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Pinterest really said “let’s kill Brooke with the second gif after the first already did a number on him.” 🥵
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Look at my pretty little psycho 🥰 😍
(Yes I did make a reference to the song pretty little psycho by porcelain black… because it reminds me of Eric 🤭)
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31 years without you seems like too long. I was born six years after you gained your Angel wings, but growing up my mom and I watched your dad, and as I got older you. My auntie who gained her angel wings three years ago and I watched the crow together when she was watching me for my parents for the night and i remember her being so sad about what happened to you, and that day was the day I learned what happened. I was about ten. From then on I swore that I would never forget you, because you were dedicated to the end and had a heart of gold.
I love you Brandon Bruce Lee, so very much. Today and every day
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Apparently, because have HEDS and fell asleep (unknowingly) on my stomach, it made my back feel like it’s been hit with a recking ball 🙃
Im a few months away from turning twenty five….I FEEL ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FIVE
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Dying my hair for the first time since 2019 and ohhh does it feel good. I cut my hair yesterday (getting rid of gender dysphoria issues from my hair being too long) and now I sit with a cap over my head while my manic panic hair dye develops in my hair… oh how I have missed this!
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Ewwww! I’m writing an Eric Draven fanfic, minding my own business and all the sudden I find out an ant made its way into the cap of my water bottle in the worst way while not even looking 🤢 oh for the love of Brandon Lee!
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Happy birthday to the angel in heaven who stole my heart, the one who if I wasn’t disabled would have been the guy I tried to get as good as in martial arts (I woulda loved to have done it…maybe in another life?) I hope that wherever you are, you have a wonderful birthday and know that you are still very loved. Happy birthday darling Brandon Bruce Lee, I love you forever. 🖤
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Most people when loosing their voices while sick: oh brother
Me: ayyeee gender euphoria alert, I sound more manly
(Not: I was sick for a couple weeks last week with what we belive may have been covid…I have a very shitty imune system due to having chickenpox before my imune system was developed fully [about 2-2.5 years of age when the extreme chickenpox happened] and now get Uber sick super easy) so I belive I now have a cold stemming from that….(eugh, I have things to do, but feel like 💩 but at least my voice sounds more manly)
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Missing him extra tonight 😭
Probably because we are nearing his birthday and unfortunately the 31 anniversary (? I think..don’t quote me on that, math isn’t my strong suit and I was not alive when it happened, but my poor mama was)
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That feeling when you find a sim someone made of Eric Draven and you impulsively use it with your sim and finally get to ‘marry’ Eric Draven and have the happily ever after 😭 I shouldn’t be this happy playing sims on my Xbox with..but here I am.. haven’t played in a few weeks cus it was glitchy, but out of morbid curiosity, I looked for an Eric, found one (he is a vampire, my sim self is a spell caster) and will now only be playing them for a while 😆
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That feeling when you and your bestie of five years are planning your dream room (goal is get it done in the next few years) and you get super excited about it and make a Pinterest board for it
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Writing a fanfic and learning angst, something that is hard for me…I am upping it more than my normal by kinda hurting my OC and the person he is paired with both, bumpy ride ahead but I got this! (I hope…)
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⚠️ rant ahead ⚠️ , some poor language, anger vibes, my personal opinions and feelings
I am so so so upset about the reboot of the crow. I already had been upset, because the typical reboot ‘curse’ is it’s never as good as the original (there have been a few times where there was an exception to the rule, but overall, reboots are a gamble) and once I saw the first releases for the new movie, I went into rage mode and have been going through every nasty emotion from it since… like, da fuck is with that shit?? I feel like it’s not even close to the comic at all, and if I hadn’t seen what movie those pics were from, I woulda never in a billion years thought it was for the crow… like…yikes…. And if the costuming is absolutely garbage, are the soundtrack and script gonna be piss too? Oh I hope not but…I don’t have any good feelings on this, but I didn’t when I first heard about the remake too..I was angry then and am now…
Sorry for the rant, I needed to get that off my chest
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Everything Eric Draven/Brandon Lee had a vice grip on me right now 🙈 think I’m going to start writing something for Eric today..
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Hi, my name is Brooke. I am a 24 year old autistic, adhd trans and pansexual guy and also disabled, so a lot of my writing will involve stuff like that. I am a multi fandom dude and love everything from twilight to horror movies like scream and five nights at Freddy’s.
Once I get this blog rolling, I will gladly take requests for the fandoms I write for, but be warned that unless you request specific gender, I will mostly be writing trans male reader oriented things because I myself have the most experience with that.
I will write nsfw and sfw both, but I will have my limits. However, I will not write about e*ting d*sorders or self h*rm, as both are triggers for me (as is anything involving s*x a*use)
As I think of fandoms I write for, I will add them here:
*FNAF (five nights at Freddy’s)
*house of wax
*supernatural (rusty af cus it’s been a while since I have watched it)
* criminal minds (also been a while so I might be rusty, but won’t write for the Unsubs)
*pirates of the Caribbean (again, been a while but love it)
*eric Draven/the crow
Any time I am posting something (not reblogging but like actual posting) it will hopefully (if I remember) have labels telling you that #brookecantshutup (my own thought and what not) or #brookewrites and then the appropriate fandom tags ^_^
Feel free to send me an ask if you have any requests or questions ^_^
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The one downside to my rocking new men’s cut that gives me all the gender euphoria? The hair splinters that no matter how tight the cape was, still ended up all over me and have transferred from my clothes to my pjs and pillow… 🙃
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