shinewonder · 2 years
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quick little feligette
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
Up Ladybug, Entry 25: Queen Bee
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''Well, there you go again telling me where I belong. You put me on the bench, don't think that I can play strong. So quick to condescend well, you think I'm empty, I'm not. You won't be so confident when I'm crushing you from the top.''
– Dumb Blonde by Avril Lavinge ft. Nicki Minaj
Bridgette stretched her arms, being in a great mood as she walked to her school. It was a chilly morning, but the fresh air was just what she needed to wake up properly. Tikki was inside her backpack, still asleep after last night's patrol. The patrol itself had been surprisingly quiet, with no Papillon or Phantom Thief Belladonna causing trouble. While Bridgette wasn't sure what excuse Belladonna had, she had figured that Papillon, or at least the Mime, wouldn't show himself after that fiasco with that charity event fire.
Hopefully we can avoid any kind of trouble in the near future, Bridgette thought as she stopped at a traffic light, not paying attention to the car next to her until the car door suddenly opened and, to her surprise and amazement, Félix got out of it. Bridgette could hear the driver yelling at Félix, but the teenager ignored it, approaching her instead.
''Good morning, Bridgette,'' Félix greeted her with a genuine smile on his lips.
''Good morning, Félix,'' Bridgette responded, still a bit stunned by Félix's sudden appearance. ''Uh, what are you doing here? I-I mean I'm sure you're also on your way to school, but why did you-?''
''I saw you walking past and I thought that we could walk together to school,'' Félix replied in a casual tone, not wanting to admit that he specifically asked Nathan to drive past Bridgette's house in hopes of finding her before school starts. Of course, his designed driver wasn't too happy about it, but Félix didn't care about how he's going to explain this to his uncle.
''R-Really?'' Despite them being officially friends and having started to hang out more and more, Bridgette had to admit that she was still a little surprised with how social Félix has become. At least he was clearly more relaxed in her presence and she was really happy about it. When Félix gave her a slight look of concern, Bridgette quickly added, ''I don't mind that. I'm just surprised that you decided to be so forward about hanging out with me. I thought that was my schtick.''
Félix cracked a rather playful smile. ''You'd be surprised just how persistent I can be when I put my mind into it.''
''So, does this mean that you'd also invite me to have lunch with you?'' Bridgette asked sneakily, her eye-lids lowered as she gave him a knowing smirk.
''Of course. After all, don't I owe you for the times you gave me lunch when I forgot to bring my wallet?'' Félix replied, his tone and expression matching Bridgette's. Despite what they just said, they knew perfectly well that they were just making up excuses for spending more time together and Félix had to admit, he was actually having a lot of fun with it. After realizing, and also kicking himself for not giving her a chance earlier, that Bridgette genuinely cared about him, he wanted to make up for his rudeness and be as transparent with her as possible. At the same time, he found himself enjoying her presence and wanted to interact with her more. Of course, he was also aware that Bridgette still had feelings for him and he knew that getting closer to her might send a wrong message, but he figured that they could have a conversation when the time comes. For now, he just wanted to enjoy the little moments.
''Hey, Bridgette!''
Félix tensed when he heard Claude calling out for Bridgette, the teenager turning around and greeting him. He understood that they were Bridgette's friends and that she'd want to spend time with them, but he had hoped that their time alone would last just a bit longer before classes started. I don't think I can even attribute this to my bad luck.
''I'm surprised to see you here, Agreste,'' Claude said.
''You're surprised to see me at school?'' Félix asked in a deadpan tone, his question causing Bridgette to giggle. Claude exhaled, placing his hands on his hips.
''You know well what I mean,'' he said. The two were silent, with Bridgette observing them as they glared at each other and realizing that this is going to be a long day.
''Hey, hey… How about we get to school? I don't want to be late,'' she said, interlocking arms with both and pulling them forwards.
''Okay, okay, you can go ahead and we'll catch up,'' Claude said, with Bridgette nodding, a bright smile on her expression, and running off when she spotted Sophie. Claude smiled as he observed Bridgette just being her happy and cheerful self, only for the smile to disappear as he felt something cold washing over him when the person next to him spoke.
''I'm not your enemy, Savard,'' Félix said in a matter-of-fact tone, walking away, only to stop when he felt a strange cold sensation washing over him.
''…'' He turned around, seeing Claude just glare at him. ''I don't care whether you are my enemy or not, I will treat you as I see fit.''
''Tch,'' Félix scoffed, only to smirk mischievously. ''You really act like you're Bridgette's older brother. Do you really have to be so protective of her?''
''With guys like you around, I need to do my best to make sure she won't get hurt,'' Claude replied in a cold and aloof tone, with Félix frowning.
''What do you mean 'guys like you'? What are you taking me for?'' he asked, feeling quite irked.
''You're not the social type and you were quite rude towards Bridgette before, but now you want to hang out with her. I think that's really suspicious,'' Claude responded, walking away. Félix fumed, but then quickly joined Claude, walking at the same pace as him.
''So, I'm not allowed to change my opinion in regards to someone?'' Félix said. While he actually wanted to ignore Claude's comments, this one really struck a nerve. He saw Claude frowning, taking this change of mood as a small victory. Two can play this game. However, a moment later, he regretted the whole conversation by simply blurting out very confidently, ''Don't tell me that you're jealous of me becoming close to Bridgette.''
Claude suddenly stopped walking, tilting his head as he gave Félix a questioning look, much to the latter's confusion. ''Agreste, are you planning on pursuing Bridgette romantically?''
''Eh…?'' Félix was shocked by the question, his jaw dropping while a voice in his head screamed at him, What have you done, Neko Boy?! Stop acting like you're Chat Noir, you're not even transformed, you idiot! Okay, okay, act cool! You can do this, just don't show how nervous you are! Félix coughed, clearing his throat while still feeling his anxiety skyrocketing. ''What are you talking about? We're just close friends, that's all.''
Going by Claude's expression, he clearly didn't believe Félix, and Félix knew that. ''If I find out that you've been stringing her along all this time…''
''Calm down, I'm not going to do anything like that,'' Félix responded in a cool and aloof tone, but was still feeling anxious. After all, Claude just confronted him with the real idea of him actually being romantically interested in Bridgette. Sure, he saw her as a close friend, but he wasn't completely sure whether he had any romantic feelings for her. He knew that Bridgette had feelings for him and he was certain that, if he asked her out on a date, she would agree gleefully to it. So, where was the obstacle? It is myself.
Félix just sighed, spotting Bridgette and her friends at the school entrance, but instead of joining them, he stood at the side, observing Bridgette as she happily chatted with Allegra, seemingly oblivious to the curious looks her friends gave to Félix, with Claude being the one outright glaring at him. However, Bridgette wasn't as oblivious as she appeared to be, being slightly worried by the tense silence between her friends and Félix, the latter then stepping up.
''Good morning, everyone,'' Félix greeted them politely, if a bit formally, getting murmurs of 'good morning' in response, with Claude, Sophie, Allegra and Allan casting a questioning look at Bridgette. Sure, Félix did interact with them several times, albeit usually while he was just passing by, and Bridgette even invited him to her home the day before, clearly having a good relationship with him, but none of them were really sure whether he was going to be a permanent member of their friend group. They knew by this point that he was a nice person, even if that niceness was hidden under a wall of ice, but he wasn't exactly the most social person to be around, so things were rather awkward between them.
''Hey, Fé, I'm looking forward to our lunch!'' Bridgette suddenly blurted out, breaking the tense silence and drawing her friends' attention. ''I hope you guys won't mind if me and Fé have some private time.''
''Fé?'' Allegra rose an eyebrow.
''I had told Bri that I'm fine with that nickname. However, only if she's the one who calls me that,'' Félix said, shooting a glare at Allegra. ''After all, everyone else prefers to call me Ice Prince. Am I correct in that regard, Baudelaire?''
''Uh, well…'' Allegra was a little embarrassed to be called out like that. In fact, everyone was shifting anxiously, since they had been using that nickname behind Félix's back since he had arrived here. ''I'm sorry…''
''You can use the Ice Prince if you want to. I don't care about it,'' Félix replied. ''You can also refer to me by my name or surname in a conversation, but I won't tolerate any stupid nicknames.''
''So, Ice Prince isn't a stupid nickname?'' Sophie asked, rising an eyebrow and smirking.
''It is a title,'' Félix responded in a resolute tone.
''How is that a title?'' Sophie gave him a confused look, but before the conversation could continue, they heard the bell ringing.
''I guess you'll have to continue your debate after class is over. Com'n!'' Allan said, with him and the rest of the group walking towards their classroom, while Bridgette and Félix were a bit behind them.
''Are you okay?'' Bridgette asked.
''I might not be popular among your friends, but I can handle myself,'' Félix responded, giving Bridgette a confident smile. In response, Bridgette grinned cheekily and gave him a thumbs up.
Amber smirked as she stalked the school hallways during break time, observing her fellow students. Interestingly, instead of wearing her usual dress, she was wearing a yellow and black stripped T-shirt, her usual black jacket and white pants. Underneath, however, was her superhero outfit and she tried to find a good moment to reveal herself as Queen Bee. Of course, for that, she needed to first find someone who was performing some kind of crime… which was actually more difficult than she thought. You'd expect that a school filled with a bunch of teenagers would at least have someone who is not following the rules, but to her surprise, she couldn't find anyone doing anything wrong.
Oh, com'n, someone has to have some kind of secret agenda on their mind!
She walked through the hallways, frowning as she gave the other students scrutinizing looks as she searched for the wrongdoers, two of them being Bridgette and Félix who were about to go to lunch together.
''Huh?'' Bridgette blinked in confusion as she spotted Amber hiding around the corner, startling the latter. Instead of a response, Amber just huffed and walked away, while Bridgette and Félix rose an eyebrow. ''Why do I have a bad feelling about this?''
''Let's see – Bourgeois is hiding and stalking other students instead of trying to put herself in the spotlight. She's also being silent about it instead of telling everyone how much better she is. Not to mention, she also looks like she's up to something,'' Félix said, having placed his hand on his chin as he mused, then glanced at Bridgette. ''I think your sixth sense in regards to this is valid.''
''Honestly, I'd love to go to lunch with you but… I just want to see what Amber is up to now,'' Bridgette said, her tone slightly apologetic. Félix shook his head.
''I'll admit, I'm also curious in regards to what Bourgeois is planning to do,'' he replied. Bridgette smirked, nodding.
''Let's go.''
While Bridgette and Félix went searching for her, Amber made her way to the locker room, still annoyed that she couldn't find any wrongdoers, only to spot some guy hitting a locker in frustration.
''Com'n, open up already!'' The guy slammed his palm against the locker, only for it not to budge. Amber's eyes widened in glee as she realized that she may have found a criminal.
He's trying to break into someone else's locker! Now it is my moment to shine!
She quickly ran out of the locker room and into the nearby girl's restroom, quickly taking off her T-shirt, jacket and pants and placing her clothes into her school bag and placed a yellow and black domino mask over her face to fit her hand-made black and yellow jumpsuit. She then returned to the locker room, striking a heroic pose as she approached the guy, who apparently gave up on opening the locker.
''Hold it right there, thief! What do you think you're doing?'' Amber exclaimed, glaring at the would-be culprit who got startled by her sudden appearance.
''Who are you and what's up with the costume? Are you from the theatre club?'' he asked.
''Ha, as if! I'm the new superhero of Paris, Queen Bee!'' Queen Bee responded, striking a few dramatic poses before pointing at the student. ''I have caught you completely red-handed!''
''Red-handed- What are you talking about?'' the guy asked, completely confused. Queen Bee stepped forward, pointing her finger at him.
''You've been trying to break into another student's locker to steal their stuff, but I'll be the one to apprehend you!'' she said in an accusatory tone. The student just gave her an annoyed look.
''I don't know what you're talk about. That's my locker,'' he replied.
''Then why are you trying to break into it if it is your locker? Unless, you don't know the combination because it isn't!'' Queen Bee responded, grinning. The student rolled his eyes.
''Look, these lockers are older than dinosaurs and will get stuck,'' he said, shaking his head as he was about to walk away. ''I'm getting the janitor to sort this out.''
''Oh, no you won't until you admit that you were trying to break into the locker!'' Queen Bee stepped in front of him.
''Leave me alone, weirdo!'' the student yelled at her, neither him nor Queen Bee noticing that Bridgette and Félix were hiding at the entrance to the locker room, not looking impressed by what Amber was up to as Queen Bee.
''It looks like your gut feeling was correct,'' Félix said, with Bridgette smiling.
''I had been dealing with Amber for a while. I know that when she gets up to something, she will cause trouble for everyone else,'' she replied.
''So, what's your plan?'' Félix asked curiously.
''Let's get her before she angers the wrong person and question her about what is going on,'' Bridgette said. Félix nodded, with both of them getting out of their hiding spot, interlocking arms with a startled Queen Bee and dragging her into another corner of the locker room, while the other student just shook his head in disbelief and walked away.
''Ugh, let me go! Don't you know who I am?'' Queen Bee glared at Bridgette and Félix as they cornered her. Bridgette sighed in exasperation.
''Amber, what are you doing and what is up with that costume?'' she asked.
''First of all, I'm not Amber, I'm Queen Bee! I have no idea who this Amber person is, but I assume that she is great!'' Queen Bee said proudly, only to realize that Bridgette and Félix weren't buying any of it. ''In any case, I will be the one joining the ranks of superheroes as Ladybug and Chat Noir's new ally.''
''What?'' Bridgette and Félix blurted out simultaneously, both stunned by Queen Bee's declaration. Queen Bee just rolled her eyes as she realized she wouldn't be getting any recognition from these two. She then sighed.
''Listen up, I really admire both Ladybug and Chat Noir and I'm sure that they would appreciate more help on their fights against weirdos in costumes. I don't need your criticism regarding that,'' Queen Bee told the two.
''Bourgeois, do you even have any superpowers to help you fight effectively against those super villains?'' Félix asked, with Queen Bee freezing on the spot, feeling anxious. ''I thought so.''
''Amber, I understand that you want to be like your favorite heroes, but think about it for a moment. As Félix said, you don't have any superpowers, meaning you'll put yourself in danger for no reason and be a liability to Ladybug and Chat Noir,'' Bridgette said. Queen Bee fumed.
''Ha, what do you know?! It's not like you two are Ladybug and Chat Noir!'' she ranted, not noticing that Bridgette and Félix tensed for a moment. ''I'm sure they'll accept me the way I am, no matter if I have any superpowers. I am Queen Bee and I'll be the best superhero ever!''
With that said, she stomped out of the locker room, with Bridgette and Félix feeling second-hand embarrassment from this interaction, with Félix quipping, ''She's delusional.''
''She'll put herself unnecessarily in danger,'' Bridgette added. ''We know what kind of villains Ladybug and Chat Noir are dealing with and the Mime basically blew up a building a couple of nights ago. She'll be brought back in a body bag if she tries to do actual superhero stuff.''
''While true, it's not like we can change her mind. She is convinced that she's a superhero now,'' Félix pointed out. Bridgette fell silent, musing.
''Yeah, you're right. If only Ladybug and/or Chat Noir were here, I'm sure they would convince her to drop the hero act and maybe knock some sense into her. I doubt that either of the would want a civilian to fight super villains,'' Bridgette said, a plan already forming in her head.
''That makes sense, since she admires those two so much. If either of us spots any of them, we'll let them know,'' Félix said in agreement, a plan already forming in his head.
Both actually thought of transforming and confronting Amber/Queen Bee about her ideas and convince her to stop putting herself into danger before anything serious happens. They didn't want her to become Papillon's target, especially since they believed that he was capable of much worse things and the last thing they needed was blood on their hands. However, they realized that there was one issue with this.
''Uh… about lunch…'' Bridgette started slowly, with Félix realizing that he actually forgot that they had plans to spend time together. However, with the current situation, he felt that it would be smarter to deal with Amber/Queen Bee first.
''Right, lunch…'' Félix trailed off, with both of them being silent for a moment, feeling rather awkward. Bridgette scratched her cheek, laughing nervously.
''I-I just remembered that there was something I still needed to do…'' she started, with Félix raising an eyebrow, not really sure how what to make of it, but then he realized that this was the perfect opportunity to complete his plan.
''Now that you mention it, I forgot that I also have something to do, so maybe we can postpone it, if that's okay with you?'' Félix asked. Bridgette nodded, hardly believing that she managed to get away with her awful excuse as she wanted to deal with Amber as soon as possible.
''I have no problem with that,'' Bridgette replied, running off. ''See you later!''
Félix watched her leave, then sighed, with Plagg popping his head out, seemingly knowing what was going through Félix's head. ''This was easy. Too easy, if you ask me.''
''Whether Bridgette really has something to do or she has a way to contact Ladybug, I don't think it matters now. I need to make sure that Bourgeois doesn't kill herself by confronting the wrong person,'' Félix replied.
''I didn't expect that you'd care that much about Amber,'' Plagg said, giving him an intrigued look.
''I don't, but her antics won't help us in our fight against Papillon. I'm nipping this in the bud,'' Félix told him, rushing off to find a secluded spot to transform.
''Okay, I think we're safe here,'' Bridgette said, having managed to climb onto the flat rooftop of the school building through a window and crouching down without being seen. Clearly, she couldn't transform in the girl's restroom as someone would obviously notice her or the school cameras would take footage of her going inside as Bridgette and coming out as Ladybug. However, she had learned from other students that some would take advantage of the flat rooftop to sneak from one classroom to another without being detected. Tikki flew out of her backpack, giving her a look of concern.
''Are you sure that Félix didn't suspect anything? He accepted your excuse a bit too readily,'' she said.
''I know, but I have other things on mind. If he brings it up, I'll come up with some explanation, but for now, I need to deal with Amber before she gets herself into danger. It is one thing for her to play superhero at school, but imagine if she tried this stunt while dealing with an actual criminal. I may not like Amber and she always bullied me, but I'm not going to let her hurt herself. Tikki, transform me!''
There was a flash of red, with Ladybug getting up and, after making sure that her backpack was securely tucked into the corner of the school rooftop, quickly made her way to the school yard where she spotted Queen Bee grilling another student over stolen lunch or something like that. Ladybug groaned in exasperation, only to be alerted by Chat Noir who appeared right next to her.
''Hey, Bug, what are you doing here?'' he asked, giving her a curious look.
''Let's just say that I caught wind of Amber Bourgeois causing trouble. What about you?'' Ladybug asked, with Chat Noir giving her a nervous look.
''Ehh, same?'' he said, shrugging and trying to act nonchalant. Both stared at each other for a moment, as if expecting for this conversation to continue, but decided against it and focused back on Queen Bee.
''Dude, could you just leave us alone?'' the student she was harassing said.
''Not until I get some evidence that you were up to- agh!'' Before Queen Bee could finish her sentence, a yo-yo wrapped around her body and she was whisked away. She screamed as she flew through the air, only to be caught in someone's arms, who leapt from building to building, her eyes closed as she struggled. ''H-Hey, what's the big idea?! Let me go! Do you know who I am?! I will sue you for kidnapping me!''
''Amber, we have to talk.''
Queen Bee suddenly opened her eyes, staring in shock at Ladybug, who was carrying her bridal-style, and Chat Noir, who was standing next to them, his arms folded across his chest. They were standing on a building further away from their school, where they had more privacy. Both superheroes were startled when Queen Bee suddenly let out a high-pitched cry, her eyes turning into stars.
''Ladybug! I'm so happy to see you!'' she said gleefully, leaping out of Ladybug's arms on to grab her hands and hold them. ''I was hoping for you to show up so I could talk to you about being a superhero! Look, I even got the costume and weapon!'' Queen Bee showed off her trompo joyfully and completely oblivious to the looks of disapproval Ladybug and Chat Noir were giving her. ''You won't mind if a duo becomes a trio, right?''
''Amber, listen…'' Ladybug started but got interrupted by Queen Bee, who placed her palm in front of Ladybug's face to stop her.
''My superhero name is Queen Bee and I'd rather that you call me that from now on since we superheros need to keep our identities a secret, right?'' Queen Bee said, smiling. ''Now, what's the issue? Is there any super villain running around and causing chaos? Is that why you brought me here?''
''No, we brought you here for a different reason.'' Ladybug shook her head, her eyes narrowing. ''Amber, whatever you're doing as Queen Bee, you need to stop with it. You're putting yourself and others in danger.''
''Wh-What?!'' Queen Bee was shocked to hear that from a person she genuinely admired. ''B-But…''
''You don't have any special powers and you're just a civilian in a costume who is drawing too much attention to herself. You had already been targeted by the Mime once because you're the mayor's daughter. Don't you think that he might do the same again?'' Chat Noir added.
''Maybe, but you're here and you can defeat him again!'' Queen Bee protested.
''Yeah, we can, but that doesn't mean that we're available 24/7. We have our own lives to lead and we don't want the spotlight on us. We have chosen to fight people like the Mime and Monsieur Pigeon with the powers we have because we want to do what is right,'' Ladybug said, not noticing Chat Noir wincing at the 'we have chosen to fight' bit. He didn't choose anything.
''Right. Have you seen either of us just strolling around in broad daylight and accusing innocent people of comitting crime?'' Chat Noir asked, sounding slightly bitter. Queen Bee's cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and it dawned her that her plan wasn't exactly the best or the smartest.
''I-I was just trying my hardest to p-prove myself as a superhero,'' she pleaded, utterly mortified by the look of disappointment Ladybug and Chat Noir were giving her. ''I-I hoped that you'd notice me…''
''I did notice you, and I'm not happy. If you thought that being a hero is about glitz and glamour, then I have to disappoint-''
''I don't care about that!'' Queen Bee suddenly screamed at Ladybug, startling both her and Chat Noir. ''I-I just thought-'' She shook her head, feeling chills flowing down her spine as she recalled all the times her own mother called her unremarkable and unexceptional, not caring about how Amber felt being treated like trash by the person who was supposed to love and care about her unconditionally. Tears started forming in the corners of her eyes as she took her domino mask off. ''I-I don't want to talk to you anymore- I hate you! You're the worst! You- You're ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!''
Ladybug and Chat Noir had to admit that, while neither of them was personally fond off Amber, they still felt pity for her. It was obvious that she had some deep issues and insecurities, but neither of them could really help her unless she was willing to open up about them.
''I want to get off this building. Right now!'' Amber growled, tears still streaming down her face as she turned to Chat Noir. Her vision of Ladybug was already shattered and the pedestal she put her favorite superhero was completely broken. She was done with her.
Chat Noir glanced at Ladybug, who nodded in silence, then picked Amber up and carried her towards the school, leaving her at the back entrance before rejoining Ladybug at the school rooftop. Ladybug sighed as he sat down next to her, looking somber.
''Are you okay?'' Chat Noir asked, with Ladybug just lowering her gaze. ''You know that we did the right thing.''
''Yeah, I do. It's just… I feel mentally exhausted after having to deal with Amber,'' Ladybug replied. ''I don't think she's just angry that she couldn't be a superhero. I'm sure she had another motive there.''
''Maybe she's looking for some kind of approval,'' Chat Noir suggested, with Ladybug giving her a curious look. ''She certainly sounded as if she wasn't getting the attention she wanted.''
''Yeah…'' Ladybug trailed off. She really had mixed feelings in regards to Amber, remembering all the times she had been bullied, with Amber either stealing her stuff or destroying her sketchbooks or calling her names, but lately? She sort of… let go off that. Perhaps it was that she was too busy balancing her life as Ladybug and Bridgette, dealing with her feelings for Félix and having to fight Papillon's henchmen, to even notice whether Amber was bullying her or not. Hell, when was the last time she did anything? Oh, sure, Amber stole her sketchbook and dumped it into a trash can, but beside that, what else did happen? She honestly couldn't remember.
''In the end, I don't think it really matters,'' Chat Noir suddenly said, drawing Ladybug's attention. ''We needed to have this talk with her for her own sake. We don't know what is going on in her civilian life, but we can make sure that nothing happens to her while we're superheroes.''
''You're right,'' Ladybug responded, only for her and Chat Noir to hear the school bell ring for the afternoon classes. Both looked suddenly nervous, exchanging glances with each other.
''Eh, I-I should…''
''Go? Y-Yeah, me too… Uh, see you-''
''At patrol? Yes!''
Ladybug and Chat Noir quickly rushed away to de-transform, their lunch plans with Félix and Bridgette falling through respectively. They really had no luck today.
Amber puffed up her cheeks, opting to just walk around aimlessly through Paris, still dressed in her Queen Bee costume under her regular outfit. She payed absolutely no attention at school and was just waiting for the classes to end, opting to just roam through the city instead of going straight home. She was completely dispirited, if not even depressed and felt like she couldn't do anything. The person she admired the most had just rejected her and she had no clue how to move on from this. She couldn't understand why Ladybug had to shatter her dreams so cruelly, but at the same time, she was well aware that she had no powers that could help her fight any villains. Unfortunately for her, Ladybug and Chat Noir were correct, but she refused to acknowledge that. She wanted to be a superhero, just like they were, and she wanted their recognition, that she was capable of more than any of them would assume. However, it was obvious that none of her desires would be fulfilled.
I should've known… I cannot expect anything…
Amber suddenly heard a crash from further down the street, being startled at first, but then ran towards it. To her surprise, she spotted the Mime robbing a closed jewelry store. She hid behind a car, feeling her heart beating rapidly as she realized just how real this situation was.
I managed to find a super villain! And it's that Mime guy! Uhhh, what do I do?! Amber felt herself panicking, only to slap herself lightly with both hands on the cheeks to focus more properly. Ladybug and Chat Noir usually patrol through Paris, right? If I keep stalling him, they will eventually come across us and kick this guy's ass. She fist-pumped, now determined to follow through with her plan. Right, you can do this! You are Queen Bee! You can also be a hero if you put your mind into it!
Quickly taking off her regular outfit and putting her domino mask on, Queen Bee climbed up on the car she was hiding behind and struck a heroic pose.
''Hey, you! Stop!'' The Mime looked up, rising an eyebrow at the teenager in a yellow and black jumpsuit and domino mask standing on top of a car that was parked on the street. ''I, Queen Bee, order you to stop with your criminal activity and surrender!''
The Mime just smirked as he looked at her, dropping the bag he was holding and curling his fingers around an invisible handle. Queen Bee gulped when she realized that the handle belonged to an invisible hammer, with the Mime suddenly running towards her. She managed to jump off the car and land safely on the ground, but to her shock, the Mime left quite a deep dent in the car roof. She realized that, had he hit her, her skull would've been nothing but flesh, blood and broken bones.
The Mime turned around towards her and kept swinging the huge hammer, leaving cracks in the walls of the street and Queen Bee quickly dodged them, using her gymnastics skills. However, she knew that she was in trouble, as she had no way to fight back. Even without his superpowers, the Mime was still an adult man, much bigger and heavier than her. The only thing she could do was to pray that someone would notice them and call the authorities, or even better, Ladybug and Chat Noir.
But, I told her that I hated her. Would she even want to save me?
Queen Bee froze as that thought crossed her mind, giving the Mime and opportunity to swing once again at her, leaving her unable to dodge the attack. However, before the hammer fell, a yo-yo wrapped around his arm, pulling him back. The Mime turned around, only to get punched square in the face by Chat Noir, knocking him down.
''Ladybug! Chat Noir!'' Queen Bee never felt so grateful to see these two. Despite all the mean stuff she had told them, they still would appear to help her and she felt safe around them. Ladybug leapt down, grabbing her hand and dragging her around a corner.
''What are you doing here? It's dangerous!'' Ladybug scolded her, with Queen Bee feeling a sting in her chest.
''I just happened to ran across that Mime guy! I didn't do it on purpose!'' Queen Bee snapped back, with Ladybug sighing in response.
''Okay, just stay here and stay safe. I don't want the Mime to hurt you,'' Ladybug told her.
Queen Bee noded, with Ladybug then rejoining Chat Noir in the battle against the Mime. She then kept observing the two as they fought the Mime, with Chat Noir using Black Hole to trap him, only for the Mime to mime a rocket launcher and fire it point-blank at the black cat superhero. Ladybug used her yo-yo to wrap it around the invisible rocket launcher, forcing Mime to fire it somewhere else, only for him to direct it towards her. Chat Noir managed to rush towards Ladybug in time, using his Black Hole to shield her from the explosion, but it was a little too late and both were knocked back, hitting the building behind them.
Queen Bee gasped as the Mime made his way over to them, forming what appeared to be a gun in his hands and pointing it straight towards Ladybug. Fortunately, she was still awake, but struggling to get up and the fact that an invisible gun was being held in front of her face didn't help. Queen Bee's expression changed from shock to a determined look, as she knew that she was the only one who could do something.
''Hey!'' Grabbing the trompo that was on a string around her waist, Queen Bee spun it, throwing it straight at Mime and nailed him right in the head. This was enough of a distraction for Ladybug to kick the gun out of Mime's hands and transform her yo-yo into a staff to hit him directly in the gut. Chat Noir also managed to get up, firing a point-blank Black Storm at the Mime, who was knocked back, hitting a car.
''Thanks Queen Bee!'' Ladybug said, briefly turning to her before she and Chat Noir faced the Mime. Queen Bee swelled with pride, observing the two as they landed hit after hit on the super villain, only for the Mime to realize that this was a losing fight and quickly left after throwing a smoke bomb at them. Once the smoke settled, he was nowhere to be found.
''Not again…'' Ladybug muttered. ''I thought we had him this time.''
''Better luck next time, I guess,'' Chat Noir responded, shrugging. Both then turned around towards Queen Bee, who felt a little awkward as they stared at each other in silence.
''I'm sorry for getting myself into danger,'' Queen Bee apologized sincerely, much to Ladybug's surprise. She honestly never heard Amber talk to her like this, being so vulnerable instead of condescending. ''You were right, I'm not cut for this superhero thing. I don't have any powers or abilities to protect myself and I would've died if it weren't for you two.''
''Why do you want so desperately to be a superhero?'' Ladybug asked. Queen Bee was silent, filddling with her trompo she had picked up nervously, before giving Ladybug a serious look.
''Can I trust you two with something very personal?'' she asked, with Ladybug giving her a curious look.
''Sure you can. I promise you I won't tell anyone,'' Ladybug said in an assuring tone, then glanced at Chat Noir.
''I don't really see any reason to share any personal secrets with anyone,'' he replied. Queen Bee took a deep breath.
''I… I wanted to be a superhero to feel special, because everyone else tell me that I'm not,'' she admitted. Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged glances of surprise, not expecting the conversation to steer in this way.
''Who is telling you that?'' Ladybug asked.
''Mainly, my own mother!'' Queen Bee responded, before going into a rant as she walked up-down in front of the two, throwing her hands up animatedly. ''I tried everything to please her and make her proud of me, but he's always telling me how unexceptional I am! Can you believe that? Me, unexceptional? She is so condescending! It's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!'' Queen Bee didn't notice the side-glances Ladybug and Chat Noir exchanged as she continued, ''That's why I went to you two, because I had been hoping that, if anyone is going to give me the recognition I deserve, it'll be you two… especially you Ladybug.''
''I understand now that you've been craving for some kind of recognition, but I don't think that throwing yourself into danger is the answer,'' Ladybug said. Queen Bee lowered her gaze, feeling guilty.
''Yeah, you're right,'' she said.
''What about your classmates? From what we've heard, they don't like you particularly,'' Chat Noir said, his arms folded across his chest, his tail flicking as he gave Queen Bee a knowing look.
''Well, they just don't get it how amazing I am!'' Queen Bee responded in a haughty tone.
''Or they know that you're just a bully and don't want do have anything to do with you,'' Ladybug said, with Queen Bee, despite trying to keep her calm, looking quite mortified that her favorite superhero was calling her a bully. Chat Noir gave Ladybug a curious look, wondering if she was talking from experience, but he didn't follow up on it.
''Uh, well, I… Well, they deserved it, especially Cheng,'' Queen Bee replied spitefully. ''The other day she bragged about how her mother is such a great parent because she was going to visit her and spend time with her. It's not fair!''
Chat Noir frowned, glaring daggers at Queen Bee for daring to insult Bridgette like this, but to his surprise, Ladybug smirked knowingly, ''Was she rubbing it in your face? Does she even know what your family situation is?''
''N-No…'' Queen Bee admitted, feeling a wave of embarrassment, amazed that Ladybug was reading her like an open book. To her surprise, Ladybug placed a hand on her shoulder, with Queen Bee giving her a nervous look.
''Okay, I'd like to give you some important advice, as one superhero to another,'' Ladybug started, winking at Queen Bee, who was actually ecstatic that Ladybug addressed her as a fellow superhero. ''Instead of seeking other people's approval of whether you're exceptional or not, you should ask yourself if you see yourself like that. Because you actually did show quite some courage tonight by hitting the Mime with that spinning top and you also saved my life in the process.''
''It is a trompo and I did practice for days with it, so I have learned how to use it as a weapon,'' Queen Bee said proudly, noting Ladybug's questioning look. She lowered her gaze, fiddling with the trompo. ''I suppose I have a lot to think about. However, I think that Queen Bee should retire.''
''Maybe she doesn't have to,'' Ladybug said, much to Queen Bee and Chat Noir's surprise. ''Look, you aren't going to fight any super villains, but you could still act as our support system.''
''Are you sure about that, Bug?'' Chat Noir asked in a skeptical tone.
''Yeah, I have to agree with Cat Boy here, because I'm not sure how to do that,'' Queen Bee said in a deadpan tone. Ladybug stuck her tongue out playfully, winking at them.
''Well, the public seems to be split on whether we're the good guys or the bad guys, and having someone who would be able to influence the public opinion so we could do our job without any interference would be nice,'' she said, shrugging with her arms up. ''Neither I nor Chat Noir are that fond of cameras, but someone who'd love the attention would certainly thrive in the spotlight.''
''Ladybug, I don't think-'' Chat Noir started, only to get interrupted by Queen Bee.
''I like the way you're thinking,'' she said, grinning, only to fist-pump. ''As a matter of fact, I already have an idea what I could do to help you.''
''What is it?'' Ladybug asked.
''Don't worry, I'm sure you'll see it once I'm done with it,'' Queen Bee told her confidently, snapping her fingers.
''Welcome to the Queen Bee's Hive! Hosted by yours truly, Amber Bourgeois! In this blog, you will learn about Paris' treasured superheroes, Ladybug and Chat Noir, and how they're doing their best to defend the city from super villains!''
''Honestly, I didn't expect that this would be Amber's idea of support,'' Bridgette told Tikki as they watched Amber's livestream on her new blog in Bridgette's room. The livestream itself was filmed by Amber on the roof of the hotel she lived at. ''But, I guess this might give her the recognition she desperately seeks. I just hope she won't get a swollen head.''
''Do you really think it's a good idea for Amber to host a blog about you and Chat Noir? What if she reveals any important secrets about you two?'' Tikki asked. The two went silent for a moment when Amber started reading some of the questions sent by the chat box.
'''Do you know Ladybug and Chat Noir's identities?' What? Of course not! The heroes' identities are a secret for a reason. Has none of you read any comic books about superheroes? How else would they lead a normal life if everyone knows who they are?'' Amber responded, scoffing. ''Tch, what kind of stupid question is that?''
''Yeah, I think we can trust her,'' Bridgette said, smiling, with Tikki giggling as they continued to watch the livestream.
''…will talk about how amazing Ladybug is!... and Chat Noir as well.''
''…I feel as if she has just tacked me on,'' Félix grumbled as he watched the livestream on his computer in his bedroom.
''Face it Neko Boy, she did tack you on. Amber favours Ladybug over you,'' Plagg replied, taking a bite off his cheese.
''You really are merciless,'' Félix said, cracking a smile and turning back to the screen, only for Plagg to fly up to him.
''So, when are you going to ask Ladybug about somehow learning what Amber was up to? Don't you think that this must mean that you're both going to the same school? Maybe even the same class?'' he asked.
''I'm not going to ask these kinds of questions,'' Félix replied in a cold tone. Plagg gave him a look of surprise, his eyes narrowing.
''What do you mean? Haven't you tried to figure out who is Ladybug in order to get her to free you from your curse?'' he asked. ''What has changed?''
''Nothing has changed,'' Félix grumbled, leaning his head against his hand, his eyes closed. Plagg tilted his head, a little confused and suspicious. Félix sighed, glancing at the cat kwami. ''I do have a plan, but I need think through this.''
#Previous Chapter
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#Up Ladybug (Masterlist)
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bread-gette · 2 months
I ship brilix (is that the ship name??) but claude x felix is seriously just so chaotic and I love it
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creator-yimynany · 10 months
Before introduction to inform you: because China can hardly see the foreign network world of mlb pv fans, so I now basically will screenshot the original author of the fan drawing to the QQ group "unauthorized handling album". But also in the domestic public platform will control the infringement of those who steal the drawing, I carry the drawing only for QQ exchange group to share, strict control does not spread, will not use these unauthorized drawing on the public platform to attract traffic. I am a creator myself and I am very aware of this, and external publicity is to let them find and produce themselves instead of doing infringement.
Creator Yimynany 2是我以防万一所以拜托朋友帮忙搬运自己作品的账号!所以都是本人啦!还有先前的Yimynany 2和Yimynany也是……现在Yimynany 2还没解封。
本账号主要是发布mlb的pv版本(并且私设定为主,官方资料实在是太少了)与Absolutely Wrong Girls(绝对错误者)相关,不专业于美术创作但是正在尽力。
八编:Understand my personality:
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*I don't like the act of inserting the anus during heterosexual sexual activity.This is“不逆”,other is OK.
Especially feligette.I like to watch girls actively pursue boys, not just engage in sexual activities like this.
I don't think Marinette and Bridgette are the same people,although Thomas said they are the same people ,I always don't follow Thomas.⚠⚠⚠
You can call her Marinette but 2d and 3d not the same people,in my heart,so my art also.⚠⚠⚠
不 要 拿 我 的 创 作 作 为 3d 的 felinette 的 解 析 ,他 们 和 feligette 已 经 不 是 同 一 位 了 !⚠⚠⚠
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The comments mentioned the differences between the two Felix.
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既然你们找不到区分的话,那我也不说什么了,允许你写pv marinette别说现设那个得了,对我而言bridgette这个名字的意义合适她。
别觉得人像就一定是同一个,每种角色都是有共同点的,总结就是不懂的你还是别看我这边了我连tag那边都不打pv marinette,刚刚看到一位整理设定的老师说到这个问题最后我取关了,感谢您能够让大家了解更多旧设但是既然觉得同一位那就也算了理念不合,我并不感觉feligette和adrienette不太大区别,也可能是因为我创作本身就是性格相反发展;也感谢您的旧设创作,确实都是相似之处极多但还是理念不合。
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For this question.
I have always known about this, but in my eyes, since two people have different personalities and hobbies, they are already two people. I don't object to continuing to call her Marinette, but in my opinion, her name is still Bridgette, and the meaning of the name is also very suitable for her.
My top post clearly states this point, and even if it's the same name, it's not considered the same person anymore. It's a kind of inheritance in the future. Since it's an abandoned personality and setting, it's not a problem to call her Bridgette. This name has a good meaning and is suitable for differentiation.
For me, different canons are different people, and even the closest 3D is not considered the same couple of male and female leads. Although after switching male leads, I think that generation can still be seen as it is now. So you really don't need to explain these to me, and if you take a closer look at the personality description in this video, the Bridgette I'm referring to is not the current Marinette. In my opinion, Marinette and her personality have certain differences, similar but also different.
My English is not very good, so I used a translator to explain my meaning. Distinguishing roles is also because I value the level of emotional loyalty, which rises to the point where I don't think they will make other people their own romantic partners, rising to the level of soulful significance. 3D Felix is not PV Felix to me, that's it.
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taldigi · 2 years
Brilix: do it, take my hand! You could have it all
Me: slaps the hand away and falls into a lava pit
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heartwithavacancy · 2 years
Per @trixxiephantomhive I’mma do this. Challenge mode only AO3 and Public works.  Rules: Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the midpoint, pick a line (or a few), and share it! Then tag people!  IDK who to tag. 
Lost & Found | Miraculous Ladybug | WC :1548 | Gen.
Gathering up his resolve and bracing himself for possibly needing to flee, he’s moving to the crates and peering into them. At first, he doesn’t see anything so he has to reassess this plan, the alley is too dim. After a moment he’s taking his phone from his pocket and turning on the flashlight function and crouching own. That’s when blue eyes finally see the tiny creature and his heart gives a painful little lurch. “What heartless son of a- Come here, baby, I got you. Don’t worry.” 
Flares Over Paris | Miraculous Ladybug (AU/PV)| WC: 4295 | Explicit |BriLix
“You can’t be…” That hardwired thought sparks and fragile hope shoves hard against what he knows - what he’s been told; what was drilled into his very bones. “She… died.” It’s a strained whisper, distress making itself known in his voice.
Bridgette’s hands rest on his chest and she’s taking in a sharp breath, brushing tears from her eyes she’s shaking her head. “Did He tell you that? Guess what, he’s a lying liar - surprise, surprise.” Her fingers reach and she’s taking hold of the zipper on his suit, tugging it down. A simple thought to Tikki and she’s taking off a glove and pressing her warm bare hand to his bare chest.
“Does this feel like the hand of a dead girl, Felix?”
Then she’s shifting leaning forward kissing along his jaw. “Or this?” Her lips trail along his neck slowly - gently.Felix takes in a broken breath, that touch to his chest is perfect. It’s warm and comforting somehow in a way he hasn’t felt in years. Bridgette always made him feel warm, soft… Bridgette had been the only one to make him feel that way the only person to push beyond the walls he’d built up.
In Colors | Yuri!!!! on Ice (Soulmate AU) | WC:1298 | Gen/Soft | Victor/Yuuri
Victor was not one of these people. He had always wanted to find his soulmate. Always. Ever since his days as a child, basking in his parents love; seeing the pink glow that his mother left upon his father’s skin when she took his hand and pulled him up into a joyful dance. Or when they embraced him or  kissed his forehead at night; lilac mixing with rose - the colors rare among the populace but they were so very soothing to young Victor.  Victor wanted that. He wanted exactly this and he would shake every had he had to to find it. Yuuri never really wanted to find his other half. He had enough trouble as just himself and his anxiety was a vicious thing; feeding into his fear that he wasn’t ever going to be good enough or good for anyone. He was just this side of a little chubby, horribly insecure with a bad self-esteem and image… No one wanted someone like him for a soulmate. So he donned gloves, black leather gloves for when he was out about in public.  It was for the best even if he did want someone to have that kind of connection with..
Memories Paint These Walls | BBC!Sherlock/Lucifer (Crossover/AU) | WC: 3721 | Gen | Myc/Greg, Lucifer/Charlie, implied Johnlock
Greg nodded swallowing. If this was true then why was it so hard for Mr. Holmes to accept that Mycroft was with someone like him? Granted, he wasn’t much of anything special, nothing remarkable but… “You’re saying they were lovers. They cared for one another.” “Yes, and again yes, deeply. Lucifer was devastated when he thought that Charlie had died. It seems that he like you had an uncanny ability to survive things that would kill men with less luck than you. Life goes on but they kept in touch; separate lives but another with each other.” He rather wished he was that brave, to have had a life like Lucifer, to have fought for them. “Again this isn’t why we’re here – well not the sole reason.”
I Celebrate You | BBC!Sherlock | WC: 1804| Gen| Myc/Greg 
The door opened only to close. He wasn’t sure who or what to expect given this day. “I hope you don’t mind a bit of company.” The voice that came was not the usher but the voice was much deeper and one he was far too familiar with. He glanced over his shoulder to find Gregory standing there, dressed in a tailored suit; a bit more formal than his usual attire; holding a box of chocolates and wearing a smile. His heart did a strange thing, a flip and twisting flop, slamming against the cage of his chest. Oh dear god.
Maybe Something New | Miraculous Ladybug | WC: 1137 | Gen | Felinette
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was a lightweight. That was the first thing Féllix learned after their third event date.
Another Song | Miraculous Ladybug | WC: 1225 | Gen | Lukathaniel
“Oh, definitely. To be honest, I thought if anyone stood a chance to break Adrien’s hold on her it’d be you. You’re a total package and I just don’t get what she sees in Adien that you don’t have to be totally frank. I mean Marinette’s not shallow or anything like that - I know that but I just don’t get the appeal. He’s arguably handsome, polite, thoughtful but yeah you’re definitely all those things - plus you don’t come with the baggage that is control freak Gabriel Agreste.”
Distracted Vendue | Miraculous Ladybug | WC: 2220 | Gen | Felinette
The instant green eyes fixed on the now-familiar face of the ever enchanting Marinette Dupain-Cheng he knew he had to win the evening with her. Even if they just spent it here tonight dancing, drinking, nibbling food the servers brought out - he wanted that time with her. He'd send her a few times since the video incident, a couple dozen of those in person, three of those as Ladybug.
To her, he wasn't Felix Graham de Vanily; admittedly his first impression on her hadn't been a good one but eventually, they smoothed things out and she'd become something of a friend... perhaps more. He certainly hoped one day it might be more but he wouldn't force the issue, unlike someone.
But truthfully he just wanted more time with her, no matter the confines of it or how they spent it. 
We Were Gods | Miraculous Ladybug (Human Kwami AU) | WC: 2808| Gen | Plikki
Plagg is shifting back to normal, staring at her. Of course, he should have known. Her powers, he’d seen them first hand to a small degree back when they were wilder and beyond her control. It takes a minute for it all to click then he’s moving closer to her.
His whisper of her name makes her jump like a door slam. Tikki is peering up at him in shock. “Please, don’t come any closer. I don’t - I don’t want to hurt you. I just wanted to bring you a gift. That’s all. I - I'll stop if you want me to.” She’s shaking, taking rapid steps back for every step he takes toward her.
Strange and Familiar | Miraculous Ladybug (PV/AU/GenderSwapped!Bridgette) | WC:2294 | Gen | FelBrett 
The stranger seems to go on alert the instant LB arrives and turns glancing over his shoulder. “That’s my cue.”
The spotted hero shakes his head, swinging onto the stage. “No. Stay.” It comes out as a sharp demand and the stranger bristles so Brett softens it with - “Please.”
Choices We Make in the End | Miraculous Ladybug {Pirate AU} |WC:1856 | Gen | Past and  currently onesided FeLuka
A sure sign of internal injuries. Now that he’s closer yes, there’s blood under the hand on his abdomen and Luka’s breathing is starting to rattle. The scent in the air around the pirate isn’t just blood - it’s death. Felix knew that smell far better than he would have liked to. And there isn’t anything that anyone can do - well nothing that anyone but Felix could do.
“There’s my favorite pirate. You’ve gotten yourself in a real mess this time.”
Felix is moving and with a gentleness that Felix reserved for those he truly cared for, he eased Luka up from his positing and gathered him carefully against himself. He doesn’t care about his clothes becoming bloodied. He doesn’t care about anything more than bringing Luka as close as he can. If he’s going to do this...
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goldensmilingbird · 9 months
Brilix for the ask game?
Oops, I just answered
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kronehaze · 2 years
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I was messing around with colours but didnt like how it was going and heres the result idk Im going to bed
also the LB headband is based on an actual stupid headband my mom bought(? Idr if she bought it or someone forgot it at our house during new years)
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nekogaaaaaaa · 3 years
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Carrying your gf
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aqua-sapphire · 2 years
my little comprehensible drabble
after s4 bridgette (who was raised by teh guardians after she was given away by her family because they could not raise her 200 years ago) was sent to hunt down Felix and bring him back to Tibet.
so she goes to London just nabs him from his house while amelie is just like have a nice trip dear and sets off on the journey. so for the like early part she keeps him tied up and he doenst try to break out even thou he can. but then something happens and now he isnt tied up.
i guess this would be the time they start catching feeling even thou they theyre like nope not possible. (so this is only me now i guess) they get attacked by bandits and felix gets hurt and bridgette goes into a rage that they hurt him. they come out unscathed but feelings creepin up man. then after some time while theyre travelling they go into a tavern and some guy hits on gette which makes felix lunge and beat the crap outa him for flirting with her.
these events lead them to opening up to each other. Bridgette opens up how she misses her family even thou she never really knew them. Felix remembers how she gave a longing glance a mother and daughter. They bond over this. She also reveals the rigorous training for the gaurdians and just like adrien to felix he realises she doesn’t realise how abusive their actions truly are towards her and vows to free her and the kwamiis from the gaurdians.
When they reach teh temple events happen and it leads to an all out battle where the guardians escape but bridgette dies and the temple burns to the ground and felix walks out from within the flames carrying bridgettes body.
(btw he freed the kwamiis and now its just the guardians on the run the order destroyed and felix out for blood.) (little tid bit i like is that mari hears about this but doesnt act to stop him because he’s basically chat blanc come to life and oop trama time.)
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shinewonder · 2 years
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They can be whatever i want them to be, therefore they’re the otp
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tenebraevesper · 1 year
Analyzer - Félix & Emotion, Part 3 (Miraculous Ladybug)
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So, yeah... We have reached the final two episodes of Félix being relevant in Miraculous Ladybug, and I'm not counting Episode 26: Re-creation (The Last Day - Part 2), mainly because it was just a cameo. So, Part 3 would only cover Episode 19: Pretension and Episode 24: Representation, fulfilling two roles: Kagami's Love Interest and Exposition Fairy.
For this, I will do a quick recap of the events that occur in these two episodes, as well add what I would've written instead.
So, let's finish this!
Episode 19: Pretension starts off... sometime after the events of Emotion and apparently, Maribug and Adrichat are not interested in pursuing Félix, who is currently spying on Kagami. Kagami in turn is trying to convince her mother to not see her and Adrien as a couple (why am I getting flashbacks to all those secret eugenics cult theories?), with Tomoe scolding her for being "a slave to her emotions". Have I mentioned that I hate this woman?
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Argos gets pissed off by seeing Kagami being treated like that, breaks the roof of the car and kidnaps Kagami. I suppose that's one way of escaping a toxic parent. Once they're gone, Tomoe quickly calls Gabriel to recover the Miraculous of the Peacock, because apparently, Gabriel still has no clue where Félix is hiding (hint: his own house in London), so I suppose he was keeping an eye out for him. In classic villain speech, Monarch claims how Félix is a monster who was the one endangering their children - you got no right speaking, you terrorist - and Tomoe gets akumatized and goes after Argos and Kagami.
Speaking of the two, they're at the top of the Eiffel Tower, and Kagami's first instinct is to go for the chair.
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You go girl!
Argos quickly de-transforms to show her he's harmless, and as Félix, tells her he's not his enemy, and that he just wants to talk to her. Kagami is still on guard, wondering what he wants to tell her, and then we get this conversation:
Kagami: What is it you want to tell me?! Félix: I... I don't know. But ever since I saw you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I've felt that... you and I... were the same. (Kagami looks surprised.) Félix: We have so much in common, and yet, you're also so different. I've never met someone like you. Kagami: We don't even know each other! Félix: I know you. I've been following you non-stop. Kagami: Even better! You follow me, you spy on me and now you've kidnapped me to get to know me?! Félix: Uh... yes? Kagami: You are utterly incompetent at social relations. (Sighs.) You can't take someone away against their will! Félix: Sorry, I won't do it again, I... just wanted to protect you from your mother. She can't talk to you like that. (Kagami stares at him in awe and confusion.)
Yeah, this is the moment where the Féligami ship starts sailing. I will talk about it, but I gotta admire how Félix went from cunning to awkward the moment he opened his mouth to talk to Kagami.
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Let's hope those puppy dog eyes will win her over.
To address the ship itself, I honestly have nothing against it, and it is a cute ship (especially when Féligami fans get their hands on it), but it's not my favorite (that one still goes to Brilix/Cursed Charm). However, I will address some of the obvious issues the writing itself created.
First of all, we do know Kagami's type being someone who is a rebel and who has the will to stand up for themselves, and Félix's penchant for mischief fits. I suppose it also helps that he looks like Adrien, whom Kagami still has feelings for... which, uh... okay, it really feels awkward, because out of context (and maybe even in context) it makes it appear as if Kagami just replaced Adrien with Félix. They look the same, and this one actually has a spine.
I do like that Kagami actually calls Félix out on how they don't know each other, and how he stalked her and kidnapped her. Now, that's a realistic reaction! However, I will address Kagami's point of them not knowing each other, and I don't blame Félix for this one, but the writing staff for thinking they can speedrun Féligami and no one will notice.
Like said, I'm cool with Féligami happening, but goddamnit, couldn't the writers have put more effort into having Kagami and Félix interact (aside from their glare in Season 4?). For example, have Kagami talk to Félix way earlier and have her realize that, while appearance-wise he and Adrien are look the same, personality-wise, they're completely different and have her question which one's she's falling for - the guy whom her mother and Gabriel set her up with, or the one who actually has the qualities she likes. Hell, that could be part of her own rebellion against her mother and the reason she breaks up with Adrien.
But yeah, this is Miraculous Ladybug we're talking about. Good character writing is almost non-existent.
As for Félix...
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I'll just use the words my friend used to describe him - he's a S.I.M.P.
It's clear that he deeply admires Kagami and is so socially awkward that he thought it would be a good idea to learn more about her by stalking her and kidnapping her. *sigh* Félix, you're a lovable idiot. However, the moment he realizes that he really messed up, he apologizes, telling her how he just wanted to protect her from her mother.
Okay, before I continue, I will address that there is one glaring issues I had with this confession, and spoilers, it's not the kidnapping.
Anyways, before the conversation can continue, Matagi Gozen finds them, alongside Maribug and Adrichat, and everyone wants to save Kagami. Félix quickly transforms into Argos, dragging Kagami along for the ride and is chased by Matagi Gozen, Maribug and Adrichat, leading to a fight between the three. Kagami wants to reveal her hideout to calm down her mother, arguing with Argos how she can set herself free.
Matagi Gozen finds them, shooting an arrow at Kagami, with Argos saving her. Kagami is stunned her mother would hurt her, with Argos responding how his own father was much worse. He then breaks his fan, telling Kagami how her safety is his priority, showing once again his cunning side by spreading out the pieces of the fan to confuse Matagi Gozen. Nice job, Argos!
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He and Kagami enter the sewers, with Argos de-transforming and having another conversation with her:
Kagami: I don't understand. You have the Miraculous of the peacock, why don't you create a Sentimonster to get us out of here? Félix: First of all, don't call them that. (Throws his cufflink into the sewage.) I refuse to create a being to manipulate them, control them, abuse them, and end up destroying them. (Kagami looks surprised at him) Cat Noir:(through his earpiece) I found Kagami and Félix. Félix transformed back. Now's the time. Félix: When you bring a living being into this world, you have a responsibility towards them. Your duty is to protect them, love them, help them discover the true meaning of their existence. To deprive them of that... is monstrous. Kagami: Are you talking about... yourself? Félix: I'm talking about... us. Ladybug: Félix, set Kagami free! Cat Noir: And this time, you're giving us back the Miraculous of the peacock! Kagami:(puts her arm in front of Félix, defending him) I am nobody's prisoner! Félix is not your enemy! He's like me! He doesn't know how to express himself. Everyone is wrong about him! Including me. (They smile at each other)
Okay, have you followed this conversation so far? Good, because here's my take on it.
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We know now that Félix is a Sentimonster, and given how he described his own father as thousand times worse, it's clear that he suffered a lot. He hates being controlled, and after seeing someone else who is controlled just as him, he lashes out in a misguided attempt to protect Kagami. He does all the wrong things for the right reasons. It really shows just how much depth his character is.
However, remember the issue I mentioned? Yeah, the fact that Félix is suddenly in love with Kagami, AFTER discovering she's also a Sentimonster? It's a huge "yikes" moment. Like I said before, the writers decided to clearly speedrun Féligami while making a lot of unfortunate implications. I will say, it is not the worst writing I saw, but seriously, did no one think about this?
Matagi Gozen attacks them, with Félix transforming into Argos again and trusting Maribug and Adrichat to keep Kagami safe as he escapes. He later appears at Sorbonne, giving Kagami the real ring back after she gave her mother a fake one, telling her how she's now free to make her own choices. Yep, the amok is in the family ring, and from the shot of them holding hands together, they're a couple.
So, before I move on to Episode 24: Representation, I have one more observation to make. I said it before and I'll say it again, Féligami was really the writers' attempt at a speedrun and, as cute as they are together, it feels rushed, especially on Félix's end. Kagami was a complete stranger to him, but the moment he finds out she's also a Sentimonster, he obsesses over her? Yeah, Houston, we got a problem.
It appears that they're getting along quite well, though, with Kagami laughing when Argos draws a heart on her window.
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I guess they spent a lot of time together off screen. Anyways, remember how I mentioned Félix also taking the role of the Exposition Fairy?
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Welcome to the actual highlight of this episode! Félix and Kagami have learned that Marinette is Ladybug and decide to ask for her help. Félix cosplays as Adrien to lure her away from the party.
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Honestly, I don't really think that's wonderful, because what they did is mainly breaking Marinette's heart by making her think Adrien is still around. Félix transforms into Argos again, and actually creates a Sentimonster, despite his earlier rant about how he'd never do anything like that.
Did... did the writers just sleep on that episode? Or did they decide "eh, character depth is overrated, we'll do whatever we want for the plot".
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Admittedly, the Sentimonster is a tripod camera, so there is a question how "sentient" that thing is.
I'll just quickly go over the next part, which is basically Félix and Kagami doing a play in regards to all the Graham de Vanily/Agreste history.
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Skipping my complaints about this being an exposition dump that could've been done during the show's early Seasons and not in one episode in Season 5, I do love how Marinette is really into the play.
We learn how Amelie married some rich heartless cowboy dude (or maybe that was just a visual to show that he was American? *shrugs*), and after her sister got pregnant (with the visual of peacock feathers in the background), her husband got pissed off.
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So, after some convincing from Emilie, Gabriel gave the Amelie's husband, Colt Fathom, the Peacock Miraculous, and Félix was created out of jealousy, with the amok being placed in Félix's ring. Félix's father then falls ill, aware this was the price he was paying for Félix's existence, and sees him as a monster.
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Félix himself explains how he didn't understand why his father didn't love him and why he felt obligated to do whatever Colt demanded, no matter how unfair they were. If he became fond of someone who displeased his father, Colt would tear them away from him, or rather, order Félix to end things. Eventually, he realized that his life was connected to the ring when it cracked and almost destroyed him, and he could only recover it after his father died, along with his freedom.
That's when he understood that the Miraculous gave him life and it could take it away, so he made it his mission to recover it, even saying how he went to Gabriel to retrieve it and describe the events of Season 4 and Season 5.
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Honestly, it's genuinely tragic and sad just through how much stuff Félix had to go through, day by day fearing for his own life, being hated by his own father and learning not to trust anyone until he met Kagami. It explains his behavior in the past Seasons, even why he only took one ring from Gabriel, because apparently, Adrien's amok was in both of the rings, something Félix wouldn't know.
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Anyways, we leave these two lovebirds doing what they want, and myself with my final thoughts.
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In my personal opinion, Félix is a really solid character, who does undergo character development, even if it's rushed. He's also a tragic character, who was doing the wrong thing for the right reasons and messed up in execution. He's also a deeply traumatized teenager who had to deal with an identity crisis on his own and the fact that he might cease to exist with a snap of a finger. He's intelligent and cunning, but also socially awkward and has a sweet and theatric side, and he also moves the plot forward every time he appears.
I went over how bad the Miraculous Ladybug writing is several times, and I'm not gonna repeat myself here. I will add my own version of how I would've written the events Post-Emotion.
For starters, after Félix learns that he can trust Maribug and Adrichat, he seeks them out to talk to them in private, revealing that Gabriel Agreste is Monarch. Hell, he could even pull another switcheroo to infiltrate the Agreste mansion as Adrien to gather more information. Even if Gabriel is more alert, he'd still be fooled by that. Instead of making it a battle royale where the heroes react to Gabriel's attack, have it be them the ones who go confront Monarch head on. At least, that way, Adrichat would participate in the final battle.
Anyways, these were my thoughts on Félix, and if you want to see how I'd write his character... well, his PV Ladybug self, then check out my story Up Ladybug and leave a comment.
Until next time!
#Analyzer - Félix & Emotion, Part 2 (Miraculous Ladybug)
#Up Ladybug (Masterlist)
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sfigatino · 2 years
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Late night PV doodle I did instead of homework! I want to slowly learn the PV style, but this is progress.
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thenovelartist · 4 years
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Happy Birthday to my friend @mostlovedgirl-writes A little Brilix inspired by her new story “Negotiations”
Which you should all go read because it’s adorable :D
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twin-books · 3 years
Felix Agreste
First impression TLDR; I'm gonna put this at the start in case someone doesn't want to read all of that below. Basically I thought he was a bit of a jerk, I liked Adrien more, than I got educated on who Felix actually was. <3 Bare with me here... How I found out Felix existed was when I was messaging my sister through Whatsapp and planned to send her a Chat Noir gif because at the time she still liked the freaking show. She dropped it before season 2 came out. XD Anyway, I found a gif of Felix turning into Chat Noir from the PV and I was like... "Wow, that's a really good fan made gif though I'm not sure I'm a fan of the character..." So I sent it to my sister and she was like, "How do you know that is fan made? Tons of things have different forms of media. Maybe it really does have an anime?" And I was like... Huh... So I looked up miraculous anime in DeviantART (because I used DeviantART a lot at the time), figuring that if it was a thing there would probably be a lot of fan art of it? (I was young and stupid. XD) So I did find some fanart of Felix and immediately went into the comments looking for info on who the freak this guy was. One person did that really annoying thing people do on other peoples' art post where they go, "This is good art but..." -.- Anyway, they said Felix was a concept version of Adrien and he sucked, went into something about Felix using Ladybug and never actually caring for her, just wanted to make her kiss him so he could break a curse and that he would often screw with Marinette and give her bad luck. So my first thought was, "Wow, if he really is like that, I like Adrien way more." But, having been in the Sonic fandom, I am very much aware fans tend to let their opinions be fact. So I looked it up and no matter how hard I looked I just couldn't find much on Felix. I have now learned how to look things up better (hence my nearly exploding file of miraculous concepts) but at the time I didn't care too much so I probably didn't look as hard as I think I did. I found something about a curse but nothing about him trying to steal a kiss from her and also that he was originally supposed to play mean tricks on Marinette and that was it... So my impression was basically... "Okay? I found nothing but he doesn't look particularly nice so... I prefer Adrien over him." And then I moved on. Until I found a YouTube video of one of @edorazzi's Twin AU pieces and eventually messaged her about Felix only to be invited to the PV Discord server where I finally actually learned things.
Impression now Felix reminds me of my dad. There just aren't many characters who remind me of my dad. It's a hard character to find, I suppose, since in fiction a character like my dad may seem unrealistic or something. But because of this I very much love him. He's also just a refreshing kind of character for miraculous since there's basically no other character in miraculous like him except maybe Kagami. I wished we would have gotten the tall, fluffy hair, blue eyes Felix in the show but considering how Felix Graham de Vanily was introduced... I'm glad he didn't make it in the show. I also fell in love with his design because, fun fact, my first impression of his design was that he was ugly and this is like a common theme with miraculous dudes. I think they are like hideous and then suddenly I think they look cute and wonder how on earth I thought they were ugly? He's insanely fun to write. I love writing Felix in fan fics. Just, whenever I think of Felix it makes me happy and brings a warm feeling of mystery and nostalgia. I also just love miraculous concepts in general. So much, I had planned to make a comic on the in between concept of miraculous (between the PV and the CGI show we have now) with a character like Felix in it. Probably another reason for the nostalgia as well as all my lovely friends in the PV server. <3
Favorite moment My favorite moment of Felix? Well, since Felix Agreste usually refers to PV Felix I will have to pick from the PV and/or other concepts... And personally my favorite moments were Felix walking away from Bridgette when they seemingly first met, him on the bench as she tries to ask him to some kind of show, and him as Chat up on the roof with Ladybug when the Butterfly's blimp rises. I did a few because the moments are just so small. :' D I liked him walking away because I like the feeling it gives off where he feels unsure, weird, but determined and not willing to put up with nonsense. I liked when he was sitting on the bench and Bridgette was offering tickets because firstly, it proved the whole thing wrong that Felix just kept screwing her over any chance he got, and also because he seemed to turn her down rather nicely. Like, most people would probably argue against this but for a character like Felix and Kagami getting straight to the point and being blunt but speaking with no ill feelings in their voice is a good way to turn someone down. He definitely didn't look like he did it because he wanted to hurt her. It looked like he turned her down because he didn't feel the same and would rather not lead her on. I really liked that. : ) Plus, it was more evidence Felix liked reading so any little crumbs of character I can get I will take. XD I liked the moment of him as Chat on the roof with LB because not only was it gorgeous despite being a dangerous scenario, it showed how different he and LB were from their CGI counterparts. Usually Adrien and Marinette would just charge right in and come up with a plan in the middle of the fight but here Felix!Chat and Bribug wait. They patiently wait and feel content despite the horror in front of them. And they look to each other showing trust and confidence that whatever this is... they will face it together. It also kind of showed that Felix is a lot calmer as Chat than Adrien is which I much prefer for Felix. XD
Idea for a story Hmm... I've had a few ideas of stories with Felix. Quite a bit, actually. But this refers to an idea and quite a bit of them I have typed out in some form so... an idea... hmm... I guess, I did have this idea of Felix where he was just a background character in the show originally but ends up stumbling into the biggest battle of Paris yet where some of the heroes die and then he stumbles across Luka and Sass where Sass uses Second Chance but because the amount of things that needed to be reset was so big the resulting fall back with Sass using it is that the universe kind of resets and they're in an alternate reality but because Luka and Felix were so close they remember everything from the past universe. It results in Luka locking eyes with Felix, knowing he knows, and chasing him down the street until they both realize this isn't their same reality. With Luka distracted, Felix flees and tries to live a normal life despite everything is slightly different but he pushes forward while Luka becomes hopeless until he finally spots Felix again and chases him into a corner so he can finally ask, "You remember it too, don't you?" It was just a cool idea I had but I don't know if I would do anything with it. XD
Unpopular opinion I guess this is unpopular?? But I don't really like the idea of Felix being as silly as Adrien is in Chat form... I personally just don't find it too fitting. I get him being a tad more outgoing but unlike Adrien, I feel Felix would act a bit more like himself as Chat because, also unlike Adrien, he didn't seem to want to be a superhero.
Favorite relationship Brilix all the freaking way! I love them so much! I actually prefer them over the canon Love Square, to be honest. I just find their relationship calmer and nicer... They're just so cute! And both of them are so fun to write! I am also a multi-shipper so I have way more ships with Felix. I am obsessed. Send help. XD (And if you mean like other kinds of relationships? Well read the next one because that’s my favorite “friendship” with Felix. XD)
Favorite headcanon My favorite headcanon about Felix? Hmm... Well I think the headcanon of the concept character Claude and Felix being the very definition of frenemies. XD Firstly, I adore Claude. Secondly, because it's hilarious and it feels so true. XD Thank you for the ask! <3 Please send me another character.<3
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ri-zion · 4 years
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