#bri's thirst<3
briology · 1 year
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i wanna see txt again so bad
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writinglionqueen · 3 years
Wow guys….
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I made it to 1500 followers.
Almost 3 years of hard work later..
Thanks to everyone who follows this mess of a blog, whether you stuck around for the lack of fics or not lol (sorry I’ll hopefully get another out soon)
But from the bottom of my heart, thank you. A lot of you make this blog worth it. How much you guys motivate me to write my fics or put up with thirst posting about Drew or watching T and I bully each other back and forth.
It means a lot to have this blog and love being on it as much as I do. I’m very thankful for all the friends I’ve made through this blog and how much I’ve inspired others to write or even the people who comment and love what I write.
Thank you. Truly, thank you all.
~Bri 👑💛🖤
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Peter, whose the owner of two Rottweilers, bumps into Tony and his young daughter while out on a walk. Moodboard for the thirst inspired moment I had yesterday. 
@sugar-and-spice-parker​ @bris-sins​ @puppypeter​ @heyimstarker​ @the-mad-starker​ @dumb-bitch-starker​ @starkeristheendgame​ @dumb-bottle-blonde​ thought y'all would like this :3
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Not that anyone cares vdhsvs but random headcanons for some of the Curriculum Unavailable crew :^)
He's a huge nerd but he actively chose to never get into Harry Potter and is just blissfully unaware of anything about
"I'm totally a hufflepuff :)" "literally what are you saying right now"
"This guy's name is Dumbledore? Sounds fake but ok"
He loves cacti :^)
He's afraid of big dogs
He bites into ice cream </3
Even though she is also a big nerd and generally loves sci-fi, she never got into Star Wars, even though she tried really hard and admits that it's something she should love
She does however LOVE the droids, and the porgs(much to Andy's annoyance)
She loves birds(especially ducks and geese)
She's allergic to shrimp and shellfish, although even if she wasn't she couldn't eat shellfish because it isn't kosher
She has a stuffed dog that's dressed in a suit and top hat that she loves with all her heart. His name is Frank Si-paw-tra. Andy hates him
Her celebrity crush is Matthew Broderick, but post-Ferris Buehller :/
He's afraid of butterflies :( he does not really know why rip
His favorite restaurant is Red Lobster,,,this becomes a problem when he starts dating Leila vsvsgs 💔
He watches dating shows(i.e. The Bachelor/Bachelorette, Love Island, etc.), he started doing it because there was nothing else on and he was doing it ironically, but then he got invested 👉👈🏼
He has a snowglobe collection. He doesn't remember why he started it in the first place but he's in too deep to stop collecting <3
She likes to invent new recipes, sometimes they're great, sometimes they are absolutely awful 💕
She was incredibly sheltered growing up, to the point where she considers movies like Space Jam and Home Alone to be action films <3
She is exceedingly nice to everyone, but a lot of the time guys think she's flirting with them, even though that's just How She Is
Even though she mostly likes to bake, she is really great at grilling somehow
She only drinks soda when she's sad </3
He is very big in TikTok, he started off posting joke videos but people kept thirsting for him in the comments so he gave in and....put on the catboy maid outfit 💔
He has a "Team Mom" shirt that his teammates got him and it's low-key his favorite possession
His other prized possession is a Michael Jordan rookie card,,,from when he was a baseball player </3
He never really got the big deal about dating and he was never really interested in having girlfriends, then he realized that's because he likes boys <3
His type is e-boys 🥀🖤(as evidenced by his eventual e-boy bf Noah)
She is tiny but she will take you tf down <3
She whittles when she's stressed
She is extremely protective of her little brother Toby, she is more than willing to cut a bitch if they hurt her little bro
She was obsessed with Legos as a kid, and she still has buckets full of them at her parents house
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babyfairy · 4 years
Miss Bri I'm at my wit's end,, my friend keeps sending me random girls' cringy thirst traps on tiktok and the last one she sent was a white girl w 3 ft long dreds I can't do this anymore
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sassymox · 5 years
Hi sweetie!!! I'm on my kind ask thing again! So you're gonna get one!!! Thank you for being amazing and sweet. I love seeing your excitement on my dash!!!! You're an amazing writer and you're doing a fantastic job! I love when you send me thirst things about Drew and keeping up to tabs with things!!! You're amazing. Never change! ~Bri💛🖤
Awwwwwww thank you! I love your blog so much, I enjoy every time I see new content and your writing is amazing as well! Luv ya sweetheart <3
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bohemian-brian · 5 years
who are some of your favorite mutuals and why? x
hi love!! i love all my mutuals sm, but here are some that i hold near and dear to my heart and I've known for a while. Sorry if I forget anyone its currently 2am lol
@britneyshakespeare is the first friend i met on here and she is just the most wonderful person. She has always been there for me and has helped me through a lot of things, I luv her with all my heart!!
@gimmeeshelter Ari!!! has such a special place in my heart
@lovestreett dan!!! is the just the sweetest person ever omg, i luv her, she's amazing!!!
@old-memoria she is the coolest person, also she is a fashion queen!!! She also shares my great love for bri :’))
@brian-jones-central okay Emmi!!! is an actual angel!!! i luv her to the moon and back, she has continuously been there for me and also cheers me up and gives me such great positivity. Also we both adore our little bri
@leftiststardust Jareth!! My pal!! he’s the best and such a cool person. he is one of the nicest people i have met, luv u!!
@dandylion1966 oh how i luv harry!! he is the sweetest and is just such a great person. we also share the same thirst for brian.
@drummersheartbeat is such an AMAZING person!! the sweetest!! she is always there for me and I thank her sm for that
@satan-is-sad Andy!! what would i do without you!! i adore u and luv u sm!! thank you for everything, ur the best
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briology · 1 year
bri's hour<3: im just talking, answering the inbox
bri's works<3: all of my works
bri's reblogs<3: reposting
bri's thirst<3: me simping
take a PIC <3 - posting myself or whatevaa
moots moots<3: my beautiful moots ofc
collab<3 - collaborations with other accounts
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oaklheart-blog · 6 years
Tochmarc Étaíne - The Wooing of Etain - Passage 1
This was written for use as study material for Thistle Protogrove of Ár nDraíocht Féin, a Druid Fellowship. That isn't to say that it cannot be used for study outside of this group, but please let me know if you are using it. Insight is welcome, discussion is encouraged. Using this well-known story, I hope to help folks become better acquainted with some of the Gods of Irish Religion. The writing in the notes is informal, in hopes of holding the attention of some very distracted readers. You know who you are--I still love you.
There was a famous king of Ireland of the race of the Tuatha De Danann [Tua-dey-Dan-ann], Eochaid Ollathair [OH-hay-d ALLA-hay] his name. He was also named the Dagda [DAG-dha], for it was he that worked wonders for them and controlled the weather and the crops. Wherefore men said he was called The Good God. Elcmar of the Brug [BRU] had a wife whose name was Eithne [En-Ya] and another name for her was Boand [BO-an] . The Dagda desired her in carnal union. The woman would have yielded to the Dagda had it not been for fear of Elcmar [elk-MER] , so great was his power. Thereupon the Dagda sent Elcmar away on a journey to Bres [BUR-as: Beautiful] son of Elatha in Mag nInis [ALE-ah-hah-in-Mag-Nin-ISH] , and the Dagda worked great spells upon Elcmar as he set out, that he might not return betimes (that is, early) and he dispelled the darkness of night for him, and he kept hunger and thirst from him.  He sent him on long errands, so that nine months went by as one day, for he had said that he would return home again between day and night. Meanwhile the Dagda went in upon Elcmar's wife, and she bore him a son, Aengus, and the woman was whole of her sickness when Elcmar returned, and he perceived not her offense, that is, that she had lain with the Dagda.
The Dagda meanwhile brought his son to Midir's [MID-ir] house in Bri Leith in Tethba [BRUH-ley / TEY-buh] , to be fostered. There Aengus was reared for the space of nine years. Midir had a great playing-field in Bri Leith [BRUH-ley]. Thrice fifty lads of the young nobles of Ireland were there and thrice fifty maidens of the land of Ireland [150 boys + 150 girls = 300]. Aengus was the leader of them all, because of Midir's great love for him, and the beauty of his form and the nobility of his people. He was also called Mac Og (the Young Son), for his mother said: "Young is the son who was begotten at the break of day and born betwixt it and evening."
****1: NOTES****
This passage serves several purposes. Not only is it terribly important in Irish mythology to establish the lineage of a God or Goddess, but it is also terribly crucial, especially in earlier literature (of which sort this is) to highlight the parents' merits, abilities, and so on. This foreshadows those of the child, while adding bulk to the narrative in general; and as we know, this was important because they didn't have television, computers, and smart-phones back then. Initially, we see the very typical and oft-mentioned 'praises' to the Dagda for his abilities "for it was he that worked wonders for them and controlled the weather and crops". The next half of this section highlights his other abilities, which include magic and control over nature and time. The Dagda is sometimes referred to as "King of the Sidhe", for it is he who is accredited with building the Sidhe mounds, and who keeps the sacred magic of the Druids. Hence his title as Father of the Druids. These traits are highlighted by the rather potent spell he works on Elcmar. Furthermore, his deception here shows his cunning, a trait that is highlighted in Angus as something of a trickster.
After Angus Og's birth, he is transported by his father to Midir's house in Tethba, who one of his older sons. This section has a few of those ever-present homages to the Druidic fixation with the number three. The first is, of course, the statement of the length of time of the pregnancy and the passage of days. Nine months in a pregnancy, and as we know if you divide nine by three you get, well . . . three. Elcmar is gone for the span of the pregnancy, but experiences time differently thanks to An Dagda's spell, which causes him to perceive nine months as one day. Nine divided by three is three, three divided by three is one. I may be losing some of you. In Irish myths, Gods are often three in one, and I have long assumed these numerical clues to be hints at that theme.
In the next paragraph, we are given more numbers to think on. Again, we have the theme of nine leading back to one, with Angus being reared in the span of nine years. The next reference to the number three is a little more elusive, if you're just reading it at face value, but a sequence of equations leads to an infinite progression of the sacred number three.
"Thrice fifty lads of the young nobles of Ireland were there and thrice fifty maidens of the land of Ireland."
3x50 = 150x2 = 300
300/3 = 100
100/3 = 33.3r
What does the infinite nature of the number three here indicate? Well, the number is in regard to those whom Angus is leader of, perhaps indicating his connection to the eternal and divine. Likely as well is this as a reference to his link with the royalty and kingship of the Tuatha De Dannan. Whatever the case,  it is clear that numbers were hugely important in Irish, considering the nature of Ogam and the Druids' calenders of the phases of the moon and other celestial bodies. Figures such as The Morrigan and The Dagda, who are primordial mother and father archetypes each have a significant link to the triadic theme. The former having 6-9 Goddesses in her conclave, and the latter being referred to as a God of "Druidic sciences", and who is referenced as being of "multi-formed triads". Three is ever-present in Druidic writing, and surrounds the origins and stories of the Gods, seeming to hint at their divine qualities; and Angus the Young is no exception.
Names, phrases, and words in this section:
Tuatha De Danann - Tua-day-Dan-ann - There is some debate on the proper pronunciation and spelling of this phrase, mainly over the usage of "De", or "of". I won't get into that too much here, but wanted to make it apparent, if anyone ever sees it spelled sans "De", not to be alarmed or confused. It means the same thing either way, and that is "The Tribe/People of Danu". Danu being, of course, the ever-present but rarely heard from mother-deity in Irish mythology.
Eochaid Ollathair - OH-hay-d ALLA-hay - This is the Dagda's "true" name, which is handy to know seeing as how he has about a dozen or so monikers, many of which indicating his red nature.The color red is associated with magic and otherworldly forces in Irish mythology. Here, though, his name means "Horseman Allfather".
Dagda - DAG-dha - The Dagda, when translated quite literally and simply, means "The Good God", though there are other translations that have its meaning as "God of All" or "God of the World".
Brugh - BREW - This word refers to a dwelling or a house, though is sometimes translated as "mansion" or "palace". Brughs are where the Aes Sidhe [Ays-Shee] in Irish mythology dwell. An Dagda's Brugh na Boinne - The House at the River Boinne, which brings us to . . .
Boan - BO-an - Also spelled Boinne, the River Boinne is named for her, and in Irish mythology she is the Goddess associated with this body of water. The mother of Angus Og, her name means "White Cow".
Elcmar - ELK-mer - His name means "spiteful/envious one", from the proto-Irish "Ealcmhar". He serves as steward to the Dagda, and is husband to Boan. He is killed by Angus Og, and is clearly an ill-fated character from the start of things.
Bres - BUR-as - Bres the Beautiful appears in several legends, most notably the Silver Hand of Nuadu. Outwardly, he is considered to be the most beautiful and intelligent man in Ireland, but inwardly his heart is small and tarnished, full of ego and selfish vanity. Think the Beast in Beauty and the Beast before he turned all big and gnarly. Bres is made defacto King of the Tuatha De Danann due to Nuada's incapacity as King, and he drives the kingdom into the ground. Eventually, you have the God of Speech doing back-breaking labor and An Dagda being starved near to dying. He ends up being ousted as King, though, and everything is okay.
Elatha in Mag nInis - ALE-ah-hah-in-Mag-Nin-ISH - Often billed simply as Elatha, for reasons that should be quite obvious, though his name isn't as intimidating as it at first appears. He is a prince of the Formorians, considered to be the "bad guys" in several fables, never-minding that Irish mythology doesn't always have traditional concepts of 'good' and 'bad'. Before you go writing off the Fomorians as 'bad guys', bear in mind that one of the greatest heros of Irish oral tradition was half-Fomorian: That is, the shining one, Lugh. Anyways, Elatha is most likely the namesake remnant of a long-forgotten moon deity, as he is said to have visited Eriu [UR-you], the matron Goddess of Ireland, at night by way of a shining, silver boat.
Bri Leith / Tethba - BRUH-ley / TEY-buh -  In this passage, it states that "the Dagda meanwhile brought his son to Midir's house in Bri Leith in Tethba, to be fostered". Bri Leith was a place in Tethba, which was a kingdom, the location of which is still up for question. Most can agree that it encompassed parts of Westmeath and most of County Longford--the North-West of the Province of Leinster. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look at a Map of Ireland and find Dublin. You'll be in roughly the correct region.
*Note on Irish Writing*
"Young is the son who was begotten at the break of day and born betwixt  it and evening."
This is a very round about way of saying that Angus was born in the afternoon. It would seem rather pointless to us, nowadays, to be so particularly wordy about this, but to the Druids it was all about the number of syllables present in their sentences. This, of course, is utterly destroyed when translated to English, but you understand the objective, I hope. These numbers usually referred back to the number three, or were otherwise numbers divisible by three. Some part of this roundabout speech is also a product of the syntax of the old Irish language. You may have found some examples of that in the excerpt so far, such as:
". . . the woman was whole of her sickness when Elcmar returned, and he perceived not her offense, that is, that she had lain with the Dagda."
A modernized version would read:
" . . . she was no longer pregnant when Elcmar came back, and he had no idea that she had lain with the Dagda."
It is important to remember this syntax difference, and the numeric syllable importance whilst reading Irish myths, as it can be very easy to become confused in the esoteric style. Honesty is my way of conveyance, of this subject, I speak not untrue. See, it's easy once you get the hang of it, but until you do it can make your eyes glaze over.
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nickuwonu-blog · 6 years
alright so i was in video game design the other day just designing my video game on my desktop (cos im a nerd) and watching hockey on my laptop (cos im a hockey slut™) and trying to not thirst over the senior next to me (cos he cute and im a hoe) AND my teacher sees me watching hockey and he’s like “bri??? you like hOckey???” and im like “yes sir! i do” and he’s like “hmm...i dont see many girls your age like hockey” and im like ???? okay lol then that senior i just talked about leans over to look at my screen and the next thing you know the 3 of us are talking about my favorite teams
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cover2covermom · 4 years
Goodbye July & hello August!
I don’t know about you all, but I am ready for 2020 to be over.  Am I right?
Let’s see what I read & blogged in July…
The last time I gave you all a personal update, I mentioned that we were sending our children back to school in-person….  The lie detector determined that was a lie.
As the deadline loomed over my head, we decided to select the online schooling option for our children for the first semester of school this year.  We decided that the in-person schooling option was just going to be too unpredictable, thus decided on online schooling for consistency.  Since I work in a library, I am not able to work from home.  I needed my children to have a set schedule, so that I could adjust my work schedule around their schedule.
This decision was one of the hardest decisions I’ve made.  I think every parent needs to make the decision that is best for them & their own family situation.
» The City We Became by N.K. Jemisin
The City We Became is an urban fantasy that felt like an ode to New York City.  While this was definitely a unique concept, this story did not grip me in the same way Jemisin’s Broken Earth series did.
» Call Down the Hawk (Dreamer Trilogy #1) by Maggie Stiefvater
LOVED this spin off of The Raven Cycle.  I love Ronan so much!  I listened to the audiobook (like I did with The Raven Cycle) because Will Patton’s voice suits Stiefvater’s atmospheric writing perfectly.
» Winkby Rob Harrell
Wink is a MG novel inspired by the author’s own battle with cancer.  I would recommend this one to fans of Wonder by R.J. Palacio.
» Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes
A book about police brutality geared for the middle grade audience.  I would recommend this book to parents looking to open a dialogue about racism & police brutality with their middle grade aged kids.
» The Bridge Home by Padma Venkatraman
Set in India, The Bridge Home is an heartbreaking tale of two sisters who ran away from an abusive home.  This book punched me in the feels.
» Red, White, & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston
This was a steamy & highly entertaining new adult M/M romance.  I’d recommend this book to fans of The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue.
» Queenie by Candice Carty-Williams
While I wasn’t feeling this book at first, I really appreciated it by the end.  I enjoyed watching Queenie’s growth over the course of this book.  I’d recommend this books to fans of Normal People by Sally Rooney as they have similar tones.
» The Girl Who Drank the Moonby Kelly Barnhill
*4.5 Stars*
This was a reread for me.  I enjoyed this just as much as the first time I read it.  My criticism still stands that the climax of the story is rushed.
» My Lady Jane (The Lady Janies #1) by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, & Jodi Meadows
My Lady Jane is a historical retelling with a fantastical flare.  I found this book to be highly entertaining.
» Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld
This was just an okay read for me.  I loved that this was a re-imagining of Hilary Clinton’s life, and I enjoyed watching her climb the political ladder.  Unfortunately, it was slow paced, boring at parts, and was just WAY too long.
» Me and White Supremacy: Combat Racism, Change the World, and Become a Good Ancestorby Layla F. Saad
The second book off my anti-racist TBR.  This book is excellent for self reflection since it is set up as a 28 day challenge with reflection questions at the end of each chapter.
» The Last Council (Amulet #4) by Kazu Kibuishi
 Another wonderful installment to the Amulet series.
» Blended by Sharon M. Draper
This was a wonderful MG contemporary that dives into the complexities of blended families & racial issues.
Goodreads Challenge Update: 84 books in 2020
Saturday 7/10
June 2020 Reading & Blogging Wrap-Up + Book Haul
Monday 7/13
Teen Librarian Archives: May & June 2020 *Being a Librarian During COVID-19*
Wednesday 7/15
Mini Book Reviews: July 2020 – Part 1
Tuesday 7/21
Mini Book Reviews: July 2020 – Part 2
Wednesday 7/22
Favorite Books of 2020 (January – June)
Tuesday 7/28
Mini Book Reviews: July 2020 – Part 3
NetGalley ARC eBooks:
» The Burning God (The Poppy War #3) by R.F. Kuang
Genre: Adult Fantasy
Release Date: November 19, 2020
The exciting end to The Poppy War trilogy, R. F. Kuang’s acclaimed, award-winning epic fantasy that combines the history of twentieth-century China with a gripping world of gods and monsters, to devastating, enthralling effect.
After saving her nation of Nikan from foreign invaders and battling the evil Empress Su Daji in a brutal civil war, Fang Runin was betrayed by allies and left for dead. 
Despite her losses, Rin hasn’t given up on those for whom she has sacrificed so much—the people of the southern provinces and especially Tikany, the village that is her home. Returning to her roots, Rin meets difficult challenges—and unexpected opportunities. While her new allies in the Southern Coalition leadership are sly and untrustworthy, Rin quickly realizes that the real power in Nikan lies with the millions of common people who thirst for vengeance and revere her as a goddess of salvation. 
Backed by the masses and her Southern Army, Rin will use every weapon to defeat the Dragon Republic, the colonizing Hesperians, and all who threaten the shamanic arts and their practitioners. As her power and influence grows, though, will she be strong enough to resist the Phoenix’s intoxicating voice urging her to burn the world and everything in it? 
This is one of my most anticipated books of 2020, so I am beyond thrilled that I was approved for this ARC!!
Physical Books:
» On the Come Up by Angie Thomas
Sixteen-year-old Bri wants to be one of the greatest rappers of all time. Or at least make it out of her neighborhood one day. As the daughter of an underground rap legend who died before he hit big, Bri’s got big shoes to fill. But now that her mom has unexpectedly lost her job, food banks and shutoff notices are as much a part of Bri’s life as beats and rhymes. With bills piling up and homelessness staring her family down, Bri no longer just wants to make it—she has to make it.
On the Come Up is Angie Thomas’s homage to hip-hop, the art that sparked her passion for storytelling and continues to inspire her to this day. It is the story of fighting for your dreams, even as the odds are stacked against you; of the struggle to become who you are and not who everyone expects you to be; and of the desperate realities of poor and working-class black families.
» Butterfly Yellow by Thanhha Lai
In the final days of the Việt Nam War, Hằng takes her little brother, Linh, to the airport, determined to find a way to safety in America. In a split second, Linh is ripped from her arms—and Hằng is left behind in the war-torn country.
Six years later, Hằng has made the brutal journey from Việt Nam and is now in Texas as a refugee. She doesn’t know how she will find the little brother who was taken from her until she meets LeeRoy, a city boy with big rodeo dreams, who decides to help her.
Hằng is overjoyed when she reunites with Linh. But when she realizes he doesn’t remember her, their family, or Việt Nam, her heart is crushed. Though the distance between them feels greater than ever, Hằng has come so far that she will do anything to bridge the gap.
» A Kind of Paradise by Amy Rebecca Tan
Amy Rebecca Tan’s debut novel is a heartwarming middle grade coming-of-age story about the power of community, the power of the library, and the power of forgiveness.
Jamie Bunn made a mistake at the end of the school year. A big one. And every kid in her middle school knows all about it. Now she has to spend her summer vacation volunteering at the local library—as punishment. It may be boring, but at least she’ll be able to hide from mean girl Trina, who’s always had it out for her, and beautiful Trey, the boy at the root of her big mistake.
Or so she thinks.
Not only does her job bring her face-to-face with both her mortal enemy and her ultimate crush, Jamie also encounters a territorial patron, an elderly movie fanatic, a super-tall painter who loves to bake, and a homeless dog. Over the course of the summer, as Jamie gets to know the library and the people in it, she finds—and gives—help where she least expects it.
And she just might find herself along the way.
» The Boy in the Black Suit by Jason Reynolds
Just when seventeen-year-old Matt thinks he can’t handle one more piece of terrible news, he meets a girl who’s dealt with a lot more—and who just might be able to clue him in on how to rise up when life keeps knocking him down—in this wry, gritty novel from the author of When I Was the Greatest.
Matt wears a black suit every day. No, not because his mom died—although she did, and it sucks. But he wears the suit for his gig at the local funeral home, which pays way better than the Cluck Bucket, and he needs the income since his dad can’t handle the bills (or anything, really) on his own. So while Dad’s snagging bottles of whiskey, Matt’s snagging fifteen bucks an hour. Not bad. But everything else? Not good. Then Matt meets Lovey. She’s got a crazy name, and she’s been through more crazy than he can imagine. Yet Lovey never cries. She’s tough. Really tough. Tough in the way Matt wishes he could be. Which is maybe why he’s drawn to her, and definitely why he can’t seem to shake her. Because there’s nothing more hopeful than finding a person who understands your loneliness—and who can maybe even help take it away.
  Which books did you read this month?
Have you read any of the books I read or hauled this month?  If so, what did you think?
Did you buy any books?  If so, which ones?
Comment below & let me know 🙂
July 2020 Reading & Blogging Wrap Up + Book Haul #BookBlogger #Bookworm #Bibliophile #WrapUp #BookTalk Goodbye July & hello August! I don't know about you all, but I am ready for 2020 to be over. 
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One of the main reasons I stopped being an artist’s manager and shifted to being a Booking Agent and Consultant was for Relationships first #familyfirst!
Letter to Ami Magazine Inspiring #NissimBlack interview by Rav Yitzchak Frankfurter! 
Shalom Rav Frankfurter, נ״י
I appreciate your article in the expanded Purim Edition on my good friend and holy bro Nissim Black! It was a merit to assist you setting this up together! 
Awesome interview really felt his beautiful heart and thanks for sharing that loved fill soul of his with such delicate hands 🙂
I have known Nissim Black since 2011 as we were cyber chatting, once I heard about his talented music from some friends (that’s another story worth telling in reference to Shyne etc), and his thirst for Judaism! I was delighted when I heard our many chats had become part of his fruitful journey in his and his families full conversion and there soon to visit the holy land! I hosted Nissim’s first show in the Holy land 2013, and was excited to be in touch with Nissim’s and family on their return to live in Jerusalem 2016! Became his manager through a series of Divine Providence (#inspiredflow) 2017! 
I can vouch for him in all these aweseim things written by Rav Frankfurter to be true, being on the road for weeks watching him shomer his eyes, davening on the plane for hours, loving people where ever he went! Then I saw his human side too and kicked him out of bed 4am with no sleeping #Purim night to make our Megillah reading before our flight back to Jerusalem for his youngest sons bris on #ShushanPurim Erev Shabbos last year! (After 3 over Atlantic flights in one week with the leading of Shabbaton and the Motzai Shabbis #Cteen Event In #Timesquare just that 6 days before amongst 5 other events)! 
Being a friend, Managing and Booking Nissim, really knowing his special family and bro in laws family especially living in Jerusalem together! One of the yearly highlights has been our 3 families Blacks, Browns and Goldsmiths sharing/hosting a Shabbaton at Reishit together! We will miss the Blacks when they move to RBS Alef, but Divine Providence has brought my latest venture Anglo Media to be in RBS Alef daily now too! 
Sincere appreciation for your magazine Ami and all who support its needed message and support of many #inspirational people!
Eliyahu Eliezer Goldsmith,
For booking #Nissim #inspired please email Eli and Team at [email protected] 🙂
  The Nissim Black Ami Article! One of the main reasons I stopped being an artist’s manager and shifted to being a Booking Agent and Consultant was for Relationships first #familyfirst! 393 more words
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