#brony tickles
jstor · 2 years
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Chapters in this enticing and intimidating book include:
From “Awe” to “Awww”
All The Pretty Little Ponies: Bronies, Desire, and Cuteness
Katie Sokoler, Your Construction Paper Tears Can’t Hide Your Yayoi Kusama-Neurotic Underbelly
And best of all, it's open access!
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cextra-loz · 1 year
quirked up brony boy with a little bit of pony posts busts it down pony style. is he sparkled by the twilight?
I don't know how or why but the concoction of letters and symbols you placed before me tickled the part of my brain that is associated with this song but I don't think its because the two somehow match spiritually or metaphorically but rather the beauty of the sentence you sent me is unfathomable and iconic
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toonmania25 · 3 years
PATB headcanons
- Brain is Bisexual(also queer)
-Pinky is Genderfluid and pansexual
-Pinky is also autistic and has Tourettes so his vocabulary is both tics and stims
-Brain has ADHD
-Brain has feelings for pinky but he’s too scared or embarrassed to admit it
-Brain doesn’t like people knowing that he and pinky are together cause he thinks it might ruin his reputation as a future world leader
- Since Pinky is autistic, he doesn’t like loud noises especially thunderstorms so that is why he’s Astraphobic
-Brain’s a tsundere
- Brain claims that he’s never ticklish but Pinky knows he is (and he also know his tickle spot is his tummy >:3)
-Pinky is bestie with Dot Warner.
-Brains friends with Wakko and Yakko warner
-Since Dot is witty in reboot she gives her cute skills to pinky and brain (and brain takes this as an advantage {S2 EP1})
-Pinky is a Brony and his favorite pony is Pinkie pie
- Brain gets jealous when females (or males ) flirt or be around Pinky
-Brain may be grumpy but he’s a soft little marshmallow mouse
-Pinky doesn’t mind when Brain bops him but he does get sensitive when he yells at him
- Brain is a big fan of Pinky’s cooking especially his no-bake cheesecake.
-Because pinky has pica he nibbles on the sponge bed which is why Brain had bought an empty sardine can as their bed now
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Tumblr sucks so I had to post this twice but you should still read it because I had a lot of fun writing it xD Yamato is so easy to tease omg
Today’s Digimon Adventure: 2020 episode is entitled, “Time To Bring Back Visual Kei Bands,” because that’s pretty much where WereGarurumon belongs. I know what you’re thinking, he’s a wolf man in jeans with a kind of grungy rock n roll cowboy theme, how is that visual kei?
My friend, it’s all about the NAILS.
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Those perfectly manicured, PINK freaking nails.
Tto start I’ll say this episode lowers the tension significantly compared to previous ones. That’s to be expected, and doesn’t mean it’s boring. It does a lot - it lets us confirm some things about Yamato, and a couple things about Sora and Jou in relation to him as well. It is otherwise a carbon copy of episode 8 in terms of story arc. More below as usual
So this ep is Yamato/Sora/Jou main inside a Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi sandwich.
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We are starting to see more of Mimi Herself, complaining and whining about the unfairness of it all. Taichi appears to have scaled this wall by himself and Mimi’s like “YOU HAVE TOO MUCH ENERGY, YOU’LL PUT THE ENERGIZER BUNNY OUT OF A JOB, DO YOU WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HOMELESS BUNNIES?? HE HAS TO PROVIDE FOR HIS FAMILY”
Adding salt to the wound, Koushirou then zips up the wall like this..
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The good thing about Mimi is, though she’s emotional, it’s easy to lift her spirits. She’s very in the moment. And fortunate that she has a partner who is both very patient and useful in these circumstances.
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Meanwhile the slightly-less-energetic group has put their heads together and decided to fly first class to their destination. I would ask where they got the basket but I’m sure I’d get the same answer as Taichi’s raft from episode 4 and Jou’s pergola from episode 7: these kids are extremely good at woodcraft and speedy
(or maybe Sora just had a giant basket in her bag, which we all understand by now is really a Bag of Holding)
While airborne they are Attacked!!! by SandYanmamon and not one but two tornadoes.
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Jou: Wonderful!
(for a hot second there I mistook this for Birdramon’s line and was like “??? birdramon’s unusually sarcastic today” but of course it’s the king of morbid humor kido jou)
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These Kyaromon appear out of nowhere to show off their dramatic eyeliner. Work it baby
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Just when you think SandYanmamon and TWO FREAKING TORNADOES are enough, turns out there’s another threat lurking below the sand for the sole purpose of reminding us yet again “Pokemon this is not!”
SandYanmamon: Aaaaaaahhh nooooooooo i had so much living left to doooo heeeelp mommyyyyyyyyy
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Cool-headed Yamato figures out that the new monster is able to track their movements under the sand. He sends the others away while he stays behind to hold off the bad guy.
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The Kyaromon lead them to a cave where they meet...
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ewww uuggghh noooo I hate them aaaahh make it stoppp
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and also Neemon! and I’m just going to assume this is a parallel universe version of Frontier’s Neemon because it tickles me to think this is what he actually sounds and acts like and is just riding Bokumon out of pure spite
also Bearmon’s cap says “Bears.” Not bear, bears plural. I believe he’s an outcast former member of the Gummy Bears.
The Labramon look like Rainbow Brite rejects
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Pictured above: First lovers’ tiff!
Neemon doesn’t know about the holy Digimon and tells the kids he is leading his group of perfectly helpless Digimon across the monster-infested desert because of the dark forces taking over everywhere. They will seek asylum with Leomon! We got our first mention of Leomon! Quick, cast your bets, how long till he dies? My guess is sooner rather than later because this seems like the kind of show that likes to kill your darlings.
Sora takes one look at this pathetic group and goes “We must go with them to protect them!” conveniently forgetting that she just got her ass kicked, but hey it’s the thought that counts
Yamato is quick to disagree.
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Yamato: Did you forget that I stayed behind while you RAN AWAY? When you say let’s protect them, you mean I’M gonna be protecting them, right? RIGHT? That’s what you mean RIGHT??
(he thinks, but doesn’t say. that wouldn’t be Cool)
Yamato doesn’t want to lose sight of their mission, which is to fix things in their home world. He’s already at his limit hanging out with other human children who don’t know what they’re doing, he doesn’t want to be slowed down by freaking Bearmon. Wishy-washy Jou is like “Eh, either way sounds like death and torment to me, so...”
The interesting thing to me here is that no one’s upset. A bit surprised, I think, but Sora just stands her ground, Jou wibbles but eventually gets pumped up enough by Gomamon to decide to help her. They don’t even try much to stop Yamato from leaving which I think is what surprised me the most. I would have expected at least a vibe more like “We shouldn’t split up!” or something. If Taichi were there, maybe we’d have seen more conflict... but I’m really not sure. So far, conflict among the kids has been very low key. Even last week, the first time we saw Taichi and Yamato butt heads, to the other kids it was shocking but to a 99 Adventurer like me it was barely a kerfluffle xP
Well, anyway, the result is Sora and Jou stay with Neemon, and Yamato goes off on his own, and there is surprisingly little bad blood about any of this. They are all just getting to know each other though, so maybe that loyalty’s not quite expected yet.
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Same as episode 8, Gabumon hints that there’s more to Yamato’s behavior than he lets on. He’s not just coldly abandoning his friends... except that he totally is >_> (As an adult, I don’t exactly think Yamato is wrong. I’d be more likely to agree with him than the others probably xP But these are children in a show for children, so Protecting Others and Following Your Feelings get a boost over cool rationale.)
Gabumon says Yamato should open up to the other kids. YEAH RIGHT. Yamato says “You’re all I need.” AWWWWWWWWW this wont backfire on them in a way that will wrench out my heart and tear it to a million pieces in forty episodes or so, no way
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Ikkakumon becomes a Sand Boat while Birdramon covers the sky. At first I was like “hey! not a bad plan!” If they can help Neemon’s group get across the desert faster, it will be a big help even if they can’t take them further.
Of course, first they have to deal with the SandYanmamon.
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Ikkakumon: Why does everyone go straight for the horn!?!
Oh, and also the two tornadoes.
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Sora, standing on Birdramon’s leg: don’t look down don’t look down don’t look down
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And now Sora’s on fire! That is it, I’m headcanoning it that the kids are basically invulnerable as long as they are touching their partners. THERE’S JUST NO EXPLAINING THIS
The flaming elementary school child does well until her partner is snared by the same monster from before, who turns out to be Scorpiomon. But this ain’t your momma’s Scorpimon from 99 Adventure, who was really Anomalocarimon but that was too hard to expect kids to say. This is the real Scorpiomon who is much scarier.
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All of a sudden, from above!
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Yamato and Garurumon, both physically incapable of doing anything normally when there is a cooler, more awesome method available, drop into the battle from the air and start burning shit up.
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They stand, bodies licked by blue flame, piercing eyes bright with the fever of battle, the sound of swooning fan girls echoing into the night
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Garurumon does his best but Scorpiomon is a level higher so, duh, he doesn’t stand much of a chance. WHAT WILL OUR HERO DO.
Well, first, same as in episode 8, he flashes back to each of his newfound friends, gaining strength from their memory. Yamato is so sentimental it Hurts
Then his mind flashes to someone else...
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... his favorite bobble head doll. No wait, that’s his round-headed baby brother, Charlie Brown.
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he is infused with the power of Friendship!!!!!!!
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Garurumon: What... is this feeling... so passionate... so... powerful... FFFRIENDSHIPPPPPP IS MAGIC
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He then evolves into a brony into a furry in the coolest freakiest way he knows how.
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WereGarurumon is basically everything the creators thought little boys like besides dinosaurs (because Taichi’s got that one covered) thrown together to make the ultimate little boy dream action figure: wolves, leather, hardware, piercings, brass knuckles, belts, skulls, scars, dog tags, and fuchsia stiletto nails
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Ikkakumon: Sugoi... so shiny... oooh... blinding me...
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WereGarurumon kicks Scorpiomon’s ass, it’s a cool battle scenes complete with kicks so fast his foot appears detached from his body. He then gives Yamato thumbs up.
Yamato: With nails like those the brass knuckles are kind of overkill...
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Yamato dodges apologizing for going off on his own like that by saying he only came back because it’d be useful to him to have the others around as a decoy. Jou’s like FRIGGING DECOYS AGAIN??
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But his dedication to remaining cool and aloof falters and he ends up telling them he’s just extra pressured to get their mission handled because he has a little brother, Takeru, living in Tokyo who is probably very scared stuck in the blackout. Sora and Jou are like “Oh, that makes sense, that’s why you’re so high strung.” They don’t point out the obvious, which is that they also have families affected by the blackout... >_>
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Jou passionately thanks Yamato for being so forthcoming so early in the season and looks forward to telling Yamato about himself in the future.
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The others: “But we already know all about you.”
Jou: “But HE doesn’t!”
xD look forward to it, Yamato...
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It’s episode 11 and Yamato can already smile like this... I had to cap it.
Yamato: Ahh, I’m finally getting used to wearing this purple shirt. Still can’t get quite suppress the urge to cut off the sleeves though...
The other slice of bread completes our sandwich when we shoot back briefly to Taichi/Koushirou/Mimi’s group.
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Taichi gets annoyed with Koushirou for the first time because of how much time Koushirou spends taking pictures of everything. Koushirou is that kid on the museum field trip who holds up the entire class reading every last word on the exhibit plaques while everyone else groans ‘cmon dude I wanna get to the dinosaurs before we go extinct too!!’
fyi I, Fizzing Wizard, was and am that slow ass kid
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Mimi’s even more impatient than Taichi and in her boredom she starts touching things, because she’s never seen The Mummy.
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Next ep’s trailer includes:
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And Lillymon!!!
Oprah voice: You get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get a Perfect level and you get-
Yeah so, clearly everyone’s gonna get to Perfect level much quicker than in 99 Adventure, which again, it’s good they’re mixing things up. The question is, what’s next? My guess is down the line everyone will get Ultimate levels and of course, at some point we’ll see Omegamon. I wonder if there will be other Jogress possibilities? Just because it’s hard to believe evolution will stop being important, but if they’re going through both Adult and Perfect so fast it doesn’t leave much left for the rest of the season...
I give this ep a 5.5/10 for being basically a remix of episode 8, and I’m looking forward to getting new stuff for Yamato eventually. Next week’s looking to be Mimi-centric if Lillymon’s any indication, but I’ve got my fingers crossed for a few Taishiro moments anyway.
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altissiavibritannia · 4 years
I feel dead inside....
Why is everybody being so mean to me for?! What’d I do...in order for you to tell me to stop liking my favorite things...? Why should I not finish Hetalia for? Besides...Hetalia and Code Geass has helped me out so many times over whenever I was depressed...I have very bad depression to the point it’s not even funny...not this again...I used to be a huge Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’S, Arc-V and such fan with Yu-Gi-Oh!...until so many people hated my art and stories about it...I still duel and such...but...I dropped out of the fandom and stopped reading my GX manga set (never even finished reading it, left off on vol. 5 or 6...) and stopped writing fics and stopped doing fanart of it completely...Am I not good enough for anyone...? It’s like first my art and story ideas for Yu-Gi-Oh! and now this...it’s like I’m not even allowed to be happy...Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and 5D’s has saved my life, alongside Fruits Basket, Naruto (before this Baruto garbage and the Shippuden stuff happened), and Inuyasha whenever I was age 12....maybe younger than that...but mostly was a Beyblade, Dinosaur King, Tai Chi Chasers, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s person back then...cuz it was on Toonzi or 4Kids before they stopped playing them, cuz 4Kids had been cancelled and my favorite animes had vanished, due to me being poor to offord cable and me and my mother had moved a lot...so I’ve only known bits and pieces of those animes whenever Saturday mornings came by...and I watched Yu-Gi-Oh! GX on YouTube whenever I was waiting for Yusei and the signers of 5D’s to come back on whenever I was able to watch it.
I even saw bits and pieces of Fairly Odd Parents, Jonny Cash, Storm Hawks, and American Dragon: Jake Long (before that got cancelled) whenever me and mom had to babysit her friend’s kids and I watched cable with them a few times, whenever I wasn’t in a artistic mood or writing mood...and the only times when it was time for the Adult Swim to show up, she allowed me to watch some Family Guy, Naruto (saw the very first episode when it came on), and Inuyasha...but then mom changed the channel whenever that ever came on and told me to stop watching it...yet I’ve watched only Naruto and Inuyasha behind her back on YouTube whenever I felt too depressed...and I still love these animes but forgot the plot to them, due to not watching them and such...
And now it’s like I’m not to even be alive anymore...due to people not wanting to be my friend...due to all of my health issues and for my ideas...all they want to do with me is make me into their puppet for their own attention...if I have to go back to that...then I’d rather die...had this go on for most of my life and I’m sick of it...and if I’m not allowed to like Hetalia, Code Geass or anything else that I love to death...then I guess I’m not meant to be here or be an artist or author anymore then...even though writing stories/fics is what I do, same with drawing...I’ve been a fucking nerd ever since growing up!
I’ve started doing art by doing finger paints and such in preschool. That was my spark in life, I’ve loved doing art throughout my life, cuz it helps me get rid of my depression and what other feelings I had bottled up. My imagination is what driven me this far in life. Then years later as I was growing up, I loved to read book, even though I hate reading out loud, due to my speech problems and not being able to understand or say hard words. But it drove me to the next level of my creativity, I wanted to become an author someday. As I grew up some more...I quit public schooling, due to being bullied too much and nobody giving a goddamn shit about me...then I felt smart for a bit until I found out that I was really tired...and I didn’t do my homework for the rest of my 7th grade semester. I basically skipped a whole grade, almost 2. I only made it to the last bit of my 8th grade in public schooling, cuz mom got sick and tired of me sleeping too much and not doing my homework. She felt concerned that I needed to try to make friends again.
Sadly whenever I graduated (never showed up, I hate crowds, due to being scared of being made fun off like now...) 8th grade in my middle school that I didn’t stay in after yet another move, they gave me my diploma for 8th grade...and whenever I became a freshman...the bullying got worse and worse...I’ve been blamed for being the bully for once I wasn’t and sure enough I might have a Bakugou  kind of temper and I did say “I’ll kill you!” back then towards my bullies, but I didn’t know better. I was talking about a tickle fight, cuz I figured that tickle fights were less violent than blowing up in others faces and the teachers thought I meant by tooth and nail and then gave me detentions. I even got blame for their wrong doings, even though they have cameras and such. But yeah a few times I had no other choice but to go for tooth and nail, cuz some random ass bitch who I didn’t even know, just grabbed me by the shirt and threw my ass on the ground. I got up crying like a fucking Deku, picking up my books and homework off the ground and guess what the funny shit is?! There was a goddamn teacher there, even though this shit was in the morning when we were getting ready to head inside the building. So, I basically fucking bit her dumb fucking ass, when she punched me for no reason! I let one the Bakugou within me, out! I didn’t swear though, but I fucking fought to the death, I was ready for anything and I mean it! I wanted to kill her so fucking badly, for being such an ugly bitch. Soon the teacher saw this and, gave me a detention for self defense. Until I told her what happened, she then gave that bitch one too, but then that bitch put on an act to blame me for no reason. She got off too fucking easy for no fucking reason!
But you know what the fuck what?! If you fucking hate my fucking Deku guts, then beat it! I will not be defeated yet again! I’m sick and tired of being fucking bullied about who I really am bitches! Shocked on how I got over my depression so fucking fast to the point that I’m super pissed? Well it’s because I swapped personalities! So don’t mess with me, unless you’d like to meet all of my personalities! Sure enough I talk to myself, but it’s due to me not having anybody to fucking talk to!!! I’m always by myself to the point, I become a furry throughout my years and then later on a brony once the first 2 episodes that My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic comes up! I tend to watch anime and MLPFIM for multiple reasons! So you can either love me or hate me, I don’t give a damn fuck anymore! If your ass wants to block me due to my weird ideas and shit, then go right ahead, you’re just going to be bit in the goddamn ass 100 times fold by karma bitch! What comes the fuck around, goes around! Because if you block me, then you’re really missing out on a really good, loving, kindhearted, funny, etc. person! Not to mention, I’m going to be tested for D.I.D. and/or B.P.D. and Autism! Because some of my family has Autism and possibly other health issues that I can relate!
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My list (part two)
-“the boys and the females”
-“I am not a fucking brony”
-“hey what horse are you” “horse glue”
-“I have more fat in my titty than you do in your entire body”
-“the balls store the milk”
-“most visual novels are boobs”
-“I like hair, but I’m not sure about sex”
-“I’m gonna blow you up if you’re a pedophile, so you better prove me wrong”
-“trump is his own yandere”
-“I don’t know why, and I’m uncomfortable with the subject, but the word sadist came to mind”
-“the thigh is the gateway to sex”
-“the only thing worth stealing: women”
-“what if instead of kissing people we just sniffed them” (that was a low moment for me)
-“stop trying to fuck everyone else. Fuck yourself”
-“you don’t pay for a ticket to like a movie”
-“adultery is more fun than adulting”
-“I’m within twenty yards of the hot stuff”
-“this is the cult of bad decisions”
-“you’re looking like Lara Croft and I want you to raid my tomb”
-“a bullet to the knee gets my rocks off”
-“wipe yourself with that 85”
-“if I lived in a superhuman society, my power would be to fly away from my problems”
-“it’s not gay if there’s no dick”
-“you’re a horrible cun-try.”
-“so you took a hash-breath?” (Hashbrowns were involved)
-“all that magic and he can’t even magic his staff fixed”
-“is it Facebook or facescroll”
-“hey look they give you a family if you want one”
-(while buying ice cream called Groom’s Cake) “whos getting married” “me, to this ice cream”
-“I wish I went shopping more often, then I could wear clothes to hide my skin. I’d be a hermit in clothes”
-“a person’s a person, no matter how small” “but that is a gnat, and matters not at all” (I think I was momentarily possessed by the spirit of dr Seuss)
-“he looks like drake” “from drake and Josh?”
-“hermaeus mora is a neuron”
-“liars don’t get good candy”
-“now my butt is on hold”
-“like custard, we all melt together”
-“like all straight white men, I don’t want to be like everyone else”
-“those pedophiles sure do like to tickle”
-“that was like synchronized quiet”
-“I’m a straight gay”
-“if we don’t get food, then we’re both gonna die of, like, death”
-“you’re the most uncoordinated lump of gangly limbs I have ever met”
-“it’s chilly in Chili’s”
-“I read some really weird creepypasta” “Alfredo is good”
-“i don’t need to be changed by others. I’m a strong independent crab”
-(at candles) “none of y’all hoes is lit”
-“this is a holdup—I’m not gonna hurt anybody, I’m just hungry”
-“you have so much potential...but you dress like that...”
-“mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. I’m your big” (big/Littles are a thing that happen)
-“just because you haven’t worked in 30 years doesn’t mean the economy hasn’t moved on. It has.”
-“are your grades gonna care if you’re tired”
-(at a planner) “if you rip that page out, you won’t have anything to do”
-“those are my hears”
-“grab your nearest scary object” *friend grabs me*
-“oh I keep forgetting that our d&d characters have teeth”
-“are bagels just bread donuts”
-“an apple a day keeps the hoes away” (then, to me) “you eat like seven apples a day, then”
-“I just doinked myself in the face”
-“my red vine needs viagra”
-“I don’t care if I win, I just wanna see you lose”
-“oh, we’re eating this worm”
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