odessa-castle · 6 months
dalyria gets a butch dwarven gf as a treat is exactly what it sounds like! It’s the side romance between Branwyn and Dalyria in NLTS. That subplot wasn’t part of my initial outline at all, but somewhere around chapter 6, I realized “hey, this is a good ship and it does cool things thematically.” It’s not going to be anywhere near as long and involved as NLTS because I literally cannot, but I’ve written bits and pieces of it, and I want to get the first half up sometime soonish.
I’m honestly tickled that so many people have expressed interest in Bran and Dal’s story, considering that it’s like…a romance between an extremely minor character and an OC. It’s a different dynamic than wyllstarion is, for sure, but it’s a dynamic that I’ve grown to like a lot.
Here’s a taste of their first meeting, right before Branwyn gets the news about Ulder being injured in Chapter 6:
“They don’t let us salt-of-the-earth types take advantage of the company,” Branwyn says, “but they let us take advantage of the beverages. What’ll you have?”
“Oh,” the woman says, her lips parted in a little moue. She brings her hand closer to her mouth. “I don’t drink often, I’m afraid. What would you recommend?”
Oh, godsdamnit. Branwyn knows when she’s being fed a line, but this one’s always worked on her – doubly so when it’s coming from such a soft set of lips. “Depends on your palate,” she says. “You like drier, or a bit of sweet?”
“A bit of sweet, I think,” the woman says, glancing down at her lap.
“Maybe a red, then. They’ve got a good selection of Ashaban Dusk here – a little flat, but it’s got a nice pluck to it.”
The woman smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her pointed ear. “You must have a good palate.”
Branwyn snorts. Which, well, hope she hasn’t shot herself in the foot too badly by sounding like an overexcited pig for a moment there. “I just repeat what I hear at parties, for the most part. When I’m out and about, I’ll drink whatever gets the job done.”
The woman’s gaze settles on the badge on Branwyn’s cuirass. She sits up a little straighter, perches delicately on the end of her seat. “Oh! You’re with the Flaming Fist, then.”
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maggacammara · 11 months
Wyllvember, Day One
I. Favorite Outfit Inspired by this post by @brightblueinky.
It isn’t that he doesn’t have options.
That’s one thing about being the Blade of Frontiers: he has no shortage of options, particularly when it comes to material possessions. He doesn’t generally accept absurd offers of gold and valuables in return for his services—no more than he needs to get by, at least. Still, that doesn’t account for the mothers. Everywhere he goes, mothers seem to follow him, offering food, drink, a warm bed, a pair of new boots—oh, would you please take the boots, Mr. Frontiers?
continue reading
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zigraves · 3 months
Last Line game, via Asidian: Rules: in a rb or separate post, post the last sentence you wrote in any of your wips (original, fanfic, etc), and tag as many people as there are words.
I am cheating, as Asidian did, and offering up a paragraph, but with more limited tags:
While Enver's hands are busy - they are always busy - he finds himself holding spare tools between his teeth. The cool of the metal, the iron-bitter taste of it pressed on his tongue, the electric-spark smell of the air is almost all-consuming at times. He feels drunk with it. He finds his hands playing across newly forged limbs just for the feel of them, not checking for faults but appreciating how well turned they are. He compares his own augmentations, the gem-apparatus embedded in his hand, the more subtle nerve enhancements, against the pure steel work under his fingertips.
and that last line has 24 words which is... too many for tagging, probably, but I'll give it a try.
@cosmictuesdays and @typingatlightspeed and @sybaritick and @ayvaines and @klkirbles and @oghmasfavorite and @brightblueinky and @jellyfishline and @pluviatrix and @noodlefrog-omens and god this is too many people to try and think of off the top of my head.
Consider yourself tagged, despite my poor memory, if you like playing fic sharing games
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tinx-methinks · 5 months
On Repeat Shuffle Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @thatscarletflycatcher ! Thank you so much for the tag. I love to listen to the music from the folks that come before and after me, and your list didn't disappoint! I had forgotten about Lynn's Cliffs of Dover and added that to my oldies playlist right away. There were so many I knew on your list it was a joy to listen to and hear what else you had to rec. Their list here.
The rules are shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people.
I Love to Laugh from the Mary Poppins Soundtrack
I Surrender by Michelle Wright
Magic by Pilot
Is it Friday Yet? by Gord Bamford
Self Control by Laura Branigan
Somethin' Stupid by Frank and Nancy Sinatra
Goodnight my Friend from Galavant
You Light my Fire by Nate Ruess
Turn the Lights Back on by Billy Joel
Acadia by Marianas Trench
A very mixed up list. Yeesh that one came out all over the place. Probably because my "on repeat" playlist is just all my songs on shuffle, but still wowza.
I'll tag @mxmoons @maiaofmischief @caw-oticdork @band-aidbunny @oinkymoo
@still-nix-d-goffic @knifestorm @sunflourishing @adventures-in-mangaland @brightblueinky
And anyone who wants to do it that sees this can always tag me and say I tagged them. I love to listen to the songs people put in these, so if you do it I will def take the time out to check out your songs. But as always no pressure. <3
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othercat2 · 7 years
For the three sentence meme! Chrono Crusade, Noir AU, Chrono/Aion
“I knew you were too good to be true,” Officer Campbell said with a sneer. “You’re on the take same as me!”
“Oh, he isn’t on the take,” Boss Aion  replied before Chrono could respond. “I’m giving you to him.”
Chrono smiled. “You’re under arrest, Officer Campbell.”
“The hell?” Campbell looked between the two of them. Identical smiles on identical faces. He never noticed how they looked alike before. “We had a deal,” he said, faltering, but still trying for steel nerves.
“Don’t be too sure of that,” Aion said. “I was willing to pay to keep your nose out of my business, but you went after family, and your friends went after my best girl.”
“Friends,” Campbell said flat and confused. “Best girl?”
“Florette Harvenheit,” Aion said flatly. “You remember, so tall?” He measured a height up to his shoulder.  “German immigrant? Jewish? Dark hair, dark eyes?” A beat. “I’m going to hang you by your white sheets, Campbell.”
Campbell made a break for it, but was stopped short by Viede and Genai, who wrestled him to the ground. “I’ll sing, see if I don’t,” Campbell spat.
“Try it,” Aion said. “I’m as honest as the next man, aren’t I, brother?”
“You’re more honest than Officer Campbell, I’ll give you that,” Chrono said, amused.
Yeah I wasn’t sure about what was wanted with noir, so I went for Gangsters with Chrono as the Honest Cop with a dangerous past involving a Crime Boss brother, with added reference to the KKK which wasn’t/isn’t just in the southern states. Assume a story line involving Chrono trying to solve a murder (which Campbell is guilty of) but having problems because of issues of race and dirty cops standing up for other dirty cops. Somewhere in this imaginary film are the words “why don’t you go back where you came from,” followed by “you first.”
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trixystix · 7 years
@brightblueinky​:  BROOKLYN 99 IS THE BEST!!!
YES YES OMG like all the characters are amazing and wonderful (GINA <333) and it’s just so wholesome and the humor is so spot-on and fast-paced omgggg so good!!!
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seasaltmemories · 8 years
brightblueinky replied to your post “Tag Game”
Skillet was my favorite band when I was a teenager!
They were the first band I was really into, I’m not as crazy as I used to be over them, but they still hold a special place in my heart
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sewer-rat0 · 4 years
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Chrono Crusade, the thiccening
@mr-junes @brightblueinky
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anunimportantduck · 6 years
brightblueinky replied to your post: Warning: Contains Gifs that have spoilers for...
I believe it’s James Baxter, former Disney animator and horse on a beach ball.
Omg, that’s so awesome. If that is true, thank you so much.
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loracarol · 6 years
brightblueinky replied to your post “does anyone remember that post by writing prompts (?) or w/e where...”
I remember it, it was amazing
I’ve been trying to find it, but I don’t know if I just don’t remember the keywords, or if it got deleted or.... But I can’t find it. ;_;
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odessa-castle · 6 months
Do you think there's anything Astarion could've done to successfully seduce Wyll? Or was it a completely lost cause?
Depends on what kind of thing you mean by “seduce,” although in general, I don’t think it would ever have gone according to plan.
Astarion convincing Wyll to sleep with him on the night they first meet is — unlikely. In theory, he could maybe guilt Wyll into it, but that would require him knowing enough about Wyll’s daddy issues, which he simply doesn’t, and guilt-tripping isn’t exactly one of Astarion’s go-to seduction tactics. In terms of Astarion seducing Wyll into becoming Cazador’s pawn, the biggest problem with that is honestly Cazador himself. He’s not going to stop abusing Astarion, and Wyll was bound to pick up on those signs at some point — and, being Wyll, there’s no way he’d simply let that lie.
Wyll is naive in a lot of ways, but he’s not stupid, and while he’s not disinterested in sex, you can’t lead him around by the dick. He’s governed by his heart, and there’s a genuineness and depth of feeling there that neither Astarion nor Cazador really know how to direct to their own ends (Astarion is completely unprepared for someone caring about him as a person, and Cazador is too contemptuous of everything Wyll values to really dive into what makes Wyll tick).
The scheme was always going to fall apart, I think; it was just a question of when and how.
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opalescentegg · 8 years
T for the song meme!
Thank you for the ask!Ummm, let’s see...Take Me Out --- Franz FerdinandTwo --- The AntlersThis Year --- The Mountain GoatsTimshel --- Mumford & SonsThose Days Are Gone, and My Heart is Breaking --- Barton Carroll
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othercat2 · 2 years
This Chrono Crusade Thought has been in my head
@brightblueinky I had some vague Chrono Crusade thoughts!
In some universe where Chrono and Rosette are not tragically parted by death and Pandemonium becoming a thin ring encircling the Earth, Chrono teases Rosette with this rhyme:
Rosie Posie, Puddin and Pie,
Kicked the Boys and Made them cry.
He generally does not get further into the rhyme than that, as Rosie Posie kicks (one specific boy's) tail every time he starts the rhyme. As you do. On lookers are torn between "Welp, time for the Rosette and Chrono Show," and "Why are you both like this?"
And also:
Rosette: "Right, who do you think you are, George Burns?"
Chrono: "Wouldn't that make you Gracie?"
Onlooker: *muttered* More like Punch and Judy, only in reverse.
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seasaltmemories · 8 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @chromsai @x-ali-chan-x @colorfulwatcher @clockworkspider @pendulum-sonata @cipi127
Rules: Answer and tag 10 people you’d like to know better
Birthday: April 6th
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Single
Zodiac: Aries
Siblings: Four brothers
Wake up time: 6:00 am on school days, when left to my own devices 9:00-11:00 am
Lemonade or tea: Lemonade
Day or night: Day
Coke or Pepsi: Neither  
Call or text: Text
Met any celebrities: I met Skillet ince
Smile or eyes: Smiles make me fall every time
Country or city: City
Last song I listened to: Distance- Christina Perri
tagging @dragonowlie @nanenna @brightblueinky @cup-ah-jho @rarityfangirl31 @happinessisntfun @sketched-daydreams @serenafromfusion @deathkid3 @staroftara
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harocat · 10 years
brightblueinky replied to your post:brightblueinky replied to your photo:FINALLY. OH...
I DO BUT I’M SAVING THEM UP FOR HONOR STUDENT SCOUTING. I’VE GOT LIKE 30 SO FAR, I JUST GOT TO GET TO 50 BEFORE TOMORROW…SOMEHOW… (and yeah I’m not paying $30 for 50 of them, fuck that noise, Hearthstone gives me 35 cards for $10.)
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