#bridget when the strive is geared with guilt
ventuzzz1 · 6 months
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i finally drew the hands in a way that i liked and now all thats left for the lineart is the yoyo 🥳 (and then i end it all while coloring but thats for later)
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davekat-sucks · 1 year
Simce this is the last day of Pride month (as I submit this) I want to confess: I never understood why people said Bridget from Guilt Gear was groomed.
You can take this with a pinch of salt, I haven’t played the Guilty Gear games, this is just what I learned from discourse:
Starting with Bridget in Guilty Gear XX. Bridget is a child of a pair of twins born in a town that thinks twins are a curse. Bridget’s family raises one son as a boy and Bridget as a girl so neither twin has to be the one kicked out of the family.
At age 14 Bridget leaves the town to find his brother, take him home, reveal to everyone they were both twins, and debunk the superstition.
Bridget still worse his girly clothes, why? He was independent and had no stigma anymore to look like a girl, so why still wear girl clothes? Was it grooming? I will explain why it isn’t.
First, by the assumption that grooming forces a person to act a specific way, Bridget was away from his parents and could act independently, and s chose t wear his clothes because he likes it.
If the grooming was “internalized” how was it? Was Bridget doing it out of obligation for his family? If so I could see that as grooming, Bridget wants to appease the groomers.
If it was all the clothes Bridget has ever known, then it isn’t grooming, otherwise all parents would have to be groomers for this to be logically consistent.
And if it’s just “oh Bridget likes dressing this way” then it’s not grooming, grooming is someone coercing somebody to do favors for the groomer’s wants by tricking the child into thinking they are a trustworthy authority figure.
If Bridget likes wearing girl clothes, then Bridget’s parents are supporting his lifestyle, rather than protect him out of obligation from the town. By the way the latter reason is not inherently evil, it’s an unorthodox way to protect your kids but Bridget’s family loves him.
Okay now to Strive. The superstition is gone, Bridget is still a femboy, now he’s 19. He goes bounty hunting again because he feels like something’s off. Blah blah blah the story ends with Bridget being a girl. I also know Bridget’s bio describes him as a feminine boy but yeah duh if the bio spoils the character’s arc then what’s the point of the story mode?
All in all I can NOT rationalize any reasoning where Bridget wasn’t groomed into being a femboy but groomed into being a woman. Strive Bridget was an adult, and the town superstition hadn’t existed for 5 years. So who groomed her then?
Her parents? Then you’d have to argue XX Bridget was groomed, because they raised her to look like a girl.
We already established Bridget independently liked being a feminine boy in XX, (and his parents are supportive, not grooming) so in strive Bridget wanted to be a girl, so who groomed Bridget to be a girl instead of a femboy?
I disagree with your argument. First off, in XX, Bridget felt guilty of being born the same sex. His story in that game was trying to DISPROVE that him being born as a set twin was not true. How? By becoming a bounty hunter and making money. If he can bring a lot of money to the villagers and tell them the truth, it would show that even the circumstances of his birth, it's not all bad luck. Why change it later on in Strive? Does that mean his town's superstitious belief is justified now? Some may claim in one of XC's endings for Bridget, his brother DOES go missing. So it is the bad luck that the villager's feared. Then why in the Japanese dub of it, Bridget uses BOKU instead of BUCHI when referring to himself at the end? If he wanted to continue playing up his disguise as a girl, he should have used the later. Instead, he went with the former, BOKU. In the Pachinko game, Vast XT, Bridget's lines say he wants to be seen as a man by the villagers and dislikes being cute. Yes, Pachinko is weird in itself for us Westerners, but it technically is canon since it is from Japan and made by the same company. Do we dismiss this just because us Westerners could never have access to it?
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saeraas · 2 years
The man himself Daisuke Ishiwatari got too many people asking him about Bridget he had to confirm outright and tell people how the fuck did you not get it from her story and arcade mode
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ventuzzz1 · 6 months
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