#bronya sahsrau
crystalitecloudie · 1 year
part two to this post!! Everything is gender neutral btw
Continuing from the whole "Cocolia doesn't convict you because she has discovered you are the creator and you must be treated as such" idea...
I believe that in this scenario, Cocolia would actually figure out you are the creator because the stellaron in her head told her so.
As we know, the stellaron has already corrupted her mind long ago. But I think that even the stellaron would be able to recognize the presence of the creator.
And so, the stellaron's plan (that cocolia follows) is to paint the Astral Express crew as criminals, while putting the creator in good graces, and to become their most loyal acolyte. This way, the creator wouldn't want to remove the stellaron.
Bonus idea as well -- imagine that the stellaron mistakes the creator for the creator's child instead. Evidence for this would be the previously mentioned speech patterns in part one, and her weakened presence from being in a human vessel for so long. This would also probably lead both the stellaron and cocolia to think you are less competent than you actually are, to the point of taking her side.
And that is how we ended up here, with you locked in a room that looks like it came straight from a children's play center. Sure, all of the toys and trains and children's books are fascinating... but you want a REAL book. Like... quantum physics or some shit.
While in Cocolia's palace, your actual identity is very much publicized. Soon, you are praised and worshipped all throughout belobog, and you are treated as royalty throughout the palace. Personal attendants, butlers...
You already rapidly recognize that this is going downhill. To make things worse, you are being watched at all times.
And even though the palace staff try to please you, they refuse to give you anything you actually want. So, while locked in your room, you spend time working on your powers.
Now, this next part I think can go one of two ways. One, you realize how to give blessings, and so you bribe the guards protecting you to let you escape out the window, and in return, you gift them with control over an element of their choosing.
You would then sneak out, and escape to the underworld to follow Bronya and the Astral Express crew.
The other way this could go is similar to the first way, but before you could actually bribe the guards, cocolia personally comes to visit you, and tells you all about the stellaron, and the Astral Express crew's evils. From here, you would realize that if you play into cocolia's side and gain her trust, you can escape.
So you would agree with her, lying through your teeth without a hint of your actual dishonesty. You would then admit that through your "divine power", you knew where bronya was, and that you personally needed to save her. I think cocolia would be hesitant at first, but after you explain to her how long you survived the eternal freeze, she reluctantly lets you go.
In the mean time, because your presence had been so publicized, Cocolia did not tell the public of you leaving for the underworld.
It is important to note that in the underworld, the citizens there do not recognize you as the creator. From here, you would follow around the trailblazers and Seele throughout their underworld journeys, however, you probably joined their journey around the time when Stelle, Bronya, and Seele had to go to Rivet Town.
Once you are down in the underworld, I also think that you would probably explain to the party what was happening on the surface. You would paint yourself as "just a normal person", and "not related to the creator in any way". And of course, the party buys it.
... Except Sampo. While in the underground, you would probably become especially close with Sampo. As someone who has snuck up to the surface before, he is well aware of what is happening above. And, if going by the popular theory that he is a part of the Masked Fools, I believe the Masked Fools would be the creator's number 1 followers.
(PS -- I have a post in my drafts right now talking about Sampo in SAHSRAU. I don't know when I'll post that, but I'll link it here when I do)
As such, this organization probably has access to plenty of ancient texts with signs of the creator's return. And as a follower of the Aeon of Elation (who is one of your most devout and open followers), he recognizes pretty much all of the signs in you. Heck, he probably even saw you injure yourself on accident, by a brief scrape on some rocks or something, and blood the color of diamonds and glass came out of the cut.
Even if he is never open about his worshipping of the creator, or his affiliation with the Masked Fools.
I think that after the Svarog incident (in which you were probably working with him on the sidelines, taking a more support role), he would pull you aside and confront you about all of this. Most of it, anyway. Specifically, he would mention the signs, and his awareness of what was happening in the overworld.
And then finally, the big lore drop -- that he believes you are the real creator. Not their child, not a nobody completely unrelated, not an eminator, but the creator themselves.
By this point, I think it's all a game for you. And Sampo is your first winner.
Because of this, I think he'd be the first person you told the real truth to. What Honkai Star Rail was like on earth, and how you are slowly beginning to regain your powers.
From here, I'm not sure what Sampo would do with this information. You can ask him to keep it a secret, but I don't know if he would.
When the group heads back to the surface, you return to the palace with Bronya. I believe that in the case of sucking up to her mother, you probably informed Bronya of everything Cocolia told you before arriving. In this case, you would have to play along with Cocolia in front of her, and Bronya would know its an act.
In the case of bribing guards to escape, you can openly side with Bronya. In both instances, Cocolia locks you in your room again, and takes Bronya to see the stellaron.
Insert Eggman from the snap cube dub saying "*mumble singing noises-* IM BACK IN THE FUCKING BUILDINF AGAIN?!?!?!!"
... I digress.
You wouldn't be released until after the boss fight, when Bronya sets you free and apologizes. She, like the rest of the party, believes you are a normal human, who happened to lose her memories due to fragmented corrosion. That second part was her hypothesis, at least, that seems to become widely accepted.
However, she is now in a sticky situation. She wants to frame Cocolia as a good person, but how will she explain to the people that you are not actually divine? (Even though you are lmao)
She eventually compromises with the "they will still see you as the creator's child, but you will be set free to do as you wish" idea. Of course, you want to go onto the Astral Express, and so, your adventure in belobog ends.
After all, you want a personal view of the upcoming events in store for the trailblazers. :)
The last alternative to all of this would have been to be trapped in cocolia's palace for the majority of the story (so not being released until after the boss fight with cocolia), but that would be boring.
That and cocolia choosing to keep your identity a secret, but that doesn't really make sense to me, because you're a divine being?? Living in what is essentially her home?? Why would you ever shut up about that
A/N: I might write a oneshot with this, detailing the scene where Bronya lets the creator go. I dunno yet though
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mizu0xox0 · 3 months
Self aware hsr characters that are an expy of HI3 characters
This might be ooc as I'm not 100% familiar with HI3 and HSR characters entirely also mentions of Bronya x Seele and Raiden Mei x Kiana of sorts
Self aware! Welt who has felt your presence before in his world, so the captain has decided to board on a train instead of a ship this time round and he gladly welcomes you and your presence even if you don't know that he knows you're out there
Self aware! Himeko who is not entirely sure why your presence felt so familiar and what do you mean you'll protect her at all cost so she doesn't die in this universe? It's touching but she doesn't get it.
Self aware! Luocha whos wondering who is this Otto Apocalypse or Void Archives that you keep mentioning who's similar to him. He's just a merchant doing business, he has no ill intent and why does Welt keep avoiding him and why do you agree with Welt actions from sending him that book? He 100% does not carry any malicious intent and is hurt by your actions (or is he? /J)
Self aware! Acheron who finds your presence familiar and soothing as if this emanator has met you before in a past life or another universe, even after all her suffering she just can't bring herself to hate you even if that means she's lost her Kiana
Self aware! Bronya who mentions to her mother that she finds this odd presence yet you don't feel malicious. Even her mother says you feel familiar of sorts, and why does she hear you being so excited upon seeing her? And why do you keep squealing whenever she's with Seele? What do you mean you ship them together?
Self aware! Seele who finds it irritating that there's this sudden presence that seems to follow the Trailblazer and the Astral Express and yet you feel familiar despite not knowing you. She slowly grows fond of your presence and starts getting used to you overtime. She still questions why you keep squealing whenever Bronya and her are together, what's a ship?
Self aware! Silverwolf who first felt your presence in Hertas Space station but doesn't mention anything because well she knows that you know her 'counterpart' from another game aka Haxxor Bunny and she doesn't blame you that it's fun to feel familiarity that she receives just because of her counterpart
Self aware! Sushang who doesn't really notice your presence till the blonde merchant, Luocha brings it up and she enjoys your presence and even though it's weird that you feel so familiar to her yet not to the general or her best friend Guinaifen
Self aware! Yanqing who's first instinct is to bring it up to the general who chuckles and think it must be his imaginative friend or something which does piss YangQing off but he can't be mad at either you or the general as first of all you didn't feel threatening and second of all you didn't even know he exists but he's a little on edge and takes time for him to get used to your presence
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From the Beauty, to the Creation
— to celebrate my beloved Argenti coming home after i first lost to Bronya (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
— C/W : trying a new fic format, extremely self indulgent, possibly ooc 😞, spoilers?, my first sahsr/sahsrau fic‼️
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Being the vessel of an Aeon that was thought to have long since passed was no easy feat, as it required other Aeons to set their sights on you first.
Some call Them the Aeon of Creation, others the Aeon of Fate; the IPC have yet to decipher their time of arrival, much less their motives. Though, most theorize that they materialized long before the first atom had started moving, only to stay dormant in a state akin to hibernation after setting the universe up for self replication and ever expansion.
(more utc‼️‼️)
Their presence felt like home, a warm embrace, maybe even a light in the dark, or perhaps a form of escapism. Everyone is sure of one thing: once you accept Their calling, and accept the Astral Express's conductor's invitation, there will never be a way to turn back.
To others' eyes, a faint string can be seen reaching the heavens itself, tracing down a vessel, caressing their whole beings like a forced blanket thrown at their face.
An almost addicting bliss could be felt after these possessions, before that moment of ethereal release comes crashing down. Though, those that are used to always moving around — those with more stamina — don't usually feel this drawback as much as the others.
More often than not, the feeling of being watched and dazed dissipates and a feeling of fatigue sets in — intense tiredness, and even a slight chance to feel dizziness, had been reported from these... events.
But most importantly, a voice could be heard. A voice that many described as one which contained a thousand choirs, perhaps millions.
Among those was Argenti, a man of excellent talents that walked on the Path of Erudition, though claims to walk that of Beauty. One of the most recent vessels, per say.
He first felt this presence after accidentally hitting the Astral Express with his own ship, the "One and Only", he called it, the faint strings caressing the being of three out of the six Trailblazers.
To exude such a warm, calming aura around one at all times is truly a magnificent display of beauty, he thought.
The second time, however, it was quite a sudden moment. A strange letter was penned to him, claiming that it could make his goal of spreading the Beauty, if he used the golden ticket provided inside, a dozen steps closer.
The weirdest aspect was that he kept hearing faint whispers around him. Was this how vessels gained an invitation?
Though, feeling hesitant about this strange letter, he chose to send it instead to the Commander of the Silvermane Guards, Lady Bronya Rand, so that someone else could experience such a wonderful event.
The letter warned him that he must accept this invitation, were he to receive such a letter once more.
Third time's the charm, as they say, as not only did Argenti get another letter not too long after, the voices were much louder this time. They were more persuasive, more hoping and, most importantly, more enticing.
The letter beforehand told him of the earlier warning, and this one did not hesitate to emphasize it in the second paragraph.
And, left with no other choice, he had to accept this invitation. He truly didn't expect getting treated with such warmth and excitement seeping through every vein in his body.
He briefly caught sight of the Aeon in all their glory — was this a sign that his fate towards meeting the Beauty was slowly coming into fruition?
Being blessed by two Aeons, even briefly catching their attention, was a feat unlike any other, but being chosen as an active vessel by one? What a truly great achievement.
Along with the Trailblazer that caught him, four others stood behind them. A master swordsman that went by Yanqing, the owner of Neverwinter Workshop, Lady Serval Landau, the Commander of the Silvermane Guards he'd given the invite to earlier, Lady Bronya Rand, and a child that waved at him who called herself Lynx Landau.
Quite an interesting group of people, but a beautiful bond of friendship swirled among them nonetheless.
Slowly, he could feel himself getting stronger, even more so than before. This mysterious Aeon had gifted him so many things already, yet it doesn't seem to be stopping any time soon.
From the creations of the acolytes of the Aeon of Remembrance, Lightcones, to relics which were created from anomalies caused by the Antimatter Legion, and more — all were given to him to make him more powerful.
It was as if meeting and becoming the puppet of this Aeon could make you undeniably better than your former self, even after you thought you were already at your peak.
The world doesn't revolve around you? The creator of the universe lovingly revolves around me 24/7, thank you very much.
In a place unknown, a black haired Stellaron Hunter sneezes, causing two others beside him to sneak a small glance.
He merely huffs, averting his own gaze away.
... Ignorance is often bliss.
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This is my first time writing my beloved so I'm sorry in advance if he's ooc 😞😞
I hope you all liked this cuz i def liked making it hehe
Next on the agenda? My thoughts on sahsr/sahsrau :DDD
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saHSRau - My Personal General World Building
I really like the Self-aware HSR Au. I didn't even know that self-aware AUs were a thing until I saw Valerie's Idle Chats, and (I can't find them now, but when I do I'll say their name)'s saHSR talking about how eidolons more-or-less help them become more self-aware, and they said the reactions of all of the HSR characters and how they would act with each eidolon level-up (but you're a no-roll account, so it's only the free characters). I love both of these to this day, and only spiraled from there.
Each saHSRau has their own set of rules, and how it works. There was one that made it so that self-awareness increases with Eidolon level. A few where for some reason or another, you, or your games are cursed to be self-aware. There was even a super-creative one I saw where instead of simply one person having a saHSRGame phone, the game itself is self-aware, and every single player is more like a star that offers encouragement and leveling-up. More like an interconnected-support-system! There's been some really sad angst that I 100% approve of for HSR, too! It's great!
So, with that all said, I've decided that I'm going to lay my ground rules for my personal HSRsaau here, under the cut:
AU Building.
Part 1: Ground Rules and General Awareness
Self-aware does not mean sentience, as every character in this AU is already sentient, including NPCs.
Self-aware instead means that they're aware of the player (you), though the degrees of just how aware they are differ.
Every single character that you've gotten via warping is self-aware. There are some characters that you haven't gotten that are self-aware to a degree, e.g: Certain bosses (mostly rollable ones (Sam, Gepard, Kafka, Yanqing, Bronya, Argenti etc), Alternate forms of characters you can roll for (Svarog, Sunday's Boss Mode, Aventurine's Boss Mode etc) and ones that would ordinarily have human consciousness but aren't rollable (Cocolia, Phantylia etc). POV Characters (Sparkle, Robin, Aventurine, Acheron, Topaz (Dan Heng on the Luofu also counts, even though there wasn't an explicit POV Switch button) etc). POV Characters are only aware of you when you're playing their POV. and characters that you can interact more-directly with, via UI (March 7th's Hunt form during the event when you try to make her stronk, Eris the receptionist in the Belobog Museum quest, and Siobhan via the drink-making menu).
Even among these NPCs/Bosses that I've listed, they have differing levels of self-awareness. For example, the rollable bosses have a higher awareness of you when you're fighting them than Cocolia or Phantylia would. In addition, they're not aware of you at all when you're not fighting them. The bosses that have human consciousnesses, but aren't rollable, aren't even sentient during the Echoes of War, since they're basically dead. So they're only aware of you during their boss fight until you kill them in the story. However alternate boss forms of rollable characters do NOT follow this rule. Even after you defeat Boss!Sunday during the story, he'll still be aware of you during Echoes of War fights.
Think of Echoes of War fights as Purgatory. Simulated/Divergent Universe fights DO NOT count as being self-aware, since everything there is all coded and not reflective of HSR's "reality". If Kafka gets defeated in SU, she's not gonna feel it in actuality.
When the game is open and is at the Main Menu, is when your characters feel a sort-of presence around them, and when you actually start it up, the characters stop whatever they were doing and take their "places", hence the loading screen.
When you're actually in the account you're currently playing, your characters can hear you, along with whatever is around you, and at Eidolon levels 2-or-higher, your characters can actively see you.
Microphone and camera rules apply, meaning that they're technically seeing through your phone camera, so if you just cover up dat bad boi they won't be able to see you.
Now, where they see you/where your face is.
Rather than it being constantly-present, or changing with your camera angle, your characters more-or-less just need to want to see your face to look at it. Think of it as finding out you could move a part of your body you didn't know you could move until now.
They can choose to fullscreen your face in their head if they want, but by default it's more like a mini-facecam that they can see while fighting or walking, until they "close the mental tab" so-to-speak.
You might recall that I said your characters don't get in their positions until after you've selected your account & pressed play.
This is mostly because if you have multiple accounts, like I do, it gives them an opportunity to know which account you actually want to play on, before actually getting back to position.
If you exit out of HSR by pressing the home button, and go to another window, like YouTube or Google Chrome, then your buddies will hear audio from whatever tab you're in, along with your microphone (so they'll hear what you laugh to if you're watching something funny or something)
Also, they won't be able to see through your camera in this mode, and if they try to, they'll only see whatever window you've opened, instead of through your camera.
Eidolons are more like a "trust level" measurement. With more eidolons your characters feel like they can trust you more and more, leading to the Eidolons benefits for their combat, along with benefits for them beyond a higher combat prowess (I'll get to those benefits and changes in Part 3)
Characters that you have borrowed from your friends (like during CoC, Calyxes, or EoW) are not sentient in the slightest, nor self-aware, as you're not their "Guardian".
If your friends use your characters often, don't fret, because your characters aren't aware of it, either. It's more like a dream/day dream they have.
To sum up Part 1's AU Building:
Every character in the Self-Aware HSR AU is sentient. Self-aware means that they know of your existence, not whether or not they're sentient.
All characters you've rolled for are self-aware, along with rollable boss characters, alternate forms of boss characters, and POV characters. Some other characters with a unique UI that you can interact with in special ways are also included.
Echoes of War are like purgatory to rollable self-aware boss characters, like Sunday.
If a character dies in the story, they're dead irl and aren't Sentient throughout Echoes of War.
The Simulated/Divergent Universe enemies and bosses are not connected to the sentient characters, as it's simply code within HSR.
Characters you've rolled for can hear your through the microphone. If they have 2-or-more Eidolons they can see you through the camera.
If you have HSR's tab/game window open, and keep it open while you open a different window, the characters can hear whatever audio it plays in conjunction with yours. They will be unable to see your camera in this mode, however.
Eidolons equate to trust level. Part 3 explains more.
Characters that you've borrowed from your friend are not self-aware when you're fighting with them. Neither is your characters when they're fighting for your friend. Your characters are likely unnerved by the non-sentient character that came from this "friend" of yours, especially if you already have the character.
Part 2: Your "Role"/Your General Effect.
All of the characters you have, feel different about you, and when you'll logged off, gather up and talk about what you are, what you do, and why you're trying to strengthen them in the first place.
You "controlling them" in terms of where they walk to and move, is more like them getting a strong urge to move a place in a certain way. At Eidolon levels 3-or-higher, rather than them getting an urge to go to a certain place, it's more like them letting you take the reigns to where they move.
A variety of feelings and sensations are crossed, different to each character.
Some feel you as a warm blanket, others more like a calm breeze, a guiding light. Funnily enough, some even feel you as a nuisance, since you're constantly taking them out on adventures when they need to work, or would much prefer to find out what you are from afar.
But none of them hate you, and they feel a fleeting feeling of dead space around them when you leave.
Ones that frequent your teams are the ones that feel this comforting presence you give the most, and are aware of what you're capable of, and hope to never leave your side. You make them strong, sure, but you do much more than that.
You persist and persist to help them accomplish their story-quests and goals, do your best to level up their traces, give them the best stats in relics. Make them complete. There's a certain kind of admiration they have to you at that point.
While they're aware that you're a higher power that's making them stronger, they don't firmly know that they're in a game (SCREW YOU EXISTENTIALISM!). At the very least they can theorize about it, but it's only a hypothesis.
To sum up Part 2's AU Building:
You're not "controlling" the characters, and it's more like a strong urge and they're unsure what it's caused by.
The urge completely goes away after they get their 3rd Eidolon, and it's mostly just them letting you take the reigns. They can stop moving or move by themselves whenever they want to.
Whenever you're interacting with them (playing as them, having them on your team, making them stronger in the menu), they feel your "presence", though what exactly this "presence" feels like is different to each individual character.
Though some might be annoyed by you calling upon them to fight, none of them want you to leave them forever and overall feel better when you're around them.
None of them know that they're in a game, and it's simply a theory that a few of the characters have.
Eildon means, "An idealized person or thing". I mentioned earlier that Eidolons are basically their trust level towards you. They have certain goals they want to accomplish, and ways they want to improve themselves, and they give you their trust for various different reasons.
Some think you might be an Aeon, some see you as a friend that'll help them reach higher heights, and some might just see this as an exchange or a means to grow stronger, and give you their trust so that you can help them modify their equipment, or gain a new power.
Here's the stages of Eidolons and what they do:
E1: The easiest to get. The character probably decides, "Well, whoever this person, Aeon, thing is, they don't seem to want to harm me. So I'll give them a little bit." Thus, you become a warm acquaintance, and they feel a warm wave of power wash over them.
E2: They decide that they want to know a bit more about you, hearing you through your microphone, your laughter, whoops and hollers, "awh! Dannng!"s has sparked their interest. They trust you a bit more since you're so unfiltered towards them. This desire to get to know just what you are, who you are has unlocked the ability to look through your camera to see you, or whatever else your camera might be showing. Additionally, if you put HSR in the background and open a new window or tab, they'll be able to find out what you're looking at and watching!
E3: Now knowing a bit more about you, and trusting you more, they realize that you're the feeling that's guiding their intuition, which leads to them knowing more about the world you inhabit. Due to this, they're also aware that they can move on their own, even if you're guiding them, but they allow you to take the reigns most of the time, since they now have far more control over what they do, or where they go.
E4: They can get access to your apps, most of the stuff you browse (Incognito and Guest mode not included). Though they can't open up anything themselves, and can only access your currently-opened things.
E5: Now that they trust you much, much more, they figure that they might as well try to make your life a little easier. Expect a few extra credits, material and even stellar jades you didn't know you even had to start appearing!
E6: Now fully given their trust over to you, they can sense when you're phone is turned on, open up HSR to encourage you to play, and almost have omnipotence on your phone/computer, including the ability to watch what you're doing, even without HSR being open in a separate window.
No, I'm not summarizing this. This section is pretty short.
A/N: I'm not entirely sure I like the last 3 Eidolons, but I can't think up anything else atm, sooo, :p.
Anyway with the current AU building up and settled, I'll... uhh... hm... I don't actually know what I'll do!
I'm not very good with AUs and AU stuff, especially when the reader in question isn't active in the AU.
I'll probably just say what the gals of HSR think about all this, and call it a year or something.
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Silly idea me and my friend had with sagau, sahsrau and possibly sawuwaau(??)
But like, what if, due to your consciousness essentially merging/being connected to the MC more, sometimes stuff gets a lil funky and you start seeing things you shouldn't
Like yk, ghosts 😇🙏
I recommend strapping in because these are gonna be three flash fictions into one + having lots of talking lol
(more utc‼️)
For example, in a fic style:
"Hey, are you gonna eat your food, Traveler?" Paimon asked, looking worriedly at the distracted visage of her friend. "Something on your mind? You can always tell Paimon what's on your mind!"
They shook their head, eyes looking at the person who stared at them and their companion. Eyes unblinking, appearance overall disheveled and aged.
"That guy's been staring at us the whole time we've been eating," they replied, eyes switching over to Paimon in a barely contained distressed fashion. "It's almost worrying me."
"What guy?"
Paimon silently asked again, "What?" when her friend looked at her so incredulously.
"You don't see him?" they asked again, now worried beyond belief. The last time Paimon saw them like this was when they fought Arlecchino.
"Traveler, I think that's a ghost we're both seeing," the voice inside his mind pointed out, trying to calm their mental state. Right, they forgot the Creator was a part of their mind now.
And as the voice just predicted, one blink and that figure was gone, the Traveler seeing its shadow scurry into a corner of the restaurant.
The door chime rang out and in a cyan and a blue haired boy entered the restaurant, another blue haired girl following right after. Right, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling.
The ghost must've scurried off when it sensed Chongyun nearby. Well, at least that put an end to their distress.
it'd be so chaotic, especially hsr's mcs bc good god they're already so adhd coded
You could think of them going through it like:
"Woah woah, what's got you all terrified, Trailblazer?" March 7th asked, a worried Dan Heng embracing them when they accidentally bumped into him trying to run away from something.
The Astral Express were quickly informed by them personally that they've been seeing ghosts and all sorts of spiritual apparitions that don't normally appear physically like heliobi, but seemingly living people that were doing normal things or otherwise.
It all started around the time they also figured out that the Creation's consciousness had somehow taken an interest in the Trailblazer, latching onto their body and making the Stellaron inside them a bit restless, unstable.
"It's... I saw Cocolia at the Administrative District," they said, panting from exhaustion. The story sounded so unreal, with how impossible it sounded, but with how broad the Creation works nothing was truly impossible.
"She was looking at Bronya shopping and talking to the people, always un-staring." March patted their back in assurance, joining Dan Heng in sitting them down onto the red couches in the Parlour Car.
"When I came closer to see if she was real, she whipped her head around so fast with the scariest look on her face!—"
"It's okay, Caelus Stelle Trailblazer, she can't reach you here," the choir of voices erupted in their mind, the chirping of birds and clinking machinery in their tone momentarily calming them down by a substantial amount.
"Well, it's a good thing ghosts can't get into the Express because that means she can't hurt you here!" March exclaimed, Dan Heng having to resist rolling his eyes at the obvious but letting her reassure them nonetheless. Dumb, dumber and dumbest— the trio wouldn't be complete with one of them missing.
Then, the cabin's speakers erupted in an all too familiar voice. "Attention, all Astral Express crew members! Dinner is ready, so please hurry over to the kitchen cabin and join me and Welt to eat here!" The Astral Express's Conductor excitedly exclaimed over the mic, never failing to make the three smile from their infectious enthusiasm.
"Well, we were supposed to find you and Himeko for dinner but it looks like Pom Pom beat us to it again," March said, jumping up from her seat with her hands on her hips.
"Last one to reach the kitchen cabin is a rotten egg!"
"Hey, no fair, you got a head start!"
Dan Heng sighed at the two's shenanigans yet again, slowly getting up from his own seat as the two raced over to the cabin. That Aeon truly knew how to control and manipulate the emotions of a being to THEIR liking, and he even felt it wash over him earlier.
He'll need to observe it more before adding another entry into THEIR dedicated part of the Archives.
This one was a little confusing to make into a scenario but it's what my eepy mind came up with on the spot :p
Now for our dearest Rover, it's a bit difficult to make it make sense, yk? Mostly because Tacet Discords shapeshifting into people is canon (if people actually paid attention to the lore), much less actually fitting the lore of this seemingly interplanetary eldritch being into the world of Wuthering Waves in the first place lmao
Maybe we could be the galaxy eye we see in the first cutscene, as well as the one when Abby (the lil echo that appeared after the Dreamless fight) and Rover being together
But this is all me yapping about a whole other subject— related, but not the one we're diving into right now
Getting back into the subject though, this is how i think it'd go:
It was another bright, sunny day at Panhua's Restaurant, the scent of delicious food wafting through the air as always. Rover, Yangyang, Chixia and Jiyan all sat around a table, with Abby floating around all plump and full.
"Say, Rover, didn't you say you had something to say for us today?" Chixia inquired, stacking and overall making the empty dishes look cleaner and neater.
"Yeah, just a strange sighting I saw near Desorock Highlands," they replied, putting a deft hand on their chin as if to think back on the memory.
"Me, Jiyan and The Black Sun were conversing like usual when we came across groups of people near the Tacet Field where the Thundering Memphis usually dwelled," Rover recounted, unconsciously pulling the leash that was attached to Abby's collar closer. "Some were laughing with eachother, acting as if most groups weren't crying out in agony."
"Aren't those just Tacet Discords that have absorbed lots of human frequencies?"
"No, there was something more... alive to them, besides the fact that the General himself couldn't see them," they replied to Yangyang, letting the leash go as Abby went back in their Tacet Mark with one last burp.
"Even when I went closer to them, they didn't attack me, more or less ignoring me entirely."
"Wait, who's this 'The Black Sun' you're talking about Rover? Is there another echo inside of you?" Chixia jumped up to ask, startling both Jiyan and Rover.
"The Black Sun is what you may have seen when you first found Rover and ventured back to Jinzhou, just as I did so as well," the General explained, waving over to Rover's direction in an attempt to explain this name to both ladies. Yangyang nodded and Chixia let out an "Oh," in understanding.
"I will admit, seeing them not react to us at all looked a lil' unnerving," the voice inside their mind stated in a breathy voice, unclear like a cloud of smoke.
Though the voice had no body and claimed that they weren't an echo like Abby, only really being able to be heard clearly when they're dreaming, it often provided support whenever it could— unlike a certain someone.
"I've already sent the proper human resources over to investigate the matter, the only thing left to do is to wait for results," Jiyan said, already standing up when he saw the bill arriving.
The three simply nodded in thanks to the General, knowing full well he'd insist on it till his last breath. And when he came back to the table the subject had already changed into another, more or less silly one.
Well, at least everyone was enjoying themselves.
I didn't have much for the last part like i said, and it's more filled with dialogue, but it's better than nothing
Please do tell me if I missed anything or said something totally wrong!!
Now, is this an excuse to push my sahsrau fic more? ... mmmmaayyybbeee 😇
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Hey! 🔺Anon here! Noice saHSRau you got there! Very detailed... incredibly detailed. Astoundingly deta-
Anyway. I was wondering how exactly 2ndary accounts work? Like, for example, I have a 2nd account that I haven't really gone through at all for some reason.
I've gotten to the part post-Bronya-and-Seele-meet, but mostly go on there to gush about how adorable Bronya's little yawning idle-mation is, and to collect the dailies.
Anyway, how exactly do you think the lil' buddies feel about getting an Aeon's gaze for like 5 minutes of the day, and ditching them for some reason?
Shhhh, I know I'm late, I'm sorrryyyy!
Can relate! I got a 2nd account on HSR to re-experience the story and stuff and to get Bronya (which I got as the first 5☆ on my 2nd account as well!)
I think I've only gone on there lately to not disappoint the people befriending me for some reason, but I haven't made much progress, since I've been doing ZZZ a lot.
Anyway! The characters that you have are ABSOLUTELY confused! If you've gotten to your first Equilibrium upgrade, like I have, then ditch them, they feel a little... dissatisfied and disappointed.
Everytime you boot-up the game, your 2nd account partners wait with baited breath, hoping you'll interact with them even a bit... if they give you Stellar Jades, will you stay longer?
This is also why simply logging in gives you Stellar Jades, since they want you to stay, or gaze upon them, even if it's just for a bit.
I'd also imagine that characters that you have on another account are being interacted with. Sort of like a parallel universe tingle that they get.
Like, I have Trailblazer on every single team, and use Marcher for quite a few, too. So the ones on your 2nd account are almost feeling jealous of the fact that your main account, and them in a parallel universe get attention. They'll likely even feel somewhat inferior if you're main account is maxed out, or stronger than how they are currently.
Thank you for the ask! :D
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mizu0xox0 · 3 months
Olay hear me out, but since a lot of the devices we use to play Honkai Star Rail have cameras and/or microphones, would the SAHSRU characters use this to their advantage, to see us and to hear us?
Food for thought.
I haven't thought that far for SAHSRAU but thank you for sharing this with me. Taking into account that if they managed to access the camera or microphone well it'll be quite an issue wouldn't it. I think for using it to their own advantage really depends on the character and their morals for example a character like Gepard, Clara, Robin, Screwllum or Bronya would most definitely not use these functions to their advantage as it's an invasion of privacy and then characters like Herta, Ruan Mei, Sampo and probably Aventurine or more would use these it really depends on the characters. But of course there are some characters who would be outside of this character.
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Honkai Star Rail Masterlist
Current Interest Level: High
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Click here for the Core Hub's Masterlist.
NSFW will be labeled as 🔞
If a work has trigger warnings it'll be labeled as TW: [the trigger warning(s)]
Note: Each fic is also color-coded on how accurate to the character I believe I've done it to. Every character is also color-co-ordinated on how well I believe I can write them overall, which may be helpful if some of ya'll don't like OOC, or want to request something.
Here are the color-keys
LightBlue = Pretty Good(85%+) accuracy, these are what I believe are the most character-accurate)
Green = Moderately-well (55% and above, but at or below 80%). These are characters and works that I believe I can get in character, but there may be OOC.
Orange = 0% Accuracy, definite OOC. I don't know how they tick, or their personality very well, or I simply don't know how to write for them, but I'm willing and wanting to write for them anyway.
Purple = EXCLUSIVELY PLATONIC. These are characters I definitely don't feel comfortable writing about for smut, or in a romantic setting, so instead it's for fluffy friendship stuff.
Red = Characters I WON'T write for, I'll just get them out of the way, here though:
Will not write for: Bailu, Quinque, Hanya, Guinaifen, Huohuo, Fu Xuan, Herta, Jingliu, Sparkle, Sushang
If the masterlist is confusing in some way, or you have suggestions for it, you can reach out and tell me.
Herta Space Station
Ruan Mei:
Astral Express
March 7th:
Stelleron Hunters
Silver Wolf:
Xianzhou Luofu
Black Swan:
Robin Fluff Alphabet!
What every (non-platonic) HSR girl smells like!
Part 1 (Asta, Himeko, March 7th, Stelle)
Part 2 (Kafka, Firefly, Topaz, Jade)
Part 3 (Bronya, Serval, Natasha, Seele)
Part 4 (Xueyi, Ruan Mei, Yukong, Tingyun)
Part 5 (Black Swan, Siobhan, Acheron, Robin)
(Aka: Nothing specific. Moreso world-building than anything character-specific. Currently only contains saHSRAU (self-aware HSR AU) "worldbuilding".
General Worldbuilding (My personal ruleset-headcanons).
How Characters on a Secondary Account Work
A/N: Kinda crowded, honestly. I might need to make lists on just the areas, because this color splashing is almost eye-filth...
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