#bro is lost in the sauce (berry puree)
apricorned · 1 year
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gave him pie (pokemon safe recipe below)
I love making my pokemon treats on their gotcha/birthdays. Pluto's was actually last week but I had the flu (he waited so patiently). Decided to make one of his favorites: Mini Pokepies.
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These are super easy to make and are very customizable! All you need is:
Berry puree of your choice (I use a mix of custap and occa for texture and flavor!)
Moomoo milk yogurt (unsweetened, or naturally sweetened with combee honey. depends on what your partner prefers!)
~1 1/2 cup or 200 grams of Oats (or oat flour, but oats are cheaper)
Unsweetened Pechasauce
Blender or food processor
Muffin tin
Pulse your oats in a blender until a powder like consistency.
Slowly add pechasauce (can be subbed for another berry sauce) and mix until you get a sort of dough ball.
Divide the dough into equal parts and press into a lined muffin tin. Now you have pie crusts!
Bake the crusts at 350F/175C for 5-8 minutes (ovens are different! just keep an eye on them. You just want them to crisp up enough to hold a filling.)
While cooling, mix some moomoo milk yogurt with your berry puree (proportions don't matter here, see what your partner prefers).
Fill your crusts with the mixture. You can top them off with some thickened yogurt (use a cheese cloth or paper towel), but this is optional!
These treats are safe for most healthy pokemon! Just be sure to always check with your local pokemon center or professor if you're unsure. :-)
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