#bro had no quirk got bullied over it had even adults treat him like crap
epickiya722 · 11 months
You know what's messed up about people hating on characters who cry? When the character actually has legit reasons to cry! Some of them be put in life or death situations! AND BE KIDS!
I don't know about the rest of you, but I would cry every single second if I was Midoriya. Like, folks be calling him a "crybaby" in a derogatory fashion but think about all he has gone through.
You really think you wouldn't be crying, too? Be honest, be honest. Even if you don't do it right in front of people, you would cry behind closed doors.
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mystech-master · 7 years
My Hero Academia Time Travel AU
Basically a time travel Au inspired by the one made by @ribbons-halos where the kids of the class 1-A ships (Midoriya/Uraraka, Todoroki/Yaoyorozu, Kaminari/Jiro, Kirishima/Ashido (HORN BUDDIES, FIGHT ME!), and Ojiro/Hagakure) go back in time due to a future threat.
Many of the ideas come from crap I’ve seen around tumblr
Lots of ideas so It’ll be under the drop
Basically I was imagining that there is a villain with a time manipulation quirk. Of course, future symbol of peace Deku kicks his ass. So, he then decides to use a quirk enhancing drug to enhance his/her power to gain full on time travel. He/she uses this pwoer to try and go back in time before “Deku” became the symbol of peace, when he was just a fledgling little weakling in UA.
As for how the kids get there. Either A. this is when they are doing THEIR internships at UA and end up running into the time villain (kind of like how Midoriya, iida and Todoroki fought/met Stain), or they end up getting dragged to the past by accident, maybe they just run into their parents AS they’re fighting the time villain.
I even had ideas for the kids, but not names as I can’t come up with japanese names for shit.
Izuocha kid: female, brown curly hair (like Deku’s but with Ochaco’s color, almost like Ashido’s in a way now that I think about it). About Uraraka’s height at the time of the time jump, so about 5′0″-5′2″ (the kids are 14-15 atm). Her quirk is sort of a mixture of Uraraka’s and Izuku’s mom’s quirks (Zero Gravity and Attraction of Small Objects). Where she can create her own gravitational field and pull things toward her. She can use this for minor telekinesis, having things orbit around her and gain kinetic energy before launching them via the centripetal force, or even sticking to walls. As for personality, she has Izuku’s strong desire and drive to be a hero, but Ochaco’s more cheery attitude and optimism (not having someone beat you up for most of your life helps). BUT, she is also holding in a lot of stress since, as the daughter of the number one hero Deku, there is a lot of pressure on her to be a great hero. She does have a tendency to mumble like her dad, but is much more subtle about it (she, much like her mom, tends to hide her struggles). She’s basically eternally internally screaming due to stress or whenever things take a turn for the worst. otherwise she’s a pretty optimistic and driven girl.
Todomomo kid: one of the taller ones, I’d say he’s about 5′ 10″ (kinda wanted to make him taller than Shoto who is 5′9 1/4″). Much like his dad he has white and red hair, but he just has white bangs/front hair with the back being red (maybe even in a cool long samurai ponytail). Much like his dad he has half-hot half-cold. BUT instead of left and right, he’s top and bottom. So his upper body makes flames, while his lower body makes ice. Perfect for ice floors or fire punches. Also he is a killer ice skater and has NO SHAME IN IT! He isn’t as distant or moody because you BET YOUR ASS Shoto made sure he was an awesome dad unlike Endeavor. He’s just more capable of keeping a cool head. With Momo as a mom you bet he studies his ass off. Also with her quirk she helps him in having more control over his fire and ice to make constructs.
Kamijiro kid: Take Kaminari’s friendly and sociable nature, and Jiro’s music talent and tendency to insult kaminari and you get a guy who has a tendency to be a bit TOO causal with people. You meet this guy he will treat you like a brother/sister immediately. He’ll give you a nickname, maybe some joking insults/teasing, etc. Of course he plays instruments after asking his mom to tutor him in music (in this future Jiro is not only a pro hero but sometimes does music performances, Kaminari is her sidekick (like he always said he’d be) but also learned to play guitar from her). I had an idea where, as everyone has said the kamijiro kid quirk is having the wires/headphone jacks act like electric wires, the wires would be on his arms/wrists I beleive. Just to make them more easily accessible, because having them on the ears for Jiro made sense with her sound power, but not so much for the kid’s electrical wire ability. I got the idea after seeing Iida’s older bro Tensei/Ingenium 1 have boosters on his arms while Iida got them on his legs (I got the idea that quirks CAN change as they are passed on). Spiky hair with his mom’s coloring but with a bright yellow bolt like streak in it and as for height I feel like he’s be about 5′3″  or 5′6″(I have a tendency to make the characters in the middle of their parent’s height in this if u haven’t noticed).
Kirimina kid: I got this idea from a fankid post I saw a bit ago: mina’s pink skin and black sclera , but Kirishima’s naturally black hair (maybe she’d dye it but idk what color would fit) and red eye color. Very social and outgoing. Her quirk would take Kirishima’s hardening and mix it with Ashido’s acid in a way that sort of turns her into an acidic blob, like instead of hardening it does the opposite and makes her more of a blob of living acid. She can do this in a minor form, having just her arms become acid blobs if needed though.
Hagajiro kid (Ojiro and Hagakure, seriously what is their ship name?). I don’t really know much on these characters so I don’t really have much on a personality for this kid. But I do know that he/she would have both parents quirks but at a different level. First, his/her tail isn’t as thick/bulky as Ojiro’s, much more thinner, but still strong. Second, he/she DOES have invisibility, just not permanent like his/her mother. I mean Tokoyami has a bird head which contributes nothing to his qurik, so this kid can have a tail that has nothing to do with the invisibility.
Any other character without shops COULD have kids in this with an OC but I’m too lazy to come up with them atm.
But if I had to use the, I’d say Iida’s kid would be sort of like a female version of his but WAY more intimidating, like a disciplinarian, and her quirk would involve rocket boosters on her legs sort of like Iida, but due to her mother they can also function like jet boosters to allow flight as well as speed. Hatsumei would have a kid with tons of gadgets, in a way sort of like batman and/or iron man or somewhere in between just cause it;d be cool to have a gadget guy.
Now I did have an idea for a Bakugo/Toga kid (this is sort of my crackship of this series), Basically she is the result of a one night stand between the two when they were stressed and/or drunk and just wanted to get away from the “hero” and “villain” labels for just one night. naturally the expected happens and Toga decided to get rid of the kid (you can take this as her not wanting to deal with the little brat or her having SOME conscience and not wanting the kid to grow up with HER as a mom). Now naturally with Katsuki’s pride and temper, and Himiko’s......erm.....eccentricity, this kid isn’t going to be popular at the orphanage. Also adding on the fact that she’s got her dad’s quirk and she can cause some major damage. The only solace she could find was watching her favorite hero on TV. Guess what, it’s Bakugo in the future. Seeing him go against all those villains on TV and not give a shit inspires her not to let the bullies get away with calling her “devil child” or other similar insults. BUT, when one day she finally gets a chance to meet him (in a meeting almost similar to when Izuku met All Might), she shows off her quirk and gets all excited to see if he can give her some advice on being strong or whatever. BUT, Bakugo isn’t stupid. This chick looks EXACTLY like Himiko with her hair being his shade of blonde and has his eye color, but the facial structure is WAY to similar to just be a coincidence. Plus she looked old enough to match up with “That night”. Now, if someone were to find out that he had a bastard kid with a VILLAIN, his hero career might be shot. Plus all the emotions involved with figuring out only NOW that you have a daughter after who knows how many years you’ve seen her mom. In this little panic he basically tells the kid to fuck off. Now, having the only person you’ve every had any respect towards/your hero dismiss you like that can kind of mess a kid up. ESPECIALLY if it’s this kid right here. So, with the world basically having no meaning and her hero turning out to be a douche, she turns to villainy. Now she could be on some kind of villain team that goes with the time travel villain. Maybe her wish is to find Bakugo of the past and just ruin his hero career, or even kill him in revenge (cause no way she’d stand a chance against adult fully trained hero Bakugo), Of course the fact that he’s her dad MIGHT complicate things if you understand time travel.
Of course them being in the past kinda freaks them out, Todomomo kid is telling everyone to stay calm and that they shouldn’t try to meddle too much as changing the past can have massive repercussions on the future (ala butterfly effect). So of course when a villain attacks and they end up intervening (maybe they find the time villain about to attack young-Izuku on a shopping trip with his classmates or something), they end up getting discovered.
Now, since they do not exist (yet) there are no records of them, and they can’t say their real names less they affect the future (those with obvious traits like their parents need to hide them (Kamijiro kid’s wires, Kirimina’s whole body as the pink skin and eyes kinda give it away, todomomo’s hair, etc), now if these kids are in UA uniforms atm, then they might be screwed because these guys aren’t registered. And even if they aren’t, they are still minors who used their quirks to fight a villain without proper licensees. So they get interrogated. Cue all of them telling different mismatched stories about their situation (that trope is always funny). Of course they can’t mention who their parents are, or even their real surnames, so they get kept there.
But maybe one of the UA kids vogues for them b/x they did save their lives and the future kids get off with a warning. Kinda lazy and half-assed way of doing it but whatever.
Whoever feels like going off of this idea, go nuts and reply. I really wanna see someone write this shit and I have no skill on my own to do this level of drama and shipping.
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