#bring back the cat man 2kforever
superfluouskeys · 2 years
need to rant about 6.2 a bit lol sorry not sorry
I’m just like………..soooooo bored by the main plot unfortunately LOL.  And I don’t like Vrtra/Varshahn at all like I find his character extremely weird and annoying at all times.  I think mainly the whole child oc/little brother thing freaks me out LOL like wtf is that he is thousands of years old stop that.  But I was also very bored by his whole plotline in Endwalker and thought it was one of the weaker parts overall, so it might just not be to my taste.  I think it’s a pretty random reason to get them to the Thirteenth also lol but whatever it could work, ff14 isn’t good bc the plots are original it’s good bc of the execution of those concepts so I guess I’ll try to reserve judgment.
Y’shtola’s line delivery drives me insane, I feel this way about every character that va plays, idk what it is.  It’s so forced and unnatural to me and it ruins entire moments sometimes.  I also don’t think they know what to do with the character, like she has all the pieces of an interesting character and they just never DO anything.  Let something mildly interesting happen to Y’shtola for ONCE I stg.
I really like Zero, she has the makings of a very interesting character who is sort of outside the bounds of what they usually do esp with female characters.  BUT I think the way they dealt with residual questions about Zenos’s fate/motives was very ham-fisted and bad.  Ik a lot of people think Zenos is boring but I am not one of those ppl lol—I do like Zero and I’m not saying like Zenos should have been in her place in the story, but I think it just really reminded me how much potential Zenos had and how many really interesting and meaningful moments we could have had w his character even if he still didn’t survive Endwalker.  (I’ve heard rumors that EDW was supposed to be two expansions, which seems extremely likely with how rushed and messy a lot of it felt).
Also like look. Listen.  I try to be mindful of my personal biases but oh my GOD.  WHY wasn’t G’raha in this patch lol.  We went to the THIRTEENTH.  They played the got damn CRYSTAL TOWER RAID MUSIC MULTIPLE TIMES. Cid and Nero showed up and specifically said well haha I was at the Crystal Tower I had to see what this was all about!!!!!  also with the parallels to the situation in the first?????????  Where is the cat!!!!!!!!!  It was like almost comical that he wasn’t there or mentioned at all.  Ig he’s busy or wtf ever but who cares!!!!!  That cat man came here to have adventures not do paperwork!!!!!!!!!!!
This goes to disliking Varshahn but it’s also relevant here LOL because number ONE what the FUCK was that whole here is an adult body thing LOLLLLLLLLLLLL like WHAT that was so weird, but then it turns out that’s what??? just for battle???? and then he slips back into his child skin when he gets home????????  it’s so weird I hate it lol.  But also SCREAMING at how they had to make him a viable tank and force Y’shtola to pick up healing again (it says sorceress or w/e but she still has the conjurer icon LOL, choosing to believe she never equipped her job stone and does not intend to start now)—and I am just SAYING I know of a CAT MAN who is already an all rounder so you know we could have just asked him!!!!!!!!!
There were parts of the patch I really enjoyed—I liked the Thirteenth lore a lot, I LOVED barbariccia as evidenced by briefly going insane on here lol, I’m really hopeful that Zero will continue to have good content, and of course FFXIV music absolutely never fails to SEND ME into a higher plane of existence.
But overall I did find it really frustrating and a lot of it was not especially fun LOL.  I was considering waiting until 6.3 was out bc I kind of suspected I would feel this way and wanted a little more game to play BUT idk when 6.3 will be out and I might be back in school already by then so I decided to just give in.
Anyway, just needed to rant, as you were.
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dachi-chan25 · 7 years
Game of Thrones- Season 7 episode 2 Recap (Pt. 1)
So after debating a lot with myself I decided to make this post because I have a LOT of thoughts and feelings about got’s most recent episode.
I can’t promise I’ll keep doing this for the next episodes (cuz I’m hella busy right now) but I’ll try anyway.
WARNINGS: This is obviously gonna contain SPOILERS; while I try most of the time to be neutral and objetive if you are a ride or die D@ny Stan this is not the recap for you (I find her intresting as a character but I DON’T have any love for her since season 4); I’m clearly a Jonsa shipper so of course I’ll be talking about it.
Cool? Let’s begin!!
1.- So we start with a storm hitting Dragonstone, cuz the episode is called “Stormborn” so there must be a storm cuz -poetic cinema- anyway we pick up where we left last episode. D@ny is with her small council, and Varys is recalling her birth (but we already knew she was born during a storm soooo) and D@n-D@n admits she doesn’t feel like Dragonstone it’s her home. I honestly called it since episode 1, her ‘coming home’ scene was very dry to me, it held no emotion and I’m glad at least she now recognizes she is here for the Iron Throne and not because she wants a home (and hey maybe she does but- even if I’m going to sound like a cheeseball- neither a castle nor a throne are a home, and she has forsaken love [aka. Daario] to get both of those things soooo) Yeah so it’s time to drop some truths, and Varys admits his loyalty is only to the people and D@ny agrees to forgive him for trying to get her killed under the condition he doesn’t conspire against her but tell her if she’s failing him and the westerosi people (but then she threatens to burn him ‘as expected from the Mother of Dragons’ he says ‘as expected from the Mad King’ says I)
Thing is, from Varys’s POV, she is the best damn chance at getting a somewhat decent ruler (I mean compared to Robert who didn’t care about ruling or Cersei who is ruthless of course I see his point! Plus she kind of has a legit claim over the IT) but does it mean she should??? If she cared so much about being a good ruler (not a conqueror) and doing right by her subjects then she already sucks at it. Look at Mereen, it was supposed to be her “practice” at being Queen and apart from ending slavery (with very questionable decisions) what good did she do??? She left the place in RUINS with no new system to rule, and her ex-boyfriend in charge, someone who has no political history and who lead a very violent group of mercenaries, not only that but she left the city in a very vulnerable spot, and her subjects must recent her for that.
Now I know lots of people are praising her for not burning the whole damn city, but I don’t because that would be a dumbass move and who would want to regin over ashes?? I mean not even Cersei.
Back to the episode, another fire-lady (aka Melissandre) arrives and talks about the Azor Ahai (we even get a brief lesson of High Valaryan) and mentions casually that Jon Snow is KitN, Tyron is like ‘he’s cool bro, we should totally recruit him’) and the D agrees to send him a raven to summon him so he can bend the knee.
WHAT THE HELL???? Melissandre is clearly saying there’s some serious shit happening and D@€n€rys is more worried about stablishing her supremacy than asking what is the threat???? This is why I dislike her so much. Tyrion doesn’t look thrilled by the way.
2.- Wait is this season 1??? Noooooo it’s Jon and Sansa recreating yet another Ned/Cat scenes like the totally platonic siblings they are.
So Tyrion’s raven has arrived, and looks like someone learned from his mistakes and is disscusing things privately with his most trusted advisors (aka. Sassy pants and Dadvos). Totally platonic siblings agree that Tyrion is cool, but they find this invitation very suspicious… And they should because being the sneaky clever man we all know Tyrion fails to mention that part about bending the knee (not a very favorable beginning for J0-J0 and D if you ask me) however Dadvos point out they might have a use for her big ass army and flying-magical lizards against the WW.
Sansa refuses to send Jon, and Dadvos is like lmao no!!! Jon is ours!!! But being Ned 2.0 we all know duty and honor comes frist to him *sigh*.
3.-Cersei is holding court (to like 5 people) trying to sway the Reach Lords to her (dark) side, by telling them how dangereous is DT (which I find ironic cuz like she is not the only one who burns her enemies sister) but as we see with Randy Tarly people are not so charmed by their new “Queen”.
Jaime honestly just keeps disappointing me, and even when I dislike the Tarly bitch I applaud his loyalty to Olenna (that Red Wedding reference was savage!!) and let’s admit it, it’s FUCKING impossible to choose between Cersei whom is ruthless and hated and D@€n€rys with her three massive weapons and her army of rapists and slaves from their POV.
Also let’s fear not cuz Maester Qyburn has solved the dragon dilemma by making a big-ass crossbow that pierces right to a dragon’s skull honestly wtf.
4. Back with D@nee, we have the Greyjoys, Tyrells and Dornish (or what is left of them) at a war council making not-so sneaky plans: Yara and Ellaria want to burn it all down and take KL, Olenna actually supports them. But the D just won’t do it, which I completely support (#stop killing the small folk in your stupid Wars 2kforever) Ellaria calls bs cuz ‘this is Esparta- I mean war!!’ she and Tyrion have a face-off about Myrcella (a minute of silence for book!Dorne’s storyline) and honestly I just new this council was gonna be a hot mess, everyone wants revenge.
And D@ny knows but tries to bring them to heel anyway, so they explain their strategy: a site. Using the Dornish and Tyrell army (so she won’t burn them but is willing to let them starve to death. FUCKING charming) but actually is kinda clever because Tyrion predicted Cersei would try to turn the Lords against them for bringing foreginers (which they totally did) and wants a westerosi vs. Westerosi battle, and he hopes it might sway some Lords to their side while he and the Unsullied take on Casterly Rock.
Everyone agrees that is an awesome plan (I call bullshit) and D asks to have a word with the Queen of Thornes. She is not deluded into thinking they actually care for her (well done D@ny) but she promises Cersei will pay!!! And Olenna gives her the shittiest most OCC advise ever: be a dragon (which translates to: burn them all!!!! And don’t listen to your advisors cuz they are mans) but I understand she has nothing to loose now (honestly the thing I liked about the Tyrells is that they fomented Love and not fear so I was rolling my eyes so hard at this) so she stopped caring about keeping the small folk happy.
5.- Sammy Pottarly on Oldwarts, working with Archmaester Slughorn!!! they basically tell Jorah they can do nothing for him, Sam feels bad for him and offers to send word to his family, Sam gets the big 'I’m a Mormont’ reveal and he immmediatly decides he can’t let this Man die even if he knows nothing about him. I Love ya Sammy but don’t.
This is getting too long so I’ll make a second part with the rest of the episode.
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