#bringing the royals to daniela rather than daniela to the royals
ctitan98official · 4 months
Alcina flirts with reader but is already in a committed relationship angst part 2 Minors DNI 18+
Something about the change in Y/N’s behavior after their exchange with Alcina at the end of the last part made me curious. I want to explore their new dark motivations in this one. Y/N is not a good person in this and it’s pretty graphic, so discretion when reading this is advised. Read the first part here!
CW/TW: Explicit sex scenes, voyeurism, a whole lot of angst, and Y/N using people just to get what they want
You awake in immense pain and are sweating. You feel yourself being placed, rather gently, on the dirty dungeon floor. You groan in agony from the gash Cassandra inflicted on the back of your left leg.
The dark-haired woman in question leans over you and gives you a devious smirk. “What did you do to piss off mother so much?” She asks gleefully. Seeing her mother so outraged made her want to laugh. She had a… Complicated relationship with Alcina.
Cassandra was actually the favorite, but for all the wrong reasons. It was expected for her to be an apex predator ever since she was created. She always had the strongest prey drive out of her sisters and Alcina rode her hard.
Both she and Alcina took so much pride in her abilities, but… She wasn’t encouraged to pursue outside interests like her sisters. Her mother loved her, at least she tried to, but Cassandra was not dumb. She saw the way her mother interacted with Daniela and Bela… It was different than it was with her. Cassandra knew her mother only cared about what she could do for her.
You huff at Cassandra’s question, but feel a great satisfaction as you remember the tortured look Alcina gave you when you told her she would only ever be a disappointment. What happened to you? You had never delighted in bringing others pain, but… This castle had really changed you.
Something in you… Snapped back there. You can’t find it in yourself to even care. Your empathy is now completely gone. It’s freeing in a way.
This is who you are now and you want to wreak as much havoc on Alcina’s life as possible.
You begin thinking through your options. Your best bet of getting out of here and exacting your revenge is to get Cassandra to let her guard down. You were going to have to smooth talk her a bit.
Meanwhile, as you’re thinking, Cassandra kneels down to your level, still so eager to hear what happened. “Well…?” She prompts.
“It’s kind of a long story.” You say and grin up at the brunette.
Cassandra feels herself blush as you give her your most charming smile.
Cassandra had always been your favorite sister. She didn’t bug you like Daniela or nag you like Bela. She mostly kept to herself. And… She was drop-dead gorgeous.
Cassandra had actually been trying to get over her embarrassing attraction to you ever since you came to work at the castle. She has had a few one night stands before, but she’s never been infatuated with anybody. You are her first crush. You never complain, you are a very hard worker… And your eyes. They captivate her. For someone as on the go as she is, something about you makes her want to sit and just admire you for a bit.
“Hey… I know you have to do what your mom says, but… For what it’s worth… You have always been my favorite Dimitrescu.” You say, tugging her heartstrings a bit. It’s not a lie (Except for these last few weeks when you had been foolishly attracted to that ridiculous giantess), but you also really lay on the sugar as you say this. You know you should feel bad, but Cassandra is just a pawn in your rapidly evolving plan to royally fuck Alcina.
Cassandra lets out a shocked gasp at your confession. She can’t believe you liked her the most. “Really? T-thank you.” She says in surprise. Her need to be valued by someone is quickly overshadowing her sense of urgency to follow Alcina’s commands. She is supposed to torture you and kill you, but… She really just wants to spend some time with you.
Oh, poor baby. This was going to be a lot easier than you thought.
You gently grab Cassandra’s hand and give her knuckles a kiss.
Cassandra shudders and gasps in pleasure. She has never felt so warm and… Needy.
Suddenly, a thought hits you. Wouldn’t it be funny to sleep with Cassandra and piss Alcina off even more? She would be absolutely livid. Yes… Alright, new game plan.
You start placing even more kisses up the length of her arm, nipping a bit at her flesh as you go.
Cassandra whimpers in anticipation at the mind-numbing ecstasy you are causing.
You growl lustfully. You carefully stand up, trying not to hurt your injured leg, and pull the brunette up with you. Your wound is bleeding heavily, but you couldn’t care less about that right now. You have a job to do. “Hey, is there a table or a bench around here somewhere?” You ask in a husky voice.
Cassandra is beet red, but hurriedly leads you to an old examination table in one of the nasty cells.
It’s gross, but it will have to do.
You put your hands on Cassandra’s ass and grope roughly. Damn, she was hot. Maybe in another life you two could have been something…
Cassandra gasps at your sudden grip and feels herself coming undone. A new devotion in her mind and heart has just formed. A new allegiance. Not to Alcina… But to you. She is now completely under your spell.
You lift Cassandra up on the table and begin making out with her. You shove your tongue in her mouth and quickly begin to unzip her dress.
Cassandra softly whines at how eager you are. It makes her happy that you want her so much.
You finally get her dress off and begin pulling her panties down… The little vixen. She was wearing a black g-string and it was already soaked in her arousal.
You kiss your way down Cassandra’s stomach and begin prodding at her lower lips with your tongue. “So wet for me… Thank you, babe. I take that as a compliment.” You rasp out.
Cassandra throws her head back in pleasure as you penetrate her pussy with your fingers and begin rubbing her engorged clit with your thumb. “Yes, Y/N! Please take me!” She whispers loudly.
You finally begin thrusting into her with your hand and the delicious friction Cassandra is experiencing makes her feel like she’s on fire.
Her walls begin clenching around your fingers and you know she’s close. “Okay, babe. You can come.” You say, inching closer and closer to your plan. This was going to be good.
Cassandra suddenly shrieks and wails in pleasure as she comes all over your fingers. She’s a squirter… That’s actually pretty hot.
You grin. You had just bedded one of Alcina’s daughters. Alcina had been angered by your lack of reverence to her earlier, but… How’s this for disrespect, cow?
Your thoughts are brought back to the present by the beautiful woman in front of you.
Cassandra’s breathing is heavy as she wipes some sweaty hair out of her face. She looks at you with utter love and adoration. You have just become her entire world. “Y/N… Let’s get out of here. Let’s run away together… Just you and me, darling. Please, I can’t live here another minute…” She begs.
Your eyes widen at how quickly Cassandra has fallen for you. Damn, she is just as broken as you are.
You decide to capitalize on the progress you’ve just made with her. “Yeah, let’s get out of here.” You say, thinking of any other ways you can tear Alcina down.
Cassandra smiles and wraps her arms around you. “I knew you’d say yes! We’re going to be together forever!” She says, unaware of your dark intentions.
You roll your eyes at Cassandra’s misguided affection and awkwardly pat her back. “Yes, together forever.” You say, desperately trying not to let your sarcasm show.
“Actually… Before we go, would you mind getting my stuff from the servant’s quarters? You should grab the things you want to take as well. We’re never coming back here again.” You say.
Cassandra quickly nods and kisses you before swarming off.
This will make for a good distraction. You want to confront Alcina one last time and let her know what you’ve done. Honestly… You’ve realized that you don’t care if you die anymore. You just want to make her suffer by any means necessary. It was truly too good to look back and see how you had rattled her earlier. Shit, maybe you’ve always been a bad person? This is wicked.
You climb the staircase out of the dungeon and hobble through the castle to complete your mission. You just want to see the rage on Alcina’s face. It was going to be perfect.
You get odd looks from the other staff due to your disheveled appearance. The lady of the castle always demanded that staff be clean and presentable. Well, fuck her about that too.
You finally make it to the office that she and her nasty little tart were in earlier. The door is closed now, but you lean in close to the keyhole to listen for voices.
What you don’t expect is to hear lustful groans and sexually charged sighs. Are they fucking? That pervert probably got off on sending you to your “Death”.
You gently open the door and walk in quietly.
The scene before you makes you want to laugh. The head maid has her face pitifully shoved up against Alcina’s muff and is eating her out. She’s apparently not even a good lover judging by how Alcina needed to also plunge two fingers into her own vagina to get herself off.
You watch for a moment. The two don’t even know you’re here. You smile deviously.
Alcina reaches her climax and moans loudly in pleasure. She is smiling in satisfaction as her large chest heaves deeply. However, she turns her head to the side and finally spots you. Her eyes widen in shock.
You just smile and wave. “Hello.” You say quietly, having seen everything.
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fictionadventurer · 4 years
Don’t let it go to your head + Man from UNCLE? (Or whichever fandom you prefer) for the prompt meme?
I really did intend to try to write something for this fandom. But I haven’t seen any episodes of the TV show in years, and I’ve never seen the movie (which I suspect is the fandom you’re referring to, so the TV characterizations probably wouldn’t hold much appeal for you anyhow). I wasn’t confident enough in my grasp of the material to come up with any decent drabbles.
I then tried to think of similar fandoms, or any fandoms at all, that would fit the prompt, but my brain was contrary and decided to use it as a spark for a scene from one of my original universes. Well, two, technically. I have characters from my long-abandoned non-magical fantasy romance, A Beautiful Tomorrow, and this drabble’s a bit of an experiment in switching up their story and moving into my Starfall universe (though the Starfall portion of it doesn’t really factor into this scene).
So even though it’s not fanfiction, it’s a little bit like fanfiction for my own characters, and I’ve been sitting on this prompt so long that I’m overdue to do something with it. I hope it’s not thoroughly disappointing.
Interior Worlds
Snowflakes drifted like daytime stardust beyond the schoolroom window. Daniela rested her head against the glass to watch it fall. She could take a moment to relax. Her student was absorbed in her geography text, attentive to the lesson for once. Even in exile, Lucia preferred tales of far-off lands to facts about her homeland.
Something moved in the faint reflection of the glass. A shadow darkened the schoolroom door.
Daniela bolted upright. Hoops clattered against the wall as she straightened her skirts. She patted down the flyaway strands in her hair, even as the more rational part of her mind told her it was unnecessary. Even though Prince Alessandro couldn’t see her hair, Daniela couldn’t shake the conviction that he would know.
He, as usual, looked as pristine as an oil painting, the pleats of his trousers and jacket crisp, every hair in place. His unfocused eyes seemed to see everything, including Daniela’s inattention to duty.
Daniela breathed deeply, steeled her spine, and gave a curtsy that would have made the Countess proud. “Good morning, your highness.”
He acknowledged her with a stiff nod. “Good morning, Miss Decardi. I hope I’m not intruding?”
Though he spoke it as a question, it had the effect of a command. He couldn’t be intruding when it was his house, his sister, and his employee, and it was her duty to accommodate him. “Not at all, your highness.” She was proud of the steadiness of her tone. She was ever amazed at how social training could cover fear and anxiety. “Lucia is finishing her geography lesson.”
He nodded and strode into the room, his cane lightly sweeping before his feet. “How does she progress?”
“Very well, your highness.”
Lucia lit up brighter than a star lamp and bounced up from her seat. She rushed to his side and led him toward the wooden chair next to the standing globe. “I know all the capitals!”
His eyebrows rose. “All the capitals?”
Lucia helped him into the chair with the patient confidence of a nurse three times her age. “All the important ones.”
Daniela explained, “She has learned to identify all the major cities of the western nations.”
Would it be enough? He’d made it very clear that Lucia’s accomplishments were her responsibility, but she had needed to take extra time to frame the lessons in a way that captured Lucia’s attention…
The barest of smiles softened the sharp lines of Alessandro’s face. “An excellent accomplishment,” he told Lucia. “But don’t let it go to your head. There’s much more of the world to learn.”
“I know,” Lucia said, with the enthusiasm of an explorer.
“By the time you come of age,” Alessandro said seriously, “you ought to be able to label a globe blindfolded.”
Daniela’s stomach twisted at the reminder of the prince’s astronomically high expectations.
Lucia only laughed. “Even you can’t do that, Sandro.”
His shoulders and spine straightened. “You think I can’t?” He lifted a hand to the standing globe beside him and turned it until his hand covered the entire Western continent. He pointed at nations. “Alsperra, Corlant, Myraldia, Ephros, Dartan.”
Lucia laughed. “You’re just guessing.”
“Am I right?”
“So far. But that’s the easy part.” She twisted the globe and planted his finger in the middle of the broad Eastern Expanse. “What’s here?”
He brushed his other hand over the surrounding patch of the globe. “The Espiren Mountains.”
“What country?” she demanded, unimpressed.
“It goes without saying that they’re in the western portion of Poresti.”
She twisted the globe again. “What’s here?”
“The Feshrin Peninsula.”
“The Midnight Islands.”
“How about here?”
“Well, now we’re just in the middle of the Avrian Ocean.”
She released his hand and threw her own into the air. “How are you doing that?”
His eyes, blank as they were, sparkled with mischief. “What do you think I did as a boy?” he asked. “I forsook all sleep and leisure, memorizing this globe so I could one day astound you with my geographical wizardry.”
“You’re cheating!” The accusation was half amusement and half outrage. Lucia looked toward Daniela. “Miss Decardi, how is he cheating?”
Daniela only shook her head in amazement. The globe included topographical definition, and most of the places Lucia had pinpointed were geographically distinct, but his quick, confident answers were still impressive. “I don’t believe he is,” she said.
Alessandro’s smile was as bright as the sun through a storm cloud, and just as startling. “Thank you, Miss Decardi. I knew I could trust your academic honesty.”
The words left her dumbfounded. Not what he’d said, but how he’d said it. It was like he’d transformed into a different person. Always, he’d been the meticulously polite prince, the exacting employer. But now, he was speaking to her, with genuine warmth rather than polite formality. As if some dividing veil had been pushed aside and she was seeing something of the man beneath.
She was surprised to find herself returning the smile.  “Always glad to be of service, your highness.”
Lucia seized Alessandro’s hand again, and the game continued. He identified seven more nations, three mountain ranges and two archipelagos before he finally stumbled over a collection of nations in the southern hemisphere.
“It’s not Efzi!” Lucia cried triumphantly. “It’s Falni!”
“I think not.” He brushed a finger of his other hand over the flat surface to the nation’s left. “It’s a coastal nation.”
“It’s on the...” Lucia peered at writing on the land mass. “The Efni Flats.”
He lifted his head. “Miss Decardi, does she tell the truth?”
“I’m afraid she does, your highness.”
Alessandro withdrew his hand from the globe. “It wasn’t a fair test,” he told Lucia. “You turned the globe upside down. It doesn’t count.”
Lucia said, “That wasn’t in the rules!”
“We never defined the rules.”
The quarrel continued, with no real hostility. The answer didn’t matter so much as the contest and the camaraderie. Daniela had never seen either of them so at ease. Their lives had been painted by sorrow, weighed down by war, but here and now, they were a brother and sister caught up in silly games. Daniela thought she finally understood how Lucia could be fond of her brother. This was the man she’d always been able to see; this was what they brought out in each other.
Finally, Alessandro settled back in his chair. “If I made a mistake,” he conceded, “it means only that you have opportunity to surpass me. I still expect you to make a diligent study of geography.”
“I will,” Lucia said, then seized his hand. “I’ll bet you can’t get another one.”
He withdrew his hand from her grasp. “Unless I was very much misled, I graduated the schoolroom long ago. It would be rude of me to take you from your tutor any longer.”
Lucia turned pleading eyes toward Daniela. “Miss Decardi, don’t make him leave! I was learning geography, really!”
Alessandro began to rise from his chair. “I did not intend to distract your student. The schoolroom is your domain, and I apologize for taking your...”
“No. Please. Stay.”
The words escaped before Daniela had time to consider them. When she’d spoken them, she wasn’t sure what was more shocking—that she’d interrupted the prince, that she’d contradicted him, or that she truly did want him to stay.
She used every lesson in deportment she’d ever received to gather up her confidence and courage, then added, “It is an unorthodox lesson, but an engaging one, and Lucia enjoys it. If it pleases your highness, you may stay as long as you desire.”
The prince laughed. “Very well,” he said. “If the ever-proper Miss Decardi is willing to indulge this folly, who am I to protest?” He sat back in his seat. “But you must be willing to be judge of this contest.”
Daniela smiled at him—even if he couldn’t see it, he’d know. “Gladly, your highness.”
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
I got your Back
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Pairing: (DragonBat!)Daniela Dimitrescu x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: One walk out in the woods would change your life. One encounter with a Royal Dragon Bat changes your views on the four lords.
Warnings: Near-Death, Running, Being chased by the Queen of the ‘Dragon Castle’
A/n: I thought I was going to make this a one story thing, but I was WRONG! Hi, I apparently make series and this is apparently a series now. Also, plot twist comes in this chapter!
1 Year...
Daniela’s injury had long healed however, eve if you were letting her go, she only just walked back towards you. No matter what you did to distance yourself from her, she’d always, someway somehow find her way back to you. 
“Don’t you miss home sometimes?” You ask Daniela, leaning against her back
I do but... I enjoy being in your presence as much as I do being at home. 
“Are you sure?” You ask her, reeling in a fish, “Last time I checked, there was nothing special here...”
As you bring in that reeled fish, you toss it to Daniela and she catches it, downing it in a gulp. You roll up your sleeves as you reveal a tattoo. It was a design of Daniela; the Brilliant Red scales and mane with a hint of Brilliant Emerald Green scales was all in the design. You unfortunately had to leave town for a little bit to go into the modern world to get it done. 
I can’t believe you really have a tattoo of me...
“You’re my best friend Dani,” You explain, “So, even if you go, you’ll be on these adventures with me.”
You’re something else Y/n...
“Hey, were you always a dragon?” You ask, “Sorry if that’s out of the blue... If a dragon bat can communicate with me telepathically you must be human as well...”
I don’t know... However, there is a legend... Where humans who were turned into monsters like me...
“I don’t see you as a monster,” You say
You... Don’t?
“I don’t,” You say, “Continue on the ‘legend’ you know about.”
You don’t notice Daniela’s cheeks flushing a deep red. 
It started with a daughter of the royal family. She was absolutely lovesick. From time to time she fell for many different men. One night she went too far and killed the man that she had ‘fallen in love’ with. This had angered the townspeople. The daughter was chased to the edge of town, where she begged mother to help her. However, the mother... Was fed up with her daughters’ flirtatious ways. However, deeply caring for her daughter, she felt merciful and found a way to curse her. The mother had cursed the daughter to become a hybrid of a Dragon and a Bat. The challenge for her cursed daughter was to find someone who would love them not only for appearances but for one who truly is themselves shall be turned back to normal. 
“That’s... Intense,” You sigh, “Do you think... It’s about you?”
Who knows? Just maybe. 
“Well, for one, it’s awesome having a dragon bat for a best friend,” You start, “Who would have thought that-”
You hear rustling in the distance. This causes Daniela to begin hissing and growling. You stand up and cock your gun and stand up to begin making your way to where the noise was. Daniela right behind you to protect you. You lift your gun and begin listening for anything out of the ordinary.
Dani... You hear them too?
I do.
As quick as a flash of light, a hoard of Lycans jumps down from the bushes, ensnaring Daniela in a net.
“Daniela!” You yell, beginning to shoot the lycans, “Let her go!”
One lycan had gotten closer to you however, you immediately whip yourself around and shoot at the lycan that was inches away from your face. You watch molten fire string right above you, dodging the drips of lava that was dripping down from the stream of molten flame.
“I don’t think so!” You yell, taking down the remaining lycans that were holding Daniela down
You immediately remove the netting from Daniela and wrap your arms around her neck as much as you could.
I thought I told you to run...
“I’m not leaving you behind Dani,” You say, sternly, “We’re partners...”
The Dragon Bat coos under your touch as the both of you begin walking back to your home. Somehow you had been able to keep it afloat. Even with all of the Lycans targeting you. However, you were certain they were all after Daniela. You shoot at the final lycan but hear it beginning to speak.
“The mother of... The Castle... Will kill you...” It says before dying
The lady of the castle?... Does he mean?-
Y/n? Are you okay?
“I’m fine,” You sigh, “No scratches or anything.. Shouldn’t you get back to the castle?”
My mother is being overprotective... I can take care of myself.
“I wouldn’t want you being strongly punished for choosing to stay with me,” You sigh, “Or even me getting burned alive... I wouldn’t want to go out like that.”
Then how would you want to go out?
“On my bed,” You answer, “Surrounded by the people I love... Well, you for that matter... I’m pretty sure a dragon bat like yourself can live longer than the average mortal...”
That is true, But... I’d rather go out valiantly.
“As your typical dragon bat would,” You smile and sigh
What’s wrong with going out valiantly?
“Nothing at all,” You state, “You should go out valiantly. Or at least protecting the ones you love.”
Before Daniela could answer, the both of you look up to the sky and notice a large silhouette of a dragon. Daniela uses her head to nudge you inside of your home. 
“Daniela!” You yell as Daniela uses her tail to lock you in the house
Daniela walks away from the home and watches the large dragon land in front of her.
You stay away from the castle for over a year?!
I wanted to be on my own for awhile mother!
What if a hunter could have killed you?! Or even sold you for money?!
Mother the human I’m with has not sold me or killed me!
You try to unlock the door however it was locked from the outside. You cover your fist with your hoodie and begin punching the door window, unlocking it. However, you look down and notice how your fist began bleeding; seeing dark spots beginning to seep through. You leave your fist covered however, you run in front of Daniela.
“You leave her alone!” You scream
Oh! We have a loud mouth!
Your eyes widen and jump out of the way just as the white and black dragon breathes its fire. 
Mother Stop! Please!
If you want me to stop you must come home!
Daniela actually considered it, but, she had grown attached to you. She couldn’t just up and leave right then and there. She didn’t want to leave you. You appear right back at Daniela’s side, not long before the ‘Mother Dragon’ had began forming her fire in her mouth. It wasn’t before Daniela had curled her neck so that she was practically guarding you; her tail also curled around you. You hear and feel the growling emitting off of Daniela.
You DARE growl at your mother?!
Mother... I don’t want you hurting this human... She saved my life!
Humans are all the same! Now move my daughter!
Daniela also didn’t want to anger her mother. A chill shoots up your spine as you feel Daniela’s tail move away from you, along with her head and neck. But, you feel her warm steam exit her nose.
“Run...” A very feminine voice whispers in 
You’re not sure what shot through your body, but in the next second, your foot pivots and you run... And run... And run.
You come back and succumb to your despair!!
You could hear what the Mother Dragon was yelling. But, you don’t turn to look back. That’s one thing your father taught you; to never look back when you’re running away from something. However, you hear another roar; making you finally turn your head, stopping in your tracks. 
Daniela?! What is the meaning of this?!
“Run Y/n!!!” Daniela yelps as she falls off her mothers’ back
Did Daniela just...
You wanted to turn back and help her. But how could you? The Mother Dragon said it herself. You were a mere human. No special powers, no dragon bat abilities you were just human. However, you couldn’t just simply run away now. Daniela was in trouble. 
You will come home this time! And you will never-
Before the Dragon Mother could finish her sentence at a whimpering Daniela, she turns to a pressure on her tail; your teeth were attempting to sink into the scaly tail. Like themselves, you were grunting, growling and trying to injure the Dragon mother long enough for Daniela to get free. 
No mortal has ever sunk their wee teeth into me flesh before... Got to say little one... You have guts... No matter, You’re finished..
With a simple motion, your teeth weren’t strong enough to hold against the Dragon Mothers’ tail whip. Daniela’s ember eyes widen as she watches your body be flung over the edge of the cliff. Despite being under her mothers’ foot, she manages to break free from her mothers’ grasp. 
You couldn’t scream. The heavy drop of your stomach made it hard for you to. At that point you decided to accept your despaired fate. That was... Until you saw a silhouette of dragon wings...
A/N: Omg!! It’s been too long! I’ve gotten a new job and it has been exhausting me to the bone! Hopefully I can upload more soon!!
Go Home Daniela
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Supernatural Event | All Participants Who Dropped Likes | Roles
Everyone who stated a specific creature role. If you liked but are not here please tell me your role so you can be added > > Event Theme: There’s A Storm Coming > Dance With The Dead Your Royal Hosts: Caleb Stern | Vampire King | @ruthlessnessisyourdesire Corvus DeVille | Werewolf King | @creation-is-chaos Your Event Subjects: Callum Anderson | Witch | @detroitfortune
Connor Anderson | Vampire | @deviated-detective
Damon | Incubus | @robobiitch Hana Dawkins | Witch | @fearlessandchaotic Elijah Kamski | Vampire | @creatorofclay Danielle (Daniela) Knights | Vampire | @diivinerose Lotus Koning | Fae | @coffee-and-guns Holland Frost | Fae Winter Queen | @syntheticfrost
Jhin Minix | Djinn | @lethalxarsenal
Aiden Barnes Moretti | Werewolf | @soulxism
Sierra Nightgale | Banshee | @imabittercoffee
Lexi Reyes | Vampire | @dcwnxism
R  Raunaeril | Fae | @rk800isalive
Eli Stern | Hybrid | @repliicantceo
Elliot Stern | Human Servant | @repliicantceo Jesse Stern | Witch | @rxseguided Richard Stern | Witch | @lethalxarsenal Asuka Stronov | Witch | @theyearningtofly Zed Tashiro | Wraith | @lethalxarsenal
Jade Winthrope | Fae Fall Queen | @cybernetichearts Everyone threading in this event can come up with their own connections. If you have preestablished you can bring it into this. Remember the vampire hierarchy reigns supreme over all supernatural creatures. They are the apex predators. Werewolves are the second wave in this society. Witches and Fae fight for the lead beneath these two warring societies. 
While witches have covens with specific heads they still battle the more sovereign run society of fae. The fae are hidden in their own little world, the Spring Realm housing a kingdom still untouched by modernism. However, fae themselves wander into the mortal realm and live among Detroit’s citizens just as the rest of our inhumane beings.  While the vampire King is head of his kind most live in fear of him. His army is great. He could invade and slaughter any other creature’s territory and take them out. It is best to remain on his good side. He is ruthless but seemingly more tolerable than his dreaded wolf brother. Corvus is worse and that itself is rather harrowing indeed.  There is a wrench in this rule. That wrench comes with an exiled prince returning to the city. Connor is secret vampire royalty. While he appears to be the king himself, he is merely a twin to the vicious sire. His loyalties lie with his own coven of loyalists who believe him to be the rightful heir to the throne. However, he too will have an affinity with the witches due to Asuka.  War breaks out among vampires and werewolves as a centuries upon centuries feud dating back to the Crusades finally erupts. Caleb and Corvus’ war throws everyone askew, endangering every species in their inhuman realm. No one is safe. Loyalties are tested. Choose your side wisely. Or choose none at all. The choice is yours but remember. As with any great choose your own adventure game of old, pick the wrong path and wind up dead.  Just a few points: 
Vampires are the hierarchy with King Caleb as their ruler
Werewolves are second tier with wolf king Corvus leading their packs
Witches > Various covens with assigned heads
Fae > Spring Realm Kingdom separate from mortal eyes with a royal system
Various other beings: ie selkies, goblins, succubi are beneath all without any leadership
Dhampirs > Despite being half vampire these are shunned by most and spit on by full blooded vampires.
Event Tag: 
Please tag all threads involved in this event with the following
[A Storm Is Coming :: Bloody and Profane]
[Supernatural Event :: AU]
Creatures Taken
Hybrid (rare)
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gossipnetwork-blog · 6 years
50 Pop Culture Events Guaranteed to Get You Excited for 2018
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50 Pop Culture Events Guaranteed to Get You Excited for 2018
Getty Images; Melissa Herwitt/E! Illustration
Ladies and gentlemen, get those crisp, empty calendars out!
The time has finally come to say goodbye to the highs and lows of 2017 and hello to a new and totally cool 2018.
As pop culture super fans at E! News, we wanted to help celebrity lovers get pumped for the brand-new year. What better way to accomplish that goal than to create a handy guide of the movies, TV shows, concerts and trends coming sooner rather than later?
From Beyoncé‘s highly anticipated headlining performance at the Coachella Music Festival this April to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle‘s fairytale wedding in May, we’ve got you covered in our gallery below.
So sit back, forget about those resolutions and get excited for what’s to come in the year ahead.
Princess Charlotte Heads to School
January: The two-year-old tot has an important year ahead of her as she begins attending Willcocks Nursery School in London. 
Arie Luyendyk Jr. Becomes The Bachelor
January 1: He’s back! Before Bachelor Nation is treated to the Winter Games spin-off, Arie will be given a shot at love. “I’m definitely a romantic,” he told E! News. “I love being the type of partner that surprises who I’m with and tries to do special things with them.” 
Courtney Hizey Photography & Emily Maultsby
Married at First Sight Returns
January 2: Six strangers have agreed to take a chance at love and get married at—you guessed it—first sight! Lifetime cameras will be there to document every moment and see if the couples decide to stay together or go their separate ways.
The X-Files Returns
January 3: Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny are returning to their iconic roles of Dana Scully and Fox Mulder in the six-episode event series on Fox. 
Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images
Oprah Winfrey’s Golden Globes Appearance
January 7: The Hollywood Foreign Press Association has announced that the talk-show legend will be honored with the prestigious Cecil B. de Mille Award. And yes, we can’t wait for that acceptance speech either. 
Eric Jamison/Invision/AP
Camila Cabello Releases First Solo Album
January 12: After leaving Fifth Harmony, the singer is ready to release her debut solo album that already has huge hits including “Crying in the Club” and “Havana.” 
Entertainment Weekly
The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story Premieres
January 17: Penelope Cruz, Darren Criss, Edgar Ramirez and Ricky Martin will bring the tragic story of Versace’s murder at the hands of Andrew Cunanan to life on the small screen. And yes, the genius Ryan Murphy is behind the project. 
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Returns
February: All things just keep getting better! Netflix has a new Fab Five that will forge relationships with men and women from a wide array of backgrounds and beliefs often contrary to their own.
Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Justin Timberlake Performs at Super Bowl 52
February 4: No matter who’s playing on the football field on game day, music fans will appreciate the “Suit and Tie” singer’s halftime performance. Will Janet Jackson make a surprise appearance? Stay tuned! 
Big Brother Celebrity Edition Premieres
February 7: For the first time, CBS will assemble a group of celebrities to live in the famous house. “Picture everything about Big Brother, but nonstop action because it’s going to be on a fast-forward button,” host Julie Chen teased to The Hollywood Reporter. 
Nathan Congleton/NBC
Olympic Winter Games Kick Off
February 8: Let the games begin! The best athletes from around the world will compete for Gold in South Korea. Prepare for hours of suspense, tears and inspiration. 
Focus Features
Fifty Shades Freed Hits Theatres
February 9: Your Valentine’s Day plans are already made thanks to the return of Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan. The third installment promises plenty of suspense, surprises and sex.
Black Panther Hits Theatres
February 16: Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan and Lupita Nyong’o star in Marvel’s latest big-screen project that is sure to be a box-office smash.
Frozen Comes to Broadway
February 22: Disney’s latest production tells the timeless tale of two sisters, pulled apart by a mysterious secret. Both are searching for love, they just don’t know where to find it. St. James Theatre here we come!
Island Records
Demi Lovato Begins New Tour
February 26: The “Sorry Not Sorry” singer is hitting the road in support of her sixth studio album, Tell Me You Love Me. DJ Khaled will serve as a special guest.
Trading Spaces Returns
Spring: After a 10-year hiatus, the hit TLC show is back with host Paige Davis and beloved carpenters Ty Pennington and Carter Oosterhouse. 
Foxwoods Resort Casino
Guy Fieri’s Restaurant Hits the Seas
Spring: Carnival Cruise Line’s next cruise ship called Carnival Horizon will include Guy’s Pig & Anchor Bar-B-Que Smokehouse|Brewhouse. BBQ, beer and boats? Count us in! 
Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Pink’s Beautiful Trauma Tour Begins
March 1: Thanks to the success of her seventh studio album, the Grammy winner is hitting the road. Expect hits, flips and plenty of surprises throughout the country. 
Walt Disney Studios
A Wrinkle in Time Hits Theatres
March 9: The feature adaptation of Madeleine L’Engle’s iconic children’s novel has earned plenty of well-deserved buzz thanks partly to its star-studded cast and director Ava DuVernay. 
American Idol Returns
March 11: Host Ryan Seacrest will join judges Luke Bryan, Katy Perry and Lionel Richie for ABC’s revival of the singing competition show. 
Facebook/Mean Girls on Broadway
Mean Girls Comes to Broadway
March 12: Tina Fey’s fetch movie is, like, coming to Broadway at the August Wilson Theatre. Cady Heron may have grown up on an African savanna, but nothing prepared her for the wild and vicious ways of her strange new home: suburban Illinois.
Harry Potter Comes to Broadway
March 16: Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, the show follows Harry as he grapples with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs. Seven stars of the original West End cast will reprise their roles at the Lyric Theatre.
Roseanne Revival Premieres
March 27: Get ready for the Conners’ comeback! Featuring the complete original cast including Roseanne Barr, John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf and Sara Gilbert, ABC promised the show’s return will explore life, death and everything in between in the classic series’ brutally honest tone. 
Daniela Vesco/Invision for Parkwood Entertainment/AP Images
Beyonce Performs at Coachella
April: She’s back! After welcoming twins in 2017, the “Crazy in Love” singer is set to deliver an unforgettable headlining set during both weekends of the music festival. 
Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Kate Middleton Welcomes Baby No. 3
April: Prince George and Princess Charlotte will have a younger sibling when the Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William welcome their third child. 
Eliot Lee Hazel/Photo Courtesy of John Legend
Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert! Premieres
April 1: John Legend is NBC’s Jesus Christ in the live musical production airing from the Marcy Armory in Brooklyn, New York this spring. 
Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Kenny Chesney Begins Stadium Tour
April 21: Country music fans listen up! The “Come Over” singer brings his hits to the Trip Around the Sun tour that includes stops at multiple stadiums across the country. 
Joanna Gaines Releases Cookbook
April 24: Cooking just like the Fixer Upper star got a whole lot easier. “I’ve been working on this project for quite some time now, and the whole process has really been so fun,” the HGTV star shared on her website. “The cookbook is full of my personal tried and true dishes, favorites from family and friends, and some recipes from our restaurant that I wanted to share.” 
Reese’s Outrageous Bar Hits Stores
May: Reese’s new candy is full of creamy peanut butter, surrounded by caramel and crunchy Reese’s Pieces candy and then covered in smooth milk chocolate. 
Larry Busacca/LP5/Getty Images for TAS
Taylor Swift Begins reputation Tour
May 8: In support of her latest record-breaking album, the Grammy winner will travel to stadiums across the country to perform her biggest hits. Expect star-studded crowds and surprises! 
Eddie Mulholland/Daily Telegraph/PA Wire
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Wedding
May 19: While there are plenty of Hollywood couples who will likely say “I Do” in the year ahead, this royal wedding will capture the eyes of the world. We’re already prepared—and pumped—to set our alarms. 
Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Clear Channel
Maroon 5 Begins New Tour
May 30: The band behind huge hits like “What Lovers Do” and “Don’t Wanna Know” announced a 33-date North American tour in support of their album Red Pill Blues.
Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP
Faith Hill & Tim McGraw Continue Soul2Soul Tour
May 31: The country music power couple are hitting the road together again for their top-selling Soul2Soul tour. And yes, we are crossing our fingers for joint performances of “Speak to a Girl,” “I Need You” and more. 
Toy Story Land Comes to Disney World Resort
Summer: The new land located in Disney’s Halloween Studios will feature two new themed attractions including a family coaster. 
Redhead Emojis Arrive
June: According to Emojipedia, phone users will finally be able to give emojis red hair. 
Christopher Polk/Getty Images for iHeartMedia
Kesha & Macklemore Begin New Tour Together
June 6: The Adventures of Kesha and Macklemore Tour kicks off in Phoenix where $1 from every ticket sold will be donated to Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) and PLUS 1. 
Barry Wetcher/Warner Bros. Pictures
Oceans Eight Hits Theatres
June 8: Perhaps it’s the star-studded cast? Maybe it’s that intriguing trailer? Whatever the case may be, excitement is building for the follow-up to the Ocean‘s trilogy.
The Incredibles 2 Hits Theatres
June 15: Mr. Incredible (Craig T. Nelson) is left to care for Jack-Jack while Elastigirl (Holly Hunter) is out saving the world in this highly anticipated sequel perfect for the entire family. 
Universal Studios
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom Hits Theatres
June 22: Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard mount a campaign to rescue the remaining dinosaurs from a dangerous volcano.
Stuart Franklin/Getty Images
Shakira Begins New Tour
August 3: The El Dorado world tour is slated to kick off in Chicago. While the singer had to postpone dates because of vocal cord recovery, fans are still excited to see the superstar singer perform her biggest hits of her career. 
Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images
Ed Sheeran Begins Stadium Tour
August 18: After the success of Divide, the singer is on board for a North American stadium tour that will kick off at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif. 
Neilson Barnard/Getty Images
Kelly Clarkson Joins The Voice
Fall: The original American Idol winner has signed on for a spin in those iconic red chairs as a coach for season 14. “We’ve gone back and forth about a role as a coach for years, but the timing hasn’t been right until now,” Kelly shared at the time of the announcement. “I have always loved appearing on the show as an adviser or performer…Watch out Shelton, I’m comin’ to win!!”
People’s Choice Awards
People’s Choice Awards Moves to E!
November 11: The E! network has acquired the fan-favorite award show, which celebrates the best in pop culture and is voted on entirely by fans. Get ready for a star-studded show you won’t forget. 
Alex Dolan/PR Newswire
Lady Gaga Begins Las Vegas Residency
December: Pack your bags Fame Monsters because the “Born This Way” singer is headed to Monte Carlo Hotel & Casino’s Park Theater to sing her favorite songs for audiences around the world.
Walt Disney Pictures
Mary Poppins Returns Hits Theatres
December 25: With a cast of Emily Blunt, Meryl Streep, Colin Firth and more, something tells us the waiting until next Christmas will be worth it for this Disney movie.  
Taco Bell
Taco Bell Expands $1 Menu
All Year: Step aside, McDonalds. Taco Bell hopes to satisfy fast-food lovers with 20 new options on its Dollar Cravings Menu throughout the year. Their most recent add was a $1 “Stacker.”
Universal Studios
Kung Fu Panda Comes to Universal Studios Hollywood
TBD: Another level of awesomeness at DreamWorks Theatre will feature Kung Fu Panda as parkgoers are immersed in a brand-new multisensory attraction. Join Master Po on an unstoppable adventure of awesomeness destined to stimulate your senses, exercise your wit and unlock the hero within through the power of kung fu.
Gustavo Caballero/Getty Images for SOBEWFF
Giada De Laurentiis Opens New Las Vegas Restaurant
TBD: The celebrity chef and Food Network superstar plans to open her second restaurant. Called Pronto by Giada, the establishment will be inside Caesars Palace and serve as a quick-service eatery with Italian and Californian fare. 
See More From 50 Pop Culture Events Coming in 2018
Anyone else feeling excited for the months to come? Let’s do this 2018!
Don’t miss E! News every weekday at 7 and 11 p.m.
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humoraltheory-blog · 7 years
7. Articles Found on the Modern Language Associaton International Bibliography - Found using expanded Keyword search.
1. Foster, George M. "The Validating Role of Humoral Theory in Traditional Spanish-American Therapeutics." Amer. Ethnologist, vol. 15, no. 1, Feb. 1988, pp. 120-135. EBSCOhost, manowar.tamucc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mzh&AN=1988041551&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Abstract: In conventional interpretations of humoral theory in Spanish-American popular medicine, the “principle of opposites” model (a Hot remedy for a cold illness, and vice versa) is viewed as prescriptive, that is, as a guide to therapy. Anomalous ethnomedical data from Tzintzuntzan, Mexico, suggest the opposite, that the role of theory is to validate empirical remedies administered with little or no thought given to theoretical dictates. It is further suggested that validation of prevailing curing practices is a special case of a broader principle, that the role of many cultural institutions is validation rather than prescription, as often described.
2. Gidal, Eric. "Civic Melancholy: English Gloom and French Enlightenment." Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 37, no. 1, 2003, pp. 23-45. EBSCOhost, manowar.tamucc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mzh&AN=2003297374&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Abstract: This essay revisits the clichéd opposition of the splenetic English and the lighthearted French found in travel writing, novels, and political and cultural criticism throughout the eighteenth century. It observes how French writers from Voltaire and Prévost to Montesquieu, Grosley, and Madame de Staël transformed melancholy from a sign of humoral imbalance, intellectual genius, or religious vocation into both a symptom and cause of political freedom and national identity. These eighteenth-century thinkers offer a model of a peculiarly civic melancholy that stands as a link between earlier humoral theories of emotional dispositions and modern psychoanalytical accounts of national ideologies.
3. Marcheschi, Daniela. "'Humourism' in European Literature." Enthymema: Rivista Internazionale Di Critica, Teoria E Filosofia Della Letteratura/International Journal of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philosophy, vol. 2, 2010, pp. 81-91. EBSCOhost, manowar.tamucc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mzh&AN=2016310320&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Abstract:  What is Tradition? We usually (and wrongly) think it coincides with History. It would be better to think of Traditions, that is various experiences that co-exist in history and can be picked up to build on one’s system of values to be passed on to future generations. Our knowledge is actually based on traditions, and literature makes no exception. In this paper the author shows how one tradition, i.e. the comic-humoristic one, has marked European culture and literature. Its extraordinary genealogy has been written down by Gerard de Nerval: from Apuleius through Petronius, Swift, Diderot, Voltaire, up to Lawrence Sterne. Nevertheless, in the course of time, the comic-humoristic tradition has been able to attract many other novelists, poets and artists who have brilliantly enriched our cultural experience. It is possible to go back to the nineteenth century and track down many lines of the comic-humoristic tradition acting in European cultures, in order to show their dynamics, their interactions and their influence even at the outset of children’s literature.
4. Snider, Alvin. "Hard Frost, 1684." Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies, vol. 8, no. 2, 2008, pp. 8-32. EBSCOhost, manowar.tamucc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mzh&AN=2008582938&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Abstract: A series of severe winters in the seventeenth century moved observers to attend carefully to the weather and to attribute a powerful agency to the cold. Drawing on Hippocratic theories on how specific climatic conditions confer physical and intellectual advantages on the inhabitants of a region, they devised new techniques for reading the elements and new arguments for understanding the interrelatedness of the body and the world. In England, the winter of 1683-84 stood out in its harshness, and many observers recorded the effects of the cold. This essay takes up Royal Society reports, diaries, ballads, painting, sermons, and other documents to explore concerns that the temperate climate that supposedly made the English better suited for ascendancy than peoples in frigid or torrid zones could vanish into history. In these texts we see how English weather mediates between exterior and interior realms, and how English identities are constituted in the operations of climate.
5. Müller, Eugenia C. "'Scattered Genealogies': Melancholia and the Libro De Buen Amor." Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, vol. 89, no. 1, Jan. 2012, pp. 1-32. EBSCOhost, manowar.tamucc.edu/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mzh&AN=2013321003&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
Abstract: As an emblematic text that brings into focus the losses inherent in human love, the Libro de buen amor is permeated by melancholy undertones. While the Libro's accounts of amorous distress have often been interpreted in the light of the protagonist's unscrupulous behaviour, their presence in the text in fact produces essential discoveries about the nexus of traditions coalescing around melancholia at the close of the Middle Ages. Weaving together insights from previous analyses, this study places the Libro within the broad history of melancholia by examining its treatment of melancholia, lovesickness, and acedia within the web of relationships emerging around the concepts of love and sexuality in the medical, religious as well as literary discourses. Arising in the wake of the troubadours' attempts to reevaluate the concept of love and contemporary with the secularization of acedia that brought the Patristic view of tristitia into popular discourse, the Libro's polymorphic representation of melancholia is filtered through the widely disseminated tradition of lovesickness and the humoral doctrine of temperaments. The poem thus synthesizes the intellectual shifts and new directions that, toward the end of the Middle Ages, prepared the terrain for a new understanding of human experience.
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