#brigderton spoilers
kanthony · 3 months
want kate and pen to be friends idk
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
The Bloody Viscount - Chapter 1 Sneak Peek
❝ 🐝 — lady l: so besties, I had a problem with my computer and I couldn't post the fanfic chapter today, however, I don't want to keep you waiting any longer and I've decided that I'm going to reward you with two things: first this sneak peek and a love letter from Anthony referring the future of this fanfic, nothing with much spoiler, but enough for you to know something. I hope you like it and forgive me for the delay and for any mistakes! I love you all. ❤️
❝word count: 500.
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Your eyes met Viscount Brigderton's and you felt your face heat up as you felt the intensity he was staring at you.
He was an attractive man, you had to confess. And it wasn't the way he looked, sure, he was handsome, but the look in his eyes was what stunned you. The passion they conveyed put you to shame.
And the fact that eyes were thrown in your direction made you even more cornered. Looking away to a random spot on the ball, you smiled as you watched the couples dancing and people chatting and gossiping.
You turned to your mother, who was watching all the men at the party carefully, sizing them up. You mentally rolled your eyes at that, she was so determined to find you a husband that she didn't even ask you what you wanted.
It's not that you didn't want to get married, you wanted and would like to have a family one day, but... You didn't know how to deal with all that. This was your first season and your mother, Lady (L/N), seemed very committed to getting a good match.
And it wasn't for your happiness, you noticed.
It was to raise your family's social status. As the only child, it was your responsibility to improve your parents' lives. It was your duty and something you'd been raised to do since birth.
Raised to become a proper wife.
Your education, your tastes, everything taught to you was thtat you should correspond to the tastes of your future husband. And your mother had been pretty strict about it. Your dad was more relaxed, but he always made his expectations of you clear.
Your mother's eyes turned to the Viscount and you felt like hiding. She looked him up and down, he was talking to an older woman, who you assumed was Lady Violet Bridgerton. His mother.
You watched your mother straighten her posture and start walking across the room, towards the Viscount. Your face got even redder because you knew what your mother would do.
What she always did. She would start babbling about you and your skills and what she thought you liked. How good and sweet you were, how motherly you were.
You mentally sneered and frowned when you saw your mother coming, accompanied by Lady and Viscount Bridgerton. You looked away quickly and turned so you could flee, when the Viscount's deep, sensual voice called out to you.
''Lady (Y/N) (L/N)?''
A shiver ran down your spine at the tone that had your name coming out of his mouth and you mentally scolded yourself. You straightened your posture and turned to face them.
You bowed slightly, bowing your head in submission as your mother had taught you, and looked into his dark eyes.
''Lord Bridgerton.'' You smiled weakly, ''It's a pleasure to meet you, milord.''
You could have sworn you saw him wince at the title and his eyes darken even further.
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bm-blog01 · 1 year
Short Musings: Did Netflix Tudum provide a (small rotund) spoiler for S3 Bridgerton?
In the article posted today by Netflix Tudum, the families connected to Queen Charlotte were listed, including the Bridgertons.
As to be expected we had a short paragraph on Violet, Edmund, Anthony & Kate (refer my previous post about that), Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Simon and August [Augie], Eloise, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth, but right at the bottom was another member of the Bridgerton Family.
Newton Brigderton, described as a corgi and the cutest member of the Bridgerton family.
I will take that as a (small rotund) spoiler for Season 3 and they are confirming that we will indeed see Newton back for the new season.
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viviansternwood · 3 years
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#cutie pie
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miss-crazy-rose · 2 years
I really enjoyed the second season of Bridgerton (it was a breath of fresh air in this fucking nightmarish dystopian society we live in), and as an avid reader of the books, I didn’t mind the changes that much because I made peace with the fact the book series and the show are two separate things
Except for one thing: Edwina’s arc
If you haven’t read the books let me introduce you to one key element of the book version of Edwina: she doesn’t give a flying fuck about Anthony. Of course he’s still courting her and she let him because how could she not? It’s regency era high society after all! If a fucking viscount takes interest in you, you smile and accept to take a walk or dance with him. But he bores her. She is a little literature nerd and he is not, every time they are together they don’t have anything to say to each other. Of course Anthony doesn’t mind, he’s still in his “I don’t want love I want a perfect viscountess I can count on” (he actually have a reasoning behind this that makes sense regarding his trauma), but Edwina wants love. She wants connection. When he stops courting her to marry her sister (Anthony never proposed to Edwina in the books), she is relieved
And most importantly, one of the other key points of Edwina’s character: she ships Kate and Anthony so fucking hard. Oh boy she is the captain of the ship! She saw the two of them arguing and she grabbed some mental popcorn and enjoyed the show!
Making Edwina blindly in love with Anthony completely ruined her character, which is a shame because yes she is supposed to be sweet and agreeable, but she is also supposed to smart and observant
(Anyway go read the books, Anthony’s story is a fucking delight)
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bridgertonian · 2 years
on an scale of 15/10 how excited we all are for the bridgerton season 2???
as i’m the bad combination of a slow watcher + doesn’t want to get spoilers i’ll be off on the 25th (and probably 26th as well) and then back with my chaotic blogging ehehh
can’t wait to see what everyone thought about it (i’ll be stalking all your tags sjiojaos)
also i’ll try to be more organized and will be tagging all season 2 posts with #brigderton spoilers for 2 weeks, so please make sure to block this tag if you don’t want to get spoilers 
and that’s it! can’t believe it’s finally coming! here i’m trying to be positive and open minded, cause babes we all that deserve so much a good thing in our lives!!
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as always, take care and big hug! <3
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remedymoods · 3 years
Bridgerton Review- Spoilers
2020 has been a fucked up year, and to end, Shonda Rhimes and Julie Quinn bring us to Bridgerton, and just like 2020, it started beautifully, but the ending.. not so much. 
Here is my review and spoilers below, so enjoy or not.  Since we are in a pandemic and quarantine, it's great to see people out for the social season, even if it's in the 1800s, and the fabulous Julie Andrews narrates us through these eight episodes.  We met with two different families, the Bridgerton and Featherington, kicking off on which daughter will first receive their MRS.  While Daphne Brigderton won that race, I will share what I love and dislike about the series. 
1) Duke Hasting.  Simon Bassett. Rege Jean Page... OH.MY.GOD.  The moment he trotted on screen, to his first words, my mouth fell to the ground.  His story was just so refreshing. Let's give credit for how he could eat, roll his sleeve, or raise his eyebrow, which made him more attractive that I felt the need to protect him.  When he made it clear, he did not need guidance from Daphne on how to wow a lady.  I couldn't have been the only one thinking about what he would do in the drawing-room.  Or when he explains masturbation.. yeah, I took a sip of water.  He was clear that he did not want to marry or have kids, and I wish he kept that vow.  
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2)The Lighting.  Usually, with period films or movies, the light is so dark.  I love how the lighting was done that it made the fashion pop more.  
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3) Diversity.  I love that the cast was diverse. It brought different storytelling. The small touch on why you do not see race in the story from the conversation with Duke Hasting and Lady Danbury was nice, but it did make me want just a little bit more. 
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4) Colin Bridgerton x Marina Thompson.  I completely loved this pairing together and wished that we saw more of a courtship between them before she was in hiding.  I enjoyed their chemistry and felt that they would have been a great pair to alternate between Simon and Daphne.  Unfortunately, she marries someone else, and he's traveling the world. 
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1) Daphne Bridgerton.  At first, you feel bad for her when her brother destroys her chances of finding a husband, but then it goes away.  It was hard for me to root for her.  Sometimes I felt that the writers took parts of Amy March from Little Women's speech about marriage and sprinkled it in.  She's spoiled, naïve, and a brat, and what she did to The Duke.  It was beyond wrong and rape, and we know for a fact that it was the other way around, people would have a riot.  I was so happy that she wasn't pregnant and wished that he had left her.  She did not deserve a hero ending, and it still pisses me off. 
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2) Penelope Featherington/Lady Whisteldown.  It was evident that Penelope is Lady Whistledown. Stevie Wonder saw it, and so did everyone else.  The fact that Penelope was willing to destroy her family because Colin fancy Marina over her is beyond crazy.  Can I be honest?  I thought that Penelope was into Eloise than Colin; she seemed giddy when she waved it to her, and Colin's not even in the frame.  
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3) The Queen.  I felt robbed that we had a Black Queen, and we did not have a backstory or learn more about her.   When the writers choose Penelope as Lady Whisteldown, it was the wrong move. I wanted to know more about the Queen. We all wanted to learn more about the Queen.   Every time the Queen was on the screen, it wasn't enough, especially after the tease with her and the King.
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I did enjoy the show and highly recommended it, but I must forewarn you this is not to watch with parents or kids.  Ready for season 2. 
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obrienpolycule · 2 years
blacklist #bridgerton lb if you don't want to see my reactions to this season. I will also be tagging all my brigderton stuff #bridgerton and all spoilers #bridgerton spoilers till monday
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myfriendscallmeraba · 2 years
NOO STOP I opened tumblr to rant about hosab but all the Brigderton spoilers are getting me😭
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celiaelise · 3 years
I watched the first episode of "Brigderton" with my mom! Liked it, though I don't think the name is very compelling. We'll probably watch the second one tomorrow.
I'm considering blocking the tag so I don't get spoilered.
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Did Anthony and Kate just leave London so they can ✨spend more time together✨? Love that for them!
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