman, with the caption: “Where did you get your life from? The toilet store?”]
LIN: no, prbly, & no. (;へ:)
BREN: [picture of a smug child holding a coffee cup, with the caption: “Guess what you’re getting for Christmas.”]
DHEL: Bren, I will go halfsies with you on the gifts. Lin, I am turning my comm off now. I will see you both at dinner.
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tinymute · 5 years
can offer up julie and one (1) dragon boy for that ship meme??
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Literally forever.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It was a slow burn but we get there and they’re adorable.
How was their first kiss? - Gentle and warm, somewhere in the forest.
Who proposed? - Julie, technically. 
Who is the best man/men? - Verse dependent.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Verse dependent.
Who did the most planning? - Juliette
Who stressed the most? - Juliette
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Juliette’s mother. 
Who is on top? -  Bren 
Who is the one to instigate things? - Both
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - A reasonable amount of time.
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Julie tries, but Bren is a goddamn maniac. 
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? -  I’d say 2 max.
How many children will they adopt? - Depends on the verse.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Julie
Who is the stricter parent? - Bren
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Bren
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Julie
Who is the more loved parent? - Bren
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Julie
Who cried the most at graduation? - Julie
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Julie
Who does the most cooking? - Julie 
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Julie 
Who does the grocery shopping? - Bren
How often do they bake desserts? - Nearly daily
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Bren
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Julie
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Bren
Who cleans the room? - Bren
Who is really against chores? - Both of them
Who cleans up after the pets? - Julie
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Neither
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Julie
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Bren
Who takes the longer showers/baths? -  Julie
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Bren
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Only around Christmas and Hallowee
What are their goals for the relationship? - To love, to be together.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Julie
Who plays the most pranks? - Bren
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iheartsurveys · 6 years
Quick! Chinese or Mexican? Mexican
How many significant others have you had in your WHOLE life? I’ve been in a grand total of 0 relationships in which I’d introduce the other person as my boyfriend.  So yeah.
I have to ask: What does the last text you received say? <3
How about the last text you sent? Night <3 to my momma lol
Have you shared any kisses today? Sure haven’t unless you count Theo, Britt’s dog lol
Did the last person you kissed have soft lips, or were they kind of crusty? Last actual person and not a dog had soft lips
Do you think your life will be any different a year from now? A year from now I’ll (hopefully) be at my new job for a year! Maybe making more money/getting promoted? That’d be cool.  Also idk where we’ll be living we’ve talked about maybe moving more east.  And it’d be nice to be in a relationship for once but ya know who tf knows
How many windows are in your bedroom? 2
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Nope
When was the last time you went to the doctor? Few months ago
Are you going out of town anytime soon? Leaving my town to see my mom and pups on Wednesday, and then Thursday for work I need to go to DC in the morning.  Not sure if we’re going anywhere for Christmas, but I’m going to Cali in January!
Do you hate your ex? Nah
When are you going to get a haircut? Idk I’m into growing it out currently even though the ends are looking meh
Can you fit your hand around your wrist? Yep 
Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? No
When was the last time you applied chapstick? A few days I keep misplacing my chapstick and lost a bunch too
Are you a coffee person or a tea person?
Coffee fo sho
Do you have a weird laugh? Nah I don’t think so
What kind of deodorant do you wear? Secret
Do you have videos on YouTube? Nope
When’s the last time you had a phone conversation for more than ten minutes? The other day talking to my dad probably
Do you laugh at inappropriate times? I have before but I try not to, I’m typically a decent person
What’s your fast food restaurant of choice? I just answered thissssss
All the people you’ve kissed, what did their names start with? A, B, C, Z.  Not in that order but I realized and was like wow maybe I should start talking to the middle of the alphabet, maybe the ends are my downfall lolol
Are you in any kind of pain right now? Nope
Are you the jealous type? Eh it depends, I have my moments
What did you and your ex fight about most? As I’ve mentioned, no real bf, but I count guys I’ve dated as ex’s I guess for the sake of surveys because literally 10000 questions are about relationships and it’s annoying skipping them all soooo yeah.  Anyways.  Bren and I fought about him being stupid and lying about stupid shit.  Literally the dumbest shit ever like ugh idk.  He’s really the only guy I’ve dated that I’ve “fought” with
Do you have a foot phobia? No but I don’t particularly like feet 
Well, are you a germaphobe? Yes and no, it depends
Do you get frustrated easily?
Again, it depends.  Mainly with traffic/bad drivers
Don’t you love long hugs? Sure
And long kisses? Also sure
Have you ever purchased condoms?
I have not
Do you have a dirty mind? Sometimes
What’s your favorite soda? Coke
Do you check the mail everyday, or somebody else? I do more than Britt
Did you think braces were cool when you were little? Not really cool but there was a kid I liked in middle school that had braces and like I thought the braces were part of what made him cute lolol
Do you ever go without makeup or doing your hair? Yeah
Put your iTunes on shuffle RIGHT NOW and tell me the first song it plays. I’m currently listening to my music on shuffle so I’ll just hit next.  Blastoffff by Joywave
What is the last song you added to your iTunes library? Ummmm Trampoline by SHAED
Are you embarrassed by any of the songs in your iTunes? Nah
When was the last time you were sick? I had a stomachache earlier today if that counts.  Sick sick, in the summer
Did you get anybody else sick? No either time
Have you had your flu shots? Yeah a month or two ago
What brand is your camera? I just use my iPhone these days
Do you like raisins? Nope
Who was your valentine this year? My dogs
When did you first kiss the last person you kissed? April of 16
And when did you last kiss the last person you kissed? June of 16...oy 
Did you borrow that shirt from somebody? Nope
What was the last thing you put in your mouth? Water
Do you like to swim? It’s okay
How many vacations have you been on in the past year? Only one really
Have you ever gone on vacation with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Still singleeeee! Andrew and I did go to the beach but it was for a school thing not really vacation
Are you supposed to be doing homework, young man/lady? Not in school
Do you have to wake up early tomorrow? I don’t have to but I should to get used to it for work...but I’m not gonna lol
Do you have any prescriptions currently? Yeah
Are you upset about anything? Not really
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fiveisnumber1 · 4 years
Oh dear Fiveisnumber1, please bless my day with trivia about the H7
These are just some random trivia that I found when looking through my notes. Not all the trivia I have but I hope it’s enough. Also, I didn’t add much about the reader but I have some more stuff if you really like it. Anyway, prepare to have your day blessed anon:
Listens to the Pod Save America Podcast
Plays DND as a Goliath Barbarian named Bekthor the Boulder (NG)
Hates the New England Patriots, but he really hates Tom Brady
Favorite John Mulaney set is the one about Bill Clinton
Has the largest house out of all the friends but hosts the least amount of times
Is a camp counselor in the summers
Thinks light blue Gatorade is the best
Met Dean after accidentally knocking him out when he got hit by a football Lucas threw
Plays the drums
Only drives manual cars
Took the Hogwarts house test and then proceeded to brag for three days because he got Gryffindor
Favorite John Mulaney set is the one about going to church and everything becoming switched up
Jams out to Big Time Rush frequently
Plays DND as a Human Rogue named Archer Cardinal (NE)
Blamed himself for the time reader overused her powers and went into a 3-day coma
Owns two cars, Ford Mustang for regular use and a Mazda RX7 for drifting (although the mustang has been drifted in on occasion)
Plays DND as a High Elf Cleric named Priestess Alvaerelle (LG)
The first musical she saw on broadway was Hairspray
Favorite John Mulaney set is the "Why buy the cow?”
Not spoiled but if she wants something she typically can convince her dad to let her have it
Has a Sephora membership card
Big fan of the Bachelor/ette, Four Weddings, Say Yes to the Dress, and any other wedding-related/competition shows
Favorite fruit is mango
Allergic to nuts
Has an extensive lego star wars collection
Detailed knowledge of Lego Lore (Star Wars, Bionicle, and Ninjago)
Plays the bass
Is really good at sewing
Plays DND as a Tiefling Necromancer named Rodeo Jack (CN)
He put his highest roll into charisma the charisma stat for his DND character
Favorite John Mulaney set is the “I’m New In Town”
Does not fear death in the slightest
Next door neighbors with Bren
Plays DND as an Aasimar Wizard named Andromeda Celestia (CG)
Hates snow because it reminds her of when she arrived alone in 2013
Favorite John Mulaney set is "Street Smarts”
Plays the guitar
Typically is the Dungeon Master for DND nights. 
Plays DND as a Half-Elf Warlock named Nicovar Leocyne when not DMing (LN)
Favorite John Mulaney set is the "Law and Order/Ice T”
Really likes Ouran High School Host Club and will watch it with Kenny on the regular
Next door neighbors with Kenny
Has stolen multiple Russian literature books from Viktoria’s house
Has a poetry journal
Plays DND as a Lightfoot Halfling Bard named Navia Noteswell (TN)
Favorite John Mulaney set is the “Salt and Pepper Diner”
Her mom works for a book publishing house
Calls her younger brother Maxipad when she wants to annoy him
Watches murder mystery/crime documentaries
Her favorite holiday is Christmas because then she has an excuse to blast the nutcracker through the house
Not interested in men, loves women tho
Named her voila Screech because that’s all it did when she started to learn how to play
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pri · 6 years
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We asked you to tell us about your random acts of kindness. These were our favorites.
Boston artist Bren Bataclan often gives away his paintings with a note asking people to "smile at random people more often." He gave us two to give to PRI listeners and readers. Bataclan selected two people who commented on PRI The World’s Facebook page about the random acts of kindness they did for others or someone had done for them.
So, who were the two lucky people that will receive one of Bataclan's paintings and what were their "random acts of kindness"? The first winner is John Stewart from Salt Lake City, Utah, who works as a professional Santa, a job that can often be thankless and taxing. His goodwill extended beyond the North Pole when this happened:
"One year, I finished up a private party at a family's house. It was a lot of fun, and at the end, the parents gave me a Christmas card containing my fee. Once I got home, I opened the card and discovered that they had paid double my normal rate. It was very nice of them. Later, I went to dinner with a friend at a restaurant. She was asking me about being Santa, and I told her I always loved when the older kids at the party would not let on to the younger kids. They played along and made it fun for everyone. The waitress overheard and told us that she had to tell her young son the truth about Santa this year. I asked her why, and she said that because she had just finished a round of chemotherapy for cancer, and this was her first day back to work, and Christmas was not going to be like it had been in previous years. Like a shot of lightning, the universe was giving me a message. I gave the waitress the extra money that the family had given me. I told her Santa always made sure kids had a good Christmas."
The other "random acts of kindness" winner is Ruth Deakins. She befriended a homeless man in San Diego and posted this:
"I've gotten to know him over the years. While talking to him recently, he told me he was married at one time and has a grown son and a daughter who died in her 30's. I asked him if he had worked during his life. He said he had for many years and once owned a home. He's now 70 years old. I asked if he would qualify for social security. He said he does, but he didn't know how to apply. He knows his social security #, but doesn't remember much else about his life; i.e., addresses where he once lived, etc. I think he may be in early dementia. He's all alone now and has no connection with his family. I took him to the social security office and spent the day there in the lines. At being 70 years old, turns out that he could collect $1,600/month in social security benefits. That would be life-changing for him, but he has no documentation that he is a legal citizen in the U.S.; therefore, he will not receive the money. He said he came here from Mexico when he was four years old, but has no documentation that he can remember obtaining. He may be a legal citizen, but he just doesn't know."
Listen to the full story at pri.org.
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