#bro exists and thorfinn decides to hate him
shinjisdone · 11 months
To Soften a Warrior’s Heart (Vinland Saga; Thorfinn; Part 6)
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In which you have joined Askeladd’s band…and grow closer to the Son of Thors. Though it is more difficult than anyone can could ever imagine…
[Headcanons of how it would be like to meet and crawl your way into Thorfinn’s heart (based on season 1; both platonic and romantic)]
Part 1 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 14 and how he is at that age
Part 2 is here - meeting Thorfinn at the age of 16/17 + headcanons of growing closer (slightly following s1 story)
Part 3 is here - blooming friendship with Thorfinn (slightly following s1 story)
Part 4 is here - Thorfinn unwittingly opening his heart as he realizes he does not want you to die
Part 5.1 is here - sweet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 5.2 is here - other seet things Thorfinn would do for you (headcanons)
Part 7 is here - Canute grieving over Ragnar and Thorkell catching up; Thorfinn leaves you alone for revenge
Part 8 is here - Thorfinn wins against Thorkell; Questioning your bond with Thorfinn
Part 9 is here - Meeting Leif and Thorfinn dueling Askeladd; Losing while Askeladd told him the truth of his constant losses
Part 10 is here - Thorfinn and you bound by heart; Promises of Vinland broken and abandoned
[Mentions of murder, death, war, slave trade, harrasment against women and whatever awful things happened in the viking era. Only mentioned and used as examples. Mostly gender-neutral examples but female-leaning ones are there, too.]
[This part will specifically mention: Overprotective Thorfinn, shy Canute, you saving Canute and him getting a crush uwu, weirded out Thorfinn, jealousy, Thorfinn threatening Canute, Thorfinn wanting to SPIT IN HIS FACE, harmless shenanigans, not exactly 100% following chronoligal order of story because wholesome things first...soul-crushing second]
Carry on the oath until my last scene...
The band waddled out of the water and now continues on land...
Neither are a bother to Thorfinn. Yet it's clear that he isn't very pleased. He hasn't been for the past few days.
Well, he is not pleased when he is not right by your side. Which, now having to march on, is seldom as the viking is close to you whenever possible.
He side-eyes you often, gaze falling down to the injury you had to bear. It's unknown if the wound was caused by accident or not, though that does not matter to Thorfinn. He is absolutely convinced that Askeladd is the perpatrator and cause of your wound - which is a scar by now.
It angers him though he tries to hold it down. Whenever he thinks back to it however, he looks like a closed but whistling kettle.
In fact, Thorfinn will make sure you two are NOT seperated at all. No matter what circumstance you are thrown into...
Staying close is a necessity and nothing will get in the way of it. So far so that the crew itself started mumbling about it during the march...
Well, it makes sense. Out of everyone you prefered each other from the very beginning, holding a bond that may started off as rather businesswise but both of you held values that made it slowly form into something genuine. Certainly even the tardiest fool got it how genuine your connection is by Thorfinn's outburst a week ago - yet if that was not obvious enough, the way Thorfinn insisted to stay by your side surely made it now.
You both check on each other multiple times throughout the day even as you do nothing but march. Winter is as good as here, so the constant concern and questions are not out of the ordinary but there is a certain...stoic warmth to it?
Thorfinn does not show an ounce of emotion when talking to you, checking on you, sharing food, offering help or even handling you. He treats you gently, like glass even when it comes to your fresh scar as if he was your mother or guardian - while doing all of this with the biggest scowl on his face.
His lack of facial expressions may fool the men but not his actions. Actions speak louder than words, after all!
Out of everyone, Askeladd is the most aware...
So one can imagine their gossip and talks. Well, they are just marching, protecting a prince. What better way to kill the time than this?
About Thorfinn having gone mad or being an overly sensitive lad who gets emotional over anything and everything that Askeladd does...or, how maybe you have bewitched him, how you two so suddenly became much closer or at least, had the courage to openly show it now.
Some may laugh and call you two peas in a pod, twins seperated from birth who found each other in a viking band again. Fools seldom differ, and all.
Others are convinced there has to be more. Infatuation and little sweet nothings exchanged? Is that why you two keep close to only each other and keep a distance to anything and anyone else, huh? Was Thorfinn's lovebird a bit hurt? Oh, woe is you!
The blonde is understandably pissed off but surprisingly does not reply in any way, shape or form to the mockery and gossip. Even though your wound healed, Thorfinn is more focused on staying by your side. He is too tired to give them the time of the day anyway...seems like they forgot he was the one who rescued the oh so important hostage prince in the first place.
So everything goes on with Thorfinn just being closer than ever. It seems like after that ordeal, he has let go of the many questions surrounding you and how he feels about you, too tired to ponder about them anymore.
He decided to follow his gut.
Besides, it's not like caring for you is a nuisance...not at all as it turns out. The young man finds it even...pleasant. It's...nice.
After all, he doesn't want you to die. And as you admitted to him with that smile on your face, you apparently want him to live, too.
Well, not apparently. You said so. And it was nice that you did say that.
Even now you were being pleasant. Showing your unadultered concern, gratitude, help and smile. It made this entire march, the boiling anger at Askeladd bearable. In fact, those are the only times where he gives small, faint smiles as responses to yours. Only when you can see them.
Yet speak of the devil. The 'leader' wants to speak to you.
The older man calls you two - and even if he didn't, neither of you would leave the other alone - and soon you see him talking to the retainer of the prince and his highness himself.
The latter hid behind the man, however.
The retainer was a rather short, round man with a pointy, bald front head with his brown side hair reaching his beard. The prince just reached his shoulders with blue eyes, blonde lashes as light and blonde as his silky, neatly cut and long hair.
No wonder everyone calls him 'Princess'.
And if lady luck would have it, the both of you are assigned to be the guards of the prince with the retainer Ragnar being rather unsure about the decision. Askeladd, acting as if nothing happened the week before, simply asks him for his trust.
Again, Thorfinn is not pleased.
Now he has to spent his time looking out for this scaredy cat? He'd rather march on and on with you by his side.
You can't form an opinion of it just yet. Obviously everyone is going to look out for the prince, the hostage, the entire reason the band fought Thorkell and the reason why you got hurt. Since he is the prince of King Sven, a lot of people would like to kidnap him. The high demand for this royal coward is annoying to an degree, you cannot deny that.
Well, at least you and Thorfinn can sit on a wagon instead of having to walk all the time.
Ragnar is like a mother hen.
Canute is a yellow-belly, silent as a mouse.
And you and Thorfinn are stuck with them.
The blonde barely greeted the royal and instead glared at him with his usual pout. You could tell he wasn't happy and this introduction intimidated Canute, making him hide behind Ragnar. Askeladd is quick to criticize him for the behaviour.
"Thorfinn," You say with a crooked smile. While you don't particularly care about their opinions, there is no need to have the potential crown prince of Denmark (and perhaps England lets see where this war goes) dislike you. Taking Thorfinn by the hand, you pull him away and try to give the prince and retainer your most reassuring smile. "No need to worry, Prince. Thorfinn and I will be sure to keep you safe until we reach the king. Thorfinn is a grumbler, don't mind him. You are in safe hands."
At least your attempt at being nice made the prince peek from his hiding spot.
He couldn't help but gaze down at your two hands - and how the meany, grumpy blonde reciprocated your gesture by holding it back.
The wagon is comfortable, you sitting next to Thorfinn who still hand't spoken a word - only exchanging necessities with you.
Ragnar was not convinced of your capabilites, 'such young chicks', he said which only made Askeladd laugh. "They're the same age as his highness, I am sure they'll get along!"
Well, Canute is sitting in a ball further away.
With his stature and garments it was only a matter of time before others realize how important he is. Days pass and a group of overconfident bandits barge from each side, kicking over the wagon until it was heavily damaged with you, Thorfinn and Canute astray somewhere in a dense forest below your orignal path.
Cowering in place the prince snapped up his gaze with a yelp as he saw you towering above him. Blood was dripping from you and your weapon, quickly shushing him for his idiotic behaviour.
It unfortunately only made him hide himself from you more.
You sigh and kneel down. Eyeing the shaking form...it's odd to think that he is supposed to be at your age yet he is nothing like you or Thorfinn.
He is quiet, deadly silent even. He refuses to speak a single vowel and hides behind Ragnar as if he was his rock and he the worm.
Well, as your bond with the young viking proved, you were still able to show a bit of kindness.
Perhaps you used to be like that form your past, try to maintain a quality a loved one begged you to keep, or maybe you have always been that way...
Either way, the prince is scared. Terrified. You have known feelings like this, maybe still feel this occasionally to this day. The brutality and lack of love of a viking is not what the prince needed right now.
You don't believe anyone needs nor wants that. Not even vikings themselves...
You wipe the blood off your hands. Seathing your weapon you carefully and gently lay your hand on his trembling shoulder. He does not react, so you attempt to soothe him to look at you by rubbing his shoulder with your thumb.
The sensation is familiar, as Ragnar often does it, and Canute looks up at you with teary, widened eyes. "Prince," You try your utmost to sound like a soft mother, "We'd best leave. You're the safest with us, even if it doesn't seem like it. If anything, I'll keep you safe, alright?"
It felt odd to talk to royalty as if he were a child but it seemed to work as the confusion on his face slowly softened. There was reluctance so your hand traveled down from his shoulder to his own, holding both of them as if you'd propose to him. "We have to get up and go. I know you can do that." Gingerly you encouraged him to get up with you, your hold on his hands steady but gentle. You were so focused on making him feel better that everything else seemed to cease to matter.
At last you were standing. Canute gasped as you swiftly turned around with your weapon in one hand and your other still holding his, your assuring smile exchanged for a scowl.
You lead the way but he is still hesitant. Your stomps seem like that of an fearless elephant while he is tapping after you like a mouse.
Displeased at the pace, you turned back to him with a smile and Canute felt a strange mixture of awe and confusion. You...are a viking. Going hand-in-hand with that scary, moody, omg pls keep him away from me Thorfinn guy while glaring daggers to your actual leader. There's blood on you, you killed just recently to get here and yet you are smiling at him as if he were an old loved one. How?
"Prince, I know it's frightening", Canute does not like to admit it but you are right. Still, he does not speak. "But I will lead you out of this forest and back to the wagon and Ragnar." The mention of his father-like figure eases him, "All you have to do is hold onto my hand and not let go, alright? I'll take care of the rest. I know you can follow me easily." Giving his hand a squeeze, your smile widened before you turned away and began rushing out of the woods. Canute tried his bet to keep up with the smallest of yelps.
And how fast you ran. You were like the wind, not easily conquered or intimidated by the dense trees, stopping often to check on him - it stunned as he almost collided into you each time.
There was your smile again even as you spoke sternly: "Prince, I need you to tell me when there is something wrong. Whatever reason you have for not talking is, I can't read your mind. You have to speak to me."
Oh how easy that sounds. But how gently you are handling him, how awe-struck and daring your entire escapade was, how you were oh so soft compared to anyone else he has met the past few days (even weeks, he has been on a journey for a long time!) it makes it more difficult to even let out a whimper. You are making it difficult to speak. Canute is downright speechless.
Your hold on his hand did not falter, nor did your kindness and bravery. He feels like such a little bunny compared to you.
Soon, light shone through and you were able to find back to your original path. The bandits were defeated, the wagon brought back on its wheels, the horses caught back. You casually passed by the corpses as Canute tried to avoid stepping on them and their pools of blood. The sight of the battlefield was gruesome but he was nevertheless glad to be back to 'safety'.
Ragnar was quick to run over to the prince and you let go of him, with Canute feeling visibly disappointed. Still, he sighed in relieve as the older man took him into his arms.
It was over so quick. The little moment you had there with Canute seemed like a dream as you parted from his side and looked everywhere for Thorfinn, refusing to move on without him. Quickly you found each other, gladly so and the sight is odd to Canute. One one hand, as a general rule both guards of his should be looking after him first and not each other. Neither of you spared him a glance (Thorfinn did quickly but paid his attention back to you) and on the other hand, after you made his heart beat so fast it was dejecting to see you act so familiar with a brute such as him.
Well, the journey continued on with a bit of a different atmosphere now.
You still sat next to Thorfinn who watched the prince with raised brows and so did Ragnar. His highness was still hunched by the older man's side but kept on glancing to you, trying to peek to the person behind Thorfinn with a flushed face. He looked like a shy little girl.
This of course perplexed Thorfinn. And pissed him off.
Anything and everything seems to piss him off.
The blonde leaned further into you, making his body broad with his arms as to shield you from Canute's vision with a glare. You stare at him confused and the prince quickly understood the vikings intentions and snapped his gaze away, embarrassed. Thorfinn only scoffed.
When the prince needed a break, he'd glimpse at you as you got off the wagon. Thorfinn would step in front of you and cross his arms.
When food was offered and you'd hand it to the prince, there was the urge to have your hand touch his again. He'd bent his to at least graze your finger, only to have Thorfinn shove the food into his hand and tell him to eat already (Ragnar is shocked at the rudeness).
And everytime Thorfinn made sure to sit right next to you as he almost squeezed you to the corner of the wagon, your side pressed against the wooden edge. You'd tell him off that he is suffocating you but the young man does not listen and instead watches Canute's reaction.
This guy is so weird.
What's with him? Why is his little highness suddenly acting so off? And out of all people why does it have to be around you, the one and only person Thorfinn cares about? Can't he be odd around someone else that doesn't matter?
"Watch out that you won't get any pop eyes, princess." Thorfinn lets out as he leans on his hand while resting his other elbow close to you on the edge of the wagon. He'd often nudge you to get your attention (and in turn you might push him away, saying he broadens himself like he is king (to which he chuckles) and he better makes some space. You shove him and he laughs and does as you asks) - but this time, he doesn't want you to pay any attention to him. The prince.
In turn the latter jumped and looked at him questionably but fearfully. As if reading his thoughts, Thorfinn continues, "You might get blind." As he utters these words his brown eyes narrow and Canute whimpers. You peek at the two apprehensively with Canute catching your gaze and immediately flushing as red as a cherry. He wants to keep looking at you...but he can't as he turns his face away.
"If you've got anything to say," Thorfinn continues with his threatening undertone, "Then say it, princess. I'm all ears."
The tips of his ears tinged even redder, the prince finally jumps up and points at the blonde. His eyes are glaring but his face is sweaty and flushed. "H-How dare you...!" He blurts out, "I...I cannot simply just...state how I feel...!"
Both Ragnar and you watch with widened eyes. Did he just speak?
The old man watched with his mouth agape and you with the corner of your lips twitching up. The exchange between the two was almost comical despite Thorfinn's nonchalance (and threatful undertone) and Canute's plea to be taken seriously. You snort and as all eyes went to you, tried to hold your laughter with your hand clasped to your mouth.
The royal went still and stumped at your muffled laughter, hunched down and your shoulders bopping up and down. No! He...he doesn't want you to laugh at him!
He doesn't want anyone to laugh at him but not especially you!
Not after...you acted like such a knight for him...
It doesn't help that he sees Thorfinn smile at your attempt. In fact, he only sees him smile at you, around you, with you. Everyone else only deserves a scowl.
Kings and Gods, change the odds...
The days turn into weeks.
Canute spies as Thorfinn and you seem so comfortable in the others' presence, like you were made for each other. It's bizarre how you seemed like the complete oppsite to him when you two were alone in the forest. In general you were less moody than Thorfinn.
Even as time goes by, the schtick is the same.
Canute doesn't have the courage to speak to you even after he stood his ground against Thorfinn. The latter doesn't seem to mind that you are not talking, in fact, rather prefers it.
Canute can be the personification of benelovence and he still wouldn't trust him anywhere near you.
The prince notices that which deflates him even more...Ragnar is worried over the sudden shift of behaviour and interest of his prince.
He can barely get the chance to even...do anything. He has to play the part of the well-behaved prince and not go out of his way to win your favor. With what anyway? A few flowers, thanks or promises? He couldn't do that in front of the band anyway...let alone under the piercing gaze of Thorfinn.
The latter doesn't even...notice what exactly the prince is feeling for you. He just thinks he is an oddball. Are all royals like that?
Ragnar quietly observes. He'd find a quiet place to talk to him about it later.
However, if you are female both men would get the idea a bit, just a tad biiit quicker.
Ragnar is indignant, very much so, too! His highness can't go and catch feelings for some viking! You certainly must have seduced him, you minx! No, no, no! This won't do. He'd find some time to talk Canute out of this little fantasy of his. As exciting as it must seem to fall in love, he is sure Canute is aware and will understand that a royal cannot be with, let alone fall in love, with a raiding, pillaging killer!
Thorfinn on the other hand would take muuuuch longer to catch on, even if you're female. But once he does, he scoffs and glares. Bro, seriously? Is the little princess going to fall and make eyes for the only woman in this band? Pathetic. His highness probably has never seen or interacted with a woman before and the moment he sees one he thinks he can act all enamoured with her? Bleh. Ugh. Dude, gross, pathetic behaviour, smh for real.
The moment Thorfinn realizes that what Canute is feeling for you is love, then he'd turn from his guard to yours. Call it betrayal, he was never his servant in the first place and the only one he would ever consider being faithful to is you, if anything.
He'd be overprotective in general but especially, aggressively so if you are a woman. Through the years he has always tried to protect you from all kinds of men and he is not going to make any exceptions for a prince.
Oh, he probably thinks he has a chance because he is a prince, eh? Silly goose. Idiot. Actual fool. Thorfinn can hardly contain his laughter.
No, bro. Just no. Don't even think about it.
The young man hardly has an opinion of Canute, mostly because he clams up out of fear and when he does say something, it doesn't hold any meaning to him.
Aside from these two things, Canute just glances at you. Sometimes even watches you without knowing it. Judging from these three things that he does Thorfinn sees him as an hopeless coward. Too soft-hearted to have any kind of presence and to immediately fancy you (and if you are a woman, Thorfinn believes the only reason for him to fall in love is because you are a woman. Just love at first sight because the prince is just a easily-swayed boy).
In fact...it just makes him demean him.
First he has to protect some guy and now that very same guy has eyes for you? A prince with no guts?
It pisses him off, not as much as other things usually, however. Canute could have your best interests in mind and at heart but...Thorfinn just doesn't want him anywhere near you - hell, he doesn't even want him to have these kinds of feelings for you!
It can be either jealousy or worry, that's for you to decide. Thorfinn sure as hell won't tell you.
It's just an eyesore, a waste of time for him. The blonde is so, so convinced and just knows that the royal has no chance whatsoever with you. You and Canute...that just wouldn't work. At all.
The thought of royalty not being able to marry a commoner, let alone a viking doesn't come to his mind. It's not about Canute being a prince and you being a mercenary...it's about a coward thinking he can win the heart of someone like you.
You...who has always been by Thorfinn's side. Nothing and no one seemed to interest you in any way the past years, things have always been like this.
You and Thorfinn. Even as the beginnings were rough, the fact that it was always you two still stands. It couldn't be any other way.
Besides, you deserve better than a scaredy cat, no matter if prince or not.
No matter if he could offer you a better and safer life. You deserve better.
Well, Thorfinn believes that wholeheartedly but would, of course, never admit it.
It doesn't help that when encountered by the people of Wales, the prince cannot even say who he is. He cannot state his status and what he wants. Instead he cowers behind Ragnar for the hundreth time.
"How embarrassing. And you are supposed to be as old as me?"
Thorfinn is as calm as a river as he glares down at the latter.
What a 'prince'. Cannot even speak and still demands on stealing glances at you. Coward.
It is only after Askeladd saved everyone's skin is where Canute is more aware of his lack of...anything. He cannot speak, he cannot fight...it is embarrassing, just as Thorfinn said.
He can't do anything.
While he does not care for the thoughts and opinions of the band it still hurt to have them demean him so much. And even worse, you were right there, too. You are his guard as well, after all and just witnessed right then and there how the guy that fancies you is an complete failure.
As humiliating as it was...you somehow did not despise him.
Yes, he is a coward and yes, he is fragile and fear-laden and flimsy but you weren't outwardly showing any dislike to him as you and Thorfinn were invited into the hut by Ragnar.
Neither of you stuck by Canute and Ragnar unless it was necessary...so seeing you walk in with two hares was quite the surprise...and so was it to see the prince in casual clothing, an apron and bound hair.
"Oh...hello." He felt a bit nervous around your presence but also felt so much in his element that he ended up cooking all four of you a meal that stuck to your rips - much better than grilled hare alone.
You couldn't help but compliment the chef, which only made him blush.
It seemed you did not hate him after all...perhaps you were just a kind, empathetic person or rather saw the prince as a meek child than a successor to the throne or simply understood that what is a normalcy to you is not for him. Someone who was not born into wars and fights.
You eat and talk...
And both Ragnar and Thorfinn finally realize why Canute feels for you the way he does.
Soft-hearted fool.
Ragnar would definitely pull him aside tell him that...this cannot go. It's best if he were to let go in the first place since nothing can grow from this anway. He is the prince and you a mercenary, temporarily his guard.
It hurts him to see the young man he sees as his son drop his shoulders like that, nodding in understanding. "But Ragnar..." he quietly begins before becoming louder and clearer. Certain. "The way they saved me...like the wind. They aren't a savage viking, they were like a true knight! And, and, their eyes and smile, you saw the way they looked at me, it's..."
Canute avoids his gaze with a flushed and shy gaze, gushing about the encounter and this meal you had as if it were a dream. Ragnar only shakes his head. Oh, even he is still a lad. A foolish lad.
Thorfinn is less understanding.
There is this urge to straight up approach Canute and tell him to stay the hell away, just as he does to other people who bother you or he finds troublesome (not like Canute can actively stay away - you both are his guards). Obviously the guy cannot take the hints Thorfinn has been throwing his way with his glares as dark as thunder, keeping you by his side and straight up telling him to stop gawking at you or else he might go blind.
That'd be a shame, princess.
For real, he doesn't understand, does he? Does he have to spell it out? Thorfinn does n o t c a r e about him nor who he is. He does
n o t c a r e that he was assigned guard by Askeladd, he does not care about him nor about Canute's well-being. Nothing would be lost if he were to die.
All he cares about is you (though he won't admit it but Ragnar and Canute could tell from day 1).
So Thorfinn has no qualms to threaten a prince to have stop having mushy feelings for you.
Also, its real embarrassing bro smh.
However, even Thorfinn knows that isn't the smartest action so he keeps on throwing his silent, threatening messages.
Yet, there is also a chance of him telling you what is obviously going on (chance of telling you: 35%). After all, you must have noticed it as well, haven't you? The way he looks at you, blushes like a maiden and keeps on trying to (meekly) approach you in any way? Like. c'mon.
If he does tell you, you ask him what you should do about it. It's not your intention to woo a prince and it isn't your fault either the both of you got paired up to protect him. Better than have a potential succesor to the throne hate you.
If you are not aware (how stupid are you) and ask him what he means, Thorfinn is genuinely...baffled? Are you kidding him you cannot be that naive.
You are a killing, battling viking for who-knows-how-long, hardened by wars and you cannot tell this little gosling is hopelessly enarmored with you???? Huh????
You brush him off and tell him that's ridiiiiiculous. There's no way.
Bro what do you mean there is no way? You blind?
The blonde may not know how it happened but he knows it's love, or at least infatuation. Why should he not fall in love with you? You...are you.
Out of everyone he knows, it makes the most sense for someone to fall for you.
He might even tell you so if he is frustrated enough. You are...tolerable and probaby did something nice for him. And as easily swayed as he seems, there is a high chance Canute just fell for you right then and there.
Thorfinn has a really hard time directly and verbally telling you the potential reasons why someone might like you. He is not lying in the slightest but...he just can't say it outright.
And if you are female then, uh, yeah, Thorfinn is very much baffled by your lack of conviction. This sounds very mean but Thorfinn believes the fact that you are female is the reason Canute fancies you in the first place. He probably never interacted with one before, let alone one as nice as you. He sees it more as a flaw and quip at Canute than you.
Well, you are...a woman. So of course the prince found something alluring about you.
"Don't be so stupid. You are...hm, nice." He looks away with his pout and struggles to really explain himself. "Watch out or the princess will fall head over heels for you entirely."
If he does not tell you (chance 65%) then...well, he is still moody and grumpy though you cannot comprehend why this time. He just wordlessly drags you anywhere he wants to.
Maybe he'd tell you to stop being so unnecessarily nice to a prince but does not elobrate.
He keeps his hand on your wrist most of the time, sometimes your own hand. Keeps you close as he glares at Canute, has you sit next to him, side by side, cloak pressed against cloak as it seems like he is protecting you rather than protecting the prince.
When accomodating food, he shares it with you. When nighttime falls (good thing you both are on a wagon) he lets you sleep on his shoulder, on the other side where Canute is sitting so he can't see your slumbering self.
Whatever may come even though you two are Canute's guards, Thorfinn is doing his best to keep you away from him. Even as the prince would not be able to let out a single whimper around you or to you, the mere fact tha Canute has feelings for you is bothering enough for him. He better stop.
It's even worse for him when Thorfinn ends up showing affection to you from time to time. From jokingly shoving you away to gentle touches and you doing the same for him. You two smile at each other like only you two exist...Thorfinn is not doing any of this out of spite or to make Canute jealous - it just happens. The blonde is tired of having to pay attention on how he will be perceived in the open and just follows his gut. Canute just ends up feeling a bit...envious of it all.
You brush each other's hair, tend to the other's wound, share your blankets and cloaks in the cold winter while sitting so close to each other...while Canute is right there. When you aren't needed you two act like the entire band does not exist.
Well, you are still being nice to him...when you pay attention to the shy prince.
But other than that...it honestly feels like Thorfinn's only intention was to protect you and only you. No matter what would have been decided, the young viking would have always chosen you.
It's strange to see him like this. How he let himself fall into your arms.
[This became much shorter and much more harmless than I thought...? Well, nothing much happens and we gotta get used to princess canute over here so...¯_(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Thorfinn tired of having to think all the time...its not his forte if u get what i mean
after all that happened...it just feels right to stick with you. it feels better than going back and feeling alone.]
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