#britin ily moments
sophsun1 · 1 year
Soph! These new gifsets with quotes are so stunning. I love seeing them on my dash. And that final shot of Britin? 😭 It says so much to me to see Brian just draped over Justin and it’s clearly not the first time. It just screams to me how Brian shows how much he loves Justin through his physical body. You don’t pass out on top of someone like that without being fully comfortable with them…
Hey lovely!
Aww, ty!
This is where I'm at my happiest creatively, I love thinking in scenes it's my gif process of being able to see a quote/line of dialogue and either jump to a parallel or think of which moments slot in. Kinda like the lyrics set I did for you, so any quotes/poetry/lyrics you associate with them as always send my way it may spark some creativity!
I was feeling down (as you know lol) with my gifs so I'm trying to make more things like this which don't stress me out as the scenes do, and trying out new gif layouts.
But yes that final scene of Brian being so nakedly raw and vulnerable (no pun intended 😛) all his walls and defences are gone and as you say he is an actions speak louder than words kinda guy, physical touch is his communication and we see that as he clings to Justin. Justin himself comes to realise this "he showed me he loved me everyday." Brian canonically can't keep his hands off Justin which makes him being so affronted at Brian wanting to cuddle so fucking hilarious - god that entire conversation is cringe the execution to get Justin to NY was so poor 🤦🏻‍♀️
You sense Brian is finally at peace in a weird way in that scene because he's no longer hiding how he feels, the dreaded "love" weight has been lifted and that's what makes it even more heartbreaking because we know Justin's leaving. Justin truly was his exception to everything.
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
I still cannot believe someone from Europe cares about my brother watching a tv show. Actually I still can’t believe anyone including you cares about him. But to explain how we/he watches the episodes: at the beginning i was in full control of the dvd cases because there are episode descriptions on them. And when you click on the episodes to play it also shows descriptions. So the way we at first did it for him to avoid any spoilers (his wishes bc he absolutely hates spoilers) was that he would close his eyes until the episode started. BUT then he started to care a lot more than he expected and tbh he was less high from his meds so I couldn’t win fights anymore so he wanted to control the dvd cases and the cds and all that. So he made me tape a piece of paper over the descriptions on the cases and then, like a fucking child, after I/he puts the cd in, he selects the ep number and then closes his eyes and either makes me press play or he hopes for the best and does it himself. One time he pressed play and one of the bts interview videos started playing and he covered his ears and screamed like a child until i turned it off. Anyway all he’s seen so far is the dvd intro with the episode numbers and nothing else. He hates spoilers of any kind so he’s treating this like his life depends on it. Few years ago when the Avengers movie came out (the one with iron man’s death) he didn’t leave the house for 2 days because he was scared of spoilers and he even deleted his entire social media cause of it l so this is not even the top 20 most dramatic things he’s done when it comes to shows/movies. So what I’m saying is, he has no fucking clue about episode titles or anything, so all will be news to him. And tbh I’m very happy about that because 1) in the ep descriptions Vic’s death is also revealed in a description later on so he’d for sure see it and 2) I completely forgot the 10th episode title and when I saw your response with the screenshot I actually felt relieved that he’s such a drama queen because I cannot wait for him to see that little moment so if itd be spoiled for him, id riot.
OH your brother has fandom blood running in his veins. His commitment to avoiding spoilers for his media is commendable. I had to do the same thing when I was traveling for the end of last season of RPDR (btw I adore Jinkx! Good taste brother anon!). (And then I realized that because I was abroad the WoW app would actually show the American franchise episodes and I could watch it.)
There are fans from Europe here on tumblr and the person I text with was on tumblr but deactivated while making me promise to keep them appraised of your brother’s reactions. We’re all invested because this is the most exciting thing to happen in the fandom since 2020 20th anniversary YouTube thing. And Gale didn’t show up so this is even better because your brother is wholly focused on Britin (sorry Scott ILY but no one cares about Ted). (Also remember the early days of the pandemic when we could just watch hours of our favs from an ancient tv show catch up?)
I promise that every single person is holding their breath for your brother to watch 510. His reaction is going to be everything.
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sophsun1 · 2 years
I still wish we got an I love you/I love you too from britin. I mean the writers made us wait an eternity for Brian to say it in the first place which was very in character and I didn't mind that. Thus giving us all the buildup to freak out when he finally did but an I love you/I love you too just once would've been the cherry on top of the cake you know.
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sophsun1 · 2 years
I've been meaning ask you this for soooo long! What's your favorite slutty!Britin moments and your favorite soft!Britin moments
Hey anon!
This genuinely is a never ending answer because there's SO many it's just gonna be a very long list quoting the majority of their scenes that I can remember lmao but I'll try and give it my best shot.
By slutty I'm assuming you mean hot as that's what I'll be referencing here because they're both sluts 24/7 yk 🤷‍♀️
Their first kisses in the pilot are literally c h e m i s t r y 🔥
The entire hotel scene in 1x10 imo the hottest scene they ever did
The whole I want you to be safe I want you around for a long time
2x09 before Brian's mother kills the mood asdfgkl;
2x10 Brian in that black short sleeved shirt send help
2x15 Justin coming home from his comic book brainstorm before he falls asleep
2x19 The whole angsty take a shower I know you cheated scenario
Hello? Every sexually charged moment in 3x08
The scene in 3x11 where they're bathed in orange light
3x11 When did you become such a clever devil and everything after that
The picnic scene in 4x07
Soft moments
The dinner scene at the end of 1x08
2x03 Everything with them supporting each other and the when my boy walks down the street in it's entirety
1x21 New York goodbye hug scene carve it into my chest wdy
2x02 forgiveness and ending scenes + all the remembering prom stuff
2x01 Brian breaking down re his guilt and Justin consoling him at the end
The proposal, ily, end fireplace scene with Brian's stupid soft face 5x10/5x11
The Liberty Ride/move in with me would die for it
The bracelet scene 3x04
I thought we were partners. We are
Brian kissing Justin's cheek in the cutest display of affection ever after he saves his ass from financial ruin
Their final goodbye in it's entirety
2x20 silent scene holding each other kill me wdy
3x14 Concerned Citizens For The Truth reveal etc
Justin holding Brian whilst grieving the cancer diagnosis in secret
Underrated but Brian agreeing to go to Vermont + all Justin's cute reactions
Brian saying he missed Justin returning from fake Ibiza and Justin teasing him so he'll keep kissing him - cutest cuties to ever cute
5x02 There's one thing Pittsburgh has that Hollywood doesn't *tilts head towards Brian*
3x09 Brian's lil eskimo kiss when he doesn't want to leave Justin for the trick
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sophsun1 · 2 years
Hey Soph! I really enjoy reading your QAF opinions so here's my question (sorry if you've been asked this before) - how would you have changed season 5? I enjoyed the finale and Brian's "it's only time" speech, but I mostly enjoy it because I feel like it was the most logical conclusion after how season 5 played out. However, if season 5 had been written differently (better), I feel like the wedding could still have happened +
without it seeming too rushed or OOC. What do you think? And I love your gifs, thanks for helping this fandom stay alive :'')
Aww that's sweet of you I mean I try, they are my favourite pairing 😊
I'm hoping to get back to a regular giffing schedule once I get my new laptop and get back in a better frame of mind (anxiety sucks, boo) But for the 3 of us out there I'm glad to help :))
I've probably answered a variation of this before but I'm gonna try and keep from writing an essay and stick to some key points. I agree the ending we got with the path the writers chose was the most logical conclusion for that. But the gripes I have with it are Justin/Randy deserved more than a fade out for their final appearance and Britin a proper goodbye at the airport with a more definitive promise they were still together and would visit each other long distance. Instead of the open ended imagine it for yourself scenario we got. LIKE NO SIRS, I WAITED FIVE YEARS FOR THEIR AND MY HAPPY EVER AFTER. FILM IT, HAVE THEM EXPLICITLY SAY IT, ALL THE ROMANCE, ALL THE FEELS PLS AND TY.
I know a lot of people were upset they didn't get married but honestly for me I wasn't, for that moment in time for their relationship. Even if it was paced better and we didn't go at the breakneck speed of the ily/engagement/Justin's new art career I still feel it would've been too soon for BOTH of them. I always viewed them as having a love that already fulfilled wedding vows (I made a gifset of this) so the"We don't need rings or vows to prove that we love each other we already know that" part rang very true to me. Maybe that's because it's how I myself view love/relationships in real life. That doesn't mean I don't think they wouldn't have got married later on, I absolutely do.
But they had already split so many times, I feel they needed to just be them. Adjust to being in a working couple, learning to communicate, going through the ups and downs and not having it end in a breakup before going into this huge commitment. Justin needed to grow into himself in his new art career and live life outside of Brian. Those 5 years revolved around getting that final stamp of approval from Brian that he was longing for and he got it. Brian learning that love doesn't have to be this horrible, conformative, suffocating thing it's your own interpretation of it and he could still be himself but also love and be loved in return.
My ideal ending would've been both of them moving to New York, Justin to pursue his art and Brian to open Kinnetic and thrive as he had always hoped to. It would've been such a satisfying and full circle end to his story. Remember Brian had always dreamed of going there, we saw him fail in S1 but what better timing for him to finally get there with the love of his life. Neither of them would be sacrificing their dreams to go there it would be beneficial to both. Honestly there was nothing left for Brian in Pittsburgh, Gus had gone, Michael had his own family and everyone had transitioned into the new phases of their lives. Brian and Justin had outgrown Pittsburgh they were made for the bold, bright, colourful lights of New York City.
It seems you would've wanted a wedding for them, I'd love to hear your thoughts if you want to share!
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sophsun1 · 2 years
2x06 is Britin's best angsty episode for me. So many of my fav scenes are in it: the dinner scene, Justin giving Brian the cold shoulder at the diner, why am I here?, Brian's silent admission that he loves Justin and "coming home to you". For Brian who once wanted to keep Justin at arms length to say something like that AND for him to agree to rules that would put some boundaries on his sex life never fails to blow my mind! There were a lot of romantic moments in s2 when you think about it 🥺
Hey anon!
I personally love S2 it's my second favourite one after S3!
We get such a variety of britin eras across the board they start out reconciling giving us protective britin, we get the beautiful pride ep, angst era, cheating scandal then eventual break up. 2x06 with the two major moments of vulnerable Brian with ily and the rules but also Justin standing up for himself and leaving him for the first time out of the many many more to come. Alongside them being so much more comfortable with PDA in front of everyone before it all goes to hell we love to see it (least I do)
One of my fave angsty eps from this season is probably 2x19/20 can't remember which ep it is but the one where Brian knows he's cheated and they have the take a shower scene where he's so hurt and lashing out juxtaposed with the silent scene where he can't fall asleep until Justin comes home and he's holding him whilst they're both dying inside.
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sophsun1 · 2 years
Can you discuss some moments from each season which shows Brian's love for Justin? :)
Hey anon!
Oh boy, there's so many but I'm doing this off the top of my head and will most likely forget some and I don't want it to become an entire essay lmao. So bullet points
Season 1
He wasn't in love with him then but I like how understanding and kind he was to Justin after he took him home that first time. Even though he thought it was a one night stand he still tried to give him a night to remember and afterwards did let him down gently when he said he'd see him in his dreams.
When he secretly bought his artwork at the GLC
All the stuff with Justin's dad beating him up, he still let Justin stay the night at the loft. Refusing to let him stay with his homophobic father and the "That's not love that's hate" which was perfect. Never blaming Justin for any of it.
Taking on board Justin's advice about Gus when he was going to give up his rights
Bringing him back from NY getting him a room at Debbie's and a job at the diner even after he stole his credit card. He always made sure he had a safe place to stay even if it wasn't with him.
Wanting to fight Chris Hobbs when he pushed Justin and was homophobic to him outside Woody's
The protective arm around him after 1x17 and the small smile when Justin says he'll be okay as long as Brian's there to protect him.
The entire 1x18 conversation about following his dreams to be an artist and not his parents. Kissing him under that rain of glitter.
The green eyed monster in him for the King Of Babylon arc
The gorgeous hug and stroking his hair when he's moving to NY in 1x21
Season 2
All the post bashing care he gave him - telling his mom he cared about him, watching over him in hospital, wearing the bloody scarf. Talking to a psychiatrist about how to help him. Helping him to feel safer when on his own with the walks along Liberty Avenue etc. Reliving the memories of prom/dancing with him
The pride episode refusing to let Chris Hobbs ruin his first pride and "I promise you won't forget this one"
Buying him the computer for his art
Coming home to you scene/I want you safe and I want you around for a long time
Never punishing him for cheating on him and not being honest about it in 2x08
Offering him money to help out because he knew Sapperstein was a creep
Paying for his college/Rage comic
Wanting to go to Vermont with him
Even after he knew about Ethan he gave him the option to leave him even though he was heartbroken
Season 3/4/5
Punching Michael/Telling him he hoped he would be happy without him/ Never throwing the cheating in his face
Still paying for his school/ Getting Michael to redo Rage so he'd have money
Hiring him for the poster
The entire bracelet scene I mean hearteyes much
The entire reunion in 3x08
The greatest reunification since Germany
Taking his advice over Stockwell becoming criminal boyfriends
All of 3x14 finale
His concern over the pink posse worrying about him
Even though he was so stupid trying to get Justin to leave him over the cancer arc
Telling him he missed him when he came back in 4x08/ fortune cookie scene
Encouraging him to go Hollywood
Hallucinating him on the Liberty Ride/Finishing the race because of him
Asking him to move in
Planning to visit him in LA
Moving in together in 5x02
Telling Ted Justin was one of the two people who mean the most to him ever
Running into a burning building to save him/ THE FINAL ILY X2
Both the proposals/ Buying a home/ You look beautiful
Breaking his own stupid heart so Justin could be an artist in NY
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sophsun1 · 2 years
What are 5 Britin moments that break your heart and 5 moments that make you happy :)
Hey anon!
Ooh only five of each that's hard for me to pick to be honest they'd change day by day lol and I'll probably forget some but I'll try.
Break my heart
Aftermath of the bashing the shot with Brian sat crying in the hospital with the bloodied scarf and tears streaming down his face.
Brian and the hustler in 3x01.
Their final goodbye scene in 5x13.
The scene in 2x19 when Justin comes home and Brian's holding onto him in their bed but you know the inevitable is coming and they're gonna break up.
Justin holding onto Brian in 4x07 when he's asking him about Ibiza whilst secretly knowing he's been having cancer treatment.
Happy moments (whenever they're together tbh ;)
Entirety of the prom episode before the tradgedy
All of 3x08 it's a cinematic masterpiece
Both of Brian's proposals
The whole of 3x14 they're so happy and such a team plus that finale <3
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